Wotv ffbe stats 10 will provide me. *Some effects only apply to specific jobs or abilities. There are 11 Types of stats that can be upgraded in the system. 5 anniversary boosts is that we'll all get the equipment pass for free… The element master abilities affect the user as well, according to https://wotv-calc. The second question is for maxing the stats. Most crafted equipment has two or three possible types of the following available. 1054 ATK, 19 DEF. Find all units from wotv in one place. E. (Example) As you can see, in this example, Flare went off and obliterated the Bomb exactly one Cycle before the Bomb would have gotten it's turn. but after logging in again,the RAID icon is ACTIVE 11HRS. 1 Noctis Stats & Resistences examplary Lvl 115 Noctis Stats (Screenshot taken from JP YT あゆむちゃんねる ) Units and vision cards all have a set cost that comes into play when they are used in your party. Equipping Vision Cards can have various effects, such as boosting the stats for all Units in your party. But when looking at the training board, I am not sure what the evocation magic maxed to Lv. If you want to mess around with numbers, wotv-calc. UNIT STATS grow LINEARLY (same stat growth at level 19 and lvl 89). Whisper is on the LEFT, Warrior of Light is on the RIGHT Conclusion: Base Whisper takes less damage than Base Warrior of Light from Kilphe when she just attacks with her normal Earth Staff Attack (no chain or anything). The effect of vision cards equipped to a sub slot will be reflected proportionately. So like Sephiroth goes from in battle 9k hp and 1650 attack to 10k hp and 1750 attack. He's got some really good agility, beating out Tidus' base AGI at 68. SECONDARY_STAT = secondary stats that are bundled together with with BASE_STAT to calculate skill damage. The esper's resistances will be added to the unit as is. while modifiers (Mag Atk UP, Elem Atk UP, X killer, etc) are more impactful on skills with a lower modifier (% wise as 85 > 105 is a higher increase than 200 > 220). They can be bought from shops or obtained through summoning. Awakening units can unlock higher Limit Burst lev These affect base stats only and do not interact with equipment or esper stats. If we're talking about weapons only (no armor/accessory/TMR), Assault gives consistent damage but crit gives you higher chance to crit which does higher damage and eventually, the total DPS difference (let's say after 3 attacks) is not really huge/massive. Based on the datamining of War of the Visions, it will helps you to build your team. Just a quick math guess on initial atk(for example) loss to swap into a crit set. *When crafting, the type of each resulting item varies, and some items will only belong to certain types. May 21, 2020 · There are 13 stats for weapons, armor, and accessories. So if your coral sword gave you the most ATK, then you get 100% of the stats. S: Top tier. boosts its stats. Unit Shards from the Each Level UP you increase there is a chance to gain a Star Point in a stat that will be a permanent each time you reset the RNG stats. If you have met the right conditions and have enough SP, it is possible to unlock the entire route leading up to the panel you want. *A vision card equipped to a sub slot bestows only a percentage of the Party Ability effects it would normally bestow from the main slot. The higher a unit's Bravery, the greater chance they have of activating a reaction ability when dealt physical damage. Each character has 3 jobs, generally they have 2 base skills that will be usable no matter which job Sub Command list they've set. *Additional stats may decrease with tempering. *Base stats will not change with tempering. TP does not refill as you attack. 22 votes, 17 comments. JOB STATS grow LOGARITHMICALLY (higher growth at low Play how you want, and obviously if you love the character, you love the character. *Espers can only be equipped one at a time. Paladin sub-job. WoTV Wiki Link: Basic info on many topics, including upcoming content from JP. So the Faith portion of the formula will be applied on the caster's end (say, enhancing healing by 150%) and on the target's end (doing the same by 150%) Using SP to unlock panels will increase various stats. So, in order to know if an ability applies a status effect or a buff/debuff, simply ask whether it changes the characters stats directly (buff/debuff) or if it changes the way the game puts those stats to use (status effect). You can confirm whether Soul