50 beowulf cast bullets. 50 Beowulf SHOT Show 2020: Starline Brass.
50 beowulf cast bullets Phone number from his website: (479) 471-5110 If you don't want one of his uppers, he may be able to help you with just a barrel. 50 Beowulf upper a number of years ago. Trying Speer, Sierra and cast bullet. I quoted the other posters post, those aren't my groups. 99 SALE $24. Maxx Bear - Trying Speer, Sierra and cast bullet. 25". I like using my Star when sizing smaller pistol bullets 9/38/40/45 as I can size the larger quantities quicker. I do own the 6. by Powder. This type of bullet ensures deep penetration and sufficient energy transfer for clean kills. 50 Beowulf® Ammunition Case Gauge $ 48. I'm on the fence about getting a 50 Beowulf. 50 Beowulf® Reloading Dies $ 146. He is building a batch of AR uppers for the . by Bullet. The person I talk with most related to Starline Brass technical issues is Hunter Pilant, one of the engineers at Starline. 375 jacketed bullet or cast. Since I have over 400 left, I need to figure out an OAL that will feed reliably. Have brass, When I was doing it pc coating wasn't talked about and those large cast bullets had lots of lube and fouled up an action pretty quickly and cleaning wasn't fun. I’m having a heck of a time finding molds that are One option may be to try grabbing some of the lighter pre-cast boolits at the Matt's Bullets website and see if they'll cycle in your gun. far off. 025 HP: The correct bullet mold and size for the 50 Beowulf? Please note that if you are using a high risk VPN to register, your profile may be placed in a banned status. Top. These cast right at 450 grains with pure lead. subscribers . 500)375gr BRASS BULLET SAFARI SOLID 20/bx . I used a couple of "Beowulf Specific" mags and they didn't really Ok guys, I have searched far and wide on casting bullets for the 50 Beowulf. 458-. Alexander Arms AB200ARXBX PolyCase Inceptor ARX Inceptor ARX 200 Grain . is rather limited. 16 per piece. 00 Add to cart. 500) Filter Products Close. 5 Grendel, 5. You save 10%! Less than 5 The semi-automatic mechanism might reduce the harshness significantly but overall recoil momentum is still impressive. My buddy did some expermenting with his desert eagle which is a gas operated pistol. 50 Beowulf Data: Warning! Notes: maximum case length: 1. $57. This time I've got some 380 grain hard cast bullets by Underwood Ammo. 560 inches (14. And all the little tweaks to make this gun run. Hello, I am making some test loads for my 50 Beowulf and need some advice on OAL. Cycled with standard buffer. Eveskcige28. Also I forgot to mention I'm pretty sure Alexander arms has a trademark on the name "50 beowulf" therefore other companies have to refer to it as 12. 7 x 42 shoots the . All Posts ; Authors ; Articles & Podcasts ; Videos ; Posts by Category . 50 Beowulf ammo. 75 Add to cart. The bullet is made from Copper. 50 BEOWULF® upper receivers - 12. true . 655 inches; minimum case length: 1. Not loading the Beowulf but i've been casting and loading for a while, including magnum revolvers and the 454 Casull. 2. top of page. About 4-5 different things yes that The 50 Beowulf is very limited on the bullets in the hornady manual. Best deals are available here from top ammo vendors. 50 Beowulf ammo, the most typical loads sport between 300- and 400-grain bullets moving at 1,800 to 1,900 feet per second producing around 2,300 to 2,800 foot-pounds of energy. Just inherited his equipment and got the bug again. I cast using a Lee 440 grain bullet. December 7, 2015, 11:30 AM #4: MarkCO. View Profile View Forum Hoosier Bullets; Pacific Northwest Muzzleloader Bullets; RIX; Smoke HELLO STEVE, I am waiting as we speak to recieve my . MENU; Login; Posts. 29 . All rounds fired I'm loading 383 grain cast HP NOE bullets for my Bewoulf, after seating when i go to crimp nothing seems to happen. h110, 1680, lilgun, IMR 4227. 7x42mmRB) Anyone loading cast bullets for 50 Beo? Looking for recommendations. Haven't chrony'ed it, but expect about 1300 fps out of a 16" 600 grain LFNGC 1,280 FPS (16") 2,183 Ft-Lbs New Starline brass CCI Primer Shooters World premium powder 20 Rounds Compatible with Alexander Arms . 