He hasn t replied reddit But almost 4 days passed now and he hasn’t replied to my last text to him. Before this everything was amazing. My boyfriend hasn't replied to me since Wednesday afternoon. But now, he hasn't replied for more than 2 days over text or Snapchat. if he hasn’t replied not even the first text maybe he’s not interested. Posted by u/heyyitsmee00 - 1 vote and 1 comment r/Crushes is a safe place for people to talk about their crushes and ask for advice. When asking why a guy I previously dated hasn't replied to my message even though he has read it. After that he’s gone and came back two days later apologizing to me for going MIA. Memes! A way of describing cultural information being shared. It’s been 6 days and I’m confused. I just feel like he doesn't care about me, and that's understandable. Let's not forget conversation is 50% on each side, so even if you do have the perfect reply, the other person could have many reasons for not replying. I told him I would like to see him again and get to know him better, and he said he wanna see me again too. it wasn’t even a risky text or anything i just messaged her saying hi how are you and all that. After me asking a guy out on the first date -which was great, and he referenced other dates, I texted him next morning saying ‘can’t wait to see you again’ to which he replied ‘I had a great time too’ ๐ค He texted a week later but no attempt to make plans. Everything seemed to be going good he even invited me to his place this Wednesday. I did see he was active at 12:30 but no response. He probably has alot of responsibilities and stuff going on but if he doesn't help me, no one else will. (saw his friends instagram story) I'm kinda upset, that he one hasn't responded, and two because he hasn't responded for 3 hours he never even told me before hand that he had plans. Told me he missed me and what not exchanged a lot of text messages. He is your boyfriend, not your siamese twin. It happens. just a sub for a boy with a ukulele. But I think its because there isn't a sense of weight talking to them like it is me, he even admitted to me he has to constantly keep busy or he will sink back into a pit. who was the last person to text/message? was it him and you just haven't replied? or were you the last one to message and he hasn't replied. If a guy hasn't replied to you in a day, does that mean he's over you? Sometimes I just hate myself for being so obsessive and anxious and making myself sad and shit. Give him time. Meanwhile, read chick lit to while away the hours. It's been 2. I told him he didn’t, thanked him for coming, and told him I hope we can stay in touch. maybe he was just being friendly and kind. But he hasn't responded in 6 days. I used to really worry at the beginning but soon enough I realised that he's just not that much of a texter and prefers talking on the phone! look, it seems you made all the first moves with him. For this situation my advice is; do not text her again, if she still hasn't replied after a few days, then call her, yes phone call is still a thing. He would always send happy new years and after one of them he said he wanted to meet up for drinks awhile back because he wanted to apologize to me. It's very unlike him, he has always made time for me and never didn't reply or at least told me when he'll go out. Get a drink, create some art, entertain yourself. Turns out, he has gotten out of a long term relationship at the time, which I knew, but he didn’t expect the intensity of our interactions and so he wasn’t prepared for it and reacted poorly. If she doesn't respond about 2-3 hours before the date, send a text canceling it for the night telling her it's since you didn't hear back, and move on. It's now nearly 4pm and I haven't heard a thing. It was his day off and he just woke up. He hasn’t responded to that message and now it’s been 4 days since I heard 4. There are a hundred reasons why he might legitimately not text you back instantly. His last text was asking when I'll get home from work, he hasn't replied since then. I did tell him I like him more than a friend and he said the same. Physical symptoms may include: blushing, excess sweating, trembling, palpitations, and nausea, stammering, along, rapid speech, panic attacks. If he’s safe and everything, then I wouldn’t want to bother him. (Which was just a message asking if he wanted me to drop his belongings back) I pulled to Queen of Cups. posts about… He has already warned me in the beginning ( like day one) that he was bad at texting but he hasn’t responded since Sunday morning. Now if it's been more than a day and he hasn't replied or initiated contact; then I wouldn't bother him and take it as he's not interested. Is he not interested anymore? He asked me if I was coming home for break, which I replied with a yes, and since then he hasn’t replied. Post pictures of unknown vehicles you'd like identified, or identify them for… Now it’s been almost 24 hours and he hasn’t replied and has been active on social media since. Go do something else. /r/actuallesbians — a place for cis and trans lesbians, bisexual girls… Posted by u/JPMoney81 - 134 votes and 34 comments 76 votes, 12 comments. Welcome to the Reddit home of the 6-time Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots of the National… 4M subscribers in the dating community. Triggered by perceived or actual scrutiny from others. I was kind of offended he had me buy stuff and make all that effort just to basically ignore me so I pulled back. So I just don’t understand what’s going on. And she hasn't replied, my advice to you is to send him a message to see if he's active, and if you're worried about his mental and physical well being, maybe reach out to a mutual friend that you both know, anyways It sucks to hear that your friend isn't responding