Datastore is showing inactive vmware. Related topics Topic Replies .
Datastore is showing inactive vmware Unpresented from Storage. I opted to reset it through the console, which it got to 95% then stalled. Funny thing is that it is still browsable. Upon reboot I noticed connection to the Internet was down. I restarted my machine and then it came back to normal. 0, 7967664. Mar 15, 2024 · In VMware vSphere, you can use an iSCSI disk as a shared datastore for your ESXi hosts. 0,为了更有效的利用服务器的硬盘空间。就把所有的镜像文件存放到另外一台linux服务器上,这样在使用vsphere安装虚拟机时可以直接使用linux服务器上的镜像文件,从而到达节省ESXi硬盘的空间的好处。 Nov 7, 2023 · The inaccessible datastore removed itself from the list! Going back into the VCDB tool, I also verified there are no other datastores attached with id of 15. i have tried rescaning datastores but my skills on this are a bit limited. 0, vCenter 6. I checked, it was mounted and on mounting again it was showing successful mounting. 06. - I have tried to unmount the datastores but the option is grayed out. Sep 26, 2013 · Datastore showing as inactive in Vmware Hello, I am using a local USB drive to host some ISO files but ever since I unplugged the drive from the server (for cable cleanup), plugged it back in. Strange! So, I look in the storage inventory, and the datastore is marked as inactive. Storage I/O Control (SIOC) wasn’t enabled on the datastore. In vCenter. So, in summary – if there’s ever a situation where there’s an inaccessible datastore, the datastore (ds_id) must not have any associated entities (entity_id) in the vSphere DB. I got VMWare production support on the phone at Aug 9, 2011 · Connecting directly to the ESX host does not show these ‘inactive’ nfs datastores. Moved all Vm to another datastore. One of them: 64gb Samsung 830 is a bit long in the tooth, but passes all SMART tests (both locally and using another mobo). Starwind is certified with the latest VMware ESXi versions. sh restart" then check the host again, see if the datastore has disappeared. What I did; Rescanned all datastore multiple times --- no luck Oct 20, 2007 · Foren-Übersicht Eingestellte VMware-Produkte VMware auf dem Server vSphere / ESX / ESXi ESX 3 & ESXi 3 datastore inactive Hilfe bei Problemen mit Installation & Benutzung des VMware ESX/ESXi Server 3. I tried expand but no go. I've patched one of the hosts. This just restarts the management agents on your host, and will have no affect on running VMs. The datastore is not part of a datastore cluster. 本文首发于烂泥行天下。 公司服务器的虚拟化使用的是VM ESXi 5. I’ve seen articles discussing this. Nov 1, 2018 · Hi, We are using vCenter 6. 5 Aug 13, 2012 · I hadn't yet created the vmware storage policy. Then I rebooted. Delete from inventory the missed out template. 1 U1 build Mar 8, 2019 · There was no files, snapshots or templates. Your datastore is a local transport type (such as Block or Parallel) and you are attempting to extend it with a datastore of a shareable transport type (such as Fibre Channel or iSCSI), or vice Apr 4, 2024 · Hi Team, We are monitoring VMWare ESXI Hosts, and we can see datastore information under the ESXI host page, but is there a way to set up an alert if the datastore connectivity is lost. It is only used for the CD/DVD drives because it I have been trying to figure this one out for the better part of 2 days now. I removed from inventory all the vm's hosted on the datastore with the problem but wasnt able to remove it still. 6 TB, are offline and unmounted from the esx hosts. vmware is pointing to an apd situation that needs to be resolved at the storage array/fabric layer. First time on 15th December,2020. describes virtualized and software-defined storage technologies that VMware ESXi ™ and VMware vCenter Server ® offer, and explains how to configure and use these technologies. The other datastores (same server) were fine. I'm thinking that this is some sort of ghost or that the inactive is showing since I broke the second connection, but I need to understand what's going on before I move forward with my new storage and new servers. Detached LUn from each ESXi. Jul 9, 2014 · When I booted my host up, all the VM’s show as inaccessible and the host says there’s no datastores configured. 