Level 80 crafting macros ffxiv CUL and GSM are left out of this one as they don't have name of element/brand of element skills. LVL 80 ★★★★ • 70 Durability 8591 Jul 28, 2019 · Level: 80 Durability: 80 Difficulty: 3943 Craftsmanship: 2121 • Control: 2036 • CP: 519 Note: Non-Specialist. All of the leveling crafting macros we show here today were posted to Twitter by VTuber Vivi. Replace "xxxx" in the 2nd part with the element for your job. Patch 7. Buying Gear & Tools To properly prepare for the journey from 21-80, you will need to acquire the gear that you'll be using to craft the Ishgard Restoration turn-in items. 06a Level 68, 40 durability Feb 15, 2025 · This macro uses Inner Quiet to boost quality, Steady Hand to increase success rate, Basic Touch to increase quality, and Basic Synthesis to increase progress. 15 (and below) I wanted to share some of my crafting macros for 60 crafters. 2, includes tutorial - how to reduce the amount of CP needed for a macro. 3x Macros; Patch 6. Patch 6. Beginner’s Guide Level 1-90 Macros; Shadowbringers Macros. LVL 80 ★★★★ • 70 Durability 8591 Jul 27, 2024 · FFXIV 7. Level: 80Durability: 60Difficulty: 1780Craftsmanship: 2606 • Control: 2457 • CP: 348Gear: Non-Specialist, Works with Item Level 500 White Scrip Set as well. The macros fit for any Durability item. 0) LVL 89&90 For Scrip Farming • 80 Durability • 3400&3500 Difficulty Patch 6. 1x Macros; ENDWALKER Macros. google Jun 22, 2019 · Level 70 80 Durability 100% HQ from NQ Mats no RNG Level 70 Macro for Zhloe & Mnaago Custom Delivery 1211 Craftsmanship FFXIV FF14 Crafting Turn-ins For Nice macros but unfortunately have very high stat requirements. Make up for it with more HQ at start if you have lower Control. Oct 16, 2020 · FFXIV Macro. This list will point out all the mats you need to get from 80 to 90 in a single sitting of turn ins. 3: Craft level 80 3star 70 durability items, requires 619CP. LVL 80 ★★★★ • 70 Durability 8591 Feb 10, 2018 · Level 68, 40 durability macro. Title: Level 80 one button Body: Part 1 DAWNTRAIL Macros. You can also farm the master books while you do this. The main goal of the macros is to successfully craft first and HQ (High Quality item) is secondary. Quickly wanted to share my macro for anyone levelling crafts or crafting 90 gear for income. Level 70 ★★★ 70 Durability Patch 4. 0x Macros; Patch 6. All; Crafting; Crafting an item 10 levels below your current level can now be HQ in 2 easy steps. Nov 24, 2018 · FFXIV Macro. It probably overshoots quality a bit but it's an easy enough 1 button macro you can use from 80-90, then add the additional line in the second to use at 90 until the new recipes come out. This video tuto FFXIV Macro. We may be lazy, but there is no need to hold macro usage till lvl 80, after all it is there to be used. Mar 26, 2018 · Level 70 ★★★ 70 Durability Patch 4. 2 ⋆⋆⋆ lvl 80 – for Full-BiS. Stat Requirements: 5369/5085/394 Foodless + HQ materials. Full BiS + Melded (i490) 70/35 Durability • 7414/5437 Difficulty 10 levels down. However, looking into crafting people always mention crafting macros. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Crafting an item 10 levels below your current level can now be HQ in 2 easy steps. My stats only currently clock out at 3183 Craftmanship and 3094 control, which is about 200 / 300 less than the above stats. Since playe Mar 3, 2020 · Our macro page is updated for FFXIV Patch 5. A list of macros for FFXIV's Ishgard Restoration for levels 21-80 including required gear and food needed along the way. This macro is best used with level 93 collectible Level: 80 ★★★Durability: 35Difficulty: 5437Craftsmanship: 2715 • Control: 2895 • CP: 588Melds: Non-Specialist. 2x Macros; Patch 6. 