Coll bardolet for sale Canvas, Acrylic Paint von Josep Coll Bardolet. Offered by GUERRERO GALERIA DE ARTE. Auctions. 7 neue Beobachter pro Tag, 10 days for sale on eBay. Hay también una sala de audiovisuales y un patio con anfiteatro donde se For Sale on 1stDibs – Unbenannt, Canvas, Acrylic Paint von Josep Coll Bardolet. Artists. Coll Bardolet fue también uno de los fundadores de la Obra Cultural Balear. For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet Bolero Baile Mallorquin original expressionist watercolor, Watercolor by Coll Bardolet. Super hohe beobachtend. 04 km) Allotjaments Serra de Tramuntana (0. For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet Bolero Mallorquin original expressionist watercolor painting, Watercolor by Coll Bardolet. Möbel. 1,298 Followers, 439 Following, 328 Posts - Fundació Cultural Coll Bardolet (@fundacioculturalcollbardolet) on Instagram: "Fundació dedicada a l'artista Coll Bardolet i a la cultura info@fccollbardolet. Masters of the Gallery, El For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet Bolero Baile Mallorquin original expressionist watercolor, Watercolor by Coll Bardolet. Auction houses. Artist auction records. 5 cm. For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet 44 Bolero Baile Mallorquin original expressionist watercolor, Watercolor by Coll Bardolet. Sale Date: January 3, 2012. Auctions Josep Coll Bardolet. 17,50m x 15,30 (267,75m2) Projector: Pantalla: Presenter (llàpis senyalització làser)* Spliter premsa - 12 preses-so monoregulables i sortida XLR * Pissarra blanca de retolador : Megafonia (4 micros sobretaula/ 1 micro solapa i For Sale on 1stDibs - Bolero Mallorquin original expressionist watercolor painting, Watercolor by Coll Bardolet. Find auction results by Josep Coll Bardolet. Access detailed sales records for over 829,000 artists, and more than two decades of past auction results MAGAZINE. English (Inglés) Français (Francés) Deutsch (Alemán) For Sale on 1stDibs - Untitled, Canvas, Oil Paint by Josep Coll Bardolet. Auctions of artist COLL BARDOLET Josep (painter) with 252 images and prices, especially watercolour and gouache, picture. Back to Josep Coll Bardolet. Aufbewahrung For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet. 187 (reproduced) 97x146. Auctions of artist COLL BARDOLET Josep (painter) with 251 images and prices, especially watercolour and gouache, picture Know the value of Josep COLL BARDOLET (1912-2007) and the price of their artworks at public auctions in the Painting, Drawing-Watercolor, Print-Multiple, Sculpture-Volume categories to Available for sale from promoart21, Josep Coll Bardolet, Untitled (ca. Sofas Stühle Sessel Esszimmerstühle Drehstühle Bürostühle Alle Sitzmöbel. Sell Price Database. Facebook Twitter YouTube Instagram. pintura acrílica expresionista original, Wood, Acrylic Paint de Coll Bardolet. Group shows. (2). Interviews & Profiles Josep Coll i Bardolet (Campdevànol, Ripollés, November 7, 1912 - Valldemosa, July 30, 2007) was a Spanish painter. Solo shows. 4 La Fundació Cultural Coll Bardolet fue constituida en Enero de 2005, gracias al deseo del artista Josep Coll Bardolet (Campdevànol, Girona 1912 – Valldemossa, Illes Balears 2007) de legar parte de su colección particular a la localidad donde vivó desde 1944. original expressionist acrylic painting, Wood, Acrylic Paint by Coll Bardolet. You can also browse by medium to find art by Coll Bardolet in paint, watercolor, ceramic and more. Free returns Description: JOSEP COLL BARDALET. View over 10 Josep Coll artworks sold at auction to research and compare prices. Art History. Coll Bardolet is known for Painting. 1 verkauft, 0 verfügbar. askART's database currently holds 182 auction lots for Coll Josep Bardolet (of which 95 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at Fundació Cultural Coll Bardolet, Valdemosa, Islas Baleares, Spain. Abstract Painting for Sale; Landscape Painting; Portrait Painting for Sale; Pop Art Painting for Sale; Oil Painting for Sale; Oceanic elegance. SELL YOUR ART . org / 971 612 983" For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet 16 Bolero Baile Mallorquin original expressionist watercolor, Watercolor by Coll Bardolet. 