1. The other doesn't show in the GUI at all. Jun 14, 2012 · some of the datastores are (inactive) so maybe that is what is causing it Not sure why it is nt showing the datacenter. EsxI 6. esxcfg-nas –l within TSM/SC on the ESX host does not show these ‘inactive’ datastores. Thanks, @nickwillson5509 @rick-vmware @darren-for-vmware Aug 9, 2022 · If I disconnect and reconnect the node, all of the datastores do show up. The solution that let me use it was to set the controller into IT mode, passthrough to Starwinds SAN & NAS VM, create RAID1 and expose it to ESXi as an iSCSI datastore. A quick check would be to ssh to one of the hosts and run "services. Unmounted datastore. On a 447GB datastore you may also create, for example, 3 thin provisioned vmdk's. - The VMs are I have 2 datastores showing inactive under datastores and datastore clusters. View the list of the NFS volumes available on the VMware ESXi host: # esxcli storage nfs list Sep 9, 2014 · Using Vsphere 5. I first did a rescan of the HBAs and VMFS volumes, which removed some of the datastores, but now I have a couple that refuse to me moved. Jun 7, 2019 · Hi all,After updating ESX Host to VMware ESXi, 6. I’m looking into this now and have logged a support call with VMware. Jul 17, 2015 · Hi Guys I hope you can help. 7 / Vcenter 6. May 19, 2016 · While covering for a colleague at one of our clients, I noticed that one of the datastores was showing as inactive on one of the hosts (ESXi 5. i can see the lun under storage adapters. The storage devices show a “not consumed” in the Datastore tab of the view. Oct 15, 2016 · ESXi is installed and repartitions Disk 1 for itself, with the remaining space being made into a VMFS datastore. This seems to help vCenter resolve the display issue. I’m Apr 26, 2011 · vmware, question. I currently have the same behavior on all three esxi hosts: under configuration - storage adapters the ISCSI path is is active. When the disk is full, it's full. - The storage devices that are attached to are showing 'Dead or Error" as the status. Oct 13, 2024 · Multiple VMware ESXi hosts managed by VMware vCenter can see a datastore but the extent candidate is visible only on some of the hosts, rather than all. Problem is I can’t seem to bring up the datastores on the new host. . Oct 9, 2014 · I had to take a Dell host down today for some maintenance, and in the process I pulled the hard drives from the PERC controller, and later imported them as a “foreign” config. Anyway, after 30-40min, the server reboot, and everything is running fine. 5 U1 and Veeam 9. I have a third datastore on the same server that loads correctly. The VM does not have any disks attached to this inactive datastore. Since Last 15 days I am getting a strange issue. May 15, 2015 · I have a VMware cluster that I have unhooked an unused fiberchannel SAN from, and now I am trying to remove the old datastores that were on that SAN from the cluster. Jul 3, 2016 · Datastore1 shows inactive, yet I can browse it, I can see the VM running on it and the VM is up and working as expected. May 14, 2014 · I have only the ONE datastore that uses the DNS hostname. You say "showing offline and online". Mar 12, 2024 · In order to properly remove the inactive NFS storage from the ESXi host, you will need to connect to the console of the ESXi host server using SSH (How to enable SSH on VMware ESXi). Current environment is a cluster of 5 esx hosts and several datastores. Apr 27, 2011 · I left site at 3am this morning and when I arrived back at 08:30 this morning the datastores were visible again. Jun 21, 2018 · We use Vmware ESXi 5. Mar 19, 2014 · I think if you follow the steps in the opposite order as they were posted, you should be able to find out what your problem is. It shows all the correct paths/targets/devices on the adaptor level. In the adaptor list i see that the status of vmhba0 is unknown - vmw_ahci. But you won't have any issues regarding corrupting data. Sep 14, 2009 · hi guys, how can i remove an inactive datastore, currently the datastore has 2 templates in it. I am not able to access the files to delete any unnecessary data. Aug 18, 2017 · I've had the same problem recently. Nov 28, 2011 · Went to Datastores view in vCenter, and saw the datastore still listed there but had “(inactive)” next to it’s name. Under Inventory, Datastores for that inactive datastore, I select the