0LVL 93 • 80 & 40 Durability 4500 & 2250 Difficulty Patch 7. Rotations include 40, 60, 70 and 80 durability items, collectibles, Ishgard restoration, 2 and 3 star crafting and a lot more. Reminder: Food is HQ Blood Bouillabaisse Macro 1 /ac “Refle… FFXIV Crafting Macros by Ashe10. Non-specialist. 100% HQ from NQ Mats. Get those slithersands! Jul 5, 2019 · 80 Durability HQ Crafting Rotation and Macro + Tutorial, Level 71 - 72 recipes for FFXIV Shadowbringers. Minimum 2480 Craftsmanship, 2195 Control, will need some amount of initial quality at minimum to 100% A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. You don't need to create brand new macros every time you learn a new skill. Level 68, 40 durability macro. The best I can do is a 410~CP macro that is basically 99. 1350 Control is the minimum you might need 8500 quality at start then. Full BiS + Melded (i490) 70/35 Durability • 7414/5437 Difficulty Oct 16, 2020 · Crafting an item 10 levels below your current level can now be HQ in 2 easy steps. 80 Durability HQ Crafting Rotation and Macro + Tutorial, Level 76 - 78 recipes in FFXIV 5. Level: 57-70Durability: 60Difficulty: 404-3149Craftsmanship: 2121 • Control: 2036 • CP: 271Note: Non-Specialist. Reminder… These macros are broken down into tiers based on the minimum crafting level for the required skills. ez white scrips farming for when you just finished following gillionaire girls' guide to lvl 80. Get those slithersands! The Artisan set went a long way to providing the stats needed for the level 50 macros. Level: 81Durability: 80Difficulty: 2000Craftsmanship: 2606 • Control: 2457 • CP: 412Gear: Non-Specialist, Works with Item Level 500 White Scrip Set as well. Full BiS + Melded (i490) 70/35 Durability • 7414/5437 Difficulty Dec 8, 2021 · My crafting rotations for Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker from Level 80 to Level 90. NOTE: INFORMATION STILL GOOD FOR PATCH 3. However, it may not be suitable for crafting high-level items or collectables. Rotations are updated for patch 5. Includes 60, 7 DAWNTRAIL Macros. Currently having full level 90 crafted crafting armor with 2 Control X materia in each piece (And -soph primary with level 90 crafted secondary weapon). Edit: I've noticed some concerns and critique about this particular method. Full BiS + Melded (i490) 70/35 Durability • 7414/5437 Difficulty Apr 2, 2020 · If you are currently leveling for levels 71 - 80 or want a faster way to produce level 80 crafted items this video and macro page are for you. 4 Level: 80 ★★★★ Durability: 70 Difficulty: 8591 Craftsmanship: 2750 ez white scrips farming for when you just finished following gillionaire girls' guide to lvl 80. 0 LVL 92 • 80 & 40 Durability 4250 & 2125 Difficulty Patch 7. This video will help you creating an easy and viable crafting macros for level 10-85. Works for every single Custom Delivery R… Oct 16, 2020 · FFXIV Macro. 0 crafting macros — Level 93 collectibles. you need to manually finish the synthesis with name of the elements + brand of the elements or intensive synthesis if you're lucky. 3 *** 619cp 70d. I created these on my own, because I couldn't easily find any decent rotations/macros out there for any of the new recipes that utilized the new crafting stats from the new gear and melds. Final Fantasy XIV macro sharing. Get those slithersands! FFXIV Crafting Rotations and Macros, Level 71 - 80, Updated for Patch 5. 2 Updates Oct 16, 2020 · FFXIV Macro. I'm still new to crafting and have never used macros or really much at all. Ma… A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Reminder: It’s meant for when you … Oct 16, 2020 · FFXIV Macro. Dec 17, 2024 · Using crafting macros in FFXIV offers several benefits, including time-saving, consistency, and efficiency. FFXIV Teamcraft simulations and stats included. LVL 80 ★★★★ • 70 Durability 8591 EXP received from crafting scales down as you level up, so you'll receive far more EXP if you complete all your crafts at the lowest level that you possibly can. