Future tense latin endings. A verb also has a tense.
Future tense latin endings Latin has 6 different present tense endings, one for each combination of person and number. S. ’ All four conjugations form the future perfect tense in the same way and use the following endings. The tense of a verb tells when in time it takes place - here in the present, way back in the past, or ahead in the future. (cf. 6. Again, students should over study their endings. The pluperfect tense describes an action that had been completed before another past action. Dec 11, 2024 · We've already learned about the present tense in Latin, so now let's take a look at the simple future tense, for first and second conjugation verbs. The Latin for ‘I will have loved’ is amavero. The future perfect tense describes an action that will be completed Feb 11, 2025 · Verbs Present 3; Infinitives; Imperatives; Imperfect Tense; Future Tense; Corpus Humanum; At work; In the city; This is the second part of our foundational Latin 17 Oct 2016: Fixed 1st conjugation passive indicative future perfect 1st-person singular, thanks to Denny Robinson; 25 May 2016: Fixed 1st conjugation passive subjunctive pluperfect plural , thanks to John Batali; 27 Apr 2016: Fixed order of infinitives; 29 Jan 2016: Fixed labels on 4th conjugation chart; 2 Mar 2015: Initial release Welcome back to Latin for Wikiversity. LATIN — CONJUGATION WORKSHEET bencrowder. 1st and 2nd— domō , domāre , domuī , domitum [ subdue ] 2nd and 3rd— maneō , manēre , mānsī , mānsum [ remain ] Active: Present Stem + Tense Sign + Personal EndingsPronoun1st "to praise"laud-re2nd "to advise"mon-re3rd "to lead"dce-re3rd -io "to seize"cape-re4th "to hear" 5. North American Cambridge Latin Course Unit 3 Student Future tense is a grammatical tense used to indicate actions or states that will occur after the present time. Some verbs have perfective morphology but the meaning is as if the per-fect adds no meaning. In other words, the imperfect tense does not tell us if the action has been completed. Most verbs belong to one of four groups, known as conjugations. In a simple sentence, the Future Tense indicates action which takes place at some subsequent time. In Latin, the future tense is formed differently based on the conjugation of the verb, particularly highlighting its distinct forms in the third conjugation, which has its own set of endings and patterns. Example: Once you have learnt the endings and the stem rules/conjugation vowels, you can form the present tense of any verb! FUTURE TENSE: Again, just like the English, the future tense in Latin is translated as ‘I shall fight’ (active) or ‘they will be led’ (passive) Conjugations also apply here! The endings are as follows: 1st Conjugation: The tenses of the perfect system (perfect, pluperfect & future perfect) are all formed off the perfect stem, obtained from the third principal part of the verb. Note the regular principal parts for 1st and 2d conjugation verbs: vocö, -äre, -ävï, -ätum and dëbeö, -ëre, -uï, -itum. This is an online quiz called Latin 3rd Conjugation Future Tense Endings. Take a look at some examples in English, with the Latin equivalent of the verb in parentheses: Jun 29, 2005 · The information below is now correct. Like the present tense, the future tense has different rules for formation depending on the conjugation of the verb in question. This week we’ll turn to the forms used for the 3rd and 4th conjugations: Start studying Future Tense Endings- Latin. The future tense uses the same stem of i-and uses the future endings of the 1st and 2nd conjugations (e. The Future Tense also shows the characteristic -i-, as well as the future tense sign -e-as in the 3rd conjugation (instead of the-bi-of the lst and 2d conjugations). Typically it is translated as “will have x-ed. 1st pl. ISBN: 978-1-947822-04-7. § 547). Most of these seem to be fragments of old pronouns, whose signification is thus added to that of the verb stem (cf. Sānābimur sī The Latin future perfect tense is a tense that you use to describe an action that will have been completed in the future. xx standard personal endings xx tense-specific variant endings xx interpolated vowels Some present stems: laudA-, monE-, ag-, capi-, audI-Some perfect stems: laudAv-, monu-, eg-, cep-, audIv- Feb 22, 2023 · Latin 3rd Conjugation Future Tense Endings — Quiz Information. Let’s review how to conjugate the simple future tense. The rule: verb root + conjugation vowel + tense indicator (- bi-) + personal endings Dec 31, 1992 · In Latin, the future tense is formed differently, but it still involves the addition of something to the stem of the verb. The only real variety of expression allowed in the Future is in the aspect of an action (whether it is ongoing, repeated, or simple) and its force. They will envy-2. Moods of Latin Verbs A verb also has a tense. Verb endings with the tenses imperfect, present, and future. The endings are fairly basic, and follow fairly regular rules - however, the future endings used in 1st and 2nd conjugation differ from the endings of 3rd, 3rd-iō, and 4th. tacebunt 3. 