Photo station ou moments Sections of Photo Station & Moments That Can Shift to Synology Photos in DSM 7. Formats disponibles : Tirages photo 15x20 cm; Tirages photo 15x21 cm; Tirages photo 20x27 cm; Tirages photo 20x30 cm I’m seeing this 6 to 7 upgrade and seeing Photo Station/Moments being migrated over to ‘Photos’ which doesn’t have all the features. Using moments for regular phone backups. 我们简单屡一下: 1、用Photo Station 进行管理和备份照片,家里全家人的手机都安装DS Photo APP来进行备份,设置一个相册目录在photo文件 Jan 23, 2021 · 📢 Kostenloser Synology Einstiegskurs https://itservice-akademie. 1; Renommage des albums Photo Station personnels en dossiers d'espace personnel : Si vous avez activé Photo Station personnel, les photos et vidéos de son dossier source « /home/photo » sont déplacées vers le nouveau dossier source « /home/Photos »et apparaissent dans Espace Aug 2, 2021 · Les versions de paquets pouvant être migrées sont Synology Moments 1. Der erste Eindruck mit ein bißchen Fotos in Ordner einfügen, Übersicht, Sortierung und auch Freigabe für andere Benutzer ist, dass hier die Photostation etwas besser und übersichtlicher ist. If you have Docker capability, there are numerous "similar" offerings for photo management. Cet outil de gestion de photos tout-en-un prend des éléments de Photo Station et Moments et combine une grande partie de leurs fonctionnalités dans une seule application. 0已经将它和moments合二为一了,但是我手贱把moments也给卸载了,再安装也必须要PHP7. Synology NAS provides the home/photo folder for you to store photos and videos that you want to share. I use both Moments (for mobile backup) and Photo Station (for DSLR backup). com/2019/02/16/synology-ds1019-nas-guide-part-1-first-time-setup/With the release of t Dec 25, 2018 · Moments 1. Things such as 'similar photo' are invaluable when you're managing your photo album, uploading 'burst' photos, or merging multiple photo collections together. Jul 13, 2023 · Photo Station Synology Moments; Metadata van foto's en video's; Mapstructuren in Photo Station en Personal Photo Station; Handmatig gemaakte albums (worden getransformeerd in mappen) Gedeelde albums en intelligente albums (worden omgezet in voorwaardelijke albums) 1, 2; Albummachtigingen (worden omgezet in mapmachtigingen) Algemene tags 3 Photo Station et Paramètres généraux. So today I want to talk about the difference between these three applications, what parts of your existing DSM 6. Aug 6, 2023 · Capturing moments through a new lens of creativity Our reimagined logo reflects our passion for preserving memories in every frame. If you installed photo station it creates a shared folder called photo. Photo Station和个人 Photo Station 中的文件夹结构 3. ; Une fois le nom du dossier Moments renommé dans Synology Drive Server ou dans d'autres protocoles de fichiers, toutes les photos et les vidéos deviennent inaccessibles à partir de Synology Moments. 0 及以上版本支持共享照片库功能,只需在 Moments 中启用此功能,即可查看和索引 Photo Station 中的照片和视频,而无需将这些项目从 Photo Station 移动或复制到 Moments。除此之外,您还可以编辑访问权限,以允许其他 Synology NAS 用户访问共享照片库。 Lancez Photo Station, puis cliquez sur Ajouter pour créer un nouvel album ou charger des photos depuis votre ordinateur ou votre serveur Synology NAS vers des albums existants. Cette station météo OREGON SCIENTIFIC Moments crystal CW101 vous indiquera le temps qu'il fera avec élégance et originalité. 0 et les versions ultérieures prennent en charge la fonctionnalité Bibliothèque partagée de photos. Then I clear the moment db and reindex everything, turns out it only tag one single photo (as child). 3,纳尼? Aug 2, 2021 · On DS420+ with DSM 6. 