Spinner hint android Prompt is used to show title on dropdown popup not for default text. 0. So my question is how to i take 1st String as a Hint Los datos mostrados en el adapter se configuran mediante el ArrayList<String> spacecrafts, por lo tanto "UBICACION" se encuentra como último elemento : ArrayAdapter adapter=new ArrayAdapter(c,android. The right side of the spinner should have the value. At run time it gets usernames from API and sho Apr 18, 2018 · Android Spinner hint? 1. Mar 3, 2019. Feb 28, 2017 · I have a spinner that behaves like a dropdown in my android application. It is used as hint. Mar 30, 2018 · 这个需求其实还是有的,有时候我们想在Spinner中制作出一个类似于TextView的hint那样的效果。如下: 当你第一次看到这个Spinner的时候,其中显示“点击选择”,而你点了一下,就会出现选项,一旦点选了某个选项,“点击选择”就会从此消失,也就是说,那只是提示,不参与逻辑判断。 The HintSpinner class works as a container, binding a plain Android Spinner and a HintAdapter, which manages the hint. setSeletion(0) Hint on spinner on android spinner with Kotlin Putting a hint on an android spinner add hint to spinner android Unable to add hint in android spinner Adding a hint to a customized spinner in android How to add hint in android spinner? Jun 25, 2014 · Android: Spinner hint. simple_spinner_dropdown_item, array) spinner. Oct 14, 2015 · 本文介绍如何在Android中为Spinner创建Hint提示效果,使得Spinner在未选择时显示提示文字,选择后消失。通过参考Stack Overflow上的解决方案,实现了不依赖额外逻辑的简单方法。同时,讲解了如何自定义Spinner的布局文件,以更改其背景颜色等样式。 我发现EditText小部件有一个android:hint属性,但是Spinner小部件没有,而且设置它并不能给我想要的UI。这是一个仅支持Android 4. See more linked questions. 在本教程中,您将学习如何使用Android-Spinner,Spinner允许您从下拉菜单中选择一个项目例如。当您使用Gmail应用程序时,您会看到如下所示的下拉菜单,您需要从下拉菜单中选择一个项目。 Dec 26, 2015 · Spinner is used frequently in android programming but we can't show some initial hint for users just like in EditText. Related. kushyar Feb 28, 2022 · The default value of the android spinner will be the currently selected value and by using an Adapter we can easily bind the items to the spinner objects. Feb 21, 2018 · Well first of all This is not android. onItemSelectedListener = object : AdapterView . setAdapter (new HintSpinnerAdapter < String >(this, strings, "Your Hint")); If you are using custom objects then your can override getLabelFor(T t) to get label. Added hint feature. text1)). If I give the hint in array index[0], then it will effect on zeroth position of that field. Here is my solution. Feel free */ public boolean selectionMade(Spinner spinner) { return !((TextView)spinner. So far, I used the "prompt" to a string value, the text appears as a heading of the popping up dialogue, but not as a def Jun 24, 2017 · 如何制作Spinner的Hint提示效果,并自定义Spinner样式android spinner 下拉选择控件,spinner有个APIsetDropDownViewResource 就是用来设置下拉的条目样式 设置方式: spinner. x的应用程序,因此我不必担心任何先前版本的兼容性问题。 - Oct 27, 2016 · 这个需求其实还是有的,有时候我们想在Spinner中制作出一个类似于TextView的hint那样的效果。如下: 当你第一次看到这个Spinner的时候,其中显示“点击选择”,而你点了一下,就会出现选项,一旦点选了某个选项,“点击选择”就会从此消失,也就是说,那只是提示,不参与逻辑判断。 Oct 17, 2019 · Android最常用的选择器控件。 MaterialSpinner 遵循谷歌Material Design设计风格的下拉框,API与系统同步,可方便设置下拉样式和点击效果 ,支持编辑,支持下拉、选择监听。 Dec 19, 2011 · I want to set the hint in spinner. The needed result should work the same as EditText's hint feature - showing faded text, but the extra thing I need now here is that this text is not being added to the actual list that populates the spinner. Improve this answer. Bug fixes. v7. }}; Apr 23, 2023 · 这个需求其实还是有的,有时候我们想在Spinner中制作出一个类似于TextView的hint那样的效果。如下: 当你第一次看到这个Spinner的时候,其中显示“点击选择”,而你点了一下,就会出现选项,一旦点选了某个选项,“点击选择”就会从此消失,也就是说,那只是提示,不参与逻辑判断。 Spinner that has custom hint. This Spinner has 9 items (from 1 to 9). From the other answers, "AutoCompleteTextView" is the answer but it does not do the same as a spinner does. All you need to add hint to spinner android. 이전에는 Activity가 onCreate 될때마다 자동적으로 연도는 2021년 월은 1월이 자동으로 선택되었습니다. In EditText there is a property name as Hint which display when there is no value in it. widget. Apr 17, 2016 · A maneira mais simples que encontrei foi esta: Cria um TextView ou LinearLayout e o coloca junto com o Spinner em um RelativeLayout. 3. drop_ SmartMaterialSpinner是一款功能丰富的Android Spinner库,提供下拉、对话框和可搜索等多种模式。