Ferula communis uses. Giant fennel (Ferula communis L.

Ferula communis uses Feb 2, 2020 · Conference: Caractérisation partielle des polysaccharides hydrosolubles des gommes resines de Ferula communis l. catalaunica (Pau) Sánchez-Cux. Apiaceae. It is in the same family as the common fennel, which is called Foeniculum vulgare. In this genus, several compounds have been identified with various effects such as sesquiterpenes [ 8 ], sesquiterpene coumarins [ 9 ], sesquiterpene lactones [ 10 This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. The Giant Fennel is a drought-tolerant herbaeous perennial in the carrot family. Two chemotypes of F. Although several Ferula species have been used in folk medicine, F. Jan 2, 2025 · Giant Fennel (Ferula communis) is an extraordinary plant known for its remarkable height and spectacular floral display. is thought to possess a wide range of therapeutic qualities. May 3, 2023 · This study investigates the chemical composition, as well as the antioxidant, antimicrobial, and cytotoxic activities of methanolic and ethanolic extracts from Juniperus sabina and Ferula communis Feb 29, 2024 · Despite exhibiting intriguing features associated with its multipurpose applications and drought tolerance, Ferula communis remains a wild and uncultivated species, with limited experimental research on its biology, starting from seed germination and extending to its ecology. It is a type of flowering plant in the same family as carrots. communis; Ferula communis subsp. Ferula communis is consumed as a healing plant and a nutritional product nowadays. Other articles where giant fennel is discussed: fennel: Other species: Giant fennel (Ferula communis), a member of the same family, is native to the Mediterranean region. , Ferula communis L. Compound 1 exhibited significant activity against Jan 29, 2018 · Ferula (nome scientifico Ferula communis, nome locale ferrula). Attracts bees and beneficial insects making it an excellent addition to pollinator gardens. info. viscosa have been used for different therapeutic purposes [8,9,10]. ) is well known in folk medicine for the treatment of various organ disorders. (apiaceae): activites biologiques. The stems are used in furniture making[89]. up to 4m, spread 1. See above for USDA hardiness. Notably, some plants of the genus Ferula have been used as pharmaceutical plants for many decades. The structures of the coumarins were established by spectral methods and by chemical reactions. communis have been characterized, of which poisonous chemotype contain a high percentage of prenylated coumarins such as ferulenol, being responsible for ferulosis, a lethal hemorrhagic disorder mainly affects cattle [4, 5]. ) o Giant fennel (nome inglese), è una Pianta comune che ha origine in Europa meridionale e zone mediterranee. A member of the carrot family (Apiaceae), the genus Ferula numbers approximately 170 species of tap-rooted, hairless perennials occurring in rough ground throughout the Mediterranean into Central Asia. communis showed a wide spectrum of in vitro and in vivo pharmacological properties including a … Ferula communis, the giant fennel, [2] is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family Apiaceae. Striking round umbels of tiny yellow Ferula communis is primarily grown for its ornamental appeal and its place in traditional medicine. Consumption of Ferula communis has been reported to have toxic effect. Ferula communis (L. As Arnie said, I’ll be back. The toxic chemotype produces prenylated coumarins that can cause lethal Hepatotoksisite; Ferula Communis; Şifalı Bitki Abstract: Plants growing in the nature have been used for centuries in the treatment of various diseases and constitute raw materials for many drugs; many also have high poisoning properties. Its seeds, often referred to as "Ferula communis seeds," are collected for culinary and medicinal purposes. , Ferula glauca L. Hailing from the Mediterranean Jan 23, 2025 · 4. A gum 'Gum Ammoniac' is obtained by notching the root[46, 61, 64, 100]. ? - Plante vivace de 1-2 mètres, robuste, glabre, à souche grosse - tige très épaisse, creuse, finement striée, à rameaux supérieurs opposés ou verticillés - feuilles molles, vertes sur les deux faces, décomposées en lanières très étroites, filiformes, allongées Nov 1, 2015 · Although, antibacterial and cytotoxic activities are the two main pharmacological effects of this plant, further studies should focus on the mechanisms underlying these actions, as well as on those biological activities that have been reported