Gris plural in spanish If the noun is feminine and plural, the color should also be feminine and plural. gray: marrón / café To make these colors plural, Like other Spanish adjectives, must change in gender and number to agree with the nouns that they modify. despite modifying a masculine plural noun If you want to learn more Spanish, subscribe to my newsletter for free! You will get new updates by email, as well as a copy of my ebook, the Definitive Guide to Learn Conjugations in Spanish. Dec 21, 2024 · Emotions: “Me siento gris. It is an extremely useful verb and is largely irregular when conjugating. materia gris nf (cerebro, médula espinal) matière grise nf : La materia gris controla los movimientos Jan 29, 2025 · Spanish direct object pronouns replace the noun that receives the action of the verb. updated Feb 14, 2010. spanish vocab 10/30 . How do you say ‘color’ in Spanish? “Color” in Spanish is color. Gris – Gray (or Grey) Celeste – Sky Blue Keep it singular or change it to plural form accordingly. Here is a brief guide. com is the world's most popular Spanish-English Feb 2, 2025 · As you can see, there are adjectives that follow the regular rule for endings using -o/-as/-os/-as (rojo, amarillo, negro, blanco, morado). - Un suéter gris. In conclusion, learning the words for colors in Spanish is an important aspect of developing your Spanish language skills. Finally adjectives have to agree as to gender and singular plural. Sep 30, 2023 · When discussing multiple gray objects, the term "gris" follows the regular rules of pluralization in Spanish. ” Männlich Einzahl gris, Weiblich Einzahl gris, Männlich Mehrzahl grises, Weiblich Mehrzahl grises Rechtschreibung & Silbentrennung gris Aussprache/Betonung [ɡɾis] Übergeordnete Begriffe 1) color Beispielsätze. Translate Gris. However, there are a few exceptions: Violeta is invariable. May 17, 2020 · The gender of nouns in Spanish is part of a noun’s identity. In Spanish it can be either singular, "pantalón," or plural, "pantalones. (A blue balloon. When describing an object, colors need to match the gender and number of the object. Gris In conclusion, learning the words for colors in Spanish is an important aspect of developing your Spanish language skills. 22 terms. Nov 14, 2024 · Rojas (plural, feminine): Las camisas son rojas (The shirts are red). Ein graues Auto. The colors naranja, rosa, lila, verde, azul, gris, marrón and beis must agree only in number with the noun they describe. If a noun ends in a vowel, you add -s to make it plural. Neither black nor white, gray is “gris” [grees]. Plural of nouns ending in a vowel. See full list on springlanguages. c) La casa verde está aparcada afuera. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Be sure you can correctly indicate the gender of a noun, create plural nouns, change the gender of adjectives to match the nouns they describe, use definite and indefinite articles, identify personal pronouns, and use the verb “ser. Nov 15, 2022 · What is the plural form in Spanish? As in English, nouns in Spanish change their form in the plural. El gris es un color intermedio entre el blanco y el negro. Some Spanish color words change the ending depending on the gender of the noun, which usually just involves changing the final letter to o for masculine nouns Another difference between English and Spanish when it comes to color, is that in the plural form, you must add -s or -es to the end of the color word. Dictionary. When I'm not indulging in my love for cooking churros or exploring a corn maze, I enjoy guiding everyone from eager students to the casual learner through the intricacies of Spanish – whether it's the formal and informal ways of expressing 'I love myself' or translating unique words such Oct 8, 2024 · Adjectives ending in other letters typically do not change between masculine and feminine, but they do for singular and plural. Demonstrative pronouns express the distance between the speaker and the noun being replaced. El cielo tiene un extraño color gris Write the plural of the next nouns and phrases. Bonus question! Can you name 3 different shades of blue in Jan 28, 2025 · Take Note: Unlike English, many Spanish parts of speech must use a plural form. Mar 9, 2020 · In the Spanish language, every noun has a number (singular or plural) and a gender (masculine or feminine). Describing Objects and Elements: In Spanish, "gris" is commonly used to describe objects or elements that have a In Spanish, colors have a masculine and feminine form AS WELL AS a singular and plural form. Blanco ends in a vowel, so add “s” at the end to match plural nouns. Noun gris m (plural grises) grey, gray Jan 13, 2023 · The gray cat = el gato gris ; The gray house = la casa gris ; By default, Spanish color words are singular. Similarly, colors that end in a consonant, such as gris or marrón, add -es for the plural: Gris (singular): El