Ngati hine pepeha ; Motutī Marae, Hokianga Harbour, represents the hapū of Ngāti Te Maara, Te Kaitutae, Ngāi Tāmanuhiri is a Māori iwi of New Zealand and were formerly known by the name of Ngai Tahu, and Ngai Tahu-po respectively. Mainly reviews of the second edition of J M Henderson's book `Ratana: The man, the church, the political movement' Learn about the Ngāti Manu iwi and register as a member. Ko te mauri tēnei, koia te hononga ki te whenua, ki te tangata. Ko Rākaumangamanga ki te Rāwhiti, E rere atū nei Te Kerei Mangonui. The wharenui is named Manu Koroki and the wharekai is Mihiwira. State Highway 2, Wairoa. Nau mai haere mai ki Ngati Pukenga!! Tēnā rā koutou katoa e te tini e te mano! Whakatau mai rā ki tēnei paetuku tūhonohono nei i ā tātou ngā uri o Ngāti Pūkenga. Miria marae, also known as Waiomio, is located on State Highway 1 in Waiomio (approximately 5 minutes drive south of Kawakawa). They are descendants of Tahu-nui (also known as Tahu potiki, or Tahu matua) [2] who is also the eponymous ancestor of the Kāi Tahu iwi of Te Waipounamu. At over 100 years old, Te Ōhākī Marae is Mōtatau marae is in the heart of Mōtatau, off State Highway One south of Kawakawa. Kāretu Marae has three main areas. There have been able warriors in every generation ready to defend it these warriors leaders, commencing with Hingatuauri great grandson of Hineamaru, Moeahu, Moraki and ending with Kawiti. Our Marae. However, as a result of Crown war and aggression, scorched earth tactics, confiscation, the Tauranga Bush Campaign, the forced purchase of Te Puna-Katikati and the devastation of the Native Land Court, our people were left landless, destitute and in severe poverty within our own whenua. And Ngati Hine are very proud of 'Te Tu o Ngati Hine' is a phrase Date: 1972, 1991 From: Henderson, James McLeod, 1925-2013 : Research papers relating to the Ratana movement Reference: MS-Papers-11670-13 Description: Comprises cuttings from a range of national newspapers, The New Zealand Tablet and the Listener. Ngāti Manu. The key areas of focus is taking action around . [1]Notable descendants of Ngātiwai include brothers Jim, Ian and Winston Peters Pepeha show the origins of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, beyond Nukuroa (Aotearoa) in Wairotī and Wairotā. Korohe marae is located about 7 km north of Tūrangi. Te Awa o ngā Rangatira. Its principal hapū is Ngāti Hine of Ngāti Tūwharetoa iwi. Muaūpoko are the descendants of Tara, the eponymous ancestor of the Ngai Tara tribe. 11. Ngāti Hine Environmental Plan, 2021 . Waiomio marae has ancestral links to the mountain Tokerau and to the Taumarere River. Ngati Hine Lands Ngati Hine occupation of their lands has never been seriously challenged during the four hundred years since Hineamaru’s time. Its historical tribal area or rohe stretched from Cape Brett in the north to Takatū Point on Tawharanui Peninsula in the south and out to Great Barrier Island, the Poor Knights Islands and other offshore islands. The principal hapū at Te Ōhākī Marae is Ngāti Tokotoko but many of the other seven hapū can whakapapa to Te Ōhākī such as Ngāti Te Rīha. He was a great great grandson of Kupe of the Matahourua waka and a son of Whatonga of the Our pepeha. Wairere Mahi; Wairere Toi; Wairere Ako; Events. Pepeha Details: Ko Tamatea te ariki-nui . Mai i reira ka puta te pepeha, “He kūmara, he tangata”. No links available. Ko Ngati Kahungunu te iwi nui-tonu . As of 2017, Miria marae trustees wish to relay that the marae is Mate Kairangatira of Ngāti Hine was left with Ngāti Whātua to cement the peace pact made between the two tribes, and to warn Hongi of the consequences should he ever attack Ngāti Whātua again. [2] In the 2006 census, 4,254 people identified as Rongomaiwahine; [3] by the 2013 census, this has increased to 4,473 people. Tohe Ashby, Heamana o Ngā Tīrairaka o Ngāti Hine. Below is a a list of some of the traditional (or pre Register yourself and your whānau so we can all make the most of being a part of Ngāti Hinerangi Iwi. This rohe extends into the regions or districts of these local authorities: Ngāti Hine o Te Rā Pepeha Pepeha are an important part of cultural identity, making those vital connections to your iwi and the whenua. The house of Ngāpuhi stretches from Tāmaki Makaurau in the south to Cape Reinga in the north, its walls are the sub-tribes: Ngāti Whatua in the south, Te Rārawa in the west, Te Aupouri in the north and Ngāti Kahu in the east, Ngāpuhi holds the centre of the House, and the mountains of significance within Ngāpuhi are the pillars or poupou Ngāti Hinerangi is made up of eight hapū including Ngāti Te Riha, Ngāti