Summary tab, then under General it says "Virtual Machines and Templates: 1". This wasn’t an Orphaned Datastore, the Delete Datastore option wasn’t grayed out, it just didn Apr 26, 2011 · Yes tried that. However, on the commandline: Dec 16, 2012 · It shows datastores but 1 datastore is showing as inactive and is greyed out (Please check attachment). Resolution: Disconnect ESX host from vCenter; Connect ESX host to vCenter. [missed step] delete datastore. The datastores show up under devices as mounted. Mar 8, 2019 · There was no files, snapshots or templates. rescan/refresh didnt work. 7 - Migrate VMs via vMotion (rename VM files) ", when you rename a virtual machine, the name We had a failure in 1 of our datastores and as a result the entire raid needed to be rebuilt and NFS shares recreated, i have the NAS back online using the same share names and permission as it had previously but the datastore is marked as inactive in vSphere. 删除vSphere中DataStore(inactive)非活动存储 问题描述: vSphere环境中存储状态显示为inactive(非活动),这种状态下无法对该存储进行删除操作。 原因分析: 主要是因为该存储已经损坏或被删除,在底层已经不存在造成的。 Dec 24, 2020 · Hi, I am using Vmware 7. Feb 2, 2021 · In my research I came across an article that said storage problems can make a host show Not Responding so it kind of made sense In my mind. At C:\locateisos. All options at this point were greyed out and it took about 45 minutes for the operation to time out. We have 12 physical hosts in our VSphere site, and for some reason, ( I havent got to the bottom of that yet !!) the HDD in 2 of the physical hosts is showing as Inactive, so the Host itself is showing as Not Responding. I am not sure what happened but all the sudden last week it started showing up like this which also means I can not add anything to the datastore. Jul 5, 2010 · I removed the VMs from the inventory and recreated the VM by pointing to the good datastores. I’m I have been trying to figure this one out for the better part of 2 days now. If you don’t have that, can you restore the VM to another datastore then simply remove the invalid one from the inventory view, option 3, call VMware. I am not highly familiar with VMWare networking and storage, learning more as I troubleshoot this inherited configuration, but the two VSA appliances are still accessible in VSphere, both containing ~3. 10000 Build 5973321 with physical host running VMware ESXi, 6. Have two volumes on a datastore on ESXi 5. at the same time other ESXi hosts which are at 5. Please suggest me the way of deleting it? I do not want to connect the old SAN back. My situation is that I was tasked with building a 2012 File server. Data collection seemed to be getting worse over time with different datastores dropping off or showing more gaps, but now no datastores show info. Just get a black screen with solid cursor on both VM’s we’ve tried. 5 TB, just the datastore mounts inside them, each ~1. Both datastores show up and connect fine to the clustered servers. This does not happen every time but does about 75% of the time. 2018 one Datastore become Inactive (unmounted). Aug 20, 2024 · What is an inaccessible datastore? An inaccessible datastore is one that is pretty intuitive in what it is. Preliminary research shows they might are viewed as a snapshot now This is all fine now. Intended Audience This information is for experienced system administrators who are familiar with the virtual machine and storage virtualization technologies, data Mar 25, 2015 · After updating ESXI 5. Have you done both? Usually you re-scan the adapter first, then refresh the storage in the datastore view. I need to patch the ESXi host, so I shut down all the VM guests, then reboot the host. 1 U1, can see those Datastores which are showing as inactive on this problematic Host. These is an iSCSI connection to my SAN with two datastores (VM Storage and SSD Storage). No connected and accessible host is attached to this datastore. 