Reva sevander wiki. Sign in to edit History Talk (0) Reva Sevander.
Reva sevander wiki Order 66. Pola Jane O'Mara ist eine deutschsprachige Synchronsprecherin, welche im Jahr 2022 die Sprechrolle für die Inquisitorin Reva Sevander in der Disney+-Live-Action-Serie Obi-Wan Kenobi übernommen hat. The Third Sister is later involved in trying to track down Obi-Wan Kenobi, an Order 66 survivor, whom she Darth Vader instructs the Third Sister (Reva Sevander) to find his former Jedi Master-turned-enemy Obi-Wan Kenobi, promising her the position of Grand Inquisitor if she succeeds. Es hija de la también actriz y directora de doblaje Rebeca Patiño y de Jorge Robles, defensor de los derechos humanos. Beliau terkenal dengan wataknya sebagai Jolene dalam siri mini Netflix The Queen's Gambit (2020), yang mana dia telah dicalonkan untuk Anugerah Emmy Primetime untuk Pelakon Pembantu Cemerlang dalam Siri atau Filem Terhad atau Antologi, [1] dan sebagai Reva Sevander Sep 10, 2024 · Moses Ingram, atriz da série Obi-Wan Kenobi explicou a diferença entre sua personagem, Reva Sevander, e Darth Vader. Denn auch sie war es, die die Kopfgeldjäger Reva Sevander joined the Inquisitorius to get closer to Darth Vader and wait for the right moment to take revenge on the Sith Lord. It was similar in appearance to other double-bladed spinning lightsabers wielded by Imperial Inquisitors. Reva fica impaciente e tenta matá-lo, forçando o Grande Inquisidor a detê-la e permitindo que Nari escape. She is the most powerful Sith Lady in the Dark Side. Ayaamii Sledge at the Internet Movie Database Ayaamii Sledge (@ayaamiisledge) on Instagram (backup link (ayaamiisledge) not verified!) History [] Star Wars: The Clone Wars [] Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi []. Include crossovers; Exclude Monique Denise Ingram (lahir 6 Februari 1994), dikenali secara profesional sebagai Moses Ingram, ialah seorang pelakon Amerika. Reva Sevander, better known as the Third Sister, is the secondary antagonist of the 2022 Disney+ Star Wars miniseries Obi-Wan Kenobi. Feb 20, 2025 · Jedi Initiate Reva Sevander | Third Sister (3) Time Travel (2) Canon-Typical Violence (2) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Meanwhile in space, Darth Vader's Imperial Star Destroyer Devastator pursues Kawlan Roken's They are both female assassins who used to work for evil organizations, until they learned the truth about them and rebelled against them, vowing to kill the leader they had served. [1] Obi-Wan Kenobi — "Part I" (First appearance) (In flashback(s)) Obi-Wan Kenobi 1 (In flashback(s This category is for images of Reva Sevander. Az Obi-Wan Kenobi sorozatban tűnik föl először. She is one of the Inquisitors assigned by the Empire to track down and kill any remaining Jedi in the galaxy. Reva Sevander, also known as the Third Sister, is the secondary antagonist of the Disney+ Star Wars's television series, Obi-Wan. 2022 Topps Now Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi #9 Reva on the hunt for Obi-Wan Kenobi PR1161 Part II : 2022 Topps Now Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi #12 Darth Vader & The Inquisitors PR1330 Part III : 2022 Topps Now Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi #17 Reva interrogates Princess Leia Organa PR1019 Part IV : 2022 Topps Now Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi #24 Reva vs リーヴァ・サヴェンダー(Reva Sevander)、別名サード・シスター(Third Sister)はフォース感応者の人間女性で、銀河帝国の尋問官である。尋問団の他の構成員と同じく、サード・シスターもフォースのダークサイドに転向した元ジェダイであり、かつての仲間であるジェダイ・オーダーの生存者 Reva Sevander. La Amenaza Fantasma; El Ataque de los Clones; La Venganza de los Sith; Una Nueva Esperanza Grand Inquisitor Reva Sevander, also known as Third Sister, is a major protagonist turned antagonist turned back a protagonist in Star Wars canon. Disclaimer: This information comes from the Grand Inquisitor's page on Disney Wiki. Reva is hunting Voe, believing her to be a target that will garner her favor with Vader. Ancienne Jedi, elle maîtrise le côté obscur de la Force. War. As the hunt for Obi-Wan Kenobi came A droid was once owned by the Force-sensitive human female[1] Reva Sevander,[2] though it was later taken from her. In the Moses Ingram, née en 1994 à Baltimore (), est une actrice américaine. Originally intended for Obi-Wan Kenobi, Organa's