Promethease dna reddit. org is free and it has some reports like promethease.
Promethease dna reddit Members Online rs1979277 and folinic acid Promethease is a good tool if you know what you're doing with it. Members Online Hemophilia good magnitude Sequencing has the most comprehensive marketplace of DNA reports on the internet. We see these calls with high frequency in Ancestry. It is more of an educational tool than a health driven tool. 8. It uploads because they do give you the raw data in a way that’s TECHNICALLY compatible with promethease, in the promethease can read 2 bases for each allele of each SNP, but it’s incompatible because of these formatting (I think that’s an appropriate word?) issues. And there are a lot more. Already having your DNA at all 4 of the major testing companies makes this unnecessary. Thank you! I'm having trouble finding information on this topic-- not a med-bio person myself. A principal diferença prática entre as empresas de DNA é o banco de dados deles. Promethease uses your existing raw DNA data, so you'd have to get a test elsewhere to have the data to upload. I emailed them at all of the possible emails (the old ones and the ones from myheritage). I think if you spend the time to read through it all, you'll probably find some good insights. There might be a few matches from LivingDNA, but as I mentioned below, you can upload to LivingDNA for free and get DNA matches. I used ancestry for my dna test, my mum used ancestry and father used 23andme so I have a pretty good idea of my genes. The information you get is "4th percentile of male pattern baldness," "92nd percentile for risk tolerance," "34th percentile for weight," etc. Promethease gave quite a bit more info--the problem is you get too many hits with Promethease, and sometimes they are contradictory (e. Additionally I had a ton of weird variants of fairly high magnitude reported on promethease where in the nebula explorer it showed no data for those SNPs or no variant in some cases. I plan to upload a new raw DNA file at some point. Gotten a The same goes for Promethease, which only has interpretations for specific variants whose significance is suspected (And someone though it important enough to add to Promethease). They have a father's day sale going right offering 30x whole genome sequencing for $299 and I'm really tempted. You could theoretically just upload an mtDNA or Y-DNA kit in BAM or VCF but you won't get that much information as those chromosomes don't encode very many medically relevant details. I have had to sign into MyHeritage, who automatically signed me up, and delete my data. Sorting by modification date shows the most recent update (as applicable to my account) was 2023-12-24. If you mention this reddit post or DM me you'll get a 70-80% discount. We analyze your raw data to generate over a thousand genetic predispositions. We allow free uploads of data from all major DNA testing companies. Pode subir o arquivo do DNA do MH A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited in SNPedia. Jan 29, 2020 · Ever since 23andme stopped providing detailed health-related results in 2013, Promethease was a sensible alternative. I used to work for a medical research company in IT. I have since found 5 other veterans through the US, Australia and Europe that have the exact same symptoms, DNA profile (HLA-B27 neg with #TNFRSF1A mutations) and received the anthrax vaccine. Reply reply Top 8% Rank by size They will match any format against a bunch of different databases and produce a report that should be much more complete than promethease considering the price. com data. You can check it out here. This is the price you pay. You can use PolyCypher to analyze your raw DNA data. Promethease is very comprehensive but it's not the most user friendly. I've seen a slight difference between 23andMe and Ancestry on Promethease (I've uploaded both of mine), with mostly overlap. I hope they will still be around. 1K subscribers in the promethease community. Which DNA test is best to upload to Promethease of 23andMe, Ancestry, and MyHeritage? I already uploaded FTDNA in 2018, but now I intend to upload another test and want to have as much useful information about my DNA as possible, and I've done those four tests. A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited… Maximum file size upload for promethease is 4gb. just uploading raw data from A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited in SNPedia. I got the same thing from Promethease yet my 23andme data said 63% chance of no hair loss before 40. I now have no clue who has my DNA data, or who will have my DNA data in the future. Members Online Confused about HLH results Yeah. They said you can but they don't accept really large files and real raw DNA files are at least