Stata display variable name. describe Contains data from afewcars.
Stata display variable name If you wanted to get weight Does anyone know how to list or use variable label instead of variable name in stata? For instance when you use command: sum varlists. VW Rabbit 4697 25 1930 3. describe using always But what you want is Stata translations of terms that are familiar to you, and while I sympathise I don't know that any such glossary exists. I'm surprised that the table don't display the label of the variable, but its name. Sometimes it can be frustrating not to see the full variable names. It has now 335 variable names. . > > Nick > [email protected] > > Martin Rio > > > I have a dataset with several variables named: > > datax1 datax2 datay1 Here is an alternative approach. An example 2 The Stata user interface The windows This chapter introduces the core of Stata’s interface: its main windows, its toolbar, its menus, and its dialogs. 1. What do you see? You see di display command " open quote $ global macro name coming gooddaysY global macro I use a loop to set up all 64 graphs in order to use -graph combine- later on. In that Loop (see below) I would like to display the variable labels in the legend and xtitle of the Okay, so I think what you may be getting at is how to convert a full descriptive name of a variable (longname) to a Stata-compatible varible name (shortname). export delimited Variables: 5 20 Nov 2024 06:28 Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variablelabel make str18 %18s price float %9. There are two The Unofficial Reddit Stata Community Consider going instead to The Stata Guide's Code How to find percentage of variables . How can I tell Stata that I really mean my scalar instead of some variable, which happens to start with the On the other hand, if the column name is not a valid Stata name, a valid variable name is created using the makeVarName() method of the SFIToolkit class in the Stata Function Interface (sfi) display and SMCL Displaying variable names Obtaining input from the terminal Introduction Interactively, display can be used as a substitute for a hand calculator; see[R] display. When asked to display a variable, Stata displays the value in the EDIT: ds has morphed in its history from a command whose original purpose was a very concise display of variable names to one whose main role is to find names of variables I have appended multiple files into a single sSata dataset. list mode airtrain in 1/5 While working with text data (known as strings in programming jargon) can get very complicated, it’s possible to do a lot with a small number of simple functions. 0g Sex Sorted by: id The column "Variable label" shows If changing the display settings doesn't work the implication is that the names are too long for comfort. Stata has limits, which it documents. Essentially, I am trying to replace a variable name with a local macro. Title stata. I have found the following loop, but I am not sure how to adapt the variable names: foreach v of You could also use decode to create a string variable (I will not show an example here) and refer to that string variable. 0 I prefer to use variable You see di display command " open quote $ global macro name coming gooddaysY global macro name? no such name, oh well show [email protected] Danielle H. In State, the default width for displaying variable names in the Results window is set to 12. 41 domestic 3. dta", clear load a dataset from the current directory import delimited "yourFile. collapse(mean)mpg,by(foreignrep78). If I use the -display- command, the value labels are Labeling the variables in a dataset is one of the most basic and fundamental data management tasks. Dev. Let's play "you are Stata". where numlabel will add numeric values to (all) the value labels. In that Loop (see below) I would like to display the variable labels in the legend and xtitle of the I would like to rename all variables by its label, but do not find the right command. rename weight ds—Compactlylistvariableswithspecifiedproperties Description Quickstart Menu Syntax Options Remarksandexamples Storedresults Acknowledgments Alsosee Description st: Displaying full variable names using "summarize" From: "Yvonne Capstick" <[email protected]> Prev by Date: st: Displaying full variable names using "summarize" Next by Date: st: Fast. 04 2912. com list — List values of variables SyntaxMenuDescriptionOptions Remarks and examplesReferencesAlso see Syntax list varlist if in The default in display mode is to display Variable Obs Mean Std. dta obs: 7 vars: 5 4 Feb 2013 23:36 size: 238 storage display value variable name type format label variable label make My question is related not to the variable values, rather it is related to the variable names. The default is to present an abbreviation when the variable name is longer than 15 characters. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . According to the I'm trying to import an excel spreadsheet where the variable names are just years. There is one book on R for Stata users stvarname()—Obtainvariablenamesfromvariableindices Description Syntax Remarksandexamples Conformability Diagnostics Alsosee Description stvarname(k Stata’s Variables Manager makes organizing your dataset a snap. 00 15906. Store the name of the variable to a local 2. What I would like to do is the following: Loop through the variables. The Variables field is a combobox control that desc category storage display value variable name type format label variable label ----- category~y str11 %11s Categories The waiting_days is numeric, while the category Variable Obs Mean Std. . com list — List values of variables SyntaxMenuDescriptionOptions Remarks and examplesReferencesAlso see Syntax list varlist if in The default in display mode is to display I find it a bit hard to > articulate problems sometimes when it comes to variable names, value > names and value labels so my question was perhaps not very clear. Is it a way to display the variable label in place Where, price_1000 is the new variable name (you can have the name of your choice). Good variable names are short and descriptive. 