Radarr multiple qualities. Source: Wiki Servarr - Sonarr .
Radarr multiple qualities Best "solution" for this right now is to just run two Radarr instances. Movie. I've got Ombi setup and connected to radarr. As it stands with JellyFin, if you add both directories to the one library, you get One Radarr, one movie file. video He is probably downloading every show twice (in two qualities) so it makes sense to run two instances. A custom format is a set of one or more "Format Tags" that Radarr tries to match against the information parsed from a release or file. Then I manage exceptions manually, where I I also have a separate folder for just 4K that I point Plex to. qualities: - name: Bluray-1080p - name: WEB 1080p. Source: Wiki Servarr - Sonarr . Example - Transparency. Closed tehniemer opened this issue Mar 11, 2020 · 3 comments Closed Qualities are used more than once in profile. If my profile by default is 720 (because I want to make my 540, 720) and I The dumb way of getting around this is to turn off the automatic library monitoring and use the sonarr/radarr connection to Plex to update. If named correctly Plex should be fine with multiple qualities of the same movie though it's usually considered best practice to maintain multiple libraries. Type You can run multiple instances of radarr as a workaround is what I have read. I have only shared folder #2 with bedroom TV Kodi box, while main TV Kodi sees both folders Welcome to /r/Radarr – the central hub for Radarr enthusiasts. I don't think anyone really does it for TV, but it is more common for movies. Sonarr. or only high Welcome to /r/Radarr – the central hub for Radarr enthusiasts. You could use shared watch lists on Trakt or IMDB to keep For now the only way to do this is running multiple versions of Radarr. Prime example of this is WebDL and WebRip as these are very similar and typically have similar bitrates. So far, I have kept movies in 2 separate folders, 4K in one and lower video qualities in other folder. With a vibrant and vastly talented group of Data Engineers, Data Scientists, and Data Analysts on board – we live and breathe data science and analytics. For example: Bluray-2160p, Min 20, Preferred 30, Max 40 Bluray-2160p-2, Min 60, Preferred 100, Max 150. I have about 500 movies that will have multiple qualities. ) and trying to find a balance between allowing any downloads of rare files, while obviously preferring the best quality possible. Does anyone know if the latest versions of Sonarr and Radarr allow you to keep both a 1080p AND a 2160p version of the files? Right now I have upgrades turned on and it always seems to delete the lower quality copy, even if its the 1080p version I want. I'm running 4 instances of radarr and 4 instances of deluge. More posts you may like r/PleX. nssm install Radarr-HD In path place or browse to. exe Confirm Start up directory is. This guide was put together using Windows 10; if you are using a previous version of Windows (7, 8, etc. Now you have 2 Radarr running, one on default port, one on whatever you picked for the other one. Quality groups, where multiple qualities are given the same priority level, can also be defined. video Movie Party nights (watch a movie with 15 strangers), experts give advice and help find the best deals, and more! Members Online. Lidarr. In regards to the filtering, you should be able to do that with the advanced. General configuration# Torrent Indexers sometimes have torrents that, while they contain the same video, have other attributes that differentiate them. More recently, our machine learning capabilities for the Social listening platform have benefitted from a decentralized and distributed structure. Qualities unsolved Hello, Just looking to find out why I'm getting this message (Quality for release in queue already meets cutoff: Bluray-720p v1) when my quality settings clearly accept everything from 720p up to 1080p Welcome to /r/Radarr – the central hub for Radarr enthusiasts. video They are in a proper folder structure and movie name. normal and 720p/1080p vs. We need to create a new profile called Remux-1080p - Anime due to the way anime can be named we will need to merge a few qualities together see here for an example. qualities: - WEBDL-1080p - WEBRip-1080p I have Radarr configured so it only stops looking for movies after Remux. UHD Radarr doesn't support multiple copies. There are a few who have done it and they end up creating a bunch of custom format buckets for sizes and then arranging them properly. Reply reply. Click on a movie; Select Search; Click Filter on the right; Exclude multiple qualities After indexing all my files and renaming em and moving em around (mainly using radarr) I’ve decided that now I want to delete my Database; and simply reparse my clean index with radarr to build a new database. Radarr / Radarr Public. ) but are missing some early release qualities such as CAM, Screener, TS, TC, etc. Reply reply Top 2% Rank by size . What I was wondering is, if I change the quality profile which they For those that don't understand why this needs to be implemented; In order to have multiple qualities (1080 and 4k) with Radarr, you have to run two separate instances of Radarr. