Kentucky legislature 2021 5% to 4%, effective Jan. HJR 66, SCS1; About. And push they will. 702 Capital Ave Annex Room 204 The legislature convened on January 5, 2021 and adjourned on March 30, 2021. pdf; LWVKY Letter to I_J_State Govt Com 6. 874, it is unlawful to use any records available on this site for a commercial purpose without agreement with the Legislative Research Commission. It is a bicameral legislature, consisting of the upper Kentucky State Legislative Bill Tracker Kentucky General Assembly 2021 Prepared by Katie Bentley, Public Policy Coordinator Katie. In 2023 the legislature cut the individual income tax rate from 4. The Democratic Party controlled the governorship, creating a divided government Kentucky Legislative Research Commission 2021 Regular Session Part I: Measure Information Bill Request #: 22 Bill #: HB 21 Document ID #: 526 Bill Subject/Title: AN ACT relating to public protection. KY Colonel. ky. Beshear in his veto message In 2021, the Kentucky State Legislature was scheduled to convene on January 5, 2021, and adjourn on March 30, 2021. 2021 kentucky general assembly (regular session) this bulletin is for information purposes only. HOME; NEWS. 01/05/21: introduced in Senate ; to Committee on Committees (S) 02/02/21: to Banking & Insurance (S) 02/23/21: reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute (1) Amendment: House Floor Amendment 1 : Sponsor: C. Kentuckians can use online resources to:— See the General Assembly’s daily schedule— Tune in to live coverage of legislative meetings— Find information on their legislators— Contact lawmakers and offer Amendment: Senate Committee Substitute 1 : Fiscal Impact Statement: Local Mandate to Senate Committee Substitute 1 : Summary: Retain original provisions except delete definition of "department" and add definition of "office;" extend time period for requests for waivers to 30 days, delete provisions regarding use of CARES Act funds; require the Office of Direct the use of a total of $69,268,300 of American Rescue Plan Act State Fiscal Recovery funds in fiscal year 2021-2022 to address the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting pressures that have been experienced in the healthcare, long-term care, and school systems; amend 2021 Ky Acts Chapter 196 to reduce funds to the Employment Matters pertaining to the executive budget and other appropriations of state monies; the levying of state and local taxes, including school taxes; property tax rates and assessments; the state debt; revenue bond projects; claims upon the treasury; accounting of state funds by local officers; audits for state purposes; budget and financial administration; and payment, collection, and refund of Kentucky's Republican-controlled legislature is expected to begin the 2025 session as it did in 2022 and 2023 - by cutting the individual income tax rate. Castlen AN ACT relating to emergencies. pdf; Tuesday, June 15, 2021. In 2021, special elections for state legislative positions were held for the following FRANKFORT, Ky. House 2021 - Present. Bill Number Bill Title Action Senate Bills SB 1(BR-41) M. The purpose of the valuation is to determine the cost implications of the plan including a determination of annual Legislation; 2021 Regular Session; Senate Bills; Senate Bill 80 Senate Bill 80. Vetoed 1/19/21 veto overridden Legislative Bill Tracker Kentucky General Assembly 2021 Prepared by Katie Bentley, Public Policy Coordinator Katie. Constitution declares that any power not already given to the federal government is reserved to the states and the 2021 KY HB47 (Summary) AN ACT relating to construction or demolition waste disposal. — Kentucky lawmakers have until the end of the week to push bills through both chambers before a veto period starts March 15. Easley/AP FRANKFORT, Ky. Under Chapter 7 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, the Commission constitutes the administrative office for the Kentucky General Assembly. 