Fresno county family court calendar Fresno Juvenile Court 742 South 10th Street, Fresno, CA. View Fee Schedule Payment Methods Court staff at the counter will accept payment for: Civil, Criminal, Family Cash  · Juvenile Justice Court Location 3333 East American Avenue, Suite A Fresno, CA 93725 Telephone: (559) 457-4810 Hours: 8 AM - 4 PM Juvenile Dependency Court Location 1100 Van Ness Avenue Second Floor - Room  · Enjoy how the local community of Fresno County takes over the sidewalks every week with music, food trucks, uniquely made gifts and art, a great selection of second hand items, vendors of all sorts, and the harvest of the  · In appeals to the Superior Court Appellate Division, a "Notice of Appeal" must generally be filed with clerk of the trial court (i. NOTE: These schedules may not reflect the total fine amount ordered by the Judge at the time of sentencing. - 4:00 p. Sisk Courthouse View Fresno County Superior Court calendar for the two most recent days, and B. 5" x 11")2025 Employee Calendar (12" x 18")Alphabetical Position ListingCounty Employee Annual SalariesEEO Utilization ReportsPersonnel RulesSalary ResolutionEqual Employment Opportunity  · Prepare Your Court Documents Form Packets by Category Through a grant provided by the Judicial Council, Fresno Superior Court developed packets of simple written self-help instructions in English and Spanish for: Civil Harassment, Guardianship, Family Law, and Unlawful Detainer court forms. 736372, -119.  · Discover Top Fresno Events This Weekend: Your Ultimate Entertainment Guide! Find The Best Concerts, Theatre Shows, Sporting Events, and more. You may leave a message and a Child Support Officer will return your call or send you the requested information. Generally, notification of your new court date is sent by mail. The calendar can be filtered by case type, courtroom, and judge. Wells 457-6333 Domestic Violence Dept. Although not required  · The Fresno Court will start accepting CARE petitions on December 2, 2024: Please see our CARE Act page for more information. Below are ways individuals may access care or to enter the  · The Fresno Superior Court is pleased to announce that it will be expanding the services provided by its Self-Help Service Center. m Phone: (559) 600-5127 Reschedule Online/Make appointments: Probation Electronic Reporting Systems If you have been ordered Current and Upcoming Bidding Opportunities Note: New projects are typically posted on Tuesdays. 17 Cases heard by Thibault, Rory T. Location: Fresno County Hall of Records – 2281 Tulare Street, Room 301, Fresno, CA 93721 Time: 10:00 am. 53 Hearings for: 8:30 AM F21904261 Garcia, Robert Paul Atty: Charles Magill Surety Bond Jail ID: 7101255 Booking Number: 2115251 Children and families can enjoy after school programs, family nights, camps, and more! Fresno County Public Library 559-600-7323 www. For additional online information on Grandparent Visitation, please contact the reference librarian . Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. , Monday through Friday. Superior Court, County of Fresno Hon. P. Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM Friday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Saturday – Sunday: Closed Family Court Services play a Fresno County Superior Court 1100 Van Ness Avenue, Fresno, CA The court handles a wide range of cases, including criminal, traffic, civil, probate, juvenile, family law, and mental health matters, and provides various services to the public. Can I still go to court if the courthouse has closed due to COVID-19? The family law court is hearing cases by Zoom. 1 Mandatory Settlement Conference (Eff. Reports must be done immediately by telephone and followed Superior Court, County of Fresno Hon. 00 Marriage Certificate A party entitled to receive the record as a result of a court order, or an attorney or a licensed adoption agency seeking the record in Thursday, February 01, 2024 | 12:00 AM - Thursday, February 29, 2024 | 12:00 AM Related Information. 53 Hearings for: 8:30 AM F17903491 Espinoza, Cruz Meza Atty: Glen Neal Surety Bond Jail ID: 7084419 Booking Number: 1727232 JT The Fresno County Sheriff Court Services Unit is one of the largest commands within the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office. This calendar can be accessed through the court’s website and provides information on court appearances, trials, and other court-related events. Court Forms and Filings of Fresno County Superior Court B. DCSS in Fresno County is located at 2220 Tulare Street, Suite 310P, Fresno, CA 93721. Research conducted for the County of The Employment Services division of Human Resources is available to answer any questions about employment with the County of Fresno. Evening recess will be taken at 4:15 Monday through Wednesday. Building 701 Suite B Fresno, CA 93725 map Monday - Friday 8:00 A. Fresno Superior Court provides an online calendar that allows individuals to view upcoming court dates and hearings. Events Mental Health 18  · In Fresno County, you must put yourself back on calendar in person. 34, your Family Law case is now being heard in Department 7. Kimberly Nystrom-Geist, Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Fresno Ms. If you were on calendar in Dept. However, you may contact the clerk of court’s office of the county in which you were charged once they reopen to normal office hours to ask about the local procedure for being notified of your new court date. Dakota Ave. Courts. The expanded services will include additional business hours at the Self-Help Center, assistance with Family Law Section Meeting “Q&A: Family Law Judge’s Panel” Presented by Commissioner Jennifer Hamilton, Supervising Family Law Judge; Comm. 5 Mandatory Settlement Conference. 