Vmrda vice chairman. title: 66-2014 created date: 12/28/2018 5:05:16 pm .

Vmrda vice chairman S. C. Letter dated Nil of Sri P. 10. Letter dated 5-7-2013 of Sri K. This office letter even no dated: 27-09-2014 to confirmation and shall not bind or render Vice Chairman Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority or the liable in any way with regard to. (9) As regards the Action Taken Report with reference to the Resolution No. The Vice- Chairman accorded the Administrative Sanction for Rs. *** AGENDA NOTE: VUDA Children Theatre was built in the shape of Dolphin Fish (r oof) at vice chairman visakhapatnam urban development authority plan . Orders of the Vice Chairman, VUDA dated 03-07-2013. No. & Date Sy. 2) Concreting of Inner Surfgce cf Sketing Rink. 1561/93 b l q 53/94 97 r o ad junior planning t; 5/17 asst • open space planning officez vi s ak ha pat nam urban development authority . ***** ORDER:-Your application submitted in the reference cited has been examined with reference to the rules and regulations in force and permission is hereby sanctioned conditionally as detailed below. Letter dated 19-6-2013 of Sri P. The Board perused the action taken report of the Minutes of the VIJDA Board public within the stipulated period. Orders of the Vice Chairman, VUDA dated 8-4-2013. 69 sq mi) [3] and covers the districts of Visakhapatnam,Vizianagaram and Anakapalli. 2 Land Conversion 12 The Vice Chairman, Visakhapatnam Urban Development Member-Convener Authority At present there are 215 employees working in respect of all cadres, out of the sar-tioned strength of 316. z7/2013 road proposed road gumcity jn. Ltd, Door No. land use analysis s. vice chairman visakhaÞatnam urban development authority. Copy submitted to the Vice Chairman's Peshi. VICE CHAIRMAN (NOW METROPOLITAN COMMISSIONER) The Chief Executive of the organization is the Vice Chairman who is a Senior The VMRDA administers the Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region, spread over an area of 7,328. Authority shall ensure that no developments the form of buildings etc. Ms. 2. The Board instructed the Vice-Chairman, VUDA to take up the agenda for discussion. Venkata Reddy, Managing Partner, MIs Venkateswara Estates: 5. 4518/2012 dated 28-12-2012 of Sr-nt M Srilakshmi & others, 8. 11693/2007/I-1 dated 11-11-2011. p. (a) Title or ownership of the site (b) Easement rights and boundaries of the site. 50,94,800/- towards processing fee, conversion charges and notification charges for land use. Extent 1 Encumbrance certificate for the last 13 years. ©. 1,41,645/-. Sai Shankar. Details Name Document No/ Proc. Meanwhile, vide letter dated 07-06-2013 addressed to the Vice Chairman, VUDA, L&T Vision Ventures Limited requested to allot an Apr 4, 2022 · Sanapala Chandra Mouli has been appointed as the new chairman of the Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority (VMRDA), marking a significant transition in the region's urban planning and development landscape. Fax : 0891 - 2754189, Website :www. from local Authority iñ legard to-Roaeis and Open spaces taken over by the Local Authority. A APPLICATION AND LICENSED PERSONAL DETAILS: Jul 16, 2019 · AP Chambers of Commerce and Industry Federation (APCCIF) president G Sambasiva Rao, chairman of Visakhapatnam Zone Pydah Krishna Prasad, vice-chairman Sudhir Mulagada, along with other committee Jul 20, 2019 · City’s Dronamraju Srinivasa Rao took charge as the Chairman of VMRDA (Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority). 0rders of the Vice Chairman, VUDA dated 7-1-2013 9,Letter dated Nil received on 4-3-2013 & 13-3-2013 of Smt M Srilakshmi & others. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) B. 0rders of the Vice Chairman, VUDA dated 3-7-2013. title: 71-2018 created date: 12/27/2018 8:20:44 am 2) Administrative Sanction accorded by Vice Chairman, VUDA on 28-09-2011. T. 25 lakhs. He promises to strive hard for housing for the poor people in the Nov 25, 2024 · M V Pranav Gopal took over as the Chairman of Visakhapatnam Metro Regional Development Authority (VMRDA) amid greetings from his supporters, people’s representatives and TDP leaders on 25 November evening. Page 5 of 5 instructed the then Vice-Chairman, VUDA to furnish a detailed report on the matter. [ 4 ] [ 5 ] It was set up for the purposes of planning, co-ordination, supervising, promoting and securing the planned development of the Visakhapatnam ORGANIZATION PROFILE (VMRDA) The Government of Andhra Pradesh has notified Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority (VMRDA), Visakhaptnam duly dissolving the Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authority (VUDA) vide G. D. The CGG, after the study, has suggested a strength of 357 for the organization. 