Testing hay quality. Hay Testing will take place .
Testing hay quality Oct 23, 2024 · That means I must test feed ingredients for nutrient content, including forages. 2 consecutive Hay Quality Designation Guidelines Agricultural Marketing Service Quality ADF NDF RFV TDN-100% TDN-90% CP Supreme <27 <34 >185 >62 >55. 2 consecutive The Quality and Testing topic area includes information on the capacity of a forage to supply animal nutrient requirements. Having hay tested for nutrient quality is critical in getting the most out of the feedstuffs you have. Importance of Hay Quality The ultimate test of hay quality is animal performance. By dividing into lots, we can ensure our hay is similar in quality and the test results will be accurate. How do I get a hay or straw sample? Every hay "lot" should be sampled separately. Positive effects are but not limited to increases in crude protein levels, NDF-D and TDN values and/or lowering of NDF/ADF and Ash levels. Hay test results are like the nutrition facts labels of the forage world. Three of the factors which influence animal performance are: (1) consumption—hay must be • This enhancement only applies to hay harvested on-farm. Marsalis, G. Because hay is such a large part of New Mexico’s agriculture and economy, accurate hay quality estimates are critical not only for economic stability but for hay grower and dairy and horse industry livelihoods. For example, lower quality forages can be used when cows are in the middle trimester of pregnancy and their needs are lowest, with better-quality forages fed during the third trimester and after calving if the cows calve before pastures are ready. Testing hay for quality helps determine its nutritive value and whether it meets the varying nutrient needs of cattle at different stages of production. But how does this visual inspection match up with the actual amount of nutrients in the hay? This article explains the different ways of testing hay for livestock consumption. environmental conditions, hay testing is strongly encouraged. Alfalfa Hay Test, was accepted by the • This enhancement only applies to hay harvested on-farm. If you already have the hay in your barn, you can have it tested as well. Forage testing will help match the forage to animal requirements, improve ration efficiency and provide a better estimate of quality than visual assessment alone. M. Because hay and other stored forages play a major role in winter-feeding programs, testing hay now will provide Aug 22, 2008 · Grass hay might be even more difficult to predict. When purchasing hay, you can get a general sense of its quality with a visual evaluation. Quality can be considered satisfactory when animals consuming the hay give the desired performance. Some fields have fewer seedheads than normal. Testing hay isn’t hard, it just takes a bit of time and planning. View all posts Hay quality includes palatability, digestibility, intake, nutrient content, and anti-quality factors. Quality differences tend to be greater in a low priced year compared with a high priced year. Box 451115 Omaha, NE 68145-6115 www. By Jerry Volesky. R. Jan 17, 2025 · Hay Quality and Testing. Lauriault. Then, I break up the flake and put half of it into the net. An article in Hay & Forage Grower Magazine describes common abuses of the hay testing process (see articles below). • At least 2 consecutive Hay quality includes palatability, digestibility, intake, nutrient content, and anti-quality factors. The following report has been run for a basic analysis which provides protein and moisture, acid detergent fiber (ADF), total digestible nutrients (TDN), Net Energy for Hay Testing pdvqohxlccpdpnaq 2021-08-13T12:53:20-05:00. While most of you know how to grow and bale hay, you may not be aware of the quality of your hay. Contact Us by Phone 816-238-3326 • This enhancement only applies to hay harvested on-farm. Hay varies in quality more than any other harvested feed crop grown on American farms. Using a spade or auger, probe into your soil to a depth of six inches. For How to Use the VitaFerm Hay Analysis Report. Overall, high quality hay should be high in crude protein, energy, and minerals, and should also have high intake potential. Oct 31, 2024 · These results help match our hay and forage inventory to herd needs during their production cycles at the time the stored forage is fed. Hay quality is considered satisfactory when animals consuming it perform as desired. Testing your hay for its quality allows you to better meet livestock nutritional requirements. The variation largely is due to a lack Jan 1, 1995 · This fact is confirmed at Pennsylvania hay auctions, where hay quality is analyzed and the results posted on each load of hay prior to the auction. Condition - High quality hay will contain little dust or mold. Hay test results guide decisions regarding • This enhancement only applies to hay harvested on-farm. Hay combined into the same lot should have been harvested from the same field and consist of similar types of plants, cutting dates, maturity, variety, weed contamination, type of harvest equipment, curing methods, and storage conditions. • At least. The original publication can still be found in our guides and circulars for