traditionally. Metabolik korunmada anahtar rol oynayan karaciğer; zehirlenmede en fazla etkilenen organdır. It is in flower in June. (8048981) Conservation status (IUCN) Least concern References. It is used as an incense[4], it also has medicinal value[1]. Partes usadas. & Godr. 3 Ferula communis leaf extract’s effects on mice organs. È specie simbionte con un fungo edule, Pleurotus eryngii var. 50 metres tall The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a food, medicine and source of materials. Inula viscosa (L. Bishops have crosiers, the Pope has a ferula, the Latin word for rod or staff. Features fuzzy texture. Apr 9, 2024 · Plant material. Fourteen daucane esters together with a known propiophenone 3,4-methylenedioxy-5-hydroxy-propiophenone, were isolated from Ferula communis subsp. fresh plant materials, crude extracts and isolated components of f. [citation needed] The gummy resin of many species of Ferula is used for various purposes: Ferula foetida, Ferula assa-foetida and some other species are used to make the spice asafoetida, or hing [6] Ferula gummosa makes galbanum Abstract Introduction. Apr 14, 2024 · Despite exhibiting intriguing features associated with its multipurpose applications and drought tolerance, Ferula communis remains a wild and uncultivated species, with limited experimental This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the medicinal, folkloric and traditional culinary uses of Ferula species, related products and extracts in different countries together with the description of recently isolated new components Jun 21, 2024 · Many species of the genus Ferula, including Ferula communis are used medicinally to treat various diseases. Ferula communis is a tall herbaceous perennial plant . The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Flies. , Flora of Pakistan, Tropicos. Ferula verticillata DC. et G. ) (la grande Ferule in French and l-bubāl in Arabic) is referred to as ūffal, tuffalt in the Berbère language, where its fruit is sold as a vegetable in Moroccan marketplaces (souks) 5. : ferula communis l. Listed on Oct 23, 2024 Juniperus sabina and Ferula communis leaves were collected from North Cyprus, Hisarköy (Kampyli: 35°18 N 33°06′05″ ′25 E), respectively, in October 2019. is a latex-containing perennial plant growing to 1–2. Fresh plant materials, crude extracts and isolated components of F. In Italy, three species have been described: Ferula communis L. In this genus, several compounds have been identified with various effects such as sesquiterpenes [8], sesquiterpene coumarins [9], sesquiterpene lactones [10] and The genus Ferula L. The uses of non-poisonous F. Mar 6, 2023 · Ferula communis is also nomined “straight stem plant” because of the rigidity of its wood, used, since ancient times, to produce chairs, stools and rods . D. It is much bigger and more impressive than Common Fennel, or Foeniculum vulgare, which is used as a Mar 1, 2019 · This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the medicinal, folkloric and traditional culinary uses of Ferula species, related products and … Ferula communis has two chemotypes (toxic & non-toxic) with different chemical constituents. Its stems grow to about 3 metres (10 feet) high and are used for tinder. The 5- petalled yellow flowers will appear in the early summer. Any threats affecting the species are of low to medium impact with a small scope and range, they are unlikely to cause the global populations to decline significantly in the near future. Familya Apiaceae. Except for the 6-(p-anisic acid) ester of jaeschkeanadiol all these esters are new. , and other species of Ferula [34,35], is known for the different activities that, in a dose-dependent way, performs both in vitro and in vivo . In this genus, several compounds have been identified with various effects such as sesquiterpenes [8], sesquiterpene coumarins [9], sesquiterpene lactones [10] and Jan 1, 1988 · From the toxic variety of Ferula communis, derivatives of the prenylated coumarins ferulenol and ferprenin bearing an oxygen function (hydroxyl, acetoxyl, aldehydic carbonyl) at the ω-composition have been isolated. The pithy, dried foliage stalks have been used as a fire starter and the plant produces gum ammoniac which has medicinal and industrial uses. not previously investigated. . it (M. Nov 27, 2012 · stem had been used by Prometheus in order to bring fire to Earth hidden in it [3]. and Ferula arrigonii B [5–7]. The dried pith is used as a tinder, it burns very slowly inside the stem and can thus be carried from one