Harry potter makes deals fanfiction. When they finally got together her life changed forever.

I do, however, own my OCs and other mentionings of characters that don't belong to Harry Potter. His eyes darkened and his nostrils flared. "Oh, I think I do," I The effects of the Dementors near the lake cause Harry to have nightmares which help him to unlock memories of a time where he ruled his own Netherworld and made deals for peoples souls. But what if his bond with destiny was far more imminent? What if whatever card said that Harry Potter is rubbish at divination was turned upside down? Discontinued, for all intents and purposes. "Not at all, Mr. In the midst of the last battle, Ginny makes a deal with fate. " Harry couldn't help but take an unconscious step toward Voldemort. Harry Potter's life as we know it is entrenched with destiny, sewn together like a tightly plotted book. Disclaimer: I do not own nor will I ever own Harry Potter and Supernatural. Crowley is confused as to why this kid, the Boy-Who-Lived is making a deal with him. Harry Potter liked to think of himself as a smart, capable young man — the fact that he was on the cusp of adolescence did not detract from his reckoning. - Chapters: 11 - Words: 25,064 - Reviews: 211 - Favs: 831 - Follows: 999 Follow/Fav Harry Potter and Death's Deal By: Aridethdar Death offers Harry the chance to go back and save the souls of his Mates before they are lost to a fate worse than death Th-the point of divergence should be so far back, there shouldn't be a Harry Potter at all in your universe. " "And does Mr. I really appreciate it. SSHP- AU- Harry and Sev make a deal in Harry's seventh year. Deal with the Devil. This fanfic is crossposted from AO3 and written for Harry Potter Crossover Bingo 2023 and 2023 Harry Potter Crossover Versatile Prompt Fest. I used the following prompts: Angst 'Malfoy I have a proposition to make. Potter love struck over Malfoy. I do not own Harry Potter. " Hagrid handed over a note and Harry's key. And then his brain began to reboot itself and started processing what Arae had said. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. Harry leaned forward without any argument. With enough feedback I will likely choose from these story ideas to be used as my next project when I have finished with my current ones. "A deal?" "Yes," the potions master continued, his expression suddenly thoughtful. I'll pay you what did you say Dumbledore was paying you? A galleon? Well, I'll pay you a galleon a month, and you get a day off every week. B's note: No jokes. He had dragged Harry out of the house countless times before. Series. And arranged several opportunities for Ron to 'bump' into her. "Well, with that done, see you in a few days. "Open. Now, three years later, the Goblet of Fire has named him as a TriWizard Champion. The Boy Who Lived, the Chosen One, Savior of the Wizarding World - they just seemed to keep coming. "Fuck me. Moore's employer. His mouth landed upon Flora's slick cunt, wasting no time to attack her folds viciously with his tongue. "I'm not surprised by it actually. Harry runs away and makes a deal with the vampire king. "Let's plan to both make it out of this mess alive. I will not kill you now and take the stone in your pocket from your corpse. "Harry, Harry…," said Nicolas sighing, but a small smile was playing on his lips. What else was new with the old dead- beat? ( S. "She can't do anything to Umbridge without endangering her job. Harry moved up to the counter and bowed, "Hello, sir. "Why are you so sure he doesn't love you. (Fem Harry is acceptable. Severus Snape had one heck of a test to think over and it wasn't for his students. house, neglected andor sibling supposed savior, Severitus, independent, aliases, vamp, veela, elf, wolf, some xovers, and much more but you get the gist. Things were the way they were and that was that, nothing was going to change it. Dumbledore kept growing more powerful with age, while most other seniors grew weak, he grew strong. He knew about Ron and Lavender and didn't tell me. Jenn Potter stepped into the living room (as opposed to sitting room, parlor, rec room, or second living room) of her familyÕs mansion on July 12th, a week before the party date. "I can't believe the light would allow there savior or any magical child to live in such conditions. Sep 10, 2023 · After being hit by the killing curse during the battle for Hogwarts, a mysterious figure makes Harry Potter a deal he cannot refuse. Teen for general Creepypasta goodness and language. A time-travel, powerful Harry story. The sudden loud noise at Merle jerking awake, jerking his limbs back and swinging his free hand at whatever may be in front of him. Disclaimer: I do NOT own Harry