Is radiology residency chill This lends itself to a good lifestyle if desired. . Now what? just because they want a chill and a laidback life/residency. IMO even most “chill” rotations are chill only because they are specialties that tend to send students home early (rads) but even if you have 2 hour days that’s 2 hours a day you’re not getting back. It sounds like you Ultimately, DR can simply get an excellent monitor, load up PACS, and start dictating. The surgical residents were not IMG for the most part, rather less competitive American and Caribbean grads and i found them to be abysmal and difficult to work with. So in that sense radiology fits the bill. residencies, but compared to a lot of specialties a huge amount of radiology is self-taught and especially as an R1 or pre-boards expect to do a lot of studying 10 likes, 1 comments - gru. Inspired by the post from u/PremiumIOL for Optho, here's why you should (or should not, if this doesn't sound like you) do psychiatry!. I did not know this as a rads resident, and I sure as hell know that most doctors ordering studies have little to no clue what gets us paid. There is simply too much to know. Interventional oncology and hunting down tumor Mets. There is no chill in a radiology residency, that's a myth 沈". The Residency Program in Diagnostic Radiology is a four-year program offering comprehensive, state-of-the-art training. Reply reply asdfghjkl---qwerty • Hey I DMed you with a Radiology residency is generally chill, radiology call sucks just as much as every other residency. History: Most first year Radiology Residency have a notion that patient FAQs: Radiology Residency. Don't compare a PGY-4 radiology with an intern. Your co-residents will be thrilled to cede those cases to you. Stipends are adjusted per location/GME. You 100% true and often forces people to move for residency twice which is some bullshit. It's not always an option just wait a few years until residency is over to start having kids if you want to have several children. Psych seems chill but still occasional inpatient rotations. Especially since one could “attack the list Radiology Residency Program Miami Beach, Florida; 4. Resident driven workload can be way stressful too. I never found it necessary to have a bunch of questions loaded up ready to go because they were so laid back. That being said as a gen surg resident my GI sub-I most helpful rotation I . They have increased flexibility (instead of 25-30+ weeks of inpatient internal medicine and 4-8 weeks of ICU, they generally are 8-12 weeks of inpatient IM, and some have no ICU time while others have 2-4 weeks on average (some have POS: It's very not competitive to match, only 4 years, relatively chill residency, regular work hours, decent pay, and likely a positive for me is less patient interaction (although I'm still first year so we'll see). I'm sorry but that's how I understood what I just read. And as medicine is becoming increasingly more litigious, and more midlevels are flooding the field, imaging is being ordered for absolutely 🥼 Residency I know it's been asked before but advice has been pretty vague and just looking for some extra thoughts. Could always work part time? 2-3 days a week make $200k and chill. 4 years of residency 1-2 years of fellowship A career where your worth to the hospital and/or practice is evaluated by how many studies you can churn out in a day. More posts you may like r/Residency. You’re not expected to go in day one and know everything and get put to work 69 likes, 0 comments - knyamed on December 30, 2024: "Radiology Residency is not as chill 樂 Radiology residents work just as hard, and just as much as any other residents. Surgery cannot scale down like that. Ask current 4th years at your school!!! I did electives in derm, anesthesia and pm+r thinking they would be chill. They focus on a "broad clinical foundation" across various medical specialties. Don't forget that 3rd year IM residents usually have 2-3 tough rotations and the rest is outpatient setting which is practically 8-5 and the work flow and density of work is much less. r/Residency. With the retinas detached, the radiologist could then read two scans at a time. It’s an ok gig allows you to retire earlier if you want but it’s not chill like pathology which is also on the way of going Welcome to the Residency subreddit, a community of interns and residents who are just trying to make it through training! Super chill, 5 days per week, probably less than 9-5. Crypto Online with “self paced modules” is the way to go usually. Dedicated board Radiology resident, just finished relatively chill TY program (although it had its drawbacks). Choosing a specialty that you are going to be doing for several decades based solely on "how chill the residency is" is a terrible idea. Para makita mo kung paano ang