Sap function module decimal conversion. DATA: a TYPE p DECIMALS 2, b TYPE i, c type n LENGTH 5.

Sap function module decimal conversion It is called type casting. If a currency has a different number of decimal places, the currency amount has to be converted. No need to divide for this stuff . As a prerequisite for the example, the currencies and conversion rules must be available in the corresponding database If a currency has a different number of decimal places, the currency amount has to be converted. As a comparison, the same conversion is also performed using the function module CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY. ) and separator with space in character variable and condense and then move to your required variable. If the user click on the additional detials pushbutton on the application tool bar, a pop-up screen comes up. 50 OR F Jan 11, 2006 · the function module you mentioned is correct,but that one we cant use in. 00" Sep 22, 2009 · i would like to convert a packed decimal to character variable, but i dont want to use the users profil defaults, i would like to choose whether i'm getting. <b>here i noticed one point to share with you all, when i execute the function module in se37 its giving exception. CURRENCY_AMOUNT_BAPI_TO_SAP (In this case currency here will be JPY). The parameter decimal_shift is intended to set the source value to the number of decimal places of the source currency before the conversion. a = 20000. 1,234. WSAF_CONV_STRING_TO_DECIMAL is a standard wsaf conv string to decimal SAP function module available within SAP R/3 or S/4 Hana systems, depending on your version and release level. Jul 11, 2013 · Dear all, I was trying to get values in an ALV grid recently and I noticed that the values are displayed as exponential values which didn't satisfy the client very much. The target currency is passed here. Here i have the comma/point problem. Can u help me on this issue?? Aug 30, 2010 · I've not used any such Function Modules till date. I am a bit frustrated, since this task is rather simple. parameters: p_qtyi type p decimals 2, p_uomi type t006a-msehi, p_uomo type t006a-msehi, p_qtyo type p decimals 2. the same if i call from a program its working. OUTPUT = floatout. Dec 19, 2007 · The example includes an example of converting this floating-point decimal into a character field. Oct 15, 2007 · Is there a function module to convert any decimal notation to the . EXCEPTIONS Feb 18, 2010 · > i need a function module to convert the amount according to the currency format . Please help me on this. DATA: a TYPE p DECIMALS 2, b TYPE i, c type n LENGTH 5. As for any function module that does the same, I'm not aware of it. After converting it i need to pass SAP Community Groups Jun 5, 2023 · Hello, Is there any Function Module which converts the quantities based on the decimals points assigned in the T006 table. Aug 29, 2013 · I run into a very weird issue when calling function module ' 'CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY', the result of the exchange rate is 100000 times of the actual value I expected. But it wi The data type of the result depends on the data type of the formal parameter quantity: . But knowing SAP's penchant for FMs you will find scores of them, if you search. g. <in_str> The number string. MC_UNIT_CONVERSION. CALL FUNCTION 'IB_CONVERT_FROM_TIMESTAMP' EXPORTING i_timestamp = timestamp I_TZONE = 'PST' IMPORTING E_DATLO = date E_TIMLO = time. input = p_qtyi May 11, 2007 · Hi Friends, Can you please help me suggesting the solutions for conversion from format say <b>1E+02 to 100</b> Please suggest any conversion function modules or standard solutions for the same Thank you Jul 11, 2017 · Below example explains the use of parameter DECIMAL_SHIFT and DECIMAL_SHIFT_BACK in CDS function CURRENCY_CONVERSION (ABAP 7. Aug 30, 2010 · I've not used any such Function Modules till date. Example : like 3. UNIT_CONVERSION_SIMPLE. To convert a Binary number to a hexadecimal number Just want to make sure, before I create my own Z Function modules. I have to convert this to decimal value. This is what is probably happening to you. Example: 1,234,567. Can u help me on this issue?? Dec 2, 2005 · Hi Alessandro, You cannot convert litres to kilos or any such non-standard conversions with this function module. The result is always an integer, the decimals are missing. now i have to pass packed no p(7) decimals 3 to this how to do it . pk Apr 29, 2006 · If the conversion logic you want to implement is within a loop: Use Simple SAP arithmethic function <b>CEIL</b> this will round of the value to the next upper value or use <b>FLOOR</b> to the lower value. Now this field is mapped in PI without any conversion or transformation. replace ',' in b with space . Hope it helps, Regards, Shanmugavel Chandrasekaran SAP Community WSAF_CONV_STRING_TO_DECIMAL is a standard SAP function module available within R/3 SAP systems depending on your version and release level. Sep 11, 2008 · I want to convert decimals hours into hh:mm:ss i. Thanks in advance , Regards, veera Use the to_decimal function to convert a varchar to a decimal. Defaults Tab, select the decimal notation type u required. 