0? Hi, do you know how the migration from Photo Station / Moments towards the new Synology Photo is handled? DSM 7 is going to be released tomorrow, and before to proceed with the upgrade, I would like to have an idea about how the process work. And since speed is essential when it comes to any kind of file management tool, this is surely ideal. TL;DR Photo Station for Cameras, Moments for Smartphones Bonjour, savez-vous comment se gère la migration de Photo Station / Moments vers le nouveau Synology Photo ? DSM 7 va sortir demain, et avant de procéder à la mise à niveau, j'aimerais avoir une idée du fonctionnement du processus. Jul 11, 2023 · Synology Photos is the successor to Photo Station and Synology Moments. 1; Direct photo management: Jun 21, 2021 · mount "personal photo staion" into moment greeting I am using DS420+ synology , and watched almost half videos in your youtube channel :) the thing that I am stuck on , that whenever I add photo to " personal photo station" because I have two users , its not indexing the photo to moment and I Photo Station Synology Moments; Metadata of photos and videos; Folder structures in Photo Station and Personal Photo Station; Manually created albums (will be transformed into folders) Shared albums and smart albums (will be transformed into conditional albums) 1,2; Album permissions (will be transformed into folder permissions) General tags 3 Jul 11, 2023 · Photo Station Synology Moments; Metadata of photos and videos; Folder structures in Photo Station and Personal Photo Station; Manually created albums (will be transformed into folders) Shared albums and smart albums (will be transformed into conditional albums) 1,2; Album permissions (will be transformed into folder permissions) General tags 3 Nov 25, 2021 · Photo Station と Synology Moments が Synology Photos にアップグレードされた後、どのような機能が変更されましたか? 記事のいくつかは英語から機械翻訳されており、不正確な箇所や文法の間違いを含む場合があります。 Lancez Photo Station, puis cliquez sur Ajouter pour créer un nouvel album ou charger des photos depuis votre ordinateur ou votre serveur Synology NAS vers des albums existants. 手动创建的相册(将转换为文件夹) Jul 9, 2018 · Moments 1. 1; Direct photo management: Synology Photos VS Photo Station and Synology Moments - ALL the Differences Jun 7, 2018 · Pero a mi lo que me interesa es que la nueva aplicación use las fotos que ya están guardadas en la carpeta compartida photo de mi NAS (carpeta creada por la aplicación Photo Station), y no tener que duplicarlas llevándomelas también a la carpeta Moments (o moverlas, dejando de usar Photo Station). 1; Renommage des albums Photo Station personnels en dossiers d'espace personnel : Si vous avez activé Photo Station personnel, les photos et vidéos de son dossier source « /home/photo » sont déplacées vers le nouveau dossier source « /home/Photos »et apparaissent dans Espace Synology NAS Step by Step Guide. Jul 8, 2021 · So today I want to talk about the difference between these three applications, what parts of your existing DSM 6. New to using Moments ~ I'm guessing that photos / videos need to be added to Syn Drive and that's the database that Moments uses (ie, the files are separate from the Photo Station files). I have a problem with Moments. I am storing the photos on the NAS and accessing them through Photo Station. So I have come full circle. 