88 Youth Advancement, Tourism and Culture (Tourism) Department, dated: 30-4-2002 have ordered to transfer the entire Submarine Museum with the surrounding areas developed for the Museum including the food courts and open areas etc. dated 21-6-2013. , development or redevelopment or carry out layout or sub-divide or utilize the land or any portion of the same on the site or sites for building purpose including sub-division on any plot or additions, 4. vuda. The Vice-Chairman, VUDA welcomed the Hon'ble Chairman, VUDA and other Members of VUDA Board and requested the Hon'ble Chairman, VUDA to initiate the proceedings. A APPLICATION AND LICENSED VICE -CHAIRMAN VISA KHAPATNAM URBAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY . In the G. YUVARAJ, IAS BUILDING PERMIT ORDER Rc. in Vice-Chairman; Parent agency: Municipal Administration and Urban Development: Website: It was dissolved to form a new authority in the name of VMRDA [4] References (now VMRDA) to initiate the land pooling process and furnish the individual land pooling scheme (LPS) proposals in detail to the Government for taking further necessary action. 32. Orders of the Vice Chairman, VUDA dated: 17-9-2014. 8. 517/2014/L8, dated 22-5-2014 Sub:- VUDA – VSP – Planning – Approval of plans for construction of Commercial Building with Ground floor + 2 floors in S. The senior politician was blessed by priests and given a warm reception by VMRDA officials, Metropolitan Commissioner G Srijana, YSRCP members and people’s representatives as he assumed office in the Vizag on Friday. C roofed Building with Cellar floor for Parking +Ground, 1st &2 nd floors forcommercial vice - chairman r. Satyanarayana (GPA Ho der), Proprietor, Mis Sai Ram Constructions & Others. 2nd to 6th read above, Government have authorized the Vice-Chairman, Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authority to take up the individual Jan 1, 2021 · Visakhapatnam: The Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority plans to develop four layouts in four corners of the city in 2021, VMRDA vice-chairman and MD Koteswara Rao said on Thursday. 31-29-26/5, Ramana Complex, Behind Sairam Parlour, VISAKHAPATNAM-530046 Copy to: The Sub-Registrar, Sabbavaram, Visakhapatnam District. Hence, the draft variation is confirmed. that “the Vice Chairman, VUDA is directed to pursue the matter with the AG of the Hon’ble High Court and get the opinion at the earliest. 49 Crores in different layouts due to allotments PROCEEDINGS OF THE VICE CHAIRMAN, VUDA, VISAKHAPATNAM PRESENT: SHRI Dr. Cell Incharge for uploading in VIDA website. c. title: 66-2014 created date: 12/28/2018 5:05:16 pm 2. 10, on Construction of Housing Project (Harita) Ph-1, the Board directed the Vice-Chairman, Government has called for report from the VUDA and the then Vice-Chairman, VUDA has submitted reports to the Andhra Pradesh Government on the irregularities in allotment of House sites/Lands in various survey Nos and layouts in VUDA area done in the past Vide Rc. 0rders of the Vice Chairman, VIJDA dated 24-5-2012. I. of dakamarri (village) bheemunipatnam mandal visakhapatnam dt. Dt: 24-3-2015. A (A. Suryakantham. in confirmation and shall not bind or render Vice Chairman Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority or the liable in any way with regard to. For Vice-Chairman For VICE CHAIRMA Urban Development Authority Vlsakhapatnam / 83 64 300 WIDE ROAD 20' 19' 45 28', WIDE ROAD OPEN SPACE AC 1 -23 VCEÑTš JUNIOR PLANNING FFICER PLANNIN OFFI VISAKHA DEVELOP 118 ATNAM confirmation and shall not bind or render Vice Chairman Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority or the liable in any way with regard to. dated 16-03-2013 & 08-07-2013 6. -A APPLICATION AND LICENSED VUDA VISAKHAPATNAM URBAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Udyog Bhavan Complex, Siripuram Junction, VISAKHAPATNAM - 530 003 Ph : 0891 - 2754133-34, Fax : 0891 - 2754189, Website : www. 4. in PROCEEDINGS OF THE VICE CHAIRMAN, VUDA, VISAKHAPATNAM PRESENT: SHRI Dr. 4) Revised Sanction accorded for Civil works by Vice Chairman, VUDA on 25-05-2013. 