Potter or any of its characters. Disclaimer – I do not own Harry Potter. So I accept, so mote be it. "But it's still possible. I have hit a barrier with my other fic I know were I want to go just working out how to get there. To Death's right, the shades of Lily and James Potter silently looked on. Daphne Greengrass was the Pure-Blood heiress who her family despised. Fred grinned at her as he locked the door behind them. "You don't know what you're asking for," he warned. Potter," he said as he stood up, he looked over at Sirius and chuckled at his friend; he was looking at Harry with an extremely hopeful expression. Gasps and moans immediately began to fling from the girl's mouth. I just want to be noticed by Potter. Evil Dumbledore Netrual Harry. Chapter Four: If Dark Ye Not Be, From Here Ye Must flee. But who knows Some months after Lily had made that fateful deal, it was October 31st and Lord Voldemort attacked the Potter home in Godric's Hollow, James was killed instantly as he had been unarmed and Lily followed soon after. Blink. Since his first lesson in primary school about life skills and money management, he took to carry pen and paper with him so that he could more readily organise his goals and calculate Harry explores the Chamber of Secrets at the end of his second-year and finds a portrait of Salazar Slytherin. / Harry Potter rated M for later chapters Disclaimer: Everything in this story belongs to J. Harry had done a through investigation of the premises to ensure that there were We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. "I've stacked the deck in his favor, but I can't make Sirius or Harry do what I want them to. K. " The dark lord said handing the letter back and thumbing his fingers on the desk. Harry nodded hesitantly, still not really trusting this being. Unfortunately for him a little know-it-all Hermione Granger is thrust into his world and the problem is Lucifer Morningstar really is a devil of his word. Warnings: Completely AU, partly OOC, Dumbledore/Weasley bashing. He said he liked having a new way of tormenting me. "That's fine. Remus had read about creatures like him in books since beginning Defence Against the Dark Arts at age eleven. I could hear Wilkes moaning Potter's name. Harry's brother is thought to be the boy who lived. May 19, 2024 · Severus Snape makes a deal with a dragon to become the premier florist on River Street. , Hermione G. Harry waited for the clapping to quiet down before he continued, feeling like he was at a Hero's Anonymous That was an important question and Harry knew so well that he needed to make a choice right now, he didn't want to be far away once the battle starts, and he knows he's fucked if Voldemort decides to come here, even if he has the sword of Gryffindor in his pocket, he knows he won't be fast enough to pull it and get it back to its natural size Let's Make a Deal. Little does Harry expect to be launched into a world of false gods and "As for the Weasley family who were once a Noble family until one of their ancestors broke an oath, Arthur, Molly, Percival, Ronald, and Ginevra Weasley will be known as blood traitors to the Houses of Potter, Bones, Black, and Moody for their actions of ignoring multiple life debts owed to one Harry James Potter and for the plundering of Harry Harry Potter/Ghost Rider Crossover. - Chapters: 4 - Words: 8,612 - Favs: 48 - Follows: 50 - Updated: 3/20 - Published: 3/15 Jun 22, 2012 · Well, because the boy's name is Harry James potter, he is Erik Potter younger twin, even though half of the Wizarding world is unaware of his existence. He stared as it opened its mouth and spoke to him in Hermione's voice, "Harry, I need you. The collection of story ideas that have gotten stuck in my head over the years. "I would hope so," Death answered. They all belong to J. Lets Make a Deal. Hi everyone, now this is something new huh? A Harry Potter fanfic! Yeah I have been distracted by Harry Potter fanfics and the idea that wouldn't go away until I had to write this. Harry knew that he would be a occlumence and leilimens since he already knew them in his past life as Harry Potter, something an unspeakable had taught him. Song Bird's note: I own all! Well not, the forbidden forest, James Potter's ghost, Snape, Vector. Voldemort has placed a curse upon you. One tragic event leaves Harry and Lily to hide away from the wizarding world. James Potter's ghost was back. Rowling and whatever companies have a claim to the Harry Potter trademark. For the next few days Draco gave Ron pointers on courting Pansy. He was dying, because he had killed his soul mate. It was several more seconds then before he spoke again. " He said. Eventual OP Harry. " "I was looking for a world within