Terraria turtle armor vs chlorophyte (390 Chlorophyte Ore Jun 6, 2018 · Turtle seems more of for melee classes as you wont really do much more damage since the bonuses are for melee attacks. Share Add a Comment Guess that would depend on whether you are planning to co-op or play solo. Turtle armor offers lower stat bonuses as compared to Chloro-Mask Chlorophyte armor, but gives damage reflection. A full Shroomite set provides the following +51 Defense +13% Ranged damage (Unlisted +13% boost on the breastplate) +15% Bullets/Arrow/Rocket damage (From helmet, note that damage boosts are caculated additively) Regardless I would advise you to craft chlorophyte armor with the helmet that gives the most armor value that way when you do get the required 3 shells from tortoises you can immediately craft said turtle armor. Feb 17, 2018 · So im at the stage where im right before plantera and am wanting to know what is the armor set that gives me maxium damage: BTW, im melee I heard that hallowed helmet and rest turtle and chlorophate helm and rest turtle is good what is best in your opinion need help plz. Oct 27, 2014 · Turtle Armor vs. This guide is about the exceptions to that rule. The only problem I find with the recipe is it asks that the player does not create Chlorophyte Armor to later make Turtle Armor, or create Chlorophyte Armor and re-gather 324 Chlorophyte Ore for Turtle Armor. So it depends on your play style. I usually use melee weapons, but I'm kinda a flex on this world because it's expert. they just loose their purpose when you stip getting hit, therefore i prioritise the 36% extra damage(2nd best melee damage boost from armor) over some defense or a chance to not take damage Jan 16, 2024 · Chlorophyte armor’s set bonus is only effective against weaker enemies. Dec 27, 2015 · If you're good at dodging, go for the titanium. Melee fore turtle, and ranged for shroomite. Either way, going with chlorophyte armor isn't a good idea. theres no chlorophyte loss in crafting turtle and then later getting to beetle. What do you think I should do? Statistically the Chlorophyte would yield a higher DPS, but Titanium is life saving. Below are the materials required to craft these pieces (which must be forged near the Mythril or Orichalcum Anvil): Turtle Helmet: 18x Chlorophyte Bar and 1x Turtle Shell Chlorophyte Ore is a Hardmode ore found in the Underground Jungle that is used to craft Chlorophyte Bars. Growth is too slow. Also keep in mind that for shroomite, you're gonna have to choose between rockets, bows, or guns to make best use of your bonuses. You should be able to gather 3 chlorophyte in 1-10 minutes. Chlorophyte armor has a set bonus that only works well on weak enemies. 2 seconds later the pumpkings die. Aug 14, 2019 · And that's understandable, as armor set bonuses are typically so powerful that you probably assumed that they're optimal, and usually you'd be right. However, Turtle is a necessary ingredident for Beetle armor, which is much better for offense with the scalemail. I was wondering what the stats would be to “balance it out” for a lack of better words. Hallowed armor requires fighting bosses, might be a little harder to grind. So In this post I will compare these 3 sets. Yes. Jun 11, 2023 · Terraria: Turtle armor set! Is Chlorophyte or turtle better? Turtle is a better tanking armor, while Chlorophyte has superior damage capabilities. Melee- Turtle < Beetle < Solar Ranged- Shroomite < Vortex Magic- Spectere < Nebula Summoning Tiki/Spooky < Stardust The last armor sets listed in each set are only avaliabe once you kill Moon Lord, the others are obtainable beforehand. That said, if you’re at the stage where you can mine chlorophyte to make turtle armor, it’s time to move on from frost armor. Feb 6, 2024 · In this thread I will compare both valhalla and shinobi armor vs beetle armor. For generally play, where defence doesn't matter as much, and the leaf crystal has more targets, chlorophyte would probably be better, however, when you're fighting a boss, and defence is important, as well as the fact that you an reflect some insane boss level damage, turtle would probably win out. Turtle armor sacrifices the damage buffs for defense and to turn you into basically a walking cactus with the innate "Thorns" effect. Turtle armor will attract enemies to you making it ideal in a multiplayer situation. I'd say Chlorophyte is preferable, as it has greater offensive and defensive stats and summons a leaf crystal that shoots laser beams at enemies for additional damage. If you are on MM with 4 friends, you should ditch melee and go full T A N K, meaning Turtle Armor, Ankh Shield, Paladin's Shield (and its upgrades) after Plantera, Star Veil, Celestial Shell, any flying mount, Vampire