05-09-2018 of the MA & UD (H1) Department, Govt. This office letter even No. permitted to sell the plots / area which is mortgaged in g. others land location plan visakhapatnam urban Vice-Chairman; Parent agency: Municipal Administration and Urban Development: Website: It was dissolved to form a new authority in the name of VMRDA [4] References Jan 1, 2021 · Visakhapatnam: The Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority plans to develop four layouts in four corners of the city in 2021, VMRDA vice-chairman and MD Koteswara Rao said on Thursday. Ravi Kumar & L. memo No. Earlier, the new VMRDA chief visited the Sampath Vinayak temple and performed special pujas. (c) Variation in area from recorded areas of plot on ground. 66/2013 at confirmation and shall not bind or render Vice Chairman Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority or the liable in any way with regard to. N. No Name of the road Width of road Length of road (Kms) Remarks 1. 157/L6/2011! dated:28-05-2013 Sub:-VK PCPIR SDA - VSP - Proposal for R. 3) Approval of certain Deviations in Civil works by Vice Chairman, VUDA on 22-11-2012. 3. 00 lakhs : Rs. 19. P Real Estate Developers Association) Visakhapatnam on 19-9-2013 to understand their views and also to make understand them about the background of this concept. to VMRDA for the up-keep and maintenance of the Submarine Museum and throw open to the Vice-Chairman to come up with solid proposal for the next meeting”. releasing of plov area which is favourof vice-Chairman, V UDA duly enclosing letter. The applicant shall not be permitted to sell the ploís/area which mortgaged in favour of V UDA i. SAM BOB, 2. D funds 2) VUDA funds 3) Association funds : Rs. YUVARAJ, I. Letter Dt: 07-5-2015 of Smt. Since the necessary legal opinion is not forth coming at the required confirmation and shall not bind or render Vice Chairman Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority or the liable in any way with regard to. 0rders of the Vice Chairman, VUDA dated 13-6-2013. 7. The Vice Chairman's Peshi. Residential Apartment building in Stilt + Ground + 4 floors in S. The Chief Executive of the organisation is the Vice Chairman who is a Senior Officer from Indian Administrative Services (IAS) assisted by various officers in specialised fields under Urban Planning and Development like Urban Planning, Traffic Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority (VMRDA), Visakhapatnam vide G. from plot and the Local Authority shall ensure that, 110 developmeyç. It is recorded that it is not advisable to continue her as Standing Counsel and allowing her VICE - CHAIRMAN WIDE ROAD OPEN E teo cer Chief Urban Plann« VISAKHAPATNAM URBAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY . Letter dated 24-9-2014 of Sri M. It is also directed to get the opinion of Additional Solicitor General or Solicitor General for speedier process”. In the reference 2nd read above, the Vice Chairman, Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authority, has reported that the applicant has paid an amount of Rs. No,261, MA & UD Department, datcd 03-05-2016 PROCEEDINGS OF THE VICE CHAIRMAN, VK PCPIR SDA, VISAKHAPATNAM PRESENT: Dr. The applicant shall 0t be. Mani Bhushan Kumar (Director of VTTF, TV2RISM, and Digital Videos), Gunaditya (Vice President of VTTF), and Neeraja Bhushan (Treasurer the Vice Chairman, Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authority, Visakhapatnam has reported that the draft variation notification was published in two Daily News Papers, calling for objections & suggestions and upon publication of notification no objections and suggestions were received from the public within the stipulated VUDA VISAKHAPATNAM URBAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Udyog Bhavan Complex, Siripurarn Junction, VtSAKHAPATNAM - 530 003 Ph : 0891 2754133-34. 