Stars/Vision Stars can be acquired, if there are any bonus items, or if Summon Bonuses are available via the Summon Details of Usually in most games, though I don't know WOTV's case, self-targeting skills will still have a caster and a target, they just happen to be the same. For all the details of a specific piece of equipment, visit the WotV:FFBE Equipment Calculator. That's a pretty big boost from a single TMR on JUST 3 OF THE 6 RUNES you can equip (and not even factoring in what you can add with the sub-vc system) Fun fact, Prompto only has a Base DEX of 223 :) One of the biggest misconceptions in the game IMO is the understanding of what constitutes Base Stats If one were to go onto WOTV-Calc to calc themselves, it's the total of their Unit Stats and their Job Stats. If you had a 2nd piece of gear, like an accessory that gave 10atk, then you receive 50%, so 5 atk to your stats from this accessory. Healing is unfortunately only limited to magic users, and I need a decent one for my physical unit too. HitRateCalc is a free app that helps you calculate your hit rate in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: War of the Visions. Each Job uses different stats to calculate damage. Wotv Tracker | Thread (u/Isagani001) WOTV-Calc | Thread (u/bahamut1221) Equipment Calculator | Thread (u/sairenkao) What are the baseline stats for Kitone to be an effective evasion unit? I don't want to put all my eggs on the evasion basket so I was wondering what is the least amount to be effective. com has an builder section that allow you to check the damage done. can also make it possible to unlock more spaces on the unit's Ability Board. 85 votes, 55 comments. The others stats are far less obvious, an ACC or EVA type will improve their respective stats, but also some others stats, you can expect a +15% HP and +40% ATK/MAG boost, and more. More practical examples: Immobilize, Slow, Stop, Sleep, Frog, Stun Shot, Confusion Staff, Arm Break, Nightviel blind, and most offensive statuses have a baseline 25% Assault has 29 more attack stats while Crit has 13 more crit and 4 aim stats. It's easy to use and can help you optimize your gameplay by providing accurate hit rate calculations. Tools. All units belong to one of eight elements: Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Lightning, Light, and Dark. 1 instead, it's Cast Speed would be only at 120, and would have led to the Bomb being able to get a turn before the cast went off, potentially killing Mediena and winning instead. Unit shards are commonly used to Limit Break a unit. Go to wotv_ffbe r/wotv_ffbe • by Miranda maxed stats after grid buffs are 133 atk and 187 mag compared to mumur's 81 atk and 128 mag. Save a list of you favorite units to reference back to whenever you need Jun 17, 2022 · "Stats" will allow you to see more information regarding featured units or vision cards. ----- They didn't say but I bet that each stat can get at least 15 Star Point. The highest percentage will be 100%. In your guide I think you missed out the Slack atk up for Vow of Love, which is imo a huge thing to consider if you're able to get all the evasion you need Hahahaha!! Amazing!! I found myself using those top 3 most used dark teams in GB! 😂 For this week, I started trying a different team instead, with dedicated trust stones for vanilla Resnick, 140 Cloud and brutal Skarhal. By consuming acquired Tokens, you can enhance various Benefits of your choice to gain temporary effects. Reincarnation stats are good but not super significant. Kitone is all correct. This means that we can get max stats on this item 100% of the time. Equipment item types are decided at random, so stats may vary before and after crafting. I was looking at the stats for the Alexandrite Ring and I believe we can use the same strategy as maxing out a Sage's Hat. 0にバージョンアップ後、ユニット一覧へ遷移した際、ユニットが表示されなくなる(追記2/25 16:05) •TP: Technical Points TP is required to activate different abilities in battle. But this here in wotv is a huge leap for a huge cost, is all I'm saying. Additional stats are assigned from a fixed pool of points according to the Truststone's level, so it is not possible for all stats to increase by a large amount. Gumi announced the stats stacking are coming in the GL side and it was a missing part on wotv-calc So I decide to distrub some players of the jp version (thanks to shiishii, chaozs and many others) to discover how it works and what are the values The game rolls a separate dice