0-3456 (ou ultérieur). Jul 11, 2023 · Photo Station Synology Moments; Metadata of photos and videos; Folder structures in Photo Station and Personal Photo Station; Manually created albums (will be transformed into folders) Shared albums and smart albums (will be transformed into conditional albums) 1,2; Album permissions (will be transformed into folder permissions) General tags 3 Photo Station Synology Moments; Metadata of photos and videos; Folder structures in Photo Station and Personal Photo Station; Manually created albums (will be transformed into folders) Shared albums and smart albums (will be transformed into conditional albums) 1,2; Album permissions (will be transformed into folder permissions) General tags 3 Sep 12, 2018 · I have activated Photo Station on my DS918+ and it indexed all my photos in less than a day. They were lacking. Photo Station Synology Moments; Metadata de fotos y vídeos; Estructuras de carpetas en Photo Station y Personal Photo Station; Álbumes creados manualmente (se transformarán en carpetas) Álbumes compartidos y álbumes inteligentes (se transformarán en álbumes condicionales) 1, 2; Permisos del álbum (se transformarán en permisos de carpeta) Apr 26, 2019 · Where Moments will upload when the iOS app is opened (or still active in the phone's background), the DS photo app will upload to Photo Station even when the app isn't running (like Apple's Photos app). We also offer a virtual photo booth solution. Nov 19, 2023 · DSM 7. I like the idea behind the programs, but I don’t like the fact that there’s not even feature parity before they where released and it could cause issues again further down. Full Guide HERE - https://nascompares. Nov 7, 2022 · La nouvelle application Synology Photos offre plus ou moins les mêmes avantages que DSM 7 lui-même. I realise the most updated photo being tagged are back in May 2018 (photo taken date). Aug 4, 2021 · A little late on this reply. Photo Station. 0 及以上版本支持共享照片库功能,只需在 Moments 中启用此功能,即可查看和索引 Photo Station 中的照片和视频,而无需将这些项目从 Photo Station 移动或复制到 Moments。除此之外,您还可以编辑访问权限,以允许其他 Synology NAS 用户访问共享照片库。 目前是两个独立的套件。Moments有智能识别功能,据说能辨别超过300多种主题,更适合手机照片整理。Photo Station比较像是以前相机拍摄的照片管理功能,也支持人脸识别,但是比较弱。 Jul 11, 2023 · Photo Station Synology Moments; Metadata of photos and videos; Folder structures in Photo Station and Personal Photo Station; Manually created albums (will be transformed into folders) Shared albums and smart albums (will be transformed into conditional albums) 1,2; Album permissions (will be transformed into folder permissions) General tags 3 Les autorisations d'accès sont modifiables à tout moment. The XR was restored using the 6's last backup and I haven't used DS photo until now on the XR. 0,这就斯巴达了。 那就装吧,原来已经添加了社区的套件源,然而,社区只有PHP7. com/photos-kursNicht nur für Synology-Anfänger und Einstiger in DSM 7. Moments has smart search features that lets you search photos by faces similar to Google. 前段时间入手了群晖220+ 家用,主要用于备份孩子的照片和视频!对于photo station和moments他们俩我个人认为都能备份照片,但是不清楚他们俩的区别,或者各自的长处在哪里? ️We started the weekend with "Aurita. My main reason for using Moments over Photo Station is that when you upload through Photo Station, all the pictures just get dumped into the main /photos folder. The biggest reason I'm not updating my primary NAS to DSM 7. 1 or above, do the following to inherit permissions to the subfolders of Moments: Go to File Station and click the shared folder home > Drive > Moments on the left panel. " Our Selfie Photo Booth Station helped create unforgettable SHINE moments at this event . Jul 23, 2019 · Moments 1. Jul 13, 2023 · Photo Station Synology Moments; Kontosystem von Photo Station und persönlicher Photo Station; Persönliche Photo Station (ihre Fotos und Videos werden migriert) Beschreibungen, Aufrufzähler und Wasserzeichen von Alben; Kommentare, Farbkennzeichnungen und Tools zum Hervorheben von Bereichen in freigegebenen Alben; Kartenansicht We use Photo Station for camera photos organized by us and Moments for cell photos organized automatically. I haven't used DS photo for ages, preferring Moments, plus I've changed from an iPhone 6 on iOS12 to XR on iOS 13. I keep all the photos in folder /Photo managed by Photo Station (with photo station accounts), while Moments has no content in My Photo Library, and has Shared Photo Library enabled where it reads the same folder of Photo Station and works on the same pictures. 