- Mahoning county court records Mahoning County Courts. The mission of the Municipal Clerk of Court is to safeguard and precisely maintain court records, in addition to collecting and distributing all fines, costs, and fees pertaining to the operation of Youngstown Municipal Court. - 4:30 p. (Sup. Contact Us. 2. Links for online court records and other free court resources are provided for each court, where available. Courts of Common Pleas in Mahoning County If you cannot scan your documents, you can mail a copy of them to the Court at Mahoning County Probate Court, Attn: Marriage License, 120 Market Street, Youngstown, Ohio 44503 or drop them off at the Marriage License secure drop box located inside the Mahoning County Courthouse at 120 Market Street, Youngstown, Ohio 44503. Search Mahoning County case information contained within a centralized database. Useful Information. You are required to serve unless excused by MAHONING COUNTY DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT 120 Market St. Phone: 330-740 Record Searches. website. Domestic Relations records are not available online. Mahoning County Court #3 (Sebring) This court has jurisdiction over: City of Sebring Village of Beloit Berlin Township Green Township Goshen Township Ellsworth Township Smith Township Washingtonville Township When searching by name, be as specific as possible. R. Jurisdiction This court has jurisdiction over: Bailiff: 330-938-9873 Probation Officer: 330-938-3123 Probation Secretary: 330-740-2196 Court Administrator: 330-740-2001 Asst. Mahoning County 120 Market Street Youngstown, OH 44503 The Mahoning County Recorder's Office is the official land records office for all real estate located in Mahoning County. MAHONING COUNTY JUVENILE COURT 300 E. You might go to the Clerk of Court's office to pay traffic and criminal fines, file court papers in a civil case and access court records. 6445 Fax 330-740-2286. See the Probate Estate Help tab below. Local Rule 46 Online Court Resources. The principal duty of the Clerk of Courts is to maintain and preserve all court documents, journals, records, books, and papers pertaining to the Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Court, Court of Appeals and Area Courts. Mission Statement In conformity with Mahoning County's Mission Statement, the Clerk of Courts will: “Fulfill the mandates of the Ohio Revised Code by filing and preserving all papers relating to common pleas court including criminal, civil, divorce, judgment liens, state tax and court of appeals cases, and by specifically keeping an appearance docket, trial docket, execution docket, a 330-740-2110: Boardman Court #2: 8110 Market Street Boardman, OH 44512: 330-726-5546: Sebring Court #3: 606 East Ohio Avenue Sebring, OH 44672: 330-938-9873 The court has temporarily suspended the workshop due to COVID. In Mahoning County, offenders may expunge criminal records by filing a petition at the county’s court of common pleas. Find municipal, criminal, and probate court records, as well as child support warrants. Mission Statement In conformity with Mahoning County's Mission Statement, the Clerk of Courts will: “Fulfill the mandates of the Ohio Revised Code by filing and preserving all papers relating to common pleas court including criminal, civil, divorce, judgment liens, state tax and court of appeals cases, and by specifically keeping an appearance docket, trial docket, execution docket, a Mahoning County Court of Common Pleas Local Rules. Commissioners. DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT FILING CHECKLIST: This checklist will help ensure that you include all the necessary forms when initiating various types of actions in the Court. Annual Certificate of Unclaimed Funds. New Middletown Mayor's Court 10711 Main Street, New Court Records. About the Judge & Court. Bailiff: 330-533-3643 Probation Officer: 330-533-5290 Probation Secretary: 330-740-2196 Court Administrator: 330-740-2196 Below is a directory of court locations in Mahoning County. If you’re not sure which court you’re looking for, learn more about the Ohio court system. Be prepared to stay the entire day on your first day of service, as you may be seated on a jury that day. Mahoning County Court III 605 East Ohio Avenue, Sebring, OH. Mahoning County Clerk of Courts. The cost of obtaining the case records depends on the number of pages and whether or not you require these records to be certified. 330-740-2110: Boardman Court #2: 8110 Market Street Boardman, OH 44512: 330-726-5546: Sebring Court #3: 606 East Ohio Avenue Sebring, OH 44672: 330-938-9873 The principal duty of the Clerk of Courts is to maintain and preserve all court documents, journals, records, books, and papers pertaining to the Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Court, Court of Appeals and Area Courts. The duties of the office are many and varied. Mahoning County Courthouse 120 Market St Youngstown, OH 44503 (330)-740-2104: Search by Owner's Name. 4 miles away. ๐๐ Case Search (Docket) Court Forms. 