3rd pl. 20 terms. We will also analyze some grammar rules, and finally practice how to ask for direction in Latin. Here are the first- and second-conjugation future tense endings: -bo, -bis, -bit, -bimus, -bitis, -bunt. Future Tense Conjugation. Future Tense 1st & 2nd Conjugation Verbs. Please check below to make sure that you have learned how to form and translate the tenses correctly. Accusative - Latin Math Match-Up (Barton 10. Latin Verbs. The easiest way to conjugate a verb in the Dec 14, 2024 · Latin Primary Tenses. Future Tense Latin Verb Endings. The Future Tense Conceptual Overview . LFNM Ch. - If not specified, "3rd conjugation" means 3rd and 3rd-io ("io" words are specific) - For the Present System, you must add a certain letter depending on the conjugation before you add the ending = These are specified = Exceptions are specified as well - 1st and 2nd conjugation = No "(b)o" in the future!! Semi-deponent verbs form their imperfective aspect tenses in the manner of ordinary active verbs; but their perfect tenses are built periphrastically like deponents and ordinary passives; thus, semi-deponent verbs have a perfect active participle instead of a perfect passive participle. This chart is very helpful if used regularly as it provides you with a system that can be memorized and visualized as you gain experience with it. Then enter the correct forms, by person and number, into the text boxes provided. Cum aderit vidēbit. Since personal endings are present in nearly every sentence, it would be beneficial for any researcher working in Latin to memorize them Latin Verb Drill. ” If the verb has an irregular past tense in English it would be “will have” plus the irregular past tense form of that verb. Drop "re" of 2nd principal part/infinitive Add chart ending. com (717) 245-1493 The only exception to this pattern is in the Perfect Tense, which has the following personal endings:-i -imus-isti -istis-it -erunt Note that even the Perfect Tense follows the regular pattern except in the 1st and 2nd person singular. You can use it as 1st and 2nd Conj. Latin verbs have voice (active and passive), mood (indicative, subjunctive and imperative), tense (present indicate and subjunctive; imperfect past indicative and subjunctive; perfect past indicative and subjunctive; pluperfect indicative and subjunctive; future The endings for the pluperfect tense are: -eram, -eras, -erat, -eramus, -eratis, -erant. As we saw last lesson, 1st and 2nd conjugation verbs use the endings bō, bis, bit, bimus, bitis, bunt to form the future tense (with the help of the connecting vowel ā for 1st conjugation, ē for 2nd). habebit Exercise 2- Translate the following future tense verbs into Latin. The Imperfect Tense. Two of these endings, you will note, are slightly irregular. Here you can peruse a new lesson in Latin, in a simple format. pugnabimus 5. Latin does not have a present progressive, but we can find the verb sum used to help create the passive voice of other Latin verbs. 4. There are six tenses in Latin: present; imperfect; future; perfect; pluperfect; future perfect What is the Future Tense in Spanish? The Spanish simple future (el futuro simple) is used to talk about what will or shall happen, often without indicating a specific point in time. The perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect passive tenses are formed with sum and the perfect participle passive. These are called personal endings. The imperfect tense has its own set of six endings, which are used for all four conjugations. Correct answers will appear in blue, errors in red, when you move the cursor away from the box. For Anna: Verb Tenses - Past Present Future Tense Verbs - Future tense - Nominative vs. (12) Tolle hanc opinionem: luctum sustuleris. Other examples include cepero (I will have taken), rexero (I will have ruled). Future II This tense is used if the future event in question is known or certain to happen. This wil Jul 22, 2023 · Here I just want to talk about the basics, so I focus on the first Latin tense that you learn: the present tense. chslatin Teacher. ) 1st/2nd CONJUGATION FORMATION OF THE FUTURE TENSE. Example: Sep 21, 2022 · Is working is a verbal unit, which we would call the English “present progressive” tense. invidebis 2. , ībit, “it will go”, and ībunt, “they will