12 B-1 Level The County of Fresno is not required to prepare new records in response to a request, or to compile, synthesize, summarize, or index information or records in a form that does not exist at the time of the request. of Public Works and Planning It is important that your address and other contact information stay current with the County of Fresno, so that any important mailings can get to you timely. 75, effective January 1, 2022, which authorizes remote proceedings in most civil cases. Sisk daily hearing docket. Houry Sanderson Date: 7/26/2022 Dept. B. 97B . Cheryl Scott, Manager, Family Court Services, Superior Court of California, County of Fresno Ms. Pursuant to California Rule of Court 5. Part of California’s state court system, it oversees felony trials, major lawsuits, contested divorces, and probate disputes. O. Administration; Public Health Calendar; Fresno County Food Map; Fresno County Rural Mobile Health (RMH) Program; Birth and Death Certificates; Public Health Calendar; COVID-19 Sub-menu. Applicability Rule 2. The remote appearance requirements vary depending on the hearing type. 19 and 2. In order to connect you with the appropriate services, you will need to provide your name &/or the name of the victim, Date of Birth, Crime Type (Assault, Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence FRESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Table of Contents and List of Effective Rules iii Rule 2. Also, there is most likely an active warrant, which will remain in place unless a judge recalls Your case will be rescheduled. Smart Search  · Fresno County Clerk: (559) 488-3428 Fresno County Family Law Clerk: (559) 457-2100 Fresno County HSS Rapid Service: (559) 453-3787 Health Net Medi-Cal Managed Care: (800) 675-6110 INS Document Replacement: Court Calendar for Wednesday, March 12, 2025 As of July 19, 2021, court facilities resumed full public access. We shall, by the impartial and timely resolution of issues, comply with court  · Fresno County Court Calendar. Sessions indicated as CLOSED may be full, but a matter may be added to a full calendar by court order. Language: English, 3. Pursuant to California Rules of Court 2. However, the court records may be available for access and/or viewing Complete Family Court Services Tier 1 Intake Form - Fresno County online with US Legal Forms.  · Civil Limited Court 1130 O Street Fresno, CA 93724-0002 Telephone: (559) 457-1900 Law and Motion (559) 457-1900 (Press Option 2; then Option 1) Fax: (559) 457-1624 Hours: Monday through Thursday: 8AM-3PM  · Remote Appearances are governed by Local Rules 1. The Public Guardian exists to protect and care for those in our community who are unable to properly care for themselves or who are unable to manage their finances and have no one else to Juvenile Investigations is a mandated service provided to the Juvenile Court. Date/Time/Place Case Name/Type of Proceeding/Litigants Cases heard by Brooks, Jennifer  · If you are involved in one of the case types listed above, you may ask the clerk at the counter or in the courtroom for an interpreter. 2 FAQ’S2 1. This system only shows information that can be viewed by the public. Main divisional offices are located in Sacramento and Fresno with outlying magistrate judges sitting in Yosemite, Redding, and Bakersfield. Box 12946 (93779-2946), Fresno, CA 93721. This page offers helpful resources regarding the current plans offered Family Alcohol Policy - The Family Alcohol Policy is a resource for families to engage in a safe conversation regarding alcohol consumption in the homes and at family events. After adjudication of a petition by the District Attorney, an in-depth social study is completed which includes recommendations to the Court for disposition  · 1130 O Street First Floor Fresno, CA 93721-2220 Information Lines ONLY Telephone: (559) 457-2143 SelfHelpFamilyLaw@Fresno. Choose Select a Calendar to view a specific calendar. Record-holders and their legal representatives can have access to such records by Rule 2. Plans and Specifications for projects will be posted here and printed copies will no longer be sold unless upon special request. Houry Sanderson Date: 7/06/2022 Dept. Re: RPI Fig Garden, L. The County of Fresno Behavioral Health Services department is involved in the process. FJV-18 Notice to Child and Parent/Guardian Re: Release of Juvenile Police Records and Objection Superior Court of California County of Partner: Superior Court of Fresno; About Us; CE & Event Calendar; Pest & Disease Prevention; Pesticide Safety; Commodity Standardization Programs; Weights & Measures; Submit a Complaint; Presentar una Queja; Healthy Families Fresno County; Public Works and Planning Sub-menu. 6471a767-e95f-4cc5-92f1-9fdff666f1a5Active Health Insurance InformationThe County of Fresno offers health insurance coverage to eligible permanent employees. Gov Hours: Monday -Friday 8:00 a. Filing Your Notary Oath and Bond Schedule Appointment A Notary Public must file an Oath of Office and Bond with our office when their principal place of business is located within Fresno County. 4, Code of Civil Procedure section 367. Nearby Courts: CA Superior Court County of Fresno Criminal Division Felony 1100 Van Ness Avenue, Basement 1 - Room B-102 0. Easily fill out PDF blank, edit, and sign them. In addition, you may be charged fees Court Calendar for Orleans Family Division As of Mar 14 03:01 am Cases Set for Monday, Mar. If you have been charged with a misdemeanor, go to that clerk's office to do this. v. You must personally appear in court - Room 401 for a Felony case or 402 for a Misdemeanor case. M. County of Fresno. Carefully research and adapt the following material to the facts and circumstances of your case or matter and verify the currency of the legal authorities. 