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Cunning III Materia in the Belt and Accessories with a single Cunning III overmeld put me at 331 allowing me to successfully complete the level 50 macro with a whopping 1CP to spare. Get those slithersands! Title: 10 levels down Body: Part 1 Oct 16, 2020 · Crafting an item 10 levels below your current level can now be HQ in 2 easy steps. DAWNTRAIL Macros. Apr 14, 2020 · Final Fantasy XIV macro sharing. Use DAWNTRAIL Macros. 5. LVL 80 ★★★★ • 70 Durability 8591 Mar 13, 2020 · It crushes recipes with nary a complaint, and if you are looking to farm Ishgardian Restoration scrips then this crafting macro will ensure you earn 60 for every single level 80 item you craft (which, is a mere two scrips shy of a minimum-viability expert craft, which is leagues harder to finish). It's brainless and you can level everyone from 80-90 in a single day. This is the r Feb 11, 2025 · This is a foodless macro using able to perform a 12-step macro with HQ materials, this makes it ideal for Taco crafts, a non-HQ mat is listed further below. It's a simple but effective macro for crafting low-level items. This macro requires a Great Strides before the Byregot's if using the Mid Tier set. Note: If you wanna use this macro for making HQ gear just use 1 HQ material to 100% Guarantee, I will make a proper macro once more materia are farmed and better melds are in place. There are different endings depending on which job you are using. Patch 5. 1x Macros; Patch 6. Full BiS + Melded (i490) 70/35 Durability • 7414/5437 Difficulty Feb 10, 2018 · Level 68, 40 durability macro. Gather/buy A BUNCH of mats and just run crafting macros for whatever the highest scrip you can craft. Alternate ending for lower CP/Craftsmanship. 2 crafting skills. Useful for doing the Dwarf beast tribe quests if your jobs are level 80 already. That's still 1 too many, so here's a macro. May you ever be in the light of the crystal. Link to the melds in the video description. FFXIV Ishgard Restoration Macros: Level FFXIV Macro. All; Crafting; Gathering; Battle; 1114 control and 455 cp For 80 durability crafts levels 68-70 (no stars) as of 4. Below 5085 needs the Great Strides. as you craft, trade the scrips for the handsaint gear so that the macro finishes on its own Oct 16, 2020 · FFXIV Macro. Points worth mention: ----- This macro use luck method using Excellent condition. 3 70*** 543CP. 4. This rotation requires Tempura Platter or better stat wise. 10 levels down. LVL 80 ★★★★ • 70 Durability 8591 Mar 26, 2018 · Level 70 ★★★ 70 Durability Patch 4. Full BiS + Melded (i490) 70/35 Durability • 7414/5437 Difficulty Crafting an item 10 levels below your current level can now be HQ in 2 easy steps. LVL 80 ★★★★ • 70 Durability 8591 Hey folks, Quickly wanted to share my macro for anyone levelling crafts or crafting 90 gear for income. This can be purchased via a vendor. white scrips. 0. Crafting an item 10 levels below your current level can now be HQ in 2 easy steps. Just do scrips. This video Level 70 ★★★ 70 Durability Patch 4. How do I create a crafting macro in FFXIV? To create a crafting macro in FFXIV, open the Macro Menu by pressing Esc and Oct 16, 2020 · Crafting an item 10 levels below your current level can now be HQ in 2 easy steps. com Macros after Level 90 is reached: LVL 89 • 80 Durability 3400 Difficulty Patch 6. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Jul 8, 2019 · 80 Durability HQ Crafting Rotation and Macro + Tutorial, Level 80 recipes for FFXIV Shadowbringers 5. 1. 4x Macros; Beginner’s Guide Level 1-90 Macros; Shadowbringers Macros. #ffxiv #finalfantasyxiv #finalfantasy14Link to my Macros: https://docs. Get those slithersands! The level 80 collectibles for the Ishgard Restoration took a bit of experimentation to figure out, because they have lower difficulty than the 80** crafts (3943), a higher max quality (40574), as well as a lower durability (60). 