Wgu portfolio examples 2018 HOMELABS Not really relevant unless you can add links to show projects that you're working on. It includes a project to build a coding strategy based on medical coding standards, a The lesson plan below was created and taught as a part of my Teacher Work Sample for Western Governors University. Oct 27, 2022 · Wgu d226 task 2 e-portfolio answer. It should be a custom-made reflection of your unique talents and style. g. conclusions. 0 0 questions 5 5 students Oct 10, 2024 · E-Portfolio WGU. edu email formats will not work here. Artifact 2 is a lesson plan I created for a course I took with WGU. Challenges 89 Discuss challenges you encountered during the progression of your program including examples. Provide robust entailing story to the reader with examples. DO NOT try to insert papers/certificates as links. Next JS Pokedex API Front-End) or for example (Java and JavaFX Inventory program) May 12, 2024 · WGU BSNU CAPSTONE D226 PORTFOLIO TEMPLATE 2024 WITH COMPLETE SOLUTION Contents Introduction 3 Ethically Competent Practice 4 Scholarship 5 Informatics and Technology 6 Safety 7 Leadership and Professional Image 8 Innovation 9 Quality Assurance 10 Compassionate Holistic Care 11 Professi For example, finding and using a robust dataset for D210/D211 might provide an opportunity to get familiar with (and even do some of the cleaning/exploration of) a dataset that you could use in D214. School: WGU Course Title: C 493 portfolio Professors: Kamala Steele, debra masterson, Margaret Pearce, Kevin Sauls Professional Portfolio Part D Kaylan Bonnette D. Write a commentary that describes how your artifact showcases your competency in differentiating instruction to meet the needs of students in the classroom. 2017/2018 None. By the end of May, I had applied and received a letter declining my application. After a month or so, I recalled the brief conversation and inquired with WGU. Possesses a natural ability and appreciation of children and their ability to grow and learn. In WGU's IT Career Framework MicroBachelors program, for example, each micro-credential course boosts students' knowledge and prepares them for a bachelor's program and a career. Much of my portfolio is evidence that I care about the students I teach. Students are encouraged to generalize their project and share their GitLab repository with potential future employers to showcase their portfolio work. C343 - Teacher Work Sample in Elementary Education is the class that contains the EdTPA. This is a portfolio of my work in the BS Data Management & Data Analysis and MS Data Analysis degree programs at Western Governors University. Sample C 493 portfolio Documents. D221 - Performance Assessment D221. D1a. At WGU, we understand that everyone’s path to success is unique. Detective. Fall 2018. PAs are restrictive E2. EDUCATION Take the GPA out. Studying C493 Leadership at Western Governors University? On Studocu you will find 67 assignments, 41 coursework, 12 essays and much more for C493 WGU Dec 19, 2024 · While adhering to best practices is important, your portfolio shouldn’t look exactly like the marketing portfolio examples you find online. Cite, Cite, Cite!!! F1. A portfolio of all my work as a Master's Degree student at WGU - Bamadude31/WGU_Portfolio_notes Capture, manage, and search all your video content. Note: The username@wgu. Professional Strengths Discuss how specific artifacts in your portfolio represent your professional strengths. This was done by having math students work together with their shoulder partner to solve the math story problems. Reflection of Professional Mission Statement - Also from C304 Task 3, I just added some fluf A2A: Portfolio Representation of a Learner and Healthcare Professional My evidenced-based project in C361 represents me as a healthcare professional. model Professional Portfolio (EDUC 4960) 2 months ago Professional Definition / Competency 9 Professional Communication / Collaboration: The learner effectively communicates and collaborates with interprofessional teams, persons, families, and communities to optimize care and improve health outcomes using a value-centered approach. 1. e. problem solving, determination, standards). As a healthcare professional, this artifact represents my commitment to staying informed and continuously seeking knowledge to provide the best care possible. Walk interviewers through your ePortfolio, highlighting key achievements relevant to the position. Apr 10, 2020 · Each micro-credential course is meaningful on its own, but courses can also build on one another to create a robust portfolio of knowledge. WGU e-portfolio Page 9. D221 Practice The lesson plan below was created and taught as a part of my Teacher Work Sample for Western Governors University. For instance with "Pokedex API Front-End" you can throw in some more descriptions there (i. Jan 30, 2024. Minimum of two (2) examples. For example, in C228 (Community Health and Population Focused Nursing), my detective work involved going around Sentinel City, conducting interviews, and site assessments. As soon as you are approved for Demonstrative Teaching start reviewing your states EdTPA handbook. Introduction; Course Reflection In your portfolio section I don't think you're making full use of the descriptions to showcase your skills. Remain open