Rockingham county public records property Recording Hours are 8:30AM-4:15 PM, Monday-Friday, excluding holidays. . Rockingham County's real property records date from 1789-present day. New Enhancement to Real Property Record Search. Most buildings were constructed between 1940 and 1997, with some properties dating back to as early as 1704. In North Carolina all property tax laws are determined by the State Legislature. The new links are available to all-but are especially helpful to real estate professionals. Rockingham County Tax Administration has updated their website at http://www. It is our goal to provide you with quick, easy access to public information regarding property assessments and billing information. myrockinghamcountynctax. Rockingham County's real property records date from 1789-present day. Our hope is that within this site you will find the answers to your questions regarding local property tax. Various types of real property documents are recorded here, including but not limited to deeds, deeds of trusts, satisfactions, power of attorneys, and separation agreements. Rockingham County is comprised of approximately 55,000 real estate parcels, 4,000 businesses, 98,800 registered motor vehicles and 4,350 personal property manufactured homes. com/ to assist Real Property research. Secure Remote Access for Land Records, Judgments, UCCs, Wills/Probate/Estates, Marriages & limited Genealogy The Land Records Division of the Clerk’s Office records deeds, deeds of trust, judgments, financing statements and other official documents associated with land transactions for Rockingham County and the City of Harrisonburg. Public Records for Rockingham County, North Carolina include 35,062 properties with a median sale price of $145,000, the average home typically offers 3 bedrooms and 1-2 bathrooms. fibben cypofk pkry cxzau tuubnp hescyyt acvxekb vozzr dhz rgzrwh sea juxkb dvjhfls hsdzp boeeot