Knives, Worm Scarf, etc etc etc you get the point. /r/axolotls is a place for owners to discuss, expand their knowledge, and share pictures of all topics related to axolotls. Is Chlorophyte armor good? Chlorophyte armor is a Hardmode, post-mechanical boss armor set consisting of the Chlorophyte Plate Mail and Chlorophyte Greaves, as well as three different headpieces: the Chlorophyte Mask, Chlorophyte Helmet, and Chlorophyte Headgear, providing bonuses for the melee, ranged, and mage classes respectively Is Turtle or Beetle armor better? Beetle armor is not a true upgrade to Turtle armor. I use turtle armor with star veil and ankh shield. Turtle armor deals a lot of thorns damage, but I play on expert and even as a mele I can only take a couple of hits, so the thorns set bonus doesn't get much use. The only reason it's not, as far as I know, is because it "can be grown". Reply reply This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. melee is a unique case where hallowed armor wont really be useful except in increasing survivability when Hey everyone! So I've just started mining chlorophyte pre-plantera, and I'm torn between the chlorophyte armor and turtle armor! I believe that I've decided on the ranger class, so which armor is most beneficial? chlorophyte offers better damage and the crystal's dps got buffed in 1. with some more options available after plantera chlorophyte has a limit to how much can grow within a set range. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. Let's look at the stats. Dig, fight, explore, build! Daedalus Armor VS Chlorophyte Armor? Turtle Shell vs Chlorophyte Armor I really like both. You’re going to need turtle to advance to the best armor you can have before the final boss, so you should at least make it. Dig, fight, explore, build! Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure game. Set bonus of chlorophyte armor can get you more DPS. The defense, though, is a little bit low with only 56. Build 3 blocks 3 spaces apart in a 3x3 fashion. Chlorophyte: 56 Defense 16% increased melee damage 6% increased melee critical strike Oct 13, 2015 · Is Turtle really an upgrade of Chlorophyte? Let's look at the stats. Is Feb 22, 2015 · There should be sufficient chlorophyte growth to craft the last piece. It can be upgraded into beetle armor after golem- the shell is good defensively while the scalemail is good with swords, especially the terra blade. Currently, the recipe follows: Chlorophyte Bars + Turtle Shell = Turtle Armor. Turtle armor if you are a Melee user, Clorophyte if you are Magic or Ranged. Progression in Terraria is marked by the player gaining access to new weapons, accessories, and armors. The set consists of the Turtle Helmet, Turtle Scale Mail, and Turtle Leggings. But when have to choose between hallowed or chlorophyte i would say it depends on how close i like to be at be enemy. theres no reason not to craft turtle armor. Hallowed is more facetanking and with chlorophyte you can have more distance. Totally not going to die like 100 times. titanium armor set is good enough to be used for the entire game. But personally I find mixed armour sets to be the most effective. If you're good enough, the shadow dodge will allow you to completely avoid all damage. The center should be Chlorophyte Ore, the outside should be mud. 33% (1 in 12) chance of being dropped by Tortoises, enemies in the Jungle that are notorious for dealing massive amounts of damage to players. Turtle armor can be more annoying because you are taking on the effect of a tank by wearing it - you will have more things actively trying to interact with you. Chlorophyte: 56 Defense 16% increased melee damage 6% increased melee critical strike chance 5% increased damage 13% increased critical strike chance Set Bonus: Summons a I'm not sure which armor to use. 4 but no dodge effect. What armor is better than Turtle Armor in Terraria? When upgrading from Turtle Armor to Beetle Armor, the stats and defense increase significantly, but the thorns effect is lost. hallowed: Sometimes when you deal dmg you gain the ability to dodge an attack, you will know because it comes as a buff and your player looks funky. Sure the defense is good and all but is it enough to survive and kill a boss with range weapons. It does not have a autofire guardian crystal, but it is an ingredient in beetle armor which for melee is an upgrade( unlike chlorophyte which must be replaced with shroomite for ranger, which includes once more mining for Lets say you want that new armor set and you already spent 54 bars on your new chlorophyte set. What armor is better than Turtle armor in Terraria? When upgrading from Turtle Armor to Beetle Armor, the stats and defense greatly increase, but the thorns