Executioner wasp most painful sting. I wasn't expecting the wasp to actually decapitate the guy.
Executioner wasp most painful sting In some cases, executioner wasp stings can trigger Jan 31, 2025 · Executioner wasps are known to be aggressive when their nest is threatened, and their stings can be extremely painful. The YouTuber, after being stung and spent the initial first minutes screaming, yelling, and rolling on the ground wriggling with intense pain, also stated the searing pain lasted for days and ended up rotting a hole-shaped scar Jan 6, 2022 · Do Executioner Wasps Sting? To say that the Executioner wasp’s sting is an understatement. Conclusion. Executioner Wasp. 200 Angry Yellow Most insects that are characterized as having a pain level of 3 are wasps, including the neotropical red paper wasp, the red-headed paper wasp, and Klug's velvet ant (a wingless wasp and not a true ant). Paper wasp stings are not even as painful as bee stings because while the pain is quite sharp, it lasts such a short time (in my case less than 60 seconds) that the sharp pain is quickly over. Though the Schmidt Sting Pain Index rates it at 4, those that have experienced it report that it is more severe than the bullet ant sting. Featuring full-color stills from his show, and packed with facts about nature's most misunderstood creatures, King of Sting is a dream book for any kid that loves animals Hailed as the most painful sting in the world, I had survived the Bullet Ant Challenge. Paper Wasp stings are agonizing and can cause life-threatening allergic reactions. I wasn't expecting the wasp to actually decapitate the guy. It’s barely contradicted by one of his far more stoic counterparts on the same platform, who claims the bullet ant is marginally worse. The most painful intentional bite has been something called a giant desert centipede. They were right next to the next and no stings whatsoever. As if the painful sting is not enough, the executioner wasps also have mandibles with teeth. The executioner wasp’s sting is one of the most painful in the world, yet they are responsible for less deaths than the Asian giant hornet. Adult paper wasps kill caterpillars, chew up bits of their prey into balls, then bring the balls back to their nests as food for their larvae. Jun 24, 2016 · Schmidt ranks each insect sting on a scale of one to four, with four being the most painful. 5 inches long and is yellow with coppery stripes. These little guys are super docile indeed. I was watching the video where Coyote Peterson was chopped by the fucking wasp, he states that the executioner waspa has the most painful sting he has already taken - much more painful than the Nov 17, 2021 · The Executioner Wasp carries one of the most painful, and certainly most venomous, stings in the world. Hoover1979. *FOR SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES DO NOT REPLICATE*I thought it was time to officially rank these stings against each other! Over the past few years I've gone toe to Sep 17, 2024 · The bullet ant, on the other hand, continues to deliver waves of pain long after the initial sting. Apr 26, 2023 · Executioner Wasp has bad rep along with bullet ant. 6 Nov 21, 2024 · The executioner wasp, found in Central and South America, is as menacing as its name suggests. Is the executioner wasp the most painful sting in the world. "But, trust me, it's not something I would wish upon my The Executioner Wasp is the largest wasp in Central and South America and is feared for its extremely painful sting. The tarantula hawk wasp's sting, which rates a brutal 4 on Schmidt's scale, causes pain so intense it can only be described as "blinding, fierce [and] shockingly electric" - yet lasts only about Feb 27, 2025 · Stung by an EXECUTIONER Wasp!. Jan 22, 2016 · In graduate school, I became interested in why they sting and why stings from such tiny animals hurt so much. One nest can contain around 200 wasps and if you happen to disturb one, you could be attacked by the whole hive. Compared to other insects like bees and wasps, the stings of the Bullet Ant and the Executioner Wasp are known for their intensity and duration of pain. I'd say the "Blue ant" is on par. We're not sure if the self-proclaimed wildlife educator is crazy, brave, or both, but there is no denying he's one of the world's most entertaining. Found in Central and South America, this large, golden-yellow wasp is relatively non-aggressive unless provoked. Mar 8, 2025 · Determining the absolute “most painful bite” is subjective and nuanced, often depending on whether one considers bites or stings. Nov 9, 2020 · However, it has a potent sting that most people –particularly YouTube personality Coyote Peterson –consider to be the most painful. In some cases, executioner wasp stings can trigger Jun 23, 2020 · Determining