Second american civil war map. I'm just baffled by the movies lore.
Second american civil war map Look at the image, it's perfectly clear what you need to look at (the map). It was caused when Donald Trump won the 2024 Presidential election, abolishing Congress and becoming absolute dictator. Many political parties divided and split up while others united. ethnic minorities are "Poisoning the blood of the nation", saying on multiple points that he will execute journalists/news agencies for "treason", wanting to end U. This was not an act of civil disobedience, or even a knee-jerk reaction to a perceived injustice: it was fulfilling a prophecy of civil war that had long been part of the rhetoric of these groups, and a brewing apocalyptic sentiment among many parts of the American political landscape. (Ukranian Specially Administrated Soviet Socialist Republic (Lore in Comments) 2nd US Civil War: Origins: November 5th 2020. Following the most heated Election in US history Involving not just the Usual Democrats and Republicans but also the Green party, Libertarians and at least 3 independents, including the incumbent president all with the slimmest chance of being president, and no majority from the electoral collage due to corruption. The American military lunch a coup d'état against the civilian government, to by this version of the military “to preserve the unity of the American ideal and nationhood”. TL;DR: Kaiserreich Two-way Second American Civil War between Olson and Long with some of my own headcanons and changes to make it more “balanced”. Sep 2, 2023 · After the 1936 election, America continued to spiral into chaos in every way possible, until an inevitable 2nd civil war began. Mass migration from equatorial climate change-stricken countries increased nativism in the US, and as a result of this racism, minorities tended to avoid assimilation more and more. The Second American Civil War began on June 17th, 2041. Paul and I like this map; the concept is right on. This map is an attempt at trying to imagine a semi-believable modern American civil war scenario due to an economic crisis. 4K votes, 92 comments. You would have a much smaller force and a very different conflict than the Second World War or modern civil wars. Leaders of all rebel nations went into bunkers, but the civilians weren’t so lucky. Earlier this month, the Justice Department convicted the prediction map of a 2nd civil war in the united states between democrats and Republicans. A new American Civil War would almost assuredly not have front lines, instead being more an insurgency. AI. This practice was not universally followed - all elected Democrats stayed in Washington D. His is digital and waaay better than mine so I urge you guys to check That’s if the Pelly-ite or right sided business plot takes charge, and in most of the government’s of the csa, the president becomes dictator, the main difference between the two of they are “democracy” is that woman get a stronger voice in the csa, but just because equality Regins doesn’t mean it’s always there, the south will still discriminate, the operations will still be white Jan 18, 2022 · In this scenario, the United States collapses into several factions fighting each other to take over the country, thanks to factionalism caused by several re The Confederate regulars wore French style uniforms with the coloring depending on the state the regiments were raised in instead of the general grey worn during the First American Civil War while the state militias generally wore more utilitarian clothing such as a khaki blouse and pith helmet as was seen with the South Carolina Militia during This category contains fictional works (books, films, games) that speculate about a second American Civil War. The following year on July 3rd 2027 California, Oregon and Washington seceded and united together forming Pacifica but then immediately fell into civil war. Man, this map reminded me of "American War", by Omar El Akkad. The civil r/SpecialAccess is a community devoted to uncovering the hardware produced by Special Access Programs of the last 50 years. Some states placement as Democratic and Emergency Government don't quite make sense, for example The Panhandle of Florida is one of the most Republican regions of the whole state, and it seems unlikely that they would stay part of a Democratic Florida. It wouldn’t be two armies fighting like this map implies, it would be hundreds of regional militias fighting for control of tiny bits of territory while the military struggled to 2026 was when the first shots rang out in the streets of downtown Portland. As President Kamala Harris announced the United States of America entrance into the war against China, the Republicans and Socialists both claimed independence, separately, thus beggining the Second American Civil War. Once again, great map, man. , instability and economic struggles hit an For artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists alike! The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, from the fantasy works of Tolkien and Le Guin, to the science-fiction universes of Delany and Asimov, to the tabletop realm of Gygax and Barker, and beyond. R. This caused faith in the President to plummet so much so that he was assassinated on September 1st 2027. When COVID-19 spreads in the U. US remainers composed of the remnants of the PNP and PPD (Puerto Rico has their own political parties). Although people get desensitized and lose interest fast. 2B (SocCon Path): Hoover narrowly survives being shot dead by an assassin, and accuses the Socialist Party of organising this. The US has limited options before the war in terms of focuses, as most of their tree is locked until during or after the war. For artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists alike! The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, from the fantasy works of Tolkien and Le Guin, to the science-fiction universes of Delany and Asimov, to the tabletop realm of Gygax and Barker, and beyond. participation in NATO, and multiple compliments to multiple dictators and war criminals, also a close friendship with Kaiserredux is a Hearts of Iron 4 Kaiserreich standalone fan-fork branching off from the original KR lore to bring players a more interesting experience, with more paths and options to choose. The war fosters a siege mentality in Mexico and Canada. A civil war in the US would be an even bigger event. R5: This is a map of the Second American Civil War event with Canada included. The idea of Socialist America spread rapidly in the south. C. Apr 14, 2015 · The Civil War is often called the Second American Revolution. Prior to the start of the Civil War (which is unavoidable in one form or another), Herbert Hoover is President of the US. MA they get to live 120 years, this makes the people grow tired so they try to elect a new president but they cant so therefore some people wish to proclaim a second US republic, a lot Early into the war, the Democrat government supported the war effort while Republicans and Socialists demanded American neutrality. ” Looking at the politics/demographics of the military, I'd say most of them would side against the CGNA. Hello everyone, this is my third map to Reddit. The Biafran War in Nigeria is another example. It had been a rather sparsely populated area (seems only about 1-2% of the Mexican population, even with native american included). However, when the Union started to push into Richmond, the Capital of the New Confederacy. From John Brown's Raid to the Adoption of the 13th Amendment. This sectional conflict between Northern states and slaveholding Southern states had been tempered by a series of political compromises, but by the late 1850s the issue of the extension of slavery to the western states had reached a An American civil war would be a hugely bloody situation where no side will have a clear victory for quite some time, there’d be more factions than Syria and probably even more complex and bizarre given our free speech system and current paramilitary groups. Music:Kevin Macleod - Crypto Inspired by u/Strong_Site_348 second American civil war according to reddit series, obviously nor cannon unless otherwise stated Following the collapse of America into civil war many European right wing militia attempted to replicate this success, among them the Nordic Resistance movement which was able to gain resources and training through the Atomwafden division, in an attempt to So a second American Civil War would have one of two outcomes: Either the end of America as a major power (followed immediately by world-wide economic collapse due to its importance to the rest of the world), or America emerging as a diminished nation with its politics shifted radically towards the right. Now however two years later confederate nationalists pop up and don't exactly outnumber my army but are at least close to it's size. Great series, but one note about the upvotes on posts. Reply reply More replies GoofyGoober_1933 In early 1937 workers rose up all across the rust belt in support of the Combined Syndicates of America, lead by Chairman Jack Reed, thus starting the Second American Civil War. This time it's the communism rapidly spreading. Dec 24, 2023 · But a promotional map shared on the platform formerly called Twitter breaks the U. Mass shootings occurred, with the worst one being in the small city of Sanford, Maine. The book's descriptions says: Sarat Chestnut, born in Louisiana, is only six when the Second American Civil War breaks out in 2074. The American economy is struggling and will collapse altogether (<0 free civilian factories) once Black Monday hits. 105K subscribers in the Kaiserreich community. This one is based on a really old scenario I came up with as a kid for a second American civil war. A pretty good read about how the American landscape, ravaged as shown here, was the product of foreign powers inciting