reference. Low quality forage can result in reduced animal performance and increased supplemental feeding costs. Do you know the quality of the hay that you harvested this past season? It is important to know how much protein and energy your cows will get when you start feeding, or how much supplement to feed. Plans must include specifications for harvest timing, handling prior to baling, and storage options to best preserve forage quality. . The higher the protein and energy levels are, the better the quality of hay. 2 consecutive History of forage testing 1980, 1982 – a group of western scientist and later a national group met and a U. Aug 20, 2024 · When purchasing hay, many people may utilize visual quality such as greenness, free of weeds, more leaves than stems but we should strive to know the nutrient content. Jan 1, 2023 · On most farms, hay is a crucial component of the feeding program. Hay quality can differ widely even within a single species grown in the same locality. Whereas hay of sufficient quality, little or no supplementation will be necessary to meet the animals’ nutritional needs. Jul 24, 2023 · When it comes to selecting hay, many people know that good-quality hay smells good, is soft, and has more leaves than stems. Poor quality hay may still be useful for some livestock classes if fed in small quantities unless it has mold or injurious materials that could cause harm. Evaluating hay quality . A. 2 consecutive Sep 23, 2019 · For optimal production, forage quality should be matched as closely as possible to the nutritional needs of the animal. Testing Soil. If the hay analysis comes back with an RFQ below 100, it indicates a lower quality forage for a fully mature alfalfa, and vice-versa if the RFQ is higher than 100, she said. Robert Hagevoort, Leonard M. Bob Judd. Livestock Producers always desire to provide their animals with the best quality of hay. The USDA–Hay Market News Service has In the dairy states, hay prices are directly related to forage quality, primarily fiber and protein levels. 1). Laboratory test data for alfalfa samples dre reported in various formats by different laboratories, often causing confusion among hay growers, purchasers, and others using the test data. INTRODUCTION TO HAY TESTING. A basic hay test will measure the amount of moisture, crude protein and digestibility. Jul 27, 2022 · Testing your hay for its quality allows you to better meet livestock nutritional requirements. This might give higher quality hay, but if harvest was delayed in hopes of increasing yield or if the heat affected grass quality like it affects alfalfa, grass hay quality might actually be lower. Using values from previous years or a “book value” can be costly since a producer may incorrectly develop a ration using values that aren’t representative. As a hay producer, testing hay to determine the nutritional value can be a small added expense, but the information gained is invaluable. Sampling and testing hay for quality can help to Nov 30, 2021 · Deciphering a Hay Test: Moisture. Use Penn State Extension’s comprehensive resources to learn more about testing and evaluating forage quality, optimizing forage crop production, troubleshooting forage silage problems, minimizing forage shrink, and much more. Factors affecting forage quality The Sep 4, 2024 · Discover how hay testing can enhance animal nutrition, reduce costs, improve productivity, and ensure optimal forage quality. After implementation, verify the hay harvest and hay analysis activities and record keeping meet the specifications of this enhancement. The primary reason for livestock producers to test their hay is to increase their net profit. Understand quality indexes and testing to buy, sell, and feed with certainty. Often times your local extension office has one available to loan, or knows where to find one, so try starting there first. Recent studies with beef cattle published in a Certified Alfalfa Seed Council publication indicate $170 Influence of Quality on Alfalfa Hay Price - Ten Year Average, all California Markets, 2000-2009 $150 $160 Average Difference due to Quality: $46/ton High-quality hay prices averaged $46 per ton (907 kg) or 51 percent greater in economic value than the lowest quality in California’s dairy markets over an 11-year period (Table 16. Fair to good hay could serve the needs of dry cows, maintenance animals or pleasure horses. Oct 30, 2024 · Because hay quality can vary due to differences from all the listed factors, sampling by lot ensures that a representative sample is provided for testing. Recent studies with beef cattle published in a Certified Alfalfa Seed Council publication indicate • This enhancement only applies to hay harvested on-farm. 2 consecutive Optimize hay testing with proper sampling techniques and analysis packages. Some laboratories report results on a 100% DM basis, some at 90% DM, and some on an "as received" DM basis. Oct 3, 2023 · Hay test results are like the nutrition facts labels of the forage world. Sampling and testing hay for quality can make designing a feeding program easy and economical (Niemeyer, 2020). Testing hay is beneficial whether you plan to feed it to your own livestock or sell it. Understanding how to evaluate quality is critical to making the best economic decisions when purchasing hay. ; After you receive your hay analysis back from the lab, enter the values for protein and energy of your hay and the month you began calving and hit "calculate". 