53 Hearings for: 8:30 AM F21904281 Martinez, Leonardo Nicholas Atty: Eric Castellon In Custody Jail ID: 7106489 Booking Number  · 1130 O Street, First Floor Fresno, CA 93721-2220 Contact 559-457-2143 SelfHelpFamilyLaw@Fresno. Certain family records Confidential Court Records Confidential court records in Fresno County are not available for public access or viewing. Administration of Civil Cases [Details] Rule 2. Fresno Small Claims  · The Superior Court of California, County of Fresno, will serve the community and enhance public trust and confidence in the administration of justice through: The impartial and timely resolution of disputes, Ensuring compliance with the law and court orders, and Fostering a vital court-community relationship that promotes equal access to the courts. 53 Hearings for: 9:00 AM F21900627 McVey, Charles Patrick Atty: Scott Baly In Custody Jail ID: 1792561 Booking Number: 20 Before you start This page offers basic information about how to ask for a new court date. American Ave. General Information Court Holidays Court Holidays Bold Dates - A judicial holiday falling on a Click on the button to schedule an appointment for Marriage, Passports, or FBN services. on Tuesdays, unless otherwise stated in posted agenda. Experience the season, Fresno County-style. Remote Appearance Procedures The Judicial Council has adopted new rules of court and forms to implement Code of Civil Procedure section 367.  · View the Statewide Civil Fee Schedule (includes Fresno County miscellaneous fees). Online CE ResourcesSan Joaquin County CE - The California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association (CACASA) provides support to San Joaquin County for hosting free online CE classes. 2024 Press Release Documents 2023 Press Release Documents 2022 Press Release Documents 2021 Press Release Documents 2020 Press Release Documents Access court records for Fresno County Superior Court, CA. 11 B-1 Level Mark Cullers 457-6326 Felony Calendar Dept. Civil Rules Rule 2. Juvenile. Fine Ave. 2. Their mailing address is P. 672. gov Superior Court of California Family Law/Self Help  · 1100 Van Ness Avenue Fresno, CA 93724-0002 General Information Telephone: (559) 457-2000 Hours: Courthouse: 8AM - 5PM Clerk's Office: 8AM - 4PM FRESNO COURT FACILITIES Locations & Contact Info Court Calendar for Caledonia Family Division As of Mar 14 03:01 am Cases Set for Friday, Mar. We will Superior Court, County of Fresno Hon. Healthy Families Fresno County; Public Works and Planning Sub-menu. Family Case Search - Fresno County Superior Courts Population 999,101 Website  · The Fresno County Superior Court - M Street Courthouse provides a variety of online resources for accessing court records, conducting legal research, and Open Your Heart. . . Court Calendars, Schedules, and Agendas | NJ Courts Search Family Court and Integrated Domestic Violence Court calendars by county, court location and date; calendars are displayed by judge and part . 22CECG04099 Hearing Date Fresno County Bar Association Attorney Referral and Information (559) 264-0137 fresnocountybar. ca. Charles County Unified Family Court is to ensure cases involving children and families are handled in a fair, timely, and cost-efficient manner while simultaneously providing the highest quality  · Juror Services Manager at the Fresno County Courthouse 1100 Van Ness Avenue Fresno, California 93724-0002 Phone (559) 457-1605 CIVIL GRAND JURY COMPLAINTS Comments from former Civil Grand Jurors In four The Fresno County Sheriff's Office | 2200 Fresno Street, Fresno, Calif. 1. e.  · See the Fresno County Superior Court website for information on securing a court reporter for trial. American Rescue Plan; Americans With Disabilities Act; Announcements; Board of Supervisors Meeting Agendas; CARES Act Funding; County Bid Process; County Ordinance Code; Fentanyl Danger in An Emergency Protective Order A law enforcement agency responding to a crime may make a request, on behalf of the victim, to a criminal court judge for an Emergency Protective Order. The Fresno Court will start accepting CARE petitions on December 2, 2024: Please see our CARE Act page for more information. to 5:00 p. County Bid Process; County Ordinance Code; Fentanyl Danger in Fresno County; Flood Protection; Fresno County Emergency Sub-menu. Superior Court daily calendar The daily calendar lists each judicial officer, their location and activity for the day. Language: Spanish, Legal/Mediation Description  · Court is held every Thursday in Dept. Julia Weber, Supervising Attorney, AOC e6030712-d5a7-4acb-ab97-0cb91ff1e7e669ce33b6-f7ec-4a91-8bbb-f1ceadd8bf17 Opening a CaseAny parent or guardian of a child in need of support may open a case with the Fresno County Department of Child Support Services. 51 Hearings for: 8:30 AM F21906587 Gonzalez, Misael Atty: Gregory Gross In Custody Jail ID: 7026580 Booking Number: 2020749 Court The Fresno County Children’s System of Care provides an array of services to children, youth, and families from 0-17yrs of age. 503, the court restricts documents from remote display on certain case type categories identified in this Rule of Court. Steven Crass; Comm. Forms & Filing Forms & Filing Information Fee Schedules View View The Petition and Summons should be served on the surviving parent, and all documents should be filed with the Family Court Clerk. gov or (559) 600-1830 . 5. 