coche es gris (The car is grey). This requires you to use the masculine, plural In Spanish, the noun ending reflects the number of people or things to which it refers. Most color words agree with the nouns they describe in both gender and number . The plural is the form we use to talk about more than one person, thing, animal, or idea. Add to list. Here are some examples of these nouns: Añicos (formal) – Pieces Translate La mochila plural. Gris perla: A pearl gray for a touch of elegance. Indirect object pronouns in Spanish express who benefits or is affected by the action. Examples. Here are the rules (and, of course, exceptions) you need to know to pluralize Spanish nouns. So whether you say “el pelo gris” (gray hair) or “una nube gris” (a gray cloud), the descriptor remains the same. The plural forms of nouns have different endings, as you will see below. Examples of color changing from singular to plural. In the clothing sense, "pants" is almost always plural in English; it may be used in the singular in the fashion world to refer to a pair of trousers. GRIS translate: gray, gray, dull, grey, gray, grey, gray, drab, grey, gray, grey, gray. To make a color match plural nouns, add “s” if the word ends in a vowel and add “es” if the word ends in a consonant. Spanish adjectives, articles and pronouns are also affected by whether a noun is singular or plural. Almost all nouns ending in a vowel form the plural simply by adding -s:. The white cats = los gatos blancos Adjectives in Spanish need to agree in gender and quantity (singular vs. plural) with the noun that they are modifying. Wait, No Azula?. gris azulado nm + adj (gris con tonalidad azul) gris-bleu nm : No me gusta el gris azulado porque me hace pensar en días lluviosos. 3. See 2 authoritative translations of Gris from Spanish to English with example sentences and phrases. posted by lagartijaverde. Spanish Colors Charts. How do I match colors with nouns in Spanish? Colors must agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. Sep 7, 2024 · In Spanish, you must choose between four definite articles: el, la, los, and las. g. A color working as a noun is preceded by Spanish definite articles or demonstrative adjectives. Los adjetivos siguen las mismas reglas de formación de plurales que los sustantivos: los terminados en vocal forman su plural en –s y los terminados en consonante, en –es: camisa gris, camisas grises; sombrero verde, sombreros verdes; camiseta marrón, camisetas marrones. These change form based on gender and number: Rojo/a (red) Blanco/a (white) Negro/a (black) Amarillo/a (yellow) Examples: El gato negro (the black cat) La casa blanca (the white house) Tener is the Spanish verb "to have". Over 100,000 English translations of Spanish words and phrases. Nov 21, 2023 · Read about the names of colors in Spanish. Jan 22, 2025 · Mastering the Use of Vibrant Colors in Spanish LanguageMastering the use of vibrant colors in the Spanish language is an essential step toward gaining fluency. GRIS translations: gray, gray, dull, grey, gray, grey, gray, drab, grey, gray, grey, gray. c) gray. singular. gris. Colors in Spanish can be adjectives or nouns. Examples: Plural: los libros interesantes (the interesting books) Plural: unas casas grandes (some big houses) Forming Plural Nouns. If English (or another language with genderless nouns) is your first language, you probably freaked out when you found out that nouns have gender in Spanish. Marcus Santamaria from Synergy Spanish offers some fabulous free Spanish lessons. Difference between singular and plural: Singular: Refers to one thing. GREY translations: gris, canoso, gris, gris, nublado, gris, anodino, gris. b) silver. In Spanish, there are some words that are always used in plural form. Plural of gris (noun) grises-gray Learn the colors names in Spanish with beautiful pictures, plural--example. , “un coche gris” – a gray car) Meanings of "plural of gris" in Spanish English Dictionary : 1 result(s) Category English Spanish; Common: 1: Common: plural of gris: grises: Jan 1, 2025 · Spanish language resources for teachers, students, and parents: Lesson plans, Spanish grammar worksheets, Spanish vocabulary flash cards and charts, task cards, Spanish reading comprehension activities, classroom posters and decorations, word searches, and PDFs that allow students to become actively engaged in their learning. Following the same example, “Red houses” would be translated as “Casas rojas”, making both the noun Casa and the color Roja plural. Be one of Jul 25, 2022 · Hola! I'm Vera, your linguist and travel enthusiast with a passion for the nuances of Spanish language. Here you have examples of colors used in the singular and plural forms to help you understand the rule. However, there are exceptions to the rule, such as azul!Since azul ends in l, it has one form for the singular and one for the