Travis county warrant search. Users may search by name, case number, or ticket number.
Travis county warrant search Records & Reports Records & Reports. . Active Warrant Search in Travis. the tax rate will effectively be raised by 12. Aviation police, and the Travis County Sheriff's office. The website you use to search for warrants in Travis County will depend on which law enforcement agency obtained the warrant. Search for warrants and protective orders issued by the Travis County Sheriff's Office. Find detailed records and official information. Upon request, the Clerk’s Office will perform a search of misdemeanor records in Travis County’s centralized justice system. When performing a warrant inquiry in Austin, Texas, you can typically uncover pivotal details. If you are a victim or witness who is trying to find information about a case being handled by TCDA, please contact Victim Services at TCDAVictimServices@traviscountytx. No warranty is expressed or implied as to the accuracy or completeness of the data. You can also call the office or check the expired name search option. Searches may be accomplished using several options; last, first name, date of birth, booking number, booking date and charges. This warrant marks the first fentanyl-related murder warrant TCSO has filed on the State level. ” Please note that our search only includes data on Travis County Class A and B misdemeanors as well as any Class C misdemeanor cases appealed from a Misdemeanor e-Filing Search Dockets Search + Copies or Records State OCA Reports File a Petition of Non-Disclosure Resources Search Dockets The Criminal Courts now offer the ability to search dockets and settings online. 1) In person at the Travis County Constable Precinct 2 office, located at 10409 Burnet Rd. This information is offered for the convenience of the general public. 00 added for each charge. THE TAX RATE WILL EFFECTIVELY BE RAISED BY 12. Access arrest warrants, outstanding warrants, and more. Adult Warrants deputies execute Misdemeanor and Felony warrants. 2) Online at the Travis County Constable Precinct 2: What if I live outside of Travis County? You can still be arrested. Existing or active warrant for Travis County TX. Travis County has seven County Courts at Law (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9). 509 West 11th St Austin, TX 78701 ()Phone (512) 854-9244. 3 days ago · Travis County Warrant and Arrest Search. Q: Who can I contact for help looking up a warrant? A: If you need assistance looking up a warrant, fill out the forms below and we will call you with more information. gov or (512) 854-9449. Warrants- Misdemeanor & Felony For assistance with warrants call the Constable 5 help line at 512-854-9582 from 8:00 a. Travis County Texas Warrant Search In order to search for active arrest warrants in Travis County Texas , you can either physically go to your local police department, pay a small fee and get the report you need (not the best choice of you need to check your own name) or you can use our advanced online warrant record databases to instantly and discreetly check millions of records with a single tax rate: travis county adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year’s tax rate. You can contact them at (512) 854-9244. Suite 150, Austin Texas, 78758. Mar 5, 2025 · Finally, the County Clerk can be utilized for a Travis County warrant search by turning to the Misdemeanor Records Division during work hours (8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday, not including legal holidays). The first step in conducting an active warrant search in Travis County is to confirm the office of issuance and the agency responsible for executing the order. To find out if a person accused of committing a crime is being held at the Travis County Jail, visit the Travis County Sheriff’s Office website. Tonya Nixon, Constable Precinct One. Constable Two Website Pct 2 Warrants – Pay Online Civil Process Search. 1. 7 percent and will raise taxes for maintenance and operations on a $100,000 home by approximately $34. You can begin your search for warrants at the Travis County Sherrif’s Inmate Search page. 4717 Heflin Lane Suite 127 Austin, TX 78721 Phone: (512) 854-7510 Fax: (512) 854-1751 tax rate: travis county adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year’s tax rate. Warrant Search; View All Services; Inmate Search Contact Information Address. Jan 31, 2024 · Warrants issued by the City of Austin, the Austin Police Department (APD), or the Austin Municipal Court are categorized as APD warrants. Welcome to the official website of Travis County, Texas. Darren Bertin Criminal Defense Attorney tax rate: travis county adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year’s tax rate. Q: Is law enforcement required to notify me if there is a warrant for my arrest? Insights From an Austin Warrant Search. Search for warrants by name or cause number in Travis County, Texas. In Texas, there are six types of warrants: search warrants, arrest warrants, bench warrants, capias pro fine warrants, felony arrest warrants, and family violence arrest warrants. 00 OMNI REIMBURSEMENT FEE FOR EACH CASE AND/OR YOUR CASE(S) MAY This means that anyone can request and obtain warrant records in Travis County, Texas, as long as they follow the proper procedures and guidelines set forth by the county. These might encompass the individual’s full name, birth date, physical characteristics, the warrant’s type (arrest or bench), the issuing court, the issuance date, and the alleged infraction or cause for the warrant. If you have an active warrant in Travis County, ATX Bail Bonds can assist you in having that cleared. Articles. Enter your name or other details and click the search button to access the APD Warrant List. You can find these by visiting the official APD warrant search page. Travis County Warrant Search. 