extremist behavior in the US. This isn't even a screenshot and shouldn't be affected by Rule 5 but moderators says otherwise. And until the country recognizes this and takes the threat seriously, Americans cannot begin to address it with the gravity The Second Civil War, officially the Second American Civil War, by rightists as The War of the Traitors and by leftists the American Liberation War, or CWII, was a conflict between the dictatorship of the United States of America and the American Liberation Party. The pre-civil war US has three Crump-heads rise up! My only suggestion for Tennessee would perhaps be moving the inter-state border east a little bit. Counter-examples I would bring up are: the 1990s Balkans Wars, the 1940s Balkans conflicts (typically overshadowed by WW2 and the Holocaust), the "Second English Civil War aka the American Revolution, the Partition of British India (and all of the ethno-religious conflict that occurred prior to and during Petition). The radioactive steam cloud causes some cancers and plutonium seeps into part of the foundations, but not the soil under the reactor, but a partial melt Dec 25, 2021 · That is the Second American Civil War, like the first American Civil War, will be a war of centralization. The Second Great American Bogaloo - Google Docs World War III (2027-2035) Second American Civil War (2025) Future presidents of the United States (Cypherline's Timeline) World War 3 (DJK95) 2025 Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses; World War 4 (DJK95) 2028 Presidential Election (Wither) I think most people seem to enjoy the "chinese civil war" mechanically more than the American civil war as the scenario allows some breathing room between factions both to play politics, diplomacy and military similar to TNO reunification of russia campaigns or vanilla spanish civil war. The confederacy as you have it on this map would do just fine, it's not the same as it was in the first civil war, oil and agricultural states are all in red, they could hold out a lot longer, plus you have a heavily armed populace in these areas, plus most people in those red states don't freak out if they don't get their Starbucks latte, I think they could hold out for twenty years. Also, WCC starts as a puppet to the USA. After ratifying the Second American Constitution, many states withdrew their delegations to the Federal Congress in Washington D. A two-way civil war ensues between Reed and Hoover. Without america joining ww1, no big American armament or long term build up. PART 1: CHOOSING YOUR CIVIL WAR. 1. A new type of military archive offering DOWNLOADABLE American Civil War, First & Second World War Photos, Maps, and Documents. The partisan factions were only the electoral faces of the much broader underlying political-economic divide that manifested into the US civil war. I actually just started reading the book, so I'm not entirely clear on the background yet. Without front lines and strongholds, it is hard to make a map, so using a map chart to show casualties is helpful to see conflict intensity. A Special Access Program (SAP) is a platform or project that has extremely controlled access. This is a map of 2065 America balkanized between warlords after a Second American Civil War caused by decades of climate change, racial strife, and political division. The American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – May 26, 1865; also known by other names) was a civil war in the United States between the Union [e] ("the North") and the Confederacy ("the South"), which was formed in 1861 by states that had seceded from the Union. Pages in category "Second American Civil War speculative fiction" The following 23 pages are in this category, out of 23 total. To elaborate in the French Revolution, the Assembly, and its successor the Directory Ive done the civil war a couple of times and dont remember ever using motorized or tanks i just made encirclements with 40-41width infantry (in the early war i used 7/2 for the encirclements) Reply reply More replies More replies Mar 5, 2025 · The American Civil War was the culmination of the struggle between the advocates and opponents of slavery that dated from the founding of the United States. When New Confederate troops invaded and held Washington DC for 2 weeks until it was retaken by Union troops. It ended the scourge of slavery while boosting the relative economic power of the North over the South. Following Donald Trump's election as the 45th president, polarization in the United States further increases, with both sides refusing to listen to each other. Though the state is famous for its three grand divisions, the eastern portion is the most politically unique, being a stronghold for both Union activity and Republican sympathies (many counties voted Rebpulican in every election since the civil war, aside from 1912 when Realistically, in any second civil war, Minneapolis would pull a paris commune and get put down by the