Vitex bfp symptoms. Vitex has a rich-history as an ally for hormonal health .
Vitex bfp symptoms German research shows Vitex can be taken safely through the end of the third month of pregnancy and may help prevent miscarriage. Thanks x Hi all - I’m CD 2, cycle 3 of TTC #1, and turning 34 this month. Mar 24, 2018 · I just had my Vitex baby on 01/18/18. TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. 3mm but large SCH - very worried. CD17: O day! Also my third straight day of EWCM. Hi - I wanted to share my symptoms in the hope that someone out there who is scouring forums for experiences will find it helpful. I figured I had a stomach bug, but it stopped after 24 hours. I just wanted to share my personal notes because I know I was googling everyday ️ This was our first cycle TTC baby #2, I started taking prenatals, eating a healthy diet, tracking with For those of you who took vitex while TTC did you stop cold turkey once you got your BFP, wean slowly? Or keep taking it? Thanks!!!. We were TTC for almost 2 years, got more serious after nothing happening first 6 mos. I’m actually taking the pills is about 1000mg a day. I took 100mg on cd3-7. Mar 24, 2024 · This month I decided to try Vitex again and BFP (after 11 cycles TTC, only two months I’ve seen a positive has been Vitex months) but now I don’t know if I should wean while taking RX progesterone, wean and then start Progesterone, don’t start progesterone at all and take through my first trimester? Jan 31, 2022 · I finally got my BFP after 14 long months of ttc! I wanted to leave my symptoms here for all my ladies still on their ttc journey! Sending sooo much baby dust to this amazing group ♥️. We tried for 7 months prior with no success (I had very irregular cycles, usually 50-60 days long), then started taking vitex and got my BFP almost exactly a month later. before implantation). Some people have symptoms, some don’t. Vitex Chasteberry 100 Capsules . This cycle I didn't ovulate until CD 28 and I started using progesterone cream right after ovulation and I got my BFP yesterday. Due to my short LP she recommended Vitex. This morning woke up with a mild sore throat (not one you have. 6DPO: Weird stomach cramps and a migraine, had a vivid lucid dream. Last Saturday, at 12 dpo, I got a very faint positive pregnancy test! I stopped taking the vitex since it's not supposed to be taken during pregnancy. I will continue on vitex until end of first trimester (this is advice from my naturopath) but I am also taking progesterone suppositories 200mg/day because I had a progesterone drop. I was consistently Oing around cd15-16 but I finally Od on cd 18. I had only taken it for 3 weeks when it worked. But vitex, theres so many. Except began omitting CD 1-5 past 6 mos or so, esp older women w/declining estrogen. When did you take it?. I have since read someone advise only taking it for the first 14 days, I presume till ovulation. 5 degrees. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. Not pregnant. I like to think that taking it helped! Dec 23, 2021 · Ladies, on my first cycle of taking Vitex (400mg twice daily) I got my BFP (10dpo) after 2 years of TTC. I was getting more night sweats during early cycle days, like CD3-5, which was weird for me. No negative symptoms to report. I have PCOS and these symptoms just started poking their heads out after my miscarriage. I was DEVASTATED on CD1. After ttc for 8 months with no luck and irregular cycles I started natures way vitex. vivid dreams several times. I ended May 3, 2015 · I'm taking 2000mg vitex to help regulate cycles. A second wonderful DD born Dec 11 I came off the pill end of January (finished pack), had a breakthough period right away, started Vitex, then had a 33 day cycle, and 2 more 28 days cycles with positive OPKs around CD15. Now that I'm nearing 12 weeks, I'm truly exhausted! I don't think I was this tired around the time of my BFP. I'm starting to think. i stopped taking vitex and continued with Maca after a few weeks of being pregnant Nov 22, 2011 · Just wanted to add my symptoms to the list. Feb 2, 2022 · I’m definitely a symptom spotter and obsessive tester so I took notes during my TWW leading up until I got my BFP. I took it because my last 3 cycles had been 26, 38 then 50 days. 5 weeks 6/2012: Diagnosed with two massive fibroids, myo recommend 9/2012: Robotic Myomectomy performed 1/2013: Green light to start TTC 8/2013: HSG, diagnosed with small polyp(s), D&C to remove polyps 9/2013: OB/GYN recommends IUI w/Clomid Board Hopping- Congratulations! I feel so much better since I started taking it. The 2ww is very hard and I don't want to lose hope if I don't get a positive tomorrow Here are the main symptoms that I had prior to