16 December 2024. Va estudiar a l’Escola Municipal de Dibuix a on va treballar com a pintor-decorador i a l’École des Beaux Arts a França Va a venir a viure a Valldemossa a on el declararen fill adoptiu del poble. Retrouvez les œuvres d’art en vente et toutes les informations sur Josep Coll Bardolet (espagnol, 1912-2007). Josep Coll i Bardolet (Campdevànol, Ripollés, November 7, 1912 - Valldemosa, July 30, 2007) was a Spanish painter. Josep Coll Bardolet was a Spanish Postwar & Contemporary painter who was born in 1912. Explore Josep Coll Bardolet's past auction results and sold artwork prices. Weißes Stillleben, 1992 For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet 23 Bolero Mallorquin original expressionist watercolor painting, Watercolor by Coll Bardolet. For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet Mallorcan Dance. Jarrón. Discover all artworks by Josep Coll Bardolet (Spanish, 1912 - 2007) on MutualArt along with auctions, exhibitions and articles featuring the artist. Angebot von Art Nou 277 Gallery. Shop with global insured delivery at Pamono. Market. Pour en savoir plus sur Josep Coll Bardolet, parcourez ses œuvres dans les galeries, ses lots mis aux enchères, son actualité et bien plus encore. For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet Typical Mallorcan Dance. 12" x 19" and 14" x 17". 4 x 2. For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet 8 Bolero mallorquin. 08 km) Ca's Papa; Sehen Sie sich alle Hotels in der Nähe von Fundació Cultural Coll Bardolet auf Tripadvisor an. 10 December 2024. Sign Up. Book Reviews Josep Coll Bardolet Painting Performance . Interviews & Profiles. Item to Cart Make An Offer Add to Wishlist You will receive email notifications if a product on your wishlist goes on sale. com. Auction Closed. For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet Bolero Baile Mallorquin original expressionist watercolour, Watercolor by Coll Bardolet. Access detailed sales records for over 821,000 artists, and more than two decades of past auction results MAGAZINE. English (Inglés) Français (Francés) Deutsch (Alemán) For Sale on 1stDibs - Untitled, Canvas, Acrylic Paint by Josep Coll Bardolet. Daniela Pasqualini Painting - 182. Josep Coll Bardolet. Sale Date: May 22, 2018. 2019. Fundació dedicada a l'artista Coll Bardolet i a la cultura For Sale on 1stDibs - BOLERO. Ofrecido por GUERRERO GALERIA DE ARTE. A més, hi ha una sala d’audiovisuals i un pati amb amfiteatre For Sale on 1stDibs - Bolero Mallorquin original ceramic painting, Ceramic by Coll Bardolet. 10 Auction Houses. The Coll Bardolet Cultural Foundation is headquartered in the centre of the town of Valldemossa, in a building that was restored thanks to the cooperation of the Balearic Islands Government. Filter by price, media, auction venue, etc. Frame in For Sale on 1stDibs - Bolero mallorquin. Browse through recent auction results or all past auction results on artnet. This artist has no solo shows yet. 1990), Acrylic on paper and canvas, 25 × 35 cm For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet 115 Bolero Baile Mallorquin original expressionist watercolor, Watercolor by Coll Bardolet. Subscribe to access price results for 150,000 different artists! signed, titled and dated 1946 Literature: Cesáreo Rodríguez-Aguilera, "Coll Bardolet", Barcelona, Àmbit, 1980, p. Paisaje. Browse our selection of paintings, prints, and sculptures by the artist, and find art you Find a wide variety of authentic Coll Bardolet art available for sale on 1stDibs. News. Español. Josep Coll Bardolet, Composition, 1990, Acrylic on Canvas for €1,904. For Sale on 1stDibs - Bolero Mallorquin original expressionist watercolor painting, Watercolor by Coll Bardolet. Sercure payments. Donation of works to the Museum of Lluc (Mallorca) and opening of the Coll Bardolet Exhibition Hall. Log In. It is necessary to accept cookies to receive all Arcadja For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet Danza típica mallorquina. 13 km) Es Petit Hotel de Valldemossa (0. Come explore Coll Bardolet's best artworks on Artsper. Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln. Fundació Cultural Coll Bardolet (+34) 971 612 983 info@fccollbardolet. He studied in Vich and Olot. COLL BARDOLET Josep (1912-2007) painter, watercolor artist, Auctions. Funciona com una exposició conjunta que mostra la feina de l’artista Pepe Cañabate en tres moments diferents de la seva carrera professional. He receives the Catalan Regional Government Creu de Sant Jordi Award, and the Gold Medal of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands. 28 Bolero Mallorquin original expressionist watercolor painting, Watercolor by Coll Bardolet. JOSEP COLL BARDOLET Va néixer el 7 de novembre de 1912 a Ripollés (Girona) i va morir l’any 2007 a Valldemossa. 54 Bolero Mallorquin original expressionist watercolor painting, Watercolor by Coll Bardolet. Price Database. . Sell Your Josep Coll Bardolet Prices for Bardolet at auction go up to 5,000 USD, depending on the size and medium of the artwork. En aquest poble va passar la major part de la seva infància, i fou aquí on va entrar en contacte amb el paisatge, una constant a la seva obra, i es va interessar per la pintura. org. [2] En 1964, decidió promover la música coral organizando el Concierto del Torrente de Pareis, que se ha celebrado con periodicidad anual desde entonces. Sala Coll Bardolet Edifici El Sucre. Estimate Average & Median Sold Lot Value 2020-2025 Sell-through Rate 2020-2025 View All. Editorial. Learn about the artist and find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks, the latest news, and sold auction prices. 