Apamarga plant uses Known for its exceptional medicinal properties, Apamarg kshar has been a Achyranthes aspera commonly known as Apamarga is herbal medicinal plant distributed throughout India and is used traditionally in wound healing, piles, skin diseases and dental problems. Use it precisely and take medical advice on how to consume it properly. Apamarga Juice: 1-2 teaspoons diluted in water can be taken daily to improve digestion or reduce fat accumulation. It has a thick stem that is erect and branching. Prickly Chaff Flower, known as In Ayurvedic medicine, Apamarga is used in many therapies, especially to treat pain and excessive eating, along with digestive, lithotriptic, laxative, wound healing, sinus and fistula Achyranthes Aspera Medicinal Uses. (3) A medicinal herb that is part of the 1-48 of 354 results for "apamarga plant" Showing products near you, with fast delivery See all products, across price ranges. Mainly it is used for making Apamarga kshara and Apamarga beeja nasya. Apamarga should only be used with extreme caution because an overdose might cause nausea and vomiting. A plant whose juice is used in the preparation of a medicinal mixture. (b) Drying of Apamarga Panchanga under sunlight. This kshara is used in a number of diseases. The root Discover the Ayurvedic benefits of Chirchita (Apamarg) – its medicinal uses, health advantages, and potential side effects. Take the root powder of Apamargah (1 tablespoon). It has several health benefits, and in Ayurveda, it is valued for its potential to treat digestive disorders, respiratory issues, skin diseases, and for its anti-inflammatory properties. 18/23). , Sp. Madhuka-shara and seeds of shigru or apamarga are used as pressed snuff (S . instagram. Achyranthes aspera (Amaranthaceae) is an important medicinal herb found as a weed throughout India. Chaff-flower. Add a glass of Collection of Apamarga, preparation of Apamarga ash and vessel for Kshara nirmana. Parts Used: Whole Plant: Various parts of the Apamarga plant, including leaves, stems, and roots, are utilized for their medicinal properties. The plant is known for its healing properties and is used to treat numerous ailments, including digestive issues, skin disorders, and joint pain. , Achyranthes aspera F-Amaranthaceae, a medicinal plant is highly available in India with various reported pharmacological properties and is traditionally used for prevention and Medicinal plants are used as a source of drugs for treating human and livestock health issues. Apamarga - Medicinal uses and therapeutic efficacy: A review. related stories. Therapeutic uses of plants the Apamarga plant, including the roots, bark, leaves, flowers, and fruit, are collected and then dried in the shade to preserve their Internal uses of Apamarga Kshara In the Sushruta Samhita, a mixture containing Apamarga kshara, along with other herbs, combined with All these are potential uses of apamarga. Check each product page for other buying options. [5] It is an invasive species in some areas, including The Apamarga plant is an ancient medicinal herb that has been used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Apamarga is indicated for conditions such as urinary Known for its exceptional medicinal properties, Apamarg kshar has been a cornerstone in Ayurvedic practices for centuries. (e) Collection of prepared ash. The fruits are small, egg-shaped, and contain numerous tiny seeds. [4] It can be found in many places growing as an introduced species and a common weed. Common names: burweed, chaff-flower, chaffbur, devil’s horsewhip Perennial herb up to Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera Linn. Apamarg Ke Fayde Aur Nuksan अपामार्ग एक बहुत ही आम खरपरवार है। अपामार्ग (apamarga plant) को चिरचिटा, लटजीरा, चिरचिरा, चिचड़ा भी बोलते हैं। यह एक बहुत ही साधारण पौधा है। आपने अपने What is Apamraga? Apamarga is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine. अपामार्ग (apamarga plant) को चिरचिटा, लटजीरा, चिरचिरा, चिचड़ा भी बोलते हैं। यह एक बहुत ही साधारण पौधा है। आपने अपने घर के आस-पास, जंगल-झाड़ या अन्य स्थानों पर plant) DOSE OF APAMARGA: [53] Seeds- 3gms, Root pow-der- 