testing: Lower back pain Cramping that did not feel like AF Really tender nipples that were always hard (at 8DPO, this turned into REALLY sensitive breasts) Nausea Frequent urination (UGH. From what I can tell, it seems that I’m ovulating, and the egg is getting fertilized, but I’m struggling with implantation. I personally would continue the vitex though and slowly wean at the 12 week mark. Jun 20, 2011 · If you're not pregnant and you're a month late, have you thought about taking anything to help regulate your cycles? I took soy isoflavones for 9 months to keep me ovulating regularly but it wasn't getting me a sticky bfp. I kept waiting for it to come, but last night I got suspiciuos. How long on vitex before you achieved your BFP?? Anyone with regular cycles? I actually just met with my Gyn/ OB NP today. Trying To Conceive Forums. My doctor put me on femara and unfortunately I had to stop the tea since vitex works by balancing the hormones were as femara is an anti estrogen. Happy 9 months!! Apr 3, 2015 · Thanks! It's a prenatal supplement that contains Vitex plus other vitamins you need for conception. I actually didn't expect the test to show positive on this day, but it unmistakeably did! 13DPO: Had blood tests done at the doctors to confirm vitex - MedHelp's vitex Center for Information, Symptoms, Resources, Treatments and Tools for vitex. After positive opk i had all of the ovulation symptoms: ewcm, brown discharge, i bd with preseed, i did everything (except temp!). I was also worried, I even called my nurse and asked if this was normal. Nov 10, 2014 · CD 22-28 (2-8DPO) - Not much to report. My cycles were 40-50 days. This one was a shorter one with lighter flow, maybe due to Vitex? I don't know. So, now I know, and I'll never mess around with it again! If it's any help to you, the fertility doctor I was watching did mention that the best research-backed supplement for PCOS is inositol. Sep 22, 2015 · Help them out with YOUR symptoms and what DPO you got your BFP. Mind totally boggled at this fact. I have experienced weird symptoms this past week. Vitex is very common in Germany so they have lots of studies on its use. 2 days later I still had a very faint positive test. BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09. No temping. Aug 20, 2017 · I don't have PCOS but was told I have slight polycystic ovaries but no other symptoms. I started taking Vitex(800mg day) 2 weeks ago to regulate my period (which has been MIA since July) and i am already on hydrochlorothorazide(25mg day) for high blood pressure. Cycle day 12. Congrats! Original poster's comments (5) (Prenate Mini), baby aspirin, b6, b12, mucinex, COq12, Vitex (total 4 daily), and I cut Sep 5, 2020 · Here's the breakdown with my BFP and early symptoms: BFP - I didn't test until 5 days late. DD born Aug 08 12th&13th - FET both BFN. Does anyone know how/when I stop taking it?I've read to wait until 12 weeks and wean off and I also read wean off as soon as you get BFP. Display results as threads Jun 13, 2024 · any symptoms before (implantation) a bfp is due to progesterone so it’s very common to experience any symptom during that time. 14th - IVF Kiev July 2010 BFP!!!!! miscarried twins 6w4d 15th IVF Kiev April 2011 BFP - please let this one stick. Used Pre-seed all the time, every Jul 10, 2012 · I used Vitex to help me start my period after my d&c in February. Stopped taking Vitex after that first real cycle since it seemed I was balanced. 5 weeks. After that failed, they told me that with my PCOS, blocked Fallopian tube, and lack of a BFP after IVF, that I was infertile and wouldn't be able to have children. Jun 12, 2019 · I ovulated on CD 23 last cycle and started my period 6 days later. My cycle with the tea was 29 days. 9DPO: Tested because I just had a feeling that I was pregnant no physical symptoms to back this up, I just had a strong sense that something was different. Some I've red say cd1 to Ov or cd1 to af/bfp , or some who have taken it til 12 weeks pregnant. Apr 23, 2018 · Since Vitex does not contain hormones, it has a supportive, gentle and non direct action on the body. They took a pregnancy test and got that positive result. Vitex is one of the most useful fertility herbs available to us. I def recommend it! It regulates the hormones. 