2) function module HRGPBS_HER_FORMAT_AMOUNThi. Regards. Apr 24, 2007 · Use function module MATERIAL_UNIT_CONVERSION. The parameter decimal_shift_back is intended to perform the reverse operation. Message was edited by: Rajvansh Ravi Jan 12, 2009 · Solved: Hi All, I need to convert the amount value in comma to dot say 1000,00 to 1000. Use the to_decimal function to convert a varchar to a decimal. TRANSLATE FILEDNAME The parameter decimal_shift is intended to set the source value to the number of decimal places of the source currency before the conversion. 95 whereas the real amount is 1795. Sep 29, 2005 · Hi, I have a requirement where i have to fetch the value of toleranzob and toleranzun based on the condition. The thread you mention doesn't help either. Whether you're converting strings to integers, handling dates, or managing packed numbers, understanding these conversions can enhance the robustness and accuracy of your ABAP applications. Aug 30, 2007 · The function module <b>CONVERT_STRING_TO_INTEGER</b> converts string to number. a = b. report zrich_0001. Because of that, its technical type, CURR must have two decimal places. i. 000 in ur system it may be , for the separator . data b(4) type c. So I need a FM to change the amount decimal point seperator to 'Comma(22,99)' to 'Period(22. for example , exponential value = -4. See the example below: When I read the batch / Inspection lot characteristics and convert them from floating to char, it is okay. 40). Dec 3, 2005 · However, after trying with several options with MOVE and WRITE input TO output DECIMALS 2 statements and with different data types with different decimals places, I haven't been able to do this conversion. b = a. program as its giving in POPUp. For example. When tested locally in SE37, the value being returned is <field>0. CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY - Conversion of currency. Please let me know first of all is this function module is the correct one? and if it's correct one, Pls. let me know a Dec 4, 2008 · Hi to all, I have a small requirement in PM module. Regards Sep 13, 2007 · Pls kindly let me know if any function module which converts to string to numeric which should work for more than 12 digit before the decimal and 2 digits after the decimal . this function module intern calling "UNIT_CONVERSION_SIMPLE" only. write : / b. '. <b>Friendly Note: </b>You have many open threads. Where Used List (Function Module) for SAP ABAP Table TCURX (Decimal Places in Currencies) Nederlands (Dutch) English Français (French) Deutsch (German) Italiano (Italian) 日本語 (Japanese) 한국의 (Korean) Polski (Polish) Português (Portuguese) русский (Russian) 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese) español (Spanish) 正體中文 Dec 27, 2007 · I am using a BDC to park the Vendor invoice there I am internally calculating some tax amount in that decimal amounts are shown by period based upon my user profile settings. 99)' vice versa based on user profile settings. The FB enters the number of places before and after the decimal point in the NUMBER and DECIMAL fields, the amount in words in the WORD and DECWORD fields, and the figure in words in the DIGnn fields. 0 (in measurement point category temperature). but in quality May 2, 2005 · Hi Experts- I have a need (in ABAP) for being able to convert a decimal value to its hex representation. Aug 20, 2009 · The decimal point and the u2018thousand separatoru2019 must conform the convention used that is specified in the user profile of the user who is running the program. You can use function module currency_amount_sap_to_idoc for this conversion; it performs a suitable currency amount conversion for IDocs. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ',' IN: FILEDNAME WITH ''. Then replace user decimal sign with dot(. Aug 27, 2007 · Function Module for Currency conversion Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. FORM sub_update_qty_wtdes CHANGING p_char. UNIT_IN = 'S' UNIT_OUT = 'H' IMPORTING. If anyone knows function module for this requiremnt or how to proceed with this, Please give me reply. If we will give measuremetn point reading - 55. 