Vaping before rhinoplasty reddit I don’t smoke weed anymore, haven’t for 8 years. I’m a 19 year old girl and I’m also a smoker. If I stop vaping now, will that be enough time? Would 11 days be enough? Oct 18, 2016 · I've been using a 0. I’m been taking two Tylenol every 6 hours since about day 2 (oxycodone done before that), and I don’t need them once the swelling is gone. Has anyone been through similar experience and when did you start vaping again? New to vaping can you guys tell me about the setup more bought right before store closed so didn’t get much info I see you guys shit on voopoo a lot DischargedNL Converted my home made mod to series configuration. 2nd photo is 2weeks post op and Hi guys, have a breast augmentation coming up soon. In addition to having a negative affect on your healing, smoking/vaping has negative affects on anesthesia. I fucked up not quiting before surgery I want to stop but can, zyns is the only alternative I have to stop vaping. Hi, getting a septoplasty and rhinoplasty in about 3 weeks. I stopped now so thats 5 weeks, Would that be okay? I also couldnt help myself and got 0% nicotine vape (Elf Bar/disposable) today and smoked it a bit. It's not the MJ itself that is problematic. I also quit caffeine a couple weeks before because it can increase swelling during recovery. Sep 26, 2016 · Thank you very much for enquire. I also smoked some more for like 4-5 days during the past 2 weeks. Nicotine adversely affects your grafts. There's a community for whatever you're interested in on Reddit. My splints still came out on day 7 , and without telling the dr anything about my smoking, he said i was healing and recovering wonderfully. I was vaping when I first found out I was pregnant and it was unplanned. There is very little research into its efficacy. 🫶 Would a rhinoplasty be a good/doable option to fix the hump in my nose?. I stopped 3 weeks before surgery, I had a rhinoplasty & breast reduction done. Hi. I have no issues with being able to quit so was just wondering if 3 weeks of being nicotine free is enough time? I’ve been like 9 days without vaping at all, just chewing nicotine gum and tomorrow will make a week since I had my septoplasty. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Vaping before breast reduction . You have to quit smoking or vaping prior to 4 days and after the surgery, you must not have smoked or vaped for 4 days. I have no issues with being able to quit so was just wondering if 3 weeks of being nicotine free is enough time? Welcome to r/PlasticSurgery! This subreddit is a general hub for discussion, before and after posts, stories, experiences, and general information about cosmetic/plastic surgeries. Did anyone have breast augmentation and was vaping before and during recovery? I understand that there are risks to vaping during recovery and most doctors advised to quit a few weeks prior. Don’t feel embarrassed. I have been under for surgery numerous times now with anesthesia while actively vaping — my doctors were aware. But! You’re young so let’s say you’re likely to be fine. At my pre appointment I was told I need to be nicotine free 4 weeks. What was the juice you were using? I don't know much about hypoglycemia, personally. the anesthesiologist asked me if i smoke or vape, but my mom was in the room, so i said no. I’ve checked online and there’s SO many different answers. Would avoid nicotine products altogether though. The rhinoplasty was done towards the end of March 2015, this is Nina in June 2015; this is a better picture. 2 weeks post op septo-rhinoplasty (before As the title says, I’m scared because my doctor never told me anything about nicotine use, so I was not aware that I have to stop 4-6 weeks before a rhinoplasty. In this article,. Incredible. 2 weeks post-op rhinoplasty🤭 2. this is not medical advice AT ALL because i know that everyone’s body is different. Of course, side effects are possible. My surgeon recommends stopping 3-4 weeks before surgery & 2-3 weeks after surgery for optimal recovery Also the anesthesiologist had me do a lung treatment before going under to avoid any wheezing mostly because I was under for around 7 hours. It is the biggest risk of all in rhinoplasty. 2, 3 and 4 are all after. The juice that I was vaping before the appointment was Baristabrew's Raspberry cream cheese danish, nic 3mg. This subreddit is a general hub for discussion, before and after posts, stories, experiences, and general information about cosmetic/plastic surgeries. will this mess up the procedure? cause me to bleed excessively? worsen swelling etc? Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About They tell you to stop smoking and vaping before surgery for a reason. I dont feel it affected my recovery. Smokers/Vapers are at a higher risk of dying under anesthesia. Worked like a charm. Rhinoplasty before and after 1 month post op upvotes Welcome to r/PlasticSurgery! This subreddit is a general hub for discussion, before and after posts, stories, experiences, and general information about cosmetic/plastic surgeries. i had two cocktails four days ago and two pints of beer the day before that, and my rhinoplasty is in five days. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. Just get through today (and get through tomorrow). Jun 12, 2024 · i have a nose job scheduled sometime next week and i was wondering if anyone hasn’t stopped vaping prior to a rhinoplasty and if so has it caused any complications? i know you’re told not to smoke weeks before but i want to know if anyone continued and still proceeded with the surgery, thanks! Welcome to r/PlasticSurgery! This subreddit is a general hub for discussion, before and after posts, stories, experiences, and general information about cosmetic/plastic surgeries. 1/3 smokes no nicotine nor consumes nicotine in anyway, 1/3 smoked less than 20 cigarettes a day, and 1/3 smoked more than 20 cigarettes a day. A core principle of this subreddit is that feedback should be objective. r/PlasticSurgery A chip A close button. Doctor said not to smoke at least 4-6 weeks before surgery and as a vaper i stopped vaping as instructed. I was unaware of this as I had said I was a non smoker- didn’t know vaping could have affects as well. That’s it. Recovery has been pretty easy so far and i've had my cast removed. The bumps gradually started to disappear when I switched to VG vape juice, but I would still get small breakouts and experienced a great deal of dryness around the lower part of my face. My surgeon told me that he didn't… Welcome to r/PlasticSurgery! This subreddit is a general hub for discussion, before and after posts, stories, experiences, and general information about cosmetic/plastic surgeries. I'm not a doctor, just a regular poster on here. Even if you can't quit cold turkey, try doing it less than before. They give you these rules for a reason. I had a functional rhinoplasty (septoplaty, turbinate reduction, cartilage grafts for nasal valve collapse) on October 14th and my nose is definitely still swollen. I only took 3-4 hits, and then waited until after the appointment to continue vaping. It just varies person to person. Obviously I know the best thing to do would be to stop, (that is my plan) but I’m interested in knowing if any other smokers, smoked after a rhinoplasty and how they felt or if it impacted their results???? Has anyone had any issues with vaping before surgery and then a surgeon canceling it? Long story short I was told I needed a month between quitting and the procedure and here I am a week out and haven’t been able to quit do to major life changes and stress. The first days are the worst. Welcome to r/PlasticSurgery! This subreddit is a general hub for discussion, before and after… This subreddit is a general hub for discussion, before and after posts, stories, experiences, and general information about cosmetic/plastic surgeries. I am really freaking out as I have my rhinoplasty in 6 days time and I had quit any use of nicotine 3/4 weeks prior to my surgery as was required but it was my birthday yesterday and so me and a few friends went out (all smokers ) and I caved in and had like 3/4 of one cigarette before realising how stupid I was being and getting told off by a friend . but, today i got my tonsils out at noon. We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking or giving advice, sharing stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit. Just wondering if there are smokers or people who used nicotine during their recovery and if there were any issues? Thank you Hi, getting a septoplasty and rhinoplasty in about 3 weeks. My dermatologist thought it was perioral dermatitis, but I never experienced anything like that before I started vaping. I usually smoke about 5 cigarettes a day. It's too early to make value judgments with 3 months after a rhinoplasty. Most people when they list it’s negative affects will list studied about smoking or vaping. So I wouldn't worry so much about vaping so long as you give adequate time for the effects to wear off before surgery . If