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and To accomplish this you will need to merge the qualities. C:\ProgramData\Radarr\bin I want Radarr to manage each of these folders, Would I need 4 separate instances to do this or can you manage collections / Folders separately. I think this is covered by #1910 and #2203 which are for keeping multiple quality versions and storing multiple versions in different places. If you want to maintain multiple qualities you'll need to have multiple instances of Radarr. It can also be used to easily sync CF's and QP's across multiple instances of Radarr / Sonarr in a single command. If you manually When excluding multiple qualities from manual search results, the excluded qualities remain on the results. To see all available qualifiers, # Cette section fixe les définitions de la qualité qui seront utilisées dans votre instance Radarr. grab all the versions you want. Multi because it has the highest total rating of the available options. So if you want that, you have to do it via two instances (and two folders). nssm edit radarr This first NSSM window is meant for a point of reference so you can look back for info for the next two steps. We will use Radarr for these examples, but it works If you use Radarr or CP to download movies, you would want 2 copies of it running - one for each set of directories, separately. Is there anyway you can set up Radarr to download two qualities? E. Console. It is not appropriate for different "editions" of media. Reply reply It's indeed correct that the intent is multiple movie files with different attributes for the same movie entry, whereas the #1910 is targeting resolutions (which is a dimension readable from the media file), spoken language CAN also be that but not all of Currently, Radarr has some movie qualities (1080p WEB-DL, Blu-Ray, etc. ) you may need to adjust some things. I am primarily interested in non new releases (classics, obscure films, foreign films, small releases etc. r/PleX. Qualities at the top of the list will appear first in manual searches. It couldn’t work on any hevc or h265 files so it was fucking up my 4K dl's by trying to post process them for days. Source: Wiki Servarr - Radarr . See Discord conversation for pictures. 1080p. Only checked qualities are wanted; Audio Book Qualities are set higher than ebook qualities however this does not mean an audio book will be downloaded before an ebook; Delay Profiles Radarr. If there were no Multi options in the results, then it would just grab Some. ADMIN MOD Is it possible to downgrade existing movies qualities? solved Currently have a bunch of movies at 1080p quality. Note that you can (and probably should) review TRaSH's guide and configure Radarr to use a second Radarr as a list. You can use radarr as another list for radarr and only grab certain qualities into the other instance this makes managing two I have my downloaded movies stored in separate folders based on quality like "2160p / 1080p" etc. video You'd need to merge your 4k and 1080 qualities together and then handle everything via custom formats. video Qualities higher in the list are more preferred. Here you will see the current logic so you understand how the possible downloads are compared. I would like to be able to have more flexibility to have more quality settings for different movies. This is helpful if you wish to keep both in sync. { radarr[‘cf’][‘multi-french’][‘name’] }}: Il s’agit d’un Format Personnalisé qui renommera votre fichier avec Multi-French. It gets very complicated. >90% of the time? I guess my more fundamental question is should a GP release be considered #1 no matter source, other characteristics, etc? It seems like the variables end up quite favorable because GP Welcome to /r/Radarr – the central hub for Radarr enthusiasts. For now the only way to do this is running multiple Qualities within the same group are equal. Both also get dropped to stereo audio (ac3 @ 256). The down side is that new movies don't have a folder in Plex, so radarr/sonarr can't just send "update this folder" and instead end up triggering a whole library update. I've also chosen the quality profile that limits to either 720p or 1080p formats, but strangely when requesting a movie, it just randomly seems to pick anything, such as a 2160p format. 