54 Hearings for: 8:30 AM F20905004 Holderness, Robert Dale Atty: Richard Dunia Own Recognizance Jail ID: 7102773 Booking Number: 2022548 Mission Statement: The purpose of the St. I understand that I am being directed to a website that may not be controlled by the Kern County Superior Court System. -4:00 pm by Email/Phone or In Person Appointment If you were on calendar in Dept. Holiday Closures Court Administration is encouraging all parties, litigants, and the public to look for information posted on the website or if necessary, contact Court Administration by email or phone, a Street: Fresno County Department of Child Support Services, 2220 Tulare Street Suite 310 Upper, Fresno, CA 93721 Phone (Main) 866-901-3212 Phone (Alternate) 408-273-0073 Fresno County Superior Court Family Law Facilitator Provides assistance to self-represented litigants in cases dealing with child and spousal support cases and limited assistance for other divorce and child custody/visitation issues. Events Embrace spring in Fresno County this March—experience blooming orchards, find fresh picks at local markets, and jump into outdoor adventures at our lakes, trails, and beyond. Pahoua Lor and Hon. Services may be provided by the Department or through our various contracted agencies who provide services on behalf of the Department. The Child Protection Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week By law, certain professions are required to report suspected child abuse, neglect, and molestation. f. The clerks are never here on time. County Auction (Property sold "As-Is")Address: Currently noneOPENING BIGAUCTION DATEAUCTION LOCATIONOPEN HOUSE DATECONTACT INFORMATIONNoneNone2281 Tulare Street, #301, Hall of Records, Fresno, CA 93721 Bid Instructions & FormFresno County Dept. You may also ask for an interpreter using the PNT-01(S) Interpreter Request Form (English / Spanish) at any of our Clerk’s Offices, or fill out and email this form online using the email If you are trying to determine the bail amount of a Traffic ticket, see the Uniform Bail Schedule 2025 If you are trying to determine the amount necessary to bail a person out of jail, see the bail schedules below. What type of cases are handled in the Fresno County Family Law Court? The Fresno County Family Law court handles all cases concerning family-related matters and domestic relations including dissolution of marriage (divorce), legal separation, domestic violence, spousal support, child visitation and custody, child support Our Administration Team Director Sanja Bugay 559-600-2302 Assistant Director Linda Du'Chene 559-600-2352 Deputy Directors Adult Services Consists of Adult Protective Services (APS), In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS), Public Cash assistance, health care and other programs designed to promote services to ensure that individuals and families will be safe, self sufficient, healthy, out of trouble at home, in school or at work. Back to top Contact Us County of Fresno 559-600-5956 | 800-742-1011 Department Contact Info Like us The information here is provided to assist individuals within Fresno County as they make difficult decisions regarding family members or friends who are no longer able to provide for their own care. Kus, Fresno County Clerk and Registrar of Voters. Hon. Fees: $29. I regularly come here because I work for a law office. Gov Form Instruction Packets Office Hours Monday -Friday 8:00 a. Contact Us. If charged with a felony, go to that clerk's office.  · Discover how Fresno Superior Court operates with a simplified process, covering court procedures, legal filings, and jury trials, for a smoother experience in civil, criminal, and family law cases, with easy access to court records and resources. Houry Sanderson Date: 6/13/2022 Dept. To pay a Fresno County Parking Citation mail your payment to: County of Fresno Parking Citation Service Center P. COVID-19 Businesses; COVID-19 Testing Sites; COVID-19 Data; COVID-19 Guidance and Resources View Fresno County Superior Court calendar for the two most recent days, and B. Both are located in the Main  · A family court in Fresno County that reviews divorce cases is the Superior Court. Gary Green; Hon.  · The Fresno Court will start accepting CARE petitions on December 2, 2024: For all Family Court Services matters please visit the FCS Resource Library. download court documents, as well as track cases and get alerts on new case updates and access Fresno County Superior Courts - Family cases with 202 Request County Building Inspection; Veterans Service Office; View Health Inspections; Resources Sub-menu. Date/Time/Place Case Name/Type of Proceeding/Litigants Cases Set for Tuesday, Mar. 210e(2), Family Court Services provides orientation information regarding the Child Custody Recommending Counseling Process. You can reach them at HREmploymentServices@fresnocountyca. Divisions Probate Probate Forms Probate Forms In this section Probate Guardianship Decedent's Civil Case Information and Calendar can found on the Superior Court website. We’re excited to announce that new and improved services are coming Court Administration at Family & Juvenile Court is open Monday- Friday, 9:00 a. org State Bar of California Legal Guide Pamphlets (415) 538-2000 calbar. Subscribe to calendar notifications by clicking on the Notify Me® button, and you will automatically be alerted about the Three national parks—Yosemite, Kings Canyon, and Sequoia—stand within a 90-minute drive to Fresno and Clovis. The Chief Justice of California has authorized courts to do this in her March 23, 2020 and March 30 SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY OF FRESNO Master Calendar Report Judge: Dalesandro, Samuel Date: Wednesday, November 23, 2022 Department: Department 31 Time: 8:30 AM -----F22908329 Bruhn M18926970 Garza 5150 is a specific California Welfare and Institutions Code, which allows a professional person designated by Fresno County to take you to an approved psychiatric facility for involuntary 72-hour treatment and evaluation. 4(a). The County of Fresno was formed in 1856 encompassing 6,011 square miles, with a population of 1,018,241 residents (reported from the Department of Finance in January 2019). 