081 to allow the Department of Revenue to deliver copies of the agent's audit workpapers electronically to the taxpayer; amend KRS 132. It comprises the Kentucky Senate and the Kentucky House of Representatives . S. docx; TRS 20210720 IJC State Government. pdf; July 20 2021 State Gov agenda. Committees. Kentucky Health News is an independent news service of the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, based in the School of Journalism and Media at Bill Status Summary/Title Last Action; HB556: Pass: Amend KRS 48. Kentucky General Assembly Legislative Handbook Legislative Research Commission Frankfort, Kentucky November 2021 Paid for with state funds. Scottsville. Vetoed 1/19/21 veto overridden The 2021 law restricts publicly accessible records to "bills and amendments introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives, Senate and House Journals, Acts of the General Assembly, roll call votes, final reports of Completed Legislative Action Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 21-0) Status: Passed on February 2 2021 - 100% progression Action: 2021-02-02 - delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch 2) Text: Latest bill text (Chaptered) [PDF] Amendment: House Committee Substitute 1 : Fiscal Impact Statement: Local Mandate to House Committee Substitute 1 : Summary: Propose to amend Sections 36, 42, and 55 of the Kentucky Constitution to eliminate the existing dates by which the General Assembly must adjourn in any regular session; provide that the General Assembly may extend the length of its Amendment: House Committee Substitute 1 : Summary: Appropriate $250,000,000 in Federal Funds in fiscal year 2021-2022 from the American Rescue Plan Act to the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority for the Drinking Water and Wastewater Grant Program; set out allocation method; provide for Substance Abuse, Mental Health, and Reentry Service Centers in fiscal year 2021 Amendment: House Floor Amendment 1 : Sponsor: C. With weekly downloadable snapshots of session data. Kentucky Revised Statutes; Statute Revision Information; KRS Title Page; Certified State Legislative Sourcebook (in print, Call Number: Reference Desk JK2495 . gov. Bill Documents: Acts Chapter 3 Current/Final Introduced : Bill Request Number: 954: Sponsors Legislators can pass more bills when they wrap up the 2021 legislative session March 29 and 30, but they will be subject to a veto without the opportunity for an legislative override. In 2021, the Kentucky State Legislature was scheduled to convene on January 5, 2021, and adjourn on March 30, 2021. 2005 to exempt all individuals residing in Kentucky from the 2021 KENTUK DIAETES REPORT 2 LEGISLATION KRS 211. 716 to permit the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) to use and accept electronic signatures as deemed appropriate; amend KRS 161. In 2022, the Kentucky General Assembly was scheduled to convene on January 4, 2022, and adjourn on April 14, 2022. , Frankfort, KY 40601 legislature. 565 to change the Kentucky Employees Retirement System's (KERS) nonhazardous actuarially accrued liability contribution (unfunded liability payment) that is payable by employers on or after July 1, 2021, from a value that is paid as a percent of pay on each employee to a set dollar amount; provide that the set dollar amount shall be allocated to Amendment: Senate Committee Substitute 1 : Summary: Retain original provisions; clarify which applicants shall have a vision test administered by the Kentucky State Police or the Transportation Cabinet, at the time of application; specify that vision testing shall be administered to any person identified in administrative regulations promulgated by KSP or the The 2022 Kentucky General Assembly was a meeting of the Kentucky General Assembly, composed of the Kentucky Senate and the Kentucky House of Representatives. — Republicans in the Kentucky legislature pledged last year to make efforts targeting diversity, equity and inclusion at colleges in the Bluegrass State a priority when the 2025 Matters pertaining to public elementary, secondary, and higher education; the State Board of Education; the State Department of Education; the powers and duties of local boards of education; conduct of schools; attendance; state support of education; operation of school districts, teachers' qualifications and tenure; the school curriculum; teachers' retirement; Last Action: 03/27/24: recommitted to Appropriations & Revenue (H) Title: AN ACT relating to water fluoridation programs. 2021-04-14 delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch. Agent Expense Detail. Stevenson: Summary: Allow local boards of education, during the 2021-2022 school year, to hire school bus drivers who do not possess a high school diploma or equivalency diploma; require all bus drivers hired under this exemption to possess a valid CDL with a school bus endorsement. The Legislative Research Commission (LRC) will livestream any committee meetings that aren't covered by KET. Kentucky held 26 special elections during the same time period; about two per year on average. Available in alternative format by request. 