effect is lost. Beetle armor requires Beetle Husks, which require the defeat of Golem, and henceforth the defeat of Plantera. Out of these two, chlorophyte. not saying either is a bad set, they are both great. Oct 6, 2019 · I never honestly found Turtle's effects usefull, especelly for bosses, either way if i wanted it id go for Bettle armor, so either stick to chlorophyte or if you plan getting the bettle, just get the parts needed along the way for Turtle so you don't bother yourself later. This armour set loses out on the set bonus of chlorophyte armour, but has better stats in return. But if you can't dodge often enough for the bonus to fully protect you, even with the dramatically extended invincibility duration after you're hit with it active, then go for the higher defense; it will serve you better. Oct 13, 2015 · Is Turtle really an upgrade of Chlorophyte? Let's look at the stats. This strategy with the horsemans blade can absolutely wreck the pumpkin moon. The offensive version has lower defense than Turtle armor, and the defensive version has lower offensive bonuses than Turtle armor. 1. Which one is better? STATS TIME! Turtle Armor: 65 Defense +14% Melee Damage +12% Melee Critical Strike Chance Enemy Attraction x3 Thorns Effect Now, this all looks good, but now Beetle Armor: Beetle Armor: Beetle Scale Mail: 61 Defense +14% Melee Damage +12% Turtle armor has a lot more defense, while chlorophyte gives a bit more attacking capability. You will actually drop in defense score, but you gain a massive damage boost. Melee is Turtle Armor, from Tortoises in the jungle. Whereas the chlorophyte armor has an auto attack feature and can be adjusted with headgear depending on your play style. Ok so I will get chlorophyte. Jul 25, 2017 · Don't make chlorophyte armor. Sep 18, 2024 · Chlorophyte can be skipped in favor of (especially if you don't want to mine it again) shroomite if you build a biome for the mushroom guy and then you go from there. is turtle armor good enough?" Chlorophyte armor gives you considerable damage increase aswell as the crystal adds up to the DPS you make but has a lower defensive stats than Turtle armor. So, if the thorns effect is important to you, Turtle armor may still be a better choice. If you're ranger then Shroomite (bullet set) with Chlorophyte bullets and whichever gun you prefer I you're playing meelee then Turtle armor, else I'd suggest either hallowed or Chlorophyte armor for the remaining classes turtle if you're a melee, otherwise chlorophyte. I probably won't use too much magic, but I'm kinda inbetween Turtle armor and the normal Chlorophyte stuff. Ranged is Shroomite, from Glowing Mushroom biomes. Chlorophyte: 56 Defense 16% increased melee damage 6% increased melee critical strike chance 5% increased damage 13% increased critical strike chance Set Bonus: Summons a powerful leaf crystal to shoot at nearby enemies Small suggestion to the crafting recipe of Turtle Shell Armor. Chlorophyte and hallowed clash with each other now, inheriting the shadow dodge from titanium. As an example, one question I often hear on the Terraria Discord is "guys im about to fight plantera. Keep this in mind when preparing for activities requiring a thorns effect. I like good protection. The hallowed armor is probably the better option if you are fighting bosses, chlorophyte armor for weaker enemies. Turtle Chlorophyte Farm: Enter your first world. The best armor with Vampire Knives is debatably Turtle Armor though. It's better for damage than Hallowed armor too. Yes I'm going to use titanium for the Moonlord fight. Im melee by the way. Do that, make the pickaxe that can break chlorophyte, make armor from that Which brings us to the Scale version. If you want to be able to get hit a few times, keep the berserker glove and use turtle armor. Choosing the ideal armor sets to use at each stage of the game is sometimes My main weapon is the Terra Blade, I only really use melee weapons. For meele you only need the chlorophyte helmet and turtle chest plate and hollowed pants. Members Online • Turtle Shell vs Chlorophyte Armor upvotes Oct 21, 2015 · Nah beetles better than both! But if u r on mobile then Dragon is probs better. Well this can be fixed with this idea! This will be adding new items for this to work. Apr 12, 2019 · Upgrade to turtle armor. A melee player might make chlorophyte armor, then upgrade to turtle, then upgrade to beetle, but the way it is now, the player who makes chlorophyte armor would then need to mine more chlorophyte to make the turtle armor. Turtle armor is a Hardmode armor set available after defeating all three mechanical bosses. Normally I skip it, also skip hallowed and hardmode ores, from molten to frost then frost armor vs plantera, then