go”). The formula for forming the future tense of first and second conjugation verbs in Latin is this: "stem + be + personal endings". amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus - to love Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like bo/am, bis/es, bit/et and more. Future Perfect Tense Verbs. The future may have the force of an Imperative (§ 449. GCSE LATIN VERB ENDINGS: INDICATIVE ACTIVE The following tables give the tense endings for regular verbs. This tense features an action that started in the past, and could still be happening. Note, however -iam in 1st person singular: The future denotes an action or state that will occur hereafter. Quiz verbs include: - Superare - Ambulare - Parare - Aedificare - Portare - Laudare - Navigare - Volare - Esse - Amare Not on quiz: - Spectare - Dare - Laborare - Cognare - Confirmare P. Example: I walk - present tense (present time, simple aspect) Jun 20, 2024 · Future active is a tense which, unsurprisingly, refers to something which has not yet happened. An example: audeō, audēre, ausus sum – to dare, venture Feb 22, 2022 · 1st and 2nd Conj. It was created by member Magistra Reichlin and has 18 questions. The future tense indicates that the action of a verb has yet to take place, but it’s certain that it will happen. Apologies for any inconvenience. Sep 15, 2024 · For regular verbs, future tense endings are added directly to the infinitive form, just like with any typical verb. Such a verb is odisse ‘to hate’. Future Tense Latin Verb Endings — Quiz Information. In many verbs the principal parts take forms belonging to two or more different conjugations (cf. We will love-4. Irregular verbs, on the other hand, deviate from this pattern, with their stems altering slightly before the future endings are attached. Present Tense; Future Tense; Infinitives; Indirect Statement; Relative Clauses; Irregular Verbs; Pluperfect and Future Perfect Tenses; 03 - Subjunctive. § 36). Hence the future perfect is much commoner in Latin than in English. 3. They help convey nuances in time and aspect, crucial for understanding how actions relate to the present or future. The Imperfect Tense has regular endings, but with the characteristic -i-: veniebam veniebamus veniebas veniebatis veniebat veniebant 3. This lesson will complete our survey of the three perfect tenses of the indicative active, with the future perfect tense. Meagan Ayer, Allen and Greenough’s New Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges. You (singular) will fight-5. Active translation: I will know, you will know, etc. Eliminate this opinion: you will make grievance disappear. The future of the 1st and 2nd conjugations, and the verb sum. In English, the future tense shows up with the auxiliary verbs “will” or “shall”. elainedavis357. Note the paradigm for facio, facere, feci, Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1st/2nd "I will", 1st/2nd "you will", 1st/2nd "he/she/it will" and more. ). Feb 7, 2025 · Last lesson covered pluperfect verbs. g. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2014. Feb 18, 2024 · This online quiz is called Present, Imperfect, Future Tense Latin Verb Ending. In Latin, a verb's tense also tells whether or not the action the verb describes is complete. The first person singular -bo is a combination of -bi-, the future tense marker, and -o, the first person singular ending. The future tense indicates actions that will happen. she will be carried. 5. The charts below will show full charts for the future active indicative of each verb. Understanding future tense helps in mastering how to express upcoming actions The future indicative has various endings depending on the verb. You all will have- Future Tense (Passive) Like the future active, the future passive of a Latin verb is translated with the auxillary verb “will,” e. Verbs are used to express an action (I Note: the personal endings are almost the same as the future of sum. There are six tenses in Latin: pre-sent, imperfect, future, perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect. First Conjugation. Then add the following endings Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Passive translation: I will be known, you will be known, etc. Some of the endings do change a bit based on what conjugation the verb is, but in the imperfect tense, that just amounts to a one-vowel difference, and in the future tense, that follows right along with how future active verbs normally go, so that's not such a big deal after all. Mastering these endings is essential for proper subject-verb agreement and verb conjugation in Latin. The future is often required in a subordinate clause in Latin where in English futurity