a certain set of parameters. Fancy that. Harry was only let out of his cell every five to ten years or so to deal with some supposed threat to the Wizarding, and by extension Magical, World. I could make them the offer. . - Chapters: 10 - Words: 23,974 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 37 - Follows: 23 - Updated: 2/19/2017 - Published: 10/11/2016 - Status So he knows Harry is being evasive but truthful, and he'd probably be more paranoid if Harry didn't try to be evasive. " The other Each enters into the deal for different reasons but as the arrangement continues things become complicated and lives hang in the balance. "That is very interesting information. If I help you with Draco, I want your help with Potter. Lastly, if you want to read more about Harry Potter fanfiction on this blog, then check out: Best Fem Harry Potter Fanfiction Stories; Amazing Harry and Hermione Fanfiction Stories to Read; Star Wars Harry Potter Crossover Fanfiction; Harry Potter Fanart Extras. Please!" Harry watched as the Patronus vanished into a puff of silvery smoke, blowing away with the wind. " "Now you Cyrus. N. He stood on his one good leg, and Tonks rushed to his other side, wrapping an arm around his waist as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder to steady himself. Ginny sat curled like a cat in the sitting room at the Burrow watching Harry. I assure you that I am very good at my job and if you allow, I will make both of us even richer. Consider this your Christmas Gift from your favorite author to you, the fans~! ***DISCLAIMER*** : I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER NOR DO I MAKE ANY MONEY FROM THIS. It appears that I over-estimated Potter's sense of nobility. " Harry then went on to his second year how he was visited by Dobby, the Malfoy house elf, who warned him of not returning to Hogwarts since he would be putting himself in great danger by doing so. " Harry thought for a moment then said in a voice that shook slightly, "What price?" May 21, 2024 · Optional prompts: (word) Search, (Plot point) making a deal. ÒGuys --- OUT!!!Ó The four Marauders, who had been sitting on assorted couches holding clipboards (which was, as Nikki Holmes said later, rather scary in itself "I is done, great Harry Potter sir!" He exclaimed excitedly hopping on his feet. " "What do you need me to do?" Draco asked with a smirk. Aug 21, 2011 · Harry potter's life was never what could be considered normal. "Umbridge. ' 'Can Dobby belong to Harry Potter?' Harry knelt down in front of the elf, 'I thought you liked being free. - Words: 2,693 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 4 - Published: 5/5/2008 - Status: Complete - id: 4238579 He makes one in both of my fics: linkffn(9265719; 11767424) Butterfly Wings is still updating, but I'd say it's the better of the two 'cause I've had a few years to improve my writing. Feb 8, 2015 · When Crowley goes to make a deal at surrey London he expects a rich businessman with lots of money and a so called 'desperate' situation. " Harry admitted, "She's making me write lines with a blood quill. Mar 19, 2024 · Five years and one month later. Lucy Potter was forced to accept a marriage to her greatest enemy, so that the rest of the world could have peace, at the cost of her own. It'll be up to them. House elves needs to be bonded to a master so his magic stays strong. It had started with Snape's victorious smirk when he came round in the hospital wing, the way he stood proudly in the entrance of the large ward. "HI HARRY!" everyone in the great hall called back in unison. Now infused with the powers of the Rider, Has Harry finally found the key to defeating Voldemort? DEAL BY SONG BIRD. They were standing in the middle of a second floor corridor. Ask Albus Dumbledore why I attacked your family that night in Godric's Hollow. Apr 29, 2017 · 'Well, I suppose they could become my elves. She scanned the magazine rack for any good magazines that didn't include Witches Weekly, Teen Witch, Cosmo Witch, or WQ. Please read and review. However, he is rescued and taken in by our favorite, faceless entity in a suit; Slenderman. If you don't like my stories, don't read "I want Potter. And when they return, not everything is the same as it was before. Rowling. Nearly all the neighbors had grown accustom to it over the years… Only this time he was dragging the boy out by the roots of his hair. He ends up taking full advantage of her despite her protests. Please excuse my mistakes. Demon Harry, Manipulative but good Dumbledore, not god-like Harry You see, Harry and Ron made a very, VERY childish deal. Little Harry Potter winced hard as he kept his eyes closed shut. The goblin then looked at the key and then Harry. If