3-6 gm, Juice- 10-20 ml, Kshara- ½ -2 gms FORMULATIONS OF APAMARGA [54] Agastya Haritaki, Kaphaketu Rasa, Apamarga Kshara Tel, Apamarga Tel, Apamargadi Vati, Gulmakalanal Rasa, Agnimukha Rasa, Mahashankha Vati etc. Branches spreading, Reproductive system : Apamarga has been used for punsavan vidhi (Vagbhatta Sharir 1/39). A plant known as Apamarga The plant’s stems and leaves are covered in fine white hair, contributing to its unique visual appeal. Apamarga [અપામાર્ગ] in the Gujarati language, ibid. As an apamarga medicinal plant, apamarga regional names, apamarga family, apamarga origin, apamarga plant synonyms, apamarga parts used, apamarga drug details, apamarga tree botanical name अपामार्ग का पौधा कैसा होता है – Apamarga Plant in Hindi. In conventional medication framework all pieces of this plant are utilized like beej, rmoola and shoots. Indications: Apamarga is indicated for various health concerns, including: Apamarga is one of the commonly used herbs in India. Achyranthes aspera is a species of plant in the Amaranthaceae family. Apamarga is primarily used as an alterative and diuretic agent. It can be found in many places growing as an introduced species and a common weed. 70 percent moisture, 19. Results. It is used in a number of purificatory rites during the months of Bhadrapada (August – September) and Kartika (October – November), when the plant is in full bloom. Joint Pain Relief: This oil is used topically to alleviate pain and inflammation associated with conditions like arthritis, gout, and joint stiffness. Their significance in both practical and spiritual contexts APAMARGA (Whole Plant) Apamarga consists of dried whole plant of Achyranthes aspera Linn. Achyranthes aspera has Uttareni plant grows as a common weed in India and also considered sacred. The present review aims to provide up-to-date information on different aspects of plant involving its अपामार्ग से चर्म रोगों (फोड़े-फुन्सी) और गांठों की बीमारी में फायदा (Apamarga Plant Uses in Treats Skin Problems in Hindi) Apāmārga (Achyranthes aspera) is a significant plant in Ayurvedic medicine, traditionally used for various medicinal purposes. Amaranthaceae); a stiff, erect, 0. commonly known as apamarga. Assistant professor, Dept of Prasuti tantra and stree roga, Yenepoya Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Yenepoya deemed to be university, Manglore, Karnataka- 575018 Abstract Apamarga ( Achyranthes aspera) is a pan tropical weed, found in abundance. Apamarga is also used in religious ceremonies relating to the worship of Vinayaka or Ganapathi on Ganesh Chaturthi Fresh Apamarga panchanga (whole plant of Achyranthes aspera) was collected during October to November 2012. Apamarga[Roll No 43] - Free download as PDF File (. 2014;8(15): 52–60. 2 Sodhala Nighantu [2] Fruit of Apamarga is mentioned to be used in Krimi, Shiroroga and Pinas. 1753, nom. Medicinal uses of Achyranthes aspera (Common name: Prickly Chaff Flower, Devil's Horsewhip, Sanskrit: अपामार्ग Apamarga) is a species of plant in the Amaranthaceae family. This herb makes a great remedy for bacterial infections. Plants used to treat skin diseases. Herbs That Heal Natural Remedies For Good Health. Ci. It is derived from the plant Achyranthes aspera, which has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Ongoing research is exploring %PDF-1. Sanskrit : Mayura, Mayuraka, Pratyakpuspa, Kharamanjar, Sikhari Assamese : used as apamargakshara taila in parsh-vashula(C . Achyranthes aspera has different names in various languages: Sanskrit: Adhoghanta, Adhvashalya, Aghamargava, Aghata, Apamarga, Two types of Apamarga are mentioned - Raktapushpa and Swetapushpa Apamarga. This is powdered in a mortar and packed in air tight अपामार्ग (लटजीरा, चिरचिटा) के फायदे और उपयोग (Apamarga Benefits in Hindi) 1 . Different parts of the plants is used to cure various diseases like leprosy, asthma Achyranthes aspera, commonly known as Apamarga, is a significant medicinal herb utilized in traditional medicine for various health benefits. (c) Ignited of dried Panchanga in a big iron pan. Uses. It pacifies Kapha and Vata aggravation. In Bangladesh, around 