is sufficiently expressed by the main clause. The future tense is the verb tense used to describe a future event or state of being. The Latin future and imperfect tenses are formed in a similar fashion, except that the imperfect uses -ba- as a tense marker and is translated as "was/were X-ing, used to X, kept on X-ing, X-ed," e. Nov 28, 2019 · Latin Future Tense . This is an online quiz called 1st and 2nd Conj. The Latin conjugation is reasonably different from the English one (not so much, though), but quite similar to the Spanish one. Two subjunctive tenses belong to the primary sequence: Present subjunctive; Perfect subjunctive Future tense indicative verb, ACTIVE, definition "I will verb" e. You pick a different ending based on who is performing the action (I, you, he, they, etc. The present passive forms are created by adding passive endings to the present stem. Tense Indicators: The future tense indicator for the 1st and 2nd conjugations is -bi-. The endings for pluperfect tense are -eram, -eras, -erat, -eramus, -eratis, -erant. The same endings are used for all verbs, regardless of whether the verb ends Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like 1st conjugation I, 1st conjugation you(sg), 1st conjugation he/she/it and others. Find esse (Verb) in the Latin Online Dictionary with English meanings, all fabulous forms & inflections and a conjugation table: sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt To form, use third principle part, and remove -I. So, the future tense can be translated with the auxiliary verbs “will” or “shall”: for example, “he will write” or “it will be written. (–): laudO instead of laudAO, (a): laudat instead of laudAt. This lesson we’ll continue with future tense, with some irregular verbs and deponent verbs. In the 4th conjugation, the future tense is distinguished from the present tense by a vowel change. The The future tense indicator for the 3rd and 4th conjugations is -e- and -ie- . Future Tense. For example: ‘I won’t get home until 20:00 now, by which time the film will have finished. Their second principal parts tell you which conjugation they follow. Present Tense - All Conjugations 1st & 2nd Conjugations 3rd Conjugation Future Passive Periphrastic. Fourth Conjugation Verbs have the infinitive ending in -ire. But the ending -minī in the 2nd person plural of the passive is perhaps a remnant of the participial form found in the Greek -μενος, and has supplanted the proper form, which does not appear in Latin. Welcome to the 10th lesson about verbs in Latin. The Future Tense in Latin is little more than what its name suggests. It may even be used instead of the future, from the fondness of the Romans for representing an action as completed. present stem; future morpheme b; variable ĭ/ŭ (when necessary: see below) active endings; ĭ in the 2nd and 3rd persons singular and 1st and 2nd plural Future Tense Endings (Latin) 12 terms. II. Mar 22, 2019 · If you want to know whether a verb is in the third conjugation, you can look at the first two principal parts. 3rd sg. I. Future Tense To form the future for 1st conjugation verbs in Latin is very easy; the endings are formed by adding a –bo, -bi or -bu in front of the present tense endings: Ego -bō, tū –bis, is (ea, id) –bit, nōs –bimus, vōs –bitis, eī (eae, ea) -bunt. Though it’s not used frequently in English, it is used a little more frequently in Latin. The endings –erō, -eris, -erit, -erimus, -eritis, -erint Feb 7, 2025 · 3rd (ere) and 4th (ire) conjugations future tense Formed by Latin Example mitto (3rd) English meaning Latin Example capio (3rd) English meaning Latin Example audio (4th) English meaning present stem + am: mittam: I will send: capiam: I will take: audiam: I will hear present stem +ēs: mittēs: You will send: capiēs: You will take: audiēs: You The future tense indicative is a grammatical mood used in Latin to express actions that will take place in the future. Sānābimur sī Jun 21, 2011 · The Future Tense Verbs in Latin form their future tense in two different ways: 1st/2nd conjugation verbs with a bo/bi/bi/bi/bi/bu and 3rd/4th conjugation verbs with a/e/e/e/e/e. Originally locative. Then add the relevant endings. 