Igneous extruder infinite lava Put the Aqueous Accumulator right next to the igneous extruder, then put a chest next to ignesous extruder. Find a lava pocket and fill the drum with bucket. As mentioned, the Igneous Extruder will do the trick, but you can also use redstone on a barrel of lava to make it. The lava, thoughthat's a bigger problem. Is it because fluiducts don't work with the crucible? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Dec 27, 2012 · If you've got the power to back it up you can also go Extruder -> Rotary Macerator. With an igneous extruder, you're completely taking away the time cost of a cobblegen (whether you're mining it yourself, or an autonomous activator is mining it for you- your rate of production is severely limited by how fast you can break blocks, which is MUCH slower than even the base speed of the igneous extruder. This "machine" can be boostet with integral parts so it generates 4 cobble at a time, not sure if it will be fast enough for you, but it's VERY cheap (and again, works for more stone-type blocks, if you are Before I started with the bees or MA I charged the chunks where the end portal was, and also where the obsidian platform appears in the end, set up a dropper where a RS exported dirt and throwed into the portal, then placed a builder (RFTools) with continous breaking and a collector to then import the obsidian back to the network, a little bit tricky, but it's effective if you can't access to 1 Igneous Extruder handles 10. Check JEI. Don’t know which atm pack your in though. That lava can then be used to power Magmatic Engines or Geothermal Generators, or be used to fill up the Igneous Extruder with lava, or basically anything you'd want lava for. " At the same time, the Level Emitter above the Igneous Extruder lights up, activating it (because if ME has 1 or more of X ore, activate redstone signal. Either find a better method to generate lava, pump lava from the nether, or generate power in another way. It is used as a Cobblestone, Smooth Stone, and Obsidian generator. It mixes Water and Lava into different types of igneous rock: Cobblestone, Stone and Obsidian. This machine can either accept lava directly, or in the form of tin cells filled with lava. Reply erima Custom Modpack • Dec 8, 2012 · Aqueous Accumulator: Good ol' fashioned infinite water source. You extend the hose pump to the bottom to fill it, then pull from the top to get infinite lava. The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java… You can make infinite deepslate with igneous extruder. The crucible (which is Signalum tier with 2 speed upgrades and the specialization for increasing lava production) uses 3750 RF/t. Either side of it are a pulveriser to make sand and a powered furnace to make smooth stone. I just use the lava for more obsidian. 5. Jul 25, 2020 · Players not familiar with NuclearCraft may opt for vanilla cobblestone generators, or even hold off on fully automating a cobbleworks until the Igneous Extruder becomes available. 5 Crucibles (using 10 here) 10 Crucibles (fire) support 6 Lava Generator 10 Crucibles (lava) support 4 Lava Generator 10 Crucibles (torch) support 2 Lava Generator Maths: A Lava Generator uses 1 bucket every 100 seconds. Producing cobble uses nothing, but still needs lava and water present. As others have said Lava pull thats big enough will be an infinite pool. I have a setup like this. Apr 14, 2013 · Thermal Expansion adds 3 nice machines for what you seek: igneous extruder (makes cobblestone), magma crucible (makes lava from cobblestone and others), aqueous accumulator (makes water from 2 water source blocks around it). Water + lava = cobblestone pushed by piston then block breaker. This is a feature. 6 seconds) if the machine is inactive. mmoga. Dec 10, 2012 · -1 Igneous Extruder-1 Magma Crucible-1 Liquid Transposer-2 industrial centrifuges-2 copper chests-1 redstone engine-1 auto crafting table-1 wooden pipe-1 output chest - I chose a diamond one. Crafting The Igneous Extruder produces cobblestone for free every few seconds. 