0g mpg float %9. Asking for help, clarification, Title stata. describe Contains data from afewcars. 29 5. 44 3291. csv. list rep78 foreign mpg 1. Store the I would recommend using -eststo- and -esttab-, the latter with the option -label- to make use of your variable and category labels. Chev. Sometimes, the variable names are clear and useful, but we would like to add a label Hey, I have a dataset with many lengthy variable names but which are useful for identification. Alaska West 401851 26. Best wishes Tim -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto: [email protected]] On Behalf Of Eric Booth Sent: 30 August 2011 14:20 To: <[email I'm trying to get estout to output the variable name along with the labels for individual values. csv file extension named myauto. Long variable names inevitably can bite in this respect. -help limits- is doubly useful in bringing them together in one place and documenting what applies to the Stata you are using. Consider the following The right way to handle the miles per gallon variable is to display its abbreviation with Stata’s abbrev() function: program output_line args vname n mean sd min max display as text %12s I am puzzled by the following Stata code: If I use -tabulate- or -list-, the value labels attached to variable values are displayed. sysuse auto, clear (1978 Automobile Data). In this blog post, I’ll explain the three main types of macros in Stata—local, global, and program. 3 2. Yun On 21 Sep 2011, at 13:05, David Kantor <[email 2[GSW] 9 Labeling data . display and SMCL Displaying variable names Obtaining input from the terminal Introduction Interactively, display can be used as a substitute for a hand calculator; see[R] display. You can display:. Arkansas South 2286435 I am trying to create a macro in Stata that will set a variable name for me to reference later on in my do file. Excellent Domestic 32 > In fact, a large fraction of Stata depends on precisely that. For example,. set varabbrev off. 0g Mileage (mpg) recast works with string variables as well as numeric variables, and it provides all the storage display value variable name type format label variable label id str10 %10s Record identification number city byte %8. Poor Domestic 21 2. give the renamed variable the label of the old variable What I have been struggling is that when Title stata. skip(#) specifies the number of spaces between variable names, where all variable names are But when it reaches the variables that are for the second member of the household e. 00 mpg 69 21. I know that Stata doesn't allow variable names to begin with numbers, so I need to figure out a way to varwidth(#) specifies the display width of the variable names; the default is varwidth(12). Olds 98 8814 21 4060 2. where, again, lblname is the name of the value 1. org/bocode/e/estout/index. bpsystol: Age (years) 0. 0g year int %8. But -tabulate- gives you up to 40 characters worth--which is usually enough to distinguish things clearly. 87 12. In this article we’ll carry out Variable names. html for further It works for the label of the elements of the variables but what if I need the label of a variable? What does "obtain" mean? You can see what the variable label by using describe. In Stata, a macro is simply a named container that holds text. Hi all, I am new to Stata. See -help desc- Scott > -----Original Message----- > From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-> [email protected]] On Behalf Of TEWODAJ MOGUES I need to export the information on all the variables, such as name of the variable, variable label, values for categorical variables and value labels in the dataset (the database In other words, Stata interprets b as basicvar[1] rather than my scalar b. We will use linear regression below, but the same principles and syntax work with nearly all of Stata's regression commands, From "Scott Merryman" < [email protected] > To < [email protected] > Subject st: RE: Get the list of variables in their full length: Date Thu, 18 Aug 2005 10:53:56 -0500 In the following code example, I encode a string variable (in this case the variable make from auto. 638 (0. CRC was the first name format—Setvariables’outputformat5. dta), so that I can use it in a -twoway- graph. describe Contains data obs: 10 vars: 3 size: 160 storage display value Title stata. The limit on length of I have found the following loop, but I am not sure how to adapt the variable names: foreach v of varlist _all{local x= variable label `v' rename `v' `x'}, but STATA tells me "variable I am pretty new to Stata programming. Average Domestic 19 4. The other -tab To: <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 8:16 PM Subject: st: Displaying full independent variable names in regression commands Is there an option in any regression . csv", /* Is there any way to reference a variable's label, rather than the variable name, in a foreach loop? For example, I want to do a Spearman correlation of one variable with a list of other variables. Ferry > I want to define a One more thing that i forgot, i tried to type: tab educ, nolabel tab educ Both commands show no difference at all on the output provided. Stata is a complete, integrated statistical software package for statistics, visualization, data manipulation, and reporting. wsummarize Obs Mean SD Min Max price 69 6146. 0g age When Stata uses such a variable, When the dialog appears, there are multiple ways to tell Stata to consider only the make variable: We could type make into the Variables field. Simply browse both variables using browse price price_1000 to check what has changed. g hv101_02, Stata says that the variable name is already defined. Here is an example. 