for each upgradeable stat. Increasing y Yea true, I'm thankful there was a slow bit steady power creep with ffbe (until neo visions ofc), it was nice. UNIT STATS AND ABILITIES Rarity: UR Attribute: Dark Cost 80 HP 2301 TP 130 AP 134 Move 3 Jump 4 ATK 273 MAG 67 DEF 4 CRIT… At the Item Exchange Shop, you can exchange materials for higher, lower, or equivalent ranked items. but no sign of completion nor sign of active quest. As the Affinity Lv. Game looks at highest source of stats. g wotv-calc shows Lynx max base AGI as 57. While Ultra Rare (think 5* base units in FFBE) units are absolutely better than Mega Rare (think 4* base) or Super Rare (think 3* base) units simply due to having better stats, the systems are exactly the same for units of all rarity: all units have the same max level, the same max job level (WotV uses a modified Job system), and (for now at Cruel Arrogance clearly will make for more ability damage than Wind Spear, but a Wind Spear can give you a LOT more flexibility with gear as it provides high levels of AGI, ACC, and CRIT - which means you don't need to consider these stats on your TMR or Accessory/Armor. Welcome to the War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius subreddit! Stats-wise, she is quite similar to Mont (King of Leonis) in many ways, essentially making her the magic tank counterpart to Mont with less damage, but is cheaper to build due to lower cost. For example, Odin seems to be a powerful esper. Irc, Mag% is better for units with higher Base Mag. • Bravery Bravery refers to the unit's resilience in battle. *Espers can only be equipped on the Formation screen. If you want to be 100% complete, I would add columns about passives ! xD Because some passives give nice bonuses (for def or agi especially), even the final stats aren't always the perfect comparison because of that ^^" Each unit is given a specific "role", which determines the different values shown below (max stats, stats growth pattern, max stars, stats per star, etc). Also no real grind increase as a result. 30% max health, 60% max attack, etc). [Passive 1] Lv. TokensEarn Tokens by clearing various missions. Else she's inadequate as a tank. -15 * 3 = -45 -10% base atk bonus from basic from TS set - can vary. Increased stats can't be duplicated and only the higher one is applied. However, I wouldn't (and didn't) because: Combat-wise, her being Dark makes her EXTREMELY fragile to Holy, and her -15% Missile Resistance makes her weak to Sharpshoot. Another option is a useful ability that isn't a buff; think Macherie's TMR that gives you a heal. Feb 19, 2025 · Frontline WOTV FFBE #44 [Summons/Shops] Maevia Wezette Featured Summons, Shops, and More! ・Please refer to the Drop Rates and Stats screens of each Summon for Royal Rank is a special feature where you can acquire a variety of different benefits. Only units that meet the Embark Conditions may embark on these Quests. I planned to create a builder, you set your units with level, jobs, And you will be able to set your esper, vision card and equipments to see what will be the values in your stats Like ffbeequip for ffbe but for WotV Where come from the data ? Then consider what box stats each piece of gear has and craft the trust stones to get stats that are not present on the other two pieces of gear. ) but if their abilities are based on MAG stats, generally you'd like to increase the unit's faith. Their stats both focus on MAG, and their abilities also give up to +7% MAG and +10% Magic Attack, so they're pretty much tied on the Esper side. • AP: Attack Points AP is required to perform different abilities and Limit Bursts in battle. When you roll UR (Pink) runes you have 3 tiers of base values for each passive, Down here is a list of the highest base values for each passive, Use for Min-Maxing Purposes. Unit Upgrade Cost | Thread . A unit can increase his/her stats by equipping them. </strong> Units that are close and have high Affinity for each other receive a boost to their stats. If you equip multiple equipment items that either increase or decrease the same stats, the effect with the highest buff is prioritized with the next highest being applied at lower percentages. Jayden usually attacks from afar, so high faith should give him more advantages. A: Good outside of mono teams and has useful buff/debuffs to help the party. Vital: HP increases more easily Assault: ATK increases more easily Magic: MAG increases more easily One thing I don't like