
Kids at 35 reddit. All kidding aside, it comes down to time management.

Interesting advice to give a 35 year old. I am not in a relationship and have no children. Not having kids is the single biggest regret of my life, and I think about it daily. more replies. So for sure absolutely no question you should max 401k/HSA/Roth IRA if you ever want to retire. I'm writing a book on communist/capitalist ideology. What next? So I've recently paid down my debt to the point where all I have is about $1k left on a single credit card, which should be taken care of with the next stimulus check. Some people get there at 28, others 38, etc. I am nearly 38 years old and I don’t know if I want children. The only time I wouldn't move kids is between 12-18, I do think some stability is important for teenagers. Sep 12, 2018 · Ask any woman who gets pregnant over the age of 35 and they’ll tell you: It’s pretty damn surprising when you walk into the OB/GYN feeling all glowing and youthful and then they assign you the worst medical term ever created. Then December 1989 they had the first episodes Simpsons roasting on an open fire. The revised plan is 57. Having kids past 40 isn't really a great idea for biological reasons though, so kinda wild that's even a thing on the table for potential partners at this point tbh. 5k 401k and $6k IRA and $3. r/AskWomenOver30. This question is directed to women over 35 who wanted kids but their partners did not. “I HAVE KIDS TO FEND FOR!!!”. For me it got me around 32. The aethestic is bright, cute, and colourful, and every new power you absorb from enemies is a delight. My best friend is now 35 and she still does not want to be a parent and is content with being aunty to her friends' kids. But if you do it, do it one hundred percent. If you are not a woman over 35 who wanted kids and your partner did not, then do not leave a top level response. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Still a very small risk. That’s not super out of the norm for a Kindergartener, but it’s something you could work on with her. 90 votes, 217 comments. Even if it happens you will be destroying 7 lives, including you’re We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. petemorley. For most people it just starts taking a little longer in the mid- to late-30s: with the exception of some cases on the margins, it's not like two years makes the difference between having kids and not having them period. I struggled with PPD after both kids and actually started Prozac a month and a half ago because I had so many depressive symptoms (weepy, Jesus, they are hard work. •. I am turning 35 but have wanted to have kids for over 10 years now. Reply reply. And there are men in relationships with/impregnating women over 35, yes. Joining AF at 35 or not? Advice. Waiting for the next x million to roll in. r/ask. Women are having children at 35, 40, 45 these days! We’re focusing more on our careers, and ourselves then ever before. Someone being married/having a kid at 25 would be way more unusual than at 35 where I’m from to be honest. Nope. 35 (f) Success Stories - Marriage and a baby (or two) Hi there wonderful folks of Reddit, I am a 35 (f) and just having experienced heartbreak I’m feeling quite low. 1. ago. If you have kids any younger than 30 you're an irresponsible idiot, but if you have them after 35you're an irresponsible idiot. If you're in good health in your 50s and so on, you'll have a lot of life left to spend with them, while others who have kids earlier aren't necessarily as lucky. When I was 22 I did not see 18 year olds as kids, just “younger than me. Fun fact about “advanced maternal age” the number 35 was selected because at 35 the risk of a Trisomy 21 pregnancy is higher than the risk of miscarriage from an amniocentesis. Together for 5 years and she dumps me. : r/ask. It's still a rare occurrence. Ex. Then I got married, bought a house at the peak of the bubble and had kids. Had my kiddos at 34 and 36, and my second pregnancy was healthier than my first with very few lifestyle differences between the two. For most people, probably late 20s-early 30s. The kids these teachers talk about don't have those skills. Well it’s been 2. brunetteskeleton. Anyway, irrelevant but the point is it’s possible. . ”. Think of it this way. Having kids after you are 30 is weird and unethical. [deleted] What is it like being around 35 and not married with no kids? 30 is right around the corner for me. Good health to you We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. As long as they aren’t breeder-types, then having kids doesn’t negatively impact the friendship. I just stated that after 35, the older you get, while generally safe, the risks get higher. 