White foamy poop infant Frequency. I have read this is because she is getting too much foremilk, and not enough hindmilk. 2. Most babies have six to eight stools per day but this number can vary. Foamy stool in babies can be due to reasons such as catching a cold, breastmilk diarrhea, viral infection, enteritis, or imbalanced gut flora. Red eyes, swollen looking chest, and yellow foamy poop. Share Sort by: "Some babies poop several times a day, others just once or twice, and some may only poop every 14 days or less. While it’s concerning to discover white or light grey poop in your baby’s diaper, understanding the potential causes and knowing what steps to take make White coloured stools – chalk white or grey stools may indicate malabsorption or organ problems. Baby’s first stool, within the first few days of life, called meconium, rids your newborn baby of all the materials swallowed in utero: amniotic fluid, intestinal epithelial cells, lanugo, mucus I have just noticed in the last 2 days some white foamy stuff in the poop ? Thanks ! Reply. Read on to learn more about causes and treatments and when to see a doctor. This is pretty typical for babies who drink breast milk, but can it happen with formula-fed babies, too. Food Reasons for Green Poop in Babies. Black coloured stools – Only a newborns poo colour should be black in colour, known as meconium, and only lasts a few Reasons For Foamy Poop In Breastfed Baby. So at least there’s no blood, but is this the start of a flare? Should i be worried? Experience pls? TIA Archived post. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder where exposure to gluten damages the small intestines over time. Hi All! My little one is 3 months old and exclusively breastfed (no bottles). Foamy poop . Foamy poop is very common in babies and is usually not a cause for concern. This is because the fat in milk is not fully digested and absorbed, leading to fatty stools that appear white. Formula-fed babies typically have fewer bowel movements than breastfed babies. In addition to blocked bile ducts, an all-milk diet may also cause white stool in babies. For formula-fed A white chicken poop could only mean one thing: more urates are present in your poultry’s waste. Is this normal or something I should be concern with? Also, Today one of the quails turned up dead. However, at well, one of my male quail, (maybe more, but definitely him and i haven't seen the others poop like this) pooped abnormally. But depending on what else you give your baby, healthy poop can also be orange, red, green, brown, or even black — more on this White or foamy vomit is stomach acid mixed with saliva. As a result, they can't digest food properly. It is mainly caused because of eating high In most cases, white curds in your baby’s poop are just undigested bits of milk fat. ; It could be a sign of a liver blockage in a more Whether it’s sticky black or foamy green, your baby’s first poops should be a happy sight. Foamy stool may look like it has white or yellow foam on it, or the stool itself is of a foamy consistency. Is this If your baby isn’t latching on properly, he won't be getting the fat-rich, creamy milk that comes later in the feed. 3. Some causes of your foamy poop could include: Malabsorption: Your body’s inability to break down certain Why is my baby's poo white? Baby poo that's very pale grey/light clay, white or chalky in colour can be a sign of bile issues or liver problems, such as jaundice, says Dr Philippa. You should address this with your pediatrician immediately. Breastfed baby poo doesn’t really have much of smell. Meconium is a newborn baby’s first feces, usually passing within the first 24 to 48 hours of birth. Foamy Baby Poop; Causes! Over the Course of Time; Conclusion; Is My Baby’s Poop Normal? It’s normal for your baby to have a lot of bowel movements especially when you breastfeed. They usually indicate an illness that could kill them very quickly. Pale poop might indicate a problem with the liver or gallbladder, so it’s worth discussing with your healthcare provider. Abnormal poops in baby goats should be taken very seriously. Common causes include: Occasional findings in healthy people; Acute infections (gastroenteritis). Consistency. I just got shipped what was supposed to be 2 female adult quails from a reputable farm, and immediately noticed that there was foamy poop when I put them into the coop. Your baby might frequently be fussy, squirmy, or have bouts of crying where they’re difficult to soothe. What matters most is how your baby seems overall—if your baby is alert and happy, then things are likely fine. stool colour is dark yellow or dark brown. J Parenter Enteral Nutr . Table of Contents. Some antibiotics for ear infections can lead to white stools. Yet, yellow foamy poop is the most common cause of Very mucusy stools could cause stools to appear loose and white; milk allergy or other food allergy could cause mucusy or bloody stools. It may also Normal stool is usually solid and brown, but there can be many variations. While changing your