1080p and 4k remux also have the same imdb lists but i add everything un-monitored and manually select which movies i want to monitor to keep storage space in check Honestly I don'teven care about radarr having a record of the quality and languages I just need radarr to tell me if the file is there or not. So I won't go into full details why I'd throw my hat into the ring to the overall request to allow multiple files/qualities to be downloaded for a single title. HDTV. let radarr replace each version with the next. This guide will show you how to run multiple instances of Radarr on Windows using only one base installation. Initial thinking (See Sonarr GHI) would be to allow multiple qualities (and thus multiple custom formats to handle editions as well) per entity Radarr is an award winning AI-Powered social and digital data analytics and big data SaaS platform company, headquartered in Singapore, with a development center in Bengaluru, India. Manual resulst should be excluded if it matches the custom filter. For more information on how exactly Format Tags match, This can be useful for placing higher in the list when used with custom formats that match with attributes you find undesirable, such as hardcoded subs You may not know whether or not those are BD50 based on the file name but the PTP API has that information and is more reliable than file name parsing. click on the quality profile you want to edit. I'd say they're more like sub-qualities of each quality level ¶Multiple Instances. It's annoying when after getting the Dual version of the movie Radarr decides to replace it with an only English Remux. If you are running Radarr directly on your OS then I heard it’s a bit more work to run them both and I’m sorry I can’t help with that. As the Client Success Executive you will oversee multiple accounts – being there with the client every step of the way from onboarding, platform set-up Hi all, I had lots (about half my Radarr database) of 'Unknown' qualities. TEMPLATE. you should be able to reorder the qualities and put 720p above 1080p where Radarr caps at 1080p and 4000. Settings => Profiles. Need to keep it separate for the 2 instances I use. Uses. Name. so if you want to keep English for yourself you'll have to get multi-language releases (contain both German and English) Luckily, German releases often have both. at some point, once a day/week/whenever move your movies out of recycle bin back into the movies folder. If a new version isn't a higher quality you can force it under activity > queue. Qualities within the same group are equal. If you say you have a movie collection and you want to store multiple formats of a movie, say 3D version and regular or in Login you wanted Noir and Theatrical formats there's Welcome to /r/Radarr – the central hub for Radarr enthusiasts. Quality Profile. video There is a quite high chance that over the years there has been frame shift or different qualities per regional disk. ADMIN MOD Will Radarr delete lower qualities? If it downloads a 1080p BluRay of a movie, but then a 2160p movie comes out, will it then delete the 1080p from my torrent client or will I have to do that Pull Sonarr/Sonarr@c93f63c git cherry-pick -ex c93f63cd204bf62dab3dffef6e29c8dd4c408cab This commit has 0 conflict(s) You can ask me to close all, open pr here or Hello, brand new to Radarr and setting up today. It sucks when extra features like tracking quality and languages take away from basic functions. So the suggestion is to have the option to save different qualities in different locations. the issue is I use radarr/sonarr. This. Concept: using labels input to select multiple qualities on a per-series basis. conflict conflict - cannot merge, needs resolution sonarr What I’m trying to do is run something that can identify existing qualities so I know what I have that is under 1920x1080 quality so I can just narrow down and upgrade those. Qualities at the top of the list will appear first in manual searches, so it's recommended that the selected Quality be moved to the top of the list. I have my downloaded movies stored in separate folders based on quality like "2160p / 1080p" etc. -- you might want to nudge that down a bit. The end. Qualities higher in the list are more preferred even if not checked. Share insights, get tips, and stay updated with Radarr. There are many resources available to help you troubleshoot and help the community help you. Thrash's guide should walk you through it. People tend to use this for multiple editions, fan cuts, etc. Am I seeing this wrong? Source More Topics. In this example, we will merge the following qualities: Bluray-720p; Bluray-1080p; WEBDL/WEBRip-1080p; To merge them you need to We already have the UI since the tab itself says "Files" not "File" and has more than enough space to display multiple versions. Especially since you have 3D vs. I am not sure if this is possible but I figured I'd bring it up. Code; Issues 417; Pull requests 33; Actions; Projects 0; Filtering queue by multiple qualities' #10647. For me that means different qualities (to avoid transcoding) and directors cuts etc. Please review this comment and you can likely have your problem solved without needing to wait for a human. That way it doesn't notice the delete, just that the movie changes. I have mixed media of many qualities, so I’m curious. @Qstick has done some in There are two main things that happen RadarrSync looks for at profile X on server 1 and add all movies it finds to server 2 with profile X. Likely would still be under files. But, even this doesn’t work so well, because it ends up downloading Welcome to /r/Radarr – the central hub for Radarr enthusiasts. video Part of the problem is that sonarr and radarr aren’t really built to handle multiple qualities of the same item. Rajackar opened this issue Nov 5, 2018 · 4 comments Labels. video Radarr, AFAIK, can’t handle multiple qualities of the same movie so you can’t have a 4k AND 720p/1080p of the same movie. Go to your preferred Quality Profile or create a new one. 4k and 1080p? I'd like to maintain a 1080p version where I do have a 4k version of a movie and it makes a lot more sense to either maintain my existing version or download a new one rather than transcoding or optimising - bandwidth and storage are a lot more expendable than CPU power. video Members Online • uncleiven . I cannot see to figure it out if can. Have Radarr keep its one copy, and anything else you want grab manually and keep where Radarr can't see it. Query. Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings; Fork 990; Star 10. So just preferring smaller sizes is very hard and I would ignore that goal. video You can adjust the acceptable sizes for the different qualities in Radarr / Radarr Public. Steps To Reproduce. Only checked qualities are wanted. I understand the reasoning for a BR-DISK quality being a 1:1 mapping - However my thought process was more and more movies are released in multiple versions that have very different qualities (and codecs). It is possible to run multiple instances of Radarr. Each instance of Radarr needs it's own directory, you can't use a shared directory. I hope my Radarr is more than a drop in the pond (No doubt), but TMDB fills the pond, which includes many sites, services, and pieces of software from around the web. Others have mentioned Radarr sync as an alternative but the simplest is the docker way. This is typically done when one wants a 4K and 1080p copy of a movie. I was getting lots of false-positives, Radarr downloading inferior quality rips, so I was having to manually go through the RecyclingBin a lot over the past few weeks. Same Move, multiple qualities . If you want multiple, you need a second instance, and you need a completely separate root folder for those files. This is the most common one, and is useful for having different qualities of media. Remux because it is the best match for my quality profile. Depends if you are going to have multiple versions/qualities of the same movie (>1 instance needed), or if you just wish to specify a quality per movie then In Buildarr, quality profiles are defined using a dictonary structure. The Plex Media Server is smart software that makes playing Movies, TV Shows and other media on your The reason I had to use two separate instances of Radarr on two computers was because of a post processing script that I run on everything Radarr dl's. I don’t think radarr has a way internally to do this but asking to see how others may have handled this. I just want Welcome to /r/Radarr – the central hub for Radarr enthusiasts. Edit Groups - Some qualities are grouped together to reduce the size of the list as well grouping like releases. There's no way to not The only solution is to run multiple instances of radarr where the 1080p files are in one directory seen by one instance of radarr, and the 4k files are in a separate directory seen by another instance of radarr. Automated downloads: Radarr can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new movies and connects with BitTorrent or Usenet clients to automatically download. So BluRay-1080p: (0-10gb) differentiating between varying qualities of releases within a quality definition is not easily done. It can be a Qualities higher in the list are more preferred even if not checked. Yeah, neither Sonarr nor Radarr support having more than one file for an episode / movie. But the rest of what you want to do isn't that hard and should mostly be profile changes. but bedroom TV is 1080p. Only checked qualities are wanted Run multiple instances. For a few movies I would like to keep a 1080P version and a 4K Version. Indexer Flags can be used for multiple things in Radarr. Reply reply Downloading random qualities via radarr . Bluray. Same quality title for multiple download qualities #3156. The platform provides content from multiple major movie studious including Walt Disney Studios, Universal Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox, Warner Inability to specify more than one quality definition for a particular resolution and type combo. Like u/Dc_awyeah says, you probably want them in different libraries in Plex anyway, otherwise your streamers may pick I'm looking to setup 3 folders with different qualities for each (Poor Quality, Movies and HD Movies, ideally i'd like to have Radarr just grab the first available copy of a new release (cam, Merge the Qualities. . The quality levels listed in the qualities attribute are the qualities to enable, and are prioritised from first to last (top to bottom). Current Logic. For questions and comments about the Plex Media Server. Describe the solution you'd like. Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly. Introduction. Remux is the easy part, just edit your profile and To prefer score over quality, you combine all the qualities you want into a single quality group. It will always pick the better one and delete the worse. FromThatOtherPlace. When I download the 4K version the 1080 deletes and vice versa. Is there a way you can have the same movie but with different Radarr / Radarr Public. Radarr will nicely use the quality titel set in the quality settings but it will Option 1: This option is best used if you want a 1:1 copy of your Radarr/Sonarr instances as it'll sync everything. Welcome to /r/Radarr – the central hub for Radarr enthusiasts. Here, you will see the current logic to understand how the possible downloads are compared. Read lots of threads on quality settings, but have a question. 3k. jellyfin has the merge plugin is there an equivalent or different way of doing it? want to keep things separate file wise. And, as others have noted, I would recommend you disable the following Radarr is brimming with social intelligence. Sometimes it downloads a movie in Spanish + English with quality Bluray-1080p (usually due to issues with the naming in Spanish trackers). There is a Wikipedia link on the interwebs you can check to see the naming conventi Welcome to /r/Radarr – the central hub for Radarr enthusiasts. This is why it's recommended to merge multiple versions/qualities into 1 group . #4218. Couldn't Radarr just pull the release type from the Keep Multiple Qualities using Sonarr/Radarr . There is a external program that syncs up the versions with each other called Radarr Sync Project Proteus, which involves having multiple profiles (aka multiple qualities) for a movie, is done, right? At least there is no "To-Do" anymore. If you want to tag movies that have DV, that will be manual or outside of Radarr scripting, as Radarr has no way to filter for the properties of a movie file - only filtering on the movie itself. Members Online • Few_Fly968. Code; Issues 350; Pull requests 32; Actions; Projects 0; Security; Insights New issue Have a question about this project? Qualities are used more than once in profile. I have also read all the comments as One single Radarr cannot handle multiple movie qualities. Then run another instance of the image in Docker, point to different folder, and start it up. Radarr already pulls tracker specific information for a release from private trackers such as GP, freeleech, halfleech, approved torrent, etc. C:\ProgramData\Radarr\bin\Radarr. That way they're all valued equally, and so Radarr moves on to the next factor: Custom format score. This quick fix won't allow for multiple Bluray-1080p since they'd have the same file name. Expected Behavior. On server 1 you modify profile X so that it downloads the max quality you want on server 1 (ex, you modify the Ultra-hd profile to only download 1080p). servarr bot opened this issue Nov 4, 2024 · 0 comments Labels. 2k. In Radarr, these are called Indexer Flags and you can do some cool stuff with them. For official support, check our Discord and GitHub channels available at: https://radarr. In the other CMD window, issue the command. Go into Radarr settings and change the port. you'll have to group your qualities together I'm experiencing an issue with Radarr that I'm unable to determine whether it's a bug or a misunderstanding on my part. My instances are 720p low bitrate, 1080p low bitrate, 1080p remux, and 4k remux. Code; Issues 378; Pull requests 34; Actions; Projects 0; Security; Ideally, there could be multiple size limits per quality definition. Option 2: This option is best used if you only want to have a subset of your library Movies/TV Shows as One might want to watch the same video on both devices at different times or to collect the highest quality for one device but have a supporting format for playback on another. Recently I switched monitoring on for everything, after about 3-4 years of using Radarr from CP. Just trying to get things to the best quality possible. 720p and 1080p low bitrate have about 15k movies in each. 4k. Notifications Fork 935; Star 9k. g. Radarr will nicely use the quality titel set in the quality settings but it will only allow each title to be used once. Concept: warning notice when qualities overlap in a potentially destructive, non-intuitive, or undesirable way. When you do this, you can also add a custom format to prefer certain qualities over others, but not score it as high as the multi-language formats. Readarr Welcome to /r/Radarr – the central hub for Radarr enthusiasts. It is set to only download the various 2160p qualities, nothing lower. video You can achieve this by grouping qualities together, but then those qualities are all considered the same level. Notifications Fork 954; Star 9. Radarr current logic Radarr current logic - [Click to show/hide] As Is there any way to stop Radarr from deleting a resolution I want to keep? AB#898. Reply reply For example, download a Radarr image for Docker, point it to your folders and run. I have set up custom scores and qualities for movie downloads and radarr dosen’t seems to download the highest score for the same category ( for example the category Bluray-2160p ) Result should be Radarr chooses Some. See the table below, for a list of available flags and what they signify. We need to add Bluray-1080p Remux and Bluray Qualities higher in the list are more preferred. oqfhfherebczdgrysmgfwknkvvadcfknzyldnmrzvopbcelwwgmpgdtkknipwthuoslfxdchaximucvvalweoqn