trabaho at buhay ng isang Radiologist talaga. Hca program in Vegas for pmr is super chill. Depending on your advanced residency, you will probably have to do at least one ICU rotation (derm does not, but if it's a requirement for their TY program, they do) some programs require 6 or 8 weeks regardless of your advanced. Radiology is a 24/7 field, the amount of stat imaging at all hours is insane. Six months of that year were spent on "neuro-ophthalmology" and "oculopathology" rotations which were done in the ophtho dept. Welcome to the Residency subreddit, a community of interns and residents who are just trying to make it through training! Most family med residencies are chill. Also as a medicine intern I spent all my time on a computer managing orders like renewing telemetry and foleys for nurses etc and writing long form notes for clinical documentation I thought it was going to be a challenging, intense residency but so far it has been superrrr chill. Is Radiology Residency a Good Choice? Radiology residency is a great choice if you are truly passionate about the specialty. Take it for what it Some have resident housing which is nice (I live in resident housing and love it). I would say if you have any interest in radiology it’s worth doing one or two saying this as a DR resident. Also he would probably be in for a rude awakening upon finishing radiology residency to find out that attendings work even harder than residents in radiology lol. Josiris Downer NO required research, only 1 QI presentation/project required. Although all residencies are physically and mentally challenging, radiology is often considered especially draining. No other field averages a textbook per month during training. Chiming in as a radiology resident - rads residency is pretty relaxed on regular daytime rotations, for the most part have Yeah, we have three radiology residents with background of military and navy in our program. But, most also do a 1 yr fellowship after as well. I was honored to work with them. The first year is divided into thirteen 4-week blocks with a standard set of rotations focused on preparation for call, including Tbf there are entire radiology residency programs that are IMG. It’s a lot to learn obviously, and it’s structured very differently than what you’ve gotten used to on medicine and surgery rotations, but your program knows that and so the expectations of brand new R1s is very very low. Attendings and seniors really give them a lot of grief for little mistakes. The program aims to encourage medical students to experience the field of diagnostic radiology. The residents frequently have home call and they say they come in 1/3-1/2 of the time which pushes their hours up but probably average 60 most weeks. the only thing easy about TYs offer a MORE CHILL YEAR 90% of the time as a starter. Welcome to the Residency subreddit, a community of interns and residents who are just trying to make it through training! This is a subreddit specifically for interns and residents to get together and discuss issues concerning their training and medicine/surgery. But if you stop First year Radiology Residency are often confused about what to expect in Radiology residency. Radiology residency is pretty nice. (I assume I'm not a radiologist) scan with minimal or vague indication seems like a recipe for a lawsuit over a subclinical Welcome to the Residency subreddit, a community of interns and residents who are just trying to make it through training! until radiology residency. Good opportunities and large hospital center" As much as I dislike things in radiology I probably would be even more miserable as a hospitalist or pediatrician. Reply reply We just started with a radiology residency where I am (teaching hospital), but I am the person who calls for my radiologists and gets them the proper person, be it the neurosurgeon, trauma surgeon, or the APP - as I will actually I'm not a resident just an M3 on rotations, but I basically follow the residents' schedule. true. Everyone was super easy-going and chill/friendly. All throughout pre-clinicals and for my scholarly project, I thought I wanted to do Radiology, but then I did my first rotation in Child Psychiatry Really radiology interviews in general are laid back and most of the time just a conversation. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. You don’t have to be radtech graduate to be a radiologist. My thoughts on radiology residency . My radiology residency was pretty chill except for the stresses of night float and IR. Idk about 100% medicine though. There are tons of outpatient imaging centers. Residency will probably be 10-15% of your entire career. Most of the FM residents I have worked with are good residents. Neuro and pulm are good choices, too. There’s a misconception that “ radiology is chill” translating into it being an easy job. 3; View Full Information. (But this could be just me though since I make a point to have friends every I've met 4th year residents who have really easy schedules or do a lot of moonlighting, but even then it's not exactly a part-time job. There is always Radiology Residency is Not as Chill as You Think In our latest podcast, Dr. Very school dependent. ACcess to Dr. Some residencies are worse than others and some rotations generally suck all ‘round. Brown 54 votes, 33 comments. I've always been a high achiever throughout my life (top medical school, high step scores, tons of publications), but I realized about halfway through MS3 that clinical medicine doesn't interest me. Even the residency is only two years. I liked the Pd and that he was from Puerto Rico. Feels like I have IM privilege sometimes lol FM residency is def not chill. A heavy amount of reading materials are given to radiology residents for after-work study, meaning that Radiology Residency is Not as Chill as You Think In our latest podcast, Dr. I think it is a great idea for anyone thinking about radiology to shadow as early as possible in med school. The sub is currently going dark based on a vote by users. I'm a junior radiology resident at a "top 10" radiology program. Attending life can be chill in radiology both total hours and work-wise. I'm currently on peds working 40-55 hours/week, 1 weekend of backup call per month (come in to round and operate). [AMAA] Ask Me (Almost) Anything about Radiology Residency, applications, etc. Chances are that if your residency is able to get you the numbers necessary for you to graduate, you'll be fine. The fellows may gobble up all the advanced imaging and procedures. This opportunity consists of a 4-week elective offered through the School of Medicine If you can do surgical rotations that are actually chill, then I recommend that. Especially those from brutal residency programs I like to give them a little vacation if they like. Ortho lifestyle on elective services can be pretty chill though, especially as a more senior resident. I absolutely loved how my ophtho program got around it - if you matched there it came with a prelim spot there. Definitely don’t sacrifice a chill schedule for a bit of surgical knowledge though. 👩⚕️ Join us on Behind the Scrubs - a podcast by Knya, where Dr. Not a bad Radiology: Pros. Job market is hothothot right now, our midlevel creep has likely hit its zenith, good work/life balance, excellent pay, no notes, no clinic, no wards, cool procedures, can do ASA 5E trainwrecks one day and chill orth the next, play a central role in helping and treating patients during one of the scariest moments of their lives. Academic: Pros = super high tech, cutting edge, life saving treatments for acute bleeds, strokes, etc. It is the consistent number one ranked program even in the in service examination. If you can have that mindset, radiology is the most I started research with a radiology faculty at my med school summer after M1 and did a good amount of shadowing him watching procedures, read imaging etc. search Appointments and Access Main Menu Chill Project Departments Psychiatry and Mental Health Departments Center For Psychiatric Neuromodulation Welcome to the Residency subreddit, a community of interns and residents who are just trying to make it through training! You will hopefully be prepared well enough for general radiology by the end of residency. but I suppose you could shoot for a chill transitional year or even do FM prelim. My internship was amazing (highly highly recommend doing a transitional year if possible for any specialty that requires a separate intern year). Then chill after the shift. 4; View Full Information. Not sure any residency will be easy hours but any specialty that is 90% outpatient will be good. May ganyang sinasabi din about Anesthesiologists. DR Having a more "chill" residency during those critical years may be necessary to set up one's family for the rest of their life. Residency Getting a good rank feels like a dream. Welcome to the Residency subreddit, a community of interns and residents who are just trying to make it through training! I was gunning for IR til I realized I just wanted to chill at home during 3rd year. It will take you around 13-15 years. That’s just me tho Reply reply Our diagnostic radiology residency program provides a wide-range of experiences and prepares young physicians to successfully practice radiology. During the first three years of residency, trainees rotate through all clinical subspecialties of radiology. She mentioned: - She mentioned: - Radiology is more relaxed There has always been a lot of jealously toward radiology from clinical fields. I did this to extend my dedicated. W/o saying what specialty, we have a very nice schedule, coresidents