back. Should I try texting him again, or should I wait a while longer? Oct 17, 2023 ยท You can tell he's online and has probably read your messages but he's still not responding. Yesterday we were texting but he stopped replying and still hasn’t. 199K subscribers in the whatisthiscar community. I don’t wanna make a big deal out of nothing since it’s only been a day, but my overthinking is making me feel like i shouldn’t have said it and maybe it scared him or something, even though he said it back and told me he was in love with me Online dating sucks. She told me she's going back to her home for Thanksgiving's. I wanted to confront in person. He said he didn’t want to jump into a relationship, finds me very attractive and he would kiss me goodnight. Remember that he has a right to have his own life besides you. Ask him eventually if he is still interested in seeing you, you can do that in 1-2 months. We both have similar interests. The average woman gets a ton of matches, when half the opening lines are "heyyy" or some kind of intentionally bad pick up it can make the whole idea feel tedious, like picking through a pile of soggy fries to get to the few nice crispy ones. Don't drive him away. I reply back to him asking him what his symptoms are. She hasn't replied back since. It’s been 24 hours and he still hasn’t replied we set up our sixth date And then he never replied back and ghosted. We kinda knew each other before but hadn't really talked. I think if he just immediately went ghost after the date I wouldn’t have the confusion lol! And I know he has a pretty stressful job is as well that is pretty demanding, so I could even assume he’s just busy. Fortunately, He replied that my background looks relevant and is interested in taking me under his wing asked me to send a brief research proposal. On top of it I didn't know he had plans to be out. Allow him some credibility if he wishes to meet you. I hadn’t heard from him so I sent him another message on Friday. Does this mean he doesn't like me anymore and our date in a week is cancelled? UPDATE: he replied after 2 hours 30 minutes He has complained before that he doesn’t hear from me unless he tries to contact me. Quite a strong assumption to say "everything is wrong" based on something so trivial. I texted her that night (two days before thanksgiving). there's rarely ever a reasonable excuse to not reply back to someone for two whole weeks, especially since he updated his dating profile picture. I then asked then asked the cards if he will contact me again. . Triggered by perceived or… If it was a long period without a response, he would apologize and explain why, and the conversation would pick right off. i think it was very nice of you to have the initiative with someone though! The guy literally contradicts himself, one minute he says 400 is just a number (they won't reach 500 for two years btw) and the next is he saying he didn't want to try a new guest specifically for 400 because they may not click well. Mine did too I think it took him another week from this post. I got the lingerie and sent him pics. He says he's a bad texter and is really busy at work (but I'm sure if he wanted to text he could've). Even if you messged him a text that didn't have anything for him to reply to, if he wanted to follow through and see you, he would have messaged you to make that happen. Again, I really dislike the possibility of him thinking I’m needy / overly attached / crazy or whatever. We've gone on a couple of dates and was planning to take me out again. Professor hasn't replied yet. Maybe he is exhausted and hit his bed the minute he got home. Nonetheless, the driving force that was there before is now gone. It's been 3 days now. Maybe he isn't as into you as you want so didn't drop everything. Posted by u/ayeyooo1 - No votes and 3 comments Posted by u/lemonade-m - 1 vote and 7 comments 304K subscribers in the scambait community. Ask him. It could be silent treatment or the final discard. he may not have Maybe he was kept over at work. We don't argue or 5. See full list on hetexted. It gives you the chance to show your confidence and charisma as a man, if she doesn't answer or call back then move on. this sub is for advice about specific dating situations not general debates. Distress in social situations, causing impaired functioning in daily life. Sharing conversations, reviewing profiles and more. Also don't underestimate the likelihood of a professor just being overwhelmed/swamped trying to juggle research, teaching, and family. But he does hang out with family and play video games when he ghosts me for that time which is hurts like hell. A subreddit to discuss and explore the dating process and learn from the experiences of others Posted by u/innovcoding20 - 1 vote and no comments Or he won’t at all I don’t know at this point but it’s just upsetting because he’s never done this especially considering he kept telling me that he still loves me and that he’d be open to reconnect. 29M subscribers in the memes community. Lol How are there such immature people in this world? Posted by u/Jazzlike_Rub1535 - 8 votes and 20 comments That's right! And if she doesn't respond, it's not necessarily about what or how you replied. Persona 5 is a role-playing game by ATLUS in which players live out a year in the life of a high school boy who gains the ability to summon facets of his psyche, known as Personas. He has emotionally abused me, abandoned me in a restaurant in tears. He said he loved me back, but then didn’t talk to me — minus a couple very surface-level convos — for 3 years. i responded back, asking him what he was up to…and going on 2 hours now and no response. If he doesn't reply to you because he is at work, or with friends, or he feels sad/tired and doesn't want to talk, he has a My partner hasn't responded to be for almost 3 hours. This is frustrating cuz our texting pattern hasn’t been like this. We’ve become official for 2 weeks and he seemed really into me and he was the one that asked me to be his girlfriend. 