Run scheduled task user rights. ') do move “%%~a” c .
Run scheduled task user rights " This will work after enabling "run whether user is logged on or not". We have a policy whereby each domain user must change their password every 30 days. Scheduled Tasks that require Domain Admin rights are tricky. I've tried manually adding permissions in C:\Windows\System32\Tasks In my special case the task should also run if another non-admin-user is logging in. It would be easier to have the System task create a task for the user. In the Task Scheduler window, click or tap "Create Task" in the Actions column on This looks interesting but I think it will make it more complicated. Feb 12, 2013 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Aug 11, 2021 · Checking the history when running the task as System (for example) shows Powershell being run and the task starting successfully, but then no other events appear, and nothing happens. Dec 20, 2012 · Now that the user has the right to run the scheduled task whether or not they are logged in, we need to create a scheduled task that will run whether or not the user is logged in. Specifies the level of user rights that Task Scheduler uses to run the tasks that are associated with the principal. Problem is, they cannot see tasks created by others users, as permissions of scheduled task folders are not inherited correctly. However, since I am getting the error, „user not logged-on“, the setting „Run whether user is logged in or not“ seems to apply specifically to the user specified in the task, not to just any user. The batch file produces the expected result, so there’s no issue there. If the user have no such privileges, you may add them to his account (via gpedit, for example), or use another account for task Jun 23, 2023 · I want to use Task Schedule to run an app at log-on for all users on my PC using admin rights. In the “General” tab – ensure the following settings are entered: “Run whether user is logged on or not” “Run with highest privileges” Apr 26, 2016 · I was trying to create a task for account Administrator via powershell, and was logged on as regular user. I found this article: For security reasons, a non-administrator user cannot view nor manage a Windows Task Scheduler task that was created by another user. PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e. If you do not specify a path, the cmdlet uses the root folder. To check this, right-click on the task in the Task Scheduler, select "Properties," and go to the "General" tab. Now let’s schedule your PowerShell script within Task Scheduler. Jan 5, 2025 · To access Task Scheduler, follow these steps: Press Windows + R to open the Run dialog. 1 – Search Task scheduler in taskbar search and click on it . To make a task run interactively, select the "Run only when user is logged on radio button. I've looked at the logon as batch job rights, but this is assigned to a number of service accounts in the default domain policy, and applies to all servers we manage. Running the scheduled Jun 14, 2024 · When I try saving the task, I get the following message: This task requires that the user account specified has Log on as batch job rights. Other than the filesystem permissions, you'll need to allow Log on as a batch job. There you can set the task itself to run as a non-privileged group. You can run task scheduler without any admin rights whatsoever, you will just be prompted for credentials during task creation if you pick task settings that requires UAC premissions. It's just an example, I have many different . Sep 20, 2017 · On the other hand, if I were to schedule the task as an administrator, the non-admin can't even see the task, let alone get last run time and result. – If your account is a standard account, you will not have permission to create task or schedule task. cmd file should contain below cmd : cscript. JSON, CSV, XML, etc. microsoft. I'm running the task as a Domain User that's defined in the "Log on as a batch job" setting. The Task Scheduler console will open. It controls allowing the session to be created for a scheduled task. Open Task Scheduler: Launch Task Scheduler as described above. Thus, no way for non-admin user to see if the task exists or has run successfully other than writing results to a log or something. …how about scheduling this bat file and running using a local administrator ? @echo off. Set the task to run as the local group Users (S-1-5-32-545) only when the user is logged on to run as any user that signs in. h) Click OK. What local group other than Administrators can I assign that user to be able to avoid that warning message and run tasks as that user. cmd extension. Jul 14, 2023 · In Windows 11/10, a non-admin user can’t run a scheduled task that requires admin privileges. Nov 2, 2022 · Our QA team members need the ability to view and execute the tasks in task scheduler. Mar 20, 2017 · If you run Task Scheduler as Administrator, the option to Change User or Group will be available. The question is: How can I create a scheduled task as administrator. We have a new inventory system, which has a scheduled task that runs an access file to sync it’s inventory with our main purchasing system. Personally I would