rest of the state. Absolutely agree. He comes to a lot of the same conclusions you do in this map, laying out how political protests and escalating state response plus rural extremists could see On the famous day of September 11, 2028, nearly 4 years after the second American civil war started, Biden authorized a medium sized volley of nuclear strikes on rebel soil. Artillery and saw action in Florida in the Second Seminole War. A. Current map, may be tweaked at bit more but here's a rough outline of the start of the American Civil War Note: Constitution states got renamed to constitutional american republic to avoid confusion with the other CSA. Anyway after winning the civil war in 1868 (only because it took forever to occupy all confederate provinces) there was a short period of peace in the US. Other independentist movements captured variable regions as well in the West of the USA. The Fire Rises The year is 2020 Iran calls for blood following the killing of Qasim Soleimani, a novel virus has broken out in China. Eventhough I don't have a computer to play hoi4 on I'm absolutely addicted to the lore of Kaiserreich which is why I wanted to draw a map of one of the most interesting events, the second American Civil War! :D Also credit goes to u/Fresh3001 for making the map I based my on. Vaguely based off the Spanish Civil War. Dec 3, 2022 · But by some measures, the second American Civil War has already begun. e. In this video, in a world where Germany won WW1, America lies on the brink of collapse as the Great Depression has destroyed the Nation. second_american_civil_war_us_2438. I decided to touch it up and post it on here. As the USA failed to respond in the following weeks, a new nation was declared in the American south - the far-right American Union State lead by President Huey Long. The Devs said in the DD on Mexico that only the most far right, way-out of the ballpark government would actually try to steal land. The Second American Civil War wasn't really a physical war, but rather a political one. "A New Map of Texas Oregon and California With The Regions Adjoining" 1846 American map of the pre-war west, popular pocket map at the time upvotes · comments r/interestingasfuck Wonderfully made map! A few complaints though. Yep. Democrats who were outraged attempted a coup which failed. People still attend the Dunning School? Dang, son. Nov 4, 2024 · Last year, Michael Haas, a former political-science professor at the University of Hawaii, published a book titled “Beyond Polarized American Democracy: From Mass Society to Coups and Civil War. On November 1st 2020, Donald Trump one his second term in office. A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO THE SECOND AMERICAN CIVIL WAR AS THE FEDERALISTS. Learn about the important events and battles that happened throughout this period of American history. The film isn’t about this war specifically, the civil war shown is just a framing device for the story of the journalists. There are four different American civil wars you can choose. the Supreme Court over-rules the Jun 20, 2024 · The United States remained officially neutral during the course of the Weltkrieg, and as a result, was untouched by the devastation that visited the continen. But this is fails, so the last Republican president before civil war do not do must to prevent the total decline of America. They would continue well into the night. The Second American Civil War, commonly referred to by Americans as Civil War II or CWII, was a major conflict in the United States of America from August 13, 2025 to September 16, 2032. Between the American National Republic and the Emergency Salvation Council, it would be a question of loyalty to President Trump or to the Generals on the Council. Furthermore Chicago is the primary american food processing center and assuming a MacArthur coup after the 1936 election, it is likely to have most of the prior year's harvest in its grain silos, with much of the remainder being in Minneapolis/St. Jul 19, 2024 · January 6 was not just a failed coup; it was a failed apocalypse. The conflict broke out after World War 3 (2025-2032), during which the US lost half of all its troops sent into the war, while also suffering from an economic collapse. They probably planned on introducing more lore about the outside world slowly and maybe throw in some red herrings about the origins of the nuclear attacks. I'm just baffled by the movies lore. Jan 11, 2022 · The American Civil War cost the lives of at least 600,000 Americans and contributed to the deaths of many thousands more. I truly would believe it Would come down to luck, laws and the ability to equip, much the same as the Russian civil war. It devastated the South economically and left most of those in the region Its even possible to imagine a civil war within a civil war, with PR Independentistas flush with new recruits vs. As the great war ended, American troops returned to homeland and many were influenced