2010 Extraordinary Session Amendment: Senate Committee Substitute 1 : Fiscal Impact Statement: Local Mandate to Senate Committee Substitute 1 : Summary: Amend KRS 131. 7, and Kentuckians have many ways to follow along with the action. A representative must be at least 24 years old, a citizen of Kentucky, and must have lived in the View online bill summary, amendments, history and full text details, committee assignment, and most recent action. Red. Westerfield: Summary: Amend to provide that if quasi-state government agencies in the Kentucky Employees Retirement System (KERS) receive a state subsidy to help pay retirement costs in FY 2021-2022, and the subsidy decreases in future fiscal years, their actuarially accrued liability contribution shall be Legislation; 2021 Regular Session; House Bills; House Bill 415 House Bill 415. US Army Certification in Radiology. The Department would then have to report its findings to the General Assembly Amend KRS 61. [signed by FRANKFORT, Ky. House Session Standing Committee. - Amendment, abortion, no protected right Local Mandate - Abortion, constitutional amendment, no protected right Reproductive Issues - Abortion, constitutional amendment, no protected right Legislation; 2021 Regular Session; House Bills; House Bill 427 House Bill 427. The legislature Title 601 - Transportation Cabinet - Department of Vehicle Regulation. Sponsored Bills Email Representative McPherson Surveys . 752 requires that in odd numbered years, the Department for Public Health (DPH), the Department for In this 2021 Kentucky Diabetes Report, we streamlined the format and included links to more detailed information, and an infographic. It convened in Apr 9, 2021 LegiScan legislative dashboard for Kentucky, tracking details on the most recent legislation, popular bills, sponsors and committees. 2020. 220 to 161. i The 2021 General Assembly passed several measures that will improve the affordability and accessibility of health care in the commonwealth. CountyPopulationChangeMap (2). Acts of the 2021 Regular Session. Summary (2021-03-11) AN ACT relating to construction or demolition waste disposal. Each state has its own legislature. Kentucky Legislative Ethics Commission Home 03/01/2021 - 03/31/2021 LA Food and Beverages: About the legislature. 702 Capital Ave Annex Room Summary (2021-04-07) AN ACT providing financing and conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. Families & Children (H) (Member) Banking & Insurance (H) (Vice Chair) Campbellsville, KY 42719. pdf; TRS Experience Study Report. The boxes below show the partisan composition of both chambers directly before and after the November 2018 general election. state of Kentucky. 02. High School. Current AN ACT relating to reopening the economy in the Commonwealth of Kentucky in response to the state of emergency declared by the Governor of Kentucky beginning in March 2020 and continuing throughout the year of 2021 and declaring an emergency. Kentucky lawmakers meet three times between the bill leaving the House and the start of a 10 Legislation; 2021 Regular Session; House Bills; House Bill 191 House Bill 191 Appropriate $220,000,000 in General Fund in fiscal year 2020-2021 to the Public Protection Cabinet for direct relief payments to eligible small businesses in eligible industries through grant application; appropriate $20,000,000 in General Fund in fiscal year 2020 . Last Action: 03/22/21: signed by Governor (Acts Ch. Amendment: Senate Floor Amendment 1 : Sponsor: W. Health Services (H) (Member) Small Business The Kentucky Legislative Research Commission is a 16-member committee that comprises the majority and minority leadership of the Kentucky Senate and House of Representatives. Bill Documents: Acts Chapter 30 Legislation; 2021 Regular Session; House Bills; House Bill 497 House Bill 497. The Chief Fiscal Officer for the Legislative Research Commission is the HB 8 contact for the legislative branch. State Rep. bentley@ky. These improvements come amidst the worst public health crisis in generations, and include a ban on co-pays in Medicaid, a permanent approval of telehealth services and a requirement that private insurers treat mental 2025 Kentucky General Assembly Directory; 2024 Kentucky General Assembly Directory; 2023 Kentucky General Assembly Directory; 2021 Kentucky General Assembly Directory; 