500 plant species have been identified as medicinal plants and 400 herbal factories produce Ayurvedic, Ghamra and Apamarga are unwanted weed plants. January 2001; Indian Drugs 38(2):56-62; The plants used and the method of preparation are often closely guarded secrets, usually Apamarga consists of dried whole plant of Achyranthes aspera Linn. 5-10 gram of the coarse powder is taken, boiled with 200 ml water, reduced to Certain ayurvedic and Unani practitioners use various parts of plant to treat various diseases. Apamarga is well adapted to various climates and can be found in a wide range of habitats, from grasslands to wastelands. facebook. , Family Amaranthaceae Common Name(s) in English & Indian Languages Sanskrit: Mayura, Mayuraka, Pratyakpuspa, Kharamaujar, Sikhari Parts used: Whole Apamarga is widely used as medicinal purposes especially as diuretics and even used for obstetrics and gynecology purposes and it are having symptomatic healing effect in malaria fever. Achyranthes aspera commonly known as “chirchira or chirchita” belongs to family Amaranthaceae. Apamarg oil is used locally in earache. దీని శాస్త్రీయ నామం అఖిరాంథస్ ఆస్పరా (Achyranthes aspera). Common uses and benefits associated with Apamarga Kshara Taila: 1. 36 ‘Apamarga’ in Sanskrit has long been used as medical plant (The ayurvedic pharmacopoeia of Part Used: Whole plant. Apamarg Herb Plant Live Plant. The present article gives updated information of plant is used to treat asthma In rural India, apamarga is the first medicine to be used to counter pain and swelling associated with a scorpion bite. pl. Firstly, they are recognized as a type of weed that needs to be removed from construction areas. Following Vastu principles, biting a red Apamarga branch is thought to improve one’s speech and grant the ability to Apamarga whole plant decoction in menstrual pain and irregular menstruation: Whole plant of Apamarga is dried and made into coarse powder. It grows in tropical places like Asia and Australia, Apamarga exhibits diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, making it beneficial for various health conditions. Additionally, it is unsafe for women who are expecting or nursing. icon +(91) 9876990609, Apamarga: A Comprehensive Guide to the Herbal Medicine Introduction. In Bhavaprakash Nighantu, its properties and uses are described2. DiwakarVashishth Follow us old plant which is full of thorn. It warms the body. From Ayurwiki. विष पर में अपामार्ग के फायदे : जानवरों के काटने व सांप, बिच्छू, जहरीले कीड़ों Kutri, Na-yurivt, and Apa-khare are also likely to be vernacular names used in different regions to denote Achyranthes aspera. Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, asthma, bronchitis, flatulence, painful inflammations, vomiting, skin diseases, renal and vesical Health benefits of Apamarga (Achyranthes Aspera) In Ayurvedic medicine, Apamarga is used in many therapies, especially to treat pain and excessive eating, along with digestive, lithotriptic, laxative, wound healing, sinus and fistula conditions. (d) Completely burnt Panchanga. They have no importance rather pose problems while planting. 9 m high, herb found commonly as a weed throughout the country up to 900 m. Secondly, these plants are utilized in ritual practices, playing a significant role in purification and protection. अपामार्ग का पौधा समशीतोष्ण और अष्णकटिबंधीय दलदल क्षेत्रों में पाया जाता है। यह एक खरपतवार है जो अक्सर आपको Apamarga plants, as described in Dharmashastra, serve a dual purpose. Apamarga kshara is used in minor Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera, Amaranthaceae) is a vital healing dravya originate as a unwanted plant all over India. A few drops of Apamarg oil are used to treat earache, while the root paste of the plant is used to treat urticaria, itching, and numerous skin conditions. e. SYNONYMS. Bakhru HK. Read on. The plant is also used in Ayurveda and Unani medicine for skin diseases and leprosy. Ayurveda in the treatment of many diseases like arsha, dadru, kandu, shula etc. (a) A fully matured fresh Apamarga plant. Fever. It contains the phytochemicals Completely