the most or best of any particular thing or category can be a relative, sometimes challenging endeavor. Brave Wilderness is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and amazing up close animal encounters! Follow along with Coyote Peterson and Mark Nov 8, 2024 · Unlike honeybees, which can only sting once, most wasps can sting multiple times, injecting painful venom with each strike. Not only is the Executioner Wasp’s sting very, very, painful, it’s also filled with venom. The duration of the sting pain can range anywhere from one minute (such as the sting of the red paper wasp) to half an hour (such as the sting Some of Coyote's most popular videos are those where he samples for the audience some of the planet's most painful bites, stings, spikes, and scratches from a variety of animals and plants. 0) Description: The executioner wasp is another insect with a notoriously painful sting. Together with the Bullet ant and the Tarantula hawk, the Warrior Wasp has a sting rated a full 4/4 on the Starr sting pain scale. Is the executioner wasp the worst sting. Reply. Jan 3, 2019 · Whether the executioner wasp will officially slip into the top spot of Schmidt's pain index sometime in the future is a matter of debate. ©Lingkon Serao/Shutterstock. Paper Wasps build their nests from wood fibre, which I would rate most bull ants to be about twice as painful as a bee sting in terms of intensity. I think the executioner wasp might rival this according to that getting stung guy but again I bet it depends on the individual. In some cases, the sting can cause swelling for days along with a small hole in the sting area. If you ever come across one of these two-inch-long insects, the best thing you can do is back away—slowly. Their venom is powerful and can cause swelling, redness, and pain at the sting site. The adults primarily visit plants to get carbohydrates from the nectar. The so-called Schmidt Sting Pain Index ranks stings by intensity ー and the Executioner Wasp is very near the top. It ranks at level four on the Schmidt Pain Index, the highest possible level, indicating extreme pain. One wasp in particular makes even the biggest, hairiest Is the sting of an Executioner Wasp the most pain that Coyote has ever experienced? In this compilation, we revisit some of the biggest adventures that Brave Dec 13, 2018 · Some of his most popular videos document the adventurer being stung by various insects. com. 11. While human encounters with these wasps are rare, their sting can The executioner wasp's sting is believed to be the most painful and venomous of the stinging insects in the world. Jan 30, 2025 · Despite their painful sting, the executioner wasp is considered the most painful sting, as it is described as “pure, intense, brilliant pain”. 5 on the Schmidt pain scale GUILLAUME SOUVANT / Contributor/Getty Images. Apr 26, 2023 · Currently, it is claimed by Coyote Peterson that Executioner Wasp has the most painful and venomous sting in the world, surpassing both bullet ant and the Japanese giant hornet. 2. The larvae mature into worker wasps and take on the duties of gathering food to feed the larvae. Scientist Jason O. 3. Nov 12, 2021 · For American YouTuber Nathaniel “Coyote” Peterson, however, seeking out the most animals with the most painful stings and bites on Earth is just another day at work. 12. Dec 9, 2024 · The tarantula hawk wasp's sting, which rates a brutal 4 on Schmidt's scale, causes pain so intense it can only be described as "blinding, fierce [and] shockingly electric" — yet lasts only about Potentially, definitely one of the most painful. Jan 14, 2022 · Do Warrior Wasps Sting? Not only do Warrior Wasps sting, but they’re also very good at it. Paper wasps are named after the decorative nests they create from wood fibre and saliva. The 'Warrior Wasp' and the 'Executioner Wasp' are both rated 4/4 on the pain scale. Stinging is how to fend intruders off. He's working his way through a pain index, originally written by Dr. The 'Executioner Wasp' is the most painful sting. The venom is designed to hurt so badly that nothing wants to come near it, and it’s likely evolved with vertebrates in mind. You can watch the video on the link below: #1 Tarantula Hawk Wasps. Remember, if you I would rate most bull ants to be about twice as painful as a bee sting in terms of intensity. Jul 11, 2022 · In regions such as Asia, the Asian giant hornet sting pain index also shows a high level of intensity, causing extremely painful reactions. When threatened, the wasp delivers a potent sting ranked at level four on the Schmidt pain index. When threatened, this wasp delivers a potent sting ranked at level four, which is the highest level on the Schmidt pain index. If someone tries to destroy your home, you would get mad and fend them off. ” The venom of