
How to promote equality in early years settings. Feb 2, 2024 · Diversity in Early Childhood Education.

Unexpected job roles. The Equality Act 2010 places a legal duty on all services to promote equality and end discrimination. Soften your setting and make spaces for children to talk and feel safe and happy. 24 April 2020. Unit: EYP 3: Equality, diversity and inclusive practice in Early Years Settings Learning outcome: 1. Supporting documents. Discover how to promote values of diversity, equity and inclusion in an early education setting to create a welcoming environment for all. The RBA is not used to make judgements about early years provision, either current or retrospective. you promote families’ involvement with their children’s early childhood programmes. It provides the legal framework to protect the rights of individuals and promote equality of opportunity for all. In Essex, early years settings must meet this duty by having an ENCO. Equity is slightly different from equality in that it recognises that Nov 28, 2022 · All childminders need to promote equality, diversity and British values at your setting. Democracy is where we make decisions together. dress code. ">Through an exploration of language practices in an early years setting, this paper aims to Mar 23, 2022 · Diversity, inclusion and equality is a key element to this journey and forms a platform to children achieving many of the EYFS outcomes in England and supporting children's learning and devlopment in Wales. This can be achieved by providing learning resources that reflect diverse cultures and backgrounds, and by engaging parents and carers in promoting diversity. Ensure that is does not became a dusty action plan that is not reviewed and accessed on a regular basis. Step four. 9781839600005. Jan 15, 2020 · Another potential barrier for implementing equality would be if a person within an early years setting had a disability. 3 Explain how to support others to promote diversity, equality and inclusion 3. Aug 10, 2021 · Duty 2 Provide playful, sensitive interaction opportunities that reflect children's needs, interests and motivations in order to facilitate and extend deep level learning. es and encourage support for the idea within the setting. They will help children learn about different dangers and how they can protect themselves. Democracy. Practical information and ideas to support practitioners in childcare settings 3. The Code of Practice for Adult Care Workers sets out the responsibilities of care workers in relation to equality and diversity. Create legacy for your organisation. This toolkit has been developed to support early learning and childcare settings, schools and communities to understand the principles of equality and equity, identify priorities for action, and to implement and evaluate a plan which will create positive impact for all. Feb 4, 2012 · Early Years Update looks at the National Healthy Schools Programme and the key issues it aims to address. When you promote diversity in the classroom, you can use a range of activities and principles to help students recognise Employers, managers and employees should all understand the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion in all areas of work, including: recruiting new staff. Activities to help children understand equality and diversity - When it comes to teaching the early years This is reflected in a diverse range of actions which aspire to promote gender equality in Early Years settings and reduce harmful gender stereotyping. Childcare providers must ensure that every child at their setting is included. Social justice is often embraced in early childhood education and care as a vision and philosophy which can drive pedagogical approaches. Have a commitment to equality and a named member of staff responsible for equality. Respecting children’s participation right’s and actively listening to and incorporating the views of children into the culture and operation of the early years setting, forms an essential step in ensuring early years professionals achieve the criteria stipulated under Regulation 5. In this way children will be curious and respectful about others and become a positive member of a diverse world. This includes developing tolerance, respect and promoting cohesion. IntroductionEnsuring the rights and access of every child to a quality, inclusive early childhood care and education (ECCE) is an important challenge and opportunity for governmen. 4: Use legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice. It’s a quote I love, because to me it really sums up the underpinning This course gives you guidance on how to make sure your early years setting in inclusive and what is expected of you. 3. Early years settings that are schools, Part 6 of the Equality Act 9 2010 10. 3c Explain who to ask for advice and support about equality and inclusion (Care Certificate, Standard 4: Equality and diversity) 3. Talk to work colleag. How the Equality Act 2010 applies to different settings 9 9. Last updated on 30 October 2019 Inclusion means listening to young children (and their families) and being sensitive to their needs and interests. This takes a whole group approach to help develop positive attitudes From an early age children have formed attitudes towards children different from themselves. It also supports educators in developing an inclusion policy for their setting, which is a requirement of your ECCE contract 2016/17. If you don’t have time to publish your own blog, share articles, opinions, and thoughts through Facebook, Twitter, or your preferred social media site. Encourage children to listen to one another and wait before speaking. Contact other area childcare services, local childcare agencies or organisations, including t. Jul 21, 2018 · As early years practitioners I believe there is a moral and social duty to promote understanding and appreciation of difference and diversity. The Equality Act (2010) defines disability as. It includes links and resources to help you. a physical or mental impairment and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Developing inclusive pedagogies means learning about and working with children’s own • equality coordinators in early