4. Welcome to the Mahoning County Probate Court case management system. Search by name, case number, or docket number for civil, criminal, probate, and juvenile cases. The Mahoning County Prosecutor’s Office has three main divisions: the Criminal Division, which acts on behalf of the State of Ohio and prosecutes offenders for all traffic and misdemeanor offenses at the county court level, and felony crimes at the Mahoning County Court of Common Pleas Local Rules. All records of the Mahoning County Clerk of Courts Office are public unless they are Mar 6, 2025 ยท Felonies The Criminal Division is responsible for the prosecution of all serious adult offenders in the Mahoning County Common Pleas Court. Enter the last name first, followed by a space, followed by the first name or initial, example Smith John. Therefore, the court is promptly providing notice of such Rule 46 and an opportunity for comment. public records must be organized and maintained in such a way that they can be made available for inspection and copying. 44-47). Youngstown, OH 44503. Mission Statement In conformity with Mahoning County's Mission Statement, the Clerk of Courts will: “Fulfill the mandates of the Ohio Revised Code by filing and preserving all papers relating to common pleas court including criminal, civil, divorce, judgment liens, state tax and court of appeals cases, and by specifically keeping an appearance docket, trial docket, execution docket, a The Mahoning County Juvenile Court is dedicated to providing individualized justice for our children and to protecting the community, carefully balancing the interests of both. Probate 3 days ago ยท The Daily Legal News • 114 E Front St, Ste 100 • Youngstown, Ohio 44503 • Phone: 330-747-7777 • Fax: 330-747-3977 The Clerk of Court helps provide public access to court records and receives, distributes and preserves official court documents. Court Records. 120 Market Street 1st Floor Youngstown, OH 44503. The office serves the Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Court, Court of Appeals and Area Courts in Mahoning County. Search by Parcel ID Number From: Mahoning County Probate Judge Robert N. How do I search Common Pleas records? The principal duty of the Clerk of Courts is to maintain and preserve all court documents, journals, records, books, and papers pertaining to the Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Court, Court of Appeals and Area Courts. The Board of Mahoning County Commissioners is the general administrative body for county government Court Records. m. Find helpful forms for both the Common Please Court and County Court. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Mahoning County government and non-government sources. STEP 2. Reasons to be Excused Jury service is a civic duty and obligation. Those crimes include high-value theft, possession of illicit drugs with a high potential for abuse, drug trafficking, domestic violence, robbery, burglary, rape, Genealogy research remains incomplete until or unless one considers a thoroughgoing investigation. Mahoning County Court of Common Pleas Probate Court 120 Market Street 3. Video Tour of Mahoning County! Learn about the Quality of Live Mahoning County Courthouse, Clerk of Courts 120 Market Street 2nd Floor Youngstown, OH 44503 What to Wear Business casual attire. Mahoning County Area Court Number 4 processes the highest number of case(s), at this level, in the State of Ohio. Case Search (Docket) Court Forms. Mahoning County 120 Market Street Youngstown, OH 44503 Mahoning County, OH Vital Records. The 2 ½ hour Workshop topics include: The principal duty of the Clerk of Courts is to maintain and preserve all court documents, journals, records, books, and papers pertaining to the Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Court, Court of Appeals and Area Courts. Welcome to the. Mahoning County Court #2 (Boardman) This court has jurisdiction over the Boardman Township. Courtroom No 6 (Fourth Fl) Honorable Beth A. The Board of Mahoning County Commissioners is the general administrative body for county government PROBATE COURT Records Case Search. We ask that you are patient with us during this time. They are able to issue Death Certificates for Mahoning County and Birth Certificates for the State of Ohio. Do not use a comma between the last name and the first name. ๐๐ The Mahoning County Juvenile Court is dedicated to providing individualized justice for our children and to protecting the community, carefully balancing the interests of both. Youngstown, OH 44505. Bailiff: 330-726-5546 Probation Officer: 330-726-9448 Probation Secretary: 330-740-2196 Court Administrator: 330-726-5546 Asst. Case Types. Employees of the Recorder's Office The Mahoning County Juvenile Court is dedicated to providing individualized justice for our children and to protecting the community, carefully balancing the interests of both. Useful Information The principal duty of the Clerk of Courts is to maintain and preserve all court documents, journals, records, books, and papers pertaining to the Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Court, Court of Appeals and Area Courts. Mahoning County Convention & Visitors Bureau. General Case Search Birth/Death Certificate Search - The City of Youngstown Health Department Vital Statistics office registers all birth and death certificates for Mahoning County and Northside Hospital in Trumbull county. As Judge, my goal is to serve the public in the most efficient and courteous manner possible. Court Calendar. 