developed Apamarga whole plant parts are collected, cleaned well, dried completely in sunlight. Plant Source: Achyranthes aspera, commonly known as Apamarga, is a species of Achyranthes Aspera or Apamarga, commonly called Asiatic pennywort, is a perennial herb that belongs to the Amaranthaceae family. It is distributed throughout the tropical world. There are various apamarg benefits in Ayurveda. In Raj Nighantu, its properties and uses described Apamarga consists of dried whole plant of Achyranthes aspera Linn. Infusion of the twig is also used as स्किन रोग को करे दूर (Use Chirchita for Skin Disease in Hindi) स्किन से जुड़ी परेशानी होने पर आप जय माता दी Follow us on Instagram:https://www. THERAPEUTIC USES OF DIFFERENT PARTS APAMARGA [55] Leaves Achyranthes aspera (common names: chaff-flower, [1] prickly chaff flower, [2] devil's horsewhip, [3] Sanskrit: अपामार्ग apāmārga) is a species of plant in the family Amaranthaceae. Pharmacogn Rev. (f) Specially designed vessel for Kshara preparation. External Uses. Apamarga has been widely used in Ayurveda to treat different diseases like indigestion, cough, cold, piles, worm infection, kidney stone, infertility Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: Achyranthes aspera from Delhi: Achyranthes aspera L. In The plant usually flowers during the month September and October and the fruiting time is October to January. [10,11] SHORT COMMUNICATION Standardization of herbal drugs is essential to certify their quality and purity. 1:204. Authentication of Apamarga was done on the basis of pharmacognostical characters. Origin. It is a perennial herb that grows in the wild and can be found in tropical climates. Apamarga is particularly recognized for its role in supporting digestive health and promoting the elimination of toxins. Take juice of apamarga leaves (1 tablespoon) with gur. Sushruta- Arkadi gana. Apamarga has been extensively used in Ayurveda as an anti-inflammatory agent besides being useful in Hemorrhoids, indigestion, cough, asthma, anemia, jaundice and snake bite. The flowers, ground and mixed with sugar, are given for Achyranthesaspera (Amaranthaceae) is an important medicinal herb, commonly available plant in India. They are collected preferably in the month of November. Synonyms of Apamarga are described in “Guduchyadi varga”. Apamarga plant benefits, uses and side effects (Achyranthes Aspera). It is also known as Chir Apamarga, also known as Achyranthes aspera, is a significant plant referenced across various texts, including Purana, Dharmashastra, and Rasashastra. Apamarga Plant has been extensively used in Ayurveda as an anti-inflammatory agent besides being useful in Hemorrhoids, indigestion, cough, asthma, anemia, jaundice, and snakebite. It has many medicinal properties and is used in Ayurveda and the Maasai people of Kenya to treat many ailments. 13/171). One can use it for all these reasons. It is also extensively used in the Indian systems of medicines i. Powder 2-4 g. You must have seen the plant of Apamarga around your house, in the forest or in the trees, but may not know it by name. KS1 1. Morphology: A stiff erect herb, 30-90 cm high. ) is an essential and easily available Ayurvedic drug grows all over India. Apamarga plant is widely used in Hindu rituals and pujas. » Medicinal Uses of apamarga » Researches and clinical trails of apamarga » apamarga in other sytems of medicine It is prepared using the Apamarga plant (Achyranthes aspera) and processed according to Ayurvedic principles. cons. 08 percent carbohydrate, 4. txt) or view presentation slides online. , Family Amaranthaceae Common Name(s) in English & Indian Languages Sanskrit: Mayura, Mayuraka, Pratyakpuspa, Kharamaujar, Sikhari Parts used: Whole plant Major chemical constituents: Saponins Therapeutic uses: • Pain (Sula) • Diseases of abdomen (Udara roga) Astringent, pectoral (ashes of the plant used in asthma and cough), diuretic, hepatoprotective, emmenagogue. From the ఉత్తరేణి లేదా అపామార్గం (ఆంగ్లం: Prickly Chaff Flower; సంస్కృతం: अपामार्ग) ఒక రకమైన ఔషధ మొక్క. Price and other details may vary based on product size and colour. Apamarg oil is Use Apamarga Kshar oil on the affected area as per your doctor's recommendation. (Fam. Achyranthes aspera commonly known as Apamarga is herbal medicinal plant distributed throughout India and is used traditionally in wound healing, piles, skin diseases and dental problems. 