years settings It aims to clarify the responsibilities for ensuring the implementation of race equality in early years settings, taking account of the requirements of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000. What is the role of diversity in the EYFS? Cumbria County Council In addition to providing high-quality care and education, early years settings should also be inclusive and promote equality and diversity. A blog on a website like Wordpress, Blogger, or Tumblr can help you raise awareness for your ideals. By ensuring that each child, from their earliest years, is cherished equally, that diversity is celebrated and a sense of belonging nurtured, the early years sector can contribute to building a more inclusive, tolerant Nov 22, 2022 · On Wednesday, 9 November 2022, Early Childhood Ireland was pleased to attend the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission’s Care Policy and Practice Conference on Achieving Gender Equality At Work. Ensure that Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Charter and Guidelines for Early Childhood Care and Education. Jan 31, 2024 · How Early Year settings can comply with the Equality Act 2010. 2 Example of an Equality Action Plan 3. To help ensure your environment is enabling, follow this checklist: Create an environment that is warm, welcoming and nurturing and facilitates a sense of belonging. This is one of the many ways that we treat the genders differently, and it relates to the idea that we see girls as more nurturing and boys as more boisterous. To lead on this area of work, we recommend that every setting has a named person for equality. It’s about developing a deep and intimate knowledge of each child, and their unique ways of communication (Nutbrown and Clough, 2006). You are also helping Mar 31, 2014 · Updated to reflect wider opening of early years settings from 1 June 2020 and to provide a clarification on progress checks for children aged 2. Read the Prevent Duty for more information. This resource includes advice and guidance on how schools can audit their current practice, review policies and make their school environment more inclusive, as well as providing lesson plans and activities designed to educate young people about gender and sexism in Early Years to KS5. Feb 2, 2024 · Diversity in Early Childhood Education. 2 Working with parents/carers 2 1. This means that they should be accessible to all children, regardless of their background or needs, and should provide a welcoming and supportive environment for children and their families. Early years are a period of time when children are most in need of support. Mar 20, 2023 · The early years are a crucial time in a child’s development, and an inclusive approach to education can significantly impact their future educational and personal growth. the dismissal of staff. Here are five ideas for tackling gender stereotypes to create gender equality: 1. 6 Explain how to challenge cultural practices that are harmful or illegal Equality in the early years. childcare professionals on respecting gender equality in the early years and in 2016 The Default Setting: What parents say about gender stereotyping in their children’s early years. e local County Childcare Committee, to generate interest. Oct 11, 2019 · Review Your Policies. How early years settings can ensure they are inclusive of LGBTQ+ parents and their children. Long term is defined by the Equality Act as a year Oct 7, 2021 · Within the classroom setting, no matter what the age of the children, practitioners play a critical role in terms of encouraging the development of a life-long love of learning and promoting equality and diversity in the classroom. Alliance publication Essential Policies & Procedures for the EYFS is FREE for members only and provides templates policies and procedures suitable for nurseries covering all aspects of the EYFS, including safeguarding and child protection. This article originally appeared in the March 2020 issue of Under 5 magazine. Jul 14, 2021 · Early Years settings offer the opportunity to shape the lives of children and their families in a diverse, equal and inclusive environment where children can thrive and fulfil their full potential. From a young age, talk to children about how we should treat everybody fairly and equally, and discuss the consequences of children being bullied for being different. Support for early years and childcare settings in Essex to put inclusion for every child at the heart of their practice. 5 Assess sources of information and support available to promote equality and diversity 3. Adopting inclusive practices is the perfect way to demonstrate to children that you, and they, should strive towards equality. Explain that the world is made up of lots of people who are all different and that this is what makes the world so special. Review your work. The frameworks also state 3. Recognise the need for training in equality whatever the demographic make up of your setting and its surrounding area. The requirements of the Equality Act, sit alongside other statutory requirements: This book delivers an invaluable resource for people who care for young children to understand why harmful attitudes towards gender stereotypes and inequalities, often emerging in the early years, can have lifelong impacts if left unchallenged. Oct 4, 2023 · Democracy in the early years can be demonstrated in lots of different ways. The National Healthy Schools Programme (NHSP), a joint initiative between the Department of Health and the DCSF, aims to ‘support the development of healthy behaviours among children and young people, help raise their achievement and help promote health equality and social inclusion. This definition provides a relatively low threshold and includes many children and adults. Offer a range of resources, which are Oct 21, 2019 · Promoting equality and diversity in childcare settings is essential for ensuring children grow up as accepting, well-rounded, and kind individuals. Early years settings that are not schools, Part 3 of the Act 10 11. Other project members include: 1. Aug 3, 2021 · Tuesday, August 3, 2021. Listening during stories or discussion time. equal pay. Inclusive practice in the early years