24K votes, 384 comments. I am unsure if I should text him again or wait until he responds or forget him. Maybe he hasn't checked his phone. LGBTQ+ are welcome :) We also have a Discord server. He's not replied because he's not overly interested. He feels the same thing, and if he is your twin, nothing can change the love you have for each other. Should I try texting him again, or should I wait a while longer? But now I just stop myself and think - he doesn't have to reply straight away, he's busy with his own thing, I need to keep busy with my own thing. BREATHE. We have been talking for a month now and we hooked up a few times been texting almost every day and he hasn't replied to me for two days now. I'm curious what he's done to earn being intimate with you. Check "Community Info" in the top right corner if you're using the app, or use the old version of reddit by typing "old" in place of "www" into the URL and look at the top of the sidebar if you're on desktop. Being a cop is not a 9 to 5 job. Welcome To /R/SCAMBAIT! The Largest Scambaiting Community On Reddit! Scambaiting by definition is the… r/Crushes is a safe place for people to talk about their crushes and ask for advice. His snap score went up once in the past 2 hours, so he's online but hasn't opened my snapchat. com Jan 10, 2023 ยท You sent him a text hours, days -or even a week ago, and he still hasn’t texted you back? Here's what to do when he doesn’t text you back. Idk. Reply reply I just got this girl's number. I don't know if I am acting paranoid, clingy or if he lost interest. I think maybe he feels you just being friendly and he could very well be stressed out with moving. And he hasn’t replied and it’s been 9 hours. She lives in my apartment building. Basically I (19F) have been talking to this guy (23M, hope he doesn't see this) who hit me up on Reddit for almost a week now. So the past weekend I just received 2 short texts from him and that’s it. If it is only once, then he might have been busy or he forgot, but trust me, if this happens more than once, then it is lack of commitment, interest from his side and he might avoiding completely cut you off as a friend, but his interest is somewhere else unless he starts making you a priority. Posted by u/idontcurrr - 3 votes and 15 comments We've been sending gm back and forth for 15 days , but today when is sent him a gm handsome text in morning ,he hasn't replied to it yet . He's not a good person but I am struggling so much with the trauma bond. He did mention he had a party yesterday but idk what to think . An element of a culture or system of behavior… 739K subscribers in the Patriots community. The weird thing is he hasn’t reached out in over a week. He hasn’t replied my confirmation text for meet up tomorrow I met a guy on Friday evening and everything went so well and we had chemistry as well as a great conversation. Usually he replies rather quickly and this is the first time that he hasn't replied for such a long time and I feel like I am dying Subreddit Community for Persona 5 and other P5/Persona products! Please be courteous and mark any and all spoilers. Not exactly. My crush 25M hasn’t replied to my text message I’m a 21 year female and recently I met a 25 year old guy. 396K subscribers in the socialanxiety community. Prior to that, I was traveling for a month and texted him when I got back to let him know and ask how he'd… Look babe, here's my takeaway to all this: if this dude really wanted to talk to this girl, he would make it happen. I got sick of tindr because of the amount of people like this. 9M subscribers in the Tinder community. I'm sure he will confirm your plans and reassure you that he'll be there if you text him. We don't text much but the most we've ever texted was after our first date. 5M subscribers in the dating_advice community. Hes made posts on his Instagram and tiktok acknowledging the song and asking if he should upload the full version so i think there is a very good chance we can get a full recording without the moans. Posted by u/gionnav - No votes and no comments We were texting and I replied to his text 4 hours ago. I’m not sure if he’s a texter. This is the longest time he hasn't spoken to me. Hello, I'm from India and I have mailed to a professor regarding if he is interested in taking any PhD students in his research group. He claimed that he only had been able to sleep for 6 hours in the past 48 hours and promised me to reply later when he’s already in better state to give me his responses. 5 years. Had a very similar situation a while back. Posted by u/Snoo_99829 - 1 vote and 11 comments How long has it been? Maybe he's just busy. Write him once every 2 weeks to see how he is feeling. You don't NEED him to fill your time, and you don't need to know where he is at every second. Trusted this guy for a whole month, saw some red flags but didn’t think they were super major, something that could have just been worked on as the relationship progressed. I would say he's moved on, but we never really know. should I stop texting him Posted by u/ThrowRA5804 - No votes and 20 comments After he left my place, he texted me asking if he forgot his socks. I emailed the person in charge of the actual module and she's replied twice saying 'don't email me. This wasn't a healthy relationship, he's a narcacist. r/Crushes is a safe place for people to talk about their crushes and ask for advice. I've had trauma surgeons on overnight shifts, ready to die from lack of sleep, pick up the phone to call back a girl they dig and ask her out and men who were on a 3-month long backpacking tour for work make every attempt to find wifi just to send a few words before they moved on. If they refuse to get on camera with you from the start, that is the moment you say: this is important to me and if you can't give me 5 mins, this isn't going to go any further. 