4 packs), they require their own kind of power, RF (Redstone Flux). If you have 1 bucket of lava and infinte water, then you can just use an igneous extruder to make infinite stone. For other uses, see Igneous Extruder. The recipe for andesite is: 2 flint, 1 gravel and 100mb of lava in a compactor. I make cobble in the Igneous Extruder, and feed this into a Magma Crucible to make lava. The latter is too OP and needs plastic sheets, which are themselves kinda tricky to get - I'll need to set up full Magneticraft oil processing plant to get natural gas and polymerize it. , attach a Coble gen, pipe the Lava to the Stone Barrel, extract the Obsidian to a Jabba Barrel, Drawer or Chest and ignore the whole thing. For this, we need two pulverizers, an igneous extruder, and an induction smelter. Thankfully I was able to fix it by just reversing the process to pump it back in. However, netherack is more efficient and gives more energy than it takes to turn it into lava. 1 buckets of lava, right? My personal favourite energy source in lite is a solar powered modular cart with the tree farming module, feeding into furnaces, feeding charcoal into generators+ steam engines. Create updates included a change to how Create infinite fluids work, from a blacklist to a whitelist and by default, chocolate is NOT on that whitelist; only water and lava are. 10+. In either case, it will "spin" for several minutes, and when the cycle ends, 16 units of lava becomes 1 tiny pile of tungsten dust, 1 electrum ingot, 2 tin ingots, and 4 copper ingots (if I recall the ratios correctly). The Magma Crucible turns cobblestone into lava for a pretty large MJ cost. chunk loaded. Unlike previously, where you only needed two water source blocks for maximum capacity, it now requires 2-4 source blocks, producing more water the more source blocks are adjacent to it. You can also take the cobble and break it with a hammer into gravel/sand/dust to sieve. you have to put your liquids side by dside and it works infinitly. ) I have lava production happening with a lava fabricator making lava and storing that in a tank, and put an me fluid storage bus in there, and I also hooked up an me fluid storage bus into a sink, and set it to extract only so it doesn't insert any fluids into the sink. I am looking for a way to disable lava generating cobblestone for free. com Feb 5, 2013 · you could set up 10 Igneous Extruder/Magma Crucible Combinations all feeding to a tank which leads to a liquid transposer filling buckets which is fed into a turtle which places the lava whenever there isn't lava in front of it. It requires an adjacent lava source block and an adjacent coolant block; it can optionally take a block underneath. The Igneous Extruder is a Thermal Expansion machine that uses lava and water to make cobblestone, obsidian and stone. This is far less than the 26 crucibles you were somehow managing to fill with a single extruder. There is a block from Thermal Expansion called "something" extruder that can generate stone blocks (cobblestone included). You should also look at the Igneous Extruder from Thermal Series as it’s very helpful in producing large amounts of material for sieving. However, there's a new change from 1. It is recommended to put an Aqueous Accumulator under it to provide infinite water. The sand further goes to another furnace to create glass. ) auto-hammers are your best friend. It's somewhat Thermal series Igneous Extruder creates cobblestone, put the cobblestone into a Mekanism Crusher to turn it into gravel, and the gravel into another crusher to make sand. according to the wiki, using cobble stone in a Magma crucible, we will have 1000mb in 40 sec 40/6 = 6 & 2/3. 01 buckets per second (1 mB / second) Make a Lava Factory (generates Lava for 150,000 RF Hook it up to a Quantum Tank or something similar, so you've got a buffer Hook the tank up to a basic Igneous Extruder (or two) Make an infinite water source (I use the Overloaded one) Hook that up to the Igneous Extruder as well set the Extruder to generate obsidian ???? Profit Hello I was playing a lot of Compact Claustrophobia and wanted to make an obsidian farm but when i try to move the lava to the Igneous Extruder using… Skip to main content Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Mar 4, 2013 · I have already the igneous extruderI prefert to use lava from the nether to generate power than wasting it to make cobblestone. There are a couple of other ways to do it. When I swap the redstone block for a glowstone block it immediately starts to make endstone. Unlike most other TE4 machines, the Igneous Extruder (Pump lava from the nether into an ender tank and pump that into the magmatic engines) If you're using TE3 (so MC 1. Yep, Liquid Redstone. 16. You'll need a crucible, autonomous activator, transfer pipes and a tank to make this work. Crafting recipe: Alternatively, you can use an igneous extruder to generate cobble, and pipe that into a redstone furnace to smelt it. I even have upgrades on the pump but not necessary since my 1 machine is slow turning lava into . Nov 2, 2015 · Find out how to get infinite lava in Sky Factory 2. You can automate redstone by Mystical Agriculture, or if you get your sieves automating you can use what stock your dust makes. If you search 'ME Infinity', you should see a 'ME Infinity Water Cell'. You can use that to make infinite lava in Crucibles witch then can power magmatic dynamos for power needs for a while. Edit: apparently I can't fix the title on mobile Generated lava can be pumped into a Liquid Fueled Firebox to run a Steam Boiler, the Steam produced can be used in a Turbine to make an infinite self-sufficient positive energy loop that produces massive amounts of energy without the need of anything. May 4, 2013 · It produces stone using 4 igneous extruders, and is fed by lava (from the nether, barely uses any though and one cobblestone in a magma crucible will produce 500 stone worth of lava) and water (water is made with xychorium water, hence the 9 valves under the tank) and the enderchest in the middle goes to my AE network (could go to stone supply Dec 12, 2019 · Playlist: https://www. It ended up attaching to another block on the smeltery and pumping the lava directly in with the melted ores. JEI don't show recipes for Extruder, and ther is no onfo in thermalpedia. The Igneous Extruder is a machine that uses lava, and water to produce cobblestone, smooth stone and obsidian. youtube. Because it is self-powering and can produce Cobblestone indefinitely off a single bucket of Lava and Water, the Igneous Extruder is an ideal machine for producing the Scrap They don't enter the machine, the Igneous Extruder is placed between lava and water for cobblestone, specifically. Just make a automate set up of hammering and crushing, and it’ll be pretty simple to get a whole lot of I am working on a modoack for myself and I enjoy a more realistic angle. So I was trying to make the lava from the crucible go into the igneous extruder, but for some reason it doesn't work. Igneous extruder is basically just an auto cobblestone machine that doesn't lag the server. What I'd recommend is make a half dozen Crucibles over Fire/Lava/Blazing Pyro. with EC you can set a pattern to create obsidian with one water bucket and one lava bucket however instead of using a bucket of those liquids you can directly send water & lava to the igneous extruder as EC allows fluid storage inside your system in drives or storage fluid bus. It uses Redstone Flux (RF) to mix Water and Lava together to create igneous rocks, like Cobblestone , Granite , or Obsidian . Jul 15, 2013 · You can pulverize cobble and have a 10% chance of gravel from each one. That means it uses . You can use XNet to nicely automate the Powah materials I'am playing minecraft 1. you should add Extra Cells 2 it adds fluid storage and auto-crafting to AE2. fandom. com/playlist?list=PL7Icn31fcQyj9pPC6LJq_cAOYDDvMvB1hDiscord: https://discord. It will provide you with infinite water and you won't have to waste iron on shears after it's up. My system is a infinite lava source and dont waste lava. 833 cobble (833. Magma crucibles melt cobblestone into lava, igneous extruders use lava/water to make cobblestone(at no cost, so one bucket of lava + one bucket of water = infinite cobble) that you can pump into a magma crucible. The Igneous Extruder is a Thermal Expansion machine which uses Lava and Water to create Cobblestone, Stone or Obsidian. The Igneous Extruder is a machine added by Thermal Expansion 5. The igneous extruder from thermal expansion, set to generate obsidian stone barrels from ex nihilo, filled with lava, under a water stream. (The extruder also doesn't use any energy, and will make infinite cobble for free if you give it a bucket of water and lava. It’ll melt the cobblestone into lava, which can then be piped into another Igneous Extruder with infinite water from an Aqueous Accumulator. you will need at least 7 magma crucible per igneous extruder to always be running, and will have a 1/3 mb net gain in lava per cycle. See full list on feed-the-beast. While Cobblestone is free, all recipes require at least 1 full bucket (1000 mB) of Lava and Water in the machine. My accumulator always worked when I had it setup correctly next to the igneous extruder. Clicking on the recipe, you should also see one for a 'ME Infinity Cobblestone Cell', with the only difference in between the two being that the cobblestone cell has a lava bucket in the top middle slot. Buckets, cans, capsules or cells of water and lava may be used to fill the machine by right clicking - any container but a bucket will be consumed in the process. 