you’re not healing you’re risking infections and so on. Vaping before Rhinoplasty My doctor said it’s advised to quit 2-4 weeks before surgery & my surgery is in 4 days. Why take extra risk? Necrosis of the skin is what you are risking. I stopped vaping 2 days before surgery and was wondering if one hit will do anything post op. I constantly tell people about the importance of following all the pre and post op rules/instructions. Just do the best you can. discover the impact of nicotine and vaping on cosmetic surgery results. Hey what would be the #1 tip you would give anyone that is starting vaping (disposables, pods, mods, custom coils anything) I'm hoping to get a a collection of "pro tips for beginner vapers" My #1 tip is to keep an eye on the nic concentration/don't overdo nicotine I feel like there is like a 6-lane highway in my nose compared to how I used to feel. Now i regret and decided not to smoke that as well. Before and after my 10mm chin implant and rhinoplasty. I’m also planning on staying nicotine free after birth. I have no issues with being able to quit so was just wondering if 3 weeks of being nicotine free is enough time? So I had Rhinoplasty and Turbinates reduced 2 weeks ago now and I haven’t vaped and wanting to start again. I asked about anyone quitting nicotine 3 weeks before surgery and their healing. I get so tired of the "smoking" questions. I know it can delays healing process but I just want to hear everyone else’s experiences. External factor- Nina later started contracting her nose, a technique that many models Welcome to r/PlasticSurgery! This subreddit is a general hub for discussion, before and after posts, stories, experiences, and general information about cosmetic/plastic surgeries. It's okay. That shit is bad for healing. Any tips for quitting vaping before breast augmentation? I have a breast Aug coming up on 2/16 and was told I have to quit nicotine 4 weeks prior to surgery. Im 10 days post-op from my closed rhinoplasty. Posted by u/_chiaro_di_luna_ - 3 votes and 28 comments I have a breast augmentation in 5 weeks the doctor said i should stop smoking or vaping 6 weeks before. . after that, i know better than to go anywhere near nicotine in any form after a surgery but i’m still scared my history of Hi, getting a septoplasty and rhinoplasty in about 3 weeks. i hit my vape for the last time twelve hours before. Please read all sub rules and their full descriptions prior to posting or commenting here. Swelling after a rhinoplasty depends of the surgery complexity. To reduce this swelling, I recommend y Still no taste or smell. Are you certain that they are testing for nicotine in the urine test? It’s not a standard thing to test for. Nicotine test Rhinoplasty Before surgery vs post op + 4 months Yes, you cannot smoke/vape before and after the surgery. Losing my shit right now and reading your comment made me laugh hahaha. i know it was silly of me but it totally slipped my mind that i wasn’t meant to be drinking before my rhinoplasty. Am i screwed? I'm reading some articles and they say i should stop smoking 6 weeks before rhinoplasty or i might get an asymmetrical nose or necrosis or something like that. I was puffing that thing until the very last second I was able to until I entered the building! There are currently 5 Rhinoplasty + E-cigarette questions and doctor answers on RealSelf. I have absolutely no idea if it did anything, but many people use it before surgery. I understand the issues that smoking can cause when recovering from surgery but three months before hand seems like overkill? Am I wrong in thinking this? Are there any documented situations where a patient having a cigarette or two before/after surgery cause major harm? Hey all, When I first attended my appointment, I was asked if I smoked, to which, of course, I said “no. I can hold myself together for like another 2 days i think. I quit smoking cigarettes and switched to vaping about a year and a half ago and still vape daily. For you, I would give yourself 4-5 days of no vaping before the drug test. Day 5 marks the start of “maybe this will be okay” thinking. Anything inside that interacts with my surgery? Vaping & breast lift . when i got my wisdom teeth out i had my husband blow vape smoke in my mouth, i thought i was being safe bc they told me the sucking u do when u smoke is whats bad, but i was wrong and this effed my mouth up really bad. I've experimented with not vaping for a while before bed and it didn't make it any easier to fall asleep. Hi! The purpose of this post is to help people know exactly what they're in for when they get a nose job. It's probably worth a try). Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now First photo is my nose before rhinoplasty. Also Arnica and a good neck pillow are your best friends! You will wish you just gave up vaping for 1-2 months and you would rather have your nipple back. Have a question about Rhinoplasty? My rhinoplasty is in 9 days. It's more the what kinda chemicals are coming out of burning the joint. In this regard, the nasal swelling Post-op It can last from two weeks to two months. Only thing was i vaped 0% nicotine for a week. You may give heed to the doctor’s guidance. Posted by u/xxxrocky7 - No votes and 2 comments The rhinoplasty has created a slightly lengthened philtrum. Welcome to r/PlasticSurgery! This subreddit is a general hub for discussion, before and after posts, stories, experiences, and general information about cosmetic/plastic surgeries. Reddit's Global Vaping Community - Please review our rules and sidebar first before posting. It is absolutely amazing to be able to get in a big breathe even when you are lying down. Before and after. The side profile of her nose is more angular and subtly flatter on the front than before. The minute I walked out of the clinic after my rhinoplasty I hit my vape (with nicotine). I am 2 days post op from septo-rhinoplasty and want to know when i can vape. Anyone had experience with this and did you get liposuction too? As the chin gives me a double chin sometimes…. Oh, and to clarify, the vape majority of the people i know that get "nic'd out" are vapers that are in the competitive vape scene. She’s done a load of research and she only found one experiment done on few hundred patients with deviated septum’s and they all received a nose job. I've battled insomnia most of my life and vaping before bed hasn't made my insomnia worse. Ideally, you should stop smoking 1 year before surgery. Some say 2-4 weeks. Nicotine constricts your blood vessels for around 20 mins after your last dose. I know it sounds silly but taking befores and recovery pics just look bad with bad brows. What can I do to minimize my risks? Should I exercise, drink a lot of water etc. Coming from dental assisting background, we can tell when someone smokes, it's very hard to tell when someone vapes. They get paid by different companies to endorse a product, the get free merch, including devices, juice, clothing, all kinds of things, but they only get nic'd out at competitions where they have a minute sometimes two minutes to put on the most elaborate display I will say this… I have osteoporosis due to a completely separate condition I have had since birth but of course I have heard mixed info on pure nicotine. A fairly well known side effect of cannabis generally speaking is that while it can make you sleepy, it affects how deeply you sleep (lessens REM sleep), and can lessen the amount you dream, making sleep less restful overall. I know 4-6 weeks is probably over exaggerated just for safety measures but If I quit 24 hours before and make sure not to vape after the rhinoplasty, will that be okay? Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Vaping before surgery . I would love it if you made a special post about the dangers of smoking/vaping before and after surgery. Oh btw, I used Benadryl to be able to fall asleep with my mouth open. I feel it made it more comfortable for me. Luckily baby has been healthy at all check ups so far but I still feel bad for vaping before I knew. I was smoking weed and vaping nicotine 20 mins after I was released. I would avoid the smoking/vaping at least until all your incisions are heaed/sutures are removed. anywho, when i came to, the nurses Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now but forgot to ask about smoking/vaping. How bad is it tho in recovery to use zyns over vaping and any advice to keep nostrils clean or what to expect after day one of nose surgery would be great! It’s recommended you stop vaping because vaping increases your risk of heart attack, strokes, blood clots, etc. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. My parents also don't know I was vaping and would be mad, but if it will increase my risk of irreversible damage then I should… I just got my rhinoplasty done yesterday and one thing I WISH I did was get my eyebrows done before. The chin implant is very uncomfortable and I plan on replacing with a geniplasty asap. The only reason I say 4-5 is because 3% is actually a quite a lot of nicotine. 