5, around a month ago my colleague updated Veeam with the describes virtualized and software-defined storage technologies that VMware ESXi ™ and VMware vCenter Server ® offer, and explains how to configure and use these technologies. thank Nov 4, 2019 · I have 6 ESXI hosts that are all up and running. Also when I right click on the Datastore to Refresh this option is also greyed out. Then, if they seem to both be OK, I would follow Justin’s advice to power off the VM, remove it Mar 12, 2021 · 5763ec18-508b8854-2a6c-54a050875d6d is the datastore that's is not showing up. I tried restarting the management agents from the hosts and from ssh. Today, also I experienced the same issue 1 day ago · You add the new datastore, then place the old datastore on maintenance so that the data is automatically migrated to the new datastore. I rescanned as soon as te RAID set came back to life and the first datastore came back but the other two remain greyed out and inactive. 0 free/size after power loss (NVMe SSD Drive) Help Request After a power loss, my NVMe drive seems to have died, I was wondering if the drive is dead, or how I can confirm if its corrupt. When I look at the Virtual machines tab of the Datastore, it shows that 1 VM and 1 Template use the Datastore. The DNS and IP haven’t changed and I can still access the root account with the same password, this issue happened directly after restarting the server (The server stopped responding and wasn’t coming back up so it had to be restarted via long press on Oct 13, 2021 · Hi All Hopefully I can get all the relevant information in here. The datastore is fine on remaining other esxi 4. I’m concerned that the VMs are running blind and will think they’re out of space soon and start failing. When it comes back online, all the VMs show as inaccessible in the vCenter inventory. But, the storage was 0 due to which my entire server was down. Local SATA SSD datastore went "inactive/unknown" twice. I strongly suggest you call VMware Support. Step3: Validate if the datastore is used as HA Heartbeat Datastore Step4: Login to all the hosts via IP or FQDN and see if any host has assess to that datastore. I have a datastore on ESXi that just shows 0 GB out of 0 GB free. In the datstores view if I select the DS in question, nothing loads in the Hosts tab. It shows that there is still a VM attached to it. Now datastores are inaccessible and I cant delete it. How do I go about removing it? ESXi 6. Mar 8, 2013 · Now comes the strange part. iso | Select Name,FolderPath. Nov 28, 2020 · Thick provision means you actually allocate the storage on a Datastore. 1 when using Interrupt Remappi… Nov 30, 2022 · The procedure I followed is I disabled Mapping for this LUN from SAN and then expanded it successfully. Oct 18, 2020 · Hello Guys, I migrate to new SAN and disconnect the old SAN before deleting the datastores. Scanned/refreshed datastore/Target in esxi host but still no good luck. Highlighted the datastore and looked at it’s summary (see screenshot below for example) and saw 2 x ESX hosts still showing as connected to it. 5 Express Patch 10, 3568722) After rescanning the hosts, and then trying to unmount the datastore it had become clear that it was an issue with a single Aug 12, 2018 · I am able to access the iSCSI datastore, all of my Virtual Machines are operational with any issue, my iSCSI datastore is showing as inactive but its status is showing normal. We are using HP storage for datastore. Nov 10, 2017 · I have removed a vsphere host , but its local datastorage still listed in vcenter, showing inactive status,when I want to remove it,The Options are grayed, how In consequence a volume in the main pool of the SAN is reporting offline - this volume is setup as a datastore in VMware, which at this time is reporting as "Inactive" in VMware; That inactive datastore has a VM required for TSM backups that is not powering on due to issues with missing storage space. Thus the dependency on name resolution is not satisfied and the named datastore is not mounted. Jan 9, 2017 · I missed steps to remove a datastore. Jul 12, 2013 · I think you're exactly right in your thinking on what happened - the new, empty ones just showed up because the remove triggered a rescan. Dec 16, 2010 · Hello, One of ESXi hosts showing "not responding" in vCenter, all VMs on it are "disconnected", it appears the two local datastores are "inactive", but I can still SSH to the hosts, and both local datastores are mounted and browsable. Oct 13, 2021 · Hi All Hopefully I can get all the relevant information in here. I have removed it from each of my ESXi hosts but it will not let me delete it from the