2. These endings vary depending on the verb conjugation and person, and understanding them is crucial for forming accurate sentences that describe future events. § 189). Here, odi means The Future Tense Verbs in Latin form their future tense in two different ways: 1st/2nd conjugation verbs with a bo/bi/bi/bi/bi/bu and 3rd/4th conjugation verbs with a/e/e/e/e/e. sing. , present tense. This tense is crucial for conveying predictions, intentions, and events that have yet to occur, allowing speakers and writers to articulate future scenarios clearly and effectively. Dickinson College Commentaries Department of Classical Studies Dickinson College Carlisle, PA 17013 USA dickinsoncommentaries@gmail. ” Formation of the Future Tense in the 1st and 2nd Conjugations. Classified Lists of Verbs: 1st and 2nd Conjugations The Future Tense; Meagan Ayer, Allen and Greenough’s New Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges Apr 25, 2022 · Future endings: ama-bo ama-bis ama-bit | veni-am veni-es veniet | overview & exercises | Verbis Latinis Papyrus - Shop* h A website with many resources to help you learn Latin. Active future endings for 1st and 2nd conjugation: -bo, -bis, -bit, -bimus, -bitis, -bunt. Personal endings of Passive Verbs: Person Singular Plural 1st -r (I) -mur (we) 2nd -ris (you) -mini (you) The future is easy to understand, and a bit tricky to form, since it has a different approach for first and second conjugation verbs from those of the third To form the future passive tense for third and fourth conjugation verbs, remove the ‘-re’ from the infinitive form of the verb to get the stem as above, but this time, for fourth conjugation verbs only, add ‘-e’ to the stem. Example: amabo (I will love). 8) Aug 20, 2024 · IMPORTANT: 3rd and 3rd –iō verbs have similar endings in the present tense, but the Is are all short. Each one of these tenses represents both a time (past, pre-sent, or future) and an aspect (simple, completed, progres-sive). Present Tense: Note that -i is the characteristic vowel of the fourth conjugation in the present tense, changing to -iu in the 3rd person plural. It is formed differently for active and passive voices. When he is there he will see. Perfect tense shows completed past action. Future tense endings and conjugated verbs for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd-io and 4th conjugation verbs Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. b. Images. 2nd pl. Latin Readings: Caesar The Death of Pompey (from the Bellum The future denotes an action or state that will occur hereafter. For example - "amō, amāre" (1st conjugation) would be Amābō - I will love To form the future tense, take the infinitive of the verb, remove the -re ending, and add on the future tense endings for each group. They show -iunt in the 3rd pers. Focus on the bolded 3rd person singular and plural forms for these first few weeks of the semester; we will learn about the first and second persons in later weeks. Dec 24, 2024 · To help study with Latin translation work, I’d like to share a Latin verb conjugation chart I made back in 2009, which shows all forms of Latin verb endings regular verbs. he will be quiet-3. The four future tenses are the simple future tense, the future progressive tense, the future perfect tense, and the future perfect progressive tense. amabo 4. 2nd sg. In the future simple tense, the endings for first and second conjugation verbs are the same as those in the present. You can use it as Latin 3rd Conjugation Future Tense Endings practice, completely free to play. Spanish Simple Future Forms. Sānābimur sī The imperfect tense is one of the three past tenses used in Latin. Quid inventum sit paulō post vīderō. The LATIN : VERB CONJUGATIONS FIRST CONJUGATION SECOND CONJUGATION PRESENT TENSE [ voco = “I call” ] stem + a + personal ending PERSON SINGULAR PLURAL First [I] voco vocamus Second [You] vocas vocatis Third [He / She / It] vocat vocant FUTURE TENSE [ vocabo = “I will call” ] stem + a + bi or bu+ personal ending PERSON SINGULAR PLURAL First LATIN CONJUGATION TABLES Legend: (x) a change to the final vowel of the stem, e. 1. portabo, I will carry mittam, I will send Future tense indicative verb endings, PASSIVE (1,2). Perfect tense endings are specific suffixes added to the stem of Latin verbs that indicate a completed action in the past. Imperative Mood; Subjunctive Overview and Formation; Independent Subjunctives; Dependent Subjunctives and Sequence of Tenses; Circumstantial, Causal, and Concessive Clauses; Purpose Clauses Dec 2, 2021 · Do you know your Present, Imperfect, Perfect, Pluperfect, and Future Tense Endings? Test your knowledge on this language quiz and compare your score to others. Future Active Indicative. The future passive uses the standard passive endings (-r, -ris, -tur, -mur, -mini, -ntur). You must also learn endings for irregular verbs such as sum, volo, nolo etc. b). The future denotes an action or state that will occur hereafter. , ībit, “he will go”, but ībat, “he was going”). Future Perfect Tense. As with the future active, knowledge of conjugations is important for the future passive tense. Groups 1+2 have different endings from Groups 3+4. To test your knowledge of verb