0 a été annoncé pour la première fois par Synology il y a trois ans. It used to be working good, but in recent month the moments stop classifying photos. So far so good. The DS918+ is a massive step up in speed. 3. Avec Photo Station, vous pouvez facilement télécharger, organiser, modifier et partager vos photos. I tried the facial recognition features. Join us on this visual journey as we continue to tell stories Dec 30, 2020 · MomentsからPhoto Stationのフォルダを見る. The main difference between them seems to be that Photo Station is designed for organizing and sharing, while Moments leans into auto-organization without sharing (you can use a shared account, but with equal permissions for everyone). Jul 28, 2021 · La nouvelle application Synology Photos offre plus ou moins les mêmes avantages que DSM 7 lui-même. Jun 14, 2019 · Photo station is a software from synology you can install and use for free, if you run a new synology its call moment and what you can here its upload your p 针对上述问题,尝试DS photo+Moments,通过DS photo实现自动备份照片,通过Moments的共享照片库功能实现浏览。 虽然解决了照片备份路径指定、照片维护管理便捷的问题,但是,仍然存在以下问题:家庭成员超过一个时,虽然可以通过 Photo station 指定某个账号访问 Remarque : Lorsqu'un fichier en double est chargé, vous pouvez choisir l'option Ignorer ou Renommer en accédant à Paramètres > Général. The big thing holding most people back was the fact that there was not a shared library. x #dsm7 #synology Si vous disposez du privilège administratif de Photo Station, vous pouvez utiliser l'une des méthodes suivantes pour charger le nouvel album dans le dossier partagé photo (pour le Photo Station par défaut géré par l'admin de DSM) ou le dossier home/photo (pour les Photo Station personnels gérés par les utilisateurs de DSM). May 12, 2023 · Photo Station vs. I think there are still some parity issues however. 0 gratuitement à cette adresse . Which includes setup the day before or day of the event, and pack down the day after the event. Apr 16, 2019 · So, also ich hab mir mal Photo Station und Moments installiert und hab ein paar Bilder mal vom PC zum testen kopiert. Vous pouvez simplement activer la fonction dans Moments pour afficher et indexer les photos et les vidéos dans Photo Station, sans avoir à déplacer ou copier des éléments depuis Photo Station. Jul 16, 2018 · 目前群晖 Moments 有了一个功能 那就是 Moments 共享照片库,这样就不需要迁移photo station 的照片到moments,就能让moments显示photo station 的照片。 但是现在发现了一点小问题 操作如下: 1、在photo station 里新建两个相册,相册1,相册2。 相册1 权限:user1 管理 Photo Station Synology Moments; 사진 및 비디오의 Metadata; Photo Station 및 개인 Photo Station의 폴더 구조; 수동으로 생성된 앨범(폴더로 변환 예정) 공유 앨범 및 스마트 앨범(조건부 앨범으로 변환 예정) 1, 2; 앨범 권한(폴더 권한으로 변환 예정) 일반 태그 3; 등급 3 Nov 25, 2021 · From Photo Libraries to Spaces: My Photo Library is now Personal Space; Shared Photo Library is now Shared Space. But I am not all in on Photo Station. The system will create index thumbnails of the photos and videos automatically, and then people can view photo albums via a web browser. Photo Station est un album photo en ligne pour vous permettre de partager facilement des photos et des vidéos sur Internet. Right-click Moments and select Properties. However, as Synology Photos provides more detailed Shared Space permissions, you can further tailor the settings to your needs. Personal Photo Station is an online photo album with blog owned and managed by a DSM user. Cette station météo très originale associe design et élégance avec ses 3 éléments en cristal représentant le temps : le cristal bleu pour les nuages, le rouge pour le soleil et le blanc pour la pluie. This article introduces the key differences between the three packages and lists the migratable and dropped items/features. I am still reviewing it myself to see if it can compliment my workflow with my Photo Application that I have on I'm using photo station for the photos from events and holidays arranged into folders. 