plural, regardless of the gender of the noun it describes. “Ustedes” is the safest and most universal option when in doubt or unfamiliar with the region’s dialect. Gris claro: A soft and light gray as the base color. Learn how to pronounce Grises in Spanish with video, audio, and syllable-by-syllable spelling from Latin America and Spain. Colors add richness to the language, allowing for more descriptive and expressive conversations. Most times you Sep 24, 2017 · Here you need to know that es is from the verb ser so you need third person plural. Pronunciation. Marrón (singular): El pantalón es marrón (The part is brown). practice changing phrases and sentences from the singular to the plural Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Automatically generated practical examples in Spanish: El suéter es color gris con franjas blanco y negro al que le fue grabado el “escudo del Estado de Puebla” colocado en el brazo derecho de esta prenda. We won’t be able to use a noun correctly without its corresponding article. com Language Forums. Enjoy. El – Masculine singular; La – Feminine singular ; Los – Masculine plural; Las – Feminine plural English words for gris include gray, drab, dull, grizzly and cinereous. el gris. Feminine plural "the" noun. Spanish-English Vocabulary / Vocabulario Español-Inglés Los libros es grises - plural El libro es gris - singular Is the verb "es" changed by plural into "son"? Los libros son grises Thanks for clarification Learn the translation for ‘gris’ in LEO’s English ⇔ Spanish dictionary. Find more Spanish words at wordhippo. zhangaidan. This literally translates to "I have 21 years". Colors that don't end in a letter O, won't change with feminine nouns. ayrianna_stansberry8. Gris acero: A steel gray for a modern and sleek look. la casa → las casa s; el perro → los perro s; 2. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Number agreement ensures that everything in the sentence adjusts to plural forms. Click the blue link below to capitalize on these powerful lessons and begin communicating and speaking in Spanish immediately. Edit your question with your answer and we will tell you if you are correct. " gris azulado loc adj (gris con tonalidad azul) gris-bleu loc adj : Compré un vestido gris azulado. Singular nouns are used to talk about only one person or thing, whereas plural nouns refer to two or more people or things. A blue-colored pencil → Un lápiz de color azul. Secondly, when describing a plural noun with Spanish colors, the color should be written in plural form as well, e. and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. Translate Plural form of un escritorio. Spanish plural guide Read through this content to review the grammar taught in this module (note: there is no new instruction on this page). Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). If you look up an adjective in the dictionary, you’ll usually find it in its masculine singular form ending in o, e, or with a consonant e. Expert articles and interactive video lessons on how to use the Spanish language. All nouns in Spanish have a number (singular or plural) and a gender (masculine or feminine). These are: azul – blue Mar 18, 2024 · Related: How To Say Library In Spanish: Translation And Common Phrases. Colors in Spanish. rojo (red), celeste (sky-blue), gris (gray), etc. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer Sep 25, 2024 · 国际大辞典收录了7408809条英语、德语、日语等多语种在线翻译词条,基本涵盖了全部常用单词及词组的翻译及用法,是外语 Examples. plural. 🚀 Remove ads. NafisaKumo. Sep 4, 2023 · Colors in Spanish in a Nutshell. com is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary Sep 11, 2006 · Cual es el plural de "gris"? Grises suena muy raro. Abgeleitete Wörter/Wortbildungen Learn how to talk about colours in Spanish with this article and interactive quiz from BBC Bitesize for 2nd level Spanish students in Scotland, as part of the Curriculum for Excellence. Think you’ve got it? Test yourself on Spanish color adjectives: Los adjetivos siguen las mismas reglas de formación de plurales que los sustantivos: los terminados en vocal forman su plural en –s y los terminados en consonante, en –es: camisa gris, camisas grises; sombrero verde, sombreros verdes; camiseta marrón, camisetas marrones. Learn Spanish and other languages online with our audio flashcard system and GRAY translations: ortografía americana de "grey":, gris, nublado, anodino, gray:, unidad de radiación absorbida, Gy…. Preview. A gray sweater. com! Translate Gray plural. gray. Feb 10, 2012 · Q&A plural of La mochila gris es barata would be "Las mochilas gris son baratas SpanishDictionary. Color Quiz. Spanish words for gray include gris, color gris, encanecer, rucio, grises, grisú and canosos. Examples: Es un libr o roj o. Feb 14, 2010 · So yeah "gris" has a plural. Gender and numbers for Spanish colors. The definite articles in Spanish address two things: gender, and if a word is singular or plural. 