around 800mb or more. It's the very first line on the website: "Promethease is a literature retrieval system that builds a personal DNA report based on connecting a file of DNA genotypes to the scientific findings cited in SNPedia. However, the editor themself articulates worries about incorrectly interpreting the complex scientific information that Promethease provides. Sent it on oct 19 and my results are in. It doesn't save your file like Promethease does. I recently submitted my Ancestry DNA to Promethease, having previously submitted 23andme data a few years ago, and my results this time show mutations for BRCA 1 and 2 plus Lynch syndrome (high risk of early onset colorectal cancer), although it states that these are possible miscalls as they are found in higher frequency in Ancestry. It enhances Promethease in my opinion. I sent my DNA to https://codegen. A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited… I uploaded my Ancestry DNA file back in January. Mine came up with the same variants but gave them different weights in terms of how they might affect me. I am glad I purchased it, especially since it's so cheap. I will need to research directly on 23andme and update my post with all the Genotypes I actually have for each gene. I then confirmed it with a Color Genomics test. I had to setup a server farm for the department in charge of record retention, which involved reading through the federal laws related to storing DNA info. I do know that accuracy is not perfect with these tests, but I'm looking for the most reliable one. Get app Get the Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. eu/. What you don't know is the exact way in which the gene or SNP will be expressed, in the case of heterozygous sites. Can your DNA be sequenced incorrectly? Like say I have rs1333049(C;C) which is associated with CAD, is it possible that the company I used messed up… For those who don't know, Promethease is a website where you can upload your raw data from 23AndMe, MyHeritage and other Human DNA analyzing programs; it will itself analyze the raw data and give you genetic and health infos (predisposition to certain diseases, phenotype, etc) basing the results on the info gathered in a big ass database. Does that mean I have the bad ApoE e4 variant? I also have rs5882(G;G), which is associated with a 70% lower risk of Alzheimer's. Hey guys, I'm looking for a DNA test that provides me with health related information and not particularly about ancestry data (although that wouldn't hurt). Hello! I uploaded my ancestrydna file to promethease and got this result popping up: s80357346(G;G) It says it is a likely miscall if Ancestry data (which mine is), otherwise BRAC1. ". In order to better sort data Promethease has "magnitude" as an indicator. This last one is 11 usd but it was helpful for me, anyways it's kinda difficult to sort/understand the results. (16 weeks after kit received by Dantelabs)- Received two emails simultaneously, saying that both kits have level D DNA extraction, and should be recollected. Would love any suggestions! Promethease is slightly more reliable, but there’s a fee yet there is virtually no customer service to show for it. g. Promethease DNA test results anxiety I have just received my results from Promethease, I used the raw data from 23andme service. I would recommend doing promethease if you have a full genome sample, as it offers by far the best bang for your buck. All patient data uploaded to us is designated personally identifiable information and is protected under HIPAA. My Google fu is failing me as to whether this is saying I am “positive. I remember before I finally accepted I was balding, I would spend hours on end going through my raw data and trying to examine every single SNP I could find that was related to hair loss. I am new to understanding reading things about dna, what they mean etc. Members Online BRCA 2 mutation - 23&Me Raw Data - rs397507789(-;AAAAG) A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited in SNPedia. If you are that type and prefer to have a company provide a health summary then you'll be better served by 23sndme. O resto, relacionado a saúde, você consegue muito melhor e mais completo de graça no Promethease. Thanks. However, I successfully updated my personal combined file last night. I was reading anything below a 4 on magnitude is pretty much nothing really to pay attention to, right? Im just confused because I have 2 different genes that say that I am “2xs more likely to develop Graves’ disease or crohns. Ancestry is much less expensive for more SNPs so overall better for Promethease specifically. You pay promethease a little bit of money and they generate a report based on information in SNPedia. Members Online Romano ward Long Qt syndrome Hello! I potentially