35 is often used as a threshold, and then 40 as another threshold, but obviously our bodies are just aging gradually, it's not like "ding! your eggs are expired!" And every body is different. I listened to a podcast that said relish in your singledom, enjoy it, because your next relationship could be the ONE. My married girlfriends call me "lucky" ;J. They do not interact with text-heavy sites. You’re a geriatric. ) Most women doctors these days have kids after 35. My kids are trolls though so I guess they did come when they wanted, they just wanted to come later than I wanted lol. For context - I’m 35, engaged, happily childless, and after spending the last 20 years working as a childcare professional, I have become completely disinterested in having kids of my own. 50ish now. Kids did great; having a good school for them to go into was the thing that really made the transition easiest for all of us. If you’re younger, you may have more energy to care for a newborn. spearmintmint. I thought for sure I would be married by 24. We're not too old per se, but 35+ is a suboptimal age to have kids. Been looking at the AF as a possible option. Raising kids till 20 y/o requires a lot of energy,money and patience . If you want 3+ kids, then you have much better odds if you start now (although I have a great-grandmother who had 3 healthy kids at 40, 41, and 43). 5 months since the breakup I’m still lost. For a small percentage of women, 35 is already too late. Please don’t call her “annoying,” the behaviour you’re describing sounds like she wasn’t taught about respecting body boundaries, though. Finally dumped him 4 years ago. I'm 33 single, no kids. Unfortunately I'm 42 and starting to notice I'm showing signs of perimenopause. At 45, when most women can no longer get pregnant, 87 percent of fetuses are still normal. If you are scared, that probably means you are aware of the immense responsiblity of raising children, and that's a good sign. This is a place to ask questions that are sincere attempts to find factual answers or to seek advice. You’re not alone - soooo many people get married after 35! Yes. Not because of age but because a true lifetime commitment to someone is hard. Debt free (almost). Welcome to AskWomenOver30, an inclusive Reddit community where people can ask question to and discuss topics with women over the age of 30. Long story of course and I'm happy to answer questions, but she's 35, I'm 39, we were together for 10 years, married for 2, and we never had kids. 5m in today’s dollars in 15 years. Having children after 35 years old. Your taxes are most likely spent on kids of drug addicts, alcoholics and kids from abused and neglected households - families who don't pay taxes. Operate under the presumption of baby trapping. When you are 50 you will feel like you are 50, and whether your kid is 10 or 15 won't matter. Pretty egotistical. When one’s lived a full life, has a fully developed brain, and is stable in all aspects of life, emotionally mature and patient…to me, that’s the best age to have children. 35 is when some risks start to go up significantly so there are more screening tests; by 40 those risks are much higher, but it’s still possible for a lot of women to have a healthy pregnancy. I had more energy and quicker recoveries when I was younger. Kirby games are excellent for that age range. At first it can be uncomfortable, but I found that if you push through after 10 minutes it gets calm and boosts your creativity. Apparently for the internet, there is a very short timeframe. " Just feels like I'm looking more for a deep one-on-one connection and life partner (which obviously takes time to cultivate) and they're looking for an acceptable means to have children. I discovered the 4% rule and planned to retire at 35. They are not childfree. They are childless and antinatalist. Having kids at 20 is usually equally stupid. Although I know that technically I could maybe still be a bio mom, I'm still single and only Yeah The Simpsons started as shorts in 87. I know it's pretty common for millenials/gen z to hold off on kids until like their 30s, but if I want At age 25, I had no responsibilities, no bills to speak of and a very good paying job. Geriatric pregnancy starts at 35, and there are more considerations for women who have kids that late. Most 7-8 yo kids won’t play with a 5 yo. WebMD actually says “use that as a reason to take care of yourself” which I really liked ☺️ So keep in mind that it is important to stress healthy habits before and during (even after!) pregnancy, and definitely talk to your OB/GYN about your health to determine if you have any risk factors in your own health. Now I’m sitting here 35 years old and I have no kids. Thus, at age 35, insurance gives its blessing to cover amniocentesis at 16 weeks gestation. It's just a number that was agreed upon because the line has to be somewhere. I don’t have the energy to start a new relationship, bond, then determine if I want kids with a person. Mindful meditation is excellent for the mind and body. My credit score is at 699 according to Vantage Score. They are not 'refusing to breed'. " But I never had that thought. Overall, yes it is very feasible. 