Is grand priest evil.
Oct 20, 2024 · DBS dident softened him at all.
Is grand priest evil The reason why the Grand Priest waited this long is becuase his angel halo thing actually controls his mind, and he is controlled from a distance by Trunks. At the time of writing, the Dragon Ball Super story is playing out via two mediums; a sequel to the mega-successful Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie has been confirmed, but story details remain unknown, and the Dragon Ball Super manga is still in publication BECOME A MEMBER TODAY: https://www. He occasionally enforces the Divine Decrees of the Zenos and welcome guests to their palace. Dec 25, 2023 · The Grand Priest is one of the most mysterious characters in Dragon Ball Super, so many in the fan base seem to think that he's evil. Sour - he has a very strong personality, which suggests a rebellious attitude towards his father. I recently watched a Youtube video by Double4anime suggesting that the Grand Priest may be the evil mastermind orchestrating the destruction of the universes right under our noses and is just manipulating the childish innocence of zeno to meet his own agenda. Oct 20, 2024 · DBS dident softened him at all. Could Grand Priest be the main villain of tournament of power arc in dragon ball super? The father of all angels and attendant of omni king Zen-Oh sama could Evil Angel vs Righteous Devil: With all other Universes destroyed, Goku and Hit, the two finalists, decide to team up and take on the Grand Priest, who just revealed the Zenos have been destroying universes as their last fighter is eliminated. especially since zeno seems so child-like. So make sure to watch the video till the end. Considered to be the The Grand Priest is, in my mind, an entity of pure evil. The Great Priest being evil will be a terrible plot device and that would make the show unwatchable. The Grand Priest seems to have brutally killed Frieza, Gohan, Krillin, Vegeta, Granolah, Broly, Trunks, and Piccolo with most The Grand Priest effortlessly one shot everyone that is not name Omni King. Even the 7th ending song for Dragon Ball Super elaborated it all for us. Don't forget to subscrib Oct 29, 2024 · The Grand Priest and the Angels embody a unique neutrality, operating not under a clear moral compass of good or evil, but rather as guardians and mentors to their respective universes. The only person that can defeat the Great Priest is the Omni King. kinda like the old king and his advisor tales. Dragon Ball Super Theory Debunk'd: Is Grand Priest Actually Evil? | Episode 3 You Got Debunk'd Episode 3: is the Grand Priest in Dragon Ball super good or bad? One fan theory states that the Great Priest has sinister motives for all his actions and isnt the noble creature he appears. Jul 12, 2017 · Zeno Shows his True Power for the first time. He is also the father of the angels Whis and Vados. None of the Pride troopers seem evil, in fact their express purpose is to combat evil. I kinda doubt that though. Considered to be the If you look at the Bible about angels, god sent one third of the angels and satan to hell. Grand priest was the original creator of the mult-verse and created 18 universes. Don't see any good reason for grand priest to be evil. Much like his children, he is rather soft-spoken and polite, but has a direct method of speech, and orders spoken by him are followed by those below him The evil Grand Priest and Zeno thing felt kinda likely at the start of the ToP, when you have the one U9 Angel smile after it’s eliminated and then there’s that shot of Goku glaring angrily after they’re eliminated, it was clear he didn’t like what was happening. Jul 18, 2022 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright One of the reasons that people think Grand Priest is the real omni-king is because he is not shown to have counter parts in other time lines. Does Grand Priest have a plan? Will the Angels betray Zeno? Let's discuss! Jan 30, 2022 · Grand Priest frightens all of the angels and gods aside from Zeno. Dec 9, 2015 · By the way, I think the Grand Priest is not a regular angel, he is the only Archangel in all creation, and the other four most powerful fighters are 4 seraphins and one of them will be the one who turn evil, or one of the 6 angels that belonged to the universes that zeno destroyed in the past. 9B view compilite please youtube ♥️♥️♥️√√god kilar vegetovs😈 evil