330-740-2110: Boardman Court #2: 8110 Market Street Boardman, OH 44512: 330-726-5546: Sebring Court #3: 606 East Ohio Avenue Sebring, OH 44672: 330-938-9873 Divorce records can be obtained from the Mahoning County Clerk of Courts office. Search for civil, criminal, and domestic relations cases online or contact the court for directions and phone number. 3. Mahoning County Probate Court 120 Market St. Stay For more information, call the Mahoning County Bar Association at 330-746-2933 or Community Legal Aid at 1-800-998-9454. Scott St. 3 miles away. The Mahoning County Domestic Relations Court has determined the immediate need for Local Rule 46 with regard to eFiling which is to become available on September 6, 2023, and effective November 6, 2023. Prosecutor: 330-938-9873 Mahoning County Court #2 (Boardman) This court has jurisdiction over the Boardman Township. Probate Records Online. Phone: 330-740-2310 Fax: 330-740-2325 Email: Probate Court Hours: Monday thru Friday: 8:00 a. Mahoning County Court II 72 North Broad Street, Canfield, OH Court in Canfield, Ohio, handling criminal and traffic charges, small claims, and civil complaints. The Mahoning County Prosecuting Attorney oversees the operation of the Prosecutor’s Office. Mahoning County Area Court - Sebring 605 E Ohio Ave Sebring, OH 44672 Phone: (330) 938-9873 Fax: (330) 938-6518. Site Map. Mahoning County Probate Court. 1 miles away Court Records. Marriage License & Copy Requests. Probate Court Records. Date: Friday, April 2, 2021 Re: Probate Court unveils new website& options for marriage records Contact: Judge Rusu 330-740-2310. Learn where to report and what to wear to jury duty. Smith, Judge 330-740-2208 Fax 330-740-2503. Poland Mayors Court 308 South Main Street 2. Video Tour of Mahoning County! Learn about the Quality of Live The Mahoning County Juvenile Court is dedicated to providing individualized justice for our children and to protecting the community, carefully balancing the interests of both. BMCC Agendas Stay Informed. Mahoning County 120 Market Street Youngstown, OH 44503 Mahoning County Court #2 (Boardman) This court has jurisdiction over the Boardman Township. Records are located in the Mahoning County Court House at: 120 Market Street Youngstown, OH 44503 Mar 13, 2024 ยท court records: Mahoning County Court of Common Pleas - Domestic Relations Division. If using first and last name, enter last name then first name separated by a comma and a space ', '. in the Mahoning County Recorder's Office. is pleased to announce Property Search GIS Search Land Records Search Building Permit Inquiry General Case Search Birth/Death Certificate Search - The City of Youngstown Health Department Vital Statistics office registers all birth and death certificates for Mahoning County and Northside Hospital in Trumbull county. Find out where the courts within the county have jurisdiction over, how to get into contact with them and who the judge is of each court. By Local Rule, the Mahoning County Domestic Relations Court requires all parents with minor children who are parties to a divorce or legal separation action to attend an educational workshop prior to the date of final hearing. Mahoning County Area Court - Austintown 6000 Mahoning Ave Austintown, OH 44515 Phone: (330) 740-2001 Fax: (330) 792-2801 Nearby Courts: Mahoning County Court of Common Pleas Domestic Relations Court 120 Market Street 1. Find case information and pay online for Mahoning County court records. Where can find Mahoning County Birth, marriage, Divorce and Death Records? Mahoning County vital records can be found at the Ohio Department of Health which has Birth Records since Dec 20, 1908; Death Records since since 1954 and copies of Marriage and Divorce Records since 1918 to present There is a fee for each copy requested. Find information on how to access court records, file pleadings, and obtain passports and titles from the Clerk of Courts office. to 4:00 p. Court records and case documents kept by this office are governed by the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio. Mahoning County Court of Common Pleas Local Rules. Honorable Theresa Dellick, Judge 330-740-2278 Ext. Sheriff Sales Resources for the Youngstown Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Mahoning County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. Geographic Information system (gis) GIS, County & Property Maps. You can call the office at 330-740-2104. Substantial specifics and fundamentals can be accessed through this marvelous Mahoning County Court Records Search Index, Ohio. Co. Mahoning County Court #3 (Sebring) This court has jurisdiction over: City of Sebring Village of Beloit Berlin Township Green Township Goshen Township Ellsworth Township Smith Township Washingtonville Township Divorce records can be obtained from the Mahoning County Clerk of Courts office. You may now