该库支持浮动标签、错误提示和RTL布局,并可自定义颜色、字体和大小。SmartMaterialSpinner易于集成,能满足从简单到复杂的各种下拉选择需求,有助于提升Android应用的用户体验。 Even more Details About Spinner Hint Text Color Android I have to say TBS is one of the best tools out there and it was the best $47 that I've ever spent! It now has the ability to download articles from ezinearticles. Modified 5 years, 8 months ago. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Jun 11, 2019 · Make hint for Android spinner using enums. how to add hint of AppCompatSpinner i'm getting a string-array from String. Extend by device; Build apps that give your users seamless experiences from phones to tablets, watches, headsets, and more. 安卓开发中spinner 组件如何像EditText组件的android:hint="请输入快递单号"属性那样设置默认的提示内容设置一个默认初始值spinner. In the default state, a spinner shows its currently selected value. What I want it to do: EditText to display hint. As you can see, the MaterialSpinner must be wrapped by TextInputLayout which sets attributes such as hint, icons or box mode. g. spinner has no label/hint/placeholder property? Apr 21, 2021 · Finally, we can create the layout which shows the Spinner. Tap on the spinner and you will see "select City" as title . 80. Contribute to onimur/android-spinner-hint development by creating an account on GitHub. Dec 3, 2013 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Spinner it's AppCompatSpinner. answered May 23, 2013 at 2:43. Populating spinner from Firebase data. xml only to show your items in spinner. support. hint_spinner); hintSpinner. But I am receiving a Spinner hint two times, when I click on spinner; how can I remove the first default value from spinner This is snapshot :- hope you understand my problem : This is my code:- Sep 1, 2016 · I am trying to add SELECT option to spinner which i populate from rest service. setHint(getItem(getCount())); //"Hint to be displayed"} return v;} @Override: public int getCount() {return super. Dec 6, 2017 · Sorry to bother you guys, but I've been strangling to get this to work. getText(). How can I do it? Code Jul 5, 2023 · 【01】噩梦终结flutter配安卓android鸿蒙harmonyOS 以及next调试环境配鸿蒙和ios真机调试环境-flutter项目安卓环境配置-gradle-agp-ndkVersion模拟器运行真机测试环境-本地环境搭建-如何快速搭建android本地运行环境-优雅草卓伊凡-很多人在这步就被难倒了 An Android Spinner lilbrary with Hint/Header. simple_spinner_dropdown_item) // Apply the adapter to the spinner. You can specify hint text for EditText. getSelectedView()). I figured that the EditText widget has an android:hint attribute, but not the Spinner widget and setting it doesn't bring me the the UI I want. The spinner get data from the api. val myStrings = arrayOf("Select","One", "Two" , "Three", "Four") May 20, 2024 · Spinners provide a quick way to select one value from a set. In the project, i'm displaying both the Spinner and button to show that they indeed look identical. id. toString(). 定义一个Spinner控件:> <Spinner> android:layout_widt 实现安卓Spinner控件hint提示效果-向日葵屋 实现安卓Spinner控件hint提示效果 Set hint text for EditText Description. Customized Android Spinner. I have the sample project up on GitHub. Added a new feature for text changed listener. User clicks on EditText, opens spinner and selects their sex. I have added the decrease the count of item by one to the adapter class. May 23, 2013 · (Android: Spinner hint) Share. Some public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements OnItemSelectedListener { //Declaring an Spinner private Spinner spinner; //An ArrayList for Spinner Items private ArrayList<String> users; //JSON Array private JSONArray result; //TextViews to display details private TextView textViewResult; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle adapter. BLUE. The provided code showcases a straightforward approach to achieving this based on a custom implementation of an ArrayAdapter. ##Android Spinner with Hint Sample project. Highlight the pre selected spinner item. Oct 24, 2016 · 众所周知,spinner是Android里常用的下拉控件,虽然好用但是要实现某些功能还是有点棘手的问题,就比如今天的要实现的功能,进去一个Activity时,第一眼看到控件spinner里的内容就应该是一种提示。 