forms, choose a verb and then tense and voice from the menus below. Third -io verbs: Some 3rd conjugation verbs end in -io in the 1st pers. That is, verbs which have laid aside (dēpōnere) the passive meaning. a. If you would like to catch up, you can find a directory of lessons, a classified vocabulary list, and Memrise courses at the links on the right. Pluperfect Tense Verbs. The conjugations in the running are the second and fourth, but the first principal part distinguishes the second conjugation from the third, and the second principal part distinguishes the fourth conjugation from the third conjugation -io subtype of verbs. The perfect and pluperfect passive, however, are formed In late use it became a Future Passive Participle. The perfect tenses are regular, formed from the stem of the third principal part. A verb in the future tense conveys an action that will happen in the future. The third tense is the future tense. Future Tense by Ryan Baber. This activity will help you with forms of the future tense for both these categories. Take a look at some examples in English, with the Latin equivalent of the verb in parentheses: She will do (faciet) her homework tonight. The future perfect tense describes actions that will have been completed before another future action. ACTIVE VOICE Add to the perfect stem the following Sep 16, 2013 · Imperfect tense is incomplete or continuous past action. pl. The imperfect tense shows habitual, continuous or incomplete action in the past. Future tense endings are specific suffixes added to the base form of Latin verbs to indicate actions that will take place in the future. (The 3rd plural future of sum is erunt; but the 3rd plural personal ending for the future perfect is, as below, -erint. To dive deeper into how to conjugate irregular verbs in the future tense in Spanish, keep The future perfect past tense is used to describe an action that will already be complete in the future before a definite time. Future Tense Latin Verb Endings practice, completely free to play. The -i- also appears throughout the imperfect and the future tenses. ) This might help you grasp the concept of the future perfect in Latin: for it entails both a perfectness (the stem), and a futureness (of sum). I will think-6. Future tense has -bi- or -bu- in front of the personal endings (except for those in third and fourth conjugations which have -a- or -e- in front of the personal endings. To form the future tense, take the infinitive of the verb, remove the -re ending, and add on the future tense endings for each group. Be careful about how the forms are spelled, since often one letter will make the difference between tenses (e. Latin has three primary tenses in the indicative mood: Present indicative; Future indicative; Future perfect indicative; Notice that all of these tenses relate to present or future action. PRESENT IMPERFECT FUTURE PERFECT PLUPERFECT FUTURE PERFECT The future perfect tense: "The doctor will have healed the man. putabitis 6. " While verbs conjugate across these various tenses, the verbs reflect number and person fairly regularly. Today’s lesson continues the future tense in Latin. remanebas ("you were remaining"), amabant ("they used to love"). In the 1st and 2nd conjugations (and the verb sum), the thing is rather simple, as long as we don’t mix it with the imperfect. First conjugation verbs and eō and its compounds have a future ending in -bō (passive -bor); sum and its compounds have a future ending in -erō; other verbs have a future ending in -am (passive -ar): 1st conjugation: amābō 'I will love' (-bō, -bis, -bit, -bimus, -bitis, -bunt) Note— Latin is far more exact than English in distinguishing between mere future action and action completed in the future. Latin uses the subjunctive in many cases where we use the indicative; and we use a colorless auxiliary in many cases where Latin employs a separate verb with more definite meaning. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 1 / 2. 20 Vocab. Quiz by mwhetnall Future Tense To form the future for 1st conjugation verbs in Latin is very easy; the endings are formed by adding a –bo, -bi or -bu in front of the present tense endings: Ego -bō, tū –bis, is (ea, id) –bit, nōs –bimus, vōs –bitis, eī (eae, ea) -bunt. It’s equivalent to “had done” in English. The difference is that they are preceded by ‘ b- ’ in the first person I. Exercise 1- Translate the following future tense verbs into English. We will first learn about the present tense, followed by the past tense, and future tense. net — Last modi!ed 1 November 2018 Word: ACTIVE INDICATIVE 1st sg. briifyk baxls womphk yofkegw pvcyx nbu eceh vssfg cxvbvf peltd whz swzvcjy qpqi iaur gptiwe