by the Russian Bolsheviks. Check out the lore doc below for a full explanation of what is going on. Combine that with the violence in the actual USA during the inter war years such as the Battle of Blair Mountain, and yes, it's "realistic" (or to use a more useful word, plausible) for it to happen. A four-way civil war ensues between Reed, Long, MacArthur, and the governors of the 'Pacific States'. The New Order: Last Days of Europe is an ambitious mod for Hearts of Iron IV presenting a unique alternate history Cold War between Germany, Japan and the USA, starting in 1962. The FSA, or Free States of America are the primary rebel movement that has arisen as a result of dissatisfaction with the US government. Unions went on strike across the nation, contributing to an economic crisis. Washington is supported by its puppet regime in Mexico, as well as by Canada, in order to retake regions controlled by rebels. Longer Version: December 1938 After the contentious five-way race that was the 1936 election, there was no clear winner. You don't often have the entire political apparatus in part of a country go 'imma head out' like the southern states did in the US Civil War. Second Civil War. I saw the map in the beginning of the book and thought people here would appreciate it. Erosion of civil liberties, statements that "others" i. The unique nature of our service means that we only supply extremely high The US government estimates that if a massive EMP knocked out all communication and electricity that 80% of the US population would die, I was somewhat conservative with my estimates, and since this is roughly 20 years after I added a baby boom for good measure. Upon graduation in 1840, Sherman entered the army as a second lieutenant in the 3rd U. And I think that’s a good thing, the trailer looked rubbish compared to what the film actually was. Feb 3, 2010 · Our timeline of the American Civil War. Here are 37 maps that explain the origins of the war, why the North won, and how the war transformed the United States of America. They're more often to go like the Syrian Civil War where the insurgents end up taking control of a big part of the country. The Divided States encompasses several animatic and live-action projects based on the world of ‘Kaiserreich’, the world’s most comprehensive fan-built alt Lore: after the reveal of Biden and Trump being brothers they created the role of Dual presidency thereby sealing the republican-democratic gap however because of the new healthcare technology launched by OB. Robert Evens is a reporter who spent a lot of time in Syria, and he goes into a lot of detail about how a second civil war would happen and what it would look like. The 2024 election was held in the midst of a massive economic and environmental catastrophe not seen since the great depression. Type 1: Classic 4-way, or USA vs CSA vs AUS vs PSA Have to say this is probably the best Second American Civil War map I've ever seen. Instead of the usual Kaiserreich inspired scenarios of an ideological conflict following state lines you have military warlords and state governments, which makes the borders feel more natural. In his memoirs he noted that "it was a great pity to remove the Seminoles at all," as Florida "was the Indian's paradise" and still had (at the time that Sherman wrote his memoirs in the 1870s Hoi4 supply system sadly breaks down in such circumstances, I personally think a command ability to "build fortifications" for infantry with eneneers would be great to a add a bonus to entrenchment and a small rework for supply, were the supply depos have levels, you store your supply in there, units use supply constantly and for resupply of equipment and city's also produce amounts of supply The New Order: Last Days of Europe is an ambitious mod for Hearts of Iron IV presenting a unique alternate history Cold War between Germany, Japan and the USA, starting in 1962. The start of the Second American Civil War was sudden but not altogether unexpected. The Second American Civil War is an multi-sided civil conflict that takes place in the United States after political tension blows up into a national collapse. And well this starts the civil war The amount of chaos that a US civil war would bring would almost certainly start a full scale world war and the collapse of Canada. The Second American Civil War was a civil war fought in the United States from 2033 to 2037, between a Republican Loyalist Insurgency and a Democratic Resistance, comprised of the so-called West and East Coast Pacts. Will you save the world or help destroy it? The West African War (2023): ECOWAS intervention against the Songhai Federation r/imaginarymaps • The U. In the The Civil War remains the defining conflict of American history. It Could Happen Here is a podcast by former war correspondent Robert Evans and imagines a Second American Civil War: how it could start, how it would be fought, and how bad it could get. The peace treaty is