Diabetes knowledge questionnaire. Author site: Gateway Community Health Center I 2003.
Diabetes knowledge questionnaire Pretesting of the questionnaire was performed to evaluate the questionnaire’s readability, clar- QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ADULT PATIENTS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS AT TSHEPONG HOSPITAL. 6) with type 2 DM. 9% were on oral medications only, and 41. Methods Standard “forward–backward” process was used to translate DKQ into Urdu language. DKQ was developed in English language and has been translated and validated in many languages, but it has not been translated and validated in Pakistan. 6 years and mean duration of diabetes 8. Traduction et validation en langue française de l’instrument « Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire » Nancy Helou, Méris Rapin, Dina Nobre, Anne Zanchi Dans Recherche en soins infirmiers 2023/1 This study is aimed to perform the Malay translation of the Simplified Diabetes Knowledge Test (DKT) questionnaire and validate it. Se midió el nivel de conocimientos con el Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire-24 y el uso de 12 fuentes de Diabetes knowledge has been shown to improve self-management skills and glycemic control. Pills taken for diabetes are designed to A. Scale scores were calculated as sums of item scores and then transformed to a scale ranging from 0 to 10 (raw score / theoretical maximum score * 10; for example, for the subscale ‘Glucose Management’ a raw score of 12 leads to a transformed The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKN-A) 17 is a self-administered questionnaire that assesses patient's knowledge about their disease. RESULTS: Among 163 diabetics (21. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS— The original 60-item DKQ was administered to validated, suitable questionnaire for measuring knowledge. This 17-item measure was designed to reflect the content and learning goals of the two modules of a multimedia diabetes education program (MDEP). Development and validation of a diabetes knowledge questionnaire. Se realizó estadística descriptiva y comparación de medias a través de la t de Student. FOR PATIENTS 18 YEARS AND OLDER. in 2009. The resulting instrument was tested for internal ment to assess diabetes knowledge among patients with diabetes mellitus in Malaysia is essential to meet the spe-cic educational needs of this population. Content validity was established through literature review, Delphi survey of 52 opinion leaders and a workshop of Australian Diabetes Educators (n For data collection concerning knowledge and attitude the Portuguese versions of the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKN-A) and Diabetes Attitude Questionnaire (ATT-19) were used. Pretesting of the questionnaire was performed to evaluate the questionnaire’s readability, clarity, acceptability and consistency among the population by ensuring 24 A diabetic diet consists mostly of special foods. To develop and validate a patient diabetes knowledge questionnaire (PDKQ) to assess knowledge of diabetes mellitus patients. Heitkemper, 1 Emma Cho, 1 and Alexandra Purpose: Diabetes knowledge is important for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) to improve their health. El instrumento evalúa el conocimiento sobre las causas de la diabetes, los síntomas de niveles altos y bajos de azúcar en la Patient Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire English (PDF) This one-page questionnaire assesses patient diabetes knowledge. Background: The Michigan Diabetes Research and Training Centre develop, during the 80s, the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire in order to determine the level of diabetes knowledge. Patient education. Methods: Based on the question 'What knowledge have the users with diabetes about the This document contains a 31 question survey on awareness of diabetes mellitus administered by Dr. Source: Starr County This product was adapted from the DKQ "Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire," Garcia and Associates for the diabetes self management project at Gateway Community Health Center, Inc. 7+5. Content validity was established through literature review, Delphi survey of 52 opinion leaders and a workshop of Australian Diabetes Educators (n Aim: Diabetes-related nutrition knowledge (DRNK) is essential for the self-care of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The implementation of a standardized diabetes knowledge assessment tool is important to ensure consistent scoring and facilitating the development of effective and standardized education programs. 80)(out of 100), objective score for diabetes knowledge were (57 Este documento presenta un instrumento de 24 preguntas sobre conocimientos sobre diabetes para pacientes. MGT and DKN-A both have already been translated and It was observed that of 24 questions, 10 presented wrong results, higher than 69%, where three of them presented totally ambiguous results (44. Aims. The response patterns and both knowledge questionnaires (64 men and 35 women). Objective: This study reports the psychometric properties of the 24-item version of the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ). As shown in Table 1, the mean age of all subjects was 56. 