이번 포스팅의 마지막에 말씀드리겠지만, 조만간 메이저 업데이트 될 DSM에서는 Photo Station이 통합될 것이라고 하기도하고 I use Moments to sync my photos from my device. Nov 25, 2021 · From Photo Libraries to Spaces: My Photo Library is now Personal Space; Shared Photo Library is now Shared Space. Jul 13, 2023 · Synology Photos succède à Photo Station et Synology Moments. If Photos doesn't suit you, don't use it. I played with both Photo Station and Moments. DNLA is something different. Les albums de Synology Moments sont des albums virtuels créés automatiquement ou manuellement. Moments is able to index this folder. Feb 20, 2018 · 请问moments和. 0 is solely due to the loss of Moments in the new DSM. 4 I'm currently using BOTH Photo Station AND Moments. All the access permissions of Shared Photo Library have been migrated. Cet outil de gestion de photos tout-en-un prend des éléments de Photo Station et Moments et combine beaucoup de leurs fonctionnalités dans une seule application. 0 及以上版本支持共享照片库功能,只需在 Moments 中启用此功能,即可查看和索引 Photo Station 中的照片和视频,而无需将这些项目从 Photo Station 移动或复制到 Moments。除此之外,您还可以编辑访问权限,以允许其他 Synology NAS 用户访问共享照片库。 Oct 4, 2022 · 其实photo station也没啥用,DSM7. It’s especially important for anyone who’s searching for ways to optimise workflow. Cet article présente les principales différences entre les trois paquets et répertorie les éléments/fonctionnalités pouvant être migrés et supprimés. 在File Station中查看一下,Moments的文件夹分得比较清楚。 如果是电脑浏览器中上传的照片,则存放在Web文件夹下;如果是手机上传的照片,则存放在Mobile文件夹下,里面继续用手机名字来创建下级文件夹。 헤놀로지(시놀로지) Moments 사용하기(Photo Station 대체) 4 년 전 조회 수 3,620 댓글 7 2 복사 복사 헤놀로지(시놀로지)를 사용할때 아마 많이 사용하는 프로그램중 하나가 바로 포토 스테이션 일거다(앱 ds photo) Nov 25, 2021 · Synology 知识中心为您提供多方面的技术支持,包含常见问题解答、故障排除步骤、软件应用教程以及您可能需要的所有技术 Jan 27, 2021 · If you applied Windows ACL permissions to Photo Station, or if your Photo Station was initially installed on DSM 6. The photos are still stored on the nas and viewable from your phone through the moments app, or a web browser on your laptop - the only catch is that your nas needs to be exposed to the internet, or you need to set up a VPN back to your nas to view them when not on the same May 24, 2023 · some or their best moments #fyp #marina19 #mayaandcarina #carinaandmaya #station19 #delucabishop #photo. Ended up staying with Photo Station because of how it let me organize my data. Photos is quite an old topic. Green Screen experience, and more. Jul 11, 2023 · Photo Station Synology Moments; Metadata of photos and videos; Folder structures in Photo Station and Personal Photo Station; Manually created albums (will be transformed into folders) Shared albums and smart albums (will be transformed into conditional albums) 1,2; Album permissions (will be transformed into folder permissions) General tags 3 Unlike Photo Station & Moments, Synology Photos is faster and more responsive. Moments vs. We provide sleek modern photo stations that provide unlimited printing, animated GIFs, Email/Text/Social Media Sharing. Periodically I delete all the photos from my device to free up space. DSMからMomentsアプリを開き、マイ写真ライブラリと共有写真ライプラリを切り替えることで、Moments管理の写真とPhoto Station管理の写真を確認する事ができます。 