May 6, 2020 · In the executioner wasp video, Peterson yelled that the sting was "burning uncontrollably. My mission of climbing this mountain, strewn with agonizing insect stings had seemingly come to an end. It’s said that the executioner wasp has the most painful sting of any insect, and this is somewhat backed up by a theatrical and unconvincing YouTuber who probably hams it up for the camera. It doesn't even take the most dangerous wasp in the world for an excruciating sting to cause severe allergic reactions or even lead to fatalities. Despite their painful sting, executioner wasps are not Discover the truth about the Executioner Wasp, an insect famous for its excruciatingly painful sting. We have depicted a selection of insects included in Schmidt’s Sting Pain Index above, scaling the insects by how agonizing their stings are. Unlike honeybees, executioner wasps do not have a barbed stinger and can sting repeatedly. Warrior Wasp video: https://youtu. There's also the question of how individuals respond differently to pain-inducing venoms, variation of individual stings, and the role particular conditions might play on a given day. ly/KINGOFSTING Get your adventure kit! – http://bit. The Polistes carnifex, or executioner wasp, is the largest neotropical paper wasp in the world and is noted as having one of the most painful stings among all known insects. Sep 5, 2023 · According to Nathaniel “Coyote” Peterson, the executioner wasp was the “king of sting. 4. What do executioner wasps eat? Executioner wasps feed on caterpillars and plant nectar, which is their primary source of energy. Can the venom of the Executioner Wasp or the Bullet Ant be used as a weapon? Apr 14, 2024 · Despite the shenanigans of Peterson, the accepted standard of judging the pain of the world’s stingers and biters remains the Schmidt sting pain index. It measures 1. Mar 4, 2025 · While the box jellyfish’s venom is among the most deadly in the world, the most painful sting is likely delivered by the executioner wasp. How painful is a tarantula hawk sting? Jan 17, 2019 · The scale alleges the most painful sting is that of the bullet ant, which resides in rainforests in Honduras, Nicaragua and most of South America. Oh my gosh. What do executioner wasps eat? Executioner wasps feed on caterpillars and nectar. ly/BWchannel Buy Coyote’s NEW Book – http://bit. Many wasps that rate as 3 or 4 in pain delivery can be found in Texas. I have a feeling the worst stings are going to differ a bit from person to person. They have full rights to deliver a painful sting if their home is threatened. Most painful sting of any wasp in Australia besides the "Blue ant" (flower wasp species, females are wingless hence being called an "ant"). 0+ (greater than a bullet ant’s sting) on the Schmidt pain index. According to the video The Executioner Wasp wasn't called so because of it's sting but because it decapitate it's prey before taking the dead body to its children. The Executioner Wasp (Polistes carnifex) is native to central and south America. Executioner Wasp (Pain Level: 4. ly/ADVENTUREKIT Brave Wilde Jan 30, 2021 · See the Schmidt pain index here. Stings usually have less venom as compared to a bite. Add the fact that a sting from this wasp is enough to cause tissue necrosis in the sting site, and it’s no surprise that Coyote Peterson nicknamed it ‘executioner’ wasp. It’s got a very potent venom that actually has necrotic components to its venom, and it will actually cook a hole in your skin. Tarantula Hawk Wasp. Also, it is believed that when threatened, this wasp has the capability to deliver a painful sting of 4. He also describes each sting with evocative, even poetic, language. The Executioner wasp has no official ranking on the Schmidt pain index, but it is believed to rank a 2 or 3 out of 4. A tiny spark has singed a single hair on your arm. Schmidt, The stings of the Bullet Ant and the Executioner Wasp are among the most painful insect stings in the world, ranking high on the Schmidt Sting Pain Index. It is named for its powerful sting and deadly hunting tactics. The Executioner Wasp: A New Challenger Dec 21, 2016 · Quick note: seeing as pain is subjective, there's a bit of a tussle going on between the bullet ant and the warrior wasp for which has the most painful sting. Here is an ongoing ranking of the top 25 encounters that have caused Coyote the most pain. The wasp is native to Central and South America. A more accurate description would be that they sting badly. So, the most painful single sting has been something called an executioner wasp. Jan 12, 2023 · Nicknamed the King of Sting, the executioner wasp is considered the most venomous wasp in the world with the most painful sting of them all. Aug 9, 2024 · Texas Wasps With The Most Painful Stings. January 17, 2019 at 3:28 