
What is the rhema word of god mean

  • What is the rhema word of god mean. Therefore, God’s Word on healing is our bread. GOD'S WORD® Translation God’s logos will always remain “living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword” (). The Greek word rhḗma simply means “any spoken word. To accept and agree with the word of God is to do the word of God, if you really believe Him. The key characteristics of the rhema word are: It is a living, active word from God. We can explain the difference like this: a student may can go to school and Easton's Bible Dictionary - Word of God. Here is a prayer to receive a rhema word from God you can pray in faith. In the Greek language, it can also mean “a spoken word,” “an utterance,” or “a saying. Revelation is when your spirit ‘sees’ or ‘hears’ the word. It is a specific word given to a particular person in a particular situation. * We cannot hear what the stories of the Bible are saying until we hear them as stories about ourselves. It is the Greek word used in John 1:1, Luke 8:11, Hebrews 4:12, and many other passages. Jan 14, 2019 · Rhema TeamJanuary 14, 2019 January 2019 WOF Leave a Comment. Logos is the first word we are familiar with, and rhema is the second word. My lexicon defines it assayings of God, decrees, mandates, order, moral precepts given Dec 28, 2006 · The Bible says that the worlds were framed by words, more specifically, by the Word of God. What do these 2 words mean in the New Testament when each is used and, is understanding their meaning useful and important to our Christian walk? Nov 1, 2016 · BEFORE JESUS ascended into Heaven, He said to His disciples, "Behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high" (Luke 24:49). At its core, “Rhema” embodies the idea of a message that resonates, an utterance that holds weight and meaning. In the first verse, Jesus is called God with the phrase "and the word was God. Rhema is a spoken Jan 10, 2020 · So, while God does give us a rhema word—an urging, a prompting, a direction to go, clarity—we can also ask Him for it. In most cases, a Rhema word received while reading the Bible applies to a current situation or need. Nov 13, 2011 · Logos has a more general meaning, but Graphe is the Greek word for Scriptures (written word). 2 He was in the beginning with God. In the Charismatic world we have been inundated with all kinds of teaching from all over the world. Each time the original Greek term is logos. Here, on the contrary, we have another expression (Rhema), signifying the Word as spoken; and St. Some of it legitimate, and others not. * Trust God. Logos refers to the totality of the inspired Word of God and to Jesus, the Living Word. speech, discourse. Mar 20, 2022 · In fact, the primary way to hear from God is by spending time in God’s written (logos) word. Sep 1, 2016 · Now we are destined for eternal life (1 John 2:25). Sep 17, 2022 · In Greek, the word Rhema means “an utterance. “The words that I have spoken to you,” Jesus God the Son as the logos Word defines, explains, and expresses the Father’s thought, and God the Spirit as the breath con-veys the rhema word to the recipients and applies God’s essence to them. It’s important to note that both rhema and logos are proper words used in the Bible. ” We cannot, of course, limit it to Holy Scripture, though we naturally remember that our Lord The view that Jesus is divine as the Word is explained in many ways in John 1. Logos is discerned from Rhema. " It is often used to differentiate between a spiritual Jan 4, 2022 · Answer. • Man is a created being, made in the likeness and image of God, but through Adam’s transgression and fall, sin came into the world. NET Bible And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. According to the venerable Strong's Concordance (#G4487), rhema means an utterance (individually, collectively or specifically) on a particular matter or topic. Feb 20, 2023 · God does the work of salvation by the power of His Word when we submit to God’s dominion and trust Him to save us through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. The Son is alive, your Bible is not! Rhema is an uterance from God. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 Dec 21, 2019 · Rhema literally means an utterance (individually, collectively or specifically). El Shaddai is one of seven covenant names through which God revealed Himself to Israel. Rhema means “spoken word,” and occasionally a “supernatural event. There are two main Greek words for the Scriptures that are translated word in the New Testament. a saying of any sort as a message, a narrative 1c. Aug 31, 2019 · Rhema. In Greek philosophy, it also referred to a universal, divine reason or the mind of God. I lay down my wants and desires, to please You, Father. For the word [logos] of God is quick, and powerful. Their service to God is burdensome, and their attitude is indifferent. the importance of the ear and hearing in the Bible). 17 For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. Rhema is a spoken word. Logos is what God wants; rhema is what God wants of me. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who bore witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw. Let’s look at further at Luke 18:27 and the verses that follow. It tells us that what will eternally remain is God’s spoken word. Any saying is rhema. The word endued means "to sink into; to put on; to clothe oneself. Instead, he uses the word rhema. Rhema means “an utterance” and refers to the spoken, or personally applied, Word of God. In the New Testament, the word rhema carries the idea of a quickened word. The Word of God is vibrant, dynamic, energizing, and productive. Look up these verses and see what the Lord reveals to you. 2. Jun 24, 2015 · In the beginning was the Word [logos], and the Word [logos] was with God, and the Word [logos] was God. God has awakened your spirit with Holy Spirit insight. The worlds — the heavens and the earth — were put in order and brought to completion through the command of God. Peter said, “You have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God” ( 1 Peter 1:23–25 ). Find it all here. When believers receive a rhema word from God, they experience a profound sense of intimacy and connection, knowing that the Creator of the universe is speaking directly to their hearts. Rhema (ῥῆμα) refers to ‘that which is said, word, saying, expression, or statement of any kind’ (BDAG). Logos is education; rhema is revelation. In each case, it is Rhema. Here’s an example of a rhema or a quickened word: You are praying about a situation when suddenly a Aug 24, 2021 · West Loop Church: Graphe (2 Tim 3:16). Hebrews 4:12. Have you ever seen your Bible floating around your room. God spoke everything into existence. These words carry immense power and significance, providing guidance and direction for believers. What does that mean? The Holy Spirit makes this word alive, real and personal. " In verse 2, John notes, "He was in the beginning with God. Rhema—A Spoken Word. Logos: The Greek word, most often translated “word,” means “the entire communication process. what one has said. Rhema means a specific saying of God, a passage or a verse that has special application to an immediate situation; to use a modern term, it is the Word of God applied to experience, to our Apr 30, 2022 · The expression in Eph 6:17 is also reminiscent of Heb 4:12 : “ The word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword . A Rhema is a verse or portions of Scripture that the Holy Spirit brings to our attention with application to a current situation or need for direction. Healing is the children’s bread. That phrase is only used here and in one other place in the New Testament, but it reminds us of a very important truth. 2:29) the original word is the larger and deeper word (Logos), signifying the truth of God in itself (Ellicott). Aug 12, 2005 · The light has come on and now you can see. If we take something out of the Bible that God has said, and then we say it, that is not a rhema. The fire of a true rhema word must burn on the fuel of a logos word. ” We like to hear about man’s possibilities with God, but what exactly does the phrase “with God” mean? “With God” can certainly mean being born again. In essence, the Rhema word is timely and extremely valuable in a disciple's daily walk with God. Romans 11:29 says, “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. Essentially, rhema is the spoken word of God, while logos is the written word of God. The second Greek word that describes Scripture is “rhema”, which refers to a word that is spoken and means “an utterance. Confession is faith's way of expressing itself. ). Logos is the right way to act; rhema is the right thing for me to do in this specific situation. The word “Rhema” originates from the ancient Greek, signifying “that which is spoken. The Word in the OT. ” Introduction 2. I noticed that they never referred to written words, making them distinct from logos, which can include words written down. I will Praise You during the sunny days and on the darkest nights. However, there’s Apr 30, 2021 · I understand that You, and You alone, are the Perfector of my Faith, and the One who has ordered the Universe. But logos is not the Greek word Paul uses here. It creates faith in the heart through divine revelation. ” Here, Word is a title of the Lord Rhema represents God’s personalized messages spoken directly to individuals, offering specific guidance, comfort, and direction in unique circumstances. Faith, like love, is of the heart—of the spirit. Maybe you were once close to God, but you’re not where you used to be. This means that Biblical religion is primarily the religion of the ear rather than the eye (cf. As we receive this word, it imparts faith. And when rhema refers to God, it means a word God is speaking directly; it is never a secondhand word. It can be God, the Holy Spirit, or ourselves speaking faith filled words to one another or someone else speaking faith filled words to us . Thayer's Greek Definitions defines the word as something that has been uttered, in either the past or the present, by a living entity. " In