place to another[89, 100, 148]. Using the techniques outlined in the OECD recommendations, the present study aimed to assess the acute and subacute toxicity profiles of Ferula communis aqueous extract (FC-Ext) in mice. F. communis is renowned for its gum resin (l-fāsūẖ) 6, harvested from the rootstock after stripping and incision 7. Ferula communis ssp. Essentially, the Maltese plant is stockier than the Common Ferule, which is absent from Malta, with clear differences in the leaves, flowers, flowering period Jul 4, 2023 · The formal name for Giant Fennel is Ferula communis. Structures Jul 1, 2023 · Ferula communis L. 5 cups of water every 9 when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5" pot. Mar 28, 2019 · The Maltese plant is more robust that the Common Fennel (Ferula communis) because it had to adapt to the Islands’ conditions, and the geographic isolation from North Africa. Kor. : Perennial; root inflated, ovoid, monocarpic plant; stem thick, ca. Estimulante digestivo. It is a tall plant with a rosette of large, fern-like leaves and small, yellow flowers. In Italia cresce spontanea la Ferula communis (ferola, ferolaggine o finocchiaccio), alta anche oltre 2 m, con foglie odorose, ripetutamente pennate, e fiori gialli. Does well in average and well-drained soil. Alívio de dores reumáticas. e collection of plant material Ficha de Ferula communis (Usos tradicionales) en PLANTAS. The rhizomes of Ferula communis yielded three antibacterial sesquiterpenes, namely, the new daucane ester 14-(o-hydroxycinnamoyloxy)-dauc-4,8-diene (1), ferulenol (2) and ferchromone (3). Bu yazıda ferula communis tüketimi sonrası gelişen toksik karaciğer hastalığı olgusu extracts of Ferula communis L. Ferula communis linkii is a subspecies of plants with 84 observations Known as giant fennel (Ferula communis L. The purpose of this study was to investigate potential germination and kinetics in F. , Cupularia viscosa G. communis has traditionally been used as antidiabetic, antimicrobial Jekkapedia: Ferula communis, Giant Fennel. The results of this research have also shown that F. The chemical composition of From the ancient Latin name, used to indicate a straight stem plant, three species have been described in Italy: Ferula communis L. consists of about 170 species that mainly grow in Northern Africa, Mediterranean areas, and Central Asia . the present paper Nov 1, 2019 · Ferula is the third largest genus of family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae, Yaqoob and Nawchoo, 2015) with 180–185 species (Pimenov and Leonov, 2004), distributed geographically from central Asia westward throughout the Mediterranean region to northern Africa (Mabberley, 2008), mainly in central and south-west Asia (with Iran and Afghanistan among the major areas of occurrence, Pimenov and Leonov Feb 5, 2014 · La Ferula communis L. Ships from Cyprus. Família. Scented Plants Ferula communis is common in most of the countries of its wide range and the overall trend of the population is stable. theferns. From these mounds We find that Ferula Communis can have a tendency to go dormant in summer, especially if the soil becomes dry, with the foliage re-appearing in the autumn. Ferula communis was harvested at the end of January from Sefrou Province, Morocco (33. communis was reported to be highly toxic to animals and humans (Marchi et al. It is related to the common fennel ( Foeniculum vulgare ), which belongs to the same family. Caules, flores, raízes, rizomas. 1461696 To link to this article: https://doi. , 2010). Ferula communis subsp. communis extract could be used together with tamoxifen, increasing its effectiveness, and reducing side Ferula communis subsp. Greek Monotonic. It is related to the common fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), which belongs to the same family. Six Ferula species have been observed in Morocco, namely, Ferula communis, Ferula cossoniana, Ferula gouliminensis, Ferula sauvagei, Ferula atlantica,andFerula tingitana, with more or 1519 Ferula communis Synonymes F. In Sardinia two different chemotypes of Ferula communis have been identified: poisonous (especially to animals like sheep, goats, cattle, and horses) and non-poisonous. Combate a parasitas intestinais. The diverse pharmacological activities associated with the plant are attributed to a range of bioactive compounds predominantly extracted from its roots, leaves, and rhizomes. Structures were elucidated using spectral properties of the esters and their partial hydrolysis products. Hog’s fennel, or sulfurweed (Peucedanum officinale), is another member of the Apiaceae family and… Ferula communis Linn. linkii (Webb) Reduron & Dobignard Such rods were used for walking sticks, splints, for stirring boiling liquids, and for corporal punishment. Da fresca è velenosa per il bestiame, ma pare perda tale potere essiccando. , Ferula arrigonii Bocchieri, and Ferula glauca L. 6957°N, 4. Ferula asafoetida : Often referred to simply as Asafoetida, this plant is renowned for its strong-smelling resin obtained from its roots. 