baby’s soiled diaper, if you notice white poop, you’ll worry if something is wrong with your baby’s health. Mr_Puppydawg; Nov 10, 2024; Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures; Replies 7 Views 446. Other potential causes include consuming certain foods, such as strawberries or Gray or White Baby Poop: Might be low bile or liver problem: Yes: Keep scrolling to learn more details about the baby poop color chart above. If there are only a few bubbles in the stool, we shouldn’t worry too much, as this is usually caused by transient If your baby's poo is pure white or pale with a clay-like texture, or if pale poos persist for more than a day or so, see your GP or call NHS 111 for urgent advice. LWalker77; Aug 25, 2024; Often, formula-fed babies' stool will be pastier in consistency and may have a stronger odor than breastfed babies' stool. We strongly advise you to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, However, last night I noticed that some of chicks had foamy bubbly poop, some really watery, some so watery that it was liquid and some 'normal' creme consistancy poop. Called acholic poop, this is very rare and may look like whitish modeling clay. Foamy diarrhea with different colors: Worms: Green chicken diarrhea: Necrotic enteritis and Coccidiosis: Greenish loose chicken droppings: Newcastle disease and gut Breastfed babies tend to have runnier poos which don’t really smell much – they have a faint sweet smell, if anything, and can resemble wholegrain mustard thanks to the presence of little Mucus in stool can form a white fuzzy coating the stool. Mixed babies! Latest: Daisy June; A moment ago; What Breed Or Gender Most colours are normal, but call your doctor if your baby's poop is white, black, or has blood in it. Hard poop indicates dehydration or constipation. Blocked bile ducts in babies can lead to light gray or pale yellow stool. Unless your little one recently ate one of these culprits, red poop may indicate blood from infection, allergy, digestive-tract injury, or another medical issue. When a baby has foamy poop, it can look frothy, bubbly, and is Foamy or frothy stool is typically diarrhea-like and may appear to have bubbles in it. They may be clumps of undigested milk fat or undigested excess breast milk or formula protein that is But, lately their feces are coming with a foamy white texture? All I know is that I see regular feces and then the foamy white stuff attach to it. In formula fed babies foamy poo may indicate an Fast milk flow: A forceful let-down or fast milk flow can cause your baby to swallow air while feeding, resulting in foamy stools. Formula Enfamil Neuropro (yellow one). Foamy baby poop. At your baby’s age, breastfed babies normally have four to eight yellow-greenish, semi-solid to liquid stools a day. . Common Causes. You can try different nursing positions or squeezing a little milk before feeding to help slow down the flow. Stools with mucus are usually foul-smelling and sometimes can be bright green in color. A two-month-old baby recently has been experiencing foamy stool, with the foam occupying almost the entire stool, sometimes accompanied by very sticky stool. If this isn't normal for your baby, it could be diarrhoea, which can be a sign of infection. **This is a community to encourage, support, and educate parents nursing babies/children through their . Understanding the possible reasons for a baby’s foamy stool and how to alleviate symptoms through dietary adjustments and medication treatment. In this case, the poop may be The poop is strictly white with a putrid smell. Supplements from industrially made infant formula could also cause green stools either due to an intolerance or due to excess iron in formula. Irritable bowel syndrome. white mucus in the stool; Discovering green poop Therefore, signs such as the baby passing frothy stool often worry parents. Certain medications can also cause changes in stool color, including pale yellow or white stool. Your baby may have frothy poop if they are teething and in this case, it is nothing to worry about. the poop is white and foamy. Foamy poop is a common occurrence in newborn babies and is generally not a cause for concern. White stool may be caused by the absence of bile, which is what gives stool color. Greasy poop typically means your dog is having My baby pooped a foamy yellow poop today. White baby poop. Normal baby goat poop. Consistency: A child’s stool varies based on whether they are fed by breast milk or formula. some days i have diarrhoea. A newborn’s stools are the consistency of tar but will change in appearance and texture on the third or All of them have good energy and no problems eating or drinking. For kids under 2, pooping anywhere between twice a Foamy stool in babies may be due to lactose intolerance or dyspepsia. While white, red or black stool should be checked out by a pediatrician, it does not necessarily mean a serious issue. doi:10. 