33/40). I'm not sure what all is involved i Feb 6, 2022 · •Igneous Extruder•-The Igneous Extruder is a device that will generate infinite stone when surrounded by the appropriate blocks and fluids. Boom, free stuff [ATM8] This is such a dumb question, but everywhere says you can right click an Igneous Extruder with a bucket to fill it, but when I do even when holding a bucket it just opens the UI (which doesn't take buckets). It has two inputs and one output. . Save infinite trouble. Liquid pipe lava in, item pipe redstone in, and item pipe netherrack out. The other thing it can do is melt Redstone into Liquid Redstone. Igneous Extruders emulate this, but due to the machine's design being incompatible with random results, instead you have multiple different recipes for the stone types. If you have it output to the bottom, and place it on top of the recycler it will automatically put cobble in the recycler, and will not produce more You make 1 steel from 1 iron and 4 charcoal, and with a few you could make 1 drum too. MFR's Lava Fabricator + TE Igneous Extruder/Aqueous Accumulator is a much better solution for infinite obsidian, given a stable power source. 5-Use a sorting machine to send gravel back to the deployer, feed flint into an Auto Crafting Table, as well as the coal dust and obsidian. Jun 16, 2013 · It takes 20k MJ to turn a piece of cobblestone into lava, and that lava gives back 18k MJ in a magmatic engine. So, for lava energy production, you have a few options. If you got a good BC power source though (Forestry farms for example) the Extruder -> Pulverizer is the best option. -64 empty cells to start everything off, or the tin to make 64 cells. 6- Compress it 7- DIAMONDS SON But seriously, get a igneous extruder, put a chest on top, and pipe the cobble from the quarry into a void pipe. 3-Feed lava into an igneous extruder making obsidian. Enabling a "Blue" side is an input, and "Orange" is output. gg/Xuu4Wn3ay2MMOGA: https://www. So something is wrong. Installing Batch Size Augments allows the Machine to work much faster by producing multiple blocks at once. This lava could then be stored in a tank and used for any number of things. If it's not an expert modpack, using thermal expansion route is often much easier and cheaper, since you could get essentially infinite obsidian from Igneous Extruder. Jul 25, 2024 · If you create a pool with 10,000 lava source blocks (25 x 25 x 16 or 40 x 25 x 10), the hose pump from create will pull infinite lava. We need an infinite source of slag and nitor. Aug 6, 2014 · Hey guys and welcome back to the ClashOfVideos Channel!And today i show u guys how to make a Automatic Machine MORE INFO!---- So I'm working on some automation stuff, decided to see if I could get my Igneous Extruder to produce obsidian infinitely the same way I can get cobble and stone out of it. Each gravel can be macerated for flint, and a cobble generator is easy, especially with the igneous extruder. Set up item pipes into a flux hammer that has a chest and put that directly into a flux sieve. They moved this functionality to a different machine, the Blast Chiller. Put the two water source block next to AA and viola! All the Mods 9 To The Sky!In this episode of All the Mods 9 To The Sky we setup the igneous extruder and Xycraft Extractor for completely free resources. You can do gravel/dust automation with zero rf/t: 1 igneous extruder provides far more cobble than you need for 2 slucies + some jars for making lava. It has an internal storage capacity of 4 water, and 4 lava buckets. Subscribe: http Dec 8, 2012 · The Magma Crucible can turn that netherrack into lava at a reasonable cost. Since all of those are harvestable with Fortune, the ME sends an ore to the Dynamism Tablet holding an Export Bus saying "give me stacks of X ore. Crush the cobblestone (in a crushing wheel) to get gravel. The Igneous Extruder has one input (blue) and one output (orange). So set igneous extruder next to a magma crucible and power (MJ) both for continuous source of lava. Either the crucibles are melting slower than . If you are turning the cobble into something a material stonework factory is usually a good investment If stone would form (such as flowing lava falling on top of a water source block) you get the regular versions instead, but this is less useful for automation. Reply reply More replies 36 votes, 32 comments. ) For bonus points, also hook an igneous extruder up to the recycler. Using the igneous extruder and a constant input of lava from a magma crucible, one can also get obsidian. Then I used a kitchen sink to important the water from and an exporter to important the water into the igneous extruder and other machines that need water. Those are easy - the aqueous accumulator provides an infinite supply of water, so the water loss to stone generation is no problem. Just check this vid for more in-depth info. For lava I set up later. Basically its 2 block of lava and infinite. 1 bucket of water, and 1 This is very late, but in case anyone else ends up here looking for the answer like I did, the Igneous Extruder no longer makes obsidian in 1. 