14 Cases heard by Peterson, Magistrate Barry Date/Time/Place Case Name/Type of Proceeding/Litigants Cases Set for Monday  · Tentative Rulings will be accessible on this Court web page at 3:00 PM the day before the hearing or by telephoning the court at (559) 457-4943 between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM. the court where the judgment or order was issued) within 30 days from when the order was made or the judgment rendered. - 12:00 p. 75, and California Rules of Court, rule 3. Maricopa County Superior Court will also livestream some hearings. Jeff Hamilton Date: 10/24/2022 Dept. 93773-1458 Phone number: 1-800-535-2421 or 488-6785 OR Parking & Security Main divisional offices are located in Sacramento and Fresno with outlying magistrate judges sitting in Yosemite, Redding, and Bakersfield. Public Health Calendar; Fresno County Food Map; Fresno County Rural Mobile Health (RMH) Program; Birth and Death Certificates; Public Health Calendar; COVID-19 Sub-menu. Calendar of Events Join Us at Our Next Event We encourage members of our community to participate in upcoming events, and do our part to spread awareness about behavioral health in Fresno County. Fresno Superior Court's Odyssey Portal; Fresno Superior Court Self-Help Services; Fresno Superior Court Family Law Facilitator's Office; California Courts Self-Help Center; Fresno County Public Law Library; Sacramento County Public Law Library; Judicial Council Forms (notices of appeal, petitions for writ of The Fresno County Department of Social Services (DSS) assists individuals and families through several programs such as: Adult Protective Services, Child Welfare Services, In-Home Supportive Services, Eligibility programs (food, cash aid, healthcare coverage), Welfare-to-Work, Housing and Homeless Assistance, and the Veterans Service Office. 27 All of Department 33’s Assessed Value Appeals Taxpayers who disagree with assessors' valuation of their property can contact the Assessor's office to discuss the assessment. Only those cases with pending future appearances are included. For more information: Contact your court's Self-Help Center Read How to Reschedule a Hearing in Family Court (form FL-304-INFO) The Family Law filing on the 2nd floor. All of Department 27’s Civil cases have been reassigned to Department 16. CLERK SERVICES 2025 Employee Calendar (8. 2 B-2 Level Virna Santos 457-6332 Misdemeanor Calendar Dept.  · Overview of Fresno County Superior Court – Downtown As the primary judicial center for Fresno County, the Downtown Courthouse handles high-volume criminal, civil, and family law cases. Our goal is to provide full and fair legal representation with respect and compassion for all. and 1:00 p. 62 Hearings for: 9:00 AM F18903835 Fisher, Devon Anthony Atty: Franz Criego In Custody Jail ID: 7085798 Booking Number JT  · Home > Family and Children > Family Law Calendar Search Use the search feature below to find family law hearings and access information by department and hearing date. Established in 1856 and consolidated in 1998, it serves residents with a mission to ensure fair, timely resolutions and equal access to justice. m. Links are located near bottom of page under B. If you are an attorney or party in a case not publicly available for viewing, you will have to come down to the courthouse to view the case. JD Home  · To contact the Fresno County Probation Department, click here. Program: Family Law Court Agency: Superior Court of California, County of Fresno Resource Number: 9401242 Description The Family Law Department will serve the Community with fairness and efficiency, encourage cooperation Superior Court, County of Fresno Hon. Search Santa Clara County Superior Court civil, family, probate, and small claims calendars and case records by case number, case title, party and case type, department, attorney, or case type and date. Houry Sanderson Date: 7/20/2022 Dept. Fresno Court Calendar - Superior court, county of fresno master calendar report judge: Links are located near bottom of page under b. COVID-19 Businesses; COVID-19 Testing Sites; COVID-19 Data; COVID-19 Guidance and Resources; Healthy Families Fresno County The Superior Court of California, County of Fresno, will serve the community and enhance public trust and confidence in the administration of justice through: The impartial and timely resolution of disputes, Ensuring compliance with the law and court orders, and Fostering a vital court-community relationship that promotes equal access to the courts. F. Arlan Harrell Date: 10/21/2021 Department: Dept. Here the sun shines for more than 300 days of the year, making us a great stop in every season. This must be done within 30 calendar days from the commencement date of the commission. You can find the contact information of Fresno County courts for family law and the courthouse hours here: You can find the contact information of Fresno County courts for family law and the courthouse hours here: I have read the disclaimer and agree to all of these terms and conditions. Effective January 1, 2024. Trellis. If subscribed to Property Owner's Protection Alert, you will received automate email alerts when a document is recorded containing the indexed name and/or Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) registered. Administration; Fresno County Recorder P. It is your obligation to disclose the conviction in response to any direct ATTORNEY & LEGAL ASSISTANT GUIDE TO ENTERING THE DETENTION FACILITIES The Fresno County Sheriff’s Office provides for confidential visits by attorneys and legal assistants for all incarcerated persons, utilizing only those restrictions necessary to ensure the security of the facility and the protection of Court Internal Identification Number: F19904080-1 District Attorney: 19-1891 Hearing: Further Jury Trial DDA: Amy Freeman Superior Court, County of Fresno Hon. The agenda is posted on Adoptions Clovis Campus - Building 5 Main Number: (559) 600-6400 Address: 380 W Ashlan Ave, Clovis, CA 93612 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm with extended hours until 7 pm for visitation View Google Map Foster Care Clovis  · I practice in Fresno County. 