1 You may find reading about milk allergy in babies and elimination diets helpful. Symptoms of celiac disease: Chronic diarrhea. White, foamy diarrhea can be caused by food intolerances, digestive issues, certain medications, and bacterial or viral infections. If foamy poops are related to less fat in milk (which I've never heard about) it may be worth pumping later in the day most days (if you're But my stool is looking like this - white, foamy. So, it goes without saying that it is abnormal, and you need to know what's wrong. Foamy Stool. Nov 10, 2024. If your chicken is pooping white poop repeatedly, it may be a risk of Gumbro disease. This can be dark greenish to black and typically has a tar-like texture. Not sure if it’s a dairy allergy or a hindmilk/formilk imbalance??How do I fix this? Should I reduce my dairy intake Additionally, if a baby's poop is white, grey, or red, it may signal a more serious problem, such as an infection, allergy, or liver issue, and medical advice should be sought. New posts Search forums. It often appears as a separate entity within the droppings. Lethargic rooster with green foamy poop. ; White, along with some red poop, could be a sign of constipation. If your little one’s diaper looks frothy and bubbly, it could be due to excess The poop may be pure liquid, or look stringy, or like someone blew their nose in the diaper. You can give I very much recognize that foamy, solid poop is a trait of male quails. The foam may look like suds or bubbles, and it can occur in any color of chicken poo. What to Expect. 2018;42(S1). It is the foam substance that aids in mating that male cortunix quail produce when in breeding condition. White or pale baby poo can indicate a liver condition, although this is rare you should call you doctor if you notice pale baby poo in your baby’s nappy Foamy stool in breastfed babies may indicate an imbalance in fore and hindmilk, not switching breasts during a feed is a good way to help prevent this. Foamy poop could be caused by something you ate or it could be a sign of something more serious. Here are reasons why your duck’s poop is white: Urates: Duck poop is known to be green or brown in color but a white material on the duck’s poop is normal as well, White or light grey baby poop could indicate a liver condition and impaired digestion. Characterizing exclusively breastfed infant stool via a novel infant stool scale. Fortunately, it is not a cause for concern, as these chalky deposits are expelled from the chicken’s kidneys. So, is it normal for a baby to pass mucous, frothy stool? 1. ; Colour – breastfed babies poop tends to be yellow in colour. Get your query answered 24*7 only on | Practo Consult. They seem to be at a comfortable temperature but 2 days ago I noticed that one pooped this white foamy poop and then realized that the others started to have the same issue. "Foamy stools in breastfed babies – particularly if they're green and watery – may indicate something called lactose overload," says Midwife Pip. It provides insights on when to seek Foamy poop is bubbly, watery poop. Viral infections may cause foamy stool in addition to other symptoms. It’s advisable to pay attention to the observation of your child’s stool. Antacids that treat the baby’s reflux issues can also lead to white spots in baby poop. This could be because the baby’s digestive system is not able to properly digest lactose, or there is incomplete absorption of proteins, calcium, and magnesium. their poop may be bright green and frothy or Poop may be quite smelly compared to the usual sweet smelling poop of a breastfed baby. 3 week old baby doing foamy poop. Diarrhea doesn’t occur in all cases of celiac disease; it affects only 45-85% of the patients. Anything from yellow to green to orange is normal unless the baby appears ill. The poop might look frothy or foamy. Black, tarry-looking stools are normal for a newborn's first few days as they pass meconium, which is made up of amniotic fluid, mucus, skin cells, Red poop could be a sign of intestinal bleeding; black poop could mean bleeding in the stomach; and white poop could be a sign that your baby isn’t producing enough bile due to a blockage in the liver. Why is my baby’s stool foamy? Answer. i'm not sure how else to describe it, but he seems to be acting normally, (eating, drinking, walking around) and i don't know what could have caused it Pale-Grey or White Poop of a Breastfed Baby. Urate is usually white and is composed of uric acid crystals. ; Texture – can be a soft and a little runnier, but not like water! Breastfed baby poo also has a seedy texture. Red . They may poop after every feed Medication could sometimes be the cause of white stools. Foamy Breast Milk Poop. Foamy or frothy baby poo. Yellow and foamy poop could be a sign of an intestinal worm infestation, coccidiosis, or salmonellosis (fowl typhoid). Chronic or recurrent white mucus in poop can be due to irritable bowel syndrome, anorectal fissures, inflammatory bowel diseases, etc. This is what provides most of the calories your baby needs, and which makes him feel full. Deekaulfers7; Feb 7, 2024; Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures; Replies 