7 PERCENT AND WILL RAISE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS ON A $100,000 HOME BY APPROXIMATELY $34. Search police reports. For warrants issued within Travis County but outside of the APD’s jurisdiction, you can search the Travis County warrant database. The Travis County Sheriff’s Office (TCSO) maintains a database for active warrants that is accessible to the public for this purpose. Feb 1, 2025 · February 4, 2025 TCSO Secures Fentanyl-Related Murder Warrant in 2024 Homicide tax rate: travis county adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year’s tax rate. Please use the TDPS Criminal History Search , or call (855) 481-7070 . The Constable's Office is here to serve YOU and your neighborhood. Jan 23, 2024 · Warrant Search Travis County, TX. The County Clerk serves as the Clerk of the Court for the County Criminal Courts. Contact Information Databases for Local Warrant Records in Travis County TX. YOU MAY BE DENIED THE RENEWAL OF YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE OR PRIVILEGE TO OBTAIN ONE, AND MAY BE ASSESSED A $10. Monday through Friday. Austin · Travis County, TX Free Warrant Lookup 512-777-7777. Access Docket Search Application . 901 Mopac Expressway South Building 1, Suite 300 Austin, TX 78746 Office: 512-761-5297 tax rate: travis county adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year’s tax rate. Verify accuracy before relying on the data. if you fail to appear in court, or fail to pay as required by law, a warrant may be issued for your arrest with a warrant reimbursement fee of $50. Steps to Use the Online Warrant Search: Visit the Warrant Search page on the Travis County Sheriff's Office website. In order have an active warrant lifted, the accused must appear at the jail for a self tax rate: travis county adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year’s tax rate. 51. O. 68-A Vehicle Inspections; Auto Theft Task Force; Towing From a Private Property; Traffic Tickets; Vehicle Impound; Vehicle Impound FAQs; Victim Services. It is easier and less expensive to clear a warrant through a “walk-through” than it is to get arrested in a traffic stop and end up waiting hours or days in jail. You will need your last name and Travis County Sheriff’s Office P. View online case information and criminal history checks for public access. Docket Reports. This website includes booking photos from other Police agencies that utilize Travis County Central Booking. Our Core Services: Austin Bail Bonds Austin Jail Release Tonya Nixon, Constable Precinct One. Check Criminal Court Dates. Links to all relevant websites for conducting these searches are included in the description. 4717 Heflin Lane Suite 127 Austin, TX 78721 Phone: (512) 854-7510 Fax: (512) 854-1751 Send a check or money order (no cash) made out to Travis County: Travis County Constable, Precinct 3 8656 B West Highway 71, Suite 100 Austin, TX 78735. Auto Theft Tip; Cold Case Tip; Criminal Investigations Tip; Fugitive Tip; Traffic Tip; VICE Tip; Vehicle Resources. Q: How can I look up warrants online in Travis County? A: You can search for warrants online using your name and sometimes your date of birth. Box 1748 Austin, TX 78767 Phone: 512 854-9770 Fax: 512 854-9722 Monday - Friday 8am-5pm Travis County Clerk's Office Tonya Nixon, Constable Precinct One. Find court records, open records, and administrative records from Travis County District Clerk's Office. However, the process for conducting an active warrant search may differ depending on the warrant type. Individuals can visit the official TCSO website and use the online search tool to find information on an outstanding warrant. Austin Warrant Search. Search for an active warrant in the Austin Police Department Warrant List. Criminal history information, including for both Travis County and the State of Texas, is available with the Texas Department of Public Safety. Austin Police Department Warrant Search. 4717 Heflin Lane Suite 127 Austin, TX 78721 Phone: (512) 854-7510 Fax: (512) 854-1751 AUSTIN ACTIVE WARRANTS. View the PDF docket reports for future settings sorted by "attorney" name. By Attorney. This person can be your children's nanny or one of your employees. Travis county warrant search. Travis County Constable, Precinct 2 10409 Burnet Road, Suite 150 Austin, TX 78758. Additionally, the Austin Police Department (APD tax rate: travis county adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year’s tax rate. Customers often refer to this as a “criminal background check. Pay in person by cash, money order, or credit card: Come by our offices at 10409 Burnet Road, Suite 150, Austin TX 78758. Although Travis County Justice of the Peace Courts and Constable Offices make every effort to ensure that the information provided is accurate, neither Travis County nor any agency, officer, elected official or employee of Travis County, warrants the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information on the website and shall not be liable for any losses caused by such reliance on the Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s. Disclaimer/Use of Information Release tax rate: travis county adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year’s tax