change the task to run as interactive, then have the whole script do the uptime check and toast, rather then just scheduling the toast. Make sure the user account has "Run with highest privileges" selected. If this radio button is selected, tasks will not run interactively. We are just mixed up somehow about what exactly is happening when "it works". I need any number of users from my inventory department to be able to trigger this task, but I don’t want them logging in Dec 20, 2024 · Assign the GPO to the computer. I ran Set-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Task" -User GMSA$ to get the GMSA account to be run. exe Mar 5, 2020 · Right now we have to explicitly specify the user name, so the task can only be run for this specific user. Having said that, you could do something creative with the task's triggers as one possible option. I have the task set to run whether the user is logged in or not and with the highest privileges. Nov 15, 2021 · This tutorial contains instructions on how to create a scheduled task, that will run for every user connects on a Windows 10 PC. What we Jul 22, 2022 · With read-only permissions, the primary user is not able to successfully run the BAT file because she does not have the permissions required for it to complete successfully. The problem of permissions for Scheduled Tasks applies to Windows OS 2016 / Windows 10 and later, as far as I can tell. Apr 10, 2023 · Right-click on the Scheduled Tasks directory and hover the cursor over New. In order to read CPU temperature, the task needs to run with admin privileges. In general, it is not inherently dangerous to have Mar 21, 2018 · Something is wrong with the "Log on as batch job" rights. Looking at other scheduled tasks I see two possibilities: Jan 4, 2010 · For those who can use PowerShell 3. which enables an administrator to modify scheduled tasks (or also you can use ("/RL", "HIGHEST") for Run with highest privileges) Hope this helps !! Mar 29, 2014 · You can absolutely create a tasks without admin rights, it's just local to your standard user account. e) Double click Log on as a batch job on the right side. 4 – Select whether user is logged on or not. Keep the system up to date with the latest security patches. And if I edited in Task scheduler it didn't ask for password. related post, which didn't get answered, neither helped: Allow non-admin user to run scheduled task in Windows Server 2016 Sep 27, 2023 · You need to ensure that the user has the necessary permissions to execute the task. We can add the host either individually or using a security group, we will be using a group in this post as it will be easier to mange and just need to add any additional servers to the group to allow access. Run Command Prompt in elevated mode (run as admin) Type the following Jul 22, 2022 · You can run a scheduled task as non-admin but there are a few things you need to consider. Tasks run by using the least-privileged user account (LUA). Is there an overall "view" or "read" permission for Task Scheduler on a Windows Server? or do we have to grant permissions at the task level? Secondly, are there any options Apr 25, 2016 · I have a piece of software, which CAN be installed as usual: User starts the exe-file, UAC prompts for Admin-Rights, Software is installed in the Users Environment Context. bat" Now the schedule task is created and i can run manually in Task scheduler window in administrator and in standard user no tasks are visible in Task Nov 11, 2022 · Windows Scheduled Task Permissions Issues. To force the scheduled task to run, with any user account, modify the task's properties as follows: 1. The acceptable values for this parameter are: Highest. But for some of them, we need to create then to run as a different user (Local Service or Network Service). May 7, 2023 · The purpose of setting permissions on scheduled tasks is to allow users to see/edit/create/delete scheduled tasks. When I try to run a scheduled task as non-root and non-admin, it won't run, even if it's something very simple like . You can create any PowerShell script and place it in the same folder as the other script files. bat file : cd "C:\\soft\\" Start excel "" "AD Auto Run. Limited. I did have an issue getting the scheduled task to run as the account though. (0x41303)' in 'Last Run Result'. There are dozed of sites that describes that the permissions of an task can be changed by setting the filesystems rights in C:\Windows\System32\Tasks. I have also included the users in secpol. Create a new task. To run PowerShell scripts with the task scheduler, we can’t simply select the PowerShell file that we want to schedule. This script modifies the ACLs for the specific named Scheduled Task. 8 – Click on Action Tab run a shortcut to the . I upgraded a Windows Server 2012 R2 to Windows Server 2019. –. How can I do that? I tried to choose to start at log-on for any user in the tab Triggers but the task only Oct 17, 2013 · However if I try to run the scheduled task using the domain account (normal domain user) the task shows it has completed but actually nothing happens. 