- Feeling sad after socializing reddit May 20, 2024 · In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons behind feeling depressed after socializing and share practical tips to manage these feelings. I can laugh at jokes and feel a general low-level contentment sometimes. To give it context, I've had depressive episodes before. Almost as if a demon or evil spirit is trying to take your soul. I have noticed that this happened to me ever since I started working more at home (mainly due to the pandemic). I'm a quiet person, or at least quiet when I'm with them, so i don't know i felt like there's nothing to talk about, I feel like i don't belong to them or their conversations or I'm just not being my true self around them. ) What you're saying, and 2. Don't waste them with self critical thoughts. Different than the random physical "I feel awful, fucking shoot me" that I'm currently going through. 1. Yep. this happens to me all the time. Just starting to really put myself out there after a 7 or so year long period of what feels like high functioning depression and I noticeably feel less social than before that. Applies to family too. this happens to me and I think it's a post event dopamine crash. And I have a big problem with just overthinking the most irrelevant things. I feel this every time I come back home. After a super fun date, the next day I usually feel depressed/anxious and just generally down I've never done drugs but it really feels like withdrawal. After really big events (like a really big party of which I was primary planner and emcee), it can take me days to fully recover. Maybe if you’re drinking for other reasons it might affect how you feel the next day Perhaps there is a contrast in your personal life vs being at social events that needs tending to, i. You could also shorten the amount of time you spend in these triggering events, either by arriving late to a party or leaving early. Triggered by perceived or actual scrutiny from others. Apr 6, 2015 · So i've realized that after hanging out with certain people that i'm not exactly comfortable around, I get in a really depressed and tired feeling mood. he distracts me from the thoughts and the pain, and on top of that he makes me feel so loved. Makes me sad, because I always feel like I'm disconnected from everyone even when i am hanging out with friends. e. Just give yourself some time to adjust; what you're feeling is normal :) In laymans terms/best i can remember: Because you (usually) have a great time out with friends, when you come home, your brain is like 'oh shit, no more fun' but it still produces dopamine anyway. I just had my birthday party and I started crying the moment everyone left. Posted by u/EpicPizzaMaster - 8 votes and 28 comments Yeah I always feel super down and depressed after socializing, even though at the time I feel really good. And I feel like I get that feeling of sadness because I get that emotional high of hanging out with people who generally like having me around, it feels new. when i am alone after spending time with people i like, i feel empty. I feel this exact same way after being social. . Always have an excuse in your back pocket for when you feel the creep of that overwhelmed feeling inside you. Nothing wrong with you for feeling this way!! It was the first time I had ever cried in front of someone else, and I didn't even know why I was depressed. Yes. Often after hanging out with a friend, having a big "day out", or being away from home for a long period of time, I would get home and just have a breakdown. but same wit me i did EVENTUALLY go back to normal. I don't often feel depressed after a game these days, though it took me a year to get that under control. I feel you there man. even if it was with close friends who understand that i have social anxiety, i just always come home and analyze everything i did, believe that everyone doesn't want anything to do with me after and distance myself from them im trying to get myself to socialize so i can get better but i always feel so bad after and i go back to my shell when i socialize i You might feel angry, sad, jelous, or any other emotion. It's not about them making you happy or sad, it's just that any emotion is easier to understand and digest in the presence of others. In my case, the last time I did a social event "out of obligation" it was for family. Everyone was just chilling and talking, but I felt lonely and unappreciated after hanging out with them. But I have established a pattern. Also, best for me is to have at least two or three other people with me, so the dynamic of the conversation is not relying on me for 50%, but I have the possibility to zone out a bit and come back when I feel Distress in social situations, causing impaired functioning in daily life. if you can be truly honest with yourself about it (but not cruel to yourself or self critical When we leaved we went for a walk, and at 7-8PM, I was starting to feel really uncomfortable and left, when I got home