4 Views 874. If baby is still being breastfed or formula-fed, chalky, whitish or gray baby poop definitely warrants a call to the pediatrician, since it can be a sign the liver isn’t functioning the way it should be. So, mucus in stool can occur without diarrhea in patients with celiac disease. Foamy Milky Chicken Poop. The yellowish, foamy poop seen in chickens with diarrhea is due to the chicken’s poor digestive system. This may indicate that a baby’s liver isn’t functioning properly. Foamy dog poop can also be caused by food allergies or food intolerance, bacterial infections, eating non-food items, parasites This type of stool looks very similar to white stools. It may be due to their diet, change in feeding habits, medication or a supplement. Liver disease or a blockage in the bile duct could also cause pale-colored stools, although not necessarily loose stools. Lately my 7 week old has been having foamy poops. Contrary to what you believe, the foamy Green stools in babies are usually a normal variation and not a cause for serious concern. Second the foamy poop is from your boys Third I give mine extra protein in the winter cause they burn so much of it to stay Foamy stools in babies are usually caused by lactose overload in breast milk. In contrast, dark gray stools tend to be diet related and are normal. However, watery white chicken poop (diarrhea) often indicates worms or diseases like Gumboro Disease. Reply. "If your baby is formula-fed, foamy Additionally, if the baby's poop is white, black, or has blood in it, this could be a sign of a more serious issue and medical advice should be sought. Watery Yellow Scours - One of the main causes of runny yellow poops in baby goats is overindulging on milk - this is called "milk scours". My husband ordered the chicks from a hatchery online that guaranteed, vaccinated (?) and medicated the chicks against coccis (?) the hatchery appeared reputable but I worry that I am doing White or Gray. Like red, white is not a color you would associate with poop. The color of the poop should be of no concern. Mar 5, 2010 12 0 22 Johnson City, TN. Molina. Some foods can turn poop red, including beets, tomatoes, red peppers, cranberries, and foods containing red dye. Young babies who are on a formula or breast milk only diet will have different reasons for poop colors If a baby’s stool is loose and contains a large amount of foam, accompanied by a distinct sour taste, it usually indicates an intake of too much starch or sugary foods. So keep an eye on the poop color and contact your veterinarian if the problem is not solved. Frequency of bowel movements is actually less important than most parents realize. The colour of foamy poop Understanding the possible causes of infants’ stool having a foamy consistency, including physiological diarrhea and pathological diarrhea, as well as corresponding treatment measures. The colour can differ depending on what the cause is and what the baby eats. Newborn foamy poop – You would notice newborn foamy poop in breastfed babies if they consume more foremilk than hindmilk. About 6 bottles of formula and 2 bottles of breastmilk a day. Foamy dog stool usually means a bacterial infection. A reaction to certain foods often causes foamy stool. However, you can often correct foamy stool through small diet changes that eliminate excess fat consumption. 10 /13 However, baby poo usually only becomes foamy or frothy if it's very runny. If it’s a one-off Summary: This guide explains the potential causes of foamy poop in infants, ranging from dietary factors to gastrointestinal issues. If this is the case, it will be an isolated inci However, foamy stool can also signal an underlying medical condition. Celiac Disease. White dog poop can be normal or concerning. What should my toddler's poop look like? As you start to introduce table foods into your baby's diet, their Normal chicken poo has a cloud of white dust on top. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It Smell – breastfed babies poop will generally smell sweet. People with celiac disease improve dramatically after cutting off the offending foods. Her poops are so foamy/watery and sometimes causes her distress to pass. Foamy baby poop might look like a bubble bath for your baby’s bum, but it might raise some bubbles of concern for you. Mucus in poop 2259 Views My 2 Normal breastfed baby poo ranges from yellow through to green-gold or brown. 4061 Views Hello doctor, My baby is 3 weeks 5days old and he is on breast milk only. Hind milk is fattier, and if your baby is not i am a 30 year old male having mild stomach pain,white foam in stool and frequent flatulence (15-20 times) for 2 weeks. 9 Years. Mucus. 2 #5 A Hello u/Emperorofwestern, . 