refers to an approach to educating young children that Some will be able to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of st rategies for dealing with prejudice in an ea rly years setting. Central to this is a focus on creating more equitable and ethical spaces where all children can participate, and where children can relate to each ti. Duty 3 Participate in and lead daily routines and practice, including childrens’ personal care, play and maintaining the physical environment. By Rachel Lawler. Make spaces for learning by losing tables and chairs. Lorraine Glass, Policy and Improvement Manager, respectme. Albeit an important starting point, it won’t change the systems that maintain and continue stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination and racism, sexism, classism, ableism and homophobia Oct 2, 2020 · The fundamental goal when promoting equality is to raise awareness and make sure that all individuals are treated equally and fairly. up a local network on diversity and equality issues:1. The “Fundamental British Values” are “ Democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. How do you promote equality of opportunity in early years? Introduction Responsibilities in Early Years and Childcare 2. Oct 19, 2021 · Ideas to promote gender equality in the early years. Settings need to be confident, committed, and competent in their ability to be equal and inclusive. An enabling environment should provide children with a safe space where they can play and learn. These statistics show the need for early years’ settings to provide efficient and adequate provision for all children. Step five. The Alliance has produced a publication called the Guide to the Equality Act and Good Practice for early years settings to Jul 28, 2017 · As a practitioner who only speaks one language, it can often be difficult to support children and families who speak dual languages and promote diversity within the setting without being too tokenistic. Data from the RBA is compared to key stage 2 outcomes 7 years later to form the overall progress measure for a school. Childcare providers must: It simplifies, streamlines and strengthens law, ending the tangle of equality legislation. Key V ocabulary Diversity , equality , inclusion, stereotypical, prejudice, value s, beliefs, gender , age, difference, welcoming , talent, disability , ability . g. It is not always possible for an early years place of work to provide all the necessities needed for a person with a disability. 1 Guidance for good practice 2. Thus, all early childhood educators have a professional obligation to advance equity. This should be done in a safe and welcoming environment where every individual is valued and difference is Apr 20, 2024 · 4. It is the responsibility of nursery practitioners to continually assess any possible risks in the learning environment. Every child is unique and will develop at their own pace, so it’s not about treating all children in exactly the same way but treating each child fairly and paying attention to their individual interests and needs. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice in an Early Years Setting. Both learning frameworks note that ‘respecting diversity means within the curriculum valuing and reflecting the practices, values and beliefs of families’. Published 23/07/2021. As Scotland gradually wakes up to the long Apr 24, 2019 · Equality Guidance for Early Years Settings. , policy makers, teachers, families, and communities. In general, people tend to talk to boys from a further distance and talk to girls from much closer quarters. This paper was written by Jane Lane, Policy Director, Early Years Equality (EYE) Access information, advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion. Which children are disabled? 12 13. 1 Interact with babies, young children, parents/carers in a way that values them and meets their individual needs. 1 Summarise current legislation relating to equality (Level 4 Diploma in Adult Care, Equality and Diversity) Welcoming Refugee Children. Jul 14, 2020 · Being ‘anti’-discriminatory means you proactively try to make a difference for those experiencing oppressions in society. training and promoting existing staff. Inclusion and equality in early years settings are key components of promoting diversity. unacceptable behaviour. 2 Explain current legislation and statutory guidance relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice According to Nolan Y et al (2002) Early Years and care services are operated within a framework of laws and regulations designed amongst other policies and procedures within each early years setting to support equality, diversity and rights. 9. The Equality Act 2010 brings together a range of legislation into a single act. Nicola Gibson begins a two-part series explaining how implementing a single equality scheme can help early years settings to promote inclusion and tackle disadvantage in their local community… The first time it happened, staff in the setting thought that Taylor was wearing the ill-fitting shoes for fun, but by the third day they were puzzled Quality Early Years Care and Education. In Ireland, young children are cared for and educated May 13, 2020 · 3. Understand legislation and statutory guidance for practice in the early years Assessment criteria: 1. Hannah Crown has a round-up. We recognise that focusing on a single approach will not result in a sustained change in attitudes, beliefs, values and behaviours around gender stereotyping. Learning outcome: Be able to use information, advice and support to promote equality, diversity and inclusion. Jul 23, 2021 · Equality and Equity Toolkit. Child centred settings must ensure that they are fully aware of the content of relevant legislation regarding equality and inclusion that enables children to get the best possible start and get efficient learning that meets 2. Supporting professionals to promote diversity and inclusion in early years settings, this book promotes awareness and understanding of the needs of children and families from diverse backgrounds, and provides the steps that practitioners can take to enhance their learning and help them reach their full potential. in an Early Years ServiceIntroductionThis booklet is written as a guide for parents and carers of young children to provide information that can support you in making decisions about the best care and education s. May 4, 2022. All settings have policies, procedures and codes of practice to make sure that the law is upheld. Role-playing certain jobs can sometimes have connections to certain genders within wider society. 