00 Birth Certificate A party entitled to receive the record as a result of a court order, or an attorney or a licensed adoption agency seeking the record in View Fresno County Superior Court calendar for the two most recent days, and B. Adult Offender Work Program 2048 N. 6(g), documents filed by represented parties in all civil, family law, and probate actions must be filed electronically unless the Court excuses parties from doing so. The first line for for people the windows are suppose to be open at 8:00 am. SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY OF FRESNO Master Calendar Report Judge: Date: Tuesday, October 08, 2024 Department: Conference Room 575 Time: 1:30 PM -----20CECG03380 Patsy Earl vs. 24-S-14 Department of Public Health Basement Fresno County In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Payroll is dedicated to helping IHSS providers and recipients with a variety of payroll related issues. department is involved in the process. Case Index. If you have questions concerning Family Court, please contact: Family Court Administrator (919) 792-4875 (919) 792-4876 Fax Your Family Court Case. We developed this website to provide instant access to many common services for individuals and businesses. View Fresno County Superior Court tentative Family Court Services. This provides a list of cases sorted by case number, party names, filing date, and case type. Social Host Ordinance Leaflet - The Social Host Ordinance leaflet is meant to help explain and dispel myths about the Social Host Ordinance. This is for taxpayers who are  · Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure 1010.  · CARE Act Proceedings CARE Act proceedings involve assessments and court hearings to determine whether the respondent meets eligibility requirements. Box 11458 Fresno, CA. Fresno, CA 93727 map Hours: 8:00 a. View California Courts self-help information on court procedure, legal research, lawyers and legal help, small claims, families and children, divorce or separation, abuse and harassment, housing, name change,  · The Fresno County Superior Court is the cornerstone of justice in Fresno, CA, handling criminal, civil, family, traffic, and juvenile cases. The deadline to file an appeal is November 30. Houry Sanderson Date: 1/25/2022 Department: Dept. 1/1/20, formerly  · Calendar View All Calendars is the default. Per order of the Court, both parties are required to complete orientation prior to the scheduled Child Custody Recommending Counseling appointment at  · Fresno Superior Court Attn: Managing Research Attorney 1100 Van Ness Avenue, Fresno, CA 93724-0002 You may be charged fees that reflect the direct costs of duplication or production. O. Daily court calendars list scheduled hearings and proceedings. Fees: $17. Court Calendar - New CAED New CAED Superior Court, County of Fresno Hon. Program Overview The Fresno County DUI Court is a court-supervised, comprehensive treatment, collaborative program for eligible participants. Divisions Civil Civil cases involve a lawsuit in which one party sues View Criminal cases range The Veteran’s Treatment Court was implemented on June 17, 2016 to address the needs of military men and women who are charged with selected felony and misdemeanor criminal offenses in Fresno County. The petition will only set your plea/verdict of guilt aside. Case  · This court hears all adoption, conciliation, family law, juvenile, and probate matters; has trial jurisdiction over all felony cases and all civil matters involving more than $25,000; and acts as an appellate court to review decisions of Fresno County’s Adult System of Care provides an array of services to Transition Aged Youth (TAY) 18-25, as well as adults 18 years of age and up throughout their life span. Open Your Home. 124 Sheriff personnel (sworn and professional staff) provide security inside criminal courtrooms as well as throughout all five Courthouses. Information about  · Public access to court records in Selma Courthouse, Fresno County Superior Court, California. October 21, 2021 – Commission Hearing (Pre-draft of Map Public Hearing, Finalize Map Recommendations for Board of Supervisors) Location: Fresno County Health and Wellness Center – 1925 E. org Fresno County Public Library provides collections and services through its I'm James A. , Suite 104 (Adult Court Services), (559) 600-3420 2220 Tulare St. Learn more at the Foster, Adoptive, Kinship Parent Association of Fresno County website! Healthy Families Fresno County; Public Works and Planning Sub-menu. John Vogt Date: 11/10/2021 Department: Dept. The original county seat was located in the town of  · Misdemeanor Calendar Dept. Family Law motions, ex parte and probate, criminal, and civil calendars for King County Superior Court. 60 Hearings for: 8:30 AM F20904641 Castrellon, Peter Clement Atty: Angelica Rivera In Custody Jail ID: 7027828 Hearing: Further View Fresno County Superior Court calendar for the two most recent days, and B. A civil case is a proceeding in which one person/agency prosecutes (sues) another to seek relief for or prevent some wrongful act or for the enforcement Led by Public Defender, Antoinette Taillac, the mission of the Public Defender’s Office is to vigorously protect and defend the rights of indigent clients as guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution. 18 The Online Copy Request, Certified Copy Request, and Request Records Search programs will no longer be available as of Thursday, January 16th, at 5:00 PM. -4:00 pm by Email/Phone or In Partner: Superior Court of Fresno Departments Sub-menu Agricultural Commissioner Sub-menu About Us CE & Event Calendar Pest & Disease Prevention Pesticide Safety Commodity Standardization Programs Submit a  · Fresno County Superior Court provides judicial services, case information, and court records, offering online access to legal documents, filing instructions, and courtroom schedules, serving residents with civil, criminal, and family law matters. Current employees may also update their address and phone number in PeopleSoft (Oracle), the program many employees utilize to complete their time sheets. 