about anything that boosts luck by a % is you need to go look at the base stats for a character to determine if it would even be worth it on them, and honestly that is a lot of work since base stats are annoying to look up. Farm Calculator | Thread (u/BrandonIsABadass) Job Material Planner | Thread . I have collected data since July 2021 and have finally decided to spend the time to create a public site. For example, the "Range +1" effect of the ability Ranger Lore only applies to Missile-type jobs and abilities. Mar 18, 2023 · Missing units, wrong ratings, or any input can be given in the comments. It seems as though WoL has the potential to be geared as a great Magic Tank if need be. 41 votes, 39 comments. When crafting +1 or higher items, you are able to select the types of equipment used as materials. For assault each stone gives 15 atk. WOTV-Calc Link: The WOTV Pokedex; units, vision cards, equipment, espers, raid bosses, and has a handy dandy team builder. If you go here and click Stats Detail and Buffs Detail you can see the Master Skill row gives extra HP and a light attack bonus. Meow's WOTV Stuffs Hello! I'd like to know what's the best way to optimise my Crimson Saber's stats, that is to achieve max ATK/MAG/ACC/CRIT values. 30% AGI and 10% luck Calculate Your Hit Rate in FFBE: WOTV with HitRateCalc. Enhancing Abilities Jun 15, 2022 · Equipment is divided into the following different types, each with unique max stats and stat boosts during enhancement. I prioritize stats shown in game, and if I don't have it, then I use stats from wotv-calc. So the left number is the Best Base Value (This is what you roll for) Engelbert is the king of tankiness based on raw stats, and wow by a huge margin. *The types of exchange may vary depending on the item or rarity you want to acquire. They are obtained when the amount of Unit shards acquired exceeds the retainable limit. *You can tap on the Job icon to switch to and enhance Sub Jobs. Apr 8, 2020 · Stats can be raised by: ・Leveling up ・Enhancing jobs ・Unlocking stats bonus (yellow panels) on the ability board ・Enhancing/setting support abilities ・Acquiring the master ability ・Leveling the guild statue ・Equipping gears ・Equipping espers ・Equipping vision cards Units all have the following basic stats: HP: When this number reaches 0 in battle, the unit is knocked out (KO) TP: Required to activate various abilities AP: Required to activate various abilities including Limit Bursts ATK: Mainly has an effect on physical attacks MAG: Mainly has an effect on magical attacks WOTV-Calc is a web app for the Global and Japanese version of WotV. *Raising a unit's Job Lv. 1. SS: Gamechangers / Meta Defining. Each element has its own advantages and disadvantages. He makes up for his decent stat for a ridiculous amount of innate defense penetration and ATK up in his kit. Their stats are only from their "Max Class" stats from WOTV calc. To get started, select your item from the dropdowns below. He has some Support/Counter abilities (Providence of Darkness, Magic Guard) that increase magic resistance and reduce the damage taken, and if setting the Spellblade subclass there are some abilities there for Magic Barrier and increasing Magic Resistance as well. Welcome to the War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius subreddit! When a unit reaches the appropriate Equipment Proficiency level with an equipment item, the item's stats are boosted to their max levels when equipped. "Whisper" must be built in a niche manner to focus resistances on one or two damage types. Nothing to do with Masteries, Board Stats or Nodes, or external equips • Support Abilities (can be used normally to boost stats or provide special effects) You can set up to two types of Support Abilities. These Quests provide greater EXP than regular Quests, making them ideal for training units. The stats closer to the name are the initial COMBO, the far stats are the targetted REROLL stats. For example Addison Rae's cell phone has Dark Resistance 8%, so there is really no need to craft a Dark Resistance 7% trust stone for the TMR you are using on her. Equipment Types [] Equipment Types determine both the maximum stats in each category for a weapon as well as the odds that any level up will increase each specific stat. You can get Royal Points to help increase your rank by purchasing Visiore or completing Missions. Minimum ATK stats for Lucio: 690 Equip your best ATK esper on Lucio ( preferably more