Tamapango, Ngāti Kura, Ngāti Tāwhaki, Ngāti Rangi, Ngāti Tokotoko, Ngāti Tangata and Ngāti Whakamaungārangi. [4] [5]The people of Rongomaiwahine are descended Our Pepeha; Where We Are; Our Iwi Story; Our Marae; Our Mahi; Trustees; Iwi Documentation; What We Do. From Rakaumangamanga in the east, Ngāti Pūkenga Iwi. In 1845, Land Commissioner William Spain recorded 94 Ngāti Rārua and 15 Te Ᾱtiawa people as manawhenua ki Motueka. Ko Wairoa te Taiwhenua . This involves restoring our ahurea, taiao, hauora, wāhi whakahirahira and much more. We delivery a number of kaupapa throughout our takiwā centered on kaitiakitanga along with taking a hands-on practical approach in everything we do, mahia te This research is a selective bibliography with a dual focus on Ngati Hine information sources, and information sources relating to Te Ruki Kawiti and Maihi Paraone Kawiti. Ngāti Manu Marae History. The wharenui is Te Rapunga and the wharekai is Te Hahaunga. Ngāti Manu Registration. ; Mātihetihe Marae, Mitimiti, represents the hapū of Te Tao Māui and Te Hokokeha. environmental group which was initially established . This breath drawn life animates the emergent World. [1] It is closely connected to the Ngāti Kahungunu iwi. The whare ora is Te Ōhākī Marae is located on Douglas Rd, Ōkauia. Due to the relative lack of secondary material available on Te Ruki Kawiti and Maihi Paraone Kawiti, the bibliography has included both primary (published and unpublished) and secondary material, including online Te Rarawa has 23 foundation marae: [1] Korou Kore Marae, Ahipara, represents the hapū of Ngāti Moroki. origin was driven by the grief and anger of our people concerning the Ngāti Hinerangi once prospered within the lands of our ancestors. The wharenui is named Ngā Tumutumu o Rauwhitu. Whose marae are Whitiora, Hiruharama Hou and Whetu Mārama. Ka whakahuangia ko te māra o Hineāmaru. Ngāti Haa, Ngāti Moekino, Ngāti Parekaawa, Ngāti Te Kohera, Ngāti Tarakaiahi, Ngāti Wairangi Ngati Hinapuariari (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) Ngati Hinarau (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) Ngati Hine Kura (Kaikoura) Ngati Hine Matua (Bluff) Ngati Hinekakai (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) Ngati Hinekakau; Ngati Hinekata (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) Ngati Hinekato (Census of the Native Residents in Ngāti Hine is an iwi with a rohe in Northland, New Zealand. Ko Te Wairoa-hopupu-honengenenge-matangirau te waiora . Ko Tokerau te tūtei. Additional images/documentation: Te Atihaunui a Pāpārangi rohe [PNG, 213KB]. Our Tāhuhu. Pepeha and Waiata Nā Keita Te Moananui E rima ngā iwi o te Hiku o te Ika a Māui E rima ngā iwi o te Hiku o te Ika (hei auē) Ngāti Hine The traditional lands of Ngāti Hine were identified by Maihi Kawiti as “Te Porowini o Ngāti Hine - the province of Ngāti Hine” in 1878. Ngāpuhi the Nation. 1. The iwi consists of the descendants of Tamanuhiri and his two principle wives, . Te Puāwaitanga o Ngāti Hinerangi iwi Trust Our objective is to further advance the vision of our iwi – Whakatupuranga 2075. This pepeha says “I am a chirping bird of the forests of Hine-ā-Maru”. through Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Hine. Here are two examples of Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō pepeha endorsed by Te Puna Ahurea, our Cultural Committee, and Ko Punahau, Ngārue, Ngāi Te Ao, Ngāti Tamarangi, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Whanokirangi, Ngāti Pariri nga Hapū Ko Muaūpoko te Iwi Whakahono, kia tu kaha Muaūpoko. (Ngā tikanga Ngāti Hine The traditional lands of Ngāti Hine were identified by Maihi Kawiti as “Te Porowini o Ngāti Hine - the province of Ngāti Hine” in 1878. Register Now. Pepeha. NGĀ TIRAIRAKA O NGĀTI HINE. Patuharakeke are a composite hapu descended from most major iwi groups in the north. And Ngati Hine are very proud of our korero/pepeha "Ngati Te Puāwaitanga o Ngāti Hinerangi Iwi Trust Our organisation works to advance the collective aspirations of our people as we work towards achieving our iwi vision – Whakatupuranga 2075. These include Ngati Wai, Ngapuhi nui tonu, Ngati Whatua and Te Uri o Hau. Tihei Wairoa! Governance Board: Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Hinepua, Ngāi Te Ipu. The wharenui is called Rereao; it was constructed around 1909 and named after a grandson of Tūwharetoa. <br /> <br /> Mōtatau marae was built in the 1920s. Events; Gallery; News; Contact Us; Register yourself and your whānau so we can all make the most of being a part of Ngāti Hinerangi Iwi. It was captained by Nukutawhiti on its return to New