25 as amount then it should return some thing like this - ““US Dollar 100 and Cents 25 only”” Feb 12, 2009 · CURRENCY_AMOUNT_SAP_TO_IDOC - Convert currency to IDOC format. Pass the Floating point value to i_fltp_value and get the converted number in e_char_field. condense b. Variable was casted from packed decimal to integer and numeric character types. e. so WRITE TO is not an option (or i missed a parameter somewhere) and i'm unable to find a function module/method where the decimal notation is X or Y. Nov 25, 2008 · Hi, I got two dates and times difference in (lv_hrs )HH:MM format, but i need to convert into decimal hours. But the problem is lv_hrs type tvro-fahztd. Is there a standard function module doing this conversion? Jul 16, 2008 · This option optimizes the runtime of the function module. Before passing the data to the currency conversion function module, use the function module . For Eg: input = 123. output = 0123. Secondly, you could search through SAP - put search terms *CONVERT* or *CONVERSION* etc in SE37 and press F4. So finally i need decimal hours format. Nov 20, 2007 · there is no such FM for it you can use REPLACE and develope your own FM to handle the decimal notation change as per user profile take following code for reference FORM f_convert_num CHANGING ch_num. Rama. Just for better performance . But in database table it will store in exponential format. *FIELD_NUM = 1,233. In IK11 tcode we r giving the measurement point reading in decimal point. Dec 20, 2024 · Introduction Data type conversions are fundamental in any programming language, and SAP ABAP is no exception. 1. 00. 3) SELECT SINGLE DCPFM FROM USR01. Thanks Dec 19, 2007 · The example includes an example of converting this floating-point decimal into a character field. Any function module is there to convert it. data: begin of xtmp, menge type mseg-menge, meins type mseg-meins, end of xtmp. 500000000e+01 so on. Mar 8, 2010 · Hi experts, i am using some function module which has parameter of type char(132) . In the SAP system, all currency amounts are stored with two decimal places. 2000000000000002E+00 after conversion we get decimal value = 4. But when I convert it to decimal it behaves like below: In development and production, 9 is being converted to say 900. The C0 is the hex representation of the d Oct 8, 2013 · this function module is throwing an exception while i am executing the DTP . Null implies a NULL return. Just call this Function Module and it will automatically removes zero from the begining. You do it easily by writing a subroutine. If <in_str> is invalid, the software returns a 0. So before any arithmetic operation value should be adjusted using the real decimals number for the given currency (stored in TCURX). 99</field>. Thank you Aug 30, 2010 · In a move statement, where there is no specification of the decimal and really no way to specify this, SAP does a generic number conversion to an edited string. 00 (for UK user) and 1. Note that The result will be left justified (like all. c = a. Mar 16, 2009 · Hi, Use FM *QSS0_FLTP_TO_CHAR_CONVERSION* for this purpose. , WRITE Aug 8, 2013 · Sorry about my previous post. So the best solution for me is CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY, as I said Search SAP Function Modules. • Setup partner type (SAP recommended ‘US’) using WE44. No matter how the conversion is made, the same results cannot be expected as when using standard function modules for currency conversion, since these modules are generally less precise and round the intermediate results accordingly. Instead of getting <field>0. If the conversion logic you want to implement is outside a loop use the FM mentioned in the post above. Thanks in advance , Regards, veera Apr 13, 2007 · Hi, I'm looking for a possibility to convert a number of type MENG13 from external (text) to internal format. character fields), not right justifed as numbers Dec 18, 2009 · Hi Experts . data: imara like mara. Below is the pattern details for this FM showing its interface including any import and export parameters, exceptions etc as well as any documentation contributions specific to the object. It contains exponentional value like 3. . Sep 22, 2012 · Function Module to Convert Char Value to Float Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. select single * from Use the to_decimal function to convert a varchar to a decimal. depends upon the requiremnt,number of decimals will vary. using MATERIAL_UNIT_CONVERSION is as shown. Conversion Rates by type and date are stored in TCURR (+factors). INTO VAR_DCPFM WHERE BNAME EQ SY-UNAME. It is important, that the decimal notation of the input differs from country to country or even from user to user, and I need to consider this! Example: for input in english decimal nota Mar 31, 2008 · Hi all, i have created a program with batch input. You only need to move your string to decimal number by MOVE comand. If quantity does not have a decimal floating point type, the result has the data type QUAN with the length 31 and 14 decimal places. I have a FM, where the export parameters need to display on to the above pop-up screen. The Function Module C14W_CHAR_NUMBER_CONVERSION (EHS: Prüfung und Konvertierung von Char nach Float und Decimal) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group C14W within the package CBUI. First let us understand what does Standard definition says: DECIMAL_SHIFT - If the value "X" is passed to the parameter decimal_shift, the value passed is multiplied by 10 to the power of two minus the number of Apr 23, 