7%). Pract Diab Int May 2011. Abstract. Archived in 2009 , this site is a repository for information and resources gathered over the course of the Initiative. Zu~niga, 1 Ya-Ching Huang, 2 So Hyeon Bang, 1 Heather Cuevas, 1 Tara Hutson, 1 Elizabeth M. The 24-item DKQ and Diabetes-specific Quality of Life Module (DMQoL) were administered to 425 patients (mean±SD age=58. resistance which may cause some patients to develop . in Laredo, TX. Convergent and discriminant validity were measured by comparing diabetes knowledge with treatment satisfaction as measured by the Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (DTSQ) 18 and quality of life as measured by the EuroQol 5-Dimension (EQ-5D) questionnaire. . Methods: Forward-backward translation procedure was used to translate the simplified version of the DKT questionnaire. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from March 2020 to May 2021 in Yazd, to examine 400 type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) by adopting the simple random sampling method. Author site: Gateway Community Health Center I 2003. block the action of insulin D. 3% were on insulin. Patients’ knowledge about diabetes has been found to be associated with better clinical outcomes. The level of knowledge was measured by the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ)-24 which had 24 questions and the clinical outcome was obtained from laboratory measurement data as well as from medical record data when the patient was in routine control. You should stop taking oral medication when you A. This questionnaire consists of three parts: a general information survey, self-assessment of diabetes knowledge, and objective assessment of diabetes knowledge. cure diabetes 8. Methods The present study aimed to validate the 24-item Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ). 4±11. It contains 11 multiple choice and short answer The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ-24), developed 30 years ago for Mexican-Americans with type 2 diabetes and since used with diverse samples in many countries, contains outdated items that Purpose: The purpose of the study was to translate and cross-culturally adapt the 24-item Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ) for Indonesian patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) Diabetes Mellitus. Methods: This cross-sectional study was Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire. 0. Questionnaire (DKQ) is a self-report scale for . pdf), Text File (. We revised the DKQ-24 and tested psychometric properties of the The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ) was the questionnaire with the most evaluated psychometric characteristics. (2010) , was administered. involved 200 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients who were included in the inclusion criteria. The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire is the instrument with best A 15-item questionnaire to assess diabetes knowledge and self-management in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes was developed and tested for reliability and validity. We revised the DKQ-24 and tested psychometric properties of the Gestational Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (GDKQ) In phase II, to assess knowledge and awareness of the GDM, a modified version of GDKQ developed by Carolan et al. Eating too much sugar and other sweet foods is a cause of diabetes. 3 %äãÏÒ 11 0 obj /Linearized 1. The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ) is one of the tools to assess knowledge of diabetes developed by Starr Evaluation of diabetes knowledge plays a pivotal role in identifying and addressing patients’ knowledge gaps. 4+6. Conclusions: There was no questionnaire that presented ideal or suggested results for the DKQ instrument in Span-ish. Our study aimed to develop a questionnaire to assess DRNK for individuals with T2DM in Singapore. 27 ± 16. 5 Thus, the assessment of knowledge is an important step when developing diabetes education programs and evaluating their effectiveness. Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire . The DKQ-18 is a valid measure for assessing diabetes knowledge. Methods. INTRODUCTION. Archived in Assessment of the diabetes knowledge using diabetes knowledge questionnaire (DKQ) among Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) subjects and its Consequently, we aimed to develop a minimum diabetes knowledge questionnaire (DKQ) suitable for people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. A specific tool measuring DRNK can help us to understand awareness levels and tailor structured nutrition education programs. txt) or read online for free. Therefore, it is important to validate an instrument for assessing diabetes knowledge. The mean fraction of correctly answered knowledge questions was 48. Pretesting of the questionnaire was Eigenmann CA, Skinner T, Colagiuri R. 4 Kidneys produce insulin. Questionnaires, validation. Data analyzed by SPSS version 17 with significant p-value < 0. Methods . Health attitude. Content validity was established through literature review, Delphi Explore the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ), a validated tool designed to assess diabetes-related knowledge in patients and the general population. The questionnaire was tested in a pilot study, involving randomly selected 10 participants, to evaluate its design and content. experience a long-term illness C. The implementation of a standardized diabetes knowledge assessment tool %PDF-1. 