shroomite/turtle/spectre. This set is a serious upgrade to the Turtle armor. Mar 28, 2015 · Save chlorophyte bars, use titanium invincibility bonus, kill plantera and craft shroomite/spectre depending on your build. Do vampire knives work well with it? Vampire Knives are the best weapon in the game and they are affected by melee modifiers, so yes. Because your next amor for a ranger is shroominite and you shouldnt waste ur bars for the standart amor of Chlorophyte. I would personally recommend going for turtle since it has like 10 more defense, reduces damage taken by 15%, attackers take double the damage, and the damage buff is only around 10% less which can be gotten back in other ways. Although, if you're struggling to get turtle shells, I would go for chlorophyte then. It will be divided in 2 sections, both for defensive (valhalla vs beetle with shell) and offensive (shinobi vs beetle with scale mail). Therefore, the Shroomite, Spectre, and Beetle armors are all equal-tiered. 4M subscribers in the Terraria community. Oct 6, 2023 · Turtle armor is a post-Mech Melee armor set crafted with a total of 54 Chlorophyte Bars and 3 Turtle Shells, which have a 8. I was planning on using my megashark and silver… Chlorophyte and Hallow armor sets aren't worth using over turtle armor. Jun 6, 2017 · Turtle for defense and melee (and if you want beetle armor, get turtle armor). Chlorophyte armor is not that necessary to advance. After the mechs are defeated, you can mine chlorophyte and obtain the Turtle Armor if you’re Melee, Rogues can farm out the Titan Heart Armor, mages, summoners, and rangers should wait until post-plantera for the Spectre, Spooky, and Shroomite armor respectively. With that being answered. Turtle armor is OP. Although the hallowed armor has less defense, it is compensated by its set bonus, making it more defensive than chlorophyte armor. turtle armor is unique in that you need to craft the turtle armor to later craft beetle armor. Sure turtle has that buff that lets enemies take as much damage as they do to you, but if u r skilled enough to get turtle armor then u probably know how to dodge enemy attacks well enough to not need a buff. ) Yeah, shroomite has less defence than melee armors, but the tradeoff is definitely worth it. A full set grants a vastly amplified Thorns effect, which reflects the full / twice the full damage from melee attacks onto the attacking enemy. Dec 13, 2023 · Is chlorophyte armor better than frost armor? Chlorophyte has ONE more defence than frost armor. I just got to the stage of mining Chorophyte Mar 26, 2023 · What armor is better than Turtle armor in Terraria? When upgrading to Beetle Armor from Turtle Armor, the stats and defense increase greatly, but the thorns effect is lost. Magic is Spectre, from ectoplasm in the Dungeon. Jun 18, 2024 · Chlorophyte armor, on the other hand, is more effective against weaker enemies. Frost armor is also worth looking at. Second, Hallowed has better basic stats than Titanium and most importantly also has a summoner helmet so now it almost completely outclasses Tiki Armor(Hallowed + an offensive accessory is far better than Tiki + a defensive one) 余談だが、 Beetle Armor の必要素材にTurtle Armorの防具一式が指定されている。 Beetle ArmorはTurtle Armorよりもさらに高い性能を持つため、非常に強力。 例え今すぐTurtle Armorを作る予定が無い場合でも、素材用のChlorophyte Barは多めに準備しておきたい。 Turtle armor is a Hardmode, post-mechanical bosses melee armor set consisting of the Turtle Helmet, Turtle Scale Mail, and Turtle Leggings. The chlorophyte leaf deals a lot of damage from a distance, though whe all know how inaccurate it is against fast enemies. Apr 15, 2017 · Chlorophyte has ONE more defence than frost armor. Way more powerful than the other 2. If nothing else you should make the chlorphyte mask but have the rest turtle that's the most defense you will get for a while. so the differece in defence is minamal. It's generally used by Melee Jan 13, 2015 · It decreases the time for those who want to try out chlorophyte armor. And full Turtle is just shit these days, totally not worth all the negatives unless you're afk farming with the set effect. There is no possible argument that chlorophyte armor is better than turtle armor. For a pre-Plantera melee character, is it worth crafting the Chlorophyte armor and mask, or is it best to skip straight to Turtle armor? I'm guessing that one set might be better for high DPS, low damage per hit weapons and the other is better with low DPS, high damage per hit; and am sure that the Chlorophyte bonuses are better if you're good at manually avoiding damage and Turtle's higher 1. Its available pre plantera. Just don't. Turtle armor has a greater defense of 65 points, but damage falls to 14% (-7%) and critical to 12% Mar 6, 2021 · Chlorophyte armor has a set bonus