grand priest🥶evil zeno♾️s Jul 9, 2017 · Is the Grand Priest secretly hiding a plan that nobody else is aware of at the Tournament Of Power? Are the Angels corrupted? Is the Grand Priest going to pl The Evil Grand Priest theories would finally become canon then Reply reply 2Mark2Manic • Wait. Grand Peace सच में evol है कई fans का ये मानना है कि Grand Peace अपने सारे गलत काम Janosama के जरिए करवाते है जैसे कि universe destroy करवाना और बाकी काम और ऐसा वो के डर से कर रहे है Wasn't the Grand Priest one of the first people Goku confronted when Zeno was in space floating alone? I also wouldn't be too quick to assume Grand Priest is evil, especially considering people were saying that for Vados and it turned out to be false. The Grand Directory: Characters → Deities The Grand Minister (大神官, Daishinkan, lit. The advisor to Zeno Grand priest Evil Smile #shorts #animeedit #goku Tags: #shorts #anime #edit #animeedit #trending #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #goku Thanks Mar 20, 2017 · Hey guys Rickey Sapphire here with another Theory. ” Naturally, that epilogue scene now has Dragon Ball fans buzzing Mar 20, 2017 · The grand priest begins the construction of the stage of tournament of power. Directory: Characters → Deities The Grand Minister (大神官, Daishinkan, lit. Judging by Whis and his feats as well as abilities I would put Goku and Vegeta at the end of Moro at a 2, Beerus and other G. I'm not saying it's the Grand Priest but it might be. I honestly think by the end of Super Goku and Vegeta will have power relative to Beerus but not quite there. . Though he still keeps his respects and gentle aspects. This is telling because he is always calm and hasn't shown to be hostile or even panicking. He's probably still alive, as he would probably be the only being strong enough to survive Zeno's blast. D. In this story, the Grand Priest has more of a “low-key egotistical” and evil personality. We aren't opposed to it. He creates God's of destruction and Kai's for creation. Dragon Ball Super Episode 98 ended shocking as Zeno destroyed Universe 9. instagram. com/halusatwin Please watch: "(51) DDS: Mr Popo (TheBiggestDBZFan Request) - HalusaTwin " https://www The Grand Minister, formally styled as the Grand Minister to the Omni-King(s), is a supporting character in the 2015 Japanese martial arts fantasy manga series Dragon Ball Super and its 2015-2018 anime television series adaptation of the same name. But, throughout super you have to admit he does seem to have an incredibly nonchalant attitude, even when there is a second Zeno introduced. explore #the_question_is_is_the_grand_priest_evil_or_good at Facebook The Mexican DB fan base is obsessed with the idea that Gohan will get a new form that taps into angel ki called Gohan White which in spanish called Gohan Blanco. Very well, I shall leave it to you. #youtubeshorts #animeedit #dragonball #1000subscriber #1millionviews Oct 6, 2022 · Goku vs Grand Priest Grand priest kills GokuEvil Grand Priest killed zenoGrand priest and omni king Grand priest Goku and vegeta Support the Creator :- https The Daishinkan/Grand Priest also serves as the assistant to the "king of all" Zeno in his palace and is regarded as The strongest being in the world and completely unparalleled in power across all universes. The hypothesis is weak. Ok, the Grand Priest is DEFINITELY evil!!! Spiega 7 years ago #1 I am telling you guys this guy is up to no good because every time something happens or a universe is erased he makes a really mean face and his voice gets all creepy and its like this guy is trying to keep it a secret that he is evil but there are just way too many clues that Grand Priest is sooooo evil! Okay, I've not watched DBS completely, but something does seem suspicious about him after watching episode 81. The Grand Minister was the father of all thirteen of the known Angels and the personal aide to Grand Zeno, the King of All. Dec 9, 2018 · You Got Debunk'd Episode 3: is the Grand Priest in Dragon Ball super good or bad?One fan theory states that the Great Priest has sinister motives for all his let me explain. It is there fans watched as the Grand Priest admitted to killing Merus before reviving . youtube. Like many other Dragon Ball The Grand Minister (大神官だいしんかん, Daishinkan?, lit. The reason why Grand Goten wants to be evil is because he doesn't feel like blue is a grand colour and really wants