1) Un coche gris. com Learn the colors in Spanish and how to use them in this article. See 9 authoritative translations of Gray in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. las English Translation of “GRIS” | The official Collins Spanish-English Dictionary online. See 7 authoritative translations of Gris in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. Unlike many Spanish adjectives, “gris” does not change in masculine or feminine forms. To form the plural in Spanish, add -s to most nouns ending in a vowel (a, e, i, o or u) which doesn’t have an accent. Learn about 'por' vs. How to use adjectives of color in Spanish Types of Question Starters in Spanish. Examples gris - declension in Spanish: article, gender plural of Spanish nouns and adjectives. 1. And to improve your Spanish even further, book a lesson with me! My students are already speaking Spanish and using it in their everyday lives. It sounds like a lot to remember, but with practice it gets easier and easier. Aug 13, 2024 · The same applies to colors not ending in o: azul (blue) verde (green), gris (gray), marrón (brown): un almohadón azul (masculine singular) una capa azul (feminine singular) To make the plural form, colors add a final s: frutos rojos (masculine plural) frutas rojas (feminine plural). Check out free Spanish lessons, curated flashcard sets, and Jul 16, 2020 · blancos ( masculine and plural form) blanca (feminine and singular form) blancas (feminine and plural form) See Spanish gender rules. Plural of gris (adjective) gris. SpanishDictionary. Marrón - marrónes. Dec 3, 2021 · In Spanish, adjectives have a gender, and colors are no exception. Learn about color categories and see how to pronounce yellow, the color brown, and other colors in Spanish. El cielo tiene un extraño color gris Jul 16, 2020 · blancos ( masculine and plural form) blanca (feminine and singular form) blancas (feminine and plural form) See Spanish gender rules. Azul, verde, and gris have only singular and plural forms; they are the same for masculine and feminine. The plural form of "gris" is grises (IPA: /ˈɡɾises/): Dos coches grises. ” (I feel gray, meaning I feel down or sad. Nouns that End in a Vowel Oct 28, 2020 · 🇪🇸 gris – 🇬🇧 grey; 🇪🇸 café / marrón – 🇬🇧 brown; What to remember about colors in Spanish. Which colors in Spanish do not have feminine forms? A few colors in Spanish do not have feminine forms, such as the examples below: Verde; Azul; Gris; Marrón Translate Gris plural. Examples: Dec 5, 2024 · It means that if the noun they describe is feminine, they must be feminine, and if that same word is also plural, they will be feminine and plural. com! Translate Gray. None of the words are unusual. Jan 31, 2025 · When it comes to Spanish colors, here are some key points to keep in mind: If working as a noun, a color in Spanish is always masculine. "El cielo está gris. Next Activities And you have to keep up with singular and plural, too. May 15, 2022 · To help you navigate the various forms of “you” plural in Spanish, here are some additional tips: Pay attention to the context and level of formality when deciding which form to use. ) Grammar Rules Associated with Gris. Examples . Translate Gray (plural). Im Plural verwendet man die Artikel „los“ für das männliche Geschlecht und „las“ für das weibliche Geschlecht. “rojo/rojos”, “verde/verdes” and so on. Die Nummerierung bezieht sich auf die verschiedenen Bedeutungen. By mastering this vocabulary, you can improve your ability to describe and understand the world around you when interacting in Spanish. (Two gray cars. Grises (plural): Los coches son grises (The cars are grey). Un globo azul. Masculine plural: unos zapatos rojos (red shoes) Feminine plural: unas manzanas rojas (red apples) Types of Color Adjectives 1. Gris pizarra: A dark slate gray as an accent color. Spanish relative pronouns combine two sentences that refer to the same noun. ) Usage of "Gris" in Spanish. Gris Spanish Word: gris Plural: grises English Meaning: grey, gray German Meaning: grau. Translate Plural of gris. Gracias! WordReference. There are also adjectives where the singular masculine form ends in -e or a consonant, and it keeps the same form in the feminine singular (verde, azul, gris, marrón) and both gender plurals end with -es (not-os/-as). clozemaster. el plural. In Spanish, nouns, adjectives, and articles change their form to match correctly when we talk about something in plural. rojo (masculine – singular) roja (feminine – singular) rojos (masculine – plural) rojas (feminine – plural) This is called Spanish adjective agreement and we will learn more about this in the next lesson. Learn more in the Cambridge Spanish-English Dictionary. If you have not had the chance to take advantage of these free Spanish lessons, then clearly you are missing out on a great opportunity. The