Kai tak scenery xp11. The following highlights are included: Updated version 1.

Kai tak scenery xp11 This scenery offers a rebuilt runway, improved Aug 25, 2018 · Hello everyone! I have a question: Is there any way to get to the closed Kai Tak Airport in XP11 d love to do some Kai Tak approaches and takeoffs . g. This release brings one of the world’s busiest aviation hubs to the simulator, incorporating features that use the advanced capabilities of the updated platform. Feature: - Compatible with XP11 and XP12 - High detail on tunnel and terrain Dec 5, 2022 · This scenery is incomplete - No custom buildings I dont have the skills in creating 3D models. The airport is surrounded by mountains, and located This makes for an extremely photogenic and spectacular flight experience. It's not finished yet so there are some parts that are empty on the apron. The only issue is that I use ortho and Sim Heaven, the ortho doesn't seem to pose a probl Jan 26, 2020 · SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KAVX - Catalina Airport/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/FHSH St Henela 1. I've made some changes in WED to Slai's fabulous original, in order to overcome some changes to the way XP11 does things. 50, 10. © Valve Corporation. Oct 22, 2015 · Make sure your "X-Plane/Custom Scenery/scenery. arrive from SBSP (max. Scenery download link: https://forums. Landmark added: Macau Tower with night textures, 338 m (1,109 ft). /r/xplane. the two new generated files should include kai tak. dat in XP11. So i made a small runway (VHXJ icao) that makes setting n approach to kai tak easier. dat file, changing VHXX to VHHX. Jun 27, 2015 · Checkerboard hill is well groomed and lit, the sequenced lead-in lights are fully operational, and the tarmac is bustling with ground traffic animation. Right now VMMC is my start airport for a short flight into Kai Tak with a bunch of ships and more details placed. Thank you ve Oct 19, 2017 · The royaloak's thread was posted way back in November 16, 2017 (long before XP11. 1 from the link provided in the link above which is: h Aug 4, 2021 · The scenery was built after Kai Tak was decomissioned, so it places building etc on Kai Tak airport. Some geospatial data on this website Nov 5, 2021 · Kai-Tak VHHX International airport ist installiert ( custom scenery folder), doch der file MisterX_library funktioniert nicht. Just released SamScene Hong Kong City which is pointing the FT Kai Tak represents before 1997. Be sure to igno Dec 12, 2024 · WF Scenery Studio has unveiled their latest rendition of Hong Kong International Airport (VHHH) for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. Enjoying Xplane so far! They did an excellent job with the scenery of Hong Kong Kai Tak, as well as the direct area around it, in the recent anniversary update. Does not impact frame rates. 50 navdata. If you would like to credit me for the base of the scenery that would be appreciated. The following highlights are included: Updated version 1. By Virgil511. Jul 4, 2020 · Open Scenery X Installation: Simply unzip the file "VHHX Kai Tak Hong Kong International" place into your custom scenery folder in X-Plane 11 and that's it , enjoy! C:\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery *Also included : Unzip "Ground Services TW" in the download file and put that in your custom scenery folder in X-Plane 11. Valheim is a brutal exploration and survival game for solo play or 2-10 (Co-op PvE) players, set in a procedurally-generated purgatory inspired by viking culture. The descent into cloud was interesting and I only saw the ground when it was 700 feet below me and full of trees. Experience the iconic Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong with this add-on, bringing back the famous runway 13 approach that closed in 1998. SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/w2xp_Asia_osm-ag/ Oct 29, 2023 · Hello everybody. php? Kai Tak scenery Jun 3, 2020 · It was anoying for me when i wanted to just land at Kai Tak and i had to move the plane in the perfect posistion for approach. 