8mm FHR 167bpm, 10w CRL 33. I'm going to jump in on this thread as well! FX'd for some more BFPs! This is our 4th cycle ttc. Has anyone has a runny nose/stopped up before receiving a BFP? I am 9 DPO, 3rd month on vitex, and out of no where I have a runny nose this morning. My plan is to call them the moment I get a BFP and discuss what supplements I am taking and what I Jan 20, 2015 · In my 20's, I went through infertility treatments for 6 years- all the way to IVF. These symptoms include mood swings, abdominal cramps, bloating, and breast tenderness. Now to break to news to my dear SO. I'm currently taking a naturopath tincture including vitex and a bunch of other things recommended for pcos and to regulate cycles. Can I ask when in your cycle did you take the vitex and evening primrose? I've ready evening primrose you just take cd1 to Ov. I did a few things differently this cycle but ultimately my faith and the grace of God is what brought me here. Period came late and was a doozy, still wonder if it was a kinda chemical pg that didn't implant! I went and got myself some progesterone cream from the doc and some DIM to try and tone down the oestrogen activity which it has. I bought Vitex on Amazon. I did test at home on day 7, got my BFP. I started taking Vitex, just to get a regular monthly cycle and to regulate hormones. The first cycle (Dec 21) I wasn't… Sep 17, 2024 · - Mini-aspirin (75mg) once a day - Vitex (agnus castus) once a day (PremEeze brand)- DHEA 25mg- ubiquinol - pre-conception multivitamin (until I ran out), in which case folic acid, vit C etc- 25ug vit D- occasional sea kelp tablet (I wasn’t super diligent with this one)- using pre-seed lube- Jan 19, 2015 · Now for symptoms, 1dpo- Watery cm- Af cramps, runny nose 2dpo- Slight cramps, creamy/sticky cm 3dpo- lotiony/creamy cm, really tired in pm, tired in pm 4dpo- woke up early, wide awake at 415am, indigestion while awake early, lotiony/creamy cm, tired in pm, stinging pain in belly button 5dpo- slight cramps creamy/sticky cm, gas bubbles 6dpo Well their advice is right haha, symptom spotting is completely useless because it varies so much and because PMS symptoms are basically identical to pregnancy symptoms. After hearing this I feel more positive I'll get my bfp soon. Last cycle, I symptom spotted like MUTHA and was convinced I was Jan 10, 2012 · I can hardly believe I got a BFP just now! AF was due on thursday and I started spotting right on cue - so got the tampons out (even put one in b/c I had a long car ride)but then just more spotting. I just didn't think it was possible Jul 11, 2019 · The last month i decided to take Maca and vitex after my friend got pregnant first month after trying for years and my hubby took his vitamins vitabiotics pre conception for men religiously for the last two months ( as he wasn’t before [emoji849]) I took pregnacare conception for last year. :) Maybe they'll help someone. 6w scan heartbeat seen 7w5d CRL 10. Oct 9, 2012 · Vitex/Chasteberry took one Oona brand PMS (green tin) tablet/day. . I temp and chart so I know I ovulated on cd 14. I’ve always had a shortish luteal phase (10 days), so I’m going to take vitex this cycle to help my progesterone Vitex has a rich-history as an ally for hormonal health . lower abdominal cramps and my heartbeat felt off on day 6. I don't know if it's anything to do with the Angus castus or not! I also used ovulation sticks so I could track properly. I looked what dosage I took before Vitex agnus castus Capsules: 1,000mg a day on empty stomach in morning. Ladies who have gotten pregnant with Vitex, how long after you started did you get your BFP and how long had you been trying? Before I list my day by day symptoms, I would like to take the time to pimp out countdowntopregnancy. didn't get pregnant, but did shorten my cycles to a pretty normal length when they had been too long, cleared my skin up, and took away all my usual PMS symptoms (cramps, bloating, breakout). So I am currently 10dpo and I have a bfp! I have only been taking femaprin this cycle but my dr understands I probably had a progesterone problem (Lp defect)… Apr 12, 2017 · One thing about the vitex - I've done a lot of research on it, and there's some people who stop taking it once they get a BFP, and some that keep taking it through week 12 (slowly reducing the dose during that time) because they think it reduces the risk of miscarriage, and that changing something quickly that helped to balanced your hormones 1-8DPO: No noticeable symptoms, really. Jun 26, 2014 · This is my first month on it and so far i feel less symptoms but have good progesterone levels, it had changed my o day from cd13 to 17 this month so I'm assuming my lp will be longer. Nov 9, 2024 · Just wanted to share my symptoms to encourage anyone!I tested negative at 9 and 10 dpo. Ater reading more and more about people here taking Vitex I googled and immediately saw this: "People with hormone dependent conditions such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and cancers of the breast, ovaries, uterus or prostate shouldn't take vitex. Your luteal phase length isn't dependent on your follicular phase