Storage section of vCenter. Intended Audience This information is for experienced system administrators who are familiar with the virtual machine and storage virtualization technologies, data Mar 21, 2017 · It seems like the config (the vmx file) is also on that datastore. While verifying everything was back to normal I notice the datastore has a red No symbol on it with (inaccessible) appended to the name. 1 we have an ISO Datastore that points to a NAS that we want to decommission. They eventually fixed it with a firmware update to keep it from happening. I rebooted all of the hosts from the console as well and so I was going to try and remove the VMs from inventory and re-add them but from vsphere, when logged into a host (using root), the datastores are greyed out and if Aug 5, 2018 · While I was doing some cleanup to install a new firewall for a customer, I decided to give their ESXi 5. Bingo! All the datastores came up no problem. 0 that our SAN Datastore are showing inactive. Jul 7, 2010 · Re: VeeamBackup Datastore inactive Post by Vitaliy S. My host is a Lenovo TS440 and I have 2 SSD's as datastores connected direct to mobo, no HBA. Jan 10, 2017 · The datastore was showing inactive. In fact, the datastores show 0 B of capacity. 0,1918656 and Hitachi AMS2100 fot datastores. Initial setup of server went without a hitch, carved out 550 Gb of Mar 8, 2017 · I have a data store in ESXi that’s marked as inactive. I have tried migrating the VM disks and compute around to different storage nodes and hosts and it moves around Swapped in eight new HDD's and created a RAID50 array out of it using LSI MegaRAID software without having to bring the host down. It will show up in italics compared to the others, and it will have the (inaccessible) designation next Feb 2, 2016 · I run VMWare on 3 hosts, with local storage on each. however the former datastore, which doesn't show up in the vSphere Client does show up in the web client as "inactive". 5 host a reboot. 1 GA and 5. Aug 4, 2020 · Two of these servers are setup in a cluster. show post in topic. Jul 9, 2018 · Hi On our datastores within vSphere I have noticed we have two datastores VeeamBackup_IT-VEEAM-MH & VeeamBackup_IT-VEEAM-RH - both are showing as inactive - I have never really noticed these before and am unsure how long they have been there so don't know if they are supposed to be there or not - we are running VMware 6. Although it was showing correct lun size after resizing and rescanning HBAs, something was wrong with it. iSCSI Target is Synology RS812RP+Any ide Products Applications Oct 29, 2018 · May i should start from somewhere else: We have trouble with the VM and Datastore since some time: First we tried to extend the Datastore which didnt worked (but it worked fine with another similair Datastore) and then we wanted to rescue the VM and correspending Datastore which wasnt possible too (not enough space to start the VM). State=Available and . But now the datastore started to show 0Byte available/free/in use. These are all local NVMe/SATA/SAS datastores and one NFS share. So on a 447GB DS you may for example create one vmdk that is 400GB thick provisioned. there are active VMs (VMDKs) on these datastores Aug 31, 2014 · Hi Jhmac, Check this KB article,Your SCSI code matches with this KB article. It originates from a host that’s no longer part of vCenter, so I’d like to remove it, but am unable as the “Delete datastore” option is grayed out. Apr 26, 2011 · There is both a re-scan and storage refresh in the datastore view. It is greyed out & reads Templates (inactive) If I go into the Configuration Tab for each host, it is not listed in the Storage or the Storage Adapters sections. Jan 23, 2017 · Step1: Validate if any ISO / Template resides in that Datastore Step2: Validate if the datastore is used by any host as Swap Datastore. It is a 1TB drive that has 5 VMs and disks on it. All of the VMs are showing as unknown and inaccessible. This wasn’t an Orphaned Datastore, the Delete Datastore option wasn’t grayed out, it just didn Data collection seemed to be getting worse over time with different datastores dropping off or showing more gaps, but now no datastores show info. Access via SSH to delete the datastore from there, but these two datastores were not listed. 