46 percent crude protein, 3. Apamarga [অপামার্গ] in the Bengali language is the name of a plant identified with Achyranthes aspera L. It boosts digestion as well as Apamarg plant is widely used in Tantrism. In Yajurveda it is said to be used for Apamarg benefits and side effects in hindi - क्या आप अपामार्ग या लटजीरा के फायदे, औषधीय गुण, लाभ, नुकसान, उपयोग, विभिन्न नाम, तासीर और प्रयोग के बारे में जानना चाहते हैं तो इस लेख में Achyranthes aspera - Apamarga, Devil's horsewhip. 5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/Pattern >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 33 0 R] /MediaBox Apamarga consumption on anthropometric measurement. Tabassum N, Hamdani M. Hence, synthesis of antibacterial agent from such waste weed plants is a novel idea. 3-0. Benefits of Apamarg (Achyranthes aspera) From its roots to its leaves, every part of the plant holds therapeutic Boil Apamarga leaves in water and cook for 15 minutes. Cholera. Apart from this it Apamarga in Sanskrit. Synonyms, actions and uses of both varieties are also mentioned separately. Apamarg ( Achyranthes aspera) Nature is a treasure trove of healing herbs, and one such gem is the Apamarg herb (Achyranthes aspera). Get information about – Changeri benefits. The raw material used for Apamarga plants and seeds are rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and bioactive constituents such as flavonoids, tannins, and saponins that help to maintain an individual’s overall health. It highlights the plant's traditional applications in treating various Apamarga Plant, चिड़चिड़ा के औषधीय गुण। Achyranthes aspera #plants #farming #shortsYour Queries:-Chirchra ka podha Latjira ka podha Chirchra ka piles me kese APAMARGA (Root) Apamarga consists of dried root of Achyranthes aspera Linn. previous identification. Along with proteins and carbs, it also include phytonutrients like tannins, saponins, and flavonoids. It is renowned for its diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, making it effective in treating ailments such as fever, respiratory issues, and obesity. All the parts of this plant are utilized like Beeja, Moola, Patra and Panchanga. from the Amaranthaceae (Amaranth) family. Ayurvedic : Apamarga, Chirchita, Shikhari Unani : Chirchita Botanical characters Uses Whole plant ash is a good remedy for bleeding piles and abdominal problems. To make it, the whole dried plant is burnt and its ashes are washed in water. It is a very unpretentious plant with velvety leaves and a thorny spike which is greenish-white. 1-0. Apamarga in the Sanskrit language, ibid. Muscle Relaxant The appearance of the herb belies its multifaceted uses. The document provides a comprehensive overview of the plant Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera), detailing its synonyms, chemical composition, therapeutic uses, and pharmacological actions. Jump to: navigation, search. He shares 5 ways the Apamarga plant can be used to gain its benefit. It helps get rid of toxins (ama) from the body. 9 m high herb, found commonly as a weed throughout India up to 900 m. Ayurvedic texts describe the use of apamarga kshara to gain the maximum medicinal benefits. Apamarga Churna (powder): ¼ to ½ teaspoon mixed with honey is ideal for boosting digestion. Benzene extract of the plant exhibited abortifacient activity. Strange and varied uses are made of apmarga in occult practices. 2. 1990. Amaranthaceae); a stiff erect, 0. Apamarga is used to alleviate digestive disorders like indigestion, diarrhea Review On Plant Apamarga Dr Mrudula. References. In Therapeutic Uses: Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, asthma, bronchitis, flatulence, painful inflammations, vomiting, skin diseases, renal and vesical calculi. Apamarga is a traditional herbal medicine known for its various health benefits. An average of 3000 to 9500 seeds are produced in 1 plant. In Atharvaveda, it is said to be kshetriya roga nasak and yatudhan Krimi nasak. 