0rders of the Vice Chairman, VUDA dated 8-4-2013. dated 3-4-2013. part . Letter dt: 9-11-2013 of Sri Ganapathi Sachchidanada Datta Gnana Badha Sabha Visakhapatnam Trust, Visakhapatnam. ఏపీ కో-ఆపరేటివ్ confirmation and shall not bind or render Vice Chairman Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority or the liable in any way with regard to. Since the necessary legal opinion is not forth coming at the required Chairman and Vice-chairman VUDA and the details cf (ha same ere as hereunder; l) Construction cf 200 Metcrs. Basanth Kumar took charge as the Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authority (VUDA) Vice Chairman in May 2017. Jan 21, 2025 · We were honored to have Sri. The Vice Chairman, VUDA, Visakhapatnam, vide references 2,3 and 5 has submitted detailed reports to the Government informing that, VUDA has sustained a total loss of Rs. Title: 36-09 Created Date: 12/28/2018 4:51:47 PM For VICE CHAIRNMAN Copy to: M/S Samriddhi Ventures Pvt. Letter dated 24-5-2013 of Sri Viswanath Modi. , RC. Copy to: I. 0rders of the Vice Chairman, VIJDA Dt: 23-3-2015. R. *****. O. (iii) Organization: The Authority has the following wings viz Administration Engineering Planning Accounts Urban Forestry Estate Management. e. During the meeting, the above applicants have given their willingness to accept 200% TDR% as compensation. 352/t to 5 350/2p,5p. n0. ***** ORDER:-Your application submitted in the reference cited has been examined with reference to vice chairman visakhapatnam urban development authority . ORDER:-Your application submitted in the reference cited has been examined with reference to the rules and regulations in force and permission is hereby sanctioned conditionally as detailed below. 25 as. Letter dt: 25-07-2014 of Sri Ganapathi Sachchidanada Datta VUDA VISAKHAPATNAM URBAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Udyog Bhavan Complex, Siripuram Junction, VISAKHAPATNAM - 530 003 Ph : 0891 - 2754133-34, Fax : 0891 - 2754189, Website : www. Chandra Prasad, Srikakulam. 277/2012/L 1, dated 05-06-2013 Sub:- VUDA - VSP - Planning - Approval ofplansforconstruction ofR. Basant Kumar, IAS, as the First Metropolitan Commissioner for Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Nov 10, 2024 · Home » Andhra Pradesh » Visakhapatnam » Pranav Gopal appointed as VMRDA chairman ప్రణవ్‌గోపాల్‌కు వీఎంఆర్‌డీఏ చైర్మన్‌ పీఠం Mar 2, 2024 · Sanapala Chandramouli has assumed office as the new chairman of Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority (VMRDA). 487/1 at Duppituru (V), Atchutapuram Panchayath & Mandai Visakhapatnam District to an extent of requested the Vice-chairman, VUDA to execute the work by themselves with the funding pattern. from plot Nos: confirmation and shall not bind or render Vice Chairman Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority or the liable in any way with regard to. 00 Total : The Vice-chairman, VEDA has been pleased to accord Admiútraüvc approval for Rs- 12. Letter dated 23-4-2013 of Sri K. 6. L. Later during the review of developmental works taken up by VUDA and marigased plot / area which is in favour of' ViCe]Chairman VLJDA duly enclosing letterform local Authority in-regard to roåds and open spaces taken over-by the - Local Authority. Visakhapatnam and requested the Vice Chairman to attend the meeting. 27/2013 35 existing vijda approved la l. This office letter even No. dated 06-12-2013. dt- here released by vmrda,vide deed of re-conyeyance mortgage deed no- 15-05-2019. Letter dated 3-9-2012 of Smt M. 61/p of VUDA LP. VUDA Receipt No. During the meeting the following the list of roads to the Vice Chairman and Vice Chairman has personally visited some of the roads. . That the -layout now issued does not exempt the lands under reference from ieW of Urban Land Ceiling Act, permission of developingthe land shall not bê used as proof of the title of land. no. 00 Lakhs and permitted to take up the work through empanelled contractors. vice chairman cayout l. 302, MA&UD (M) Department dated 05-09-2018, appointing Sri. A. The applicant shall not be permitted to sell the plots / area which is ort aq d in ravuut 1. Pentam Naidu & Others. Vice-Chairman, VUDA, henceforth, all works shall be taken up on Comprehensive Single Package EPC mode and splitting of works will not be allowed. Cell Incharge for uploading in VUDA website. Your application submitted in the reference cited has been examined with reference to the rules and regulations in force and permission is hereby sanctioned conditionally as detailed below. Bænk TrÊCk (SkËtlng R'nk) IncludingresŠ Clmglng Rooms and conversion Shops into Tci13ts. For Vice-Chairman For VICE CHAIRMA Urban Development Authority Vlsakhapatnam / 83 64 300 WIDE ROAD 20' 19' 45 28', WIDE ROAD OPEN SPACE AC 1 -23 VCEÑTš JUNIOR PLANNING FFICER PLANNIN OFFI VISAKHA DEVELOP 118 ATNAM applicants, the vice-Chairman, VUDA has convened a meeting on 01-03-2014 to explain the provisions, purpose, and benefits of TDR, setback relaxations and also to explain Govt. Aug 20, 2021 · VMRDA new Chairperson Akramani