29 yrs old Female asked about White poop, 4 doctors answered this and 262 people found it useful. It’s worms the parasitic kind and you’re going to have a hard time with western doctors best bet is to study up any other symptoms and walk in knowing what you need. Most people don't find it offensive and in some babies it can even smell sweet. Find out more about changes to your stool. Newborns who are affected will usually present with symptoms within 2 to 5 weeks of life, which include white stools and persistent jaundice. Formula-fed baby poop. Contrary to popular belief, foamy poop is not necessarily an indicator of having ingested foamy breast milk. Breastfed babies often have white curds in their poop as well, making it look seedy. The extra fat takes a little longer to digest and helps baby sleep thru the night. L. or poop with the consistency of porridge, means diarrhea. MedTexts. Early detection and diagnosis can help Foamy poop in newborns can be caused by several factors, one of which is teething. If you see white or chalky gray poop in your baby's diaper, call their doctor right away. However, if the foamy poop is persistent and accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, vomiting, or diarrhoea, it could indicate an infection or other medical condition. To prevent and treat these issues, parents should pay attention to proper feeding, maintain the cleanliness of the baby’s breastfeeding environment, and avoid the baby from catching a cold. The same goes for pale-grey poop. Question; Answer; Question. Learn when it’s a sign of dietary issues or health problems and when to consult your veterinarian. This is a serious concern, and you should contact your doctor immediately if you notice this colour in your baby's stool. Initially, breastfed babies tend to poop more often than formula-fed babies because breast milk is more easily digested. ; An iron deficiency leads to white stool anaemia. There are probably too few sour-milk products, or they’re entirely absent. The appearance of white chunks in the poop of breastfed or formula-fed babies is fairly normal. A foamy or frothy stool is common in babies and is typically easy to fix. What could be the cause, and how should I treat it? Answer. This condition is characterized by parts of the biliary duct that become obstructed due to swelling and fibrosis. Nursing babies may be having foamy poops if they Identifying foamy poop in newborns as a potential symptom of malabsorption disorders is important for their medical evaluation. should i be concerned: Depends: If you have lost weight,it would be on concern and you should If your baby has watery and foamy poop, it could be a sign of diarrhea, possibly due to a stomach bug. Damaged villi have trouble properly absorbing nutrients, leading to pale, greasy stool that floats due to chick poop is foamy white. If your baby’s poo looks greener but they are otherwise healthy and feeding well, there is nothing to worry about. Every once in a while there will be a normal poop but it is most of the time foamy and airy. For infants who have not yet started solid foods, yellow foamy stool may be due to an excess of sugar in the milk, and it is recommended to reduce sugar intake and increase milk volume. Cold Noses in Newborns: A Concern or Normal? You may want to see also. Breastfed baby’s foamy poop may be yellow while a formula-fed baby’s Foamy baby poop is very common and often not a cause for concern. Foremilk is the initial thin milk that comes out as the baby begins to feed, while hindmilk comes With excess fermentation of food by bacteria, gases in the gut increase, and foamy stools are seen. This will slow down at around 2 months of age. Acute white mucus in poop is often due to an attack of gastroenteritis or dehydration. Green poop usually happens without any significant cause (maybe your toddler had spinach that day, or maybe your baby is taking an iron supplement), but it can be the result of something a little more concerning, like an infection. Breast milk is made of up foremilk and hindmilk. Poop with mucus. Thread starter MrMcPoopFace; Start date Aug 17, 2020; My 6 day old baby chick has no energy and has bubbles and foamy saliva. If your breastfeeding baby's poop is white, it means something prevents bile from leaving their liver. Liquid Urine Component: The liquid urine component, although often overlooked, is an essential part of droppings. Mucus-streaked stools accompanied by loose stools can occur during illness, specifically a stomach bug. “One of the most important things for newborns is that they’re passing stool,” says Bob Issenman, chief of pediatric gastroenterology Foamy poop in 7 week old . If he’s only getting the lower-fat, watery milk at the start of a feed, he’ll be hungry again very soon, and will need to feed more often. Yellow newborn poop can also be a sign of teething. It is recommended to give the baby some Causes Of White Chunks In Baby Poop. By around 2 months of age, most babies settle into a poop routine, often pooping at the same time each day—and they White duck poop: How your duck’s poop looks is greatly affected by what the bird is eating. If your While foamy poop on its own may not be serious, certain gastrointestinal conditions can contribute to recurring loose, foul-smelling stool with a frothy texture: 1. i hear stomach sounds regularly. Cheekychook11. “In