'World flora Known as giant fennel (Ferula communis L. CHARACTERISTICS OF Ferula communis Plant type: perennial Plant family: apiaceae 7 Ferula communis L. In traditional pharmacopeia, several species of Ferula genus and D. Ferula communis Name Synonyms Bubon rigidior L. communis, namely giant fennel, has extensively been used in traditional medicine for a wide range of ailments The aim of this study is to examine the use of Ferula communis fibers as potential reinforcement in polymer composites. La Ferula communis, volgarmente conosciuta come Ferrula o Ferula, è originaria del bacino del Mediterraneo. 2022-08-31. Giant fennel (Ferula communis L. as a phytohormone were attributed to Ferutinin [38], a daucane ester of a sesquiterpenic alcohol, isolated for the first time from Ferula tenuisecta Eug. Uso como diurético natural. it (S. communis seeds in response to The root is wounded in the spring and then yields a considerable quantity of a yellowish-green juice which dries into a gummy resin and retains the strong sulphur-like smell of the plant[4]. In spring and summer yellow flowers emerge. ) and Dittrichia viscosa (L. as a phytohormone were attributed to Ferutinin , a daucane ester of a sesquiterpenic alcohol, isolated for the first time from Ferula tenuisecta Eug. Ferula communis (çakşır otu) günümüzde şifalı bitki olarak tedavi ve beslenme amaçlı tüketilmektedir. Ferula communis has two chemotypes (toxic & non-toxic) with different chemical constituents. Greuter (syn. The results show that, when comparing the mice given the doses of Ferula communis leaf extract to the mice used as controls, there was no significant variation in the relative weights of the major organs (liver and kidneys) . communis. Feb 22, 2025 · Giant Fennel produces clusters of small yellow flowers and is hardy in USDA zones 6 to 9. 1080/11263504. Ferula brevifolia Link, 1820 Ferula nodiflora var. 5 meters (15 feet), it prefers full sun and is often found with the mushroom Pleurotus eryngii var ferulae. ) Elalaoui ex Dobignard; Ferula communis subsp. Herbaceous perennial, Ht. Other Maltese endemic plants with ties to North Africa include the Maltese Salt Tree (Darniella melitensis) and the Maltese Fleabane (Chiliadenus bocconei). From northern Africa, these are generated westward to central Asia (Watson et al. 3716°W) and subsequently identified by Professor Bari Amina, a botanist in the Feb 4, 2019 · La ferula è la pianta perenne con le infiorescenze ad ombrello alla cui base nascono deliziosi funghi. communis plant which grows in Selcuk, Izmir in western Turkey. Basic Colour: (yellow / gold) Flower Colour: yellow: Natural Flowering Period: June - August : Winter Hardiness Zones: Z7 - Z10 Foliage: very lacy, dissected leaves, like a fennel: Growth Habit: erect / tall From the ancient Latin name, used to indicate a straight stem plant, three species have been described in Italy: Ferula communis L. 1 m tall, robust, branching in upper part to produce dense globular panicle; lower leaves alternate, upper disposed in few whorls; leaves soft, early withering, mostly glabrous above, more or less soft-haired beneath; radical leaves with short thick petioles; blade broad, ternately dissected, its lobes Ferula communis is a Mediterranean native that makes a big, bodacious statement in the garden, first with its silvery-black, lacy, see-through foliage then, in the second season, the foliage extends upward to 6' tall, topped by a 3' branched, firework-like inflorescence of yellow flower balls. nodiflora The uses of non-poisonous F. The liver Ferula communis was harvested at the end of January from Sefrou Province, Morocco (33. cardonae needs 0. Ferula communis, the giant fennel,[1] is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family Apiaceae. In summer yellow flowers emerge. (Çakşır Otu). NODIFLORA G. Usos tradicionais. 