rate. Docket Search Application. Enter the required information, such as last name, first name, and date of birth, into the search fields. To obtain warrant records in Travis County, Texas, individuals can utilize various methods. SpotCrime is an independent, commercial site that provides crime mapping and incident information. Your concerns are our concerns. ” Please note that our search only includes data on Travis County Class A and B misdemeanors as well as any Class C misdemeanor cases appealed from a Check for Warrants in the City of Austin and in Travis County, Texas Click here to search for your warrants , or search for Austin municipal warrants . This is an automated system that may not include all warrants issued. The Travis County Courts Online system offers access to court records, including warrant data. You may request crime stats for a specific area/neighborhood within Travis County (unincorporated area) through an Open Records Request. Officers work closely with the Texas Attorney General's office in child support matters; and with other agencies in locating fugitives. Loading Process Search Page TAX RATE: TRAVIS COUNTY ADOPTED A TAX RATE THAT WILL RAISE MORE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS THAN LAST YEAR’S TAX RATE. Box 1748 Austin, TX 78767 Phone: 512 854-9770 Fax: 512 854-9722 Monday - Friday 8am-5pm Travis County Clerk's Office tax rate: travis county adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year’s tax rate. Warrants Division: To pay a Warrant call: Phone: (512) 854-4515 . tax rate: travis county adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year’s tax rate. Travis County Odyssey Portal | APD Warrant Search | Travis County Sheriff's Warrant Search. CLASS C TICKETS: Austin Municipal Warrant Search | Justice of the Peace Courts. Arrest records. 4717 Heflin Lane Suite 127 Austin, TX 78721 Phone: (512) 854-7510 Fax: (512) 854-1751 Travis County Sheriff's Office. You can check for warrants that have been issued through the Travis County Sheriff’s Department and the Austin Police Department. to 5:00 p. After hours, weekends and child support warrants you can call the AG hotline at 1-800-252-8014. There can be a couple of reasons for undertaking a Travis County warrant search. How to Find Warrant Records in Travis County, Texas in 2025. Mar 4, 2025 · The Travis County Sheriff's Office provides an online Warrant Search tool that allows individuals to check for active warrants. m. Please be aware that, if you have an outstanding warrant, you may be arrested until the payment is received and posted. Send a check or money order (no cash) made out to Travis County: Travis County Constable, Precinct 3 8656 B West Highway 71, Suite 100 Austin, TX 78735. For tax rate: travis county adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year’s tax rate. Feb 7, 2025 · In Travis County, there are various websites to check if you have a warrant for your arrest. A search warrant is a written order authorizing law enforcement officers to enter and search a specific location for evidence of a crime. According to the Freedom of Information Act , members of the public are entitled to access federal records unless they fall under one of nine exemptions. Feb 4, 2025 · The Travis County Sheriff’s Office Homicide and VICE Units secured a murder warrant in a monthslong investigation stemming from a 2024 homicide. A complete directory of all court and department locations are posted in each elevator and within the main hallway and the Information Booth in the lobby. For other Travis County Sheriff’s Office P. Users may search by name, case number, or ticket number. A number of local resources exist for investigating warrants in Travis County: Travis County Courts Online. Austin Warrant Search • Travis County Bail Bondsman Request a Free Warrant Search Now. First and foremost, you may want to check the background of a person you come in contact with on a regular basis. Deputy Constables have warrant arrest authority throughout the state of Texas. Find out if you or someone else has an active warrant in the city of Austin. Find information and forms for adult felony criminal records, expunctions, non-disclosures, and cash bonds. Blackwell-Thurman Criminal Justice Center. Jul 29, 2021 · Are Travis county warrants public records A warrant is considered a public record. They give particular attention to criminal warrants involving family violence and child support. Inmate search. Travis County Code; Warrant Search; Submit A Tip. Learn how to access online or request physical copies of documents related to court cases. 4717 Heflin Lane Suite 127 Austin, TX 78721 Phone: (512) 854-7510 Fax: (512) 854-1751 Tonya Nixon, Constable Precinct One. Travis County Sheriff's Office Travis County Code; Warrant Search; Submit A Tip. About Victim Services tax rate: travis county adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year’s tax rate. The link below allows you to search felony and misdemeanor case settings by: the arrested person's name, the attorney's name, the name of the Judge or court number, or the case number. For warrants ending in (MC) call (512) 974-4800 ; For warrants ending in (CC) call (512) 974-4879; For all other warrants, contact the Travis County Self Surrender desk at (512) 854-7860; Juvenile warrant arrangements will need to be made with Gardner-Betts Juvenile Justice Center (512) 854-7090. These courts 🔍 Conduct warrant searches in Travis County, TX. ddkh rysb kvz wxkypp jdak hoyo lwv csvrf vddvjw pzm jojd hdnlgd mmw pepv jjq