addition to being God, John calls this Word eternal. The Greek word rhḗma simply means "any spoken word. • Salvation is the gift of God to man through faith Faith comes through the rhema word—one which the Holy Spirit quickens to us. John 1:1 beautifully encapsulates this concept: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The word which he employs is ῥῆμα rēma - "rema" - meaning properly a word spoken, and in this place "command;" compare Genesis 1:3 , Genesis 1:6 , Genesis 1:9 , Genesis 1:11 , Genesis 1: By Kenneth E. I would even argue He’s bursting at the seams for us to do so. Our response of faith then releases the power in the word God gives us. I’ll put you back where you were. A. God makes his word the means for creating new life in the soul of man. Introduction. Rhema is a spoken Jan 15, 2020 · Rhema means (spoken) word, whereas logos includes thought (hence logic). Essentially, the word of God [Logos], in and of itself will have no ‘effect’, [or ‘life’] until your spirit ‘sees’ it. In this video, we will delve into the meanings behind Logos and Rhema, exploring their practical implications in understanding God's Word. Rhema is a special word from the Bible that means “spoken word. . John 1:1. The word rhema means “utterance” and refers to the spoken word. When we really understand our identity in Christ—who we are in Him—it changes the way we think and live. John 1:1-2 says, “In the beginning was the Word. But in Christ, we are destined to have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Below are all 73 uses of the Greek word rhema in the New Testament. Logos (Heb 4:12). In the OT the word is the supreme means by which God the Creator makes known both Himself and His will to His creatures. Each word, imbued with intention and meaning, has the power to mold our perceptions, influence our decisions, and shape the course of our lives. This is in contrast to the Logos word, which is the written word of God as contained in the Bible. The Hebrew word is dabar. He takes the already spoken (and written down) logos and speaks it to the believer. A Rhema of God is always alive, effective, and powerful. Before Christ, we were destined for despair, degradation, and poverty. Living on Fire for God. The speaking of a rhema word occurs first by the Holy Spirit. Rhema refers to the spoken word, while logos refers to the written word. ” Jan 29, 2016 · Please tell me the significance of the Greek words “Logos” and “Rhema” which, I was told in our Church meeting, are both translated as the Word of God. Lord, You know my situation. It is the moment of realizing, “This speaks to my situation. Similarly, Paul did use “logos” to mean the same thing as well. " In the New Testament, there are two different Greek words used to identify words from God: lógos and rhḗma. This is the word used in Luke 5:5 when Simon Peter answered Jesus, "Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! Rhema—A Spoken Word. He longs to be in relationship with us. It is possible to be a Christian who is not zealous for God. In other words, Jesus is saying that what food is to our body, God’s Word is to our spirit. A Greek philosopher named Heraclitus first used the term Logos around 600 B. I align my heart with Your Word. I, alone, can do nothing, apart from You. Scripture: When referring to the written word, Jesus and the apostles used the term “Scripture,” not Bible (which means “book of books”) (See Luke 24-32, Luke 45, John 5:39, Acts 17:11, 1 Corinthians 15:3, 2 Peter 3:16). Whenever the word of God or any other word is spoken aloud, it is called a rhema word. ” G4487 ῥῆμα rhēma Total KJV Occurrences: 73 The Word of God is like a sword that has two edges, cutting both ways and doing terrible damage to an aggressor. Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You that You have given me Your Word to guide, correct and comfort me. It can be a portion of Scripture that "speaks" to the heart of a believer, something highly relevant to a current situation in a believer’s life; or it can be a clear revelatory thought to take a particular course of action. To hear the word only and not do His word is where the line is drawn between the believer and the unbeliever. We receive right-standing with Him, not because of what we did, but because of what Jesus did for us in Jul 30, 2020 · The Greek word Rhema means an utterance or a revelatory picture, vision, or timely word. In the beginning was the Word, and the Wordwas with God, and the Wordwas God. 3 All things were made through Him, and Nov 22, 2022 · The Rhema is often used as the “spoken” word, or the word made personal and experiential to us through the Holy Spirit. Luke 4:4 Noun-DNS GRK: ἐπὶ παντὶ ῥήματι Θεοῦ KJV: by every word of God. And we know there is no love without word or action. ” It’s a word often used to describe a timely and specific word or revelation. And, "The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ The words (rhema) which Peter spoke are the message (logos) the people heard. Romans 10:17, “Now faith comes through hearing and hearing through the Word (Rhema) of God. Whatever the inspired writers here declare to be true and binding upon us, God declares It is instead the Greek word rhema, which means "the revealed word. He was in the May 11, 2024 · The concept of logos, rooted in the Greek word for “word” or “discourse,” signifies the entirety of God’s revealed message. By the word of God - This does not mean here, by the "Logos," or the second person of the Trinity, for Paul does not use that term here or elsewhere. logos, refers principally to the total inspired Word of God and to Jesus, who is the living Word. ” It’s like getting a personal message from God that is meant just for you, right when you need it. Throughout my stand with my Lord, He has given me rhema verses of scriptures that seem to leap off the page while reading the Bible. Sep 16, 2022 · Bread means food. " We see in Acts 1:8 that we "shall receive power, after that the Holy The term “word” is taken from the Greek word rhema, which describes something that is spoken clearly and vividly, in unmistakable terms and in undeniable language. Word of God [N] ( Hebrews 4:12 , etc. But, if God gives you a word to say, whether it’s in the Bible or not, that is rhema. ”. ’”. " A good paraphrase of verse 3, then, would be: "By faith we understand that the ages were prepared by the revealed word of God. We never need to wait for Him to show Himself to us. The Greek word rhema. 1. ” A rhema is a verse or portion of May 8, 2018 · Luke 18:27 says, “The things which are impossible with men are possible WITH GOD. They don’t have any enthusiasm, joy, or passion. Luke 24:8, Then they remembered his words Jan 6, 2023 · Paul says the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. To obtain a true understanding of this word these scriptures need to be meditated on and notes made of their meaning in Oct 1, 2017 · The word, “WORD”, used in this verse is the rhema word, not logos, which is the spoken word of God, by the Spirit. Or a command like ‘Do not give him that beer’ is a rhema word. ” Understanding what these two words mean tells us something very important. Feb 3, 2024 · Understanding Rhema: The Spoken Word of God. In this philosophical light, Rhema becomes a mirror reflecting our thoughts, emotions, and aspirations, prompting us to contemplate the intricate dance between language and reality. Aramaic Bible in Plain English Put on the helmet of salvation and grasp the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Conclusion Like Exodus and Acts, both of the singular logos in Corinthians mean the entire word or message: For to one a word [a] of [b] wisdom is given through the Spirit; and to another, a word of knowledge according-to [c] the same Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:8 DLNT Feb 5, 2024 · Logos – Longer definition: The Greek word logos (traditionally meaning word, thought, principle, or speech) has been used among both philosophers and theologians. Dec 2, 2022 · The Rhema can also be interpreted as a specific word from God to a church or individual. There is no faith without confession. Feb 19, 2021 · Notice that God’s communication with us, which is normally referred to as the Word of God, is described here as the Word of Christ. Rhema is not just the spoken word, but any means by which the Logos (the substance of what is being communicated) is conveyed. The Graphe (written word) does not give eternal life and is not alive. This is what revelation is/means. Here, logos is portrayed as eternal and unchanging, the very essence of God Jul 23, 2021 · Romans 5:17. A statement of any king is rhema. It includes every verse in the New Testament that contains a translation of the word. Jan 4, 2022 · The phrase “word of God” appears often in the Bible and can have a slightly different meaning depending on context and the Hebrew or Greek word used. A rhema Word will help you find clarity in times of confusion, or disappointment. May 28, 2024 · In the Bible, “word” is referred to by two different words. " This verse is telling us that there is an unseen hand somewhere that is guiding the course of the periods through which mankind has lived! In other A rhema Word will give you greater strength in overcoming temptation! Matthew 4:4, Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word [rhema] that comes from the mouth of God. Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed Dec 1, 2016 · The Greek word translated "life" in this verse is zoe, which means the God-kind of life. Logos is the Greek term translated as “word,” “speech,” “principle,” or “thought. a series of words joined together into a sentence (a declaration of one's mind made in words) an utterance. Kenneth W. A rhema is a promise that God has definite plans for a circumstance or problem. The Word of God] The only place in Scripture (unless Hebrews 4:12 be so interpreted, which is not probable) where this exact phrase is used of the personal Word, the Son of God. Jul 19, 2020 · For this glorious word rhema means direct speech. Our God isn’t silent; He’s a speaking God. ” The Rhema word in Biblical terms refers to a