gray-colored car → El carro de color gris. If the color ends in a letter O (indicating it is the masculine form), change it to an A for feminine nouns. Gris marengo: A bluish-gray for added depth and sophistication. What is the closest English translation for "plata" in Spanish? a) pink. Bonus: Words that Are Always Plural in Spanish. gray (USA) grey (UK) plural--example. In Spanish, colors can change based on gender and number. The noun you should use to say “colors” (plural) in Spanish is los colores. It is important to note that in Spanish, tener is used to portray a person's age; for example: "tengo 21 años". = It's a red How to say the colors in Spanish: A list of colors includes rojo - red, naranja - orange, amarillo - yellow, verde - green, azul - blue, púrpura / morado - purple, marrón/ café - brown, negro - black, gris - grey, blanco - white, plata - silver, oro - gold. Brown – marrón/café gris translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'ámbar gris, cerebro gris, lobo gris, materia gris', examples, definition, conjugation gris es Words with the same pattern : estatal maternal real unicolor corporal sentimental mercantil decenal vital inmortal actual sensacional juvenil literal legal esencial racial semanal seductor mejor 2. “El coche gris (The gray car – singular) “Los coches grises. Variable Adjectives. 'para', Spanish pronunciation, typing Spanish accents, and more. Therefore, you should never use the colors “roso” (plural), “naranjo” (plural), or “violeto” (plural) in Spanish, as these do not exist. b) El coche azul está aparcado afuera. Pequeña ends in a because clase is la. For example: Hay dos gatos negros - There are two black cats. Jan 17, 2024 · What are the basic colors in Spanish? The basic colors in Spanish are red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, pink, white, black, gray, and brown. Since gris is a neutral color, it remains the same regardless of the noun it describes: Masculine Singular: gris (e. Sep 18, 2023 · Gray – gris. 13 terms. Jul 9, 2020 · Unos sombreros blancos – (Blancos is in masculine and plural form) Una casa blanca – ( Blanca is in feminine and singular form) Unas casas blancas – ( Blancas is in feminine and plural form) With words that don’t end in -O or -A (like verde and gris) don’t have a change in the masculine or feminine form. Forming plurals in Spanish involves a few straightforward rules. Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and verbs are words that are pluralized if needed. Adjectives in Spanish usually have to match the nouns they describe in gender and number. 15 terms. Easy enough to remember! You use the masculine, singular article el with the masculine, singular noun color, giving us el color (“the color”). Spanish nouns can be singular or plural, and Spanish plural nouns will almost always end in -s or -es. For most nouns ending in “-í” or “-ú” (with an accent mark), we can choose to add -s or -es. The Basic Color Vocabulary Red: RojoBlue: AzulYellow: AmarilloGreen: VerdeOrange (secondary): Anaranjado or naranjaPurple (secondary Jan 2, 2025 · Historical inflection of gris; singular plural indefinite definite indefinite definite Aasen 1: ein Gris Grisen Griser Griserne: 1901: griser (grisir) griserne (grisine) 1917: griser grisene 1938: grisar grisane 1986: griser [grisar] grisene [grisane] 2012 (current) ein gris grisen grisar, griser grisane, grisene other: grisi : grisin Nov 25, 2022 · In Spanish, "Grey" (singular form) is written as:GrisIn Spanish, "Grey" (plural form) is written as:GrisesListen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The sky is grey. ” (The gray cars – plural) Understanding these agreements is crucial for speaking and writing Spanish accurately. Note: Just like in English, the plural form of some words doesn’t follow the above rules, including: Azul - azules. How would you say "The green car is parked outside" in Spanish? a) El carro verde está estacionado afuera. Gray in Spanish: writing and pronunciation. Which one you choose depends on the noun which follows. I realize that grammar is probably not much fun, but if you want to use the names of the colors effectively in Spanish, you should keep in mind 2 rules. Adjektive bilden den Plural nach der gleichen Regel wie Substantive: la ventan a nuev a (das neue Fenster) –> las ventana s nueva s (die neuen Fenster) Write the plural of the next nouns and phrases. ) Plural: Refers to more than one Jan 8, 2024 · It’s just another way of using colors in Spanish. Unidad 4 Translation for 'gris' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations. The four columns below provide the masculine singular form, the feminine singular form, the masculine plural (or mixed gender grouping) form, and the plural feminine form. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary.
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