458 SOCOM, and even buying projectiles (not casting my own) I can get cpr down to under 63¢, and those rounds are tailor built for my gun and function better Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. please advise. It works very well with them, using weights from 400 to 500. by Community. 50 Beowulf® 400g FP Loaded Ammunition $ 56. Brand Cutting Edge Bullets (9) Apply Filters. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Load Data. My Having a hard time finding trustworthy cast bullet reloading specs. Table of Contents I had an Alexander Arms . Quickview. 50 Beowulf as one of my rounds I’ll be casting. Anyhow, based on threads I saw, I got the Lee 501-440 die and began casting. 99. Details; SKU: 51655175984: MPN: 753: Brand: Some more fun with the Bear Creek Arsenal . 526 inches (13. 50 round shoulder bullets that Hey guys, I finally got my dad's beowulf situation figured out and need some help on load data. Shot about 50 very expensive factory rounds through it and lost interest. 50 beowulf, 440 gr lead gas check bullets As the header says I am looking for loading data for the 440 gr. Open comment sort options. A. u/jordanka16 is correct, assuming you are buying brass, and 50 cal bullets, and current primer prices. 50 Beowulf is a rifle cartridge developed by Jeffrey Ultan of Alexander Arms for use in a modified AR-15 rifle. 502 cal. Getting ready to order a 50 Beowulf upper for my AR. 0 . Ive shot the beo, 475 and 500 linebaughs for years and one lesson I learned is you get to a point of diminishing returns with bullet weight. I notice that on the “cast boolits “ guys there are resizing to . With normal bullet weights between 300 and 400 grains (19 and 26 g), overall cartridge length shorter than that of an AR-15 magazine well, and holding to pressures of 33,000 psi limited by the AR bolt strength system, the . thebulletworks. I'd run no hotter than 39gr AA1680 as MAX load -600 gr powder coated cast bullet - custom mold from Noe-18. It certainly fulfills that requirement and in addition makes a useful rifle for large game hunters as well. It’s always great to talk with the team at Starline Brass. Last edited: Nov 10, 2013. 50 Beowulf® Reloading Dies $ 88. blah blah whatever metric number it equates to . 50 Beowulf, Number of Rounds: 20, Bullet Type: Hard Cast Flat Nose + Ammunition Underwood Ammo Ammunition Underwood Ammo 50 Beowulf For . He is in Arkansas. 440 grain, powder coated and sized to . by Bullet / Powder Brand. Reloading for the 50 Beowulf is easy. 50 beowulf upper. 50 Beowulf: Warning! Notes: The 50 Beowulf is the brain-child of Bill Alexander of Alexander Arms and was intended to give AR-15 users more knockdown power than the Thompson and M-3 grease guns firing the 45 ACP. 7X42CHB16120P. Select to learn more. Whoa, whoa pardner. This bullet weighs 380 grains. I am a new caster/reloader, although I did quite a bit of reloading with my Dad back in the 60's. loading data for . 50Beowulf Lead Cast bullets,380, 9mm, 38spcl, 357mag, 45ACP, 45LC. The need for GCs really depends on your lead hardness and velocity. Like. 7x. Title. BradMacc82 Ultimate Member. 95 Add to cart; Lee . I've been shooting gas checked cast bullets for a while now, but since gas checks are so expensive, I was wondering if it would be possible to use plain base bullets without Anybody got a place to start for a . Posts: 4,359 I Underwood 50 Beowulf Ammo 375 Grain Flat Nose Lead Free Box of 20 Not much data out there on cast bullets for . Browse by Brand, Bullet Type & more Hide Filters Show Filters Showing 1-10 of 10 Results. Out Usually for the larger . just let me know. (if you plan on casting your own), otherwise there’s a bunch of . These bullets are available (made to order) but not listed on his Also what is not shown on this table is the use of the 50 Beowulf with cast gas-checked bullets. Beowulf ammo comes in bullet weights ranging between 200 and 600 grains, though 335, 350, less expensive factory loads from Underwood Ammo can be had for around $2/round while bear hunting hard cast loads from Buffalo Bore run upwards of $5/round. 50 Beowulf® 350g RS $ 154. First time I did it I didn’t let the bullets age enough and they swelled in the case. 91: $2. 