again, I started feeling really scared, and sad, so I put some music on the HomePod and baked a cake. I've had the highest highs ever in terms of happiness and love from new friends and romantic interests. Im definitely introverted in the sense that I get my energy from being alone and find socialising draining. While introverts are supposed to feel exhausted after hanging out, that does happen, but I also feel sad. it’s all about being distracted from the negative thoughts. I'm not tired, I'm just legitimately sad. etc but it doesnt stop after the socializing is done because im then just overanalyzing the past instead of the present or future like before. I get depressed because of how anxious I was during the time I spend with them. So how the fuck do I get over this feeling? I don't even know what I could do better next time, which honestly makes it so much worse. I thought life would get easier if I just kept exposing myself to uncomfortable situations, but I still feel dread and remorse afterwards. I don't feel depressed, I get drained. learning to set boundaries helped a lot for me, not sure if it’ll do for you. similarly, when i am not around him, i yearn for his presence. It’s not just the hangover — though the pounding in my The day after I exercise, I feel incredibly depressed, pretty much every time. That's why even after a successful social interaction with another person or friend, I feel drained afterward. The only time I get close to suicidal is right after a fun social outing, where I feel "normal" or things were as they "should be. I have a very similar kind of feeling after most social interactions with people I am not close to. that's because when i am with them, i overthink less, i find meaning in interacting with good people. Just full-on crying, exhausted and depressed, ruminating on the events, despite having had a great time in the moment. It really has very little to do with my actual feelings and more about my body not regulating my physiological response to a stressor well. And I experience something similar after leaving a party or gathering with friends. unless it’s with people i genuinely love & wanna spend time with, then it’s not so taxing. Maybe irritable and cranky. That fear is intensely present whether you're in a social situation, you're imagining a future social situation, you're reimagining a past social situation or you're imagining a social situation that will never happen. Not worth. Since I started turning my life around from a very bleak social life. for a social faux-pas). i learn to cut off timings & not stay out for too long When I’m in a social situation, I don’t feel like I’m not having fun, yes I might be thinking about how I’m acting and stuff but I’m still usually having fun, but ever since I was a child when I socialized alot with people, I always at the end of the day felt so sick, sometimes even throw up and most of the time would have this sense is it normal to feel sad after social interaction? i’m an introverted person - not to say i’m a loner but i like my space and enjoy my own company. I'm currently in that hole right now, after having a two hour conversation with a friend couple of days ago. I still have not consulted a professional regarding this but I might soon. Omg. For me she broke up with me like almost 3 years ago, she was my first relationship and we stayed friends, I even worked at same place. I'm 21 now and I've been struggling with social interaction all of my life. I'm absolutely an extrovert, and I feel very sad and lost after socializing because my source of energy and happy brain chemicals was just cut off. When it was Christmas, I spent two days with my family which led me to spend a whole day in bed trying to recover. If you feel negative, unliked, or depressed once alone it is most likely because you do not like yourself and are subliminally questioning yourself. It kind of feels like coming down from a drug experience. It's not that I want negative interactions either, they're even worse. Yeah I actually just posted a comment about this in the social anxiety subreddit. Today, I was out for ice cream with my fraternity (guys and girls, since we're coed). However, I'd like to be more extroverted. Isn't socializing supposed to make you feel better, especially if you're lonely? What am I supposed to do when I feel like crap after socializing, instead of making me feel better, less lonely? It makes me feel hopeless that I'll never become part of a community or get into a romantic relationship because being with people is stressful and And I don't just mean feeling emotionally down, although I do feel incredibly hollowed out as soon as most conversations start. After parties and stuff when I get back home I feel really depressed and don't feel like speaking to anyone. But as I said, I become depressed even after events where I stayed sober, but still talked a lot, since I too thought it might be the alcohol. Then, because you used up all your dopamine, you feel sad. And I can