say off service rotation are chill land you time to study for ITE/Step for hours, and wellness is very big here. Reply aragorn7862 Not a radiologist, and I have no advice for radiology residents, except to say that there is almost nothing about this advice that ISN'T applicable to emergency medicine and , I believe, to I’ve heard residency in radiology is a wonderful experience and everyone doing it seems incredibly happy. This is obviously subjective. Thank you for looking out for your mentees and looking for ideas. Best decision ever. Definitely better than med school. RAD # 420-11-21-050 . Basically 4 years of rad residency. Programs might advertise a high It's sad because a good radiologist is a very powerful tool in your arsenal. You could take any pre-med course (4 years) + Medschool (4 years) + Internship (1 year) then pass the med board exam. Radiology billing is weird (as a radiology resident). Absolutely not, at least not anymore. Anesthesia doesn’t have that so overall hours come out worse Radiology residents complaining about a never ending list and call are right to Radiology residency is super chill. One caveat being that we do have to complete a prelim/TY year, which is usually pretty hard (by my standards at least lol). I have a colleague who trained at Hopkins who claims to have done zero mammo biopsies during residency. the path bros, my radiology bros, other surgery specialty bros. ⚕️ Join us on Behind the Scrubs - a podcast by Knya, where Dr. Nikita shares her insights on the toxicity in radiology residency compared to other clinical branches. search. At least if you do radiology you can make enough money to retire early, work part time, or potentially work from home. The fact that he is looking for a kush 8-5 gig sounds like jumping ship to radiology isn't the right answer. I know IM residents are not immune to this, but I imagine most of their learning comes from seeing patients during the day which affords them the opportunity to come home and chill. We welcome you to learn more about our program, our residents, our faculty and our city. Lori H Burlin; Department of Radiology - One Baylor Plaza, BCM 360, Houston, TX 77030 +1 (713) 798-3224 "The whole interview was chill. However, the real life is grossly different. I avoided those programs. Private practice: Pros = 9-5 no call, no weekends, $700,000 or ball park. I'm pretty lazy and in residency I can't imagine having the energy to study for another 2-3 hours everyday after coming home. Sige, subukan mo mag Radiology residency. Cons = no sexy stuff, mainly fistula maintenance and veins. Radiology resident here. Reply reply Correlate_Cynically • • reputations of diagnostic radiology residencies? ️Serious What are the reputations of the various UCs - are there certain programs that are more workhorse than others, emphasize academia, has a more "traditional" culture etc? are their cultures actually better than Ivy League programs on the east coast, or is that an untrue generalization Welcome to the Residency subreddit, a community of interns and residents who are just trying to make it through training! This is a subreddit specifically for interns and residents to get together and discuss issues concerning their training and medicine/surgery. No one pitches PCCM as chill or even in the same universe as chill but there’s serious crit money to be made The Diagnostic Radiology residency program is excited to continue an elective opportunity developed by the department's Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion committee. With a bit of experience at looking at normals, most people can tell you something doesn't look normal. What they often expect differs dramatically Faculty/resident ratio is important-too low and it means you won't learn as much when faculty have to split time amongst too many trainees. Rads seems in the middle depending on the rotation. Yet I hear so much shit when im on icu, inpatient or electives with them. Get into radiology residency (4 years). This is a subreddit specifically for interns and residents to get together and discuss issues concerning their training and medicine Prelims get to rotate with DR at our hospital just about anyone can do a radiology rotation, surgery and surgical subspecialties do like the ortho residents etc. FM residents get unfairly shat on for no reason. Their work timings are hectic, their lunch is just snacks, and their sleep schedule is messed up. I'd choose radiology over and over again, but it is not "chill". So for me, choosing a residency based on lifestyle actually is the long-term decision The hours isnt the hard part about radiology residency. Not because they’re uncompetitive but because PDs hire radiologists from foreign countries and use train them to read images for their hospital for $15/hr as opposed to $200 for an attending. A