53 Hearings for: 8:30 AM F22904983 Godfrey, Glen Howard Atty: Curtis Sok In Custody Jail ID: 0314279 Booking Number: 2222400 Superior Court, County of Fresno Hon. What type of cases are handled in the Fresno County Family Law Court? The Fresno County Family Law court handles all cases concerning family-related matters and domestic relations including dissolution of marriage (divorce), legal separation, domestic violence, spousal support, child visitation and custody, child support  · Family Court Services, Family Law, Family Law Facilitator's Office Restraining Orders Self-Help Center (Centro De Recursos Legales) Small Claims Unlawful Detainer Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm 36. fresnolibrary. Administration of Civil Cases Rule 2. Partner: Superior Court of Fresno Departments Sub-menu Agricultural Commissioner Sub-menu About Us CE & Event Calendar Pest & Disease Prevention Pesticide Safety Commodity Standardization Programs Submit a Superior Court, County of Fresno Hon. pdf (PDF, 76KB)  · See the judicial assignments for Fresno County Superior Court. USLegal has been awarded the TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award 9 years in a row as the most comprehensive and helpful online legal forms services on the market today. Sonoma Superior Court has moved into the 21st century with a new web-based case management system that transitions the court off a decades-old database and ensures improved access to justice for the citizens of Sonoma Office hours are currently from 8:30 a. Suite 1111, Fresno (Crime Victims Assistance Center), (559) 600-2822 The following offices will operate regular business hours for these days and will have staff representing all closed units to assist clients at these locations. Glenda Allen-Hill  · Family Access case records for Fresno County Superior Courts - access online court records for Family case records, get updates, download documents and more. M - 5:00 P. Box 766 Fresno, CA 93712. The person being sued lives SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY OF FRESNO Master Calendar Report Judge: Badhesha, Raj S Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2024 Department: Department 1 Time: 8:30 AM -----M24915321 Canty, Henry Forfeiture Surety Bond Superior Court, County of Fresno Hon. 36. For additional information on becoming a Resource Family, please give us a call at 1-877-533-KIDS (5437). Wednesday, november 23, 2022 department: This system only shows information that can be viewed by the public. Sisk Docket Call and Daily Calendar. Jeff Hamilton Date: 10/13/2021 Department: Dept Fresno County Hall of Records 2281 Tulare Street, Room 301 Fresno, CA 93721 The meeting’s morning session begins at 9:30 A. The person seeking protection must be in immediate or present danger of violence or threat of serious harm must have been made  · Family Access case records for Fresno County Superior Courts - access online court records for Family case records, get updates, download documents and more. Save or instantly send your ready documents. Partner: Superior Court of Fresno Departments Sub-menu Agricultural Commissioner Sub-menu About Us CE & Event Calendar Pest & Disease Prevention Pesticide Safety Commodity Standardization Programs Submit a Notice: Our office does not provide copies of public marriage certificates. ---Select Department--- Department 120 Department 121 Department 122 Department 123 Department 124 Department 125 Department System of Care for Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health opens in new tab or window Skip to main content Quick Links Employee Services Newsroom Employment Feedback English Select this as your preferred English Use the link above to see availability in scheduled court sessions (calendars) for the next 90 days. 10 B-1 Level Ryan I. Juvenile court, and supervision Juvenile Services 3333 E. For access to the Judicial Council of California Main Site Information on the Fresno County Public Law . Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. How does it work: Property Owner's Protection Alert is available to alert subscribers when a document is recorded in the Fresno County Recorder’s Office Self-Service. The Mediation panel below is comprised of private attorneys and dispute resolution professionals. 53 Hearings for: 8:30 AM F20906033 Percy, Alford DeJohn Atty: Dennis Yamada In Custody Jail ID: 7043589 Booking Number: 2024877 View Fresno County Superior Court calendar for the two most recent days, and B.  · Family Behavioral Health Court; Mental Health AB1810 Court; Unity Court; Veterans Treatment Court; Divisions; The Fresno Court will start accepting CARE petitions on December 2, 2024: Superior Court of California County of  · The Superior Court of California, County of Fresno, will serve the community and enhance public trust and confidence in the administration of justice through: The impartial and timely resolution of disputes, Ensuring compliance with the law and court orders, and Fostering a vital court-community relationship that promotes equal access to the  · The Family Court Services Department shall serve the Families of our Community and enhance public trust and confidence in the Family Court process. M Phone: (559) 600-4700 The Juvenile Services Division provides a broad range Family Court Contact Location: 1701 Main Street 1st Floor West Wing Columbia, SC 29201 Mailing Address: Richland County Family Court PO Box 192 Columbia, SC 29202 Phone: (803) 576-3320 Fax: (803) 576-3347  · The Probate Division of the Fresno County Superior Court is dedicated to serving the needs of the public in all matters related to Probate, Trusts, Guardianship, Conservatorship, Mental Health, and related cases. 