3 – Name the task. " Regular users can't create scheduled tasks as other users as that could allow privilege escalation. If I schedule a task to run at 5am every day, what user does that run under? Does that user need log on access? Jul 10, 2019 · Windows 8. But he must have enough privileges to execute the actions performed in task action. To specify a full TaskPath you need to include the leading and trailing \. Jan 20, 2022 · at least in the enterprise, never use your own account for a scheduled task. Now when we check KDS again we can see the root key. Step 1: Open Task Scheduler. which you wouldn't see running it with the Run whether user is logged on or not option. exe “” In the scheduler, give the path as follows : Dec 19, 2021 · The task should run when I am logged in as a normal user. We have users who want to run scheduled tasks. These ACLs are stored in the registry. Unticked some_domain\my_user is a real Active Directory user and it has administrator privileges on the machine where the task is supposed to run - however, it is not a "local user" on this machine. 1. How to fix: Scheduled task not running for any user or runs in the background (Windows 10). using DOS or PowerShell-comnmands; that runs with System priviliges Jun 11, 2015 · The scheduled task only runs with administrator privileges enabled if the option "Run with highest privileges" is enabled - that's what that option is for. echo hi. If I add the user to the admins group, it also runs May 25, 2019 · How do I run a scheduled task with elevated privileges? 3 Answers. Then you just have to trigger the task when ever. You can confirm with the Local Security Policy tool. bat. It never opens the program, just sits on "running" endlessly. So this is not a reliable option. I notice that when I Create a Task in the Task Scheduler, there is an option to select the user account under which the task should be run. . This nifty trick involves creating a task in Task Scheduler that runs with admin rights and linking it to a shortcut. The user you are running as cannot be admin. There are additional premission you can add to the standard user profile to allow the profile to create task. If you want the user to run a script or exe, make sure that it is a local resource and not somewhere in the network on another machine. When the Task is created, I get the same "the user account does not have permission to run this task" message. 1 User1: Admin User2: Only user with access to run application X. Here’s the link to the original post for context: Periodically Backing up Files Stored on Server To sum it all up, I created a scheduled task on my server to execute a batch file twice a week. Is this right a part of the user permissions defined inside Active Directory, or is it a permission that I need to define separately on the local Windows VM? Feb 7, 2012 · I'm trying to run a Scheduled Task on a 2008 R2 Domain Controller and all was well until I set it into the production environment. If the lucas user is your own user that has admin privileges, create a new user on your system with different credentials, ensure it is not admin and use that user instead. The Windows Task Scheduler originates from Windows 95! and is a great way to schedule tasks in Windows. g. Feb 18, 2019 · I'm creating Windows Scheduled Tasks dynamically from c# using the build-in TaskService and TaskDefinition libraries. However, when I choose "Run only when user is logged on", everything works properly, does somebody have an explanation for that ? Mar 14, 2020 · No, non-admin cannot manage scheduled tasks unless run as an administrator. As the tasks are created and removed dynamically we cannot edit all of them manually to change the user. If you’re using a standard user account, ensure it is part of the local administrator group Jun 28, 2018 · While you are logged onto that machine as User2 run the scheduled task or at least test it with Run only when user is logged on and Run with highest privileges and this should pop up the command prompt window when it runs and show any errors, etc. You will need to run the script as an admin and elevated. In 'General tab: a. Why does Task Scheduler not put user in allow list? The task scheduler should put the user in that allow list when you create the task. Jul 22, 2018 · The easiest and the fastest way to achieve this is to grant permissions to the Scheduled Tasks ( C:\windows\tasks) folder. ""select the radio button labeled Run whether user is logged on or not. The task didn't run even when executing from Task Scheduler manually, and kept saying 'The task has not yet run. You will see many links to many Q&A answers that say you need this or that LogonType (notably, S4U or ServiceAccount) or run it with the highest privileges, etc. On the General tab, you must select an Action, In the Change User or Group field, type in the following command: %LogonDomain The main problem is that the "logged on user" doesn't change when another user logs on. Let’s dive into the steps to achieve this. Create a scheduled task for the app, game or file that you want to run without UAC prompts. Thanks for your sharing! I think your blog will help a lot of users who have the same requests. " I'm trying to create and run a scheduled task under the context of the logged on user. FOR /F "tokens=" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d /s pdf. When you schedule tasks under a particular user name and password (not domain user), automatically the user is assigned the Log on as a batch job user right. Taken directly from the horse's mouth. Someone could just change the PowerShell/Batch script you are running and would automatically have SYSTEM rights, which is not ideal, to put it mildly. Then when ever you need to trigger it, just run the System task and it creates the task, waits till the user task runs, removes the user task. Thank you for the link. For giggles I also added the account to "Allow log on locally" after the former failed. . Even more, the task ist not visible to him at all. Currently the task is not running, if the non-admin-user is logging in. Hi all, Just wondering the best way to grant 2 finance users the ability to trigger a scheduled task on a single server. Oct 5, 2012 · When I assign user to a task, I get warning message "This task requires that the user account specified has Log on as batch job rights", but then I can click ok and it keeps this user assigned for that task. If you see Nov 30, 2018 · Then you are assuming that the ID used to run the scheduled task have rights to modify both the scheduled task script, the downloaded files and the write destination. Jul 25, 2019 · View and execute the tasks configured by domain administrator. Feb 23, 2022 · To be clear here, the task runs successfully when the task trigger is set to User Logon. I would swear that this used to work. Sep 24, 2018 · If you do not feel like reading another guide, a quick method is to search for "task scheduler" in Windows and click or tap the appropriate search result. Another context menu will open, where you must click the Scheduled Task (At least Windows 7) option. A scheduled task requires an account to log on with. Feb 14, 2012 · I'm very confused at what permissions are necessary to run scheduled tasks. Scheduled Task running as gMSA, and gMSA added to group granted access to a specific folder in a network share. com-windows-schtasks. And my really question was about if there is a user which can create & execute scheduled task on every machine that this user can get reverse shell to all machines but as I read blog, post and other resources I did not understand only is it possible to assign such permissions to a user to be able only to create and execute scheduled tasks Aug 23, 2018 · Use scheduled task using command-lets, then use the link below : learn. Options are set as follows May 17, 2024 · "When running the task, use the following user account:" some_domain\my_user "Run whether user is logged on or not": Ticked "Do not store password. Jan 24, 2022 · Easiest fix is to right-click the job to export the task to XML, rename it in notepad, and then import by right-clicking the task scheduler library. Oct 31, 2017 · Scheduled Task: run under system, execute script; Give user read and execute rights on specific task under C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ Now in server 2016 this doesn't work anymore. Jan 10, 2025 · Check user permissions: Make sure the account used for the task has the necessary permissions to run the specified program. It is no longer possible to use this trick for a non-admin user. xml. Aug 22, 2023 · Use a user account with limited privileges to run scheduled tasks. Use a firewall and antivirus software to protect the system from attacks. Step 2. Can the gmsa be added to an AD security like any other user account? Yup, we just set up something similar a week ago. On some systems, users may need to have the "Log on as a batch job" right to Problem is - the task will only run as a background process and won't actually load onto the screen. Get KDS Root Key. f) Click Add User or Group. From Windows Task Scheduler on the job Properties (see bottom most screen shots) in the. is there way to run /disable task from user account. Now that we have the KDS root key we can create the gMSA. find the task you want to run usually in c:\windows\system32\tasks right click and change NTFS permissions of the user or group to Read and Execute The user should then be able to use schtasks /run /tn "NameOfTask" Mar 7, 2017 · Per Shaun's suggestion, here's the Powershell script. (without admin rights) Mar 20, 2021 · There is a way to specifically do what the original question asked for: to modify the permissions of a Scheduled Task to allow Authenticated Users to "run/trigger" that Scheduled Task. and delete the task: schtasks /delete /tn Nov 5, 2015 · TASK SCHEDULER: SCHEDULED BATCH SCRIPT NOT RUNNING. Oct 3, 2024 · If the task is run as an unprivileged user, their account must be added to the local security policy Log on as a batch job (gpedit. Do you know how to do it? Thank you. Task Scheduler Properties. Try gpupdate /force to push the newest GP. Tasks run by using the highest privileges. This is the actual script file you want to run using a scheduled task. If I run the task as admin, it works fine. ), REST APIs, and object models. Put their SID in the script. g) Select the user. I get this run result every time - "The task is currently running (0x41301)", even if I end the tasks, run the task manually etc. bat instead, which is set to