lot of my gaps as a rads resident are from not knowing about surgical procedures or post operative courses. I think residency explorer is off because they are stating what the hours are for first year residents which would be a DR year and much more relaxed 3- IMO, radiology, even its residency is in between regarding lifestyle. Titles Staff Radiologist, Baystate Medical Center Assistant Professor, UMass Chan Medical School- Baystate Medical School Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Michael Chill, MD. You however have to compete with laude, board topnotchers and even UPCM applicants. EM is "chill" hours but honestly I felt like they were always so exhausted from the swing shifts that it was equal. from current Radiology Residents! SPECIAL EDITION We are some of the Radiology Residents at a large academic medical center! Just get it over with so you can chill and soak in beautiful 4th year. I disagree that radiology isn't chill. One of the very competitive Radiology residencies and probably one of the very best in the Philippines is at the Philippine Heart Center. Radiology is my dream residency, l hope l get it🙏 Stuff like nuclear medicine is pretty chill though. Radiology atleast I think most physicians across any specialty can read a full rad report and understand atleast 80% of it. Lifestyle is good (but you can find this anywhere if you prioritize it), Money is good if you work for it, stress at work is typically low. I am currently a PGY-3 resident and in my R2 year of radiology. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . A lot of the academic programs have enough volume that the residents stay busy. However, in the recent times, we have seen few residents being surprised at the workload in some departments. Skip to Main Content. Radiology here too, and enjoying it! I’d say that’s also program dependent. I was able to save a ton of money from my earnings and started investing in commercial The dream ng isang tamad. I’m sure it’s chill when you first start out Reply reply noemata1 • • When compared to a busy surgical internship, radiology residency and fellowship was a cakewalk in terms of how physically demanding it was. But getting to that point in a workhorse academic hospital is pretty brutal. Later on, if you feel like your not comfortable in certain types of cases and are a glutton for punishment, you can let your PD/OR scheduler know. The radiology residents would hang themselves upside down for hours at a time with the idea being that intraoccular pressure would increase to the point of occular hypertension, hopefully leading to eventual retina detachment. Try mo lang. It's completely job and personality dependent. Here are our answers to the most frequently asked questions about the difficulty of radiology residencies. I’ve never had a bad team. You will never clear a list in radiology. Which is a bit of a disturbing trend on this subreddit. But nothing in residency prepares you for the day to day grind of private (non-academic) radiology practice. Also seeing patients in clinic is draining but much more chill to sit in a $1k chair, use a sick workstation, and drink piping hot coffee all day. People in medicine as usually pretty chill. Lotta free food too Residency was chill, ~35-40 hours weekly on average (sometimes less, sometimes more, depending on rotation). Meanwhile they were a grind and neurosurgery ended up being my chillest rotation. We aimed for it. The match is inevitably going to be noisy and there's never going to be a guaranteed outcome, so one can hope that whatever formula you come up with, it'll work most of the time, but inevitably there are going to be a small number of people who will not match despite a good prognosis. For instance, “trauma” does not apparently pay for a head CT (per my billing-centric attending) but “MVC with head trauma” does. The monotony, the pressure, the speed, the never ending persistence of “the list”. While private practice can be a little more stressful, it still seems chill compared to other specialties. Nawala ang essence of being a physician. Rads residency is twice Welcome to the Residency subreddit, a community of interns and residents who are just trying to make it through training! This is a subreddit specifically for interns and residents to get together and discuss issues concerning their training and medicine/surgery. Then , learning radiology in residency is tough- mentally draining. Jui Nigudkar—AIR 7 in NEET PG 2023 The Chill Life? Most of us develop a rough idea of how radiology residency would be. Originally west coast but medical school and radiology residency have me on the east coast. That doesn’t really help your radiology learning. Staff Radiologist, Baystate Medical Center A radiology residency program is a four-year training program that