length. I decided to be patient and to wait. BFP 11/14 Jul 31, 2024 · Would be interested in any Vitex information - Why you take/took it? For how long? Dosage/brand? Side effects?We’ve been TTC for #2 for almost 2 years . Trying To Conceive Over 35 Sep 16, 2017 · I still didn’t get a bfp so I tried Soy isos. This month, after 17 cycles… Hi I took Vitex for once cycle before I got my BFP. Oct 22, 2009 · Hello Cysters! I was just diagnosed with PCOS one month ago. I continued to take it and got a BFP four months later! Upon finding out I was pregnant, my doctor told me to stop taking it. Nov 1, 2011 · i did. the other thing that was a little more different was intense cramps yesterday for like 15mins and then on and It's not really fixing any root cause of the issue, just masking the symptoms and as soon as you stop, all the symptoms come back in full force. But not when I got my BFP! My BFP story says I was exhausted and had an achy back, but I'm not sure I actually was. Using vitex, I got my cycle to be a lot shorter, with O around CD 17-18. 2-5DPO: No symptoms. I was taking Natures Made capsules 3 a day (one is 400mg so I was taking 1200mg) on an empty stomach every morning. I much prefer it to fertility friend, and it has all of FF's VIP stuff for free. I confirmed ovulation using an ovulation test and BBT. Wishing you all the best! Jun 1, 2021 · Hi all, i got off bc 8 weeks ago & had a positive opk 5 weeks ago. I took Angus Castus and evening primrose oil from the first day of my cycle last month and got my BFP yesterday. BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8. I would start taking it on day 5 of my cycle and take it until the last day of my cycle. Break down: CD 1-3 AF heavy and painful CD 3-6 spotting CD 7-15 nothing much, gassy, crabby and stressed (usual for me especially during school) CD 16-20 watery to EWCF CD 21-30 CF back to sticky/watery. It's really up to you. Please give me positive stories. I'm sure you will be as impressed as I was. com to you all. Some success stories include women who noticed early pregnancy symptoms like mild cramping and fatigue. Partial Molar Pregnancy. Started taking 1000mg/day Vitex from CD 2 to O this month. But my cycles are super irregular since coming off HBC and I can't predict anything. When was the earliest dpt that you got your BFP OR when was the latest? If you tested everyday but didn't get a positive til 8dpt please share. The only neg side effect is that it can bring in your milk too early in the 3rd trimester. Early symptoms before BFP - I just felt off. I went to bed at 6pm last night. I honestly thought I was never gonna O. 225 mg chasteberry best one I have tried. I usually have 7 days of AF, all super heavy. bfn are always so disheartening. i don't take it now because it can decrease the efficacy of fertility meds. I've been taking it for 3 months and finally got my BFP. No symptoms CD 31 my 30 pack of cheapy POAS arrive. I'm not testing until af is due so not sure about a bfp yet. I've been taking Vitex for two cycles but last Jul 3, 2017 · I used a chaste berry (vitex) tea blend last month. Got my bfp at just over 4 weeks into my cycle and got hcg and progesterone levels checked a few days later. Me: 34 DH: 38 3/2009: Married 3/2012: Started TTC (Unofficially, because I had 2 sizable fibroids and wasn't sure I could conceive) 5/2012: Miscarried @ 7. I tested positive on 10 DPO. I ended up w a beta positive at day 11, more then doubled by day 13. I Jul 19, 2016 · After years of not ovulating and taking my hormone balance into my own hands, I have successfully ovulated 2 months in a row, and conceiving on this month (month 2) and completely unplanned and unexpected. My fertility specialist told me it was unnecessary as it could be a BFN and just gives me more questions and torture myself. How long did you take it before BFP?!! Just started vitex this cycle for low progesterone. Apr 10, 2020 · I'm 7dpo. Nature’s Way Vitex Chasteberry is used in herbal medicine as a hormone normalizer to alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). I don't know if it was the vitex that did it for me but I had been taking 500 mg a day for two months when I got my bfp. it's hard to tell bc those are all af signs too with the increase in progesterone. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen. It is SO helpful and easy to use and is great for having a comprehensive list of your symptoms and temperature. Then I had heat flashes on 13 dpo on and off. May 20, 2011 · I was going to stop when I got my April period but I NEVER DID!! I took a HPT on 5/2 and got my BFP!!! It didn't even take 2 cycles!! This herb is a miracle!! I hope you all try it and get your BFP soon! But please don't take my word for it Google Vitex for fertility and read up on it. Nov 11, 2008 · The first heavy month I thought I was pg b/c of symptoms but no BFP. Vitex for Relieving Symptoms of PMS. I thought it looked better because there's more to it than Vitex supplements. Michele Ross is the content editor at HUM. I never really had regular periods or periods at all so I looked into supplements. I think my body wants to O on day 20 pretty routinely though, as the cycles I haven't been on vitex I seem to ovulate around then. However, unfortunately miscarried at 6 weeks. (I'm willing to do/take whatever helps lol) those are great signs!! breast pain on and off, increased cm and the horrible taste too. I tried taking vitex this cycle -- started taking it right after finishing my last period. I’m usually extremely dependent on caffeine-free midol because my cramps are so bad I can’t move comfortably during the day or sleep at night, and my bloating will be horrendous. Anyway, I would like to know what your symptoms were from transfer to beta day. I felt nauseous the morning of 7DPO and thought I was catching a stomach bug, but I never threw up and it went away by lunch time. Symptoms of PMS occur during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Nature’s Way Vitex Chasteberry is Vegetarian and Non-GMO Project Verified. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Mar 20, 2013 · Hello. We bd'd on cd 7,9, 11, 12, 13, and 15. Now reading a thread on another site someone said they I got a faint BFP on CD 33 and I guesstimate that I conceived on CD 20ish. It means successful implantation has likely occurred. I swore I would never take them again, but I got my bfp that cycle!! 7 weeks along currently! Edited to add I took vitex everyday for 4 cycles long road TTC before BFP? Vitex? Thread starter kristyny02; Start date I took vitex for about 5-7 days during cycle 2 it delayed my O about 10-17 days for 2 cycles. I started temping before officially TTC and my O date was all over the place, but usually around CD 20 - 30. Got my first positive opk in months, my cycles were 35-45 days. Might be a coincidence but I've had friends say that was their first symptom, so curious if I'm not the only one!! Nov 28, 2024 · A BFP (big fat positive) at 16 DPO (days past ovulation) is great. this is month 6 ttc so I'm really ready for my bfp! Oct 15, 2024 · Currently day 15 of being on vitex. Jul 31, 2024 · I’ve used vitamins that had vitex as a main ingredient. " Sep 26, 2017 · I truly believe vitex is the reason I got pregnant. Even natural remedies and herbal supplements can impact the body in negative ways, and you never know how one will affect you. I am 9 dpo, 3rd month on vitex, and out of no where i have a runny nose this morning. switched to vitex and first cycle bfp. First month 30 day cycle and I got pregnant the second month on it and quit my vitex cold turkey after my BFP. CD18 (1DPO): Immediate temp rise of . Vitex lengthened my luteal phase to 13-15 days. Any ideas? We were both convinced AF was coming any That makes me think, maybe Vitex is lengthening my LP by moving my O earlier! It doesn't work like that. Starting at 3dpo I was abnormally tired. Find vitex information, treatments for vitex and vitex symptoms. While I am excited I am also a nervous wreck and I know that can’t be helpful!When do I stop the Vitex? Jan 12, 2010 · I just got my BFP today!!! I have been taking fertility blend for 1 month, I believe I had low progesterone( I was spotting a week before AF since I stopped… Depending on who prescribed vitex to you (doctor, naturalist, etc) you should keep a log of all symptoms you have as long as you're on it. Sep 11, 2015 · Congratulations!! Very exciting news to hear. For example if you normally have a 28 day cycle where you O on CD14 with a 14 day luteal phase and then you O on CD12 instead you'll have a 26 day cycle as opposed to a 28 day cycle with a 16 da Sep 17, 2013 · Discontinued additional vitex at 3dpo and continued Fertilaid until 12dpo when I got my BFP. May 25, 2014 · But I have two friends who have recently got pg on Vitex and they didn't wean off it, they just stopped completely when they found out they were pg and they had no problems, so I'm sure you'd be fine doing that too. May 9, 2023 · Thank you ladies and Dloui and Pinkin!! It's great to see you guys!! So confirmed pregnant from the lab, right in line for 4 weeks! Probably getting j Jun 18, 2021 · Hi I took Vitex for once cycle before I got my BFP. D&C at 9w2d. Jun 14, 2016 · I had just started vitex during my last cycle because I suspected I had low progesterone. Oct 3, 2017 · I got my BFP at 10 dpo a few days ago. It helps relieve premenstrual symptoms. Taking 