1 and 5. I can now browse them and see all the VM files however we can’t start the VM’s. [missed Step] Move/delete template. 5, it doesn’t see any datastores. i am using iscsi. Then when going to the local datastore it was mounted, but the folders for the two VM’s were no longer Mar 17, 2014 · Hello all, First off I’m a n00b in regards to VM, more or less I’m crash coursing myself into the the world of VM, so my knowledge and terminology may be limited if not non existent. VMs are created on this datastore and run fine (as expected), until something happens and this storage becomes unusable by ESXi (leaving the VMs on it greyed-out). - The path is also showing dead as well. Feb 11, 2016 · How to quickly remount NFS datastores that are showing as inactive within the vSphere Client. Found this out by trying to create new datastore using just added lun space. In datastores they are If it's just a few, this will still show the datastore in the vCenter under your datacenter object. 1 hosts. However, using powercli to check the attributes of the datastore show . Nov 25, 2024 · If you lost a Network File System (NFS) datastore, or the NFS datastore suddenly becomes inaccessible, shutting down the connected VMs to unmount them from the datastore won’t help, here are some troubleshooting steps that could help. Analyis : the datastore mounts occur before the network with the dns server network comes up. Your datastore is a local transport type (such as Block or Parallel) and you are attempting to extend it with a datastore of a shareable transport type (such as Fibre Channel or iSCSI), or vice Reminds me of a Dell perc controller bug I encountered several years ago where it had the meta data encryption enabled by default and would randomly self destruct resulting in the vmdk’s showing 0 bytes and complete data loss. These are two competing states, so what exactly are we seeing here? Feel free to post screenshots demonstrating what you see in your own environment. 1 GA Host to Update 3, some of the Datastores are showing as inactive (unmounted). Opened a ticket with vmware and cisco and they are both pointing at each other. Host has 12G SAS modular RAID controller attached to it. Both datastores reside on the same NAS. Dec 4, 2015 · I have an NFS datastore that is no longer active. Al drive are up. A VM went “offline” last evening, opening the console showed a blank screen. The VMs booted up fine. I can do Add Storage and add the datastores manually, but after a reboot they are gone again. When I boot ESXi 5. Jan 15, 2013 · If the LUN is being used as a VMFS datastore, all objects (such as virtual machines, snapshots, and templates) stored on the VMFS datastore are unregistered or moved to another datastore. x and ESXi/ESX 4. Only 1 hosts affected. 5. VMware KB: vHBAs and other PCI devices may stop responding in ESXi 5. It might be simpler to fix the datastore and have the machine power back up. Trying to unmount datastore but unmount option is not available in the menu. In this article, we’ll look at how to add an iSCSI LUN to a VMWare ESXi host and create a shared VMFS datastore on it. I’ve backed up the data, and I want to unmount the store. If anyone has any suggestions here, I’d be most 删除vSphere中DataStore(inactive)非活动存储 问题描述: vSphere环境中存储状态显示为inactive(非活动),这种状态下无法对该存储进行删除操作。 原因分析: 主要是因为该存储已经损坏或被删除,在底层已经不存在造成的。 Feb 26, 2020 · The datastore appears and now has the correct, new certificate validity period showing. ps1:2 char:1 Datastore showing 0. Jun 7, 2018 · We are facing one problem in vSphere 5. VMWare vSphere PowerCLI 4. One host in a cluster caused the problem. An ESXi host accesses iSCSI storage over your local network using the TCP protocol. Expanding Volum/LUN and expanding a datastore in VMware(Vsphere) causes out of space condition, not able to online datastore and several virtual machines not responsive but show powered on after resolving space issue; VMware GUI shows status "Error,Unknown" df -h from ESXi cli shows 0 B Size 0 B Used 0 B Available Sep 16, 2022 · For all 3 datastores it is showing that there is 0 space available. The datastore become inactive always during the night. In an attempt to delete the datastore, I tried these steps. The standalone server connects to the VM Storage datastore, but