hardly work today replaying in my mind and feeling sad over everything. I'm… Sometimes after a particularly long or grueling run I feel a wave of depression. I feel a combination of two things after a lot of socialization. I posted some photos with my partner for Valentine's Day. 172 votes, 69 comments. I feel exhausted and irritable and sometimes depressed. I really wanted this damn job, it seemed perfect for me. Especially around my family because I feel like the black sheep and they don't take me seriously. Just socializing and then going home makes me feel all depressed kind of. I force myself to go out and do things with friends all the time. im even in tears right now, i have no idea For sure. I honestly think you’ll feel better after quite short time of no contact. And that's ok. I have friends at school and I thought that we were decently close, but hanging out with them makes me feel otherwise. People are different than I remember them. If I get together with a small group of friends or family, it takes me literal days to get back to feeling normal and want to be social again. My girlfriend sometimes wonders, when the day after an event I say that I feel depressed again, because she noticed me having good talks and everyone having fun including myself. Edit: I wanted to be clear, these aren't healthy things I do. Got the rejection email today and I feel awful. this was the feeling I used to get before that led me to use it less frequently but I just don’t understand. It's weird because I enjoy being out with my friends, but the day after I just feel really down for some reason. I got their numbers too, but i dont know why . When you’re feeling ready, the sex will be there, and you’ll have more emotional space for the people you meet. I feel very depressed after a lot of social events. I think it come from some insecure attachment issues. although i don't feel the same when i spend time around people i don't like or strangers Feelings of suicide does seem like it’s a bit more to it than being in a social situation and more about how you sit with yourself - If you have feelings of low self worth - making a real effort to seek out what is contributing to this will help you. people are sort of distraction from myself for me. I have exactly this feeling. Answer how you've felt in the last week. " It's like a tease. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 2 comments If by people who feel good after drinking, you are wondering how people can become alcoholics and wanna keep drinking, I will tell you that those people don't feel good after drinking. I feel like this because I had such amazing time with her and want to do it again but I can't until the next weekend. socializing also takes a toll on me, drains me of all my energy. I know it's probably from the dopamine rush the day before dying down, but it's super uncomfortable for me and has me missing the person a lot and feeling like I'm going through a break-up. just because I break down every little thing that happened, think of something that makes me feel like an absolute idiot, and stress about it for hours on end. I'm even going on a trip with friends tomorrow and feel a lot of stress about it. i usually cry after hanging out with my boyfriend. Right after, I get depressed. Here's a taste, now do without for an indefinite amount of time. EDIT: Thank you all for your answers, I'm so relieved to know so many of you can relate. I've never done this before. I would say I feel more drained than depressed after intensive social events. having more friendships outside of just social events, like inviting people over, discord calls, sending messages to one another over social media, having dinner with friends, hosting social events of your own, etc. ) An overwhelming feeling of blissful contentment The two eventually balance out over the next week or so, and then I'm back to my old self. There's a time and place for them, and these don't sound like they're the times. his presence is like a drug- i crave more when i withdraw. I come home and feel sad and anxious about things I said or did not said, and start judging myself and feel like a weirdo, maybe we are just to hard on ourselves, but yeah I definitely relate to overthink and have painful social interactions especially when is not with close friends. They can be toxic at times and toxic people drain my social battery even more. Now I feel really weird and sad. I can make a huge grin and mean it, but it’s exhausting, and deep inside I’d rather curl up in a ball and close the curtains. For me, this feeling fades I to something more like excitement or warmth as I get to know the person I'm dating. They feel good while drunk and bad after, so then feel the need to be drunk all the time to not lose the good feeling. It's weird. I spend the night laughing, drinking, and surrounded by friends. i wouldn’t say the damage is permanent it’s Distress in social situations, causing impaired functioning in daily life. But if you're feeling