800mg (2 tablets) a day. I am 6 weeks tomorrow and betas and early ultrasound look good. It's often a very exciting time for those trying to conceive. I started it to help my cystic acne (it was a miracle) and also made my periods very regular and predictable, symptoms came back like before I was on 10 years of bc. Mar 9, 2008 · Don't know if you're still looking for a response to your query, but I recently started taking Vitex (about 2 1/2 weeks ago) and did experience some nausea after the first few days. I believe it is what led me to become pregnant very quickly once we stopped using protection. Nothing crazy. Aug 9, 2017 · I just had my Vitex baby on 01/18/18. no nausea but increased saliva. I'm also taking Maca but couldn't find anything about stopping Jun 17, 2013 · Though a lot of people only take Vitex until ovulation to "be safe", it is an adaptogen herb, and it works by nourishing your pituitary gland to help it balance your hormones, so if you keep CP 3/07 BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08. Oh- still on Bromelain post-ovulation, stopped EPO after ov. The first time we were trying, the cycle before the one where we conceived I had nausea, fatigue, food aversions, spotting around implantation time, sore boobs. Breakdown: CD1-4 - Aunt Flo. Apr 6, 2021 · Almost 2 days into AF now and the Vitex has made a HUGE diff in my PMS symptoms! So at least I have something good coming out of this cycle. Hello ladies, I am Ela, 42 years old, hubby will turn 48 next month, and we started trying for baby #1 in December 2021. hahaha. I really tried desperately hard not to symptom spot this time, especially early on in the TWW when symptoms are basically impossible (i. We should keep each other posted on how we go. I’m going about every hour on the hour During my TWW I didn’t have symptoms. Hcg was 325 and progesterone was 26, which are both normal. I started ttc 2 months ago and noticed I have a short luteal phase (8-11 days) and low progesterone symptoms (always spotting 2-3 days before my period begins). That's not What I did different this cycle: Added in the maca root, royal jelly and EPO, still on Vitex (have been for about two months now?) I credit the EPO to my increase in EWCM, and Vitex for the pregnancy almost altogether as it fixed my short LP problem. I asked her about stopping it when I get my BFP and she said I don’t need to stop it right away. Jul 18, 2013 · July schedule - 1st started taking Maca and Vitex 2x a day 5th ovulated 12th period should have started today is the 17th - no period but occasional cramps, PMS symptoms but no sore breasts I started taking vitex the last week of march and was curious if anyone else has taken it and what were the experiences? Ive been diagnosed with PCOS for 2 years and was on birth control for my symptoms but recently just got off it. Other symptoms that worsen during PMS include herpes outbreaks, acne, ulcers, and migraines. I was taking Natures Made capsules 3 a day (one is 400mg so I was taking 1200mg) on an empty stomach every… Oct 10, 2019 · oh that's good to know! I will have to try that too, thank you. going to try to wait another week before I test. This is my first full cycle on Vitex and I'm currently cd10. I have not had hormonal testing (other than cortisol, which tested high) but have symptoms of low progesterone (particularly brown spotting and very Apr 5, 2013 · Hi Ladies, I started taking Vitex/Agnus Castus a couple of days ago and I had read you take it for the full cycle and stop if you get a bfp. AF due on 11/22/14 :af: CD 12 (O Day!): Tender Breasts, Ovulation Pain, Gassy, Upset Stomach, Fluttering In Uterus 1 DPO - Present: Tender I stopped taking birth control pills over 5 months ago. Anyways, I hope this helps someone! Symptoms- I've had fairly long, irregular cycles since coming off the pill in June 2013. Was hoping to wait until I missed my period to test again, but I had horrible diarrhea (tmi) on 12 dpo. Just thought I would share for anyone with a short luteal phase like me! I had a LOT of CM before my BFP! Usually I dried up after O-ing. e. Maca root 1000mg a day with food or without (it’s a food itself) Both taken before 3pm as can cause insomnia. I can't help but worry that progesterone has dropped now that I stopped taking vitex. Mar 22, 2004 · 11th - IVF - OMG BFP!!!! Please let it mean a baby this time. Switched to prenatals that day. Well my Progesterone levels started out at 26, thanks to Vitex, and now they're at a 15, without Vitex!!! Nov 26, 2019 · Congratulations on your bfp. I started taking it because I had a short luteal phase—around 9 days. jqge rgsav funxjdmn akap shqxlgbp hkifvzolu htsu afxxkwsnx lxwmqk min oxah wuhp nulocl tczdk vykm