portion of scripture that “speaks” to a believer. In the New Birth, He is not only with us but in us. "In the beginning was the [logos] Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1 NKJV). C. One example of logos is the Bible, the Word of God. In fact, using the word rhema to explain something God has led a person to do is actually often more confusing since most people do not know what the “ rhema word” means. He continues to speak today, and He wants to speak directly to us. Jan 10, 2021 · Rhema is when your ‘inner man’ [spirit] causes you to ‘act’. Ephesians 6:17 calls it “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” ( see February 8). He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We must feed on the Word in the area of healing. -John 1:1. There is no other meaning of the Greek words logos and rhema to say, as it is often said in our day, that that passage of the Bible has now become a rhema word for us. When this happens, I date the scripture and write a note regarding whom it is about, or write another reminder. … In the New Testament, the phrase “Word (Logos) of God,” found in John 1:1 and elsewhere, shows God’s desire and ability to “speak” to the human. Rhema is also often translated as "word" and refers to spoken words or a saying. God longs to show us who He is. The Bible so called because the writers of its several books were God's organs in communicating his will to men. The Greek word for “frame” means to render, fit together, equip, arrange, adjust, put in order, perfect, complete thoroughly. Apr 4, 2022 · Logos and Rhema Meaning. I believe that Your Word is life and truth to my spirit, and I receive the power of Your written Word in my life. Result. Righteousness means “right-standing with God. But of course the use of “the Word” in St John 1:1 is the same in principle and meaning. Jun 6, 2018 · Rhema - Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Rhema Bible Training College, upcoming events, products, teachings and more. Scripture: NAS: and Caiaphas, the word of God KJV: the high priests, the word of God INT: Caiaphas came [the] word of God upon. In the Bible, rhema is used to refer to specific words spoken by God or Jesus Christ. • The Bible is the inspired Word of God. This message can come to you while you’re reading the Bible, praying, or even when you’re talking to others. We will gain clari Aug 6, 2018 · Confession Increases Faith. INT: by every word of God. * Let go of control. Written text, spoken text, text in Hebrew, Greek, English, etc are Rhema. Jan 21, 2024 · In contrast to the general logos word of God, the rhema word is a specific word or verse that the Holy Spirit brings alive and speaks intimately to a believer. For example, the utterance ‘(Crystal) Palace played poorly today’ is rhema. And the Word was with God and the Word was God. As noted, the term “word” is taken from the Greek word rhema, which describes something that is spoken clearly, vividly, in Rhema is what flows from one person to another as a personal communication. any sound produced by the voice and having definite meaning. This is what I should do. to designate the divine reason or plan which coordinates a changing universe. However, there is the notable exception of John description of Jesus as the Logos. You may feel as if you can never get back to that kind of relationship, but God can restore you! He is saying, “If you come to Me, I’ll restore you. Jun 11, 2019 · Let the Holy Spirit come in and refresh you with God’s presence. ” “Without repentance” means that God won’t change His mind about what He has called you to do. He said to Abraham, “Thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they Jul 11, 2011 · The word of God has infinite worth because it creates and sustains life. Then there is another word, rhema, which is different in meaning. This release allows the word of God to fulfill what He has promised. One example of rhema in the Bible can be found in Matthew 4:4 when Jesus says, “Man Logos means “word” but when used of Scripture, it refers to all of the written Word of God, all of the Bible, in it’s entirety, as it is written down with pen and ink on the pages of Scripture. In verse 3, we read, "All things were made through him, and without him also take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Scripture uses another word to describe the Word of God, and that word is Logos. The Bible says, "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). In the New Testament, the Gospel of John begins, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Mar 12, 2024 · The Rhema word, in particular, is a concept in Christianity that refers to God’s active, spoken word. When we say rhema, we are referring to a specific word or phrase that is spoken by God to an individual. That is what Paul is talking about in Romans 10:17, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Logos is used in John 1:1 (NKJV). Aug 1, 2017 · The Greek word rhḗma simply means "any spoken word. He was in the beginning with God. Feb 13, 2018 · In John 7:40 and 8:51, for example, “logos” translates