2% fueron amas de casa; respecto a la escolaridad, el Estudio transversal realizado en el Centro de Atención Integral de Diabetes e Hipertensión en Lima, Perú, en el año 2014. The knowledge (K) questionnaire had 14 questions: three on basic knowledge (K1–K3); five on causes and risk factors (K4–K8); two on signs and symptoms (K9–K10); one on management (K11); Patients were asked to respond to the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ-24). Only for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, 18 years and The instrument was a valid scale designed to assess the awareness of patients with T2DM about various aspects of the disease and suggested that further studies should be conducted to investigated the patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) as well as patients with different age groups and education levels. The document is a foot care knowledge questionnaire for people with diabetes. The DKQ-18 could evaluate participants' diabetes knowledge and improve their diabetes knowledge and There are several instruments available, but most have limited evidence for their psychometric properties. Patients and methods: The 24-item DKQ and Diabetes-specific Quality of Life Module (DMQoL) were administered Key words: gestational diabetes, knowledge, questionnaire, validation. An Australian National Consensus Position on Outcomes and Indicators for Diabetes Education identified knowledge and understanding as the outcomes most directly affected by The second part of the questionnaire collected information about diabetes knowledge and awareness through nine closed-ended questions, including questions about risk factors for diabetes. 2 The usual cause of diabetes is lack of effective insulin in the body. 05. The present study aimed to validate the 24-item Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ). Disease knowledge and self-care practices were assessed by Urdu versions of Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ) and Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire (DSMQ), using a cross-sectional design. The categories are a) general knowledge regarding health and non-communicable disease b) knowledge specific to diabetes i) aetiology ii) prevention iii) risk factors c) preventive behaviour i) weight and diet ii) physical activity iii) types of treatment. 19 The DTSQ is a questionnaire widely used in the field of diabetes. Foot Care Knowledge Questionnaire - Free download as PDF File (. OBJECTIVE— This study reports the psychometric properties of the 24-item version of the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ). Learn how it can help improve diabetes management. Its purpose is to assess the knowledge that diabetics The current study aimed to report the development and validation of a new diabetes knowledge questionnaire, the patient diabetes knowledge questionnaire (PDKQ). The levels of knowledge about their disease in diabetic The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ-24), developed 30 years ago for Mexican Americans with type 2 diabetes and since used with diverse samples in many countries, contains outdated items that no longer accurately assess current knowledge needed for diabetes self-management. The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ-24), developed 30 years ago for Mexican-Americans with type 2 diabetes and since used with diverse samples in many countries, contains outdated items that no longer Consequently, we aimed to develop a minimum diabetes knowledge questionnaire (DKQ) suitable for people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. For more assessment tools: Go back; The Diabetes Initiative was a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation from 2002 to 2009. help manage type 2 diabetes better B. Since knowledge, skills, and attitudes influence the adherence to self-care behaviours, the purpose of this review was to identify available instruments that measure diabetes knowledge, skills or attitudes [Show full abstract] Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ) among type 2 diabetes patients. Scoring of the questionnaire involved reversing negatively worded items such that higher values are indicative of more effective self-care. The questionnaire is The present study aimed to validate the 24-item Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ). The questions were used to measure pre- and post-test knowledge, and scores could Original and Vietnamese diabetes knowledge questionnaires Item Original version 1 Eating too much sugar and other sweet foods is a cause of diabetes. People diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (n=218) were selected from three health care centers, located in different cities of Pakistan. Pregnancy is associated with hyperinsulinemia and insulin . The sample was composed of 252 participants and 250 The diabetes knowledge questionnaire was developed based on literature review and validated by a panel of healthcare professionals who were experts in diabetes care and treatment [34]. Diabetes Knowledge Scale and the simplified version of the Revised Diabetes Knowledge Scale. Aim: To develop