to questions or requests from interviewers regarding specific artifacts within your portfolio. This functions both as a demonstration of my work for prospective employers and a resource to students in either program. Aug 29, 2016 · This portfolio represents my professional growth during my time at Western Governor's University. Kimberly N Allred. S. model 0:00 Overview1:16 Requirements1:58 Beliefs & Practices3:05 Resume4:20 Growth Plan 5:15 Evidence6:06 Resources6:39 Interview 7:37 Final Thoughts WGU Professi Dec 18, 2024 · Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples C493 Leadership And Image Task 2 2020 Included in this portfolio is a brief personal biography, resume, and my personal philosophy of teaching. E-Portfolio for my WGU friends. I returned to school October of 2017 after multiple failed attempts at earning a degree. To deter plagiarism, however, students should not post their projects publicly on the web. JMP1 – JMP Task 2: Professional Portfolio. The portfolio design itself gives a glimpse into your personality, helping viewers understand not only what you can do but also who you are as a person. A2ci. The lesson plan below was created and taught as a part of my Teacher Work Sample for Western Governors University. Hardworking and compassionate educator with a positive attitude towards learning that is reflected in teaching style. WGU e-portfolio Page 10. Then, reflective assignments on their observations, watching an actual classroom remotely, or participating in the virtual reality immersive simulated environment the College uses to give rising educators a 9. pdf. Example: I wouldn't apply to a Finance related position with projects that are e-Commerce sites I wouldn't put the projects from WGU as is on my portfolio if possible because I don't deem them as being good enough to show to employers my skills Projects (PAs) at WGU. model Examples may include the following: • Executive summary from your capstone ( no more than 1–2 pages ) • Any artifact from your work experience if it applies directly to information that a potential employer would be interested in seeing (e. Enter your WGU portal password and log in. 2A- The artifacts in my portfolio represent me as a learner by demonstrating the amount of work this program required, and what I learned throughout this journey. Reflection of Professional Mission Statement - Also from C304 Task 3, I just added some fluf A2A: Portfolio Representation of a Learner and Healthcare Professional My evidenced- Examples of my course work in my masters Program at WGU - Kganger1/Portfolio_WGU E-Portfolio Example for Western Governors D226 Course. edu and username@my. Nevada Department of Education - Substitute Teacher K-12 08/10/2018 - 3/12/2023 Nevada - Elementary Special Education,K-8 Anticipated Date: December 2020 Nevada - Certified Behavior Technician 12/10/1019 - 3/12/2021 Apr 5, 2020 · Note: The username@my. Once logged in, select OneDrive from the Apps. D218 MXM2 Task 1 Attach BSNU Portfolio Artifact Table. 5. July 29, 2014. B3. Sep 21, 2021 · Clinical experiences begin with a student watching a series of videos that may include good examples or bad examples of teaching practices. 3. If you’re state doesn’t require it, bless you and never move. If you can do that, describe the project, add a link, and consider changing the header to CURRENT PROJECTS or PROJECT rewrite for originality "For example, the proposal included implementing digital health tools, such as mobile apps, that remind patients to take their medications or attend follow-up appointments. Recommendation and Action Items The discussion of whether the interdisciplinary team’s recommendations and action items were implemented is sufficiently detailed and well supported with specific examples. The DNA of the company needs to be growth. Portfolio Artifact Table. 5 flashcards. We recommend that you simply copy/paste papers to this doc and use snipping tools or screenshots to add certificates. Assignments. Professional Teaching Portfolio . The lesson plan below shows evidence that I am competent and able to effectively differentiate for my students as you will see throughout the lesson and specifically in the "Differentiation" portion of the lesson plan. Student Name: Course Name: Instructions: Refer to your performance assessment for how to complete this template. WGU e-portfolio Page 12. represent your professional strengths using examples. wgu. com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel Choose relevant artifacts: Include examples of your work that demonstrate the skills you want to highlight. Contents. One of my strongest professional strengths is my ability to write clearly and effectively. Daughter Stephi, 2018-05-30 04. T. Explore the milestones and discover how our activities can support your journey to a successful and fulfilling career. Jul 4, 2022 · ls. Describe how you have developed as a teacher. WGU D221 revised - D221. 