than level 5 resonance) For the R weapon, craft a +2 version so that you could pick the assault option. Jun 15, 2022 · Tempering changes additional stats by a random amount. kindly help, i raid 5x already but at the 6th battle. In game, her AGI is shown as 59, so I used the 59 number in my spreadsheet. The main point with the bonus type, is that the higher the stat, the higher is the boost, you can expect something like that for ACC EVA SPR DEF CRIT: Job levels give your character extra stats and unlocks Ability nodes which can again improve stats or give you character access to new active or passive skills. com. Here's a graphic of all of them. r/wotv_ffbe. A lvl 1 unit will start with minimum stats, which are a percentage of their max UNIT STATS (ex. this like most wotv systems is all about your expectations of how long it will take you to get that "perfect item". Welcome to the War of the Future of wotv-calc. Hi guys, I was looking for a quick and easy way to see stats of equipment and TMR available, but there wasn't any place that… Stats, Resistences, Support- & Counter Abilities Main & Subkit - Prince of Lucis Exemplary builds My Impression Without beating around the bush we're going dry in. However, Charlotte is much more capable at handling both physical and magic attacks, and possibly more consistent due to 100% DEF & SPR Debuff Resistance. Limit Bursts can be enhanced using Burst Pots. Then fill in your current stats and click "Check Advice". WotV Stats - Guild Battle history and unit popularity analysis. Search them by name, skill and multiples filters. *Collaboration units share a Mindsphere with characters from the The recent FFBE collab VC also gives additional individual JP. You can also select the + degree to craft an equipment item to all at once. Tap Summon Details for more information on what you can acquire from that Summon and the Drop Rates. Looking at WOTV-CALC resource, if the rune stats stack the way you say they do, seems like you can boost Elena Luck by roughly 100-140. It gathers data for a few hours after the end of each day's battle so there is a lag before yesterday's data is available. Some parts of the game have a cost For certain units, there are special animations that play when their Limit Bursts are used in battle. In case anyone wanted to know its stats at lvl 99 Hp: 288 AP: 20 r/wotv_ffbe. If the Flare was at Lv. I have not found much information about how players invest in the differents stats available. JOB STATS increase through job level (1-15) At level 1, a unit will receive no JOB STATS. Now we simply have to put the values into the formula: Evasion base: 11 x 110 Agility ^0. It's not position. Affinity between units increases when they embark together on the same You can set Truststones to Trust Mastery equipment to enhance its stats and add extra abilities. Can apply multiple secondary stats, Eg. If I'm not mistaken, this is the first weapon of its kind, a UR weapon that needs to be awakened yet doesn't feature the '+x' element, which you normally access by merging different copies of the same item. An example of special stats is Whisper's TMR, giving +5 resistances in everything. ABILITY LOADOUT AND STATS. For sure, I think for the most part I agree with your priority ranking (though, like others have said, I’d probably raise def bracer and lower lass katana/marshmallow hat if it were my list). The effects can often be quite similar at first glance, but there are always differences. With each EX level up, there's a random chance of increasing any of the stats by a certain value (just like leveling up equipment). Sheet hasn't been maintained recently it seems. Equivalent to 7* release in ffbe, but without the rate ups that happened in ffbe beforehand and alongside that update. - Thread. 37 votes, 31 comments. Remember; TS doesn't just temper the stats for each stone to your liking - they give raw stats depending on the TS type, plus tempered stats AND the set bonus. the raid crash and cant get to the room. 96/200 -1 = May 21, 2020 · Crafted R/SR/MR equipment stats are randomly decided when the level is raised and may require reforging. You can view a unit's affinity with other units and their affinity effects in their status details. A bit deep in this week's news, one of this week's 1. He's got some respectable stats, being similar to Tidus or Auron in terms of base HP and ATK. I've read multiple guides on equipment and appreciate everyone who had the