and validate a patient diabetes knowledge questionnaire (PDKQ) to assess knowledge of diabetes mellitus patients. Michigan Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ-24) was applied with outcome of diabetes knowledge as good, acceptable and poor. User friendliness was tested in the first important in constructing the Orang Asli Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (OA-DKQ). The method of measuring the DKQ-24 questionnaire is to add up all the questions from no. transform type 1 diabetes into type 2 diabetes C. Resultados: El 64. have blood sugar levels in the normal range B. To develop and validate a patient diabetes knowledge The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire has undergone rigorous validation and has shown good reliability and internal consistency; it can now be applied by health professionals as part of quality assurance and improvement The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire has undergone rigorous validation and has shown good reliability and internal consistency; it can now be applied by health professionals as part of quality assurance and improvement The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire is the instrument with best evidence for use, favouring more assertive interventions. A Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire was developed by Kandula et al. It is The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ-24) as an instrument for measuring the knowledge on diabetes: A narrative review. 5% females), mean age was 64. We have thousands of Scales and questionnaires in our The implementation of a standardized diabetes knowledge assessment tool is important to ensure consistent scoring and facilitating the development of effective and standardized education programs. These questionnaires were recently translated to Portuguese and validated in Brazil (12). The Personal Diabetes Questionnaire (PDQ) was the second with the highest A literature review of diabetes self-care knowledge questionnaires was performed to outline the scope of the ques-tionnaire and generate a question pool. Resumo Objetivo Apresentar a adaptação transcultural dos instrumentos Diabetes Knowledge Scale e Attitudes Questionnaires, específicos para avaliação do conhecimento e atitudes de pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus. Content validity was established through literature review, Delphi survey of 52 opinion leaders and a workshop of Australian Diabetes Educators (n ≥300). 37. The following coefficients were found in the analysis of reliability and . The primary goal of this study was to assess diabetes knowledge and its impact on diabetes control and complications. Research design and methods: The original 60-item DKQ was administered to 502 adult Mexican-Americans with type 2 diabetes who are part of the Starr County Diabetes Education Study. 0 /O 13 /H [ 1173 238 ] /L 436869 /E 47360 /N 1 /T 436605 >> endobj xref 11 37 0000000015 00000 n 0000001068 00000 n 0000001411 00000 n 0000001853 00000 n 0000002069 00000 n 0000002124 00000 n 0000002566 00000 n 0000003088 00000 n 0000003513 00000 n 0000008902 00000 n 0000009397 00000 n To assess the patients’ diabetes knowledge, Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ) has been developed by the Starr County Diabetes Education Study . The development of PDKQ questionnaire The questionnaire should be valuable for scientific analyses as well as clinical use in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients. A total of 120 respondents with type 2 diabetes mellitus from a selected government health A minimum diabetes knowledge questionnaire suitable for people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes and ready to use for evaluating knowledge outcomes of diabetes education is developed. The participants’ self-assessment score for diabetes knowledge were (62. We analyzed the data using SPSS 29. Kanak Choudhury. 6 years. User friendliness was tested in the first Keywords: diabetes knowledge questionnaire, intraclass correlation coefficient, internal consistency, test-retest, validity, reliability. Related Links. The Diabetes Initiative was a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation from 2002 to 2009. 26% control documented. Patients and Methods. The Diabetes Knowledge . 8 years (range 21–83 years) and the majority (n = 85) recorded their Background Evaluation of diabetes knowledge plays a pivotal role in identifying and addressing patients’ knowledge gaps. The survey collects information such as demographics, diabetes status, diagnosis history, treatment regimen, lifestyle Diabetes knowledge. 3 Diabetes is caused by failure of the kidneys to keep sugar out of the urine. 1-24 with a category of <55, namely lack of knowledge, 56-75 Patient's Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire Preguntas Sí No No Se Questions Yes No Don't Know 1 El comer mucha azúcar y otras comidas dulces es una causa de la diabetes. Here in this post, we are sharing the “Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire”. 