possible I would be dancing a jig here chanting "Wilkes is not a virgin!". " "Ms. And Legacy of 10. Maya Potter didn't know she had a godfather. A prophesy is made that fortells the future. Apr 19, 2024 · "C'mon Harry, time to make good on your part of the deal~" Hestia purred as she spread her twin's ass. James and Lily are alive. Rating : M. Instead of giving up his Alchemy, Edward Elric makes a deal with Truth to protect a boy from another world quite different from his own. Draco, I need you. Checking her watch she made a face, she would have to hurry to change into a dry shirt and make homeroom. Eventual Muggle vs Magicals Voldemort stood there, studying Harry. He was new to the magical world, on his way to his first year at a magical school, and he was hoping to make friends. Deal "Eep!" Hermione squeaked as she was pulled bodily into the bathroom at the Burrow. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Harry P. All recognizable Harry Potter characters belong to J. "You have to tell her. Instead, he was sent to Stonewall High. However, she couldn't find one. . Harry (the git) agreed but to one condition: Ron would have to kiss Luna Lovegood like he kissed me. Here, he meets the headmaster of Hogwarts and is assigned the role of the school's alchemy professor. This is my attempt at a time travel fic. Seeing this Fudge looked at Harry. If you don't like my stories, don't read Sep 17, 2019 · Disclaimer: I do not own anything Harry Potter, or The Walking Dead. Ginny was on her way to her first class after breakfast and Draco was heading to the Great Hall to grab a quick scone because he had slept in late, again. I hope you enjoy the story. And the same goes for Harry. Come to 27 Spencer Chase, London, and hurry. CRACK. For full details look up the challenge itself. "James," she sighed. It had been non-stop for the past month, with many decisions to be made, but also with a lot of stress. " Taking a moment to allow the Wizengamot members to process that information before moving on to the next point. But they have an unusual power to survive. This should be the only chapter that requires such a hefty dose of Dresden Files–flavored theology, particularly since it's the only time I plan for a DF character other than Lash to have an appearance, but it was necessary to explain just how Lash got from Harry Dresden's world to Harry Potter's. Minister of Magic Fudge makes it a fourth Ministry Official when he gave me the prize money for winning the competition. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Severus S. Harry gritted his teeth and leaped from the rooftop. Mar 15, 2024 · Harry gets some bad advice on how to deal with girls and decides to use this when he comes across Hermione in a vulnerable situation. , Harry P. I don't own Harry Potter but I love that we are allowed to play in the world. "Where here to make a withdrawal from Harry Potter's vault and pick to up a package from this vault for Dumbledore. Dark-ish!Harry. By: xxlostdreamerxz. , Narcissa M. Please don't kill me, I haven't read the books so my knowledge is based purely on the movies and other fanfics. No matter if Dumbledore doesn't like it. Harry Potter have his key?" "Huh, hang on; I got it right here. Rain slicked the windows and she ruefully remembered straightening her hair the night before. A/N- I'm back!I'm sorry it's taken so long to get this chapter up, but not only have I been extremely busy writing a dissertation for my university course, but my computer was also wiped, thereby destroying whatever brief progress I'd actually made on this story. Warnings: None. "I will make a deal with you Harry Potter. "Will Harry be alright?" Lily asked Death, undetectable to the world of the living. There will be some romance, though not as part of the main plot. Cannon compliant. "Continue Mr. ' Malfoy flinched Harry always found the Ice Queen's languid glance frighteningly attractive but wished more than ever she'd have expressed something to give away the mission's success or failure. Harry stood only to be pulled down by Michael just in time to avoid the black cloud soar over his head. Potter—" Voldemort began. However, as soon as Voldemort spoke the words, "There is no good and evil. Word count:1290. The best Harry centered HP fics pairings vary, most are het or gen but a few slash that include: AU, time!dimension travel, powerful, betrayed, dark!light!gray, azkaban, diff. K Rowling. There are Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Twilight, and even Harry Potter/Game of Thrones stories that will be posted here. The story is a SLASH story. Harry looked at her in a bewildered way and Hermione looked away quickly. " Chapter 12: Deal 'Both would make wonderful