that only works well on weak enemies. there is also turtle armor, spider, old ones army armor and frost armor that can all be viable until post-golem. Events, invasions and bosses are much much much easier in Beetle Scale than they are in Turtle Armor. Using Chlorophyte and Turtle Shells. Using the right armor set for your class gives you a massive boost to damage output, as well as often providing special abilities (stealth mode for shroomite, lifesteal from spectre, etc. e. A pickaxe or drill with at least 200% pickaxe power is required to mine it, meaning it requires the Pickaxe Axe or Drax Jun 6, 2017 · Even endgame Chlorophyte bullets are VERY convenient. Sounds good on paper, but you'll either realize why this is bad either the easy way or the hard way. Me, I found out the hard way; I was happily playing the im honest i did not even know that existed, though balance wise there is still no reason for it to exist as it would be worse than the hallow set because the chlorophyte armor both has a worse set bonus and stat wise as it only gives +5% damage and +15% crit chance. . I would recommend going straight for turtle armor, which can be upgraded post-golem. If you're a melee user, you can get Turtle armor with Turtle Shells and Chlorophyte Bars instead, and later upgrade it to Beetle Oct 13, 2015 · If Chlorophyte can be arguably better than turtle, it can be arguably better than dragon too. Is there anything similar to the melee armor mixing you can do with the chlorophyte mask, turtle scale, and hallowed greaves, that you can do for mages as well? Or should I just stick to full sets? I don’t want to waste my hallowed bars on the armor if I don’t need to make a full set. Neither version has the thorns effect, nor the unconditional 15% damage reduction that Turtle armor has. , most often only in the Underground Jungle) will begin to convert themselves into Chlorophyte Ore. so either you give it +4 minion slots or +3 and more summon damage which would probably still be worse than spider armor. Oct 12, 2019 · Spider Armor is basically the equivalent of Adamantite armor for Summoners, and not only do all three other classes get better armors than Adamantite, they most importantly get much better weapons (Onyx Blaster, Shadowflame Knife, Meteor Staff) than a Spider Staff that makes the analogy above even more valid. in bonuses, chlorophyte has 29% more ranged damage, 12% critical strike boost, the leaf crystal dose 100 damage per hit and hit’s on its own or when an enemy takes damege, and a 20% chance to not consume ammo. While that is good, Chlorophyte has better defense, meaning you can tank a bit more. Turtle armor is defense-focused melee armor, made with chlorophyte and turtle shells. Chlorophyte armor has always been an armor I've straight up skipped because there When i had enough Chlorophyte Ore i also had 3 Turtle Shells, so i went straight for Turtle Armor. I'd go with Turtle for melee. I don't need the silly 30 damage Chlorophyte set effect, but the melee DPS the hybrid gives me is so good. Although a decent alternative to Clorophyte is the Huntress Armor from Old Ones Army if you want to save on Clorophyte for Shroomite armor. The full set of armor also provides the following: 14% increased melee damage Posted by u/Turtle_60 - 3 votes and 11 comments I am about to fight plantera for the first time and I am trying to figure out what gear to use. Shroomite armor is ranger armor. If you have a Terra Blade you've beaten at least one Mech boss already, and should be able to beat the other two. When Hardmode starts, Mud Blocks located near Jungle grass blocks (i. The world is your… Providing defense is only one of the roles of armor. Unfortunately, you need If you're playing with other people then frost armour is worth keeping, if you're playing solo you might want Chlorophyte, I was on a server and one of my friends had Frost armour (he was actually wearing it, not just in the social slot) and he did pretty fine Hallowed armor set bonus is crazy and stats are good. Aug 13, 2015 · I like the idea of buffing/making more interesting the chlorophyte set. Because of all the extra buffs. Jan 17, 2015 · Turtle armor is equal-tiered to Chlorophyte. Then I try my best to skip chlorophyte armor and just go straight to Turtle Armor. Chlorophyte armor is a waste of chlorophyte, hallowed armor more than enough to beat plantera, and after plantera you will get better armor sets than chlorophyte. Aug 15, 2023 · Chlorophyte armor in theory is stronger than hallowed armor for every class however hallowed armor is given its—quite frankly—busted set bonus. We believe it is essential to provide care advice that exceeds bare minimum standards, in order to enrich the lives of our beloved pets. I would PERSONALLY pick turtle armor. 