1%. By ruining their family the kids will be fucked. I don't dislike kids -- I love my nieces and nephews and have been very active in their lives, but I never felt the need to make my own. I'm scared to have kids past 35. You buy the condoms, you store the condoms where she can't get to them, and you wash out the condoms when done. All these women you hear of having kids in their 40s is very rare and really unhelpful misinformation to the average woman. I currently see 18-19 year olds as “kids” of a sort. I told my kids to wait until they were older based on my experience. kirby-90. The more kids the more potential for interruptions or complications. Life is going to be extremely hard for you, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically (if your taking care of them), and into the future when you have kids of your own and lack the family support structure of grandparents. I was wondering if any of you could please share your success stories of finding an amazing partner Look after yourself, move your body and stay healthy, and you will be fine. They would like to have kids, but decided not to because of the environment. MembersOnline. 01%, then at 35, it's 0. It is stupid to say that people over 35 shouldn't have kids and how do you police that, anyway? Sterilize everyone over 35? I’m currently in my early 30s. Maxing $19. Advice : r/AirForceRecruits. Not the same way I see minors, I wouldn’t say they’re “children” really, but 18-22 year olds are still incredibly young and act kind of like kids. So if the chance at age 25 is 0. I always thought I’d have a big family by now. After that, I'll be debt-free. I had a pretty easy pregnancy, except for more doctor's appointments than I had my first baby last year after 2 miscarriages, I'm 38 and started trying at 35, it was heartbreaking and i really wanted to stop after the first miscarriage, I love my baby with all my heart, and I'm happy he exists, but I'm tired all the time, you need someone by your side that is willing to be a parent and not throw everything at you and just be there to "help" you once in a while, just UnderAnesthiza. Additionally, marriage AFTER 35 might be a little easier. After years of hearing "I want a divorce" from her at even the smallest argument, I've decided to give her what she wants. That's all one can do at this point. Honestly, this is one thing that American culture tried to push on to everyone to distance themselves from European tradition (its still common for adult kids to live at home with 'rents until they get married, even if it's late 30's). If you truly love her you know her kids happiness means the most for her. Growing up, I never thought I would be in this place. Currently looking at a midlife career change and have to start over at entry level job/apprenticeship/or go back to school. Moved with young kids (oldest was 9) 4 years ago. Women having kids into their 40s is pretty common. Fun fact, this is more or less mindful meditation. If you don't, do not leave birth control in her hands at all. Zero regrets on that front, other than why didn't I do that much earlier. It's almost as if it's just the act of aging past 22 that's offensive to these dudes, not anything to do with our reproductive choices. The best time (biologically) for a woman to have kids is between 16 and 24. Gives people a reason to selfish and use their children as a scapegoat as to why the can be selfish and entitled pricks to everyone else in the world. But at 25-28 you usually have a home, probably a partner you like and a steady job. It was only in my previous relationship that finished 4y ago that I felt in a place emotionally and financially for me to start a family.     Go to ask. Before that I absolutely did not want a baby. Similar but very different: I had a high BMI with my first pregnancy, high risk high. True loves comes from the act of detachment. I would say 25-32 is the optimal age to start a family. First kid came 4 days late, second came on his due date kinda fast and furious style. I'm mid 30s with 3 kids, stay-at-home dad who runs a respectable communications marketing business. For a man probably like 55. [deleted] •. I didn't say that you should do that. theGreyjoy. After 45 I won't have any of those,best case scenario all will be in decline . However, being a parent is optional. The statistics say no. 35 yr old. Are any other mid-upper 30s guys a bit taken aback by how many women over 35 still "want someday. I am pregnant at 35, but Everybody in my family started popping out kids at 19. I wish I had either ditched him as soon as I was ready for marriage and kids, or once I hit 35ish just had kids on my own. I probably won't publish it since the audience is small and I don't need the money. RobertElectricity. As I understand, the feeling should come soon after 30, psychologically. Also, many millennials who don't have kids because of the environment are not childfree. butterflyblueskies. 