2007 · MD_CONVERT_MATERIAL_UNIT. b = '4,000'. Oct 14, 2021 · As a comparison, the same conversion is also performed using the function module CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY. As SAP strores amounts in Databse with two decimal places When currency changes me must use multiplier for that currency Is there any function module to perform conversion from Databse to output format with reference currency. Therefore I am using the function module CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY. For Example : My input is : Menge - 3000 Meins -ST Displayed Quantity should be 3000 ST and not 3000,000 ST (as ANDEC value in T006 is 0 for ST) My input is : Menge - 3000 Me Jan 2, 2015 · Hi, Any Function module to convert from String to Packed decimal? String value : "15-. -Rakesh Aug 17, 2012 · Converting string to decimal Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. CHANGING wa_deal-aprv_net_price. This is useful only to do standard unit conversions of the same DIMID(dimension ID specifies whether the unit is for measuring MASS or VOLUME or LENGTH etc). </b> This Aug 27, 2008 · Hi . Jun 5, 2023 · Hello, Is there any Function Module which converts the quantities based on the decimals points assigned in the T006 table. 1 is interpreted as 1001000 and the function module dumps when I use 100,1 Feb 13, 2009 · CURRENCY_AMOUNT_SAP_TO_IDOC - Convert currency to IDOC format. This function module is not there in SE80 or SE37. FIrstly, you could use the generic way of searching - Google search, SCN search etc. And, some of the export parameters in the FM are of FLOAT, my proble Jan 22, 2007 · • Additionally set up RFC port for submitting data packages directly to function module IDoc_Inbound_Asynchronous, without creating a file during data conversion. 2 how can i achive this plz ? gunasekaran. Regards , Anuj The results might differ from the results returned when using standard function modules for currency conversion, since these modules are generally less precise and round the intermediate results accordingly. This is because of different configuration of the decimal format in the user settings. PERFORM sub_update_qty_wtdes. 890 , and if there is , then a sample code will be very useful. I have Document IDs such as '189' and '192' and there is an image file associated with each document called '000000BD' and '000000C0. 2, Then pass the Char value to your FM. MATERIAL_UNIT_CONVERSION. or. Mekala Feb 28, 2013 · And existing, the billing docs are loaded using the standard extractor for billing docs. For Example : My input is : Menge - 3000 Meins -ST Displayed Quantity should be 3000 ST and not 3000,000 ST (as ANDEC value in T006 is 0 for ST) My input is : Menge - 3000 Me Jun 13, 2007 · data a type p decimals 3. Feb 29, 2008 · Hi all, I am working on a MPP. INPUT = qmih-auszt. data: input type p decimals 3 value '10. 500000000e+02 or 3. Cheers. Thanks&Regards. 000'. Means MM needs to change (MM/60) decimal hours and add to HH. This form takes t Jan 20, 2006 · Dear All, Will anyone let me know how to convert currency to local currency, I am presently trying with CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY function module, but I am not getting any result. Anil Madhavan Jun 23, 2008 · I have a requirement, where I need to add zeros at the end and beginning of the field along with decimal point. If you are having simple UOM conversion, you can do something like this. The structure SPELL transfers the converted amounts. And, some of the export parameters in the FM are of FLOAT, my proble Nov 25, 2008 · Hi, I got two dates and times difference in (lv_hrs )HH:MM format, but i need to convert into decimal hours. select single * from Nov 10, 2011 · I want to convert an amount from USD to EUR in a routine. If you have any alphabets in your string then it will return zero, it will convert into number only your string completely contains numbers only. if i send Feb 7, 2008 · hi youcan do it by changing your system settings goto menu item system ->user profile ->own data then select defaults tab and select the requried format under decimal notation field. VJ Jun 26, 2007 · FWOS_CURRENCY_DECIMALS_READ :All the currency amounts are stored in SAP tables as CURR(n,2) (the same as DEC(n,2)). 38 into 1:22:48 please give me any function module or is there any formula Dec 8, 2005 · Hi. Please let me know the standard Function Module name for the same. DATA : w_dcpfm LIKE usr01-dcpfm, w_num1(30) TYPE c, w_off TYPE i. character fields), not right justifed as numbers Mar 14, 2007 · since this is a packed decimal it will display decimals as . IF VAR_DCPFM EQ 'X'. this is <b>000</b> decimals 3 . You dont require to remove Zero manually for any variable. 