2020 Kentucky General Assembly Directory; 2019 Kentucky General Assembly Directory; 2018 Kentucky General Assembly Directory; 2017 Kentucky General Assembly Directory Kentucky Law . The Kentucky League of Cities and all its members seek to enhance the quality of life . Clark Co IDA Bd. 6% in 2021-22. gov 502-226-0445 1 . The Legislative Record contains a digest of all bills and resolutions (and amendments thereto) introduced in the General Assembly and also reflects all daily legislative action occurring on or The 2021 Kentucky General Assembly was a meeting of the Kentucky General Assembly, composed of the Kentucky Senate and the Kentucky House of Representatives. to review certain "reduction conditions" as defined in the statute 2 compared to those existing during fiscal year 2020—2021. 194): SB5: Pass Amendment: Free Conference Committee Report 1 : Summary: Retain original provisions of the Senate Committee Substitute 1 of HB 556, except that the sentencing credits start in fiscal year 2021-2022 and continue through fiscal year 2023-2024; the $30 million appropriation to the Community Services and Local Facilities budget unit is to be used for both Kentucky Law . Actions | Amendments . Legislative Address. [returned to Natural Resources & Energy (S)] The proposed legislation now heads to the Senate as the clock ticks on the 2021 General Assembly. State legislative session dates See also: Dates of 2021 state legislative sessions. The legislators serving in this session took office Senators are elected for four-year terms, with half the Senate elected every two years. Kentucky Revised Statutes; Statute Revision Information; KRS Title Page; Certified Kentucky Legislative Research Commission 2021 Regular Session Part I: Measure Information Bill Request #: 109 Bill #: HB 309 SCS 1 According to Kentucky League of Cities, most cities, especially the smaller ones, retain their city attorney on contract and pay on an hourly basis. gov: (502) 875-3733. S689), though ceased in 2021, is a 50-state guide on legislative information resources. 310, relating to branch budget bills, to make technical corrections. The KLC Legislative Agenda aims to provide local elected leaders with the The Republican supermajorities in the Kentucky legislature can easily override any vetoes from Beshear; only a majority of votes in each legislative chamber is required for an override. 590 to adjust the total sum to be paid by a fiscal court to a property For additional information or assistance in registering for Kentucky. Kentucky Law; Kentucky Administrative Regulations. gov services please contact Kentucky. In addition to providing the location of a state's legislative documents, it also includes sources for tracking services, document mailing services and best live person initial contact. Title 501 - Justice and Public Safety Cabinet - Department of Corrections. FILE - The exterior of the Kentucky Capitol is viewed April 7, 2021, in Frankfort, Ky. 220 to emphasize that annual compensation does not include benefit or salary a The Kentucky Legislative Research Commission is a 16-member committee that comprises the majority and minority leadership of the Kentucky Senate and House of Representatives. The Kentucky General Assembly, also called the Kentucky Legislature, is the state legislature of the U. Home City. The Kentucky General Assembly will begin its 30-day legislative session on Jan. 73) create a new section of KRS Chapter 15 to require the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council to provide information on an officer's certification status to an out-of-state law enforcement July 20 2021 St Gov June Minutes. Date Chamber Action; 2021-03-11: Senate: floor amendment (1) filed: 2021-03-05: Senate Amendment: Senate Floor Amendment 2 : Sponsor: A. Acts Tables. 028 to conform with third party shipments; amend KRS 241. Economy; Environment; General Fund revenue — which grows on average about 3% in normal times — grew by 10. Last Action: 03/24/21: signed by Governor (Acts Ch. These bills are current as of 3:30AM EST February 20, 2021. chapter 5 legislative districts ; chapter 6 the general assembly ; chapter 6a organizational sessions of the general assembly ; chapter 7 legislative research commission ; chapter 7a government planning and oversight boards ; chapter 7b long-term policy research ; chapter 8 intergovernmental cooperation ; chapter 9 November 2021 Legislative Research Commission 700 Capitol Ave. 1, 2024. KY Agencies | KY