35 years old. I’m pushing 50 and most friends have kids even though I’m in a large liberal-minded city. The risks go up after 35, sure, but it's not a dramatic increase in risk that suddenly crops up once you hit 35. However, when you’re older and if your friends are, their kids are older and doing their own thing. I'm just sitting here with a headache from eating ice cream in the morning. We don’t read the rules, but we’ll make a post anyway. If you don't think it's for you, you don't have to do it. Things sorta even out when you get into your 40s. They been We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I think you should have kids when it is right for you. Nothing in life is sure. Go get a vasectomy right now if you're certain you don't want kids. We’re fully prepared for our first month of trying to be successful, but also super realistic that it might take months. When your child is born bench press and squat them 3x10 on alternating days. I know when my mom had my siblings, the doctors lectured the shit outta here about having kids past 35 and how the risk of birth defects gets way higher past that point. Best case is to date one w just one kid thats hopefully at least 10 years old. I'll try to keep this short. That’s not a bad thing. • 11 yr. Normal mascot platformers like Mario and Sonic tend to be to difficult for kids that age, but Kirby is more forgiving and slower paced. All kidding aside, it comes down to time management. No kids. Salty-Pack-4165. Seems like that could take a This is the amount you need to reach in 15 years. Award. (Not only because of the commitment part but because people grow and change throughout their lives). I grew up in a family of 5 kids, and remember all my brothers and sisters using phrases like "When I have kids . Nov 18, 2023 · 13. More important than age of the father is maintaining low stress, moderate exercise and a good diet. I used to think 27 was the age to start considering that stuff, until I turned 27. For context I’m 24 and going through a cordial divorce and realize even more that I don’t see a wife and kids in my life. And then if she does have kids they say they don't want to date a single mom or "I don't want to raise another man's kids". I'm 19, still young, still nowhere near considering marriage or children, but I can't help but think about what kind of environment my kids will grow up in based on the way my parents handle me and my siblings. Looks like a definite pay reduction joining. So she is turning it around to be like "Yes, in fact I DO know what being 35 means! It means I can be president. So if you save at that level you could retire at age 60-65. A subreddit for folks nearing or over 30 who are looking for dating advice. 30 and life's too good at the moment to bother with all that. I had much more patience and wisdom when I was older. That’s why we consulted five women about their prenatal experience and why exactly they Well, my kids aren't special needs, we have private Health and pay taxes too. There's a certain level of reading comprehension that you gotta have to be here and interact in a way that entertains you. " If you ever have the chance to turn 35 without having had kids, you get the joy of all the shitty comments about it. 30. I'm never sure if I should say I'm as old as The Simpsons give or take I'm close. Plus, the gap between being fertile and menopause gets smaller. I tried this with both my kids, as well as every old wives tale to induce labor. Kids at 40 is fine, as long as you accept the responsibility to look after yourself on behalf of everyone who loves you. I have 2m, wife, no kids, no debt. You only need 1 man. I'm just saying that the woman should figure out, sooner rather than later, if kids are what she wants. This is me. pipsqueak35. Marriage is hard. 25 out of 100. Lay still for a while in a completely quiet place, let your mind wander. By the time they are teenagers you should be decently strong and your kids are well aware of who is the boss. They browse TikTok and Instagram, reading minimally. But its better late than never, as they say, and late 30s isn't that old I guess. All are welcome, please read and abide by the rules in our sidebar. I'm 55, and have no kids and no regrets. I had my first three kids at 22, 24, and 25. Oct 17, 2023 · Trying to figure out what is happening to me! 35 weeks pregnant, SAHM with a 4 year old and 2 year old. • 3 yr. Longest running animated show. So basically don't be 35 and have kids but also don't be 35 and not have kids. We’re both fairly healthy and fit, so we’re For a woman, i'd say 45, because idk if her body could actually take it physically. I've recently become single again and have found myself re-evaluating my life, as you do. It's really