3 (1500 Craftsmanship 1440 Control 543 CP) Note: Need 7500 Quality at the Start to make it 100% HQ with Control value above. Get those slithersands! Jan 15, 2021 · Final Fantasy XIV macro LVL 80 ★★★★ • 70 Durability 8591 Difficulty Patch 5. 0x Macros; Patch 7. 0 (Gillowance 2. Stats displayed are the minimum requirements after food and potion are used. See full list on xpgoblin. How are you melded? I've been trying to figure out macros with lower stats (1,270 Crafts, 1,134 Control, 382 CP) which is the 70 set with one +3 Craftsmanship meld in each thing which I use for spiritbonding. 0 Shadowbringers. LVL 80 ★★★★ • 70 Durability 8591 Oct 16, 2020 · FFXIV Macro. Full BiS + Melded (i490) 70/35 Durability • 7414/5437 Difficulty Dont worry, I lvled l crafter from 10 to 80 with macros & ishgard restoration deliveries. A comprehensive compilation of crafting macros for nearly every recipe in the Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail. I have a level 70 GSM that was entirely from Job quests, leves, Moogle quests, daily turn ins and some Ishgard Restoration. Macros can automate repetitive tasks. [5. Get those slithersands! Oct 16, 2020 · Crafting an item 10 levels below your current level can now be HQ in 2 easy steps. LVL 80 ★★★★ • 70 Durability 8591 Jul 6, 2019 · 40 Durability HQ Crafting Rotation and Macro + Tutorial, Level 71 - 80 recipes in FFXIV 5. 0 Feb 10, 2025 · Listed below is a general macro you can use to level all the way to 80 using any Collectables. Get those slithersands! A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Macros when Leveling Up from Level 90 to 100: LVL 91 • 80 & 40 Durability 4000 & 2000 Difficulty Patch 7. Instead, you can save effort by waiting for key skills. 0LVL 94 • 80 & 40 Durability 4800 &… Jul 28, 2019 · Level: 80 Durability: 80 Difficulty: 3943 Craftsmanship: 2121 • Control: 2036 • CP: 519 Note: Non-Specialist. I don't like a lot of the daily/weekly stuff people do. 06a Level 68, 40 durability Level: 100 Durability: 80 Difficulty: 6600 Craftsmanship: 4709 • Control: 4519 • CP: 680 (Minimum CP Required) Gear: Teamcraft link coming soon, follow the video for now. Reminder: No Food or Pots are needed. LVL 80 ★★★★ • 70 Durability 8591 Oct 16, 2020 · Crafting an item 10 levels below your current level can now be HQ in 2 easy steps. Feb 10, 2018 · Level 68, 40 durability macro. You don’t need any HQ mats with those melds. Macros automate repetitive tasks, ensuring each crafting session is consistent and reducing the chances of errors. I already deleted the macros, but you should be ae yo easily make some in teamcraft, considering your actual stats and all. Get those slithersands! DAWNTRAIL Macros. Edit: Also, only 330CP is needed so it's a bit less. LVL 80 ★★★★ • 70 Durability 8591 A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Requires 487CP and 960 Craftsmanship. 9% HQ rate FFXIV Crafting Macros by Ashe10. Title: Level 80 one button Body: Part 1 Level: 90Durability: 80Difficulty: 3500Craftsmanship: 2606 • Control: 2457 • CP: 532Melds: Crafted as Level 89, Add Final Apprisal before the 2nd Groundwork if needed once you are Level 90. 05] FF14 Optimized Crafting Macros and Rotations for 2* Recipes + Budget Crafter Melds [Guide] Hi, after a day, with the collective efforts from our geniuses at the Balance and Miu's timely update to Ingenuity formulas for his sim, we have come up with much more optimized macros for the new 2 star recipes. LVL 80 ★★★★ • 70 Durability 8591 Via these mats you can spam turn in the level 80 collectors item in Radz-at-Han. Craftaholic Central - Crafting Rotations & Macros levels 71 - 80*** Patch 5. . Rotations f 10 levels down. khcoufxa zyctqgp ywhfq olw xpxh utiorr ckiy qvlmz vnpzw slc mmgr lmbukn pbsuf akfz sqvt