a breastfed infant, foamy Regularly monitoring your Birds poop serves multiple purposes: Birds produce a solid urate component to conserve water. Is it Yellow and Foamy Chicken Poop. It is usually a result of teething or an imbalance of foremilk and hindmilk in their diet. Feb 7, 2024. Dec 10, 2010 #2 earlybird10 In the Brooder. A change in the poop signals a change in your duck somehow, sometimes this change is not a good change. Very slimy poop can indicate that a cold is on its White poop in kids or light gray poop can be a sign of liver disease, says Dr. Rather, foamy poop may be a signal that your baby is getting too much foremilk instead of hindmilk, as foremilk is a lot more watery than hindmilk and thus can produce foamy stools when consumed in excess. These chunks may have a cottage cheese-like appearance and are prominently seen in a breast-fed baby’s poop (). Thus, if your baby's poop is white, chalky, or pale grey-coloured, it is better to speak to a doctor. This excess saliva can lead to looser stools and White or light gray baby poop. Antibiotics, antacids, and iron supplements are some examples of medications that can affect The liver produces bile responsible for the colour of the baby's poop. Close menu. You may be told your baby has “colic” or they might have symptoms of GERD. Every baby’s body reacts differently to what they consume, so it’s all part of the process! Lactose Sensitivity: While rare, some babies can have a tough time digesting lactose, the Act Promptly on Your Baby’s White or Light Grey Poop. something is wrong. Every poo is the same no matter the time of day and she has frequent bowel movements every day. Additionally, the presence of milk residue in the stool may also indicate poor absorption and digestion in the baby. There is also an egg so I know at least one is a hen. Depending on your baby’s age, there are a variety of reasons for green poop in babies. This is why you may find that you are throwing up white foam more often in the morning on an empty stomach. This can result in vomiting, excess gas, and foamy dog stool. Teething typically starts around four to eight months and can cause increased saliva Foamy poop in babies can occur anywhere from after every feeding to only once a week for breastfed babies. Formula supplements. Malabsorption is most common with eggs, dairy, seafood, and fructose foods. Because stomach bile (the Similarly, formula-fed babies might experience foamy or loose stools if they’re transitioning to a new formula, combo-feeding, or if their digestive systems are still adjusting to their diet. This article focuses on the causes of white chicken poop, how to diagnose them, and possible treatments. To cure chicks of white nasal congestion, you should review their diet. The phenomenon of a baby passing frothy stool is quite common in babies from 0 to 36 months old. Foamy poop has a bubbly, frothy texture. 1002 Lately, his stool has been foamy, occurring 2 to 3 times a day, with foams each time. If this is a medical emergency, please call emergency services as soon as possible! DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this subreddit is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Bloody stool could be a sign of allergies or bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Mucus-streaked poop can also be present in certain Still, it can be a little startling to see light green, dark green, or even bright green poop in your baby's diaper. Teething can cause an increase in saliva production, which the baby then swallows. Bloating Biliary atresia is a significant cause of white stools in babies, especially newborns. Maroon or red stools are also a cause for concern. Read on to know when to worry about white chicken poo. An all-milk diet, however, may also lead to white stool, as can certain medicines. Babies fed breast milk have stool that is One of my baby chicks is 5 days old and has always done foamy mustardy poops and im worried he is ill, hes drinking eating playing normally like the others Forums. Sometimes a dam can be producing extra rich milk, or too much milk for Gustin J, Gibb R, Kenneally D, Kutay B, Waimin Siu S, Roe D. Frequency of bowel movements. Black poop after the first few days of life could be a sign of stomach bleeding. Call your White or light gray baby poop. Digestive issues: Some babies may have temporary digestive issues that can lead to foamy stools. Is this normal for UC??? I’ve been in remission since April (yay) and I recall during my flares that my stool looked like this except bloody. He is doing foamy yellow poop Read More. Baby Poop Color Guide (With Pictures) Dark Greenish-Black Baby Poop. Black Poop. In particular, the acid from an empty stomach or reflux combines with the excess saliva produced when you have nausea. How often – In the first few weeks breastfed babies do tend to poop more often than formula fed babies. White poop could signal a liver condition. Wondering why??She is formula and breastmilk fed.
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