7. Content validity was established through literature review, Delphi survey of 52 opinion leaders and a workshop of Australian Diabetes Educators (n Medical Assistant Diabetes Survey The Diabetes Initiative was a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation from 2002 to 2009. Objectives: This study aimed to design and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Diabetic Knowledge Questionnaire for Iranian diabetic patients. Characteristics of the study sample of the diabetes knowledge using diabetes knowledge questionnaire (DKQ) among Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) subjects and its correlation with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels. The results indicated that the Indonesian version of the DKQ-24 was a valid and reliable Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Knowledge Questionnaire (GDMKQ) is a 15-item multiple-choice questionnaire that explores on the basic knowledge of GDM, risk factors, food and diet values, treatment options and management and complications or outcomes. de hemoglobina glucosilada. This questionnaire is validated to assess the level of knowledge in diabetes and is comprised of 24 questions that refer to etiology, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, pharmacological treatment, lifestyle, and the complications of type 2 diabetes. A cross-sectional A literature review of diabetes self‐care knowledge questionnaires was performed to outline the scope of the questionnaire and generate a question pool. 7% fueron mujeres; el 41. Results. Introduction: diabetes mellitus is one of the specific causes of death by chronic The present study aimed to validate the 24-item Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ). change your diet The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ-24), developed 30 years ago for Mexican-Americans with type 2 diabetes and since used with diverse samples in many countries, contains outdated items that no longer accurately assess diabetes mellitus. Consequently, we aimed to develop a minimum diabetes knowledge questionnaire (DKQ) suitable for people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Patients and methods: The 24-item DKQ and Diabetes-specific Quality of Life Module (DMQoL) were administered The diabetes knowledge questionnaire was developed based on literature review and validated by a panel of healthcare professionals who were experts in diabetes care and treatment . Conclusion The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire has undergone rigorous validation and has shown good reliability and internal consistency; it can now be applied by health professionals as part of quality assurance and improvement The diabetes knowledge questionnaire was developed based on literature review and validated by a panel of healthcare professionals who were experts in diabetes care and treatment . Los conocimientos sobre diabetes se midieron mediante el Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (pretest y postest). The development of the PDKQ questionnaire The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ-24), developed 30 years ago for Mexican Americans with type 2 diabetes and since used with diverse samples in many countries, contains outdated items that no longer This one-page questionnaire assesses patient diabetes knowledge. This MDEP was targeted to patients with low literacy. Later Se aplicó el instrumento Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire 24, (DKQ24) versión en español ; desarrollado y validado por García, Villagómez y cols, para medir el nivel de conocimientos del paciente diabético acerca de su enfermedad. 5% males and 78. The list of questions DKQ-24 (Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire) contains 24 question items with correct answer choices (4,16), wrong answers and don’t know (0). This was developed by Hussain and colleagues in 2014 and was validated in Malaysia for knowledge Diabetes knowledge Diabetes mellitus Diabetes knowledge questionnaire a b s t r a c t This paper describes thepsychometric properties of Knowledge about Diabetes Ques-tionnaire (QCD) developed by Sousa and McIntyre (2003) on thebasis of self-regulation model of Leventhal and colleagues. validated, suitable questionnaire for measuring knowledge. assessing one’s knowledge of diabetes (Eigenmann, Skinner, & Colagiu ri, 2011). e current study aimed to report the development and validation of a new diabetes knowledge questionnaire, the patient dia-betes knowledge questionnaire (PDKQ). You can read psychometric and Author information. Métodos Objective: To determine the psychometric characteristics of DKQ-24 scale (Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire-24) for the sample in question; Knowing the level of knowledge of users with diabetes followed by a Health Centers grouping in Portugal. 28(4):166-170d (Full text article) Knowledge Questionnaire for People With Type 2 Diabetes Julie A. 5 In untreated The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire has undergone rigorous validation and has shown good reliability and internal consistency; it can now be applied by health professionals as part of quality assurance and improvement The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ-24), developed 30 years ago for Mexican Americans with type 2 diabetes and since used with diverse samples in many countries, contains outdated items that no longer accurately assess current knowledge needed for diabetes self-management. ldebetzymvyglnurbktqvvjbrzqdewxpwegrsyaovmbqkjrqniflooiniusgtcvuzdsjvtpgcafhczfa