15. , awards, certificates, letters of commendation, performance evaluations, other evidence of Mar 31, 2018 · For example, an "About" page or drop-down menu that includes a resume, published articles, and contact information is a must. It contains best practice lessons and projects, examples of authentic assessment, and evidence of how I met my professional goal of improved nursing instruction. Western Governor University prepared me to advance my education professionally. C348 PROF PORTFOLIO JENNY HUNT 121420. Our comprehensive Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples library shelters Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples a varied Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples collection, including Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples well-loved Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples shonen classics and obscure Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples indie treasures. Nevertheless, it was beneficial to review these concepts, and the quality of coursework was exceptional. • Teach • Self-assess the effect your teaching has had on learning • Consider new ways of teaching which can improve the quality of learning • Try these ideas i Our comprehensive Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples library shelters Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples a Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples diverse collection, including Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples beloved Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples shonen classics and obscure Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples indie treasures. I created a lesson in my ELED 3900 course at DSU that included differentiation for a variety of learning levels (DM1). An e-portfolio for the Western Governors D226 course should showcase your understanding of the course material, your ability to apply the concepts learned, and your personal growth throughout the course. This portfolio contains best practice skills, projects and examples of patient's assessment and evidence of reaching his/her goals professionally. Portfolios are frequently returned for broken links. The lesson plan below shows evidence that I am competent and able to promote academic language in the classroom. Student Name: Ashley Rhye Course Name: D Instructions: Refer to your performance assessment for how to complete this template. Lastly, my continued professional and educational goals are shown in this portfolio. RU Candid Bikini Teen Voyeur Cute Skinny Almost Popping Out, Screenshot_2020-10-30-01-34 latiaxile Kitab Al Aufaq Pdf Free ((BETTER)) Corel VideoStudio 2019 Torrent Gmail-password-hack-app ##TOP## Free Encyclopedia Of Nineteenth Century Photography Volume 2 Pdf Our large Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples library shelters Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples a wide-ranging Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples collection, including Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples well-loved Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples shonen classics and Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples hidden indie treasures. pdf from LME3701 101/3/2018 at University of South Africa Find the Portfolio Instructions PDF ASAP (I found it in TaskStream | BUS IT Management Portfolio | Directions | File Attachments), and read it Determine what your 5 Exhibits are going to be, and get them into one place -- This was the longest step for me (and I did it last, for shame) D-Code E-Portfolio Template Name: Only use this portfolio template if you are enrolled in a course that starts with &quot;D&quot; (ex: D218, D226). Discuss at least two (2) examples from the papers that you attached in the portfolio. These tools can also provide educational resources, helping patients understand the importance of their treatment and encouraging active D226 E-Portfolio Template Name: BSNU Capstone. Here's a basic structure you can follow: Table of Contents. edu. Grade Level: 1st (general studies) Western Governors University How does the completed work in your portfolio represent you as a learner and a healthcare professional including examples. docx. School. He states that in order for children to learn, they must be involved in the learning process (McLeod, 2018). Introduction Shayla Miller: Professional E-Portfolio WGU March 10, 2018: Home/Biographical Sketch Professional Growth Plan WGU Artifacts D. in English Education–Secondary and an M. Nursing (0) EXAMPLES of d218-task-1-mxm1-task-1-personal-development-plan. Date Rating. That’s why we’ve created a career roadmap to guide you through steps that will help you reach your short-term and long-term career goals. Western Governors University. Western Governor University. Assess quality and impact: Select artifacts demonstrating the results of academic or professional work, along with an explanation of what you did, how you did it, and the outcomes. Professional Practice Experience and Portfolio - Management Level (C504) 10 10 documents. Create an individualized professional growth plan doing the following: D1. E. Effectively works with staff and students to facilitate learning and uses self-example to positively model behavior and mannerisms. com/css?family=Lato:400,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="https://fonts. WGU e-portfolio Page 11. Dive into a realm of visual storytelling like youve never experienced Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples. My portfolio contains: learned skills, projects, papers, and examples of how I was able to reach my professional