search our index and docket information online. Rusu Jr. YOUNGSTOWN — Mahoning County Probate Judge Robert N. Find links for marriage record applications, certified records, historical searches, and more. Employment. The petition must contain the following information: The record subject’s personal data The Mahoning County Juvenile Court is dedicated to providing individualized justice for our children and to protecting the community, carefully balancing the interests of both. As PROBATE COURT Records Case Search. Record retention The Probate Court Help Desk is available every Tuesday from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Mahoning County 120 Market Street Youngstown, OH 44503 Mahoning County Court of Common Pleas Local Rules. The Court is aware of the outage and the service provider is actively working to resolve the issue. All records of the Mahoning County Clerk of Courts Office are public unless they are specifically exempt from disclosure under the Ohio Revised Code or case law. To perform a general search for Mahoning County court records, requesters can log in to online databases for quick access or contact the records repository through phone calls, fax, email - The City of Youngstown Health Department Vital Statistics office registers all birth and death certificates for Mahoning County and Northside Hospital in Trumbull county. Mahoning County Homepage. The Probate Court Help Desk is available every Tuesday from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. In general, felony offenses are crimes that carry a potential prison sentence. Judge launches new website & new options for marriage records . The search will use the character string from left to right; therefore, the last name or just the first few letters can be entered. , First Floor, Youngstown, Search Mahoning County Public Library genealogy records such as vital records, obituaries Court Records. Local Court Rules. Clerk of Courts. Now wide variety of public specifics can be easily achieved through Mahoning County, OH Court Records. PROBATE COURT Records Case Search. Also, interested persons can source Mahoning Court records through the Ohio State Archives or research agencies with Mahoning County court records databases. . All records prior to 1985 can be viewed during regular office hours of Monday - Friday from 8 a. Juror Information. Probate We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. CountyOffice. Mahoning County 120 Market Street Youngstown, OH 44503 This court conducts court business relating to misdemeanor criminal and traffic charges, small claims and civil complaints, initial appearance(s) on felony charges and probation violations. Resources for the Youngstown Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Mahoning County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. Mahoning County Court I 127 Boardman-Canfield Road, Boardman, OH. Record Searches. How do I search Probate Court records? County Maps. How do I search Common Pleas records? Official Sources for Mahoning County Public Records. Property Search GIS Search Land Records Search Building Permit Inquiry General Case Search Birth/Death Certificate Search - The City of Youngstown Health Department Vital Statistics office registers all birth and death certificates for Mahoning County and Northside Hospital in Trumbull county. Probate Records of cases filed at the county courts may also be available at the following respective court locations. Mahoning County Court #3 (Sebring) This court has jurisdiction over: City of Sebring Village of Beloit Berlin Township Green Township Goshen Township Ellsworth Township Smith Township Washingtonville Township Access Mahoning County, OH marriage records easily. Stay Informed. You can search records on line with electronic indexes beginning in January 1985 to present. Access Mahoning County, OH court records easily. Search court case records Find information and resources for the Mahoning County Court of Common Pleas - General Division, including case records, forms, rules, and online self-help. MAHONING COUNTY PROBATE COURT 120 330-740-2110: Boardman Court #2: 8110 Market Street Boardman, OH 44512: 330-726-5546: Sebring Court #3: 606 East Ohio Avenue Sebring, OH 44672: 330-938-9873 The Court is aware of the outage and the service provider is actively working to resolve the issue. The Daily Legal News • 114 E Front St, Ste 100 • Youngstown, Ohio 44503 • Phone: 330-747-7777 • Fax: 330-747-3977 330-740-2110: Boardman Court #2: 8110 Market Street Boardman, OH 44512: 330-726-5546: Sebring Court #3: 606 East Ohio Avenue Sebring, OH 44672: 330-938-9873 Case Search (Docket) Court Forms. Prosecutor: 330-726-5546 Magistrate: 330-726-5546 Mahoning County Court of Common Pleas Local Rules. Mahoning County 120 Market Street Youngstown, OH 44503 The principal duty of the Clerk of Courts is to maintain and preserve all court documents, journals, records, books, and papers pertaining to the Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Court, Court of Appeals and Area Courts. haktas eimqxqa ebjnn nbbgyg avrrfgrf fwp izckq gqjh wasxqj lre ersiqf zkb cglscy cxiw vjfz