foolishly submitted my DNA from Ancestry. But you can't test at Promethease, you can only upload your raw DNA data there, and they will accept uploads from pretty much any testing company. My email I received days later said: Report contains 0 genotypes Waited for 295905 seconds Ran for… When i uploaded my last DNA test, it went from ancestry, to promethease with out changing the zipped file. *Promethease seems legit but what info can it give me that 23andme didn't? A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited in SNPedia. My background in human genetics is fairly academic; no clinical/laboratory work to date, just research. Members Online Stressing out about Schizophrenia after looking up my DNA results Promethease is an established and reliable company, they are actually now owned by MyHeritage. The Brazilian community on Reddit. Although this can mean the raw data isn't very comprehensive (i. I emailed Promethease with this info, and I'm waiting to hear back. The conversation about Promethease on Reddit Eu já fiz do Genera e o MyHeritage. These are protein coding regions of DNA, they are all active. It isn't comprehensive. May 1st - wrote a letter to support, saying about my concerns about delays and absence of notifications (even about successful DNA extraction) Today, May 2nd. And I'm confused if I have the dreaded ApoE variant or not. Promethease If you choose not to create an account. I've noticed my family doesn't really "get" the promethease output because they're not willing to dig into results. Problem is, there's no reassurance that that data is actually destroyed. However, my mom tested positive for the mutation via Color Genomics. I used 23andMe dna data into promethease. Acho que só. I just found out that the promethease report only covers around 25,000 of the SNPs from 23andme. Members Online Most productive way to interact with raw data from 23andMe? I used 23andme to sequence my DNA which covers 600,000 SNPs. I just re-ran my same DNA file to get updated reports. codegen. Do Genera a vantagem é o preço um pouco mais baixo. They used to charge $5 (now up to $12, but that’s still a steal) and they Feb 4, 2019 · Today I’m showing you how to make the most out of your Promethease report, by giving you suggestions on how to filter and sort it to produce the easiest, most digestible report. To anyone considering sending their DNA into the internet: don't. Members Online Hemophilia good magnitude After processing my DNA, I have figured out that our HLA-B27 genes were triggered during Desert Storm. You don't specify if the mutation your half-siblings have is one on Promethease or the reports you have ran, making me wonder if you even known which one it is. Promethease defines a genotype as a specific pair of genetic variants (different gene forms) you inherited from each parent at a particular SNP position. . A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the… A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited in SNPedia. On the occasion of DNA Day, Promethease is providing full reports for free for a limited time. More than half of my results are “good” but I am extremely worried because apparently my risk of cancer (lots of different types) and Alzheimer’s disease are quite high. 1 years ago, I was tested through Ancestry and then uploaded their DNA profile to promethease to compare the results to the 23andme. A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited… 7. guys , I bought just the ancestry test on sale for 49 dollars on amazon on oct 18. The new report (since they were bought by the Israeli company) is full out crap. Or check it out in the app stores WGSE noted 47 chromosomes and did show the Y chromosome and then when I loaded the data to promethease I got this genoset (gs261). These are: rs113485686(A;G) rs587779663(A;G) In both cases, there is a possible 'false positive' disclaimer indicating it could be a miscall due to the rareness of the variance in the population. org is free and it has some reports like promethease. Useful, actionable information will come out on top. eu is a decent free alternative to Promethease that gives you much of the same information. Which is why the ear lobe % was 50/50, due to heterozygous SNP. My mom and dad both put their Ancestry DNA through Promethease, both came back no BRCA2 mutations. It’s just fucked on promethease. Members Online Glioma - rs891835 (G;G) 7. Ancestry's DNA sample is slightly bigger than 23andMe's. Don’t be disheartened as these types of DNA tests are primitive but can indeed throw up SNPs related to AIS in Promethease. Members Online Ashki Male with BRCA2 A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited in SNPedia. They are way too common in Ancestry. It shows a lot more information than 23andMe with a lot more junk. com onto Promethease and have returned a worrying result. Is that true? So I guess it comes down to whether the extra cost of 23andMe health info on top of Promethease is worth it vs. Both Genie and Prom correctly picked up my carrier status for a common recessive condition, but both missed the second (rarer) disease for which I’m also a carrier 🤷♂️ You can use PolyCypher to analyze your raw DNA data. Members Online Understanding DNA results for Alzheimer's I still haven't gotten it to work! This weekend, I'm going to try and uninstal everything and follow these steps. 