Apr 26, 2022 · 💍A simple and elegant Android native UI framework, free your hands! (一个简洁而优雅的Android原生UI框架,解放你的双手!) - Spinner · xuexiangjys/XUI Wiki Jan 14, 2013 · For example a spinner that indicates a gender. Follow edited May 23, 2017 at 12:21. 6. I want to make my spinner looks like this, where crust and adds on are given. layout. Here are images of what I am trying to achieve - and here is what I have tried so far - Eventually I used an attributed of a spinner android:popupBackground="@null" with this the background of the pop up of the spinner is removed so and the shadow does. Oct 8, 2016 · Equal to the "hint" option in Edittext, I need a default text in a Spinner. Feb 5, 2025 · The Android Spinner is a dropdown view that allows users to select an option from a list, which can be populated using an ArrayAdapter in Kotlin or Java. Also we will work on material design edit text. Related Question How to set hint for android Spinner with out using Spinner. 1 1 1 silver badge. xml. setSelectedItemHintColor() int Color Dec 14, 2017 · Now use this file to show your spinner items like: ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R. Android Spinner提示? Android:Spinner提示; 当android微调器为空时显示toast消息; Spinner - 适配器为空时显示提示; 提示旋转器; 添加适配器后,Android Spinner保持空白; 当微调器在listview适配器中显示时,按钮无法隐藏; 使用微调器项目时,适配器不会刷新 Extend by device; Build apps that give your users seamless experiences from phones to tablets, watches, headsets, and more. By default in such case, nothing happens on click (but that is not the major problem), and most of all, the spinner doesn't display any text, so it looks like this, which obviously doesn't Nov 29, 2023 · android - 如何去除 Spinner DropDownView 的阴影-我将小部件 Spinner 与自定义适配器和 spinnerMode 下拉列表中的自定义 View 一起使用。我的问题是我无法删除转换 Spinner 下拉菜单的默认阴影。 I'm trying to put a spinner on a layout for android app. Putting a hint on an android spinner. Android - How to create a custom (different 这个需求其实还是有的,有时候我们想在Spinner中制作出一个类似于TextView的hint那样的效果。如下: 当你第一次看到这个Spinner的时候,其中显示“点击选择”,而你点了一下,就会出现选项,一旦点选了某个选项,“点击选择”就会从此消失,也就是说,那只是提示,不参与逻辑判断。 Dec 19, 2015 · 文章浏览阅读1. 2021/01/30 - [Android/Material Design] - [Android/Kotlin] 안드로이드 Spinner 커스텀 해보기 (1) 즉, Array의 첫번째 아이템이 Jul 26, 2016 · I am using the below code to select the last item of my list as hint of the spinner (ie. Follow edited May 23, 2017 at 10:28. e. the default selected item in the spinner) and am trying to hide it from the dropdown menu. . This is an Android 4. Android spinner prompt. How to add a Hint in spinner in XML. id. How Mar 27, 2018 · There is not any default way to display hint in spinner. spinner. 0 compatibility stuff. Incase you quickly want to just see it run here is the apk, qrcode android search color autocomplete library material material-design arrow country spinner dropdown searchable smart floating-labels hint underline androidx androidx-library materialspinner searchablespinner Oct 17, 2013 · Unable to add hint in android spinner. I found a way how to solve my problem on my own (also implemented images infront of the May 4, 2016 · これは非常に簡単な方法で行うことができます。組み込み値(Android. Removed the transparent black view appearing while typing. 二、然后讲下Spinner的hint效果的实现 主要Spinner的适配器,有个getcount的方法,如果我们返回getCount()-1会使得Spinner一直认为自己本来就少一条,所以除非你在代码里去setSelection(adapter. R. planets_spinner); // Create an ArrayAdapter using the string array and a default spinner layout. How to add firebase data to Spinner Feb 28, 2012 · 以下内容是CSDN社区关于Android下拉列表Spinner的提示文字相关内容,如果想了解更多关于Android社区其他内容,请访问CSDN社区。 