Deatheaters, both are powerful, and with either one bound to me the other is sure to stay with them,' Tom started to think before pausing because he could not see Damon's eyes, reaching over the desk he tilted the teen's head up and promptly dropped his hand as he saw how much anger was in those eyes, the power, 'Damon's mad at me…well I did slap Jun 18, 2020 · Thanks to a hard-working Goblin, Harry Potter grew up happy and loved and although there were some bumps along the way, namely one in the form of a certain Dark Lord, he lived a long and happy life with his Bond mate and wife, Ginny Potter née Weasley. Warning – Unbetafied I'm afraid, swearing, teen angst and next chapter torture. " Harry Potter/Voldemort (171) James Potter/Lily Evans Potter (171) Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley (146) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (121) Include Additional Tags Master of Death Harry Potter (3919) Time Travel (758) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (633) Female Harry Potter (595) BAMF Harry Potter (504) Dark Harry Potter (462) Dumbledore just gave a nod knowing Fudge was looking for any chance to he could to arrest him. Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the HP universe. How will Hogwarts deal with a corrupted Harry Potter? Harry Potter x Creepypastas. Though his war is with Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters, it quickly becomes clear that his enemies are more numerous and more dangerous that he imagined. Genre: Supernatural/Romance. " she said glancing down the table at Ron and Harry. "Did you tell McGonagall?" Ginny asked. How much I love him. "He said in parsletounge, the language of snakes, the sink moved to the side revealling a hole that Harry knew lead to the chamber of secrets. "Oof, you're heavy," Tonks complained. "Please Harry, make love to me again!", Wilkes breathed heavily. See if he tells you about the prophecy. A small change in Harry's battle with the Basilisk had him slowly absorbing Voldemort's memories from the Horcrux in his scar. I do not profit from this in anyway this is just for my own and any readers amusement. I do this for fun and I make no money out of it. I am not a native speaker of English. , Ginny W. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Family - Ginny W. ) Strong and smart Harry who is the protagonist of the story; Strong and independent Draco; Light Hermione bashing in the beginning of the story due to main heroes' personalities which totally don't match her default 11 years old self; The main pairing is Harry x Daphne; Dec 25, 2014 · Challenge prompt by Samuel Duchesne: A Ghost Rider/HP/Supernatural where Harry is raised by Crowley and given Ghost Rider powers. Very AU. ' 'Dobby does because I no longer have mean master, but it makes my magic weak Harry Potter sir. A. Harry raised his wand to Dumbledore "Harry you don't realize what you're saying. Rated: Fiction M - English - Harry P. Harry Potter was the talented Half-Blood who grew up in a loving household. " Harry pulled his hand away and tried to go back to reading. To prevent this, Harry makes the deal. It was a reward won by the intellect of a man that knew better than to fight death to live forever. For our families to support one another when needed, to aid the other and to fight by the others side. Yet Harry Potter survived the killing curse, which rebounded and destroyed the mortal shell of Lord Voldemort. The entire magical world is in disarray, the Light side is close to surrender. "Right now Ronald and I are nothing. He has to be if he plans of achieving his goals. , Severus S. He had been taught by another unspeakable to be an animagi because it could give him another way to escape, it would not happen that way again Harrison assured himself, he had lost too many Mar 20, 2013 · "Hi, I'm Harry Potter," he said. Aug 27, 2023 · Harry Potter was sitting alone on the train. Tom Riddle jr. Harry Potter here wishes to make a withdrawal. Deal With The Devil. Thanks and review. I just don't want to talk to either one of them right now. ~~**~~ ~~**~~ ~~**~~ Harry Potter stood near the ticket booth at King Cross Station awaiting his meeting with Mr. She made a dash through the rain, but she was still soaked by the time she made it through the entrance. "Sirius, I'll just be in the office," he didn't wait to see if Sirius had acknowledged the fact before turning heel and walking out of the room. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it", James and Lily Potter vanished from the reflection. What he found was a small 15 year old boy who looked beaten down and helpless. " Harry nodded. Prompt Relay - Setting - The Burrow. If he does not, I will tell you the Harry grinned, "I'm doing what I should have done years ago! I'd rather be with Voldemort than under your thumb! I won't let you control me for another second. He frowned. Harry Potter is suddenly more important than any of them ever had been, or ever would be. Minor to major Dumbledore and Weasley bashing. " Harry's eyebrows rose in surprise. Arae had come up with a solution that would help them both. Do we have a deal, Harry Potter?" For several moments Harry could only stare stupidly at her. "I will make you a deal, Mr. The goblin looked at the note and nodded before shouting something in a language Harry didn't understand. Harry Potter and his Legion will stand together against any and all comers. Delores Umbridge smiled to herself as she put her kettle on. Nov 28, 2013 · Thirty-seven-year old Harry Potter looks back on his life and finds how worse the world has become, thus he goes back in time to save his seven-year-old self from an event that changes his life, to entrust his legacy to himself. Potter. Good Voldemort. (H/Hr; exaggerated Ginny, Molly and Ron; rated T for sexual imagery and language) Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Family - [Hermione G. " Chapter One- The Deal "Malfoy!" Ginny Weasley ran up to Draco Malfoy, grabbing his robe sleeve. " Dobby bounced in glee, and then Harry turned to Winky, and took a deep breath. " "The great Harry Potter sir is too kind to Dobby!" He all but screamed as he hugged my leg and I did my best not to cringe. " Hermione was more than a little shocked. My Dumbledore is well meaning, but is too busy worrying about everyone he sometimes makes grey choices, so he won't cross the line until he thinks it's needed (like if Harry had If your plot hinges on a deus ex machina, at least make it literal. "I'm running out of time as well, Granger. One of the Fluorescent bulbs in the ceiling was starting to fail. " She said flatly and without sounding ashamed in the least. Summary: 7th year. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 15,137 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 52 - Follows: 76 - Updated: 9/10/2023 - Published: 12/18/2019 - id: 13455552 Harry Potter was convinced the world was out to make the rest of his life dull; until a demon called Whistler gave him an offer that he just couldn't refuse. , Lucius M. Got the idea for this from the 'make a wish' foundation, Harry is convinced that he is going to die so he wants to do the things he always wanted to do before he goes. It was his eyes, those amazing, damned eyes. His only friends growing up were the few spiders that shared his cupboard under the stairs. "Lily, I can see right through you. Being allowed to die in peace though surely wasn't too much to ask? Apparently for Harry Potter Harry Potter. "It's been three years since I last fought Lord Voldemort," he stated only to be greeted by loud resounding applause from all those gathered. The next day Harry spent hours cuddled up under the massive blankets, only coming up when the oxygen started running out. Harry replied and hung up the telephone. A couple of minute later Harry, after making sure nobody saw him, had entered the girls bathroom on the second floor. Rated T. ] Ron W. Florist AU nonsense. Apr 22, 2012 · "Dobby still wants to be free, Harry Potter sir. Her smile sagged to a look of contemplation as her thoughts moved on. Snape Bashing. " Lord Davis gave a gesture and waited for his friend to begin. Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Severus S. The cloak was one Death was willing to let go. Do you agree to my deal?" If he doesn't like me, could I deal with it? Life would be so different if James wasn't there for me. I ask that you do one thing. I hope you enjoy it. Don't try to change the subject. A/N: A post-Deathly Hallows Harry/Ginny fluff story. Which included Harry Potter. After Cedric's death Harry is afraid more of his new found friends will be lost in the upcoming war so makes a deal to work with Voldemort for their safety and when Voldemort looks like Tom Riddle sometimes he's hard to resist. It is Magiscape. " Pansy and Ron. Thus he starts his path to cause a small revolution in its own right. " Harry looked back at Picklock and then reached out his hand, "Deal!" Harry and Picklock spent the rest of the morning discussing the two estates and the best ways of increasing Harry's wealth. And others having way much more than you do can be a problem. With a good Dumbledore and a less socially awkward Harry. Time travel. If Harry made money, Picklock would make money. Author's Notes: This is unbeta'd so all mistakes and typos you find are all mine. - Words: 9,823 - Reviews: 61 - Favs: 414 - Follows: 77 - Published: 7/1/2008 - Status: Complete - id: 4363695 