Ft8 receive only I invested in a couple of Red Pitayas, using one for FT8 (160m-6m) and the other for WSPR (2200m-6m). There are a number of settings that can "vary " the receive level meter on a quiet band. May 6, 2021 · (The following blog, originally published last summer, is as relevant as ever. 5 times faster than FT8 and about the same speed as regular RTTY for radio contesting. io> On Behalf Of Gilbert Baron via Groups. From the link, here's an example of an FT8 QSO: “CQ M6PSK JO01” “M6PSK G0QQQ IO81” “G0QQQ M6PSK -12” “M6PSK G0QQQ R-08” “G0QQQ M6PSK RRR” “M6PSK G0QQQ 73” “G0QQQ M6PSK 73” FT8 is very limited. io Subject: [FT8-Digital-Mode] Option on CQ only to indicate it is a directed CQ such as CQ DX The receive window in WSJTX has an option for CQ ONLY. The transmitted data last for 4. It is common to set this from 10% to 20% or 25% percent. To check your transmitted signal, Turn your monitor on (Function button then MONI icon). There is WSJT-X software for FTB decoding and generation. 48 seconds compared to 12. FT8 station labelled 0 in pink below), you may unknowingly be generating ghostly barcodes (1-5): despite looking like some obscure new digimode, these are audio harmonics caused by generating too much audio output from the PC So one feature that would be nice is to add the same band-hopping feature that is part of WSPR, but for FT8. To use FT8 you need four things: An HF transceiver with data or SSB capability; An audio interface, a way to get receive audio from the radio into a computer and audio output of the computer into the radio, typically a sound card interface; A computer capable of running the FT8 software and time synchronization; FT8 So one feature that would be nice is to add the same band-hopping feature that is part of WSPR, but for FT8. ) The USB Port Output Level in TS590SG menu #72 2. For common analog modulation, the SDR tools will be used. 1. 8 MHz direct-sampling mode) that I eventually added a 10 MHz bandpass filter. _____ 73, Jim – N4ST From: main@WSJTX. I have spoken to the individual a few times. If Experiencing the world of FT8 (receive only) after working out how to link the Club Flex Radio to WSJT-X and hoping for a change to Remote Operating rules at some point. patreon. ) Today’s blog is directed to those that may be new to 6m or new to using FT8 on 6m. io <main@WSJTX. FT8 activity can usually be found on any open band, but much newer FT4 activity is often only found during contests and on busier bands (e. g. May 9, 2021 · I can receive FT8 signals using his settings (it was the DATA xCUT SLOPE settings that stopped all signals from coming in when using Data/Pkt in WSJT-X) but those settings only show a small sliver of the FT8 spectrum, thereby cutting off access to other signals outside of that segment. io Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 12:24 PM To: FT8-Digital-Mode@groups. The FT8 frequencies are located at the lower end of each band. Som The idea of using the phone's internal GPS module for timing came to my mind earlier but it seems that it is only possible on latest Android versions - this is still to be confirmed on my end. Getting started with FT8. In this video I show how to get started and make contacts with FT8, introduction for new beginners and even a pro tip how I know from a quick glance if the bands are open. I really like using it with PSK reporter as it creates a really nice map and keeps track of what countries you have received. He said he had someone else check his signal and it looked good to them, perhaps my problem was because we were so close. , 20 and 40 meters. Actual duration is 12. Hopefully much of the advice here is useful in other contexts (e. groups. It seems ridiculous how some Android phones can have an offset of greater than 4 seconds even when connected to cellular and GPS 'networks'. The most popular and active bands are 20m, 40m and 80m. com/M0FXBHAMRADIODIARY PM me when you are on the air or open a new "net" via netlogger called say "FT8 Testing" so we can coordinate via AIM. Sep 29, 2019 · FT8 works very well even with a lot of noise and it is simple to receive and transmit using the computer soundcard and SSB transceiver. By using Realtek RTL2832U hardware with a software-defined Radio SDR application, we will decode FTB messages. io> On Behalf Of rob hurd via groups. So one feature that would be nice is to add the same band-hopping feature that is part of WSPR, but for FT8. . Io Sent: Saturday, January 4, 2020 10:53 To: FT8-Digital-Mode@groups. To use FT8 you need four things: An HF transceiver with data or SSB capability; An audio interface, a way to get receive audio from the radio into a computer and audio output of the computer into the radio, typically a sound card interface; A computer capable of running the FT8 software and time synchronization ; FT8 Sep 26, 2021 · Indoors a PC or laptop will send/receive control data and I2C audio to/from the transceiver using a regular SDR application. Experiencing the world of FT8 (receive only) after working out how to link the Club Flex Radio to WSJT-X and hoping for a change to Remote Operating rules at some point. The RTL-SDR had such poor image rejection (with the 28. FT8 is a mode in the WSJT-X software developed by Dr Joe Taylor K1JT. We'll decode FT8 messages using Realtek RTL2832U hardware with software defined radio (SDR) application. I don't know that they are better, but I've used two approaches for multi-band FT8 skimming:-- At one point I set up two SDRs to monitor three bands each, for a total of six bands. Oct 8, 2019 · Only receiving will focus on this post. The only issue with band-hopping is that you might potentially miss spots on one band while your gear is hopping to another band. Jun 24, 2022 · To use FT8 you need four things: HF transceiver with data or SSB capability; Audio interface; A way to get receive audio from the radio into a computer and audio output of the computer into the radio, typically a sound card interface; A computer capable of running the FT8 software and time synchronization I don't know that they are better, but I've used two approaches for multi-band FT8 skimming:-- At one point I set up two SDRs to monitor three bands each, for a total of six bands. exe") do not appear to be active at all. ) So one feature that would be nice is to add the same band-hopping feature that is part of WSPR, but for FT8. com Aug 24, 2022 · Use only USB-D mode for digital work. ) The dB slider position in Win 10 Sound Control panel - Recording tab / Level Slider I typically run the RECEIVE level 9on FT8) as follows between 50-60 dB 1. 