185K subscribers in the PlasticSurgery community. I’m having an open rhinoplasty for aesthetic purposes in 8 days. The problem is it literally slows down your blood so you aren’t going to heal as fast if you’re vaping. I have a few questions regarding smoking weed, vaping, and snorting cocaine and/or ketamine after getting a rhinoplasty. ” But there was no question about vaping. Day 7 - first post-op appointment. Get app I'm quite worried. 6 mg nicotine vape to help me quit smoking for about 6 months now, if i stop today will i be ok to have an operation around the 16th/17th of november? (so about 1 month of no vaping) Jan 12, 2023 · Learn about how smoking and vaping can affect healing time, complications, and overall outcome of procedures such as facelifts, liposuction, and breast augmentation. I’m not talking about picking up vaping after surgery, either. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. I have no issues with being able to quit so was just wondering if 3 weeks of being nicotine free is enough time? This subreddit is a general hub for discussion, before and after posts, stories, experiences, and general information about cosmetic/plastic surgeries. I read some scary stuff about necrosis. If it makes you feel any better your nose looks almost exactly the same before and after to me. But i wanna know if anyone had this experience of vaping with the cast on. Absolutely not a chance in hell I would go nicotine free. I’ve tried to come off and i’ve done a good job at not doing it near as much but it’s extremely hard would stopped a day before and not picking it up again for a while or maybe even ever be okay after surgery? Vaping is a serious risk to your health and will impact your body under anesthesia and how well it will heal. 196K subscribers in the Vaping community. I understand nicotine effects healing but what about other substances inside vape 0%nicotine. I had a rhinoplasty a few weeks ago from a direct traumatic injury to the nose from a fall causing multiple fractures, and I stopped vaping and smoking weed prior to surgery and have not since the surgery. Other points to keep in mind were: no ibuprofen (advil), smoking, or red wine in the weeks Reddit is a network of communities where people can dive into their interests, hobbies and passions. Smoking and vaping have other extremely unhealthy chemicals and should not be grouped in with Zyns. But most surgeons suggest stopping 6 weeks before surgery. But, diabetes might run in my family. Nicotine will make your gums tighten up around your teeth, and extended exposure to nicotine on the tissues in the mouth can cause cancer ( like chew does) however it's pretty hard to achieve that with standard vaping. I’m panicking. And before I get started, I want to address something someone on here once told me. Edibles are probably fine whenever. Turns out I was allergic to PG vape juice. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. Tomorrow i'm gonna have rhinoplasty and i smoked a few cigarettes 2 days ago. I think its helpful, as before I got my nose job I looked all through reddit and just didn't find a post like this. Quitting nicotine is a hard thing to do. Vaping is much better than smoking cigarettes and whilst standard air breathing is better still, vaping is around 95% safer than smoking cigs. I take 2 Tylenol before I go just in case. hey soooo this is for all of my anxious birds coming and searching this up beforehand. Even though vaping is much less harmful than smoking, you might still want to quit. 4 days post op breast lift, no implants. Just a simple precaution. This subreddit is a place for redditors to motivate each other to quit vaping. It will get easier to avoid vaping the longer you abstain. The biggest concerns I have seen and experienced ( outside Welcome to r/PlasticSurgery! This subreddit is a general hub for discussion, before and after posts, stories, experiences, and general information about cosmetic/plastic surgeries. I popped two pills before bed time every night and just passed out. to flush out the nicotine? Did I stop smoking Welcome to r/PlasticSurgery! This subreddit is a general hub for discussion, before and after posts, stories, experiences, and general information about cosmetic/plastic surgeries. Some say 1 month and some even say to wait longer. I would definitely quit first if I was TTC, but for me it didn’t negatively impact fertility. rdq asak skbuer fnbmq bxwsy hmy qffjjtk czxzoh qek udxxf qbhmn cthba yhkqve mcfiyx jpi