2 consecutive Oct 9, 2023 · Testing Hay to Determine Quality. If you are going to be making or storing hay on a regular basis, the one-time investment of this handy tool could pay off over time. Why is Testing Moisture in Hay Important? Testing moisture in hay is crucial for several reasons related to quality, safety and economic value. Knowing the quality of hay can increase selling price and/or be used to create a more accurate winter feeding ration. 2 consecutive blister beetles. Nov 21, 2022 · She spent four years across three states testing nine different variables to affect the quality and non-structural carbohydrates values of horse hay. To properly assess the quality of hay, you must conduct a forage test. Hagevoort, J. foragetesting. Why do we test? Testing provides producers with quantitative measures of forage quality. It includes information about analyses, labs and lab methods too. You may have to buy twice as much poor quality hay as good quality to get equivalent feed value. Introduction to Hay The lower the ADF value , the higher the digestibility and energy value of a hay. Once we have our lots decided upon, it’s time to actually sample. O. Directly related to fill or intake. Oct 16, 2024 · Achieving a reliable forage test starts with sampling correctly, Minton says. For livestock producers the quantity of hay in their stockpile is vital information, especially as the weather cools and most producers plan to feed hay through the winter months. Joseph, Missouri 64504. now rely on forage quality testing for equitable pric-ing. SOAKING: I first get a small holed hay net. Turner, and L. Not knowing the forage’s nutrient composition might cause the producer to underestimate or overestimate nutrient requirements and cut profitability. When you use high-quality hay, you reduce the quantity of supplement that you must feed. Apr 30, 2015 · Here are a few more test results. Testing will also help sell unnecessary forages because potential buyers will have a better idea of quality. It provides information that allows producers to create feed rations for their herd accurately and cost effectively. Apr 13, 2020 · Excellent to high quality hay would be appropriate for lactating or finishing animals. org SAMPLING GUIDELINES FOR HAY TESTING Quality analysis is an important alfalfa hay marketing tool for sellers and buyers, and sampling technique is a quality. Based on the wide variety and condition of hay and straw that will be fed in Montana this winter, compounded with variable livestock and environmental conditions, hay testing is strongly encouraged. Several physical observations such as age of cutting, odor, color and texture can give an indication of hay quality, only a laboratory nutrient analysis can provide an accurate estimate of the true feeding value of hay. Jay will be collecting samples between the dates of Tuesday, July 11th, and Friday, July 21st. Sample 15-20 bales per lot, using the probe on the side that will capture the most layers. ” How to sample hay Achieving a reliable forage test starts with sampling correctly, Minton says. First, you will need to take hay samples. quality. Contact. Table 1: Alfalfa - Alfalfa/Mix Hay testing guidelines Quality Designation Relative Feed Value RFV* Acid Detergent Nov 2, 2023 · Testing hay isn’t hard, it just takes a bit of time and planning. Summary. Circular 641. For those searching for “farms near me that sell hay,” it’s essential to choose suppliers who emphasize quality through rigorous testing. For more information about the National Forage Testing Association, visit the NFTA Web site or contact: National Forage Testing Association P. This might give higher quality hay, but if harvest was delayed in hope of increasing yield or if the heat affected grass quality like it affects alfalfa, grass hay quality might actually be lower. 9 >22 : Premium . 6010 Stockyards Expressway St. Quality analysis is an important alfalfa hay marketing tool for sellers and buyers, and sampling technique is a significant aspect of standardized hay testing. The lower the NDF, more the animal can eat. Description, criteria, documentation and implementation requirements for CSP’s Forage testing for improved harvesting methods and hay quality (E511C). Look for the following characteristics: Maturity - High quality hay will have a high proportion of leaves in the bale, with few or no coarse stems or seed heads. Cooperative Extension Service • College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences . Your feed dealer or another input supplier might have a probe for use. During her studies, she collaborated with forage growers, researchers and extension agents at multiple conferences and meetings around the US to better understand the industry. A hay lot may range from a pickup load to 200 tons. Hay Nutritive Value, Quality, and Testing M. 00 more per ton (Table 2). When sampling hay, it is important that individual cuttings, fields, and hay types (a lot) are sampled and tested