depressed it also might be a sign of social anxiety/depression. And this worse whenever I visit my mother. I can feel sad, angry, and neutral. Whether you’re dealing with social anxiety, low energy, or simply feeling drained after social interactions, there is hope and help available. Hi OP. I feel really depressed and I want to cry. If you can't improve your self esteem after a few months, consider going to a therapist. I'll sometimes leave a social situation or a date that went well feeling great at first but then later a lot of negative feelings because I feel like a walking affliction rather than a human being and shouldn't have the audacity to try and involve myself with other people. I thought I'd done super well and I was told there were better candidates than me. When you take time to heal, you’ll be a lot more positive towards yourself, and the people you meet will feel that energy too. I'm usually better after a nap or some other downtime, but it's a bad feeling, especially after engaging in such positive activity. maybe I’m comparing my life to others, maybe it reminds me how lonely I am irl. There was a lot of socializing at the repast, and it involved a lot of people I hadn't seen in a long time. Whenever I have "intense" social interactions, when they're over I always feel a wave of intense loneliness and sadness afterwards that's much stronger than what I normally experience in my day-to-day. Here's a two minute test for social anxiety to check if you have social anxiety issues and not something else (results will be visible right away). Just this weekend, I had a amazing time with a friend on Friday night and feel down being back at home and not able to see her because I live 2 hours away. Also, dark places help me be more social because I don't feel the pressure to have the best facial expressions or not be overstimulated. I feel even more sad now that i finished talking with them. Every time after I am in a big group and everyone is doing their own thing, I feel depressed and lonely. If it's been more than a month since your breakup and you are still feeling very sad about this, it's possible you've slid into a depression. * Daily walks, listening to all types of podcasts, audiobooks, music to Came here to say exactly this. later on the conversation i started to feel a little empty and sad. I just got home from visiting my grandma and my aunt that I haven't seen in over a year, we talked for a bit about my future, work and stuff. The next morning, I wake up feeling heavy with sadness. Jun 2, 2021 · If you’re experiencing social exhaustion, you might feel like withdrawing completely. I just always feel bad after scrolling & wish I never did it in the first Wondering the same thing. Anyone feel super depressed after social interactions? I always tend to feel even more alienated from my peers, anxious, and socially awkward after social interactions, even if they go ok. I’ve been trying to think of them as recovery days. Thank you guys. And I feel like it’s gotten so much worse since COVID and working from home. I think it's because I'm introverted. After a social event, the loneliness feels more painful since it's contrasted by the previous experience. Let me know if you scored over 50. Here’s how recognize signs of introvert burnout and recover from it. However once I get back home I feel sudden wave of sadness, just feeling really down for no reason. After hours of socializing I tend to feel detached and tend to over analyze every word I spoke; thinking I offended someone or that everyone hates me. This. Why I sometimes get sad and empty after socializing? Like i went to my sister's home and my cousin was there too with her fiancé. When you are in the moment in a social situation you are feeding off the energy and vibes of others. If I’m hungover I’ll feel like shit and want to lay around all day, but I wouldn’t call it feeling depressed. I should be feeling pumped after the party but now I wish I never went. i often find after social interactions i usually feel melancholic and a bit down, usually with the feeling of ‘i’m only getting older, these interactions will only get fewer, i wish i was For example, you may be living alone and unhappy with your outside-work social life, but you’ve kinda acclimated to it; when you come back from a super social event with former friends in your hometown though, then it REALLY emphasizes the unhappiness you feel over your normal life—and what you’re really missing. I call it an anxiety hangover. It’s like you aren’t as depressed before, but then after the alcohol it becomes extremely severe. i did molly every day or other day when i was depressed asf for a while and i can say it FUCKED my reveptors and baseline level up HORRIBLY. Went to support my cousin when her dad died and went to the funeral and then the repast afterwards (since my mom couldn't make it). The only way I could feel better was to play the game - show people my life is perfect and worth of envy. During my college years, I never had this feeling before. 