transmission mentioned Luke Skywalker and his family on the Outer Rim planet Jan 13, 2024 · Reva Sevander/3rd Sister (OWK) VS. Reva Sevander fue una mujer humana sensible a la Fuerza que sirvió al Imperio Galáctico como miembro de la Inquisición cazadora de Jedi bajo el título de Tercera Hermana, y ejerciendo brevemente de Gran Inquisidora. Total - 1 Kawlan Roken's Wife - Killed by either ATTENZIONE! QUESTA PAGINA CONTIENE SPOILER DA Obi-Wan Kenobi SI CONSIGLIA CAUTELA Reva Sevander, conosciuta tra gli Inquisitori come Terza Sorella, era un'umana Sensibile alla Forza membro degli Inquisitori dell'Impero Galattico durante l'Era Imperiale. Trained by Darth Vader, the Inquisitors hunted down and killed any Jedi who survived Order 66, which wiped out most of the Jedi Order. A Jedi Initiate clan included the Jedi younglings Reva Sevander and Faris. 501st Legion: Nax; Bounty Hunters and Nov 22, 2024 · Reva’s character may have missed the mark for some, but Ingram’s dedication to the role ensured she left a strong impression. in addition to Joel Edgerton Jun 7, 2022 · Moses Ingram stars as the villainous Reva Sevander in Obi-Wan Kenobi and has appeared in critically-acclaimed projects. In addition to killing Jedi, the Esta categoría es para imágenes de Reva Sevander. "Part VI" is the sixth and the final episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi and aired on June 22, 2022. Alright, elephant in the room: her name. Surviving her wounds inflicted by fallen Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, newly titled Darth Vader, she would be taken in by the Empire, where she was placed as an Inquisitor La Troisième Sœur,[3] aussi connue sous le nom de Reva, était une humaine[2] sensible à la Force,[4] qui servit l'Empire Galactique durant son règne en tant qu'Inquisitrice de l'Inquisitorius. She stops herself from killing Luke Skywalker and starts a new path. The first time we actually saw a double-bladed lightsaber was in The Phantom Menace , when Darth Maul used it. It premiered on Disney+ on May 27, 2022 with two episodes, and concluded on June 22, 2022. com/wiki/Reva_Sevander. (Kawlan Roken) Sung Kang (Fifth Brother) Simone Kessell (Breha Organa) Benny Safdie (Nari) Vivien Lyra Blair (Princess Leia) Jimmy Smits (Bail Organa) Flea . Reva Sevander/Third Sister2. Prior to the rise of Emperor Palpatine, Sevander held the rank of Jedi May 28, 2022 · Obi-Wan Kenobi actress Moses Ingram has explained what it is that sets her character, Reva Sevander, apart from Darth Vader. Star Wars Combined Universe Wiki. She was an inquisitor to the Imperial Empire. She was born on the planet Cularin, and lived on the world for all her life. Po zranieniu pierwotnego Wielkiego Inkwizytora i namierzeniu Obi-Wana Kenobiego został awansowana przez Vadera na miejsce byłego Wielkiego Jun 2, 2022 · Reva Sevander (aka, the Third Sister) is a member of the Imperial Inquisition, meaning she's a Jedi who turned to the Dark Side and now hunts Jedi herself. In hopes to anniliate his helpless enemies across the Galactic Disc, including the Jedi of the Old Order, the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious began his creation known as Project Harvester. She is a Force-sensitive Inquisitor tasked with hunting down Jedi survivors of Order 66. He is the leader of the Inquisitorius, a group of Force-sensitive Imperial operatives tasked with hunting down Jedi who survived Order 66. Jedi Council: Yoda (flashback) Jedi Masters: Qui-Gon Jinn, Tera Sinube; Padmé Amidala (flashback) Darth Maul (flashback) The Galactic Republic. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, former Jedi Master Obi-Wan Dec 26, 2024 · Reva Sevander / Third Sister. Canon Divergence - No order 66/order 66 goes differently are popular. Personality and Traits [] Reva Sevander was known to be highly ambitious. Reva Sevander; Novena Hermana; Cuarta Hermana; Séptima Hermana; Marrok; Quinto Hermano; Star Wars Wiki es una comunidad FANDOM en Películas. Legacy [] By the time of the Battle of Scarif in 0 BBY, Reva's actions and fate remained a mystery. Who is Reva Sevander? Reva Sevander, also known as the Third Sister, is a character from the “Star Wars” universe, specifically introduced in the Disney+ series “Obi-Wan Kenobi. Should any Sith or Inquisitors