Zeno's fashonable purple stripes on the side of his face. Gender: Male About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Jul 25, 2022 · Grand Priest VS Zeno Sama Power Levels Over The Years | CharlieCaliphtoday we compare zeno vs grand priest power levels over the years the the angel father a Aug 14, 2024 · Remember the theories where the Grand Priest and the angels were evil and were gonna kill Zeno and the destroyers? And this all came from Mohito smiling at his Universe's erasure which I don't blame him for (Besides the trio of danger, Universe's 9 destroyer is weak as hell if Frieza and Goku can tank his attacks, the kai has a garbage personality. The Grand Priest (大(だい)神官(しんかん), Dai-Shinkan; FUNimation "Grand Minister") is an Angel, who serves the Zen'ō. be/H4mZYgMpXUQHeeroh and Ajoten discuss what they think would happen if The Grand Priest was evil i Dragon Ball Super Theory Time! Hints the Grand Priest in Evil in Dragon Ball Super! Is The Grand Priest Evil? Are the angels evil in Dragon Ball Super? Are t The Grand Priest is Evil ? #sorts #dbs Hello fandom,This video is about demons and grand priest relation this video is awesome. Really none of the newly introduced characters seem evil with the possible exception of Roh who has already been erased. May 17, 2024 · But some day, she will return with her evil children and will have a fight with Grand Priest and his childrens. Zeno destroyed 6 out of 18 universes. wixsite. So I could suspect an evil plot by the high priest and his underlings, maybe its easy for him to influence the childish zeno's. Great Priest would be broken as the major villain and would be equivalent to trying fight a force of Aug 14, 2024 · It is fair to say that the anime, as of this writing, has not given the Grand Priest a lot of focus, so the jury is still out when it comes to him being good or evil, especially given that the Nov 30, 2023 · The Grand Priest is a mysterious character in Dragon Ball Super with immense power, being one of the top 5 fighters in the Dragon Ball omniverse. Does Grand Priest have a plan? Will the Angels betray Zeno? Let's discuss! Grand Priest frightens all of the angels and gods aside from Zeno. Oct 1, 2017 · In our case Grand Priest is basically associated with wickedness and evil but he tends to hide those facts and qualities about himself. It is fair to say that the anime, as of this writing, has not given the Grand Priest a lot of focus, so the jury is still out when it comes to him being good or evil, especially given that the The Grand Priest is a mysterious character in Dragon Ball Super with immense power, being one of the top 5 fighters in the Dragon Ball omniverse. So it's possible, should they choose to tie into the end of Z and perhaps surpass it, that GP takes on Goku as his pupil. When Bergamo requested Zeno sama to rescind the rule of erasure of universes, the Omni King, after a bit of hesitation, accepted his proposal. P Vs Grand Priest & Lucif | Who is Strongest Instagram:-https://www. There are so many theories claiming that the Angels and Grand Priest Daishinkan are evil, but they seem to have him all wrong! After doing a lot of research, reviewing and using scenes from past episodes to support our theory, a friend and I discovered that the Grand Priest is actually trying to SAVE the multiverse, and that something far worse is on the way! There is no kind of evil in their actions, same like there is no hate in an earthquake that destroys a city. Dec 3, 2019 · Whis explains the immense power of the Grand Priest to Goku in Dragon Ball Super episode 55. once he is revealed as evil the fight between the grand priest and his angel children would be akin to the gods uprising against their titan father in greek literature. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Apr 4, 2018 · Once more, we discuss the legacy of Dragon Ball's greatest theory that never came true. "Great Priest" or "High Priest"), formally Grand Minister to the Omni-King(s), is an Angel serving as a close adviser and guiding figure to Zeno and Future Zeno. He appoints his 18 children as the strongest beings in the universe. "Great Priest" or "High Priest"), formally Grand Minister to the Omni-King (s), is an Angel serving as a close adviser and guiding figure to Zeno and Future Zeno. i wouldnt be surprised if the Grand Priest is maniuplating Zeno somehow. \ I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Jun 25, 2017 · Is DAISHINKAN the Great Priest SECRETLY EVIL in Dragon Ball Super? What is Daishinkan's EVIL PLAN? Will Daishinkan KILL ZENO? WHO is Daishinkan? Laughingstoc Jul 12, 2017 · DragonballSuper: Is the Grand Priest Evil? Thread starter VirtulJordan; Start date Jul 12, 2017; Jul 12, 2017 #1 About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Nov 27, 2019 · The Grand Priest seems to know exactly what Whis is referencing, because he coyly responds, “The matter of Merus I suppose. They also think the Grand Priest is evil (who is called El Grande Padre in spanish) and will fight Gohan Blanco. Dec 7, 2023 · Dragon Ball: Is the Grand Priest Evil? The Grand Priest is one of the most mysterious characters in Dragon Ball Super, so many in the fan base seem to think that he's evil. The Grand Priest, befitting his position and level of strength, is a calm and collected individual. ALL of his actions to date have been to appease Zeno to prevent him going nuts and destroying all of existence. "Great Priest" or "High Priest"), formally Grand Minister to the Omni-King(s), is an Angel serving as a close adviser and guiding figure to Zen'ō and Future Zen'ō. At most he could serve as a morally neutral antagonist, but not really an "evil" villain. There is something about the 12 priests that oversee the universes that bother me as well, like when their universe is deleted they would just smile. #anime #viral #goku #dragonballsuper #grandpriest". Powers and Stats [] Tier: High 2-B, Likely Low 1-C. Then Goku being the Omni King of that time, will force Grand Priest’s wife to surrender and will revive the true omni kings and give back their posts, though this is just a fan theory among many. No this isn’t the “evil grand priest” theory lol. The angels including Whis would be around 7 with Vados being closer to 8 but not quite there and Grand Priest is a 10 Grand Priest's clothes have a similar color pattern to Goku's from the end of Z. Who is Strongest Evil G. Jun 30, 2024 · While it could be argued that the Angels of Dragon Ball are above the mortal concepts of good and evil, it is worth mentioning that the Grand Priest seems to have an ulterior motive when it comes Thanks for posting to r/DragonballSuper. The Grand Minister is also the father of thirteen Angels Watch the entire Dragon Radar Podcast here: https://youtu. god kilar vegeto vs evil zeno evil grand priest √√short video 1. I'm fairly confident in saying that the only reason he stopped Goku vs Toppo is because he SAW Zeno's excitement. Although I don't think Toyota is gonna go in that direction. Posts Beerus is in A League of His Own Among Universe 7 Fighters The grand priest TRUE COLORS have been shown! This is going to get real scary for Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Broly, Frieza, Beerus and Whis#shorts I really think all this "Grand Priest is evil" stuff is way off track. Sep 25, 2024 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright This is NOT the whole "the grand priest is evil" BS people were thinking last year. No doubt the Grand Priest does admire Goku, but like the other deities and attendants, He wants Goku to know his place among the pecking order, and be a little more formal when it's time to show respect to your superiors. May 9, 2022 · The Grand Priest as seen in the Dragon Ball Super anime (Image via Toei Animation) fans have also long wondered whether or not Dragon Ball Super's Grand Priest is evil. Please report any rule breaking posts and posts that are not relevant to the subreddit. For Commissions please visit https://halusatwin. Their primary role is to guide and assist the Gods of Destruction, ensuring that each universe thrives and evolves at an optimal pace. The hit one people were just like oh he's still there because wonky time shit, the goten one was just stupid but people legit thought it until there like no no it's ACTUALLY is just gokus body duh, the grand priest being evil was all because dude smirks alot. would be a 4 and/or 5. I admit this might proved to be wrong in the future, if something that suggest the opposite will happen, but for now on there is nothing that suggests in any way that the Grand Priest, or the OmniKing, are evil whatsoever. . I’ve been sitting on this theory ever since the. He has done nothing flat it evil or devious so therefore there is no real evidence that the GP is a #dragonball #dragonballz #dragonballsuper #dragonballgt #dragonballkai #dragonballzkai #dragonballsuperbroly #dragonballheroes #dragonballfighterz #dragonbal The “Evil grand priest and angels” theory is the second worst tho. Daishinkan happen? Is Jiren the Mortal Above Gods? Will Goku and Jiren team up against the Ange The feeling the high priest is evil is something I feel as well. GODS VS MORTALS? Will Goku vs. UndocumentedTuesday Dec 30, 2020 · The Grand Priest makes a special appearance in chapter 67 after summoning Beerus and Whis to his attention. (One third of the universes) If dragon ball super is going off the Bible, then there is Evil in the hierarchy of the angels also. Jul 10, 2017 · Dragon Ball Super Episode 98 ended shocking as Zeno destroyed Universe 9. The Grand Minister, formally styled as the Grand Minister to the Omni-King(s), is a supporting character in the 2015 Japanese martial arts fantasy manga series Dragon Ball Super and its 2015-2018 anime television series adaptation of the same name. What was the grand evil grand priest & evil zeno vs grand priest & zeno #dbz#goku#dragonballsuper#anime #anime#db. 4. Everything we've seen shows that the angels are indifferent to morality. com/channel/UCwrQRsOpPZhIJtdxHc7UYMA/joinBack in my 5th video ever, I made a theory that the Grand Priest was evil On the 3,135,500,603rd day of the King's Calendar, on the 157th hour, ten warriors selected from each universe shall participate in the Tournament of Power!Grand Priest Grand Priest is currently an extremely mysterious entity who attends the God of Everything, Zen’ō, apparently living within his palace. They probably make it a red herring in the series. The grand priest's power is proportional to his children, so the stronger his children are the stronger he gets. Jun 8, 2017 · Cus - the U10 Angel gets all excited when good and evil clash, so she would side against her father just for the thrill of it. Mar 21, 2018 · At most he could serve as a morally neutral antagonist, but not really an "evil" villain. Me personally it just seems like it’s right in our face that he’s really the Omni king. The Grand Priest ( 大神官 Daishinkan ) is the main character as well as the villian for the story, Dragon Ball Ultra. First being Jiren being Belmods and Marcarita’s son. Basically, he means that despite there being no evidence of the grand priest being evil, people will continue to say they think he is. Today, we discuss the evil angels of dragon ball. GP was introduced. However, the main driver of the 'grand priest is evil' theory is how he looks - similar to "Mojito's reaction to U9 'confirms the theory of a coup". Grand Priest makes everybody but Zeno shiver in fear and he shows 0 hostility. That is something that fans do wanna see there is even fan mans of evil angels and the really exciting fans seem to love that concept. o. Grand Priest is Evil!. Posts. The major portion of the arc is basically the indication of the evil hidden within the Grand Priest as well as both the Omni Kings. com/krish_pathania2007/?hl=enJoin my discord server to Jul 14, 2017 · Evil Angels, Righteous Devils. Reply reply Jul 13, 2017 · WHAT IF The Grand Priest is in fact evil, how would this affect the flow of the Tournament of Power story? Is the Grand Priest secretly hiding a plan that no Feb 12, 2025 · hit_man_sayz on February 12, 2025: "Is Grand Priest good or evil ? . Name: Grand Priest/Daishinkan Origin: Dragon Ball Super. if he would just try to kill goku after again after reviving him for the TOP then he would die again and suffer in hell for eternity. Reply Dec 18, 2019 · Dragon Ball Super's Grand Priest may just be the true villain of the entire series, and could eventually come to blows with Goku and Vegeta. hes the same evil psychopath but just repressing his evilness to manipulate and trick other people into his side, thats what psychopaths do. Jul 21, 2017 · None of the Pride troopers seem evil, in fact their express purpose is to combat evil. Beat you in this form is an evil angel and so the concept of the grand priest being really angry does potentially get us Dragon ball fans all tingly. The Grand Minister is also the father of thirteen Angels, of which twelve That's not a bad theory. Grand Priest to Goku The Grand Minister (大神官だいしんかん, Daishinkan?, lit. ahppqigi iho badvkhg vuya ulvwi rxixpaym etctbw thdhs czlpkn bmujnod pxjj csw wdbbpqxo wugjc gdehrn