9K subscribers in the promethease community. 23andMe is the next best. I don't think that Promethease reported rs429358 for me, however I did see a post from a few years ago saying that Ancestry DNA data does contain rs429358. Promethease shows that I have the high risk versions of rs10974944 and rs12343867 after I uploaded my raw DNA data from DNA ancestry. In 2015 I used Promethease. 26 votes, 11 comments. Members Online Glioma - rs891835 (G;G) A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited in SNPedia. Don't understand why no other service does. Helix is now letting people download Haplotype 46/1 which increases the risk of MPNs have 4 SNPs that apparantly come together rs3780367, rs10974944, rs12343867, and rs1159782. Livewello - 20 dollars for for various reports generated from ancestry raw data files. If you decide to create the account they reserve the rights to share your data with their partners. Promethease is owned by MyHeritage and you can send them an email and ask to delete the date which is shared from promethease. I did see more miscalls from using Ancestry's raw DNA file. If you mention this reddit post or DM me you'll get a 75% discount. We can't do anything with your data without consent. As long as you enter into the agreement knowing that you might find out less-than-stellar information, and do your research around genes, you'll be fine. I used the CNV (VCF) file at 1gb and it gave me 17800 genes in the promethease report. Members Online DNA results help medication approvals from insurance providers?. I then went to the raw data file from Ancestry, and there were no SNP's at all listed for the chromosome and postion numbers that were identified for these 2 SNP's in the Promethease report. Anything above magnitude 3 might be worth paying attention to. For artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists alike! The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, from the fantasy works of Tolkien and Le Guin, to the science-fiction universes of Delany and Asimov, to the tabletop realm of Gygax and Barker, and beyond. Members Online problem with uploading two tests. ” imgur pic r/promethease A chip A close button. r/promethease: A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited in SNPedia. Members Online Peutz-Jeghers - rs137853077 (C;T) Some of my (and a family member's) raw DNA files are no longer there. life a while back, and the report said that I had a low genetic risk for Alzheimer's, but there of course wasn't enough data to report the APOE The "red background" disclaimer about potential false positives is now attached automatically to all genotypes of magnitude 6 or higher for all genotyping data (i. By the way, many Promethease reports have no genotypes of magnitude higher than 4. Are there any other services that offer similar things like Promethease? Also has anyone requested their data analyzed by promethease lately? I've been waiting for 2 days when they said it was going to take 20 mins. I am trying to figure out if I am “positive” for HLA-B27 and could possibly have Ankylosing Spondylitis. For rs4420638 I have the A;G variant, which Promethease tell's me give me a 3x chance of developing Alzheimer's. Also its an Isreali company with in itself is kinda sketchy. For example thats how they transfer all of their data from Promethease to MyHeritage after the company acquisition. Every time you want a print out or to read it you have to resubmit but the entire process took about five minutes. Feel free to post in English or Portuguese! Quanto à saúde, use o Promethease. A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited in SNPedia. Nutcracker doesn't let you upload a raw DNA file which is kinda lame so I can't use them. Members Online DNA Methylation Dysfunction & Autoimmune Disorders Hi all, I have a question about how to interpret my promethease result. Members Online Linking genes to Long Covid risk geneticgenie. Also just know that Ancestry seems to give a lot of weird misscalls with Promethease, so if some rare genetic disorder/disease shows up just know it may just be I saw a post on Wired about Nebula having better data privacy standards than other services, but I am not seeing a lot of Reddit posts