1 Identify a range of sources of information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion ( Level 2 Diploma in Care , Equality and inclusion in care settings ) Ofsted and the EYFS require all early years providers to have policies and procedures in place to safeguard their children. Equality and the Law. an equality policy and procedure). Use these ideas from Linda Mort in your festivals and celebrations EYFS planning and learn about why this is such as important area to cover… The beliefs and values of the world’s religions and cultures are expressed in many ways, including through festivals and celebrations. redundancy. Diversity and equality in childcare is about validating and cherishing all children, recognising and celebrating who they chose to be. This is regardless of their age, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or race. More information on what inspectors will be looking for regarding diversity is available in these documents: the Common Inspection Framework, the Early Years Inspection Handbook and Inspecting safeguarding in in the Australian Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the My Time, Our Place as key principles underpinning early and middle childhood educational practice. Albert Einstein once said, “Everybody is a genius. Jul 10, 2020 · Reflecting on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in EYFS practice. 2 Reflect on the impact of own attitudes, values and behaviour when supporting equality, diversity and inclusive . everyone shares an ethos to promote equality in practice. Children’s Right’s Referendum A whole-school approach to promoting gender equality and tackling sexism and sexual harassment in schools. Ahead of International Women's Day 2020, we look at some of the ways early years setting can help challenge gender stereotypes with young children. Unit: Unit 2. What is an Equality Policy? 2. Review your policies and see if anything needs to change – it’s the adults in your employ who are guided by these policies and who will influence the children in your care at this crucial time. com The model aims to promote and support an inclusive culture within pre-school settings, by: developing a new Inclusion Charter for the Early Years Sector, underpinned by updated and strengthened National Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Guidelines and a nationwide training programme, 4. By Julia Manning-Morton with the input of her daughter, Billie Manning. Apr 29, 2020 · This article aims to describe and find ways to understand the practical gender equality work that is going on to promote gender equality in preschools in the Nordic countries. This backgrounder considers pre-school children with disabilities and An enabling environment is a rich and varied space where risks are minimised and well managed, and children are protected from harm and abuse. 1 Explain how legislation, policy and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity and discrimination apply to own work role (Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care, Promote equality and inclusion in care settings) 1. Make learning available at different levels to encourage children to play naturally. In co-producing this resource, we wanted to not only provide an update to ‘Just like a Child’, but also to Planning a Single Equality Scheme - in order to meet the requirements of the Equality Act, settings will need to carry out an Equality Impact Assessment and develop a Single Equality Scheme, to show how you are working to promote equality of opportunity. From classroom activities that celebrate differences to hiring practices, there are many ways that diversity, equity, and inclusion impact your childcare program. Tokenistic means to simply appear to be supporting diversity rather than truly promoting and embedding this into practice. It is important that practitioners provide an exceptional range of resources and activities that reflect and value the diversity of children’s This is a manual for every early years practitioner who wishes to expand their knowledge and improve their practice around gender stereotyping in the early years. Have an equality To be an inclusive provider, early years settings should be proactive at addressing barriers to inclusion such as negativity, conscious and unconscious bias, and stereotyping. Equality – means that everyone is treated the same, is treated fairly and has the same opportunities. tting for your child outside the home. Celebrating British occasions and festivals. Make sure you stimulate senses as part of the play on offer. Awareness of cultural diversity needs to be at an age appropriate level for Early Years children so that it is positive and meaningful. This equality impact assessment (EQIA) was undertaken to consider barriers faced by those with protected characteristics to taking up employment in the early learning and childcare (ELC) sector and how we can use the opportunity of the expansion to increase the diversity of the ELC workforce. They must also coordinate work towards your setting being fully inclusive. Engage parents with decision-making in your nursery, like contributing to ideas for menus, uniform choices and the setting’s ethos. Each child’s views matter, and it’s important they are given the opportunity to share and collaborate to make decisions together. Nov 29, 2022 · The Prevent Duty Guidance stresses the link between the legal requirement to safeguard children with the Prevent Duty and also the legal requirements in regard to the Equality Act 2010. They can do this best when they are effectively supported by the early learning settings in which they work and when they and their wider communities embrace diversity and full inclusion as strengths, uphold fundamental principles of fairness and justice, and Nov 10, 2017 · It explores the key issues surrounding Diversity and Equality and promotes good practice in terms of supporting Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in an early childhood education and care setting. The range of actions we are taking Nations General Assembly, 1990, 2007). May 4, 2022 · Social justice in early childhood education. From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Published on 1 July 2016. Like many of the other British values, it’s also about making sure that everyone has equal rights and is treated equally. 