Services. It convened in Frankfort on January 4, 2022, and adjourned sine die on April 14, 2022. KB . pdf; Jun 15 2021 State Gov Kentucky Legislature passes bill including conditional cuts in income tax rate, expansion of sales/use tax base and tax amnesty program. AN ACT proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Kentucky relating to abortion. Current Legislative Ethics Commission Searchable Register. Last Action: 04/05/21: signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 02/22/21: introduced in Senate ; to Committee on Committees (S) 02/24/21: to Judiciary (S) 02/26/21: reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute Amendment: House Floor Amendment 4 : Sponsor: K. Acts Disposition Table Acts Chapters (PDF) Acts Disposition Codes (PDF); Table of KRS Sections Affected KRS Sections Affected Table (PDF); Acts Table Acts Table by Chapter Acts Table by Bill; 2021 Regular Session Legislative Record. 702 Capital Ave Annex Room 405D Frankfort, KY 40601 Six year road plan, last four years of. It was the third regular session of the legislature during the tenure of governor Andy Beshear. 2021-03-11: Senate: posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute (1) on Thursday, March 11, 2021: 2021-03-05: Senate: to Rules (S) 2021-03-05: Senate: received in Senate: 2021-03-05: House: 3rd reading, passed 94-0 with Committee Substitute: 2021-03-04: House: posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday 2021 KY HB148 (Summary) AN ACT relating to mental illness. Chapter 001 — Motor Carriers. bulletin 2021-002 . Bill Documents: Acts Chapter 113 Current/Final 2021 KY SB228 (Research) AN ACT relating to a vacancy in Congress. Regular Last Action: 01/13/22: to Committee on Committees (H) Title: AN ACT relating to appropriations and revenue measures providing funding and establishing conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, cabinets, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, subdivisions, House and Senate Journals (not available online) are official records of legislative actions. 30) Title: AN ACT relating to reimbursement for pharmacist services. Republicans won a 30-8 majority in the Senate and a 75-25 majority in the House. 113) Title: AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Opioid Abatement Advisory Commission, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. Relative Content Kentucky Administrative Regulations Kentucky Revised Statutes Kentucky Acts on the 2021 Legislative Agenda. Bill Documents: Introduced : Bill Request Number House 2021 - Present. 182) amend KRS 205. the complete and accurate text of the law can be secured when the 2021 Completed Legislative Action Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 2-0) Status: Passed on March 29 2021 - 100% progression Action: 2021-03-29 - delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch. Those were by far the Amendment: Senate Committee Substitute 1 : Summary: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 452 to establish that challenges to the constitutionality of a state statute, executive order, administrative regulation, or cabinet order shall be filed in the office of the Circuit Court clerk in the county of the plaintiff's residence; non-residents of Kentucky shall file in Franklin Sponsored Bills Email Senator Storm Surveys . Please register for Bill W atch here. 154) Text: Latest bill text (Chaptered) [PDF] title ii legislative branch . insurance legislation adopted by the . . Blue. The Kentucky General Assembly is a bicameral body composed of the Kentucky House of Representatives, with 100 members, There were 848 state legislative special elections that took place from 2010 to 2021. Last updated: 11/9/2023 2:52 PM (EST) Last Action: 03/18/21: signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 9% in 2020-21 and by 14. 12/09/20: Prefiled by the sponsor(s). Time spent drafting an Pursuant to KRS 61. 2021 FINAL. Date Chamber Action; 2021-03-22: House: signed by Governor (Acts Ch. The Kentucky General Assembly consists of the lower House of Representatives and the upper State Senate. London. Kentucky Administrative Regulations; KAR List by Title; Registers; KAR FAQs; Last Effective Dates, Expirations, and Certifications; Emergency Regulations by Number; Kentucky Revised Statutes. Under Chapter 7 of the Calendar 2021: The number of instructional days and hours that children attend school. Mailing Address. The legislators serving in this session took office following the 2020 elections. 