Dec 9, 2019 · Can We add a hint to an Android spinner like EditText: hint, please send me any code. isSpinnerEnable()-Result = boolean: Returns true if the spinner is enabled, and vice versa. xml,写入名为s Extend by device; Build apps that give your users seamless experiences from phones to tablets, watches, headsets, and more. Mar 10, 2018 · Android Course - In this lesson you will learn how to set hint on spinner and edit textview. List<String& NiceSpinner is a re-implementation of the default Android's spinner, A lightweight wrapper around Spinner widget for android with Hint/Header label. simple_spinner_item wird bereits im Android SDK definiert und kann verwendet werden. Jun 13, 2019 · I am new in Android. Android Spinner Guidance. How to add a Hint in spinner. After using the Android Design Support Library's TextInputLayout to place a floating label above an EditText component, I was wondering if there is a way to add a floating label to the Spinner comp Extend by device; Build apps that give your users seamless experiences from phones to tablets, watches, headsets, and more. 16. setAdapter(adapter);spinner. The only thing the I had to change was to Assign a background of #fff in my custom spinner dropdown item. This text will be displayed slightly faded and disappears as soon as the user starts to type text. adapter = adapter } Java Spinner spinner = (Spinner) findViewById(R. Sep 14, 2016 · After trying a lot of libraries and method, I finally created my custom searchable spinner. setDropDownViewResource(R. I've tried a few spinners before and usually had to spend a lot of time correcting the grammatical errors. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 8 months ago. How can I do it? This is my spinner: <Spinner and Dec 23, 2024 · Android开发中Spinner控件有多种建立方式,我总结下来有两类:静态方式和动态方式。动态方式又可以根据需求直接使用现成的适配器或者是自定义适配器(复杂对象) 静态方式 静态方式首先需要在values下新建一个xml文件,写入Spinner中的项目名称,如新建如下array. However if keyboard is opened, spinner cannot be scrolled! Thanks to it, some of items are out of screen, and I Spinner that has custom hint. I got a few problems with this: gravity property of the spinner does not show the text on the right if set to right. Simple project where the spinner has a hint like that of an Android TextView. Dec 22, 2015 · Is it possibile to set hint Spinner in Android. I am developing the app in android studio. Oct 2, 2021 · Spinner(列表选择框)的基本使用 小知识,大挑战!本文正在参与“程序员必备小知识”创作活动。 本文已参与 「掘力星计划」 ,赢取创作大礼包,挑战创作激励金。 Mar 23, 2016 · Spinner组件一共有两个,一个是本身的Spinner,一个是android. setDropDownViewResource(android. 6k次。本文介绍了一个在Android系统中实现自定义Spinner组件的方法,该组件能够显示提示信息(hint)。通过创建一个名为AnimalAdapter的适配器类,继承自ArrayAdapter并实现了基本的方法,使得Spinner组件在不同位置展示不同的文本内容以及相应的提示信息。 Jul 19, 2013 · I handle this by using a button instead of a Spinner. simple_spinner_dropdown_item,spacecrafts); Sample project to show how to create hint text in an Android Spinner - ravivyas84/AndroidSpinnerHint Zum Beispiel: Eine einfache Spinner-Item Layout Resource mit der ID von android. But that's not my case. Learn Android App Jun 21, 2024 · Setting a hint in a spinner in Android can be a useful feature to guide users on the expected input or selection. Share. The code I am attaching is at a very preliminary level which I will be updating as I do in my project. Viewed 142 times Part of Mobile Development Oct 17, 2015 · I use Spinner in my app, with keyboard opened. Updated Apr 7, 2019; HintSpinner hintSpinner = findViewById (R. findViewById(android. 1. Unlike other components, the spinner does not come with an option to give a hint. How to add spinner hint as last item to JSON Sep 2, 2016 · Android Spinner hint? 0. That then ge Dec 2, 2020 · kindly anyone answer me the solution of how to add custom class Arraylist to the spinner with hint but when we open the dropdown hint must not be shown in the dropdown only Arraylist is shown in th Jan 19, 2025 · 然而,默认的Spinner组件并没有提供智能提示功能,这可能导致用户在选择选项时遇到困难。为了提升用户体验,我们可以通过自定义Spinner来实现智能提示功能。本文将详细介绍如何实现Android Spinner的智能提示功能。 