Severus Snape ends up in hell and strikes a deal with the devil; roam the earth as an immortal for an eternity and have that privilege revoked when he falls in love. When he reaches 7, he instructs him to go to Camp Half-Blood. This story belongs to me. Disclaimer: Harry Potter and his world belong to J. Apollo loves him very much to visit him and heal him. Her boyfriend, Harry Potter. ' Harry nodded, gingerly getting out of the bed he'd hoped to make his home for a great deal longer. I am merely borrowing the characters to play with them. She was dying, because she was no longer being worshipped. ' Harry Potter/Voldemort (3335) Harry Potter/Tom Riddle (1539) Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort (1291) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (133) Harry Potter/Severus Snape (132) Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (130) Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (102) Harry Potter & Voldemort (82) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (69) Lucius Malfoy/Harry Potter (63) Include Severus Snape ends up in hell and strikes a deal with the devil; roam the earth as an immortal for an eternity and have that privilege revoked when he falls in love. To stand above everyone else, and etch their names in the history forever. Summary: Harry Potter has a dream of his Godfather, Sirius Black falling through the veil at the Department of Mysteries. Harry James Potter had been known by many names over his last twenty-eight years of life. Examining his watch Harry set the countdown timer and proceeded to the rendezvous location. Seeing no other choice, Harry decides to make a deal with the devil and exchanges a piece of his soul in return for that of his 'past self. "Well the deal I would like to make with you Harry Potter is this: I will give you back seven lives lost to Tom Riddle or his followers for one small price. Harry and Hermione must then live their own lives after parting with the family who 'adopted' them. Now she felt Harry Potter was in a very compromising position, if any of his detractors could see him in this situation, they would be delighted to use this to dirt his image and make into a reality what many old politicians have wanted for a long time and that was Harry's downfall. I never realized how much I depend on him. I want the same thing you want; I want to be noticed. Two-shot. Having found out that Harry kissed me on the cheek for luck in my Arthimancy test (in this case "shocked" would have been the appropriate term), Ron asked Harry to repeat said action. OoOoo. - Words: 2,446 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 5/19 - Status: Complete - id: 14357444 Harry's the son of Apollo. To thrive. Fanfiction Marathon - FredHermione. Maybe she should just read Teen Witch for the hell of it or read the WQ article that her boyfriend, Harry Potter, had to sit down to an interview for. Rowling, Supernatural (TV 2005) A young Harry on his 10th birthday makes a deal with a demon to have his relatives be nicer to him. Dec 27, 2015 · Harry Potter knows that money can give you power and influence. So young Harry is forgotten by everyone except his godfathers on his and his brother's fourteenth birthday. " While he knew this was what I was asking for, the way I asked it surprised Draco. Wish I did! Thank you to all of you who have read and reviewed so far and special thanks to my BETA Sindie, please feel free to go to her profile and check out her own amazing stories. Part 12 of Multi-Fandom Misc One-Shots; Language: English Words: 1,604 "I, Lord Harry Potter of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter accept the offered alliance with the Noble House of Davis. I gasp as I press my hand against my mouth. " Lucius said and the dark lord hummed in thought. That said, he never complained or asked for anything, he'd learned at an early age there wasn't any point. : This story is fully written, I just have some light editing to do on some chapters, so expect regular updates. He has learned that from a young age on, seeing how his relatives get away with many things. No bashing. This section contains extra Harry Potter fanfic fanart we’ve created over the years! Potter inevitably being the only one to have the will to reject the Hallows and possibly make a deal to destroy one or more. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Harry P. One year after the promised day, Ed must travel through the portal of truth to England. Dec 18, 2019 · After being hit by the killing curse during the battle for Hogwarts, a mysterious figure makes Harry Potter a deal he cannot refuse. Harry watched as most of the heads in the Wizengamot nodded in agreement with his argument and logic. James glanced at her with a bored expression. "This is a huge Sadly, this wasn't such an abnormal sight, given the tempter of said man. ' He sneered at her 'What makes you think I'll accept anything to do with you mudblood' Hermione scowled at the insult then smiled 'Malfoy everyone knows your family's having trouble convincing the world you weren't supporters of Voldemort. Harry Potter - J. Harry began to back away as the Patronus otter landed in front of him. Harry Potter, the prophesized child, has finally come into his power. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Harry P. Like he had been told, Harry dressed for the occasion. The only problem is that fate doesn't always stay true to its word. The day before Harry Potter was due to go to Hogwarts for the very first time, his aunt and uncle informed him that he wouldn't be going. May sound cheesy, but a different approach. Hermione had lost count of how many hours they had been sitting around that small table. Complete. I ALSO GET A FEW IDEAS FROM HARRY POTTER FANON WIKIA AND SNITCHSEEKER. Everything belongs to JKR. He betrayed me in the worst way. I used to spend all my time blushing crimson," Harry laughed softly "he used to set out to make me blush. This was for him. What she really needed was an ally. "Winky, I take you as my house-elf. Pulling her towards him, he pressed a gentle kiss to her head as he embraced her tightly. Warning- This is a Time Travel fic and Harry is God-like powerful. Chapter 1. Will it be for better or for worse? No Voldemort. Of course this plan involved Draco being his absolute nastiest to Pansy. Jun 25, 2017 · Deal. Damon Salvatore didn't know he had a goddaughter. Jun 17, 2006 · Harry sent Hedwig to Hermione for several reasons; one of them is that she does not have access to an owl during the holidays. ) Challenge Accepted. The ministry of magic is striking a deal with Voldemort, a treaty to end the war, and among the spoils the Dark Lord claimed the Girl-Who-Lived herself. "I don't know what you've planned and how you always come up with things like this, but… I think I would enjoy helping you. K. Nothing would make him happier than to win one over Arthur Weasley, well aside seeing the corpse of one Harry potter, and here he had a good chance, after all the state of the Weasley daughter and the letters she had sent to his manor would be delicious blackmail or perhaps a joke to tell others…yet that didn't seem to be enough, something Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and I do not make any money off of this story. But never had it even crossed his mind that he would come face to face with one. Includes Slash. Harry Potter's uncle goes too far and a broken, bleeding Harry is left in his cupboard. No Horcruxes. " "It's very unlikely, isn't it?" Voldemort said. Apr 3, 2015 · The war approaches. " "WHAT!" Harry realized not only Ginny and her friend were listening. Neither of them ever expected to be in this position but now one sassy pre-teen runaway witch and one sarcastic 170-year-old vampire are going to learn that family is what you make it. Secrets are revealed earlier than in canon as Harry attempts to find himself while experiencing complex emotions, new magics, and character defining moments. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 15,137 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 52 - Follows: 76 - Updated: 9/10/2023 - Published: 12/18/2019 - id: 13455552 "Actually it's a year of him that's done it. " "Agreed. Jul 27, 1991 · They stepped up to the closest available teller when he called for them to approach, "Hello, Mr. - Chapters: 8 - Words: 51,812 - Reviews: 176 - Favs: 668 - Follows: 984 - Updated: 9/2/2017 - Published: 6/11/2016 - id: 11993954 Aug 25, 2023 · Harry reached into his pocket to take out the Stone as he prepared to make a deal with Voldemort. Potter removed Wilkes robe and kissed her on the lips "Don't make promises you can't keep," Snape grumbled, taking a moment to fold his arms and glare down at the floor. She was confident in her new position at Hogwarts, and sure that she would be granted greater authority as the year wore on. " Blaise smiled to himself, Harry was really in love. " Hagrid began rummaging around in his jacket. He was having nightmares. Please don't sue me. "Thank you, Dobby. When they finally got together her life changed forever. Follow Harry as he makes preparations to leave the Wizarding world behind for good and embark on a long and exciting journey into the unknown. Being a 13 year old boy caught in wrongdoing. After losing the war, Harry Potter finds a ritual to send himself back to his fourth year at Hogwarts, hoping to stop the rise of Lord Voldemort. ug di ri zj eo nn ko fu sk dx