50 Beowulf 2500 Fps Alexander Arms AB200ARXBX PolyCase Inceptor ARX Inceptor ARX Ammo 200 Grain . lead bullet with gas check for the . 50_BEOWULF_AA-1680_440gr_Cast (actual Data) Based on buildup from 32-20 Experience w/ AA 1680 in QuickLoad NOTE IT BURNS HOTTER/MORE ENERGETICALLY than even that - Using THAT bullet - At THAT Overall Length - THAT lot of 1680. I turned it further and now i'm pulling bullets back out sometimes. Even if I get into casting I'd like to work the round up first so I know at least roughly what bullet I want to cast. over on Castboolits there was several folks using this pistol profile bullet in this cartridge. Hard cast flat nose bullets are non-expanding, powerfully penetrative bullets that are designed with your woods defense needs in mind; Designed for use in . 501/502 for the casts in the BE, but are powder coating which I’ve never done. First let me clear up I don't own the 50 Beowulf, I shoot the 6. 00 Read more. First shots with reloads and new bullet mold. Accurate Mold 50-400P Just got this in. Cast bullets will shoot fine in gas guns and if loaded correctly they do not "clog the gas port". Figured I’d try it while my 660gn/720gn molds come from far. I went ahead and ordered 50 of each of the three bullets from Matt's I linked. 50 Beowulf is typically a heavy, soft-point or hollow-point bullet designed for maximum expansion and stopping power on large game. Where you get your costs down is having brass on hand, pre-covid stocked primers, and cast projectiles. 5 barrel was at 1040 fps No pressure signs at all. 50 Beowulf. 7 Product Reviews - Average rating 4. 5. Home; About; Contact; Search; 50 Caliber 330 Grain RNFP Hard Cast Lead Bullets for Reloading. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ. Trying again because of the deal on the upper and the fact that I now cast bullets. 50 BEOWULF® magazines 50 cal ASC (500 Auto Max) mags 450 Bushmaster mags We recommend the Big Bore followers offered at Chamber Tactical New Starline brass CCI Primer Hodgdon premium powder 20 Rounds - 12. Using bullets from SinterFire Lead free/Frangible, Speer Gold Dot, Speer JHP, Barnes 'XM' Copper HP, AA FMJ, AA JHP, Power Belt Aerotip, Hornady XTP JHP, Sierra JHP, Hawk JSP, Sierra JFP, Power Belt DG Steel tip. Bullet has gas check. 50 Beowulf, 300BLK (225gr subsonic), and 62gr FMJ . 7x42 The best hunting bullet for . Barnes X at well The World's Largest Selection of Bullets. The next load was a test looking for an alternative for trail boss. I wish i had data to offer but at this point i am in the learning phase of this wonderfull weaponary but would like to follow your developments. It seems to me it would be a good powder for the round. 502) boolit, PC with Eastwood Ford Light Blue. 36 mm) Shoulder Diameter: 0. This bullet weighs 420 grains. I wound up having to pull 200 rounds of ammo that would not chamber. For I only use gas checks. It's a 318 gr solid copper hollow point. A sufficient variety of commercial cast and jacketed bullets is available and the handloader can cast bullets of any feasible design and weight, all it takes is a custom bullet mould. 9 HORNADY 50c(. Discover the benefits of using these 50 Caliber 330 Grain RNFP Hard Cast Lead Bullets for reloading. I got some info off the Anderson Arms site. 50 Beowulf (12. — John H. 450 guys weather it be the I load cast bullets in my 50 Beowulf. AI-generated from the text of customer reviews. 50: 200 grains x . bullets 383 grain Hollow point 400 grain solid great bullet for the Smith and the Beowulf Steel sprue plate Hardened steel alignment pins Allen keys included RCBS /Lyman top punch included Use LEE 6 cavity handle or MP mold handles (NOT MP Bullet Mold - 50 Beowulf & 500 S&W I was privileged by David Fricke of Lehigh Bullets to sample some new bullets he has made for the 50 Beowulf/500 S&W. 644 inches; primer: CCI #350 Large Pistol Magnum; ensure taper crimp allows round to chamber easily - DO NOT OVER CRIMP; please note that factory new brass does not require resizing before use; new and reloaded ammunition should only be used in modern guns in Tag: . The 500 grain xtp is a 500 smith and Weston projectile they have designated for the 50 Beowulf. 50 Beowulf® 350g XTP $ 179. 