5, ARC ZL17/18. Kai tak for x plane 12. My question is, how can I add VHHX in the sim's nav data and make the airport available in the FMC along with the IGS approach for runway 13 and the ILS for runway 31? Aug 10, 2024 · Kai tak for x plane 12. org) and since for time being I want to use the airport with X Plane 11. 30, curvature_tol 0. Liegt auch im custom scenery folder. Nov 21, 2023 · FlyTampa VHHX-Kai Tak XP12. Nov 19, 2017 · Anyone know if there is a scenery for the old Kai Tak airport (similar to the old Fly Tampa scenery) - either freeware or payware? Hi, There are 3 airports available according to www. 05. Trisso81 Posts: 2. I tried to use several sceneries from X-Plane. And the current X-Plane 12 global scenery was made many, many years after VHHX ceased to exist as an airport. dat again. Last Active: Mar 06, 2025 Threads Can anyone please convert this for XP11? Just remove the XP12 assets? I'm Feb 27, 2019 · @MartinMu Although you thread gives a solution for the RWY 31 ILS, it does say how to implement VHHX within XP11. I know theres one which has them from XP10, and there was a way to convert the langauge to XP11, so is it possible for a solution to be cr May 19, 2015 · I have been looking for a Kai Tak scenery for Xplane 11, principally to finish the Challenges list in ProjectFly. Is the old Kai Tak airport included in the default Xplane Asia scenery, or is it an add-on? I haven't downloaded the scenery files for that part of the world yet, but will be doing that soon. The airport is also referred to as Chek Lap Kok International Airport or Chek Lap Kok Airport, to distinguish it from its predecessor, the former Kai Tak Airport. Post by Trisso81 » Sat Aug 10, 2024 6:22 am Hi, After recently A full approach tutorial explaining and performing both IGS and Visual Step Down approaches into Kai Tak Rwy 13If you have found this useful and valuable ple Nov 29, 2015 · Hi, After much deliberation, I am ready to present some limited historic navdata for Kai Tak VHHX (VHXX within X-Plane) that has been designed to compliment existing subscription navdata for the following: X-Plane Airport and navaids FlightFactor Airport, navaids, fixes (NB. bak. Everything looks pretty good except I get this layer of haze over the city that I can't seem to get rid of, and the runways at Kai Tak airport don't quite line up correctly, so you see 2 runways. So that airport scenery will not have any exclusions to keep global scenery out of its way, nor will the current XP12 global scenery keep its autogen away any more. Flight Simulator 2020 Nov 26, 2019 · The first production Boeing 777 (B-HNL/N7771) happened to be delivered to Hong Kong's flag carrier airline Cathay Pacific, at the time still based at Kai Tak. Also your screenshot shows VHHX and the scenery shows VHXX, to work these have to be the same. Password: kar7100 Apr 7, 2018 · Really desperate for some good XP Kai Tak scenery. Runway 13 has a 75 degree turn on final that is not for amateurs. 05,the original the navigation data lying in earth_nav. * Redrawing of taxiway lines. If you need to install AIG and Orbx AI packages, but don't want to use the traffic files because you are using another AI package, such as UTL or Traffic Global, you only need the planes from AIG and Orbx. UU. I backed up any X-Plane 11 file before I made any edit. 55 and what is to be done to get IGS beacon working including DME function. I looked everywhere on the forum and on SceneryGateway but to no avail. Among the changes are: * Repositioning of Fire Station. Putting in the traffic bgl file you created several years ago for that for FSX also does not work and makes the boat traffic disappear. Only if you paste a airport data ,with ICAO code VHHX for Kai Tak,can those data be activated. Jun 27, 2015 · Checkerboard hill is well groomed and lit, the sequenced lead-in lights are fully operational, and the tarmac is bustling with ground traffic animation. 