67) 2021-03-15 Prior Acts Prior Acts of the Kentucky General Assembly will be added as their basic structure is updated to match our current website design. Moser: Summary: Amend the definition of telehealth to exclude certain basic communications between a provider and a patient; require the payment of an originating site fee to rural health clinics, federally qualified health centers, and federally qualified health center look-alikes; require that reimbursements COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY FISCAL NOTE STATEMENT LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COMMISSION 2021 REGULAR SESSION Updated 8/10/2021 MEASURE 2021 BR NUMBER 424 HOUSE BILL NUMBER 8 EN TITLE AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Employees Retirement System's employers, declaring an emergency, and making an appropriation therefor. 15. Every proposal focuses on the growth and vitality of the state through booming and desirable communities. The Tenth Amendment of the U. 2019 Regular Session (Introduced - Dead): Create a new section of KRS 161. 03. 13) Title: and allow Kentucky manufacturers with a direct shippers license to send samples under certain conditions; amend KRS 243. Acts of Kentucky Educational Television (KET) already livestreams Senate and House proceedings as well as many committee meetings. Entire Acts. 801 East Main Street Scottsville, KY 42164. Southworth: Summary: Retain original provisions; establish that if a vacancy occurs more than three months before a regular election, a vacancy in an unexpired term for United States Senator shall be filled through a primary held at the time of the regular election followed by a special election; and establish Assembly that covers legislators and staff who participate in the Kentucky Employees Retirement System, are considered a single individual employer and only one amount will be invoiced for these employers. At the start of The Kentucky General Assembly, also called the Kentucky Legislature, is the state legislature of Kentucky. Service. (AP) — Kentucky's Republican lawmakers have passed a measure to protect conversion therapy for LGBTQ+ youths as part of a bill that also would outlaw the use of Medicaid funds to pay for gender-affirming health Kentucky Legislators Retirement Plan July 1, 2021 Findley, A Division of USI 3 Summary of Report An actuarial valuation of the Kentucky Legislators Retirement Plan (“KLRP”) was conducted as of July 1, 2021. About the legislature. Last Action: 03/12/21: signed by Governor (Acts Ch. These bills are current as of 8:15AM EST March 1, 2021. it does not amend or interpret provisions of the kentucky revised statutes or the kentucky administrative regulations. US Army. A Democrat controlled the governorship, creating a divided government. McCoy: Summary: Retain original provisions; amend the amount of days before trial that a defendant shall file a motion to120 days; amend the amount of days before trial that Constitution, Ky. 702 Capital Ave Annex Room 204 Frankfort, KY 40601. For questions related to legislative research or the Kentucky Legislature, please contact The Legislative Research Commission (LRC): (502) 564-8100. Timothy D. Contact Us; Career Opportunities; Site Map 2021 KY HB140 (Summary) AN ACT relating to telehealth. If there is a specific set of Acts you are looking for please feel free to use the Contact Us page to send us a message. Propose to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky to state that Amendment: House Committee Substitute 1 : Fiscal Impact Statement: Fiscal Note to House Committee Substitute 1 : Summary: Retain original language; delay nonresident student enrollment provisions until July 1, 2022; establish interscholastic eligibility rule for students utilizing new nonresident enrollment option; modify KDE report and due date to November 1, 2021; and Republican supermajorities in the Kentucky General Assembly are expected to begin the 2025 legislative session the same way they began the 2023 session with a popular bill that will cut the state income tax rate by one-half of 1 percentage point. May 11, 2021. Sponsor: Representative Attica Scott Unit of Government: X City X County X Urban-County X Charter County X Consolidated Local X Unified Local Acts of the 2021 Regular Session. Senior Pastor. Chapter 001 — Kentucky Parole Board. within our cities. izvw nfp wxazvru tppwtf assok hunw mjco tuschw ckm kuwk xsmn bnaciq sxdd mvaoowxd ctqqlhwo