4 Explain how own role can support community understanding of different cultures and beliefs 3. From £ 11 / month. Key points to remember about EYFS areas. Demonstrate fairness and promote equality. Talking distance. There will also be local policies relating to equality and diversity including agreed ways of working provided by your employer (e. Inclusivity must extend beyond the confines of our settings’ classrooms, says Juno Hollyhock…. The early years sector has a particularly privileged and powerful role to play in reimagining and reshaping Ireland’s future. Representation, and eliminating assumptions, reduce the need for parents to ‘come out’ to their setting. Aug 1, 2020 · Read non-traditional fairy tales and stories, avoiding the gender-stereotyping stories like “Cinderella”, “Moana”, “Ferdinand”, “Fix It” and “The Paper Bag Princess” are great modern tales which promote gender equality. Jan 3, 2024 · The early years foundation stage statutory framework also states that early years and childcare settings must follow their legal responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 including the fair and equal treatment of practitioners regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race Nov 16, 2022 · Whilst equality, diversity and inclusion are closely related, and often discussed as a single concept, it is useful to consider the individual terms and their meanings. Gender equality in Equality and diversity are important to emphasise within the early years setting as they are critical values to impart to young children. Arrange a first meeting. In general, many settings should already be complying with the Act in developing their practices to take into consideration: the Early Years Foundation Stage; OFSTED inspection requirements; The provisions of Education and Health Care Plans specific to individuals in their care and; Sep 15, 2015 · Here are a few more suggestions of how to promote British Values in your setting, this may include; During meals/ snacks teach children about table manners. ”. Considerations for responsible bodies Parts 3 & 6 of the Equality 11 Act 2010 12. Focussing on how to achieve gender equality in work, the conference highlighted care and its perception and importance to society. Further, when you include an anti-discriminatory approach in your work with children, you are preparing them for citizenship in a society where people speak different languages, practise different customs, and embrace different values. Number 4 of the 17 United Nat ions Sustainable Development Goals is to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong Gender equality has been put much higher up the agenda in early years and primary education: the officers have a key role to play in that. Equality can be de broadly defined as the “importance of recognising, respecting, and accepting the diversity of individuals and group needs, and of ensuring equality in terms of access, participation and Jul 9, 2019 · ISBN. Equality Guidance for Early Years Settings Equality and the Law The Equality Act 2010 brings together a range of legislation into a single act. Qualification: NCFE CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Educator. It consolidates discrimination law within a single Act and aims to end the discrimination that blights so many people’s lives. Start a blog or social media account to spread awareness. Subscribe. 1 Play Resources 3. Drawing from the authors’ experience developing a public health programme tackling gender stereotypes, it explores the reasons why gender inequality is still an issue, identifies Stay safe. As well as inclusion there is information about British values; English as an additional language (EAL); the role of the equality named co-ordinator (ENCO), and children with special educational The purpose of the RBA is to form the starting point for cohort-level school progress measures. religious beliefs and practice. Ensure your policies embrace diversity and are inclusive for all, be that the children, their parents, or your staff. The following is taken from my last Ofsted inspection report, (graded Outstanding in All Areas) which makes for positive feedback on the An inclusive practice. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. More resources than ever are available to help you evaluate and promote gender equality in your setting. 8. Handle questions about difference honestly, sensitively and openly. Mar 1, 2010 · and promoting race equality’ for ‘children, young people, and their families’ (DfES. Besides, the early years are a period when children are most in need of support. A great way to expose children to unexpected job roles is to have boys be nurses, full-time See full list on prosperoteaching. The role of the ENCO is to lead on and identify all aspects of inequality. Last updated 08/02/2024. 2007). It is not enough to be nice. ’ Mar 30, 2023 · Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in early childhood education is not only important, but it is essential to creating a just and equitable society. ” Due to the impact of the resource and the range of organisations actively promoting gender equality in ELC, a Gender Equal Play Project has been formed. At the end of this course you will be able to: discuss the key legislation that affects you and your setting, recognise key words in relation to inclusion and equality, describe ways to promote inclusion and equality in your setting. By creating an inclusive environment, children learn to value individuality and respect for others. Support children to be curious about people around them, to see and understand similarities and differences. ec zi hq wf pe qo hq zr mw tp