time to make them. 9/1000 + 442 Luck ^0. i tried letting it pass by 11 hrs and the icon ACTIVE is gone but still i cant summon the RAID Important stats for the calculation are the 110 Agility and the 442 Luck. These have ratios of less than 100% application. i tried doing quest to drain NRG but sadly i spent 200 nrg but still RAID doesnt trigger. For instance, a damage dealer can get an extra 1000 hp and 100 attack. *Achieving a certain Job Lv. Engelbert - Double checking, I got his base luk wrong. Learn the meta and be more involved in guild battles. Below, you can see the relationships bet Rather it is a simple and easy way to separate and identify which TMRs to consider followed by a simple way to identify which stats you want built into them over time, and from initial pick. More unlockable Abilities will become available after meeting certain conditions, such as Awakening Espers or raising their Lv. Equipping vision cards to units gives them stat boosts, bestows Effects, or activates Party Abilities. tl;dr: Guarantee max stats on Alexandrite Ring (minus Vital type) by using 9 (aim) or 10 (crit) HP hammers . *The sub s Equipping an esper to a unit will add a portion of the esper's stats to the unit's stats. because this seems like a long road, and trying to craft a perfect set within a day of release is gonna drive people crazy, but I love it so far, just remember to take it easy and play at your own pace. Example for PYS_ATAK_01: Wotv-calc is off by 1 or 2 due to rounding. 26K subscribers in the wotv_ffbe community. *Equipment Proficiency will not increase for units that did not get their turn or did not perform actions other than moving. There are different attack type (slash, missile, strike, etc. On the Card side, Shiva gives a party-wide buff for up to +20 Evasion, so would be highly desirable for Evasion parties, while Ramuh gives a party-wide buff for up to +50% MAG, which is better for mages. Quick Thoughts. Once the JP missions are available, equip the FFBE collab card on the character you want the most JP for, equip the JP card on another party member, use ovalite on all characters, and take a friend unit that also has the JP card shared (effects stack if they are a registered friend). STATS. You can now create your party (up to 5 units) to see all stats you gained from cards, espers, If you already build some units, the team builder will use them directly Of course you will be able to save teams like units and also share them ・ユニットのソートを「Brave」に設定した状態でver11. 20 Illumed Swordsmanship II. *Embark Unit restrictions, obtaina Plenty of data mining. EG. Stats stacking is outdated. Don't Trade Visiore for EXP Cubes The regular shop sometimes sells exp cubes, consumable items, job materials, and crafting materials for Visiore, but don't purchase them. The unit will also be able to use the esper's powerful Evocation Magic in battle. increases, the range and effect of stat boosts also increases. Truststone Best In Slot Value Chart : r/wotv_ffbe. Acquired Tokens will be available from the f ・Unit stats are raised during battle by means of Statue effects ・Items are acquired through Guild Attendance ・Items are also acquired through the gift function ・JP is acquired when utilizing the Barracks [Precautions] ・If you leave or are banned from a Guild, you will be unable to access Guild Settings or join a new Guild for 24 hours. These items are required to enhance EX Jobs. While the gap between WAR OF THE VISIONS FFBE Support Centre; Frequently Asked Questions; What do the various unit stats do? I acquired an item not shown under obtainable items. A common good practice is to use HP hammers to remove the chance to get HP stats, in the Golden GreatSword 3 hp hammers is enough. 3. Yeah, all +X% stats are always on the base stats, that's why they are not as huge as it seems as first. You can increase Same tech that makes datamine and the amazing wotv-calc possible. Stats have differing chances for increasing, and equipment type will increase the chance for that stat having a successful roll (Assault type Nagnarok will have a better chance for Attack increasing than a Magic type will). Frontline WOTV FFBE #44 [Summons/Shops] Maevia Wezette Featured Summons, Shops, and More! ・Please refer to the Drop Rates and Stats screens of each Summon for <strong>WotV Stats - Guild Battle history and unit popularity analysis. 25% of dex. zncrfr awkjf hsnda hwfkqpz podfr lodgq klrmno yzooez dgkaqw pafbp dcu qxzt uwhfr efz uyjfj