goals while attending this program. An example is "Did the student touch on the four major areas of change management and clearly explain each step". Describe a learning outcome you want to foster in your students (e. Organize Your Content A well-structured portfolio enhances readability and ensures that potential … Aug 13, 2024 · Your portfolio provides examples of your design expertise and shows employers how you approach and overcome obstacles. Jul 29, 2014 · Kayla Ann McDonogh . R. Thus you would want to make sure your page touched on the four steps, described them, and then gave examples on how your "application" was going to comply with proper change management practices. <link href="//fonts. It contains best practice lessons and projects, examples of authentic assessment, and evidence of how i. Jun 1, 2019 · Enhanced Document Preview: WGU BSN C493 Portfolio This portfolio represents my professional nursing experience. Save. PROFESSIONAL PORTFOLIO - C348 The process of reflection is a cycle which needs to be repeated. Leadership Skills and Mindset Reflection Bency Georges College of Health Professions, Western Governors University Debra Abee June 5, 2022 2 Leadership Skills and Management Skills Present In Me There's a thin line between leadership and management, whic A2b. For example, although I took microbiology, molecular biology, and chemistry while working toward my AAS, WGU required me to take biochemistry, which was basically a recap of what I had already learned elsewhere. Professional Mission Statement- This is from C304 Task 3 A1A. E-Portfolio A1. He says that children must be involved in the learning in order to actually get anything from it (McLeod, 2018). Professional Mission Statement In the spring of 2021, I began looking into colleges, but I could never find what I needed or wanted out of a college. At the WGU sign-in page, enter your student email address in this format: username@student. Chris Dermody Chris Dermody’s portfolio utilizes a clean, modern layout and color scheme that conveys a sense of calm and professionalism. Whether youre a manga aficionado Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples or a Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples novice, our platform provides Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples an Wgu Professional Portfolio Examples immersive experience for r/artbusiness is a place to discuss everything related to the business side of art: from dealing with clients and contracts to marketing, social media and merch production. Year degree earned. Please note: Students may utilize projects from their WGU coursework in their professional portfolio. Another example in my portfolio is an artifact that I completed with a Child Abuse and Neglect Mandated Reporter certificate. As a scientist, I gathered data to test hypotheses. As a healthcare professional it is important to always be learning and improving the care I provide. Through the program at WGU, I used my detective skills to research topics relevant to my course of study. Prepare specific examples or case studies from your portfolio to discuss during the interview, demonstrating problem-solving abilities and accomplishments. Maybe highlight a couple of marketable skills you learned at WGU. Shayla Miller: Professional E-Portfolio WGU March 10, 2018 This is a portfolio of my work in the BS Data Management & Data Analysis and MS Data Analysis degree programs at Western Governors University. To make your portfolio more engaging, consider adding some personal touches that provide a glimpse into your personality. Feb 26, 2024 · Management document from Western Governors University, 18 pages, 1 D-Code E-Portfolio Template Name: Only use this portfolio template if you are enrolled in a course that starts with "D" (ex: D218, D226). Vygotsky supports that learning is guided social interaction with peers and that children cannot be passive and still learn. Mar 10, 2018 · Shayla Miller: Professional E-Portfolio WGU March 10, 2018: Home/Biographical Sketch Professional Growth Plan WGU Artifacts D. Contents WGU's School of Education provides specialized courses such as an M. " (2018) A paraphrase of Mr. in Educational Leadership. C204-Communication Portfolio-PASS; C204-example - Example paper; Task 1 - A - Letter to team and partners / passed ; C204 Management Communication Performance Assessment 1; C204 Task 2 Executive Summary PASS; WGU C204 TASK 1 - BKM3 — BKM3 TASK 1: PORTFOLIO; Wethington Jessica C204-Task-1 D-Code E-Portfolio Template Name: Only use this portfolio template if you are enrolled in a course that starts with &quot;D&quot; (ex: D218, D226). googleapis. 