about people using Nebula. Jul 19, 2024 · Promethease is by far the best third-party data analysis tool, but there are many others out there to choose from. Basically, any organization that collects DNA information is required to store it for 10 years by federal law (or something like that). com users One of my core motivators for uploading data to Promethease was to find out if I'm more susceptible to celiac, as I have extreme gluten intolerance, and am at a point where I can't imagine doing a 6-8-week gluten challenge just to be tested. The UI is slightly better. A place for discussing SNPedia, a curated wiki about human DNA variants and the source for Promethease reports. An SNP or single nucleotide A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited in SNPedia. simultaneous higher and lower risk for breast cancer). The rules of Promethease are to double check the research behind the genes. eu - a free promethease-ish service for ancestry testing raw data. Another consideration is your comfort with using DNA & how much time you want to put in; last time I used Promethease the UI sort of makes you do most of the work yourself (hence the affordable cost). It sucks. We analyze your raw data to generate thousands of genetic predispositions, which is more than I've seen any other site do. I put my Ancestry DNA results into Promethease. I also uploaded my Ancestry DNA data to xcode. We now have improved infrastructure in place that allows you to upload your data once and then generate updated reports free of charge. I also notice a lot more "likely miscalls" in my Ancestry kit than I do with 23andMe. Members Online Promethease Processing Delay 7. I saw my doctor recently and he told me my fatigue isn't my thyroid and it could be chronic fatigue syndrome which deflated me so I haven't really been digging around in my dna stuff lately. Luckily promethease let you upload a raw DNA file. That's literally what it does and that's what I paid for. When you open your Promethease report, on the left, you’ll see cards that describe the identified “genos” — genotypes and genosets within your DNA file. Aug 21, 2020 · The editors review from DNA testing choice lauds Promethease for being a cost effective alternative to programs like 23andMe and AncestryDNA. Anything at 3 or lower are mostly curiosities. A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited… A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited in SNPedia. If you are looking for a service that covers all the health related SNPs, either you are going to spend a thousandish US dollars for a full genome or you could get Helix's exome plus. very little of the genome was actually surveyed), it can also mean that the person isn't carrying a known, "nasty" genotype such as one often leading to an unwanted medical condition; in other A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited in SNPedia. I recently ran my raw DNA through Promethease and it has flagged two SNPs associated with vascular EDS (Ethlers-Danlos Syndrome Type 4). SNPedia only had 43 Genotypes listed for SYNGAP1 gene. I know that Promethease periodically updates their database to keep current with medical research. But it sometimes turns up interesting things. I followed some online instructions about narrowing down the search fields according to 'magnitude' and also the number of peer reviewed articles relating to any genetic links. data coming from the DNA chips used by companies like 23andMe and Ancestry). I went this route myself and did find I have a SNP related to PAIS (Partial AIS) but I know I’m more phenotypically aligned with Mild AIS. e. What little work I've done in experimental biology has to do with the selective breeding of plants, fungi, and animals for specific traits-- and to study mycorrhizal relationships be I downloaded the same raw data file to Codegen, and these 2 SNP's were not mentioned. 8K subscribers in the promethease community. com data to be harmful. But Tellmegen info is correct. So Promethease (or really Ancestry since P just reads the data Ancestry interprets) caught my BRCA2 mutation, but not my mom's. While I understand that you can upload the 23andMe info to Promethease, I heard that a Promethease report based on Ancestry raw data contains more than twice as many genotypes as 23andMe. Upload your DNA data now to receive free reports. I can see my ancestry… After uploading my dna on Promethease and Codegen, I’ve discovered plenty but I’d like to discover more. It is of course it is possible that that someone actually does have the true mutation, but data from Ancestry is useless for determining it, because the noise swamps the signal. I didn't notice a big difference between the two. aenkea tkxo jke sdz nmx clfif wpxzfpd ugsba tozh vedckr whfx suowvh ugbpg vukg ntngfqhg