Zealand. Our mahi aims to bring meaningful Te Rangitopeora was a Ngāti Toa and Ngāti Raukawa rangatira who was the daughter of Waitohi and Te Rākaherea, sister of Rangihaeata, niece of Te Rauparaha, and mother of Mātene Te “Ngāti Hine Pukepuke Rau” — Ngāti Hine of a hundred hills This whakatāuki speaks both of the geographical features which constitute the landscape of Ngāti Hine but also attribute towards the mentality this iwi Within Ngāi Tahu there are now five primary hapū being Kāti Kurī, Ngāti Irakehu, Kāti Huirapa, Ngāi Tūāhuriri and Ngāi Te Ruahikihiki. Our Kōrero. If you can establish a direct lineal descent, be it by birth or adoption, from the named 109 original owners of our land, you can register as an owner of this Trust. 1,918 likes. Maureamarae links to Mokai. Ngāti Hine is descended from a female ancestor, Hineamaru, a great granddaughter of Rāhiri who settled in the Waiomio Valley, near Kawakawa. From Rakaumangamanga in the east, to Ko Ngāti Hine te Iwi Ko taku pepeha: he manu tiorooro o ngā ngāherehere o Hine-ā-Maru. Our Wairere Mahi team has a strong focus on the environment, its preservation, protection and restoration. Through whakapapa and kōrero, waiata and pepeha, we learn about their actions, their places, their values, and their aspirations. Ko Ruawharo te tohunga . Kawiti also intervened at the battle known as the Girls' War, at Kororāreka (Russell) in 1830, and helped to speed up peace negotiations between He whakatauki no Ngati Hine There is a saying in Ngati Hine that goes "Ina tere nga kapua, he hau kei muri". The principal hapū that affiliate with this marae include Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Mahuta, Ngāti Naho and Ngāti Pou. It likens Ngāti Hine women to Ngati Hine is the iwi of Ōtiria marae; Ngāti Te Ara and Ngāti Kōpaki are the hapū . It is part of the wider Ngāpuhi iwi. Ngā Tirairaka o Ngāti Hine is the Ngāti Hine . The principal hapu is Ngāti Te Tarawa of the iwi of Ngāti Hine. The waka hourua Māhuhu-ki-te-Rangi, under the primary command of Rongomai, travelled from the islands and made landfall in Aotearoa. 'Te Tu o Ngati Hine' is a phrase used by many in Ngati Hine to describe 'The Ngati Hine way of doing things' or others would say is our 'Tikanga' or our 'Kaupapa'. ; Morehu Marae, Ōhaki Marae and Taiao Marae, Whāngāpe Harbour, represent the hapū of Te Uri o Tai. Our People. This video appears in the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei web story. Ngāti Rēhia the Tribe. He Tūrangawaewae. We affiliate to a very large number of hapu including Te Uriroroi, Te Te Atihaunui a Pāpārangi (Tamaupoko, Hinengākau and Tūpoho), Ngāti Hāua, Ngāti Rangi and Tamahaki. Whetumārama - Te Mira. The meeting house is quite small Dante's pepeha Ko Ngatokimatawhaoroa toku waka Waka In Māori tradition, Kupe was sailing the waka Matawhaorua when he discovered Aotearoa-New Zealand. t d p r S o e o Ngātiwai or Ngāti Wai is a Māori iwi of the east coast of the Northland Region of New Zealand. Melinda Webber (Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Hau, Ngāti Hine, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whakaue) is a professor and Te Tumu/Deputy Dean in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at Waipapa Taumata Rau/the University of Ngāti Rongomaiwahine or Rongomaiwahine is a Māori iwi (tribe) traditionally centred in the Māhia Peninsula on the North Island of New Zealand. The carved house, Tūmatauenga – named after the Maori deity of war – was gifted to Ōtiria marae by Pita 'Te Tu o Ngati Hine' is a phrase used by many in Ngati Hine to describe 'The Ngati Hine way of doing things' or others would say is our 'Tikanga' or our 'Kaupapa'. It is associated with Ngati Hine. Ki te hauraro o te pūaha. Like most whakatauki, it looks and sounds very simple as its literal translation means Ngāti Hine a Hineamaru. The waka taua Ngatokimatawhaorua (Ngā Toki) was named after the Date: 1990 - 01 Jan 1990 From: Maori Women's Welfare League: Interviews By: Tatana, Amy Josephine, 1907-1991; Szaszy, Mira, 1921-2001 Reference: OHInt-0602-55 Description: Amy Tatana nee Findlay born in Auckland in 1907. The group’s . These hapū are associated with the four marae in the settlement of Ōkauia including Hinerangi Tāwhaki, Te Ōhākī, Tangata and Tamapango. Refers to Scottish father Robert John Findlay, mother Ngaronoatawhitikiterangi Kainamu, tipuna Hemi Kainamu, connections to Ngati Manu, Maurea marae is located in Rangiriri West, north of Huntly. The meeting house, dining room, kitchen area and ablution block with the Kōhanga Reo building on top. vxgh ewi mupfzs ncflf mapkfir xeex ffzlaflu knwxc rvvxsz vlb