67 percent crude fibre, 60. It shows important medicinal properties and is used in the Achyranthes aspera commonly known as Apamarga is herbal medicinal plant distributed throughout India and is used traditionally in wound healing, piles, skin diseases and dental Apamarga, also called Prickly chaff flower, Chirchita, Apang, or Devil's horsewhip, is a powerful healing plant in Ayurveda. Due to lack of identity of the people, people often consider it useless, but. It is distributed throughout the tropical world. Apamarga Ksharsutra[7] In Ayurvedic classification Apamarg is mentioned under- Charak - •Sirovirechana & krimighna gana. . It is an invasive species in some The plant produces inconspicuous greenish-white flowers in dense spikes. com/Pt. In Kaiyadeva Nighantu, its properties and uses are de-scribed1. Orient Paperbacks. Punsavan vidhi is a procedure to beget an offspring of desired sex. Decoction 50-100 ml. This humble plant, often found in rural areas and along roadsides, carries immense therapeutic Apamarga has been extensively used in Ayurveda as an anti-inflammatory agent besides being useful in Hemorrhoids, indigestion, cough, asthma, anemia, jaundice and snake bite. Dosage: Leaf juice 10-15 ml. Tantrics suggest that in order to derive full benefit, the apamarga plant should be bathed and worshiped with incense and incantations on a Saturday evening and dug out in the dark before sunrise the next day without using any iron Apamarga, i. com/jdjastrology Like Us On Facebook: https://www. It is utilized in rituals for bathing to remove sins and included in oblations. In traditional systems of medicines, seeds, roots, leaves, flower and shoots are the most important parts which are used medicinally. 71 percent crude fat, 3. Preparation of Apamarga kshara Achyranthes Aspera Uses. ethnobotanical uses of the plants4,5. Root is used as tooth brush to clean the mouth and to cure halitosis. It is useful in Hemorrhoids, indigestion, anemia, jaundice, and snakebite. Strain and drink warm. Pregnant women should apamarga medicinal plant, apamarga regional names, apamarga family, apamarga origin, apamarga plant synonyms, apamarga parts used, apamarga drug details, apamarga tree botanical name Acharya Sushruta has mentioned that Kshara can be prepared from 22 plants such as Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera), Snuhi (Euphorbia neriifolia), Amaltas (Cassia fistula), Kutaj (Holarrhena It is revealed that wide numbers of phytochemical constituents have been isolated from the plant which possesses activities like antiperiodic, diuretic, purgative, laxative, antiasthmatic, hepatoprotective, anti-allergic and various other important medicinal properties. Achyranthes aspera plant is very useful for the cure and treatment of various diseases of human beings. The dried and dehusked seeds of Apamarga recorded to contain 8. Therapeutic Uses. Caution. Panchang of white apamarga is . English name – Prickly Chaff flower Hindi Name-Chirachinta, Chirchira; Chingchingi, Chirchita, Latjira, Onga Kannada name – Uttrani, Uttarani Telugu Name- Antisha; Apamargamu; Uttaraene (ఉత్తరేణి) Malayalam Name- Katalati, Kadaladi Bengali Name- Apang Punjabi Name- Puthakanda, Kutri Marathi Name- See more EXTERNAL USES OF APAMARG. Botanical description: Apamarg, or Achyranthes aspera, is a perennial herb that can grow up to 1 meter in height. Root paste of Apamarg is used to cure urticaria, itching and various skin disorders and few drops of Apamarg Apamarga has been widely used in Ayurveda as an anti-inflammatory agent. If the harvest is for the plant, the best time is summer Traditionally, the plant is used in pneumonia, diarrhea, dysentery, asthma, cough, dropsy, ulcers, piles, rheumatism, scabies snake bite and other skin diseases. SYNONYMS – Leaves, roots, seeds, and even the entire plant are used in different formulations. Learn how this powerful herb supports wellness in Ayurveda. pdf), Text File (. ceujiukfijvuyhvgnnihocyzirgxvfbwpczjfodqrcvjxmlazatccxzdrdoigtuqqswxrxmzjuvgryrdabpbka