not the SSD Storage datastore. I found my datastore showing 0 storage. I found some problems with disk on AMS2100. Related topics Topic Replies Datastore Inactive - VM Not Working. Please Help me understand the problem and give possible solutions for it. From time to time, we are seeing that some datastores are becoming inactive / inaccessible. Since the DC is on that host I remoted into it and noticed the 2 VM’s stating what I listed in the topic. I was able to create a datastore from the new RAID I created, and it shows up fine, but the one that was already in there is with all my VM’s is marked as inaccessible in the Datastores and Dataclusters. I ran through the same process on the other 3Par and it completed all ok I then noticed that the vVol datastore on the first 3Par was showing 0 bytes whereas on the second 3Par it was showing the size of >80TB (the capacity of the 3Par). One is at the Storage Adapter level and the other at the datastore level. It happend after I had removed iSCSI targets from Windows but and added new target after some time. Indeed, as explained in our tutorial " VMware vSphere 6. On 18. rename the files of virtual machines present on a datastore. All other hosts can see it though. If yes, remove them and it should refect in vCenter Oct 1, 2014 · I currently have an NFS datastore that is down (by virtue of a switch reboot), showing up in the vsphere client as greyed out , italicized, prepended with "(inactive) (unmounted)". Feb 9, 2018 · When a datastore is marked as 'Inactive', instead of the script continuing, it is halting on the inaccessible datastore. All other charts are still perfect. Accessible=True. When i click on new datastore (without confirming) , the disks are showing of the missing datastore. Your host has lost connection to the datastore, so following Kdmitchell27’s post first to make sure that both the NAS and host’s configuration and hardware are OK. dir vmstores:\ -Recurse -include *. » Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:48 pm this post Yes, VeeamBackup datastore is created automatically on the repository you're exposing VM backups from, unmount operation should be sufficient if you want to clean everything after migration. There are VM’s that were running on each of these hosts are showing as Jun 28, 2012 · The greyout on the datastore name is in the datastore View of the Vsphere client. 1 day ago · You add the new datastore, then place the old datastore on maintenance so that the data is automatically migrated to the new datastore. Thanx for the help, Danny Oct 13, 2024 · Multiple VMware ESXi hosts managed by VMware vCenter can see a datastore but the extent candidate is visible only on some of the hosts, rather than all. But when I go look at the settings of the VM, it is not pointing to the Datastore. 0. I am finding out about VSphere etc the hard way at the moment. 0, 13635690 my iSCSI Datastore is inactive and VM´s are inaccessable. However, the master host has 1 datastore showing as inactive on storage view. Note: All CD/DVD images located on the VMFS datastore must also be unregistered from the virtual machines. Any ideas? Have 5 hosts running vSphere 5 and connected to 5 FC LUNs. You can see in the image below, that an inaccessible datastore is one that is noted that way in the storage tab in the vSphere client. Virtualization. On the GUI, one shows up greyed out and the word "(inactive)". VMware is now showing the datastore as "Inactive". 7 I added a new host today to the cluster and everything appears to be ok so far. But i still can't delete that inactive datastore that has been giving me trouble. dir : Datastore 'vmrepo1-rep1' is not accessible. ). If the old datastore was showing as grayed out/italic text, then it was disconnected -- removing that wouldn't have any impact on other LUNs, and certainly wouldn't format anything back to a fresh VMFS partition. All is well I can see the new storage and all and it's the proper size, etc. I haven't explored shared storage yet. May 18, 2011 · The only solution I have found is to restart the host (Which takes 30-40min, as it's trying to save the state of the VM, but seem's he can't, as the datastore is inactive. axc mxzf csncza tbzm qlvh akcenlv isp htaxn hstz buazd bzu alnhzq gvemi ryuwqw hoq