93 votes, 22 comments. If it's a big party with tons of people, it gets really bad. Active social time is fun, but takes a lot out of me. Distress in social situations, causing impaired functioning in daily life. It makes me depressed seeing everybody I know hanging out with others or traveling the world or whatever. I have always suspected that I'm just running really short on endorphins. I don't know why. hey! wanted to share with you that it’s normal. I'm still in the process of trying to make my actions in public match my personality on the inside. when i am alone after meeting, i feel my own thoughts, and they are pretty heavy. They were interesting to talk to and i felt like i got well with them and there was connection as i got along quickly with them. Sounds like you have a low social battery and the superficial small talk of meeting someone new is draining to you. Deep down I know that's just the 'highlight reel' of their life but can't shake the depression. Social overstimulation actually makes total sense. It's been this way for me as long as I remember. Anyone else feel this way? I used to get sad after social events too, but for different reasons. I usually feel depressed after an amazing date, or spending a long period of time with a significant other. But then, once I get home, I always start to feel the same way after socializing. It is mostly because I just feel I cannot connect well with others as they do and I feel like I am an outsider and it makes me feel more alone. So bad I can't leave the bed. If you want to continue branching out, an easy way would be to say something like "Let me know next time you all play volleyball again" or what have you when you each part ways. I'm 44 days in nofap, I'm not only trying to break the habit of fapping but also quitting smoking marijuana and cigarettes; also trying to reduce the… It has even happened after socializing with very close, year-long friends, or on occasions where I didn't have anything to berate myself over (e. The larger the social space, the harder it is for people to get quality time without distractions, not to mention larger social gatherings usually mean there is a lot of unspoken social norms on how to act, what to talk about, etc. Then take this test and let me know if your score is over 30: Test for depression (you get the answer directly and it doesn't take more than 5 minutes to take). No. also, don't understand why I was so deserving of such a great time. It's mainly that I feel physically crappy to a huge degree when talking to other people, and exhausted for a while after. I have a few people I could hang out with in my area, but whenever I do, I always feel sad because it's just a reminder that I can't find social fulfillment anywhere. After that, I ate the cake looking at the window, I felt like trapped somewhere, I don’t know why. I can keep up pretty good social interactions if I try hard enough, but man, putting in all the effort to do things like keep the conversation going, entertain the other person, and stay engaged is really tiring for me. Being aware of that is a good thing because you'll know to take it slow with meeting new people and trying to get some alone time to recharge after meeting a lot of people. It's most pronounced in a big group, say, meeting friends at a bar, but I experienced similar feelings after going on dates and meeting up with friends one-on-one. a lot of it talks about big events like vacations or a wedding, a big project being over with at work, and how the adrenaline/dopamine crash is what causes feeling down. Feeling sad after hanging out with friends can happen because we expected the meet-up to be super amazing, like a magical escape from all our problems. Those are NORMAL to feel. Now I want to avoid them and I dread socializing again. I have to force myself to entertain social interaction, feels very mechanical and like something I do as a chore rather than enjoying anymore. Sometimes this happens during conversation and people question if I am happy. feel free to add stuff, this explanation is pants I just got off twitter a few minutes ago & I feel like shit. I feel like I overanalyze social situations so much, its like a type of OCD. I can even get sad and lonely even when I'm with people because the kind of socializing happening isn't what I need. Self esteem problems can cause social anxiety issues. Most people feel kinda blah after drinking Posted by u/Dadhat56 - 18 votes and 10 comments This could be just being an introvert. this usually ends with me being in an awful mood for a One thing I've noticed that I really struggle with is any sort of extended social interaction. I always feel like everyone else is so much closer with each other and other friends. I don't mind socializing with people, but it's tiring for me. It happens to me too. Holy shit that part hit deep. One common reason for feeling sad after socializing is the disconnect between our expectations and the reality of social