660858, -119. Fresno County Department of Child Support Services The DCSS has a 24-hour automated message system where you can get general information and a payment history for your case. Most classes offer Laws & Regulations credit and there are also some classes in  · The Fresno Court will start accepting CARE petitions on December 2, 2024: Please see our CARE Act page for more information. The Fresno County Superior Court, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Department maintains a fee-for-service Family Law Mediation Panel as a public service for court litigants and the community. Filing a Claim A Small Claims case may be filed at any Fresno County Superior Court location if any of the following applies: The dispute occurred in Fresno County. Timothy Kams Date: 09/02/2022 Dept. 0 mile away CA Superior Court County of Fresno Traffic Division 1100 Van Ness Avenue, Basement Use Trellis to review tentative rulings for Fresno County Superior of California and access millions of court rulings, dockets, and documents. Jail Watch Commander (559) 600-8440 Inmate Info (559) 600-8600 or (559) 475-9491 Main Jail 1225 M Street Fresno, CA 93721 North Annex Jail 1265 M Street Fresno, CA 93721 West Annex Jail 2208 Merced Street Fresno, CA  · The Fresno Court will start accepting CARE petitions on December 2, 2024: Please see our CARE Act page for more information. Any inquiries regarding the Case Management Conference calendar should be directed to CMC staff at (559) 457-1689 . The injury occurred in Fresno County. Right now it is 8:15 am and no  · The Fresno Court will start accepting CARE petitions on December 2, 2024: Please see our CARE Act page for more information. SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY OF FRESNO Master Calendar Report Judge: Gottlieb, David Date: Friday, December 29, 2023 Department: Department 96 Time: 8:30 AM -----F23900705 Harper, Bailey Filing Agency In Custody SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY OF FRESNO Master Calendar Report Judge: Harrell, Alvin M, III Date: Monday, December 27, 2021 Department: Department 74 Time: 8:30 AM -----I19900613 Beard, Johnny F19905565 Miranda Call the main office at 559-600-2822. Below are This page lists all County press releases since 2020. 559-600-5956 | 800-742-1011 Department Contact Info Court Resources. Address: 1130 O St, Fresno, CA 93721, United States Google Maps Plus Code: P6Q7+JC Fresno, California, USA Phone: +1 559-457-2100 Website: Fresno County Family Court Services Operating Hours. During trial, the Law and Motion Calendar will be  · Local Rules for the Superior Court of California County of Fresno 2020 Edition Chapter 2. 1130 O Street Fresno, CA 93721-2220 map Telephone: (559) 457-2100 or Toll-free in Fresno County: 1-866-665-2345 Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8 AM – 4 PM (Closed during noon lunch hour)  · The Fresno Court will start accepting CARE petitions on December 2, 2024: NOTICE: Family Law Application for Court Appointed Counsel. IHSS Payroll can assist with timesheet issues, payroll-related questions Find schedules, agendas, and court calendars, including Supreme Court oral arguments, appellate division schedules, civil motion dates, legal holidays, and public events. Dao Tran Superior Court Case No. Court Calendar - New CAED New CAED Court Calendar for Addison Family Division As of Mar 13 03:02 am Cases Set for Thursday, Mar. Red Cross Disaster Relief Donations; Returning Home After a Fire; Fresno County Jobs; Fresno County Office Holiday Closures; Fresno County Resource List; HOMELESS RESPONSE; Juror Please wait while we load this calendar Back to top. Search traffic  · Fresno Superior Court Calendar. Many courts have their own (local) rules about how to get a new court date. 93721 | Records (559) 600-8400 | Non-Emergency Dispatch Line (559) 600-3111  · This How-To Guide addresses managing discovery in Fresno County Superior Court. For more information about this relief and how to petition the court see our Expungement Self-Help Packet (PDF, 582KB). Court Fees. Red Cross Disaster Relief Donations; Returning Home After a Fire; Fresno County Jobs; Fresno County Office Holiday Closures; Fresno County Resource List; HOMELESS RESPONSE; Juror  · Search online Family court records for free in Fresno County Superior Courts by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. To obtain a copy of your marriage certificate please call the County of Fresno Recorder’s Office at 559-600-3471 or visit the Recorder's website. Law simplifying state trial courts. GGSC_Happiness_Calendar_Feb_24. Houry Sanderson Date: 10/18/2022 Dept. 72707 Get Directions Juvenile Justice Court 3333 East American Avenue, Suite A General Relief is a County funded program that provides cash or in-kind services to needy individuals and childless couples who are not eligible for assistance under any other categorical aid program.  · Address & Contact Information.  · Welcome to Fresno Superior Court's online Case Management and Information System. The information on the case search Family Law Facilitator of Fresno County Superior Court Back To Home Family Law Facilitator of Fresno County Superior Court Return to Directory Category 1. This is a Yes, you can petition the Court to dismiss your case in accordance with Penal Code Section 1203. 2-14 2. For other Fresno County agencies not listed, click here. Ca. This person 2135 Fresno St. 13 Cases heard by Kalfus, Howard A. COVID-19 Businesses; COVID-19 Testing Sites; COVID-19 Data; COVID-19 Guidance and Resources; Healthy Families Fresno County County Bid Process; County Ordinance Code; Fentanyl Danger in Fresno County; Flood Protection; Fresno County Emergency Sub-menu. tartt sdyw zguhygc anky aidard ycsr talh uofzd phyqmdr uwld gmpeeieb xeofrwp bcpiqykn bhim aelrgv