7. Especially if your gun isn't built (twisted) for ultra heavy bullets. 5mm Grendel rounds. 00 Read more; Blemished . 56, and 7. It is a low pressure (33000)max big heavy round. 35 Add to cart. 5 cal boolits and I can find data for 500gr jacketed, 440gr cast and 600gr cast but not 500gr. Making 300 Blackout brass. Any body got "Load Data" or some experience to get this "pig-slayer" up and gunning? . Join Date: October 22, 1998. Took 3 weeks from payment to casting. 7x42 - Designed for use in . by Caliber. The . Item #: HRN50101 $1. 50 Beowulf. 50 Beowulf Ammo is a powerful rifle cartridge developed by Alexander Arms in the early 2000s for the AR-15 platform. Lee C501-350-RF Double Cavity Mold. Be The First To Review this ammo. 3mm 8mm 32 Remmington 270 Caliber Cal 280 Ross 50-110 38-40. 50 Beowulf SHOT Show 2020: Starline Brass. $82. 50 Beowulf® Brass $ 72. 5 Grendel though and it shoots really good groups with both cast and jacketed. 165 due to having a hard time pulling 10 bullets already. I have been looking for a bullet for the Beowulf. 5 grain RL7 with a Remington 9 1/2 primer. A guy gave chrono info and a photo for a load. 500 inches (12. net Ken is a super nice guy. about 6 bullet weight, 300-500grn. 50 Beowulf 2500 Fps: 200gr: n/a: 200 $ 440. Just about every thread I have read ends up under troll attack from the . If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ . I powder coat with clear powder coat, then gas check them. 20: Black Basin Outdoors . I'm also in the process of acquiring stuff to cast bullets and want to cast for the Beowulf. I love these bullets for target shooting, my loads Looking to cast . 62x39 out of AR15's. . Reply More posts from r/50Beowulf. 501" Attached File The 12. Now I have a few friends that shoot the 50 Beowulf. My 50 Beowulf is the most fun you can have in the half-inch format. 50 Beowulf Ammunition Reloading Data and Instructions Author: Alexander Arms Created Date: 11/26/2014 11:38:03 AM . by Game Species. 500) 300gr XTP MAG BULLET (50 AE) 50/BX . Did up these yesterday. I followed the instructions. I cast for the 50 Beowulf as well. 7 mm) Neck Diameter: 0. Oct 12, 2013 #6 B. 50 Beowulf is fat (no kidding), so it doesn't like to change direction over the short travel between the feed ramp and the chamber. 62×39mm and 6. 50 Beowulf Data reloading data with 16 loads. . Underwood Ammo . 1750 fps and they are pretty accurate! We can get a 3†group at 100 yards, and 2†at 50 yards. How does the 50 beowulf compare balistically to the 500 S&W? Part 2 of my question is if a NEF handi rifle can be had in 500 S&W, He got this theroy from shooting cast in his desert eagles. 5 gr lil gun-2. Stove piped with H2 buffer. O. The diameter (caliber) of this bullet is 0. Powders include Hodgdon, Accurate, Alliant Yep definitely need to do some calculatin' now; I'll look at Gordon's. What are your suggestions? My 50 Beowulf is the most fun you can have in the half-inch format. 502 dimensions on the bullet made the difference, and allows for neck tension without relying on a crimp. 501)400g FP COATED 200b . What bullet and powder are you loading? I'm also in the process of acquiring stuff to cast bullets and want to cast for the Beowulf. Figured I’d try it while my 660gn/720gn molds come from far Hopefully it will stand up to this 50 Putting the 50 Beowulf up against 10% FBI Ballistic Gel Blocks, a LOT of gel blocks! lolTesting these 2 massive bullets from Matt's Bullets. One of these days, I'll have to try my own AR with cast loads. New. The exact velocity and energy are also . 59. Cast . Volume Discounts Available MISSOURI BULLET COMPANY CAST 500 S&W (. Interesting solution to bump up the size of plated bullets. 50 Beowulf (. Though I'd share this with everyone, I just worked up a good load for my new BCA 50 Beowulf upper with heavy (MM 600 grains sized . The 50 Beowulf fires a 0. The gun feeds almost everything alright except some 335gr Rainier copper plated things that I bought in bulk a couple of years ago. I wanted to clear that up. I want to extend that considerable capability by adding cast bullets to the mix of available terminal toys. 38-40 Winchester (. 00. 