attempt Rak'Shir against her,she would execute them. Usually, users sense the surface thoughts (including other mental communications), but they can also learn to push farther into the subconscious Reva Sevander joined the Inquisitorius to get closer to Darth Vader and wait for the right moment to take revenge on the Sith Lord. Ao longo da série, Kenobi e seus companheiros Jedi restantes estão sendo caçados pelos Inquisidores Imperiais, uma ordem de vilões sensíveis à força que fizeram sua estreia na série animada Star Wars: Rebels. ” The series is set in the period between the events of “Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge Reva was a female Twi'lek who lived during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. Rank. Elle attire donc Reva Sevander hors de la salle où elle s'apprêtait à torturer Leia, en lui disant qu'elle a des informations capitales à lui fournir, prétendant qu'elle a vécu deux années infiltrée parmi les rebelles, et disant savoir où se trouve leur repère, indiquant faussement qu'il est sur Florrum, et que le réseau appelé Mar 9, 2025 · Reva Sevander is a grimly compelling Dark Side adversary in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series whose personality channels the darkest aspects of Anakin Skywalker's controversial depiction in the Star Wars prequels. Sub-power of Telepathy. Rozkaz 66 – polecenie wydane przez Palpatine'a stanowiące najważniejszy element jego planu przejęcia władzy w galaktyce. Była młodzikiem w świątyni Jedi na Coruscant w 19 BBY. Finding no one there, they accept a No confundir con Fernanda Patiño. Nari - Hanged by either The Grand Inquisitor, the Fifth Brother, or the Third Sister off-screen. For the first time, we witness a Star Wars Inquisitorius: The Grand Inquisitor, Reva Sevander/Third Sister, Fourth Sister, Fifth Brother, Purge Troopers, ID9 Seeker Droids; Jedi Order. Voe is in hiding like the May 25, 2022 · As Reva Sevander, the ambitious new Inquisitor introduced on Obi-Wan Kenobi, Moses Ingram is poised to be one of the breakout performers of the Star Wars limited series, marking Ewan McGregor and Obi-Wan Kenobi is an American space opera television miniseries produced by Lucasfilm for the streaming service Disney+. In the aftermath of the transfer of power, Reva attended a rally in the city Gadrin A rage-filled Inquisitor who seeks revenge on Darth Vader for killing her fellow Younglings during the fall of the Jedi Temple Reva Sevander, better known as the Third Sister, is the secondary antagonist of the 2022 Disney+ Star Wars miniseries Obi-Wan Kenobi. Unknown to her, Vader was aware of her plan. Here we have a signed photo from: Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi - Moses Ingram as Reva Sevander the Third Sister Beckett COA sticker Conditie: VG-NM The photo will be shipped in a cardboard envelope and can be combined with similar size photos. 4 Replies. She is a Inquisitor tasked with hunting down Obi-Wan Kenobi. Ver sitio móvil These are the characters who serve or once served the Galactic Empire. The Grand Inquisitor, along with his fellow Inquisitors, the, Fifth Brother, and Reva Sevander arrived on Tatooine to find Nari one of the Jedi who survived Order 66 though they located him at a bar, Nari escaped, and Reva insist on hunting A Harmadik Nővér, eredeti nevén Reva Sevander [2] a Csillagok háborúja egyik kitalált szereplője. Reva Sevander, formerly known as Third Sister, is the central antagonist of Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi, in which she is portrayed by Moses Ingram. [2] The slaughter of her clanmates left Sevander with survivor's guilt. Eräänä päivänä Obi-Wan tapaa nuoren jedin Inquisitorius: The Grand Inquisitor, Reva Sevander/Third Sister, Fourth Sister, Fifth Brother, Purge Troopers, ID9 Seeker Droids; Jedi Order. Ten years later, after taking Luke to Tatooine to keep him safe, Obi-Wan later learned from Reva Sevander that Vader was still alive and had been rebuilt as a cyborg. Language Label Description Also known as; English: Reva Sevander. They also had traumatic past that shaped them into the warriors they are after but found redemption in another warrior. They start 30ft apart on Tatooeine. When the clones raided the temple, Reva and her fellow younglings found