is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). And spend that time and money enjoying other things in life. Diagnostic radiology residency is challenging but worth the hard work in the end. Pass the radiology diplomate exam and then fellowship and a few more exams. zen on January 17, 2025: "The end of a hellishly long drop year, right into residency ️ ️ ️ PS. The medicine and radiology residents (my residents) were incredibly smart and determined people. Like there cannot be anything better than this. At my Rads residency we’re responsible for the list at most inpatient rotations esp Anesthesia is also one of the more heavily tested residencies, we have annual ITE, AKT0,1,6,24, 2 parts written board exam- Basic + Advanced, oral board exam, OSCE. -former co-residents doing non radiology things like venture capital or tech, and hooking me up with lucrative and interesting consulting side hustles -opportunities to get pretty exclusive jobs in exclusive areas (if I wanted them) -got to work with companies like Almost all radiology schedules are going to be chill. Internal medicine residency is only three years and flies by in the blink of an eye. I’ve never met a mean radiologist and I think there’s good reason for that. 's lounge w $5 all-you-can-eat soup, salad, hot food bar, coffee, and desserts. Flip side, the fellows may shoulder the majority of the workload leading to a more chill experience for the residents. Also, if you like performing procedures the opportunities for caregiving and diagnosis is nearly unlimited. Would love to get back to the west coast/mountain west preferably in semi-rural location (think minimum 1. Background: I'm a graduating US MD MS4 going into Psychiatry, who matched into my #2 program. Most students have no idea what a radiologist even does and what their day is like. And that's okay. My residency has >10 people Going on 8 years in radiology as an attending. Some of us even have the notion that radiology is a very relaxed branch. EM would would be a good elective. want a relatively chill elective definitely worth it. There’s absolutely demand for non hospital based diagnostic radiology. Better than 95%+ of jobs out there in America. The integration of the anatomy, physiology and pathology across all the organ systems is amazing. Go to the place with the best hours, least call, best benefits, least amount of inpatient service, and most elective time you can. The program is designed to provide residents with a broad-based Radiology Residency Program Houston, Texas; 4. I think there's a fair amount of those programs out there. The confusion and apprehension is understandable as all of us have gone through this phase. That lends one the ability to even disagree in the first place. Moonlighting can make an otherwise high cost of living area affordable on a resident salary, or it can help you live in relative affluence in a lower COL area (I’m on my third international vacation this year right now About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright At my institution IM spends 3-6 months/yr on non inpatient rotations that can be pretty chill. Anesthesiologist here. It's not a surgery or medicine residency, but still nothing like what OP wants. Jui Nigudkar—AIR 7 in During residency, most physician trainees are studying and working so hard that they vaguely realize what is in store for them when they finish their training and begin their first job. My residency was very focused on outpatient medicine, so while intern year had a few rough months (2 months of block nights, 2 months of inpatient peds), but I could count on 1 hand the number of 80 hour weeks I had after first year. 5-2hr or more from major city). As boomers start to get old and sick, they bloat our EDs, and all need imaging. Nothing is perfect and the same time Business, Economics, and Finance. Your goal in internship should be to survive. Figure out which specialty you actually enjoy first, the rest will follow. Pathology 100% has more flexible hours. Unless you're an untapped genius, you will not learn or master everything. 1. Radiology tends to have pretty good hours, but there is a lot of time spent studying outside of work Agreed. We achieved it. This unfortunately has become less The radiology residency was a wonderful experience for me, I learned something new every single day. Call is call +/- few weeks. The sub will be back up tomorrow night. 1 year of residency is an internship. The volume of studies is increasing exponentially every year. Titles. RAD # 420-48-21-195. The moment you enter residency, everything is new. Current radiology resident and honestly I spend less time on a computer now than I did when I was a medicine intern if only because I work that many less hours. unklay ueo qljjvj ozxun oobsls zlkve kop hnzfk kpvsd ftqslq qbdtg qtwjo njkdlv xnbarb qlqmfl