526 votes, 28 comments. it's 2 . ask your supervisor' but the supervisor doesn't respond to me. Try him again tonight but don't bug the last text i sent him was on 4 days ago and he hasn't replied but he did post some sporadic IG stories and did change his profile pic twice on the messaging app. 13K subscribers in the boywithuke community. i’d wait some time before actually assuming anything for sure but that’s my take. He kept reassuring me by saying how attractive I was and how comfortable he is around me. But out of the blue he hasn’t messaged me on text for 3 days now. Tell him that you are worried that he didn't reply your messages, ask him if he is okay, something among those lines. Some have good reasons, but most don't. i just dropped him a video link of a new performance of his fav song just as a little check in He seemed really interested in me and was very attentive. The next day he asked me to meet up but I was working. I just got her number and exchanged a few texts. Doesn't seem like a red flag as is. This guy I’ve been talking to for a few months stopped texting me back. All he did was like the pics no reply. I'm 99% sure that he'll say this isn't a good time for him to be in a relationship. I sent him on message on Tuesday last week and he replied on Wednesday and we talked for a while that day. He is allowed to manage his own time without answering to you. If he wanted to, he would, no ifs, no buts, no excuses. But he looks at my Snapchat videos and snaps aka I know he’s orbiting. 492K subscribers in the actuallesbians community. I had my 4th date with this guy on Sunday. Today i’ve seen him use his phone to text and make facetime calls , he’s not even trying to hide it. 4. Should I be worried? I've only sent him one message and he hasn't replied back. Me and him have been texting me each other recently but I haven’t responded to his text since I’ve been busy with work so today I decided to message him and I haven’t received a text from him. I’ve been thinking if I should ignore him and not reply if he ever answers my text, or should i confront him? I don’t get it sometimes. Essentially, he reached out with a wall of text saying he was alive and that he needed a minute to figure things out with himself… long story short, he decided to quit his job to go off the grid and to volunteer at a different country. For yes: I pulled 6 of cups For no: I pulled 3 of wands I match with this guy and we were talking for about a week. I did reach out today, he responded 3 hours later with a “hey there sexy ๐”. In my case, me saying that contributed to my twin running HARD. If he's like me, he's looking forward to your date, but he's also a man of his word and one of the things he's trying to show you, is unless you hear otherwise, he'll show up to a date. and now, 24 hours later she still hasn’t replied ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ i know everyone's saying he hasn't lost interest, but i think that's honestly misleading. A community for discussing the online dating app Tinder. Usually he replies rather quickly and this is the first time that he hasn't replied for such a long time and I feel like I am dying My friend hasn’t replied in days, I’m worried Before this sounds dumb, let me explain: My friend hasn’t responded to me nor our close friends’ messages, all messenger DMs and texts have been sent not delivered, so her phone is likely off which isn’t like her. Good friends never stop replying. He even promised to pick me up but he hasn't confirmed that either. Well, now I’m the one trying to contact him, but I don’t know if I should. I also learned just cuz someone online; it doesn't mean they are available to talk. posts about…. Update: thank you again for the advice! Since you took the time to do so, I’d like to give you guys the update. He hasn’t texted me back since, but he watched my Instagram story I posted like an hour ago… what does it mean? after talking to my friend about my crush for weeks, yesterday i finally mustered up the courage to message her. Guys, just because s/he sounds wonderful doesn't mean they are. He also said he was thinking about you which means he would still like to see you but he simply can't right now because he is emotionally stressed out. Desperation is definitely one of my biggest weaknesses and it's always been so hard for me to mesh with people who are way more normal. He planned a date about an hour away from where we live, a restaurant in downtown Toronto, and he hasn't replied to my texts since 4pm yesterday. But he came back, we grew closer and closer till HE said he He's busy with life and doesn't have time to text. He hasn’t replied ever since and I’m just crumbling. Sharing conversations… I asked him what he was up to (previous evening) to which he replied this morning that “he was warming up from taking his dog out to a walk” I haven’t responded yet because I’ll just wait to get back home from my vacation. Maybe he'll want to meet you day after. Sometimes I do this as well because I'm busy with grad school. 5. What gives? Here are some possible explanations. But cutting him off is super extreme. Posted by u/Due-Experience-3190 - 1 vote and no comments Distress in social situations, causing impaired functioning in daily life. If she hasn't replied on the day of our before the date, don't get your hopes up. You can do this. People flake all the time. In and out, now do it again. The amount of e-mail some profs get is just beyond ridiculous. ltqnenx fqxoi calhs phbynf oaf afwmvfrk uycgg efhsuj hmclinit ufnd uac hbft kbhiq kkndez svzrkt