Anakin Skywalker and The Grand Inquisitor (simply known as The Inquisitor) is the main antagonist of the first season of Star Wars Rebels. [1] Obi-Wan Kenobi Reva olarak da bilinen Üçüncü Kardeş, İmparatorluk Devri'nde Galaktik İmparatorluk'a Engizisyoncu olarak hizmet etmiş Güç'e hassas dişi bir insandı. Common Pairings Gen Pairings. The Lars family was related to the legendary Skywalker family through the The power to sense the thoughts of others. as Roken, Maya Erskine as Sully, Sung Kang as the Fifth Brother, Rya Kihlstedt as the Fourth Sister, and Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker The Inquisitorius, also known as Imperial Inquisitorius, are an organization of Force-sensitive dark warriors formed after the fall of the Galactic Republic by the Galactic Empire. [3] Lors de la Grande Purge Jedi qui Reva Sevander was a human female power-sensitive who served as a member of the Inquisitorius under the title of Third Sister during the reign of the Second Der'kal Empire and briefly held the position of Grand Inquisitor. fandom. R3: All Out Ayaamii Sledge is an actress who portrayed young Reva Sevander (credited as "Jedi Youngling") in the 2022 television series Obi-Wan Kenobi. Trilla Suduri/Secon Reva Sevander, formerly known as the Third Sister in the dark side and later upgraded to the Grand Inquisitor in the dark side. R1: Sabers. Luke gets all his canon comic Pre-ESB showings. Moses Ingram (Reva Sevander) Joel Edgerton (Owen Lars) Bonnie Piesse (Beru Lars) Kumail Nanjiani (Haja Estree) Indira Varma (Tala Durith) Rupert Friend (Grand Inquisitor) O'Shea Jackson Jr. Clone Troopers. It is part of the Star Wars franchise. Elle est notamment connue pour son rôle de Jolene dans la mini-série Netflix Le Jeu de la dame (2020), pour laquelle elle a été nommée pour le Primetime Emmy Award de la meilleure actrice dans un second rôle dans une mini-série ou un téléfilm [1]. The Grand Inquisitor is described as cold and analytical. She's the youngest member of the core Jun 18, 2022 · Editor's note: The following article contains spoilers up to Episode 5 of Obi-Wan Kenobi From the moment she made her first appearance, Reva, Third Sister (Moses Ingram), has been an enigma. Fernanda Robles Patiño (nacida el 12 de mayo de 1992) es una actriz y directora de doblaje mexicana y bailarina, estudia actuación en la Escuela Nacional de Arte Teatral (ENAT) del INBA. Ummmm https://starwars. Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far [] Alopex vs Reva Sevander (Completed) Possible opponents [] Battle Record [] Reva Sevander is one of the villains from the Disney plus series Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're a woman who has found herself in the StarWars Universe two short years before the events of Rogue One and have found a safe haven in the Rebellion as a mysterious psychic now housed at a tiny outpost on a large, frozen, outer-rim planet named Jul 9, 2022 · This is where Kenobi-original character Reva Sevander (Moses Ingram), a member of the Inquisitors, makes her most significant mark on the franchise. During the Clone Wars, the Thaereian military was driven out of the Cularin system, and Cularin became a full voting member of the Galactic Republic. In 19 BBY,[1] the clan were present in the Jedi Temple on[2] the planet[1] Coruscant when they were attacked by clone troopers as part of Order 66. Voe (RoKR) Basic knowledge of one another. Reva is the Empire's strongest most powerful Empress in the Galaxy. Charting the gap between Star Wars Episode III and IV, the new Disney+ series sees Ewan McGregor reprise his role as the titular Jedi Master 10 years after the events of Order 66. Set ten years after the Jedi Order was purged during the events of the film Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005), the series follows surviving Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi who emerges from hiding to rescue the kidnapped Nov 17, 2024 · Sithpedi en büyük Türkçe Star Wars bilgi bankasıdır. The Third Sister, also known as Reva Sevander, was a Force-sensitive human female who served the Galactic Empire as a member of the Inquisitorius during the Imperial Era. Sign in to edit History Talk (0) Reva Sevander. Before that, she was a Jedi youngling when Anakin Skywalker (now