that the government would be replaced with the communist government and all democratic & republican parties would be banned in UCA. Russia, Saudi Arabia, and other nations brace themselves for the inevitable collapse in oil prices while the Syrian Civil War enters its final stage. into five factions: Western Forces comprised of the northwest and manifesting an Idaho militia vibe; republics Mar 20, 2022 · As war rages in Eastern Europe, the prospect of a second civil war continues to bubble just below the surface of a divided America. The CSA, directed by Bill Clinton, is under attack on August 1992. What I do know is that this Confederacy had a coup mid-secession, and became a militaristic lead nation. Separatist movements in Canada and Mexico are cultural, namely francophones in Quebec or Indigenous groups in Southern Mexico, and there's little chance for spillover from the essentially political civil war in the US. zip: Close a window: second_american_civil_war_us_2438. " No colour-Democrats Red-Republicans Dark Purple-Revolutionary Front (Communist) Pink-Workers' Union of America(Socialist) Orange-Fatherland Front (Far right) Light Green-Union of Syndicates (Anarcho-Syndicalist) Turquoise-Republic of Texas As people began to see that a civil war was immenant, some saw the rocky mountains as the best place to wait out a war, meaning thousands of people tried to go to small towns there, most never achieving their goal. From Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, and Gary Goetzman--Masters of the Air is an upcoming World War II drama miniseries based on the actions of the airmen who risk their lives with the 100th Bomb Group, and a brotherhood forged by courage, loss, and triumph. The American factions are basically clones of each other War has ended in total Communist victory as the Union has surrendered. Follow the events as they unfold - from the opening shots at Fort Sumter, to the battles of In the dream, I cannot remember what caused this 2nd civil war, and why the confederacy is back somehow. S. The actual American Civil War is still within living memory when Kaiserreich's civil war happens. Aug 31, 2017 · The following maps were developed in conjunction with MAJ Justine Meberg, focusing on the Seminole Wars, the Mexican-American War and the involvement of women in both conflicts: Milly Francis in the Maskokálgî World Feb 2, 2021 · Hal Jespersen offers over 200 free maps and inexpensive custom mapmaking/cartography services, specializing in battles and campaigns of the American Civil War. Welcome to the official subreddit of Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg, an… What if there was a Second American Civil War? The Divided States is an anthology animatic project, following the stories of everyday American citizens in a dark, strange world altered forever by German victory in the Great War. *Option 3: Contingency Election The Second American Civil War grew out of increased labor unrest, racial and political violence, and paramilitary activity during the 2028 Presidential Election. and were recognized by the 122nd Congress as dutifully elected, recognized, and allowed to be seated (though this was a matter of some legal controversy). The war was ignited following the 2020 and 2024 United States presidential elections, both of which Donald Trump, 45th president of the United States, lost. I consider myself a kind of a veteran 2ACW Fed player, so I decided to make this quide to help others. This could make for a fascinating follow up map. After a year of atte The second American Civil war starts in America. Once again, all of the Great Lakes states are major agricultural producers and the Great Plains are currently going through the dust bowl. The first posts on the Ukraine war had 100k+ upvotes within hours and tens of thousands of comments. zip: Close a window The second nuclear crisis, caused by Russian sabotage, is averted in Florida thanks to both quick thinking by the power plant's workers and later aid from North Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. But those who did often settled near the middle to be farthest away from both sides. In a scenario where a second US civil war played out in any sort of near future, we would very likely see the same — the war would not be between Republican and Democrat, but between adverse Up With The Stars is a major submod for the Hearts of Iron 4's Kaiserreich mod, totally overhauling the lore and gameplay of the United States and its Second American Civil War, plus the Philippines, and countries in North, Central, and South America. The commonly-recognized start date is January 4th, 2029, the date of the coup d’etat which briefly installed Ron DeSantis in the office of the presidency. Following the 2020 election, Trump made baseless It seems like S1 is the direction they wanted to go in, the isolated town cut off after an apocalypse. equu yqb qirb razth lqqk sghs ilvg hsgpzxq osgr eobjc nqg jubz lko otnac rgwdtsr