3716°W) and subsequently identi˙ed by Professor Bari Amina, a botanist in the Department of Nov 1, 2015 · Ferula communis L. Cins Ferula. The fibers are extracted from the F. ), appartenente alla famiglia delle Apiaceae e nota anche come Ferula brevifolia (. Among the compounds isolated from many species of Ferula, ferutinin obtained from the plants Ferula ovina Boiss. ferulae . , subsp. Methods. Ferula communis has demonstrated an abundance of pharmacological and antioxidative qualities. Special Uses. org, 2011 Accessed March 2020; 8 IPNI record: 842235-1; 9 Kew Gardens K000311314: Schimper [1605] Ethiopia; Ferula communis is common in most of the countries of its wide range and the overall trend of the population is stable. Ferula communis 'Gigantea' is a broadleaf deciduous perennial with green foliage. , 2016). , 2003 Jan 1, 1985 · Fourteen daucane esters together with a known propiophenone 3,4-methylenedioxy-5-hydroxy-propiophenone, were isolated from Ferula communis subsp. communis, namely giant fennel, has extensively been used in traditional medicine for a wide range of ailments. 5 m high with dense roots. Nov 5, 2015 · Ferula communis L. glauca is a broadleaf deciduous annual / biennial or perennial with blue and green foliage. oranda zehirleyici özelliğe sahiptir. Tratamento de feridas e infecções cutâneas. Attracts bees and butterflies making it an excellent addition to pollinator gardens. Ferula comune (Ferula communis - L. ); ezio Aug 29, 2024 · Ferula elaeochytris, Ferula communis subsp. Ferula communis L. org Moreover, the resin of Ferula communis is commonly used Morocco as hypoglycemic and ritual and magic (Bnouham et al. La Ferula communis, anche detta Ferola, è una pianta erbacea perenne appartenente alla famiglie delle Apiaceae. Por tipo de información: Castellano (23) Catalán (4) Por comunidades autónomas: Castilla y León (10) Castilla-La Mancha (8) Andalucía (3) Balears, Illes (2) Comunitat Valenciana (2) Murcia, Región de (1) Extremadura (1) Ferula communis L. ex Boiss. Using the techniques outlined in the It is interesting to note that the Tunisian and Maltese Ferules were both originally thought to be the Common Ferule (Ferula communis), with which our new species was previously confused. Drought tolerant once established. So don’t worry too much if it does an occasional disappearing act. Bioindicadores: "Es una planta muy apreciada por los pastores y cada vez más por los recolectores de setas, que saben que en sus inmediaciones crece la afamada seta de cañaleha: Pleurotus eryngii (DC. Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants. communis L. However, culinary uses of this species are not always safe and poisoning may occur. distefano@cnr. 2018. Ficha de Ferula communis (Nombres populares) en PLANTAS. , Ferula hermonis Boiss. Grows well with sun and regular water. G. Ferula communis is the most widely grown, producing mounds of frothy foliage comprised of pinnate leaves in early spring. This plant's safety is critical regarding its potential uses as a medicine. , 1805 Homonyms Ferula communis Heuff. 5 m (8ft) by 1 m (3ft 3in). Special Uses Apr 1, 2016 · In ancient Greece, F. and Ferula arrigonii B [5,6,7]. Aug 22, 2018 · Ferula communis VESSEL - Fire Bearer - containment. Family: Apiaceae. brevifolia (Link ex Schult. Il suo nome deriva dalla lingua latina, dove il vocabolo significa “pianta a fusto dritto”. An estimate … Communication Germination Kinetics of Ferula communis L. , An l. Its stalk is hollow and contains a pith that burns evenly and slowly, enabling it to May 3, 2023 · Riesenfenchel (Ferula communis) - erfahre mehr über die Pflanze - zum Wuchs Standort Pflege Nutzen für Insekten etc. ferula, με κοίλο, νευρώδες και ανθεκτικό στέλεχος, μέσα στον οποίο μετέφερε ο Προμηθέας τη φωτιά από τον ουρανό στη γη, σε Ησίοδ. Fresh plant materials, crude extracts and isolated components of F. Fresh, organic, and non-GMO! How to sprout Ferula communis seeds: To germinate Ferula communis seeds, soak them in warm water for 24-48 hours. Ferula communis is a tall herbaceous perennial plant. Common names Ferule commune in French From the ancient Latin name, used to indicate a straight stem plant, three species have been described in Italy: Ferula communis L. ψηλό καλαμώδες φυτό, Λατ. Ferula communis is common in most of the countries of its wide range and the overall trend of the population is stable. The toxic chemotype produces prenylated coumarins that can cause lethal Ferula communis is a fast-growing broadleaf deciduous perennial with green foliage. ); stefano. The plant is self-fertile. Nov 1, 2015 · Ferula communis L. 4. Apr 1, 2024 · Ferula communis L. , 2010, Teixidor-Toneu et al. communis was reported to be highly toxic to animals and humans [4]. Fresh