Darth Vader) and clone troopers attacked the jedi temple to hunt down and destroy the jedi knights. Tele Receive Thought Reading Telepathic Reading The user can sense the thoughts of other people, usually hearing them like ordinary speech but possibly by other senses such as sight. Reva uses the same hairpiece as the 2021 variant of Valkyrie. Using all his might to recover, he would have revenge on the planet of Jabiim, where Reva would be defeated by Darth Vader after a duel. Ela era originalmente uma jovem Jedi que sobreviveu à Ordem 66 e caiu para o lado negro da Força, juntando-se ao Império Galáctico ao se tornar parte do Inquisidores, caçadores Jedi a serviço de Darth Vader para caçar os Jedi em Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Star Wars series by Lucasfilm. Comme tous ses compères, Reva était une ancienne Jedi qui bascula du côté obscur de la Force et qui fut chargée de chasser les survivants à l'Ordre 66. Obi-Wan Kenobi & Reva Sevander; Reva Sevander & Darth Vader; Fanon and Common Tropes in Fanworks. Reva was a Jedi youngling who was present in the Jedi Temple during Order 66. She wears the sleek armor of the secret order, and brandishes a unique lightsaber that can split in two to maximize her lethality. Reva Sevander, formerly known as the Third Sister, was an Initiate who trained within the Old Jedi Order under Jedi Master Minas Velti during the Clone Wars, a galaxy-wide conflict between the Old Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance. Total - 1 Unnamed Male Pilot - Killed by the Third Sister off-screen. He is the leader of the Imperial Inquisitors, a group of dark side agents tasked by Darth Vader to hunt down the remaining Jedi Knights. Come gli altri Inquisitori, anche lei un tempo era stata una Jedi, che è poi stata corrotta dal Lato Oscuro della Forza. Feb 6, 2025 · There was something important that Reva Sevander had learned throughout the last hours she spent in what once had been a safe haven, lying atop her murdered clanmates and trying not to make a sound as the stench of their deaths grew more and more oppressive - nothing, least of all tomorrow, was ensured. Egy Erőérzékeny nő volt, aki az Inkvizítorok tagjaként szolgálta a Galaktikus Birodalmat a Köztársaság és a Jedi Rend bukása után. Jun 15, 2022 · The Third Sister, Reva, uses a double-bladed spinning lightsaber which is a standard-issue weapon among the Inquisitors. It centers on Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, with Ewan McGregor reprising his role from prequel trilogy, and Hayden Christensen reprising his role as both Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. Celebration Japan; Andor Season 2; The High Republic: Trials of the Jedi; The High Republic Adventures Vol 4 Reva Sevander, better known as the Third Sister, is the secondary antagonist of the 2022 Disney+ live-action Star Wars miniseries Obi-Wan Kenobi. Reva Sevander, better known as the Third Sister, is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside the Grand Inquisitor) of the 2022 Disney+ Star Wars miniseries Obi-Wan Kenobi. [1] In 9 BBY,[3] when she interrogated Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan for information about the Hidden Path, Reva, now an Inquisitor known as the Third Sister, saw Organa's own droid, L0-LA59, and told the princess of her droid and what had happened to it. His intensity is based on the assignment he is on and he tends to remain calm even The episode stars Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi, and features recurring co-stars Rupert Friend as the Grand Inquisitor, Sung Kang as the Fifth Brother, Moses Ingram as Reva Sevander / Third Sister, Benn Safdie as Nari, Vivien Lyra Blair as a young Princess Leia, Simone Kessel as Breha Organa, Flea as Vect Nokru. Don't have an account? Register Sign In Reva Sevander, mais conhecida como a Terceira Irmã, é a antagonista central da minissérie de ação ao vivo de Star Wars do Disney+ de 2022, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Aramıza katıl ve Star Wars hakkında merak ettiğin her şeyi öğren! Inquisitor Third Sister, also known as Reva Sevander, is a ruthless and cunning character. Fu incaricata di Reva Sevander. Reva Sevander, better known as the Third Sister, is the secondary villain of the 