25 Hz the signal bandwidth is 50 Hz. This post will focus on receiving only. But this is accepted only for audio inputs. You don't need anything else for FT8 receive. Aimed at SDRuno / SDRplay this guide Apr 20, 2022 · Transmit-receive sequences are six seconds, making it 2. From: FT8-Digital-Mode@groups. I had six instances of WSJT-X running on a Windows 7 box, and sending spots to PSK Reporter. Oct 22, 2018 · WSPR can be scheduled to cover multiple bands and the percentage of time it transmits. Jan 20, 2019 · I did some 30-meter FT8 receive-only comparisons among the RTL-SDRv3, the Funcube Dongle Pro+, the SDRPlay-1A, and my Icom IC-7300, all being fed from a passive splitter connected to a dipole. Is it possible to use an FT3DR to receive HF signals in the 7MHz and 14MHz bands and then connect the audio output of the FT3DR to a computer input port and decode FT8 signals or just listen to HF phone signals? The spec sheet for the FT3DR says it can receive HF frequencies. ) The RF Gain setting - with AGC OFF 3. exe" and one or more "svchost. Apr 18, 2021 · A simple walk through guide showing the novice SWL (Shortwave Listener) on how to receive WSPR and FT8 transmissions. During receive-only tests, these processes ("explorer. • Tones are spaced 6. DON'T EVER activate the "Enable Tx" button. exe" processes use the CPU after transmitting (during the receive cycle), during 50% duty cycle tests. Oct 11, 2019 · Getting started with FT8. 5 Important: receive levels I have only used FT8 on 80 through 10 metres. • The transmit or receive cycle time is 15 seconds. Have the meter display showing on your screen. 7 mile away. ) See full list on onallbands. 64 seconds for FT8. Yep, FT8 and all the related JT protocols are just fine for receive only. What is FT8 • FT8 is a very popular digital mode created by Steven Franke K9AN and Joe Taylor K1JT employing 8 FSK modulation. 64 seconds, the rest a silent period. (You can do this after you get some expertise under the belt) Look at all the CQ calls displayed in the "Band Activity" window and check the number in the DT column. When you transmit, you should hear the FT8 signal on your speaker. The "messages" are being displayed in your screen. However, SDR tools come with support for common analog modulation. 73, Reino OH3mA From: FT8-Digital-Mode@groups. Tune around these bands to find spots with lots of activity. Feb 3, 2021 · In addition to choosing a suitable band, you need to decide if you wish to use FT8 or FT4 since both cannot be operated simultaneously. topband Process "explorer. io Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2021 12:36 To: main@WSJTX. Check an FT8 frequency chart to determine the exact frequencies. FT8 has way more users than WSPR. Edit: Once you become familiar with FT8 operation and are able to optimize use, together with a good understanding of active bands and propagation Anyone got FT8 running ok with FT950 and SCU-17 interface combination Having real problems as I can only route the TX audio from the PC to the rig by selecting USB /packet mode of operation This of course this completely screws up the receive Ft8 audio and the software cannot decode Would be grateful for any assistance 73 de G4KCU Dennis Jul 14, 2021 · Oddly, the differences are much more even when I use FT4 and if anything, my sigs are often reported better than theirs. Frank So one feature that would be nice is to add the same band-hopping feature that is part of WSPR, but for FT8. Most of the time, FT8 was the only way to make any kind of DX Feb 11, 2025 · One possibility could be use of a pilot FT8 signal that is fed into all receivers and used as the common signal strength reference. At 10% you will transmit 2 minutes in each band scheduled every 20 minutes. (WSJT should switch to that automatically when you fire it up and connect to the radio). io Subject: Re: [WSJTX] FT8 receive/transmit imbalance Nov 11, 2021 · Get Started with FT8 - An Introduction for Beginners 11 November, 2021 - Reading time: ~1 minute. Jan 2, 2011 · The strong signal originated 0. exe" and "svchost. I usually keep WSJT-X and my radio on at night while I'm sleeping and during the day while I'm working to receive and report spots to pskreporter. The only significant downside here is that the Red Pitayas aren't as cheap as I wish they were. io> On Behalf Of Ron / W4MMP via groups. io <FT8-Digital-Mode@groups. Anyone got FT8 running ok with FT950 and SCU-17 interface combination Having real problems as I can only route the TX audio from the PC to the rig by selecting USB /packet mode of operation This of course this completely screws up the receive Ft8 audio and the software cannot decode Would be grateful for any assistance 73 de G4KCU Dennis First, make sure the "CQ Only" and "Auto Seq" boxes are checked , and the "Hold Tx Freq" box is unchecked . io The FT8 digital mode operates primarily on the HF bands between 160m to 6m. The scheduler allows you to select day, night, gray line +/- a time, and other options for each band including receive only. Please pass the link to those that you think may benefit from reading it. FT8 messages are transmitted using eight-tone continuous-phase frequency shift keying (CPFSK).
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