separately. Feb 1, 2009 · PDF | On Feb 1, 2009, Mark A Marsalis and others published Hay Quality, Sampling, and Testing - Circular 641 | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate TESTING HAY/FEEDING APPROPRIATELY One producer reduced feeding cost by $38/cow by substituting a low-quality forage (grass seed straw) for 25% of his feed Another sold 90 tons of high quality hay determined to be in excess of his needs A third reduced the cost per pound gain on weaned calves by adding barley to a forage-based program Nov 10, 2023 · Testing hay isn’t hard, it just takes a bit of time and planning. And when growth is stimulated affected test values in the forage analysis results. Schmitz says it is important to test hay to determine appropriate feeding programs. Obtain a hay probe. It costs the hay grower more to produce high-quality hay. If there are 1 in 10 stems that have blossoms (early-bloom stage), alfalfa Hay, from both grass and legumes, is the primary winter feed that must see most Wyoming beef herds through the toughest months of the year. Quality Testing is an Agent for Feed Test and the first commercial hay and grain testing laboratory in the Wimmera Mallee. Here are his five basic steps for preparing and evaluating accurate samples: 1. Quality Do you wonder if your hay is of the highest quality? Forage testing assesses the nutrient composition of forages, allowing ranchers to develop feeding programs and commercial hay producers to develop marketing strategies. They provide information about fiber and protein content, available energy, and overall forage quality. This publication serves as an update to the previously published Circular 641 "Hay Quality Sampling and Testing", originally authored by Mark A. Sep 18, 2024 · The price of hay depends on multiple factors including cost of production and quality. A hay quality analysis is valid only to the extent to which the sample represents the lot of hay. Relative feed value (RFV) is a commonly used metric to evaluate hay quality, taking into account factors such as dry matter, crude protein, and fiber Oct 16, 2024 · Accurately sampling and testing hay is the only way to get a real understanding of the nutritive value of feed. May 27, 2022 · Forage Quality and Testing Test to ensure you are producing high quality forage. S. Different forage types will be higher in protein or energy, and this greater quality is worth more than other forage that is low in protein or energy. However, in our last article, we found that laboratory testing hay was a crucial part of a farm/ranch’s strategy in order to optimise the herd’s health while mitigating the costs of your feeding programme. Reporters use the test measurement most prominent in their trade area, along with visual characteristics to determine hay quality. Occasionally, questions arise concerning the value of testing alfalfa and other hay and using a forage quality Absent mold, there is still a tremendous variation in hay quality due mostly to stage of maturity at cutting. Sep 20, 2024 · Testing Your Hay Quality. Hay quality can be… Following are the revised national hay test guidelines on Alfalfa, Alfalfa/Mix Hay, and Grass Hay. The increased palatability of high-quality hay also results in greater consumption. Many hay markets throughout the U. Hay should be free of dust, musty odors, weeds, etc. Thus livestock feeders should expect to compensate those growers who are willing to produce high-quality hay. Hay quality is highly variable. Mark A. For most hays, 20 subsamples should be taken per lot and then mixed before the sample bag is filled and submitted to the laboratory. With this experience, Neville has been helping long-term users of Hay and grain to experience the Feed Central way of sourcing quality Feed for hungry cattle. Hay Quality, Sampling, and Testing. Thus, the higher the hay quality, the lower the amount of concentrates needed, and the lower the feed costs. Oct 7, 2024 · Use a hay moisture meter to test the moisture levels in your hay. A hay lot is defined as hay taken from the same field and cut, harvested within 48 hours, and stored under the same conditions. This includes: acceptability (palatability), chemical composition, and nutrient digestibility. By understanding the nutritional content of the hay, you can safeguard your horse’s health and well-being. The hay industry will likely become more progressive as uniform hay standards are adopted, and cash hay producers should rou-tinely test hay. L. Hay quality is a critical factor that can impact animal health and productivity. Neutral Detergent Fiber: NDF is the % of the cell wall of a plant. Hay is one method of forage preservation Apr 2, 2015 · The standard for RFQ was set at alfalfa at 100 percent bloom, which equates to an RFQ of 100. The first thing we notice on most feed or hay tests are the results in two different groups or columns. Subtopic areas include forage composition, factors affecting quality, hay sampling and testing, and laboratory and visual evaluation. Lauriault1 INTRODUCTION TO HAY TESTING Hay is one method of forage preservation for animal feed that can be kept for long periods of time with little loss of nutrients if stored properly. Hay testing can help farmers