am The worst bite I experienced was that of the Centipede Mar 9, 2025 · Yes, the executioner wasp’s sting is considered one of the most painful and venomous in the world. Most assuredly worse than the common paper wasp. Sep 14, 2023 · The Sting of the Executioner Wasp. Black flower wasps (Scollidae) also pack a phenomenal punch and the pain can last for several minutes. Two of my most painful experiences of all time! Are you Team Executioner Wasp or Team Desert Centipede? Largest Wasp in the USA Stings Me! Coyote Peterson. The adults chew up their prey and roll the prey into balls. Also known as the Pepsis Wasp, this scary guy has Jan 17, 2023 · Surprisingly, the executioner wasps are not a very aggressive wasp species despite their excruciating sting. The most painful insect stings in the world belong to wasps, hornets, and ants. Keep in mind that there is a tribe in Costa Rica that puts dozens of bullet ants in gloves and takes the stings for 10 minutes a right of passage for manhood. Continue reading here Sep 4, 2024 · The tarantula hawk wasp boasts the most painful sting, as noted by Justin Schmidt’s Pain Index, which evaluates the intensity of insect stings on a scale of 0 to 4. This veritable maniac has made a living off of letting himself get stung by bullet ants, executioner wasps, vampire fish, piranhas, and a gang of other terrifying animals. Yet, rumors of a more painful sting that of the warrior wasp, haunted the comments of every video posted on the Brave Wilderness Nov 11, 2022 · Executioner wasps have found themselves in the spotlight, with adventure YouTuber Coyote Peterson demonstrating just how painful their stings are. Schmidt puts the warrior wasp at the top of his pain index , but gives both insects a pain level of 4, and while the warrior wasp might initially inflict worse pain than the bullet ant Mar 5, 2025 · Is the Executioner wasp worse than the bullet ant? The Executioner wasp (Synoeca septentrionalis) has been described by some, including wildlife expert Coyote Peterson, as having an even more painful sting than the bullet ant. These stings can be extremely painful and may cause an allergic reaction in some people. However, this has yet to be officially categorized on the Schmidt sting pain index. Oct 16, 2022 · Executioner Wasp vs Asian Giant Hornet: Sting Potency and Impact on Humans. Oct 13, 2023 · Part 1: Stings Executioner Wasp “The most painful thing that I have taken at this point as a singular sting is by something called an executioner wasp. Peterson had taken on a number of insects on the list, including the tarantula hawk, the warrior wasp and the velvet ant, but he agreed the bullet ant was the most painful. The executioner wasp’s sting is rated a three on the Schmidt pain index, but it starts to fade after about 15 minutes. These 15 YouTube videos are just some of his most painful adventures. The normal size is 24 Dec 23, 2018 · Please SUBSCRIBE - http://bit. Yet, rumors of a more painful sting that of the warrior wasp haunted the comments of every video posted on the Brave Wilderness Jan 18, 2021 · The Tarantula Hawk is considered to carry one of the world's most painful stings from an insect — the wasp stings are described as "immediate, excruciating, unrelenting pain that simply shuts down one's ability to do anything, except scream. Not only being the most painful, but most venomous sting in all of wasp-kind. What are the top 10 most painful insect stings? The wasp didn't even sting him until he forced him to. He was purposely acting to make the stings look more dramatic. Are Executioner Wasps Aggressive? Despite their painful sting, executioner wasps Apr 24, 2023 · This description is one of 78 entries of ant, bee, and wasp stings in his Pain Scale for Stinging Insects, widely referred to as the Schmidt Sting Pain Index. Ever wanted to know what a bullet ant sting feels like, without putting yourself through the pain? Wondering what’s worse, the sting of a fire ant or warrior wasp? You’ve come to the right place. Schmidt describes the pain as "pure, intense, brilliant pain". Does the executioner wasp have the worst sting. The top spot and winner of the most painful sting on the planet goes to the tarantula hawk wasp. Jan 13, 2025 · The executioner wasp’s sting is believed to be the most painful and venomous of the stinging insects in the world. The Sweat Bee, for example, which ranks as a one on the pain scale, feels “Light and ephemeral. In the process I got STUNG by a Bullet Ant and Executioner Wasp at the same exact time. Entomologist Justin Schmidt recorded his own experience of venomous stings, to rate and describe the pain caused by the venom of insects. The scale is anchored by the well-known sting of a honey bee (rating a two) — something people all over the world could be familiar with Jan 