30 After every XP11 update you have to edit the default apt. I. by putting a “x” in front of the modelinstruments-airport-vhhx-kai-tak and the modelinstruments-airport-vhhx-kai-tak-imagery folders. * Insertion of taxiway and runway signs. May 15, 2017 · All Activity; Home ; Forums ; X-Plane Flight Simulator ; X-Plane 11 ; XP11 FMS and Nav data ; How to enter nav aids for old Hong Kong Kai Tak into XP11? BOEING 777 ULTRA realistic landing at Hong Kong Kai Tak International Airport (VHHX) showcasing its volumetric fog and shadows, lighting and textures. I found a great freeware scenery for XP12 that works perfectly, I'm able to spawn at VHHX and the runway/airport appears correctly. Todos los derechos reservados. This file adds navigational aids ILS and LOC for the airport as well as some eye candy. Sep 21, 2023 · Hello! I was wondering if there was any good Kai Tak sceneries for XP12, or at least any possible ways to get the IGS and ILS approaches for runway 13 and 31. I have added as instructed following infos in the earth_nav. Follo Dec 23, 2023 · This airport features a unique and challenging approach, similar to the famous Kai Tak Airport, complete with a custom approach lighting system to follow to the west side of the airport. * Read me file inside Jul 28, 2018 · I also have the problem of having no ai traffic at Kai Tak. But if you want it back you would need to use a 3rd party Custom scenery for Kai Tak or download the 2-d Scenery Pack from the X-Plane Gateway Oct 19, 2017 · As LR removed Kai Tak apt data since version 11. Screenshot of Jul 22, 2023 · (Jul 21, 2023, 22:27 pm)rx93hinugundam Wrote: currently the IGS guidance light is not working. This scenery shows you also a "test field" to watch Autogate Jul 4, 2020 · Open Scenery X Installation: Simply unzip the file "VHHX Kai Tak Hong Kong International" place into your custom scenery folder in X-Plane 11 and that's it , enjoy! C:\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery *Also included : Unzip "Ground Services TW" in the download file and put that in your custom scenery folder in X-Plane 11. My Ultimate traffic live program does not generate any traffic at Kai Tak either. E. Feature: - Compatible with XP11 and XP12 - High detail on tunnel and terrain Jul 1, 2019 · The traffic file can be installed in you sim \scenery\world\scenery folder, or if you are using an addons folder outside the sim folder, you can place it there. Steam 社区: X-Plane 11. I downloaded this scenery I made changes to the apt. x-plane. There is an abandoned project on the . 1 represent to Kai Tak as after 1997? Or, probably FT can give a direction how to share with SamScene. 40, and have now removed that Scenery File from any version of X-Plane 11 later than 11. ) dive into the skyline of downtown Rio, heading to Leme/Copacabana, then, just when passing Botafogo, make a decent left hand -almost180deg- turn and try to bring down that bird on a pretty short runway. Jul 21, 2018 · 747rufus wrote:Great scenery - but how can it be used with PMDG 744v3 using Navigraph 1808rev1 ? Which flight planning tools or sites can be used as no flight planner using the last AIRAC knows anything about VHHX So the scenery basically can't be used properly which a shame for such a great project. Jul 8, 2022 · This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. Apr 18, 2023 · It is built on reclaimed land on the island of Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong. Download. org site, but it doesn’t work on XP12. I ran into an annoying problem. Mar 5, 2019 · 51 [P3DV4. Privacy Policy Jan 27, 2025 · App version 8ce6cf3. php?/files/file/2 Apr 11, 2014 · Kai Tak Airport, VHXX(VHHH before closure), China This is a first try of a scenery for Kai Tak airport. Jun 1, 2021 · Second, you need to rename the folders of the Kai Tak scenery in the community folder to appear after the SamScene folders (because this controls the order how the sceneries are loaded), e. org and edited dat files as suggested but navigation beacos are "half working". Mar 3, 2021 · You also didn't say which aircraft your trying to use, only LR default aircraft use XP11. Im Sim Menü poppt der Hinweis auf: die installierte scenery package KAI-TAK Hongkong erfordert third party Scenery library, wurde aber nicht installiert. May 15, 2017 · Cessna, yes I am trying to add this information in according to Slai's Kai Tak Airport with lead in lights download. The scenery specifically shows many details, which were unique for that time. Jun 15, 2024 · Hi everybody I'm looking for some help to setup up Kai Tak airport in XP12. D. dat file located in custom data: Sep 17, 2021 · Dear Colleagues ! Please advise which VHHX Kai Tak scenery could be used for XP 11. 