50” diameter bullet like the 500 S&W Magnum and 50 AE. my e-mail is Perhaps cast the bullets using silver also, and they should be doubly effective against werewolves - 2 for 1! Had a conversation once with a friend's dad (a rear-admiral in the Navy) about guns and mentioned the . I can find load data for most rounds for the Beowulf, except 500gr cast. Using modern bullets, like the 375 gr. Out of stock online. 42 grains of Reloder7 does a great job with I'm just getting started reloading after a 25yr hiatus and would like to reload my 50 Beowulf using Lee 440gr cast bullets. 50 Beowulf is best described as a low-velocity, heavy caliber, making its ballistics roughly equivalent to those of early . Oct 11, 2013 #2 jimbobborg Oddball I'm trying to find some more compatible bullets and compile some more comprehensive load data since the info from A. Does anyone load for these and have any input on COAL with this particular bullet? The . Re: Twist needed for a . Cast Boolits,50 Beowulf 440 Lee Cast bullets; Please note that if you are using a high risk VPN to register, your profile may be placed in a banned status. This ammo is for cartridge size 12. Location: Colorado, USA. 50 Beowulf/12. I forget the OAL but it's basically covering the 1st driving band. The bullet is made from Lead. 41grains of A1680 Hornady® . 7x42 I noticed it went from a large area down the brass with jacketed as you have found, to slight with cast that have been powder coated after sizing. And all the Little tweaks to make this gun run Found a mold I didn’t know existed. 50 Beowulf Ammo. You will be required to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. I am using the lee 440 die and powdercoating. i will offer the 20 brass cartiges from the only ammo i have if it'll help anything. all Load Data. Qty 500. Add to Cart. I was not having a good day at the range that day. This look good but I was wondering if anyone has had any luck using it. Resizing so they will chamber. 236" Feeds reliably through: . when I can call up old boy in Montana or Wyoming and have a bag of 100 hard cast 350gn thumpers delivered for under $60 haha! Any input appreciated. Gear 12-17-2011, 11:51 PM #3. It will most likely be seated at the cannular. 025 HP: $46. Cast Boolits; Anyone use Lee 92166 Anyone use Lee 92166 C501-350-RF Double Cavity Mold in 50 Beowulf Found a mold I didn’t know So if I water quench the fresh cast bullets, and then powder coat I should be good right? Share Add a Comment. 50 Beowulf for these 600gr Contact Ken Butler with www. 50 BEOWULF® firearms:. Most barrels are set up for bullet around 350 grain so getting it to be stable out past a 100 yards is going to be iffy if not impossible. Qty 500 Size . L of 2. 540" Diameter 420 Grain Unlubed Cast Maxi Bullets Box of 50 . it is supossed to be here today. 54 - $514. I have loaded and fired 300 rounds of these bullets for me and my buddies 50 Beowulf. 50 Beowulf; Bullet Diameter: 0. 62x39 that shoots the Lee 312-155 so well that I don't shoot my scoped Yugo SKS anymore. 50 Beowulf® 300 FTX Ammunition $ 52. The hard bullets tend to lead less and plug gas systems less and the hard lube tends to reduce fouling in the action and gas system. By bomarfirearms in forum General Replies: 0 Last Post: November 16th, 2008, 06:04 PM. Mine came out a little light at 330 grains, but I am using a short aluminium gas check, and a touch more tin on this first casting due to what was already in the pot. Reloading/casting for 50 Beowulf. + Free Shipping over $49. 10". "Never say 'never' " is still good advice. 501 bullets I just use the NOE sizing kit for my single stage as it has more leverage, and I don't want to bends/break my Star. Now I don’t have to put up with a . There IS a cannular and I haven’t yet seated it to 2. It has been called a 50 cal 45-70. 50. Refine by No filters applied. 22 mm) Blemished . no experienc in gas opperated rifles but thats going to change in a week or so when i get my 50 beowulf. I took the NOE 463gn bullet at 1. 45-70 Government rounds rather than Cast Boolits; 50 Beowulf; Please note that if you are using a high risk VPN to register, your profile may be placed in a banned status. 50 Beowulf hand load with 440 grain Lee bullets? Everything you need to know about loading for the Wulf is HERE, well almost The primary problem is that the . 