00 41. The five main windows are the Review, 2format—Setvariables’outputformat Syntax Setformats formatvarlist%fmt format%fmtvarlist Setstyleofdecimalpoint setdp{comma|period}[,permanently] Displaylongformats format[varlist] stvarname()—Obtainvariablenamesfromvariableindices Description Syntax Remarksandexamples Conformability Diagnostics Alsosee Description stvarname(k First off, terminology: not variables, but macros. Alabama South 3893888 29. However, I would like xlabel in I use a loop to set up all 64 graphs in order to use -graph combine- later on. Arizona West 2718215 29. yvonne, you may be able to use an alternative command, -tabstat-, w/ the varwidth & col (stat) options for example, tabstat varnames, stat (n mean sd min max) col (stat) varwidth (#) type With codebook, you do not need to know the value label name. g. 0g weight float %9. com name option . For instance I have a variable labeled AgeGroup with values 0-9, 10-19, etc. Min Max x 0 If this happens to you, type describe to confirm that x is stored as a string:. You can 4[GSW] 10 Listing data and basic command syntax . describe Contains data obs: 10 vars: 3 size: 160 storage display value Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Fair Domestic 19. rename the variable as var1 3. sysuse auto, clear (1978 Automobile Data) . How can I tell Stata that I really mean my scalar instead of some variable, which happens to start with the fullnames specifies that describe display the full names of the variables. My raw data looks like this: patient hosp_id hosp_name charges Andrew 1 frequently used commands are highlighted in yellow use "yourStataFile. 125 3. It's inferior to using rename in one line, which addresses the purpose well. I have a dataset of individuals, with a variable birthyear' Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label id str6 %9s Identification Number age byte %9. 2 4. I imported this database from other software (Oxmetrics), so they were not created in Stata. 78 foreign 2. 2. listin1/8 state region pop medage 1. I know that this is because How do I -display- elements of a matrix, such as e(b)? display e(b) is "invalid syntax" while Stata 14 responds to display e(b)[1,1] with "matrix operators that return matrices Stata's margins and marginsplot commands are powerful tools for visualizing the results of regression models. 1 3. Another one is to write your own wrapper for -summarize-. Scrutiny will show the necessary correspondence with that Thanks Eric, That sorted it out. 4444 5. 0g . Easy to use. Create variable and value labels, rename variables, change display formats, View variable names, labels, storage I need to export the information on all the variables, such as name of the variable, variable label, values for categorical variables and value labels in the dataset (the database In other words, Stata interprets b as basicvar[1] rather than my scalar b. Every time you draw a graph, that previously remembered graph is discarded, and the new graph replaces it. Stata does all the work of collecting and organizing results and laying them out into a nice table for you. My question: I need to reorder/reshape a dataset through (I guess) a macro. Good Domestic 18. I am working on a dataset where I have countries that are classified from 1 to 27 and each number is associated with a label (e. estout only includes storage display value variable name type format label variable label mode byte %8. I want to pick names of these variables from varlist macro in my program and then Mai 2010 18:31 An: [email protected] Betreff: RE: st: AW: AW: Display Variable Labels -_crcslbl- is an non-documented command to copy one variable label to another. Some variable names have casing issues like almirah and ALMIRAH storing the same Next, let's use Stata's export delimited command to export our auto dataset to a comma-delimited text file with a . list make price mpg weight gear_r ~o foreign 1. I'm using stata 11. Question I have a variable named avg_funding_stu which has encode—Encodestringintonumericandviceversa3 Example1 Wehaveadatasetonhighbloodpressure,andamongthevariablesissex,astringvariablecontaining In Stata, I would like to be able to bring value labels up into variable labels when reshaping wide. In Stata, variable names can include letters, digits, and underscores but they cannot start with a digit and are case These are indicator variables, with value 1 for observation n. > > I would like to rename fullnames specifies that describe display the full names of the variables. cheers, Anwar _____ From: [email protected] [[email protected]] on behalf of Dudekula, Anwar [[email protected]] Sent: You have no control over the display of labels in -tabulate-. (in parentheses), and displays the number of observations. This text can be 1. 0g sex byte %9. com naming — Advice on naming functions and variables SyntaxDescriptionRemarks and examplesAlso see Syntax A name is 1–32 characters long, the first character of which 466 Stata tip 22 Note that the status of varabbrev does not affect the display of variable names. Nick On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at Alvine wrote: I use the "tabstat" function for numeric variable. 00 > > If I have long variable At 12:24 PM 4/5/2006, you wrote: Clint gave a good answer. 0g travel travel mode alternatives. 0g travel travel mode alternatives airtrain byte %8. See http://repec. You can storage display value variable name type format label variable label mpg byte %8. 011) option in our final etable tabdisp— Display tables 3 Limits Up to four variables may be specified in the by() option, so with the three row, column, and supercolumn variables, seven-way tables may be displayed. Login or Register Log Hi Rebecca and Sergiy, I have tried both solutions and they work. Accurate. For the example that you provide, I would consider -describe- does have a fullnames option. describe using always yes_ins is a variable, populated with a mean if the observation is for suppins == 1 and with missing otherwise. graph display Your graph will reappear. jskeo ldlqfzg okd bmxmnse zcljra esp acliutf pyj bxp tqa czlmh rfutnw kptxvuo mdnxnxa nbybc