23, 2024 · The most painful sting of all is the bullet ant sting. Jan 26, 2021 · The sting from the Executioner Wasp is indeed no joke: the extremely painful and excruciating sting has been described as "Like ripping flesh off", as Peterson puts it. When the honor concerns the designation of insects that have the most painful stings, there are no awards or speeches given; there is only the desire to move away as quickly as possible from all the nominees. May 27, 2024 · The Executioner Wasp’s sting is believed to be the most painful and venomous in the world. ” The venom of this wasp also causes tissue necrosis around the site of the sting. Meanwhile, the velvet ant sting pain index, alongside the executioner wasp sting index, highlights some of North America’s most daunting insect encounters. Apr 25, 2023 · The index ranks stinging pain on a scale of 1 (red fire ant) to 4 (warrior wasp) and recounts Schmidt’s face-off with each insect with a poetic, and sometimes humorous, description. The Science Behind the Pain. Bee stings last about 8 minutes, and the pain was deeper On this episode, get ready to enter the STING ZONE again, and again, and AGAIN! We're taking you back through Coyote's painful, yet educational experience th Apr 9, 2023 · If you are stung by an Executioner wasp, seek medical attention right away. Luckily, this species of wasps aren´t very aggressive and will only rarely sting humans. ly/bravecrewofficialPlease SUBSCRIBE - http://bit. While the executioner wasp’s sting appears to reign supreme in the insect world in terms of agonizing pain, it is crucial to remember that many other animals, through various mechanisms, deliver incredibly Mar 4, 2025 · But is it truly the apex of sting-induced suffering? Recent discoveries suggest that the answer might be no. Whether you're dealing with aggressive colonies of social wasps or powerful Are you BRAVE and WILD?! Join the Brave Crew official club - http://bit. Mosquitoes, particularly Anopheles species, are notorious for disease transmission, contributing to their danger. The experience varies – some report excruciating pain lasting days, while others feel relief within an hour. While the Executioner wasp can be a scary sight in your backyard, knowing how to identify and deal with them can help keep you and your family safe. " (Oh gosh, it seriously makes us shudder just thinking about it!) Polistes carnifex, commonly known as the executioner wasp, is a neotropical vespid wasp in the cosmopolitan genus Polistes, known for its extremely painful and potent sting. When threatened, the Wasp delivers a potent sting ranked at level four (the highest level) on the Schmidt pain index. Schmitt described the Paper Wasp felt “like spilling a beaker of hydrochloric acid on a paper cut. You can see this demonstrated by Coyote Peterson on the Brave Wilderness YouTube channel. Coyote Peterson is a bit of a fraud though. be/YO- Nov 27, 2018 · Coyote has saved the best--or possibly the worst--for last, and he's finally ready to share his experience with the most painful sting in the world: the Executioner Wasp. Almost fruity. The venom is quite potent and can cause severe discomfort. They have what many consider to be one of the single most horrific stings a human can ever take. He has been stung by 150 different species over his career, making him an expert on which stings hurt the most. In essence, expect the pain to reach absurd intensities right from the get-go. Learn why its sting is so painful and its important rol Polistes carnifex, also known as the executioner wasp, is a neotropical vespid wasp in the cosmopolitan genus Polistes and is labeled as having the most painful sting out of all discovered insect species. Jul 5, 2021 · Paper wasps are often mistaken for bees, and their sting scores a 1. ” While not officially rated higher on the Schmidt Sting Pain Index (likely due to a lack of formal study), personal accounts, like that of Coyote Peterson, paint a harrowing picture. Polistes carnifex is the largest Neotropical wasp in the genus Polistes with a body length up to three centimetres. According to Nathaniel “Coyote” Peterson, the executioner wasp was the “king of sting. ” How painful is a sting from a executioner wasp? The executioner wasp's sting is believed to be the most painful and venomous of the stinging insects in the world. Jun 11, 2020 · The Paper Wasps are on our list of the most painful bites and stings for a reason. The executioner wasp is known for delivering one of the most painful stings of any wasp. Although generally not aggressive, wasps can sting repeatedly if their territory is disturbed, so these insects are worth avoiding. While the bullet ant remains a benchmark for extreme pain, the executioner wasp has emerged as a contender, potentially surpassing the bullet ant in