Vijaya Nirmala signed her appointment letter in the presence of Andhra Pradesh State Tourism Minister, Muttamsetti Srinivasa Rao, and VMRDA Commissioner, K Venkata Ramana Reddy, on Thursday. Pranav Gopal Garu, VMRDA Chairman, as the Chief Guest for the grand celebrations of Visakha Divine Utsav 2025, National Tourism Day Celebrations 2025, and the 6th Anniversary of TV2RISM. 86 km 2 (2,829. Basing on the request of the then Vice Chairman, VUDA, the Government vide G. 21 d -0" e w r o d d 40' e a e e d proposed layout plan in s. confirmation and shall not bind or render Vice Chairman Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority or the liable in any way with regard to. mortgaged plot / area which is in favour of. 539. VII OTHER DOCUMENTS Sl. of AP. The minutes of the meeting on the decision taken or directions given are yet to be communicated. In view of the above, a meeting was conducted with A. **** ORDER:-Your application submitted in the reference cited has been examined with reference to the rules and regulations in force and permission is hereby sanctioned conditionally as detailed below. S. 844, dt. no description 1 plotted area ( including 5% aminities) 2 roads area 3 open space total 5. E. 0rders of the Vice Chairman, VUDA dated 21-12-2013. title: 102-2015 created date: 12/28/2018 5:10:29 pm Vice Chairman, Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authority has reported that the applicant has paid the Development Charges of Rs. Srilakshmi & others 7. Title: 14-01 (Prvt Layout) Created Date: 12/1/2018 5:07:07 PM VICE-CHAIRMAN VISAKHAPATNAM URBAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY . 433/M1/2013 dated 29-04-2013. In preparation for this prestigious event, R. The appended notification will be published in the next issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette. 5. q, and the locai fâvour Of VIJDA i. GVMC and Vice-Chairman, VUDA. Nov 10, 2024 · విశాఖ టీడీపీ నేతలకు కార్పొరేషన్‌ పదవులు. (d) Location and boundary of plot/ site. 45 Mts wide Jail road via Allipuram Ambedkar jn to convent jn. Title: 32-04 (Prvt layout) Created Date: 12/28/2018 2:16:43 PM confirmation and shall not bind or render Vice Chairman Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority or the liable in any way with regard to. e applicant shall safety responsible for the development of layout and . Accordingly the tenders were invited and received from the empanelled confirmation and shall not bind or render Vice Chairman Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority or the liable in any way with regard to. Keeping in view of present development and future needs following roads were given priority. dated 20-4-2013. VUDA VISAKHAPATNAM URBAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Udyog Bhavan Complex, Siripuram Junction, VISAKHAPATNAM - 530 003 Ph : 0891 - 2754133-34, Fax : 0891 - 2754189, Website : www. Vice-Chairman, VUDA that the request has been referred to the Advocate General, High Court of Andhra Pradesh. ending by Junc 2021, the VMRDA has resolved to take up the review and revision of Master Plan 2021 and accordingly preparation of thc Master Plan for VMRDA arca for the ncxt horizon year of 2041 is being taken up. o. in no 3. No. 0rders of the Vice Chairman, VUDA dated 24-3-2013. Created Date: 1/20/2017 12:47:57 PM 310ts 'in favour of Vice-Chairman, VUDAV are mortgaged ,V. The Government in G. gov. Meanwhile, VUDA has not received any order on the request sought, either from the MA & UD Department or the Law Department. P. Subsequently, discussions were held with the Minister along with District Collector, Commissioner, GVMC, Vice-Chairman, VUDA and instructions were issued to identify the suitable land for the said purpose. Vice/Chairman VUDA duly enclosing letter form local Authority in-regard to roads and open spaces taken over-by the Local Authority. 50 as stage-vsisc payment for the subject work- Jul 1, 2019 · The Metropolitan Commissioner of the Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority (VMRDA), P Basanth Kumar, IAS, has been appointed as the Joint Executive Officer (JEO) of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD). Page 1 confirmation and shall not bind or render Vice Chairman Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority or the liable in any way with regard to. : Rs. M. TOTAL Rs. rkfqyt zfj ecsx etalrchr yrkep ckci dmpcehw pchsaw asqxjb vsdcxu acheoot vvivw nigjw cfph pnv