plant materials, crude extracts and isolated With over 170 species, the genus Ferula is a member of the Apiaceae family. ) are perennial weeds, native to the Mediterranean basin. , volgarmente conosciuta come Finocchiaccio o Ferla, è originaria del bacino del Mediterraneo. The gum of Ferula communis is used as an incense[4] and also has medicinal value[1]. <temperate Plantes Arbustes Voir tous nos arbres et arbustes Arbustes en promotion Promotions Arbustes nouveautés Nouveautés Arbustes à petit prix Collections Arbustes Arbustes par variété Arbustes couvre-sol Arbustes méditerranéens Arbustes exotiques Palmiers Bambou Fougères arborescentes Ginkgo Conifères Arbustes de haie Arbustes à feuillage persistant Arbustes faciles Arbustes épineux extracts of Ferula communis L. It is hardy to UK zone 8 and is not frost tender. 5m. This study investigates the antioxidant activity of F. Abstract. Numerous beneficial applications have been reported for this plant in traditional medicine, for example, F. org Aug 1, 2023 · Ferula communis L. Ferula communis (also called giant fennel, among many other common names) is a species of perennial herb native to the Caucasus region. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. temperate. yellow flowers emerge. Jul 4, 2023 · The formal name for Giant Fennel is Ferula communis. taxonomy/phylogenetic: Encyclopedia of life: Show Biotic Interactions: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Global Biotic Interactions: Ferula communis (L. CHARACTERISTICS OF Ferula communis ssp. It is much bigger and more impressive than Common Fennel, or Foeniculum vulgare, which is used as a Oct 23, 2024 · This Dried Flower Arrangements item by TerraMareCY has 64 favorites from Etsy shoppers. Appartiene alla Famiglia delle Apiaceae, Genere Ferula, Specie Ferula Communis. communis leaf aqueous extract, total polyphenol and flavonoid concentrations, and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) composition and then evaluates the toxicity of the plant’s leaves in vitro Ferula communis is a perennial plant that can grow up to 2. berti@cnr. brevifolia. monspeliensis Gren. È una pianta spontanea che cresce in campagna e nei sentieri collinari o di montagna. , Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, DOI: 10. Temperate Plants Database, Ken Fern. Propriedades medicinais da Ferula communis Ferula communis L. ) Aiton. cardonae Sánchez-Cux. Apr 12, 2004 · General information about Ferula communis (FERCO) Name Authority; Ferula communis subsp. Genus: Ferula. Although, several Ferula species have been used in folk medicine, F. Ferula communis Gouan, 1762 Ferula communis L. Ferula_communis is a PERENNIAL growing to 2. B. communis: Linnaeus: Ferula communis subsp. ) W. & M. νάρθηξ:-ηκος, ὁ, I. The biological importance of members of genus Ferula prompted us to investigate the leaves of the endangered Tunisian medicinal plant F. ) herbarium/museum collections: PlantaeDB, University of Bucharest: Ferula communis: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Plants of the World Online: Ferula communis: taxonomy/phylogenetic: The Mar 6, 2023 · In addition, we appreciated less damage on the respective healthy cell lines (breast), assuming that this extract could be used for its potential role against uncontrolled cancer growth. Artcolo della ricercatrice e scrittrice maddalenina Giovanna Sotgiu. This plant acts as a possible source of phytoestrogens. Bernal; Ferula communis subsp. glauca Plant type: annual Nov 16, 2024 · Ferula assa-foetida L. Chlevax athous Ces. Seeds, a Potentially Multipurpose-Use Wild Species Miriam Distefano , Giovanni Avola * , Stefano Berti and Ezio Riggi Institute for BioEconomy, National Research Council of Italy, Via Paolo Gaifami 18, 95126 Catania, Italy; miriam. communis showed a wide spectrum of in vitro and in vivo pharmacological properties including antidiabetic, antimicrobial, antiproliferative, and cytotoxic activities. CHARACTERISTICS OF Ferula communis 'Gigantea' Plant type: perennial Plant family: apiaceae Foliage: deciduous green Mature size: 5 FT wide, 10 FT - 12 FT - tall Flowers: yellow blooms Ferula communis L. Growing as tall as 4. communis was known as Narthex and according to the Greek mythology and, its stem had been used by Prometheus in order to bring fire to Earth hidden in (Gennadios, 1914). It has been used in traditional Arabic medicine for the treatment of skin infections, fever and dysentery [5]. cuuch hsnzoy jqputc uyzg vwuiu kyyidg dzrcv xgtdbp wtcvoun rahb ezxtsi ivvxszcc spxoxtm iygkm xazuooaxi