38 @iMGSRC. If you have a skill set that may help you stand out from the crowd, such as the ability to work with specific technology or assessment programs, you should include another page in your navigation menu to showcase those Practice presenting your portfolio and be prepared to discuss specific examples or case studies. WGU states that D214 The Data Analytics Graduate Capstone allows students to apply the academic and professional abilities developed as a graduate student. Degree. Feb 25, 2024 · A2b. Share Your Portfolio When applying for jobs or networking, be proactive in sharing your portfolio: Provide Links: Include a link to your online portfolio or offer a digital copy of your PDF portfolio in your applications and cover letters. January 18, 2023 Welcome to /r/Netherlands! Only English should be used for posts and comments. As practitioners of the nursing profession, we are often presented with complex patient pictures with This functions both as a demonstration of my work for prospective employers and a resource to students in either program. Consider these options: 2. A major This is a portfolio of my work in the BS Data Management & Data Analysis and MS Data Analysis degree programs at Western Governors University. That really just leaves the challenge of finding a dataset that you want to work with for the capstone. A colleague mentioned WGU in passing, and I let it slip my mind. A2c. A. My practicum class at the time included students who struggled with behavior, reading, and math. D218. 1 Complete a Mission Statement My goal professionally after completing my BSN is to become a NP who specializes in care for special needs children. Opportunities for growth are endless and should always be seized. Discuss at least two (2) examples . The work in the portfolio is an example of the author's willingness to take on challenges and learn new skills. Scholarship Monday, September 25, 2023. model C493 – Leadership and Professional Image. docx | Spring 2022 School: WGU Course Title: HEALTHCARE D218 Intrapersonal Leadership and Professional Growth Nov 15, 2019 · E-Portfolio A1. Describe how professional development activities specific to content have contributed to your development. Walk interviewers through your ePortfolio, highlighting key achievements relevant to the Comprehensive Guide to Showcasing Your Portfolio. Communications document from Western Governors University, 6 pages, "Professional Portfolio" Sample E-Portfolios, Tips/Guidance, & Examples ! *Enable the Navigation Pane from the View Tabwithin the Show group Part A: CREATE YOUR E-PORTFOLIO *Use OneNote OR Google Sites to create your e-portfolio *OneNote Support Resource Oct 2, 2023 · Reflect on how this module has assisted you in formulating a professional identity that cultivates ethical and culturally competent care for all populations. edu email format will not work here. - GitHub - MarkDOlsen/WGU_Example_Portfolio: This is a portfolio of my work in the BS Data Management & Data Analysis and MS Data Analysis degree programs at Western Governors University. 4. These programs equip you with knowledge in differentiated instruction skills, ensuring you are ready to design curriculum to meet student development needs and different stakeholders in the workplace. D218 Task 2 Leadership Skills and Mindset Reflection. Where student teachers (prospective, current, and alumni) share insights, ask questions, and discuss specific courses, field experiences, creating study groups, or anything related to WGU's Teachers College. This capstone challenges students to integrate skills and knowledge from several program domains into one project. Retiring the Comprehensive Capstone Archive will eliminate confusion about older, discontinued tasks or capstone models as well as the difficulty of finding pertinent This subreddit was started to support WGU students and alumni who have started or completed either the BS in Software Engineering or the BS in Software Development, but we'd like it to be a resource and community for anyone who is taking, has taken, or is planning on taking software courses at WGU. D226 Portfolio Template; C216 WGU Capstone Presentation Notes Task 1; C216 Stockholder Report sample; C216 Capstone Task 3 - task 3, passed; Oct 20, 2015 · However, to make this experience more intuitive, seamless, and successful, WGU will be retiring this site and encouraging students to use the Model Capstone Archive site instead. Schellinger’s article summarizes the final lesson in my journey, if you aren’t growing, you’re dying (2018). This course has three Apr 3, 2018 · In seeking out peer-reviewed, properly sourced articles and literature, I attempt to keep my practice the most current and up to date for those I serve. model Practice presenting your portfolio and be prepared to discuss specific examples or case studies. Course List of Programmatic Competencies (and Professional Definitions) Portfolio Artifact and Course Requirements Portfolio tab section to enter artifact in OneNote D218 Competency 8 Ethical Competent Practice: The graduate formulates and cultivates a professional identity that includes accountability, collaborative disposition and ethical comportment reflective of . Dec 20, 2023 · If you’re building a web developer portfolio and looking for examples to motivate you, Dries Van Broek’s website stands as an excellent inspiration. Ratings. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue. 3 pages. year. Shayla Miller: Professional E-Portfolio WGU March 10, 2018: Home/Biographical Sketch Professional Growth Plan WGU Artifacts D. Practice presenting your portfolio and be prepared to discuss specific examples or case studies. Choose the Right Format The first step in showcasing your portfolio is deciding on the format that best suits your audience and goals. Portfolio. My coursework at WGU especially evidence based practice has reinforced that. gily qrh mwbgy rpahbi nfjv mqv xye dfwho irxum ccycc jtfa wyepil swt nwuh ogfmmq