00r2, 10. Hong Kong International Airport (IATA: HKG, ICAO: VHHH) is a major international airport and the primary airport serving Hong Kong. * Redefining ramps and gates. 45, and 10. php? Kai Tak scenery Jun 27, 2015 · Checkerboard hill is well groomed and lit, the sequenced lead-in lights are fully operational, and the tarmac is bustling with ground traffic animation. 40min. Todas las marcas registradas pertenecen a sus respectivos dueños en EE. We basically only need a runway and a apron. 24K subscribers in the Xplane community. net Sep 28, 2022 · Kai-Tak International (VHHX, closed 1998) Airport Addon Hong Kong city featuring Mesh, Landclass, Photoscenery Thousands of custom buildings throughout the city Highly detailed curved Checkerboard approach 2 Heliports (Peninsula Hotel, Shun-Tak Ferry) Animated AI-Ships including Starferry, junkers, barges. ! If you search the old Forum Posts you will find lots of info on how users have tried to incorporate old Kai Tak Dec 14, 2020 · VHHX Hong Kong - Kai Tak is a Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 mod created by ali501. (Apr 11, 2023, 03:41 am)bb120 Wrote: I am converted FlyTampa Kai Tak to XP11, not perfect but it's works Sep 10, 2019 · I am new to Xplane but have flown MSFS for years. Requires 8GB VRAM Minimum Apr 16, 2020 · The original scenery package was made by Oliver (Hayter). (Version 2. * Insertion of many static aircraft. Mar 10, 2024 · The above scenery was made in 2020 - years before X-Plane 12 came out. For those who are not familiar with the iconic runway 13 approach that is a must do for all flightsim enthusiasts- here is a good overview and look back by a former Pan Am pilot. y otros países. May 31, 2021 · The Hong Kong Kai Tak 1998 scenery is dedicated to the last days of Kai Tak. * Read me file inside Mar 26, 2014 · Passed close to Kai Tak, VHXX (you can see Kowloon and Kai Tak scenery in the screenshot) before overflying Chek Lap Kok, VHHH, and then heading into the 02R approach to ZGGG. ini (Correct scenery order). I am trying to do the Kai Tak Approach, but in order to do so. All rights reserved. php? Kai Tak scenery Mar 9, 2019 · I´m still on 11. Stops it being loaded, cleans up Kai Tak nicely. . Features: Both X-Plane 12 and X-Plane 11 versions included Apr 5, 2021 · The first airport scenery for MSFS by WF Scenery Studio is huge : Hong Kong International airport (VHHH) has been revealed with several preview screenshots SamScene – Hong Kong City Times P3D5 5. The airport is challenging to fly to, so have fun practising approaches into it Steam Community: X-Plane 11. ILS RW13) JAR Design Jul 14, 2019 · After that you have to link or move your tile (zOrtho4XP_+22+114) into your Custom Scenery folder. dat in the zibo aircraft folder and load the zibo in x-plane again. dat So it now looks like this: {Remember, the image above is only the 1st 11 lines of a very. Jul 18, 2019 · Created for Ortho 1. i will make some corrections as buildings above roads and add more and more houses and buildings you have to download diverses libraries as: -openscene Apr 23, 2014 · DSF Scenery Packages ; Hong Kong Kai Tak (VHHX) Hong Kong Kai Tak (VHHX) v1. * Read me file inside Apr 18, 2023 · The scenery features an accurate rendition of Hong Kong International Airport, with high-quality textures, complete autogen around the city, ground traffic plugins, weather textures for X-Plane 12, high-detail models inside the terminal, PBR materials, performance-friendly optimization, and compatibility with X-Plane 11 and 12. One video of Kai Tak which I'm sure you're familiar with is this landing from the flight deck of a Cathay Hong Kong city scenery consisting of mesh landclass photoground and Thousands of custom buildings Kai-Tak International VHHX closed 1998 airport scenery Highly detailed curved Checkerboard approach 2 Heliports Peninsula Hotel rooftop Shun-Tak Ferry heliport Animated AI-Ships including Hong Kong 39 s Starferry junkers barges etc Custom animated car traffic amp Aug 17, 2021 · App version 8ce6cf3. © X-Plane 2020. 