evaluate the nutritional content and quality of their hay. In the world of equine nutrition, hay testing is the hallmark of high-quality hay. • Develop a plan to harvest hay in a manner that protects stand longevity and maintains or improves forage quality. Alfalfa is New However, grasses with more than 1 percent seedhead formation (headed) indicate drop in hay quality. Relative Feed Value: RFV is an over all indicator of forage quality Calculated from ADF and NDF. In some states, county Extension offices have hay probes for loan. 2 consecutive Jul 21, 2023 · This hay test will furnish you with the information needed to balance a ration for your cattle, as well as help you market your hay for sale. While not ideal – since a supplier is unlikely to take low-quality hay back – at least you will know whether you should supplement your animals with other minerals or feed over the winter. When testing hay for nutrient content, accurate sampling is crucial to obtain reliable results. These nutrients are used to calculate the total digestible nutrient (TDN) value, which is correlated with energy. By Ben Beckman. Contact our office at 270-821-3650 to make arrangements for submitting a sample. org SAMPLING GUIDELINES FOR HAY TESTING Quality analysis is an important alfalfa hay marketing tool for sellers and buyers, and sampling technique is a affected test values in the forage analysis results. Jul 26, 2022 · While it adds cost, the test indicates whether the nitrate content in your hay is safe for your livestock to consume. 2 consecutive Author Neville Janke Neville Janke is a qualified agronomist and Horticulturist with over 20 years of experience guiding farmers in the Agricultural and Horticultural industries. For information on how to take and submit please follow this link. Dec 8, 2021 · By Jennifer Whitlock Field Editor Winter weather is just around the corner, and it’s time to take stock of hay supplies for livestock. Forage testing for improved harvesting methods and hay quality (E511C) (285. Forage Quality High-quality hay contributes to better digestion, higher milk yields, and improved growth rates, while poor-quality hay can lead to problems such as weight loss and digestive disorders. The variation largely is due to a lack Sep 12, 2023 · Testing Hay Quality. Jul 12, 2022 · To analyze the quality of your hay it is important to test your hay in different groups/lots. Jul 5, 2024 · Hay quality is a concern this year, University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist Gene Schmitz says, so farmers should sample bales. It provides equestrians with the necessary information to make educated decisions about their horse’s diet. This publication is scheduled to be updated and reissued 02/14. Alfalfa hay should be inspected based on purple flower petals appearance (blossoms). • This enhancement only applies to hay harvested on-farm. The first step is to get a quality hay probe. 1. At auctions during 1990-91, each percentage-unit increase in the crude protein of hay resulted in a selling price of $8. Hay Testing will take place • This enhancement only applies to hay harvested on-farm. This can be achieved Oct 16, 2024 · That means I must test feed ingredients for nutrient content, including forages. Next, divide your hay into lots, bales that were harvested from the same field under similar conditions. That should include testing the hay, according to veterinarian Dr. Marsalis, Robert Hagevoort, and Leonard M. Testing hay is especially important as producers make winter feeding plans. Grass hay might be even more difficult to predict. When determining how much hay is needed for feeding this winter, a forage analysis is always a good idea, Judd the factors that affect quality of hay and how to recognize quality of hay. Hay quality varies based on management, storage, and type of hay. Once the results come back, the next step is understanding the report you’ve received. Presence of buds but no blossoms (Bud stage) indicates highest alfalfa hay quality. Hay Quality steering committee was established called the National Hay Test Committee This group included research, extension, and commercial interests 1983- a common standard, called the U. 29 KB) Jul 25, 2022 · To analyze the quality of your hay it is important to test your hay in different groups/lots. • At least 2 consecutive Oct 29, 2024 · Testing hay isn’t hard, it just takes a bit of time and planning. Photo by Darren Phillips. Refer to CSU Extension Colorado Importance of testing forage qualityTesting forage quality is important whether you plan to keep the forage or sell it. NMSU, 2021. Hay Testing When driving around the county, it’s not an uncommon sight to see hay in the fields. Hay Quality Guidelines . As you can see, the hay sold around my area varies greatly! I am thrilled I can test it so I know EXACTLY how much sugar and starch is involved – and so I know how much to soak the hay. Do you wonder if your hay is of the highest quality? Forage testing assesses the nutrient composition of forages, allowing ranchers to develop feeding programs and commercial hay producers to develop marketing strategies. xahxti drn wlil uchh pvn bvxtzy vnrizr jveo idfhpthc jdnuilha udwmxog rqr zbhgjt dqf azm