Zoara of the marshes A detailed overview of Zoara of the Marshes - Armorer - Thralls in Conan Exiles featuring descriptions, locations, stats, lore & notable information. We wiped the whole city the last 3 days round about 150 - 200 times. Jul 11, 2020 · Our Clan searchs the T4 Armorer “Zoara Of The Marshes” After reading in the wiki , searching in Youtube guides, its suggested she only spawns in Sepermeru. Zoara of the Marshes is a named, Tier 4 Armorer NPC of the Relic Hunters Faction. … Jul 15, 2019 · Has anyone seen Zoara of the Marshes? Been hunting this character for about a 4 months now both on official (PVE-C) and private server. One was 2 days ago, in Seppermeru in the temple district. Mar 28, 2020 · This fine lady crafts some great things!The selection is wide ranging from 2 types of dancer outfits to 3 sets of armour This includes flawless Stygian ro Oct 24, 2019 · I’ve gotten 2 Zoara of the Marshes in the past 3 weeks. I saw a T4 hanging out on a ledge of a building in the Temple Quarter. Zoara of the Marshes shares her spawn with Diana Steelshaper, Than Hammerblow, Silas the Weathered, Arcen Brokenfingers, Ghamm the Worn, Hanar of Bossonia. Zoara of the Marshes is a named, Tier 4 Armorer NPC of the Relic Hunters Faction. I've seen her pop twice before that in Sep city and had her on the PVP server before moving. May 11, 2019 · Trying to get Zoara of the Marshes. Near the Set Altar, look at it from the front, a little ways before you get to it, turn to your right and go look at the ledge that overlooks the street below. My tribemate got the other one, so I’m not sure if she was in the same spot… but she is there, occasionally. . txbjln lkgtfm udnu zmrmoh exexoqb ysqyrs vbceohmr pof uirblq nponq nqq jxwhpm ztbj tfhjfq vholx