Mar 19, 2020 · All the Synology NAS info for 2020-2021 We Know https://nascompares. com/2020/03/19/synology-2020-2021-everything-we-know-so-far/Of all the companies in the i Feb 18, 2020 · 群晖Moments 识别 Photo Station: 我的照片数量是非常的多的,识别后,进行观赏也很有意思: 吹爆群晖相册这个功能! 最后总结. Moments, al ser un programa muy reciente Nov 25, 2021 · From Photo Libraries to Spaces: My Photo Library is now Personal Space; Shared Photo Library is now Shared Space. 我刚买的机器 一开始装的photo station 后来装的moments 自动就把photo station给取代了今天装了photo station后就一直打不开 不知道怎么回事我现在想备份家里的 Synology 知識中心為您提供全方位的技術支援,包含常見問題解答、疑難排解步驟、軟體應用教學,以及您可能需要的所有技術 Good Times Photo Station is a premeire photo booth rental company providing services to metro Atlanta. Photo Station est constitué de trois parties : 小白求助 pho. 8. Son changement le plus évident a été la décision de combiner Photo Station & Moments en un seul outil convivial. Posted by u/SkylerGojo - 3 votes and 9 comments Nov 15, 2020 · Photo Station: Synology Momens: Album: Album dựa trên thư mục: Album được tạo tự động: Hình ảnh sẽ được tự động upload lên ứng dụng theo Album bạn cài đặt sẵn Jul 11, 2023 · Photo Station Synology Moments; Metadata of photos and videos; Folder structures in Photo Station and Personal Photo Station; Manually created albums (will be transformed into folders) Shared albums and smart albums (will be transformed into conditional albums) 1,2; Album permissions (will be transformed into folder permissions) General tags 3 Jan 27, 2021 · If you applied Windows ACL permissions to Photo Station, or if your Photo Station was initially installed on DSM 6. . Photo Station Photo Station 专为专业摄影师打造,可用于管理照片存储、随时随地共享和访问精选集、收集客户反馈以及执行更多其他操作。 Photo Station 加印商标以及广播您的摄影业务 Feb 21, 2020 · 前两天看阿文菌分享了群晖photo station+moment相册组件的组合用法群晖NAS相册的正确玩法!使用Moments的朋友必看!强烈推荐搭 Jul 11, 2023 · Photo Station Synology Moments; Metadata of photos and videos; Folder structures in Photo Station and Personal Photo Station; Manually created albums (will be transformed into folders) Shared albums and smart albums (will be transformed into conditional albums) 1,2; Album permissions (will be transformed into folder permissions) General tags 3 Jul 9, 2018 · Moments 1. I have all my photos in Photo Station and would like to use them (from File Manager) in Moments but havent been able to figure out how to do that. Jul 13, 2023 · Synology 知识中心为您提供多方面的技术支持,包含常见问题解答、故障排除步骤、软件应用教程以及您可能需要的所有技术 Jan 27, 2021 · Synology Moments 1. L'admin de DSM (ou utilisateur appartenant au groupe administrators, si le système de comptes de Photo Station est défini en tant que Comptes DSM), peut sélectionner À propos de moi pour modifier les informations personnelles et Paramètres > Général pour gérer les paramètres de base des comptes utilisateur, de la langue d'affichage, du service 谁说Moments和Photo Station不能兼得? 如果你是Photo Station老用户,喜欢Moments的人脸和主题辨识功能,但是又不想大费周章搬动相册,新发布的共享照片库就能让你Photo Station和Moments同时兼得,无需手动将照片从Photo Station搬迁到Moments。 如何设置呢? Synology Photos VS Photo Station and Synology Moments - ALL the Differences Dec 20, 2023 · DEN NEUEN SYNOLOGY-PHOTOS-KURS FINDEST DU HIER: 👉 https://tinyurl. Let op, de accounts en instellingen van Personal Photo Station bestaan niet meer. Apr 18, 2021 · You'll have Moments and Photo Station. Si vous découvrez les NAS Synology et DSM, vous pouvez essayer DSM 7. This makes it easier for sharing to people I want to. What I really want is each user to have their own moments and then shared access to all the photos that are currently in photo station. Voici Synology Photos. We are told that Moments will eventually replace PhotoStation. And I like that my photos aren’t being mined for data. de/grundlagen-training-free DEN VOLLSTÄNDIGEN PHOTOS-KURS FINDEST DU HIER: 👉 https://tinyu Mar 12, 2018 · Sorry for being sidetracked. Now go down the list to Geofence and add one. 2. 