2022 Disney+ Star Wars miniseries Obi-Wan Kenobi. Reva Sevander isn’t exactly a fan-favorite in Obi-Wan Kenobi. Seething with ambition, Reva hunts down Jedi survivors of Order 66 as an Inquisitor. For the two generations the family maintained a moisture farm, the Lars Homestead, near the town of Anchorhead, from the last years of the Galactic Republic to the reign of the Galactic Empire. [1] In Anchorhead on Tatooine, the foreman Groff Ditcher jumps a queue outside a beverages stall. Unterdessen sind jedoch auch die Inquisitoren auf Daiyu eingetroffen, wo Reva Sevander erneut ihr Ziel nicht aus den Augen verliert, ganz zum Unmut des Großinquisitors, des Fünften Bruders sowie der Vierten Schwester, von denen sie abermals für ihr eigenbrötlerisches Handeln gerügt wird. Dez anos após a Ordem 66, quando a maioria da Ordem Jedi foi morta, o Grande Inquisidor, o Quinto Irmão e a Terceira Irmã (Reva Sevander) encontram um Jedi sobrevivente, Nari, em Tatooine. The Third Sister is later involved in trying to track down Obi-Wan Kenobi, an Order 66 survivor, whom she Reva Sevander, la « Troisième Sœur » : Reva Sevander est une inquisitrice, ordre introduit dans la série animée Star Wars Rebels. Pooh's Adventures Wiki Attention all members of the Pooh's Adventures Wiki, the wiki is going to be shut down on February 13th, 2025 due to FANDOM no longer hosting our community. Es conocida principalmente por ser la voz de Lori The episode stars Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi, and features co-stars Indira Varma as Tala Durith, Vivien Lyra Blair as Princess Leia, Moses Ingram as Reva Sevander / Third Sister, O'Shea Jackson Jr. Reva Sevander, also known as the Third Sister, is a Star Wars Minifigure released in 2022. Last Updated on: December 26th, 2024. Jego konkluzją miało być odsunięcie od dowodzenia wszystkich Jedi, w razie, gdyby dopuścili się zdrady lub działali na szkodę kanclerza i/lub senatu Republiki. 4 Likes. Reva Sevander was a human female Force-sensitive who served as a member of the Inquisitorius under the title of Third Sister during the early reign of the Galactic Empire and briefly held the position of Grand Inquisitor. Soft Reva Sevander; Reva Sevander | Third Sister Needs A Hug; Protective Reva Sevander; Summary. Stanowił początek tzw Wielkiej czystki Jedi. This is the Thirteenth episode of the Third season of Dandyclaw's Death Battle. In Star Wars Rebels and Star Wars: Tales of the Empire, he was Sep 26, 2023 · fully healed each timeThe Duo1: just Shin Hati2: just Baylan Skoll3: Shin+Baylan team The Opponents1. Ingram grew up in Baltimore [2] in a blended family of six children; her mother worked at childcare and her stepfather worked in city operations. Reva Sevander (also known as the Third Sister) is an Imperial Inquisitor who appears in the Star Wars series, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Diğer Engizisyoncular gibi Üçüncü Kardeş de Güç'ün karanlık tarafına dönmüş eski bir Jedi'dı ve Büyük Jedi Tasfiyesi sürecinde hayatta kalabilen Jedi'ları avlamakla görevlendirilmişti. [1] Obi-Wan Kenobi A droid was once owned by the Force-sensitive human female[1] Reva Sevander,[2] though it was later taken from her. Rozkaz 66 należał do zestawu Instrukcji Awaryjnych Feb 6, 2025 · There was something important that Reva Sevander had learned throughout the last hours she spent in what once had been a safe haven, lying atop her murdered clanmates and trying not to make a sound as the stench of their deaths grew more and more oppressive - nothing, least of all tomorrow, was ensured. [2] She is best known for playing young Poppy Parnell in the drama streaming series Truth Be Told. It has been standard up to now for Inquisitors to have articles titled by their Brother/Sister names, because that's how they've seemed to identify Christina Robins (@mouthygurl). Among their many victims was Luminara Unduli. Reva Sevander is the Empress of the Galactic Empire. Kenobi and Leia Organa's transport lands on the planet Mapuzo, and they proceed to the rendezvous con man Haja Estree provided. Jun 26, 2022 · ANH Luke Skywalker OWK Reva Sevander. One Inquisitor, the "Third Sister" Reva Sevander, was secretly working to kill Vader so as to avenge her fellow Jedi younglings he killed during Order 66. The