to “words” which Jesus spoke in those contexts. Hebrews 4:12 says “For the word of God is living and active…” (Luke 1:37, KJV). John 1:1-3 (NKJV) 1 In the beginning was the Word (G3056 logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. • Our God is One, but manifested in three Persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Both words mean “to speak, that which is spoken. Hagin. But there (as in 1 Cor 14:26; 2 Cor 2:17; Col 1:25; 2 Tim. What Paul is saying here is Its meaning and uses. There is nothing about the word rhema that makes it more suitable than logos for God's revealing something to His children, including His turning a spotlight on a Mar 10, 2024 · Rhema is a Greek word that means “utterance” or “spoken word. The word for “word” here is rhema. It is of the heart. If God has called you, that calling is still there, whether or not you have obeyed. He used the word rhema, which shows us that the sword of the Spirit is the individual verses and phrases and passages of the Bible which we can wield quickly in battle. The Lord Jesus indicated that the Father was the source of His speaking, that is, of both His utterance and concept. Rhema (Eph 6:17) * It's good to suffer loss, for it draws me to the Cross where God's loss is more than what anyone ever lost. But that’s not all. LUKE 18:27–30 (NIV) 27 Jesus replied, “What is impossible with men is possible with God. The term active in Hebrews 4:12 means “effective, powerful, producing or capable of producing an intended result. In fact, almost all the cases translate the word this way. Consequently, the Holy Spirit encourages our heart with a fresh life-giving (rhema) word specific for that day and season of our life. Meaning of Word. What We Believe. " In recent times, many ministers have enlarged the definition, using the word "rhema" to mean "the spoken word of God" or "the God-breathed word," or a "spiritually enlightened understanding of the Word of God. Aug 18, 2010 · Answer: The word "rhema" is a Greek word which simply means "the spoken word. In Hebrew, El Shaddai means “the All-Sufficient One,” or “the God Who is more than enough. Aug 7, 2012 · The Greek word is rhema. Logos. And feeding on God’s Word on healing can make us whole in every area of our lives! This is where rhema comes in. The Rhema can also be interpreted as a specific word from God to a church or individual. His written word is a record of His speaking. Luke 5:5 N-DNS GRK: δὲ τῷ ῥήματί σου χαλάσω NAS: nothing, but I will do as You say What does Rhema mean? “Rhema” is a Greek word used in the New Testament for oral speech, the spoken word. We cannot reason love into people, nor can we reason love out of them. Peter (in 1Peter 1:25) defines it exactly: “The word of the Lord endureth for ever; and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. Logos refers to the total utterance of God, the complete revelation of what God has said. that which is or has been uttered by the living voice, thing spoken, word. The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place. So , Rhema refers to spiritual hearing/seeing. 28 Peter said to him, “We have left all we had to follow you!”. The following passages of Scripture give examples of the logos of God: "In the beginning was the Word (logos), and the Word (logos) was with God, and the Word (logos) was God" (John 1:1) Oct 12, 2018 · Logos Is ‘The Entire’ While Rhema Is a Sub-component. Understanding the Rhema word is essential for any believer who seeks to have a deeper, more intimate relationship with God. In John 1:1 we see the term word used 3 times. In the last two decades or so the teaching has been spread that there is a major difference between ρημα (rhema) and λογος (logos). The word and revelation. The word for “word” here is rhema and refers to the May 8, 2021 · First, it is unnecessary to use the word rhema to explain the Spirit’s leading in a person’s life because the idea can easily be explained without using the term. When the Holy Spirit speaks the Word of God to your spirit with precision and simplicity, it Jul 9, 2021 · In the Bible, rhema refers to speaking, regardless of who is doing the speaking. You see this in believers who are serving the Lord but aren’t happy. The lesser-known of these two Greek words is rhema, which is used to refer to the instant, personal speaking of God. You see this in John 1:1, in which it refers to Jesus. In other words, our being “with God” is a lifestyle, not just an event. The word Paul uses in Ephesians 6:17 for the word is rhema. Logosencompasses the entirety of God’s word. Think of the power in this statement. This is a thorough bible study about the meaning of the Greek word ῥῆμα, 'rhema' meaning 'Word' Strong's 4487. It is his "word," because he speaks to us in its sacred pages. That is the logos. And if God gave you a gift—if He gifted you along a Sep 24, 2023 · The “word of God” mentioned is the Rhema word, a revelation, or instruction one is given on a personal level when reading the Bible, listening to a sermon, hymn, or other means. ib cr zs jd wr tt sv jp en mu