interaction. I love my family but it’s so hard to deal with these get together. It's really hard to find people who like you even when you're not masking. But During the following months after my lay-off is when that quote started to make sense: In that time I focused on being productive and being healthy. Sometimes it's almost as if interaction makes you feel even more isolated and detached than normal for a bit afterwards - sort of a social hangover, if you will? Definitely felt this after some really great convos with a few of my cousins at Wow I really feel this to my core. I drank a few days ago. It lasts all day. I would've thought that I should feel elated and be like "Damn, we should do this more!", but my real reaction is that I want to avoid the negative feelings afterwards, so it stops me from wanting positive social interactions. I live outside my home country where I made most of my closest friends. ” It’s obviously counterproductive but very hard to break that mindset. I've looked into reasons to why I feel so down after social events and came across post event/post fun blues. For me acceptance of my feelings helps so I don't beat myself up for feeling sad after socialising and I make sure I get some solid alone time after to recharge. It's important to cherish the moments you had because they were great times. Whenever I drink to get drunk, it’s because I’m happy and socializing and trying to loosen up while partying. I just chalk it up to as wanting more social connection. Sep 22, 2024 · It’s cruel. g. It happens in the moment which makes me really inhibited and anxious, overthinking. i always feel bad after socializing. I know most people would just say that I'm introverted and I just need some time to recharge, but I feel like it's something more than that. yu said it perfectly, go sober (or next to sober if youwanna drink and smoke sumn) but just moserate it. Social interaction just seems to bring it to the front of my mind. So I just slept on the Hi everyone, This is an experience I've had for more or less my entire life, and I wanted to see if anyone shared it or had an explanation. Like a “I should just avoid social situations entirely so I don’t feel the negative lonely parts of my life highlighted when I’m not socializing. The 'sad/feeling down' feeling usually stays until Wednesday. If I go to a big social event I have very little energy and am sensitive the next day (at worst 2 days for very big events) some times I am mute (just physically can’t get words out of my mouth) I feel sleepy and unmotivated. Social anxiety is all about the FEAR of being embarrassed or having our perceived flaws exposed. Posted by u/NurEineBier69 - 25 votes and 13 comments Not even necessarily after drinking at all. We had a family get together yesterday for Father’s Day. Idk why exactly it happens, maybe just the overwhelming amount of interactions I had to deal with was overloading my brain and then the morning after it all just sort of bursts through? It's just the realization that you spend a good chunk of your life not being surrounded by others. But I don't like that. I don't overwork with my workouts. I've noticed over the last couple of years, I feel depressed after going out with friends, even if I have a good time during… Part of this sounds like you're masking to make people like you, which takes emotional energy, making you tired and sad afterwards. i think this can be applied to your situation. I wouldn’t call it depressed. I noticed you post in r/aspergers, and this is a common feeling among people on the spectrum. ? I’m not sure. So if I spend time with people, afterwards I feel tired, but I alongside that, I feel down because I want more of it, but know that I can't have more of it without hating it. The last two occasions I remember involved some level of disagreement, or navigating an awkward discussion with someone who holds different views than mine. But the day after exercising, I feel so sad I'm almost at rock bottom. For no reason. I do experience similar feverish feeling after I get back home from a socializing event. Now I feel like I have a brain fog and feel super weird and out of touch. I box and play football (soccer) twice a week. It's like sometimes the times were so good, the next day the loneliness feels even worse and I want to meet those awesome people again. After years it’s obvious, but it still makes me sad. which can make the whole experience feel less meaningful. Since then we “got back together” maybe after a year and things ended up basically same (she started basically ghosting me). Being laid off sucks. So than I get sad after because I’m afraid of losing that and being alone again. I wouldn't necessarily feel like you have to push yourself too hard though. Physical symptoms may include: blushing, excess sweating, trembling, palpitations, and nausea, stammering, along, rapid speech, panic attacks. Same here. kkkxgp rra czzbynu qhjo xdg lpcezz ihai dtjggp nxtl rftdqwr yyvx hefe vtnkpoo vfhkfor glbaou