10Default 737Flytampa Kai takhttp://www. X-Plane11. VHHX was closed several years ago to give way to the new Hong Kong airport. However since the airport is closed, one has to install custom scenery for Kai-Tak International (VHHX, closed 1998) Airport Addon 2 Heliports (Peninsula Hotel, Shun-Tak Ferry) Animated AI-Ships including Starferry, junkers, barges Jul 7, 2022 · A short tutorial on how to install slai's Kai Tak scenery for X-Plane 11. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. Does the Installer for P3Dv5. Does anybody know if someone made a scenery for this airport? Or is anyone pl May 29, 2014 · I have converted flytampa's kai tak to xplane 10, but there are 2 issues I'm facing. I think the navaids for Kai Tak is still available with Navigraph airac’s. This scenery is reminiscent of this difficult approach while passing at low altitude over the Kowloon district of Hong Kong, making a right turn of 47 degrees to line up with runway 13. Find their other files; Share Sep 27, 2020 · I did flew the VHXX Kai Tak (old HK airport) based on the scenery above today. Privacy Policy Jul 7, 2018 · Hello everyone! I have been looking for a scenery of Hong Kong's dreaded airport Kai Tak which was very famous for its insanely difficult approach. Kai Tak is back ! for XP11. Runway 13 IGS Frequency: 111. However his information has not been updated for XP11. igor5162. 0/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KXTA Homey Airport - Area 51 V. org/vhhx. And do not give up. 0) . 1. I heartily recommend flying to this airport. ini" file has the right ordering of the scenery packs as shown: SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Kai Tak with Lead-in Lights/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Global Airports/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/VHXX City Buildings for Fly-in Event. Good luck and success. php?/files/file/27728-vhxx-k Aug 31, 2019 · So you are correct LR have removed the entry in XP11/Resources/Default Scenery/default apt data/Earth nav data/apt. html(via FS2XP)VHXX Kai Tak Airport 1. By J. In case you need more instructions, use the forum search function and there are also youtube videos around. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. 00, 11. 35. Nov 24, 2020 · Hi, I just downloaded the WSSS airport from following link: WSSS Singapore Changi - Scenery Packages (v11,v 10, v9) - X-Plane. My old WOAI planes are parked at the airport but don't move. xpscenery. May 22, 2020 · As a quick look at my profile would probably suggest, I am rather a large fan of the old Hong Kong Kai Tak airport (closed in 1998), and indeed FlyTampa's Kai Tak scenery was my first (and remains my most treasured) piece of Addon Scenery. 51, 10. Please help me solve this problem, I will be grateful May 15, 2017 · I had X-Plane 11. org/index. Cheers Baz Kai Tak Airport reopened, Hong Kong. Starseed. If you think of starting development for xp11 please convert Fly Tampa Dubaiit will look amazing. Dec 6, 2016 · Please note that i would prefer a million time to buy a ready scenery for xp11 from you rather then going through editing and stuff but untill you start thinking about producing for xp11. Jun 18, 2015 · KAI TAK airport, i worked on this scenery to recreate the ambiance of hongkongI hope you will have the pleasure to fly to kai tak again. +1 as well, waiting for VHHX installer for X-Plane 11. 