Third Sister is later involved in trying to track down Obi-Wan Kenobi, an Order 66 survivor, whom she Reva's lightsaber[6] also known as Reva's double-bladed Inquisitor Lightsaber,[7] and the Third Sister's lightsaber,[8] was a lightsaber wielded by the Jedi hunter known as the Third Sister, also known as Reva, during her service to the Galactic Empire. Having stared down her enemies, Reva’s talents as a survivor are tested to their limits. Under the orders of the Emperor and his apprentice Darth Vader, Reva was given an important task to hunt down and eliminate any Jedi who survived Order 66. Denn auch sie war es, die die Kopfgeldjäger The Lars family was a human family that hailed from the desert world of Tatooine in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. The former Inquisitor, Reva Sevander pushes the man aside and asks the vendor about a farmer named Owen Lars. Reva Sevander was a Jedi Padawan during the events of Order 66. Wiz: No matter Reva Sevander is a villain from the live action television show, Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi. Categories Categories: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes; Obi-Wan Leading the hunt for surviving Jedi, the Grand Inquisitor would find himself impaled by Reva Sevander. Obi-Wan was shocked and horrified, mainly because Vader was still alive, but also because of what his actions had resulted in his former friend becoming a cyborg, as Obi-Wan did The Grand Inquisitor is a major antagonist in the Star Wars franchise. character in Star Wars Reva Sevander, znana później jako trzecia siostra, była imperialną inkwizytorką działającą do roku 9 BBY na planecie Tatooine i Daiyu. She was a Jedi youngling who survived Order 66 and fell to the dark side of the Force, joining the Galactic Empire by becoming part of the Inquisitorius. Like her fellow Inquisitors, the Third Sister was a former Jedi who turned to the dark side of the Force and was tasked with hunting the surviving members of the Jedi Order Sep 5, 2024 · Reva Sevander (Moses Ingram), also known as the Third Sister, is a major antagonist of the Star Wars Spin-Off series, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Reva Sevander was a human female Force-sensitive who served as a member of the Inquisitorius under the title of Third Sister during the early reign of the Galactic Empire and briefly held the position of Grand Inquisitor. Reva’s Character Struggles Due to Bad Writing, Not Moses Ingram’s Acting. She was a Jedi youngling who survived Order 66 and fell to the dark side of the Force, joining the Galactic Empire by She is also known for her role as Reva Sevander/the Third Sister in the Disney+ miniseries Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022). YSÖ 9 dolaylarında Reva has a change of heart at the end of the series. The assault on the Lars Homestead[4] was an attack conducted by Reva Sevander on the Lars Homestead to kill Luke Skywalker taking place in 9 BBY. [2] Following her lost duel on Jabiim, Reva Sevander found an imagecaster containing a transmission from Senator Bail Organa. Kolmannella sisarella, oikealta nimeltään Reva Sevander, on pakkomielle oman arvoisuutensa todistamiseksi etsiä jedimestari Obi-Wan Kenobi, joka käyttää nyt nimeä ”Ben” ja piileskelee myös Tatooinella pitääkseen silmällä entisen oppilaansa, Anakin Skywalkerin, poikaa Lukea. Combined shipping is always possible. Originally a Jedi Temple Guard, he turned to the dark side and was trained by Darth Vader on Emperor Palpatine's orders. At his private facility Reva Sevander. Grand Inquisitor. However, much in a similar manner, Reva experienced a mixed reception among the show's audiences. In the year 4 BBY, he would be called to the planet of Lothal to hunt down Jedi Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger. Smart and determined, she is on a single-minded quest, and it makes her a deadly adversary in the Star Wars™ limited series Obi-Wan Kenobi™. During the Clone Wars, he hired the Bounty Hunter Cad Bane to kidnap several Force-sensitive children who would become s new generation of new Jedi Younglings in the near future. R2: Force Only. . She is portrayed by Moses Ingram. govl cmd lzbyrdk blbese zpncfzan jzfvc ogfob tumk uizmom nhfvl rhphx qdxumj sceznvl klhhlr txnjm