3 per tick, or extruders take shorter than 2 seconds to produce a single cobble. Making your lava this way is very costly in terms of power vs. One bucket of lava and one bucket of water gives you infinite cobblestone. The Igneous Extruder is a surprisingly useful block which requires both Water and Lava to use properly. (This was on beta pack, haven't tried this setup on DW20) In 833 1/3 ticks, the igneous extruder produces 20. It’s not particularly fast, but it’s automated. So my power options for now is Thermal Series Gens, and i did an "infinite" lava and pump it into 3 Magmatic dynamos, but when i connect them to a redstone flux cell, only 1 of the dynamos is out-puting, Am I doing something wrong ? Edit: Forget it i was dumb and already fixed with a buffer by using another redstone flux cell xD I gave this a try, one bucket of lava, a mag engine and one of those melting machines (igneous extruder?) gives you something like 1. Configure the side of the machine so that the output face match (AA output water to extruder input face, extruder output face touches the chest). Prior to 2. For netherrack, you don’t get any from the nether, so make an Igneous Extruder, lava and with water on both sides, place a red stone block underneath the middle block and put the IE on it. That's more effective if you want to produce sand from EU than an Extruder -> Pulverizer combo (assuming you would power that with Electric Engines). My options are Igneous Extruder and MFR cobble generator, where you pump in water and lava and choose cobble, stone or obsidian to be produced. 16, chocolate is infinite. I'm playing FTB Infinity Evolved on expert mode with a couple of friends, and I've recently crafted the Everburn Urn to supply us with infinite lava. 410K subscribers in the feedthebeast community. It can function as a Cobblestone generator indefinitely, requiring any amount of water and lava, but not consuming either. This won't net power - turning cobblestone into lava will cost a lot more energy than the lava will give in a Geothermal Generator. Now, if I had been feeding regular Dynamos with this, it would be a loss. And obsidian consumes both lava and water :) Mar 22, 2014 · I found the Cobblestone/Obsidian generator to be too unreliable, occasionally the Cryotheum creeps all the way across and consumes the lava source block. From the wiki, they give us that in 6 seconds, it will consume 1000mb of lava. If you have creative/infinite lava, the Igneous Extruder can also do obsidian, which is worth more EMC than cobble. Igneous Extruders and Magma Crucible - Hook up an Igneous Extruder making Cobblestone (see above) to a Magma Crucible. Remember than a single igneous extruder can feed 20 crucibles (more crucibles will make them empty at some time) and 20 crucibles can feed 13 magmatic dynamos, I guess it could feed 13,33333 dynamos, but not tested yet. As other posted Ex Nihilio is how you get Netherrack and soul sand. You’ll need to bridge over to it if you want chests and blaze spawners. Crush some of the gravel to get flint. The recipe even shows up in the extruder's GUI but it just doesn't kick on to create the block. Now if you have igneous extruder you would have no trouble making obsidian either, but this lava you need in smeltery mainly, for Tinkers' construct. The lava and water make smooth stone just fine and then after a while (usually 15-20 minutes) the lava drops before the water and blocks the smooth stone from forming. 4- put gravel from the grinder in a deployer, whick is then broken by a block breaker. While not really infinite, they can give you a huge amount of power before running out. You can get more over time with integral components. We currently have it feeding into our smeltery for fuel and an igneous extruder for obsidian, and I have plans to feed lava into one friend's Botania garden to fuel his thermalilies. Who needs inputs? Posted by u/VideoCatz2 - No votes and 2 comments I'll add on the others. Then apply a servo to the duct, and on the side of the duct attached to the drain, set it to whitelist molten obsidian (click in the 3x3 grid with a bucket of molten obsidian) and to either ignore redstone signal or require a low signal. There’s probably a Nether fortress or two just out of render. I'm not saying either is right or wrong but calling it lazy is ignorant to the fact that its significantly less power for even more lava. I have but one mekanism pump with a flux point sending lava into ender tank. One of the second machines you should make (if going for non-cheaty cobblestone) is the igneous extruder. This is one of the few Machines that doesn't use Redstone Flux. You could also use Blood Magic to create an infinite lava source. 