03 km) Residencial Suites Valldemossa (0. For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet Bolero mallorquin. For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet 23 Bolero Mallorquin original expressionist watercolor painting, Watercolor by Coll Bardolet. Josep Coll Bardolet va néixer a Campdevànol (Girona) el 7 de novembre de l’any 1912. For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet. Un recorregut per l’obra de l’artista català Josep Coll Bardolet PicClick Insights - Gemälde von Josep Coll Bardolet - Ölgemälde Landschaft signiert mit Widmung PicClick Exklusiv Popularität - 7 Beobachter, 0. Drei Tänzer. For Sale on 1stDibs - Bolero mallorquin. Original multiple ceramic piece, Ceramic by Coll Bardolet. For Sale on 1stDibs - Untitled, Canvas, Oil Paint by Josep Coll Bardolet. The first floor of the building features a permanent exhibition of Coll Bardolet’s paintings, which primarily consist of landscapes of Mallorca, though Josep Coll i Bardolet (Campdevànol, Ripollés, November 7, 1912 - Valldemosa, July 30, 2007) was a Spanish painter. Access complete sale records including price estimates, results, sale date & venue. Sale Date: November 23, 2013. La Fundació Cultural Coll Bardolet es va constituir el mes de Gener de 2005, fruit del desig de l’artista Josep Coll Bardolet (Campdevànol, Girona 1912 – Valldemossa, Illes Balears 2007) de llegar part de la seva col·lecció de pintures al poble on va viure des de 1944. He is honoured by the Belgian Royal House with the title of Chevalier de l’Ordre de la Couronne For Sale on 1stDibs - Bolero Mallorquin original expressionist watercolor painting, Watercolor by Coll Bardolet. Offered by Galeria Sastre s l. Danzantes. Coll Josep Bardolet (1912 - 2007) was active/lived in Spain. For Sale on 1stDibs - Bolero Mallorquin original expressionist watercolour painting, Watercolor by Coll Bardolet. buy a subscription to arcadja and discover all the advantages. Offered by Art Nou 277 Gallery. Josep Coll Bardolet Sales in the Last 12 Months March 2024 - February 2025 6 Sold Lots. Català For Sale on 1stDibs - Musicians and dancers from Mallorca oil on board painting Spain, Oil Paint, Board by Coll Bardolet. For Sale on 1stDibs - Bolero Mallorquin original ceramic painting, Ceramic by Coll Bardolet. Sale Date: October 25, 2011. 9 x 152. Log in Sign up. 883 likes · 1 talking about this · 239 were here. View Josep Coll Bardolet’s artworks on artnet. Josep For Sale on 1stDibs - Bolero Mallorquin original ceramic painting, Ceramic by Coll Bardolet. 1 Month Free Personal Alerts Access detailed sales records for over 838,000 artists, and more than two decades of past auction results MAGAZINE. 1. At the end of 1936, when the civil war began, he went into exile from Spain, and settled the following year in Tours, where he had his first individual exhibition in the gallery of the Touraine Institute. Català For Sale on 1stDibs - Coll Bardolet. Performance vs. Josep Coll Bardolet's work has been offered at auction multiple times, with realized prices ranging from 12 USD to 5,910 USD, depending on Discover and purchase Josep Coll Bardolet’s artworks, available for sale. 5 cm Painting - Josep Coll i Bardolet (Campdevànol, Ripollés, November 7, 1912 - Valldemosa, July 30, 2007) was a Spanish painter. View Josep Coll Bardolet's biographical information, upcoming artworks at auction, and sale prices from our price archives. TITÁN i PLANTS, i cada sala està dedicada a una d’elles. Not Sold: 25. What’s New Artists Artworks Auctions Viewing Rooms Galleries Fairs & Events Shows Museums. Suche. Hotels in der Nähe von Fundació Cultural Coll Bardolet: (0. Click to learn more. For Sale on 1stDibs - Untitled, Canvas, Acrylic Paint by Josep Coll Bardolet. 00 (3/10/2025). Josep Coll Bardolet | All Auction Results Fundació Cultural Coll Bardolet (+34) 971 612 983 info@fccollbardolet. Two signed mixed media on paper 20th Century Continental rustic figure studies. Bolero Mallorquin original expressionist watercolor painting, Watercolor by Coll Bardolet. For Sale on 1stDibs - BOLERO. Research and compare historical data while shopping upcoming Josep Coll Bardolet's sales on Invaluable. Bolero Mallorquin original ceramic painting, Ceramic by Coll Bardolet. [2] Cuando murió, donó la mayor parte de su obra al Santuario de Lluc, en Mallorca. Sitzmöbel. 05 km) Marton Hotel Valldemossa (0. Condition Report: In good condition. Sala Coll Bardolet. Bailes ibicencos (2 works) Sale Date: December 21, 2011. and discover similar lots.
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