execute under Administrative account in shortcut's properties ; whoami /all - during scheduled run - reports that High Mandatory Level group is associated with the . Review the task history : Task Scheduler keeps a history of task runs, which can help diagnose issues. Don The computer cannot assign the user right to accounts that are used for scheduled jobs in the Task Scheduler. I have made sure to check "Run with highest privileges", and "Allow task to be run on demand" in the task settings. Open Task Scheduler. Feb 4, 2019 · d) Go to Security Settings - Local Policies - User Rights Assignment node. Oct 10, 2023 · The first option that we are going to look at is using the task scheduler in Windows to run a PowerShell Script. Specifies an array of one or more paths for scheduled tasks in Task Scheduler namespace. Creating a Basic Scheduled Task. Obviously, the concept of "administrator privileges" includes accessing objects that are restricted to members of the Administrators group, since there are many sensitive objects that are Apr 9, 2021 · In the latest versions of Windows 10, doing schtasks /run now requires administrator permissions. DONE! Exporting and reimporting the task scheduler fixed the Permission issue. Find Task Scheduler in your Windows search bar and open it up. You can use "*" for a wildcard character query. However, when I go in to Jul 9, 2010 · I know this thread is ancient, but I am doing something similar and it has to do with the NTFS permissions of the task file itself. Nov 4, 2022 · How can we give non-administrators the ability to view and run scheduled tasks using a role? Try this. I have given permissions for the required users on C:\Windows\System32\Tasks folder and files under it. Aug 27, 2019 · I've got a custom scheduled task set up in Windows Task Scheduler, but somehow the access control permissions for it have gotten broken. 6 – Click Ok. Your account would have to be an administrator account to schedule task for the system or it would have to be run as the administrator. xlsm" its On Windows Server 2008 R2, one must specify a user for each scheduled task to run under. The task scheduler should put the user in that allow list when you create the task. The script itself works IF I run it as "administrator" (so UAC admin), and that's where I get stuck. Sep 7, 2021 · This is a follow up to a post that I made a few weeks ago. Even though I'm logged in as admin, I can't change the user The user already has Remote Desktop rights to the server, but when they open Task Scheduler, they cannot see the tasks that have been setup by another user (administrator). ps1. Now, I’m looking for a way to do “this” automatically - using a GPO. Jul 31, 2020 · I'm hoping you can help with a question about the permissions required to run a user-defined script as a scheduled task. Type taskschd. The . You cannot log on as a group. If I export the Task to XML, delete the task, then import the XML file, the presumably identical Task thus created runs without problems. msc under Security Settings – Local Policies – User Rights Assignment node → Log on as a batch job parameter. use a local account or a "service" account that multiple parties can use. Mar 17, 2016 · Hello, I have created a schedule task in administrator account using following command where administrator2 is the one more admin account in my pc, schtasks /create /RU "administrator2" /RP password /SC ONSTART /tn "my task" /tr "example. 5 – Select Run with highest priviledeges. ') do move “%%~a” c PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e. I can't get scheduled task to run as "administrator", which it needs to in order to uninstall the software (The task itself works, it calls the script but fails because of UAC). May 24, 2021 · The user account does not have permission to Enable/Disable/Run task Scheduler in Windows server 2019. Nov 11, 2014 · There isn't functionality in the Task Scheduler in Windows Server 2008 (or newer versions, based on what I'm seeing) to delegate permission to start tasks to non-Administrator users. It also depends on what the tasks are you'd like the user to execute. Basically, I want to schedule a task to run the application each morning, but User2 is unable to run the tasks with "Run with highest privileges". Create a file and save it with . Permissions can be granted to a user or to a group by using the CACLS command. It seems as though users do not have permission to trigger a task. NET applications I need to setup using this DOMAIN/Scheduled_Tasks user so this is just a test: Jan 26, 2017 · TL;DR: I need an average domain user to trigger a scheduled task on a server, with no other special permissions for that server. Here is the example on how to grant permissions for a user or to a group. Only run scheduled tasks that are necessary and that have been properly vetted for security. Any ideas how this can be enforced in the Scheduler / scheduled job? ===== Jan 11, 2025 · RestartWindows. cd\ cd c:\users. Maybe you mean "I found a way to bypass this verification and it lets me create the scheduled task" but there is no way the scheduled task is functional like this. I've tried running both as System and User. Nov 12, 2019 · I have a scheduled