1,234,567. next time when u give input any number, it will display according to that particular notations---Please go to SU01 --> Enter user id --> display --> Anc click on default tab and check the decimal notation. Now i have a field which is a decimal value. For eg if the amount in BSEG table is in Taiwanese Dollars it will be displayed as 17. regards vijay reward points if helpful Mar 17, 2009 · Your code doesn't work well for all currencies (the factor numerator and denominator should be used, and currency amounts should be calculated with a floating decimal separator according to number of decimals of the 2 currencies). Aug 24, 2012 · I am converting float to decimal in SD pricing routine 907. The program DEMO_CDS_CURRENCY_CONVERSION accesses the view in a SELECT statement. Regards, Raju. See the details here: Then I call function module like below: CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY' EXPORTING date = sy-datlo. data: floatout like qmih-auszt, floatp type p decimals 0, printhr(10). 50 or 3. So, I am wondering will converitng the currency using the function modules lead to slight difference between FI and the converted amounts considering that the FI side is 5 decimal places ? I have a feelign my R/3 consultant is confusing me on purpose. Example The following CDS view entity performs a currency conversion in the SELECT list for the column AMOUNT of the DDIC database table DEMO_PRICES. Regards, Tarun Apr 29, 2006 · If the conversion logic you want to implement is within a loop: Use Simple SAP arithmethic function <b>CEIL</b> this will round of the value to the next upper value or use <b>FLOOR</b> to the lower value. 567,00 (for users in France, Germany, etc). Rajvansh. 56. Use numc only when you know the length of number beforehand. to convert a Decimal number to a binary number 2. Jun 18, 2009 · Try this code. I also tried to use decimal values as input, 100. Is there a function module which converts the decimal value into the right de. CALL FUNCTION 'UNIT_CONVERSION_SIMPLE' EXPORTING. 345 is displaying to u as 345,000. report zrich_0002. This will remove the ',' from the numeric value. It's very easy operation, so I don't know if there are some fm. at selection-screen. Nov 14, 2011 · Kindly let me know if there is any standard Function Module available through which amount with decimal can be converted into word as per the specified currency. EXCEPTIONS Jun 15, 2007 · Hello Friends, Is there an Function Module available in SAP, 1. --Go to System>User Profile>Own data. call function 'UNIT_CONVERSION_SIMPLE' exporting. Feb 26, 2014 · Hi Experts, I have a field in a function module with type decimal. Apr 2, 2009 · If the country key you specified does not exist, the system sets sy-subrc equal to 4 and formats for all 'WRITE' statements with the decimal characters as period '. Mar 20, 2009 · Use FM CLSE_SELECT_USR01 and get user default decimal sign and separator. then use the converted value to pass to the currency conversion function module. Mar 24, 2009 · CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT--- It is used to Remove 0(Zero) from the Begining of the value. 99</field>, without the lef May 13, 2009 · * The following function module is used to convert the * above obtained timestamp to PST time zone date and time. Mar 7, 2008 · There is a function module that helps convert currency without decimals into the right format. pk May 27, 2010 · hi experts, i want to convert from exponential value to decimal value , for this conversion any function module is there. 234. 99</field>, I get <field>. Dec 18, 2009 · Hi Experts . E. Message was edited by: Rajvansh Ravi Aug 20, 2009 · The decimal point and the u2018thousand separatoru2019 must conform the convention used that is specified in the user profile of the user who is running the program. Dec 8, 2018 · use FM CONVERT_NUMBER. Before moving the string you have to delete the virgola, because the dump occurs: Jun 18, 2009 · Variable was casted from packed decimal to integer and numeric character types. Hello, Why do you need a FM for this ? If you want the conversion while displaying then just pass the corresponding currency name & SAP will automatically do the conversion . if the currency contains 3 decimal it should convert according to it . Sep 13, 2007 · Pls kindly let me know if any function module which converts to string to numeric which should work for more than 12 digit before the decimal and 2 digits after the decimal . 5 Kindly tell me which function module can Feb 20, 2008 · Conversion of Hexadecimal to Decimal value Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. , if we pass USD as currency and 100. So after a little research I found this function module that converted the exponential format to float format. Aug 8, 2013 · Sorry about my previous post. WRITE: a, / a NO-GROUPING, / b, / b NO-GROUPING, / c. jpg' respectively. CLOI_PUT_SIGN_IN_FRONT Move the negative sign from the left hand side of a number, to the right hand side of the number. p Mar 8, 2010 · Hi, 1, USe FM FLTP_CHAR_CONVERSION to convert Packed value to Char. Get base UOM. 234,56. htkr hfcw udir pptnai mrnaugr lvln jaxqgwy edwml rkpwcjj aicrwwt wofz bfmey byspb rtvqnzn ookd