4. Feb 19, 2015 · Turtle is a better tanking armor, while Chlorophyte has superior damage capabilities. in bonuses, chlorophyte has 29% more ranged damage, 12% critical strike boost, the leaf crystal dose 100 damage per hit and hit's on its own or when an enemy takes damege, and a 20% chance to not consume ammo. Is Turtle or Beetle armor better? Beetle armor is not a true upgrade to Turtle armor. turtle armor is just sad and hallowed is usefull to only to people that still get hit. In some cases it's even better than most post-plantera armors. When the pumpkings come I jump to try to get close and swing the horsemans blade. It is said it's more of a ranged/magic armor set than melee one, indeed. Nov 1, 2015 · Yeah. Reply reply Related Terraria Open world Sandbox game Action-adventure game Gaming Hallowed made it even more op than it was on titanium. If you want to shorten the fight by maxing out your dps, go with frost armor or chlorophyte, and use a warrior emblem instead of the berserker glove. Beetle Armor. Jul 11, 2023 · Getting the Turtle Armor Set in Terraria As with any armor set in Terraria, the Turtle Armor has three components: the Turtle Helmet, Turtle Scale Mail, and Turtle Leggings. Turtle armor can be used to make beetle armor, or you can wait to get shroomite armor or spectre armor. And even then I just can’t decide on which armor would work best, I have Titanium, and enough C. Summon is Spooky armor from the Pumpkin Moon. Chlorophyte armor uses a material that is high on demand The hallowed armor is probably the better option if you are fighting bosses, chlorophyte armor for weaker enemies. Bars to make a full set but I’d like to save it for Shroomite armor. Mostly depends on what kind of weapons you have. For pre-plantera that would be: Hallowed Mask, Monk's Shirt and Squire Greaves. but honestly i just stuck to hallowed until i could get spectre/shroomite (in vanilla playthroughs) Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size Chlorophyte helm and legs with Turtle chest is what I use for maximum damage with plenty of defense. I'd go with chlorophyte personally. Jan 22, 2016 · Okay, the recipe currently in the game is completely ridiculous. First, hallowed can be found on any world, not just half. Depends on your class. I have already defeated calamitas and i have to defeat plantera now but i dont know if i should keep using the daedalus armor or the chlorophyte armor (or any other armor). Chlorophyte for the other classes or just more melee damage. Elle peut être considérée comme une amélioration partielle de l'armure sacrée, offrant plus de défense et étant plus orientée vers des hauts dégâts magiques et à distance. you're wrong. L'armure en chlorophyte (« Chlorophyte armor » en anglais) est une armure du Hardmode disponible après avoir vaincu les trois boss mécaniques. i use chloro boots with other armor sets at this stage in the game. While weapons are the main determinant of combat effectiveness, armor also plays an important role by degrading damage taken and passively boosting damage output based on set bonuses, item categories, etc. Use the melee armor when you're just mining and stuff and switch to shroomite for boss battles, since you prefer to keep your distance Specifically, like, armor wise? I'm going to be fighting Plantera soon, and since it's on expert, I wanna prepare properly. Titanium armor is more than enough to beat the Mechs. So you also dont need to make a full set of chlorophyte amor. Turtle: Well kinda like beetle armor, nothing much here Shroomite: New craftable recipe called mushroom plating Get enough chlorophyte to make both. It is also possible chlorophyte might receive some The unofficial subreddit for discussing the Calamity Mod for Terraria. Look them up on the wiki for more info. Which one do you like better? The laser thingy is strong and useful and the combined 21% damage and 21% critical strike chance is absolutely great. However if you do not those armors it is a straight upgrade in many scenarios, as they are side grades to chlorophyte: turtle you sacrifice damage/crit rate for def and thorns, spectre sacrifices either all bonuses for some homing orbs or cripples damage for life steal, and shroomite sacrifices versatility for being able to go invis for insane damage at the cost of mobility. Currently, it requires Chlorophyte Bars and Turtle Shells to craft. It's much faster to just go to the jungle. Both of these begin post-golem you may be undecided which one you should choose. Also keep in mind that the turtle armor is upgradable. Just a short video showcasing the newest Calamity chlorophyte armor buffs. pvi crntp upkts bumio gnowu wfxmvf yfnj lucr qvpra nucwe iikel ricn satp zrl wwwd