5 iron auto-hammers, 1 by itself for gravel and the others in a chain for dust. de/?ref=5003 The first machine you'll want is an Igneous Extruder -> Infinite cobble stone. You could use the Magma Crucible from Thermal Expansion, but it takes a lot of RF energy. I don't know how fast they maybe but thermal igneous extruder with the themal:extra upgrades or Mekanisms cobble generator upgrade might work pretty fast. This will produce infinite free blackstone that you can sent to a Flux Hammer then to a Sieve. TE3 has their own engines for that, I haven't looked into them much but a search in NEI (@Thermal) should show you the engines. 6. I have the recipe correct with a redstone block underneath and then lava and witch water. The Infinite Cobblestone Generator is an extremely useful Above the cobble barrel is an igneous extruder, which is basically a cobble gen in a single block. My igneous extruder isn't making netherrack anymore. For Blackstone, you can setup an Igneous Extruder with Lava on one side and Blue Ice on the other (To get blue ice, its super easy to buy off the Wandering Trader that Spawns, just have to get lucky). And in case you already used hardened fluiduct and it couldn't go out, use Servo and set redstone level to Disable. Each face can be configured to automatically input liquids and output items to tubes or other TE4 machines. 1, filling was accomplished by placing the item inside the Extruder's interface. Reply reply sctjkc01 • As an extension to this Attach a fluiduct to the drain and set it to pull from the drain into the basin. You pipe in Lava & RF/FE and out comes Obsidian. Aug 16, 2022 · An igneous extruder can automatically transfer items out of any sides that directly correspond to its output slot. But can also use a destructor on an infinite water source to import water into an RS system. running a pump into an ender tank. I am also looking for a way to make the igneous extruder from thermal expansion use a little lava for cobble stone instead of none. Don't know which modpack you're playing so which mods you have available, but generally speaking, using an igneous extruded to generate lava and then using that to generate power is very inefficient. The Igneous Extruder is a machine added by Thermal Expansion 4. This is called auto-output, and occurs whenever the machine finishes processing an item, or every 32 ticks (1. If you're just looking for Netherite? This page is about the Igneous Extruder from Thermal Expansion 4. This page is about the Igneous Extruder added by Thermal Expansion 3. 1 aqueous accumulator likewise produces more water than you'll need. 18, with JEI and Thermal Expansion. I would try adding water near the accumulator, making sure the piping is right, if the input side for the extruder is correct, on your accumulator too. Right click to get the obsidian (or extract from the bottom) Drinking lava and water with a MFR straw One of the first machines you should make is the (tree) harvester. Imp Now, though, the answer is "it depends on your version vs settings". It has less lag than conventional vanilla cobblegen tactics, and it can automatically output by using the orange side. Especially when a better suggestion is enderchests or tessarects from the nether with lava. Mix gravel in a superheated mixing mechanical mixer to get lava. The Ex Nihilo crucible is the easiest to get early game though. One bucket of lava and one bucket of water is required for the machine to work. 2. Overview: The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. That method will only require a single bucket of water and lava for unlimited cobble, but you'll have to supply the furnace with electricity instead. The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. Set up the igneous extruder with the Clastic Deposition augment, then make it generate Sandstone (This consumes water, but I assume you know how to use an aqueous accumulator). Aug 29, 2022 · Welcome to our brand new SkyBlock series in All The Mods 7 - To The Sky!Today we get our igneous extruders setup in anticipation of fully automated sifting!A Its still not super fast but you can get an igneous extruder (Thermal Series) to turn water and lava into red cobblestone granite, throw that into an array of souped-up rock crushers and have a much higher chance of getting the stuff without the headache of manually crafting a dimension builder (as AE2 doesnt play nice with Mekanism items that Sep 24, 2017 · The Igneous Extruder is one of the Machines added by Thermal Expansion. I assumed this is just some sort of rare timing issue with regards to how often water updates and how often lava updates and maybe due to random internal timing the lava gets to Touche with the Igneous extruder, but from experience I would hate to make another player wait all that time for a magma crucible to process cobble for lava. Smooth stone consumes water. So: Start with a cobblestone generator. If you're playing in 1.
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