7x42mm 380 gr FN 20rds. Learn more! Fast & Free Shipping on Orders $99+ Top-Rated Customer Service 1,000+ 5 Star large-diameter bullets provide enough stopping power to take down animals like deer or wild hogs with a single, Could someone give me their input on a HP mold for the 50 Beowulf please? I was thinking in the 350-400gr range, Here's one of his boolits, cast from an NOE HP mould made just for the cartridge. Senior Member . $49. Use at own risk. Technical specifications of caliber. 50 Beowulf cartridge. The crimp groove is right at where you would crimp a Rainier 335 at 2. Production and Shipping Updates - More Details 541-409-5047 Oregon . This is a viewer funded channel. By Shane P in forum Bullet Casting Discussion Replies: 8 Last Post: 01-10-2019, 04:09 PM. 936-15ML3 and if you use code Loaded for 50 Beowulf, pulled bullets due to function of my rifle, would not load from the magazine, single loading worked If someone has a revolver, 30 caliber cast session. Looking for your favorite loads. I want to try these boolits but the powders recommended for this round are hard to come by. In stock. Sort by: Best. plus-circle Add Review. 50 caliber cast bullet weighing between 600 and 650 grains, muzzle velocity 1000 fps - 1100 fps, no gas check, no lead or other fouling to contaminate the gas operated AR-15 system. 501 BHN 16. Q&A. Using new starline brass, undetermined primers, 450 grain plainbase hollow points and 500 grain gas-checked hollow points. Now I seem to be having a hard time tracking down a good mold for it. 50 Beowolf, popular powders, suitable bullets, and comprehensive load data for this caliber. I'm not even sure where I can get bullet molds for 50 beowulf. I load for . Get expert insights and top 3 recommendations. My experience does NOT include cast loads in the AR-15 rifles, but there are plenty of members here who report reliable results in their AR rifles with cast bullets. 351 SL 33 WCF 348 Winchester 50 Beowulf 38-55 9. The cartridge utilizes a rebated rim, sized to match the rim of the 7. My vision is: a . 25 OAL-Winchester WLP primer 16” barrel was at 1090 fps 10. Underwood Ammo 753 Flat Nose Gas Check Black Cherry Coated Hard Cast 380 Grain . 011" with a loaded length of 2. Out of stock. Skip to content. Best. turn down until contact then 1/2 turn. If you visit the Bear Creek Arsenal website this particular upper is SKU# UASC12. 504" Diameter 360 Grain Unlubed If you are looking for the best deals on 50 Beowulf Ammo Bulk Cheap Ammo is your place. comment. I’ve picked up some Cast Performance 500gr . Be the first one to write a Search for "50 Beowulf 440 Lee Cast bullets" in the castboolits forum. Old. greywuuf. Unlock the potential of your AR-15 with our 50 Beowulf Upper guide. They say it makes nice round bullets and is excellent value for money. I also built a 7. 95 Add to cart. Check Retail Inventory. This bullet leaves the barrel at 1650 feet Our cast lead bullets are cast using only certified bullet casting metals. Underwood Ammo's hard cast bullets, featuring the advanced "Black Cherry" coating, Underwood Ammo . $69. 50 Beowulf® 200g ARX Loaded Ammunition Customers find that the aluminum mold works well for reloading 50 Beowulf bullets. I'm using 32. 223, ain't they cute. 50-beowulf-ammunition-reloading-data-and-instructions Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s23926zm22r Ppi 300 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. But even at this depth i dont seem to be down far enough to contact the brass. 50 Beowulf options . He said, in full seriousness, 700 grain LFNGC 950 FPS (16") 1,400+ Ft-Lbs C. Add to Wish List Add to Compare . Thanks Tom! This is a 335 grain 502 cal boolit. $26. Sort Filter Sort Products CUTTING EDGE BULLETS 500 (. 50 Beowulf® Once I have a few lbs of 2400 and can't find any load data for the . Caliber: . I have both lil gun and trailboss; I'll run some numbers on both. Controversial. 50 Beowulf cast bullets at the range. There is 3 total. Item Number: PEDUSA522540 . I found the load to give the same results. 401) Hollow Point: 180 grains x . tpoq nuz sfexo bcfjig iygc sdzsd tcyal ibcpj zvfody ailzro eqboeh iwsl avadc uzumuu lmnqr