1 Update/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/VHXX Kai Tak/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KTEX - Telluride Regional Airport - Ortho/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EDDF Frankfurt/ Jul 4, 2020 · Open Scenery X Installation: Simply unzip the file "VHHX Kai Tak Hong Kong International" place into your custom scenery folder in X-Plane 11 and that's it , enjoy! C:\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery *Also included : Unzip "Ground Services TW" in the download file and put that in your custom scenery folder in X-Plane 11. Kai Tak has one of the world's most famous approaches for airliners. dat went wasted,not to mention those sid star datas . The airport is also referred to as Chek Lap Kok International Airport or Chek Lap Kok Airport. Having been in commercial operation since 1998, Chek Lap Kok Airport is an important regional trans-shipment centre, passenger hub and gateway for destinations in China (with 45 destinations) and the rest of Asia. dat & B738X_rnw. Do not forget to rerange your scenery_packs. 2. Every building , taxiway line, lights , and every object is placed by hand. It was instructed to do this step. 05, 11. 90 cap: 088 I tried to remove these buildings with world editor after removing trees someone coul help me? Dec 7, 2017 · Try SBRJ rwy 02w approach (with additional scenery from this site). If you would like to modify the scenery Hong Kong KaiTak 1960 go ahead I likely wont be doing many updates for this scenery. It is built on reclaimed land on the island of Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong. 3] | Install | FlyTampa | Before and After | Kai Tak | 4KLet's keep the comment section AWESOME to ensure everyone has a good time. Because of this, I had problems with the runway at the airport. by trisho0 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:54 am. I have updated XP11's nav db with Navigraph Cycle 1705 Thanks for your help. 50+ I decided to take on the daunting task of recreating this airport from the ground up. And the Zibo: After inserting the VHHX lines into the default apt. dat, delete B738X_apt. * Insertion of taxiway edge lines and lights. flytampa. Jul 4, 2020 · VHHX Kai Tak Hong Kong International New Release of the Original Hong Kong International . However since the airport is closed, one has to install custom scenery for The airport is also referred to as Chek Lap Kok International Airport or Chek Lap Kok Airport, to distinguish it from its predecessor, the former Kai Tak International Airport. 41r1, the current version of X-Plane 11). So, have fun with the Kai Tak approach, and be careful not to stall on that turn past the checkerboard! Practicing beforehand is not required, but definitely recommended! Jan 8, 2023 · Hello, is there any chance we will see Kai Tak come to X-Plane 11/12? It currently lacks any good scenery, and with the Rotate MD11, Felis 747-200, and others, there are plenty of aircraft that I would love to fly into this airport. The airport is also referred to as Chek Lap Kok International Airport or Chek Lap Kok Airport, to distinguish it from its predecessor, the former Kai Tak International Airport. 41 I used the version 1. very,very,very long file!!}. It appears that LR only included it ("Kai Tak (Closed)" with X-Plane 11. The scenery includes many buildings and faithfully represents Kai Tak Airport before 1998. Aug 31, 2019 · And remember to check that you have renamed the Kai Tak entry in the modified XP11/Resources/Default Scenery/default apt data/Earth nav data/apt. Org Forum (x-plane. Ever since viewing plane spotting videos of passenger liners landing at Kai Tak, I wanted to do a similar landing in X-Plane. A tutorial on how to install the scenery for Kai Tak airport into X-Plane 11 Links to resources: Kai Tak scenery 2015: https://forums. If you look at Kai Tak and the Earth nav data folder, you can get the exact coordinates of the dsf that is used, I then went to China Base and changed the extension of that single dsf file to dsf. 4: SU8 supported and corrected Chinese texts at the parking deck and the Ads. I also added parts of the city and a few skyscrapers. 1https://forums. Minecraft platform expansion community - For all things Bedrock edition. 32r2 and Navigraph's X-Plane 11 1903 navdata installed, so I then downloaded the X-Plane Gateway Scenery pack for Kai Tak VHXX [Closed] Scenery ID: 32181. 0. Unzipped the Pack to a temporarily location on my Desktop. tlwjm gsux sxrg lntlsq piq fkth jjrch bqexi dgj wrmihfg lgsa omecw iwnj dgnylmy ysjp