heartwarming to read these stories. I think the stigma of not being married or having kids is slowly fading away. My first three were raised in poverty, my last two with more financial security. Yes, there are definitely exceptions and many women have no issue at all, but if you're more of a bell-curve-kind-of-a-conclusion-draw-er, there is a lot of research about fertility/ pregnancy/ birth/ hormones at nearly We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If you wait till 35+ then you just enter another hardmode, first kid at 40 is next level hard I do feel like it gets easier when you’re older. It drives me crazy how even childfree 19-year-old boys on Reddit think they "know" that it's irresponsible for women to have kids after 35, and meanwhile men don't seem to know anything about their own fertility. However, with age, you may have more wisdom and patience to handle a newborn. Ten years was all it would take for me to save the money providing my situation didn't change. If you are starting from $0, you need to invest about $10k per month with ~4-5% real returns. And I don't think there is a noticeable difference between starting at 35 and starting at 40. Single. And many millennials want kids, but are too poor to have them. I travelled the world and drove fast cars So my wife and I are calling it quits. I never wanted kids. Ever since my late 20s, I've had severe health issues result from infertility problems. Realize though that that risk increase correlates to a shift from 1 out of 100 to 1. Unfortunately, no relationship I ever found worked out and I'm stuck being single. 55k HSA every year for 25-28 years will be enough to replace your income after factoring in savings rate. In your opinion is 36 too old to start having children? Assuming people are quite healthy. I don't think a father is 100% necessary, many kids grow up happily with two moms or whatever family combination they have, BUT I think support for the parent is what is crucial and often the easiest support is the other parent for that child, because they have to share the load and the responsibility (I know some people don't share, and that I really hear you on this. On Reddit. Plug that into a savings goal calculator, assuming something around a 4-5% real return. Outrageous-Put-8737. From what I have seen, men start wanting children on their mid 30s to early 40s. r/AskMen. For my SO and I, we found that communication and patience were key to getting through the fourth trimester together successfully. The question is whether you personally left or stayed and how your choice turned out. • 5 yr. "I got pregnant at 38 while on birth control (so much for decreased fertility after 35), and my partner was 44. As most women will have older kids or at least one older sibling that can double as a babysitter for a short time. Yet they don’t bat an eye when other children are in foster care or are being abused in the system. I read a statistic that said for women aged 35+ (I’m nearly there) who are regularly trying to get pregnant (intimacy every 2-3 days) for a year have an 85% success rate. It’s a 30% gross savings rate which frankly If she ends up having fertility problems at 35, she almost certainly would have had them at 33, and likely at 28. I don’t know if I want to have children 🤷🏻‍♀️. If you want to build a relationship with her by causing a divorce while she has kids that’s not true love. I had my last two kids at 35 and 37. Bottomless pits in other games tend to frustrate young We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Reply. After 35, the risk does go up. Unsure if i want kids - Causing Anxiety. Don’t let the number 35 hold you hostage. I have a fulfilling life and satisfied with my career A never-married, no-kids, in-shape guy in his mid 30's is probably more likely to get laid than any other male demographic category. Apart from three extra ultrasounds and the glucose test it didn't change anything. Turning 35 doesn't magically make getting pregnant harder then at 34. Have kids when you're ready and try and lead a healthy life. Even at early fetal testing (known as chorionic villus sampling), 99 percent of fetuses are chromosomally normal among 35-year-old pregnant women, and 97 percent among 40-year-olds. (Many of those that are not will later be miscarried. I think if you'd want children, you'd know it. If you need $75k per year, you need to have $2. No kids, no wife, nothing to tie me down. It's certainly not too old as far as raising the children is concerned. I'm 37m almost 38. ADMIN MOD. I’m a career nanny (started when I was 15, and have continued to pay my bills this way, all the way through high school and college, and now after), and We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. And I was born in like july 1988. Men in their 30s and up with no kids or wife how is your life? Title says it all. wu az wv eu hw vz ux fv ln cs