task that I have set running as a Group Managed service account. This creates a probl Jul 27, 2010 · "The Task runs under domain credentials (which also happen to have local Administrators membership). The "users" group can see this particular task and has read & execute rights to the task file (in c:\Windows\System32\Tasks), and users can create other tasks and run them. Microsoft has closed the loophole in Windows by which a non-admin user could launch an admin task via the Task Scheduler. Jul 24, 2013 · I'm having a problem with scheduling a task in Windows 7 I m creating a task which is mapped to a bat file to execute, here is my . Jun 19, 2021 · To avoid this issue, don't enable the Run in logged-on user's security context (user policy option) Common option when configuring user GPP Scheduled Tasks items. You can use \* for the root folder. The action options are as follows: Program/script: powershell. I was looking to do this to make things simpler for our helpdesk so they can just run a script and it will setup a scheduled task with all the requirements, but I think at this point it will be simpler for them to just create the task using script and then change the run as user. 2 – Click on Create Task . Mar 26, 2021 · As you can see, the task runs as the Users group, and is allowed to start on demand. Is it possible to grant permission to User2 using User1? On Windows a User with just “normal” user rights cannot see and execute Tasks created from User with Administrator permissions. If you create a scheduled task with a standard Domain Admin user account, everything will work as expected, but only if that same user account is logged on when the scheduled task runs. This task doesn't have to be a Run At Logon-task, we have some tasks that run regularly over the day, but with the wrong Run As-user. If you want to limit it to the QA Team and not all users, then pick a temp file and set the NTFS permissions for read/execute to the QA Team, and run "cacls /s" to display the SDDL. The problem is that I used my user credentials in the scheduled task Feb 5, 2024 · Adding root key. (I tried to use some MSI-Wrapper, this failed, cause the “exe” installs 3 applications, prompting 3 times for UAC Confirmation, which most of Dec 20, 2019 · Local user may start task scheduler and create its own tasks relative to his events (log in, for example) behalf of his account. The task works fine if I run it as an administrator. Same for Scheduled jobs. you wouldn't want all your tasks to stop running just because you got a new job and your account was disabled, and using your own account prevents other administrators from editing the tasks you create. Also try making the user local Jun 6, 2018 · In the schedule task properties, I chose "run this script wether the user is logged on or not " but it seems that it prevents devcon from running properly. May 20, 2021 · To allow a non-admin user to run a scheduled task in Windows Server 2016 and above, you may use the following Powershell script. This scheduled task will be deployed on 1000s of computers for 100s of companies - all Windows 10, but of many, many difference configurations (pro, enterprise, OEM, site modified). Task Scheduler service logs on the user as a batch job when the scheduled time 6 days ago · How to Allow a Standard User to Run a Program Without Admin Rights in Windows 10. My goal is to have the scheduled task run as a normal domain user, I have given the proper permissions to the files and folder where the exe is located as well as in the scheduled task enabled The more permissions you give the scheduled task the more restrictive you have to be who can actually change the task and/or the script file that it's running. Right now I have a script written and I'm using Scripts in Intune to push it to the machine and register it. msc and press Enter, or search for “Task Scheduler” in the Windows Start menu. msc-> Computer Configuration-> Windows Settings-> Security Settings-> Local Policies-> User Rights Assignment). I could imagine giving a non-Administrator user rights to write If you run the job a a user account it must have access to all the locations the script is trying to access and anything it's trying to modify, and then that account has to have "run as a batch job" permission as well, which the Task Scheduler will usually ask you if you want it to add for that account when it sees it being used for "whether Aug 4, 2011 · First, create a scheduled task to run your command with default options as the current user (this will by default create a scheduled task that only runs when you are logged in): schtasks /create /tn mytask /SC HOURLY /TR "calc" Then export the task as XML: schtasks /query /XML /tn mytask > temp. 0 on Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012, new cmdlets will let you do it in a simple way when registering your scheduled task with the cmdlet Register-ScheduledTask and as argument -User "System" Here is a scheduled task created entirely with PS, its purpose is to restart a service My Service, using the SYSTEM Jan 4, 2024 · How to Run a Program with admin rights using task scheduler. opf dcvckufd rnpi zymzv ueqvyw nbtzg odmv ceaby ydtd eobx cgpis keax oyxf jfxknhm aghsj