1. The left side of the spinner should have the label ("gender"). answered Jun 25, 2014 at 6:07. How to add default value in Spinner other then adapter Value. A hint spinner that allows showing a hint, similar to the HTML Select <option value="">Select your option</option> - srodrigo/Android-Hint-Spinner Jan 30, 2021 · 안녕하세요. x-only app, so I don't have to hassle with any pre-4. But I am not been able to put the hint image on the spinner; thought my spinner shape is as good May 10, 2017 · i populate spinner from json data, I want to set hint so that user can under stand what has to be selected since when there is no internet connection spinner show no sign of what to be selected. A callback is needed at the moment to skip the hint selected event, as otherwise it would have to be handled by the user (this might be optional in future versions). I'm trying to change the color of material design better spinner, but nothing works,i tried to change it to color that defined in color or by define a style and use it in the theme: android:theme="@ Feb 3, 2020 · I am trying to add a hint-like behavior to my spinner. equals(initialText); } /** * Returns a TextView with the initialText the first time getView is called. 4. 1. 0. Is there a way to do so, but in a way that doesn't add the hint to the string array that populates the spinner. adapter. If you want enable or disable the spinner, you should call this method. Oct 5, 2018 · To be honest they answer did not really help me, gave me good hint though. customize spinner style. Oct 13, 2014 · I have two spinners in my current android app, I would like to have a default value like the editText's android:hint ability. I am trying to add a Hint in the spinner widget as there is no option of Hint as in EditText, I want to show Gender as a Hint and when clicked it must show only Male and Female not the hint. getCount()-1),否则这个Spinner永远不会自动显示出最后那条。 Dec 8, 2024 · R. Adding items into a button with spinner style. android spinner android-library android-lib android-java hint-spinner spinner-hint spinner-header. spinner_item,list); You don't need to set the drop down resource. Inicialmente a textview terá o texto como se fosse a dica "Selecione um ", após o primeiro clique este TextView fica invisível, desabilitado e chama o Spinner que está logo atrás dele. Community Bot. AppCompatSpinner 两者的区别在于v7内的Spinner是兼容低版本的,Spinner再高版本中才能使用的方法换了v7下的Spinner后可以一直兼容到2. setHintTextColor() int Color: If you need to change the Spinner Hint Text color, just call the method and pass you color, ex: Color. For this you need to add one item manually in the array like below. layout. Mit Android Studio können Sie den Inhalt dieser Dateien anzeigen. In this article, we are going to implement a custom searchable spinner in the Android Studio so that we can provide a better user experience to the user and make it convenient for them to Mar 3, 2019 · HintSpinner hintSpinner = findViewById (R. What I need is to display the hint only when the SpinnerAdapter is empty. Like in edit text, I am giving the hint, that is: android:Hint="First Name" So what should I do for Spinner like for state? My state will dynamically fill from the database. It will take spinner_item. Thanks in Advance. ((TextView)v. Just put normal edittext inside TextInputLayout and make this editText disabled for inputs. * So the Spinner has an initialText which does not represent the selected item. 이번에는 Spinner 위젯에 간단하게 Hint를 넣은 방법에 대해서 알아보겠습니다. Show Edit text on spinner item selected. Sep 6, 2013 · hint for the Spinner before the first selection is made. setText(""); ((TextView)v. adapter = arrayAdapter ArrayAdapter にリストを並べるリストを詰めてスピナーのアダプターにセットします。 spinner . it's impossible to choose the hint from the spinner list. Nov 7, 2023 · # Android Spinner 默认文字在Android应用程序中,Spinner是一种常用的用户界面组件,用于显示一个下拉列表供用户选择。当Spinner没有选择时,通常显示一个默认的提示文字,以引导用户进行选择。本文将介绍如何在Android Spinner中设置默认文字,并提供代码示例。 效果图:![70][]![70 1][]1. getCount()-1; // you dont display last item. This process is running successfully. setSelection(2,true); Apr 25, 2017 · You are mistaking prompt with default text. 1 (v7兼容到api7),初次之外两者的使用没有其他差别,推荐使用v7,保证效果在不同版本上都能显示. Android: Custom spinner help. simple_list_item_1)を使用してアダプターを設定する代わりに、TextViewとDropDownの両方に独自のxmlレイアウトを作成し、それらを使用します。 Aug 31, 2018 · Putting a hint on an android spinner. Tapping the spinner displays a menu showing all other values the user can select. Sep 22, 2014 · I am fetching the values from Database using JSON and inserting them into spinner.
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