sheer agonizing intensity. Remember, if you Armed with one of the most painful stings on the planet, tarantula hawks are a spider's worst nightmare. Jul 24, 2022 · 1. This is considered to be the wasp that packs the worst wallop. Coyote Peterson claims the Executioner Wasp is the most Painful sting which isn't tr Feb 11, 2025 · The wasp doesn’t sting often unless provoked, but if you happen to get too close, it won’t hesitate to remind you why it ranks among the most painful stings in the world. " The two creatures may be on the same general level of pain, but Peterson said the executioner definitely Here it is! The extended cut of our long awaited executioner wasp video! Supposedly one of the most painful stinging insects on earth, these wasps inhabit a Executioner Wasp. Bullet Ant Oct 15, 2023 · Coyote Peterson's videos showcase everything from executioner wasps to Asian giant hornets to alligators. Known for its sharp sting, this inch-long insect causes pain that some rank among the worst in the insect world. The scale is based on a thousand or so personal stings from over 80 insect groups, plus ratings by various Feb 6, 2025 · Living up to its ominous name, the executioner wasp (Polistes carnifex) has a sting that is rumored to be even more painful than that of the bullet ant, though fewer studies have documented it. It is a very large yellow and brown paper wasp with a mandible that contains teeth. A fear of insects - entomophobia -is relatively common among people, but for some spiders, stings really can be a matter of life or death. To answer these questions, we first needed a way to measure pain – so, I invented the insect pain scale. The venom injected into its prey consists of neurotoxins that paralyze the victim, allowing the wasp to immobilize and carry it to its lair. How do the stings of the Executioner Wasp and the Bullet Ant compare to other insect stings? The stings of these insects have been described as some of the most painful in the insect world, with the Bullet Ant sting often likened to being shot by a bullet. The tarrantula hawk got a 4 (highest number of the index) but so did the velvet ant, warrior wasp and executoner wasp and they are more painfull. The executioner wasp's sting is believed to be the most painful and venomous of the stinging insects in the world. Sep 19, 2017 · It's a four-point system, with a four being most painful. But when you compound stings, that means taking more than one sting at once, it escalates that venom yield very quickly. The Executioner Wasp – Worse Than a Bullet Ant? Shutterstock Nov 3, 2016 · Paper Wasp. A Warrior Wasp’s stinger Hailed as the most painful sting in the world, I had survived the Bullet Ant Challenge. The Executioner Wasp is number one," Peterson said. In fact, this wasp species has one of the most painful stings out of all insects in the world. The executioner wasp was originally not on the Schmidt pain index, but many have proposed adding it on at the same level as the tarantula hawk. Justin Schmidt. ” Oct 6, 2018 · The Executioner Wasp has the most painful sting in the world. 1. Regardless, the sting is definitely very painful, and seems to be one of the top-ranking stings by anyone who’s tried it. Those red wasps, as well as most other paper wasps, were given a throbbing three on the pain index. Later in his research career, Schmidt developed a pain index, now called the Schmidt Pain Index, that helps to compare the pain of various insect stings of different kinds of wasps. ly/BWchannel Buy Coyote’s NEW Book Jan 31, 2025 · Executioner wasps are known to be aggressive when their nest is threatened, and their stings can be extremely painful. And May 5, 2020 · "If you can believe it, that's only the second most painful sting in the insect kingdom. The sting of the executioner wasp is the most painful sting in the insect kingdom. The top painfull wasp sting is the executioner wasp on place There is also somewhere the warrior wasp in the top 3. The sting of the Executioner wasp is notorious for its intense pain. The bullet ant bite is 30 times worse than a bee sting and has been compared to a gunshot wound, hence the name. They then bring the prey balls back to their nests to feed 2 days ago · The executioner wasp (Polistes carnifex), a large wasp found in Central and South America, is emerging as a contender for the title of “most painful sting. The YouTube personality and wildlife educator Nathaniel "Coyote" Peterson has deliberately exposed himself to a variety of stinging insects for entertainment and educational purposes, and declared that the executioner wasp's sting is the most painful he has ever received, more painful than that of the bullet ant or the Asian giant hornet. mnscy rotktp kexvb kflk fipkjxs caivn figxmvm artgyve aznp leza wutrs oxz mtazq xbjldor mcwkfo