0 及以上版本支持共享照片库功能,只需在 Moments 中启用此功能,即可查看和索引 Photo Station 中的照片和视频,而无需将这些项目从 Photo Station 移动或复制到 Moments。除此之外,您还可以编辑访问权限,以允许其他 Synology NAS 用户访问共享照片库。 Nov 25, 2021 · Les autorisations d'accès sont modifiables à tout moment. Nov 12, 2020 · 目的:通过photo station管理照片备份,通过memonets进行智能识别和分类,首先管理手机照片。 首先在dsm中安装photo station和memonets,然后在手机上安装ds photo。 然后在手机上设置照片备份,这是时候可以通过通过手机在nas上新建一个目录作为目标地址。 Dec 14, 2017 · Par contre tout ce qui dépend de Photo Station est dans le répertoire photo et n'est pas lié à Moments qui lui est dans le répertoire homes\"user name"\Drive. Moments is the response for those used to using Apple Photos: multiple sources to multiple folders within your /home/Drive/Moments folder and primarily displayed as timeline, albums, and subject tags but there is a folder view. Moments is lacking any sharing function between users atm. Ce paquet organise intelligemment de grandes quantités de photos et de vidéos pour vous permettre de les gérer efficacement et de partager de manière flexible les albums que vous avez créés avec vos amis. But with Moments, it'll auto-create the multiple sub-folders, based on the pictures' dates. Tap the top-right 'menu' icon and enable Photo Backup then tap the cog/sprocket settings icon. If you only install moments it saves pictures to /home/drive/moments. 0-0691 (ou ultérieur) et Photo Station 6. 0 及以上版本支持共享照片库功能,只需在 Moments 中启用此功能,即可查看和索引 Photo Station 中的照片和视频,而无需将这些项目从 Photo Station 移动或复制到 Moments。除此之外,您还可以编辑访问权限,以允许其他 Synology NAS 用户访问共享照片库。 Gestion des albums. Couleurs, lumières, contrastes, piqué : je redécouvre littéralement mes clichés. We focus on capturing memorable moments that you smile! Contact Us Today! Cost for photo station package: £350 This price is for hiring the items listed above. Dec 25, 2018 · Moments 1. Je n'ai pas trouvé le moyen de lier les deux à moins de copier les dossier de photo vers Drive ou Moments, pas très efficace tout se trouverait en double. My old DS214 is still indexing after4 days. Klik op om over te schakelen naar Persoonlijke ruimte. 1; Direct photo management: Jan 27, 2021 · If you applied Windows ACL permissions to Photo Station, or if your Photo Station was initially installed on DSM 6. 照片和视频的 Metadata 2. 2 Photo Station & Moments data will be migrated and what features of Synology Photos have yet to arrive. Nov 25, 2021 · Indien u Persoonlijk Photo Station eerder had ingeschakeld, zijn de foto's en video's in de bronmap "/home/photo" verplaatst naar de nieuwe bronmap "/home/Photos" en weergegeven in Persoonlijke ruimte. Photo Station has my archived collection and photos that are taken on actual cameras. Remarque : Si vous préférez charger des photos via l'interface de Photo Station, il est vivement recommandé d'activer le service QuickConnect. J'utilise à la fois Moments (pour la sauvegarde mobile) et Photo Station (pour la sauvegarde DSLR). 0. Photo Station: Synology Moments: 1. I do wish the facial recognition was better like Moments in Photo Station though. It’s about 250GB right now, which isn’t a huge collection, but I’ve had no complaints. Synology Photos est une combinaison des outils susmentionnés pour une expérience plus simple, conviviale et pourtant A afficher ou à encadrer, mon agrandissement photo est développé sur du véritable papier photo Fujifilm Crystal Archive Suprême. 다음과 같이 Photo Station은 File Station의 photo 디렉토리의 목록과 동일한 사진목록을 보여줍니다. mbtclm nhoep ckza bsjug wxmtmrqu mrutp qcv lwagklt vpsldjn vufpl gdijfskdr gewg ozchsncv vnvt cth