Coolant in oil 2 stroke No signs of leaks at any hoses. it was rainin and the ground was a May 27, 2020 · A four-stroke engine employs a reservoir of oil, a filter, pump, and oil galleries to move oil around and lube the inside of the engine. Unfortunaly this didn't fix it as I assume the rotary valve shaft is wore at the sealing surface. A 2 stroke, as you know, does lubrication a little differently. what to do? Oct 12, 2014 · Coolant and oil can get together in the oil cooler. Your problem is either water pump seals, which would also cause a visible leak from the weep hole onto the ground, or the transfer port in the clutch cover. this sounds very probable, as there is a slight drip from somewhere on this bike, it pretty much leaked like a quart sitting on the stand in my garage of all coolant/water, it was not oil or very very little because i was able to wipe it up Dec 31, 2007 · What's more, oil has very, VERY diminished oiling ability mixed with coolant. Deleting the EGR cooler and changing the oil cooler. recently noticed that oil was in the coolant, what are all the possible problems that can cause this? how common is this? after a weekend i drained the coolant and put 400 miles on the truck. i Mar 1, 2019 · Hi, new here so hope this is in right place. It was only started to move the truck 10 - 15 feet, not driven on the road at all. 0. Best Coolant for 2 Stroke. If it is not flowing fast enough, loosen or remove the radiator cap and the flow will increas. 1 post Nov 14, 2023 · The seals do go out and you can get oil and coolant mixing. Feb 20, 2015 · Okay I was wrong. So my engine gaskets. Less than 20K miles on that cooler. Those keep the coolant from the oil. Apr 4, 2013 · Hi guys, My first post here. You show some signs of a oil cooler issue but you say no signs of overheating. Disassembled the EGR cooler and intake. Now it's crank no start with weird clicking. Does the pressure cause it to blow by Oct 29, 2021 · What kind of coolant do you put in a 2 stroke dirt bike? Which is better oil cooled or air cooled? Pros: Liquid cooled engines run cooler, can maintain high May 12, 2009 · Yesterday, we rode the exact same slow wash with Two 2 Cool RTL-2 two stroke trans oil and Two 2 Cool Pro-G Coolant (not on the website, you need to call to order) installed in the 300's. No more coolant in oil, no more coolant leak. 3, just over 245k miles on it. 0L. Nov 26, 2012 · Pull the thermostat. Oct 20, 2007 · happening right after a service is probably just coincidental like 460 said , its very rare for a head gasket to blow on a 7. I can sometimes hear a squealing noise also. on the 450's 500's there's only one seal and its a double sided seal, oil pressure is higher than water pressure, and the oil wins out. Oct 7, 2012 · 97 f250 7. 3L Power Stroke Diesel - 7. 0L Power Stroke Diesel - Coolant in oil - 2004 6. Coolant looks ok. So we could see the delta a 15 deg. 5M Dec 13, 2016 · -for coolant, regular automotive coolant mixed 50/50 with distilled/deionized water (also found at W-M) (important if your region has hard / high mineral content water) avoid Dexcool type coolants, type G-05 or regular green coolant are good choices but harder to find. Drain a couple gallons from the radiator, then fill with 2 gallons of simple green. I know a bad water/oil seal would let the coolant into the crankcase, but how is it getting into the cylinder? Oct 15, 2012 · 08 F350 cc/sb 4X4 h&s minimaxx, 5" flo pro, 4" down pipe, no limit cold air intake, dirty diesel EGR delete with intake elbow, 6. Oct 14, 2014 · 2000 Ford F250 Powerstroke 4x4 c/c 6speed, 278k on truck and 207k on 96 engine all cylinders blew 400 psi, melling lpop, comp springs shimmed, smith brother push rods, 238/100% Hybrids by Rosewood, 38r/ww2, Strictly Diesel Reg Return, Strictly Diesel post and pre fuel filters, AFE - Straight Piped, Hydra with PHP tunes, Srp 1. The best that I can tell is that the problem has to be the seal by the water coolant impeller. The 50/50 will lubricate internals better and have a higher boiling point if you aren't moving all the time. Primary cooling system empty. Stock tune on it. Jun 20, 2014 · Put the oil cooler back on and pressure test the system. Check your owners manual to be sure. I saw that a seal on the pump was placed a bit wrong. 5M posts 112K members Since 2007 A forum community May 19, 2019 · Guys, I have oil in my coolant. Since I bought it, I rode it for 5 mins max, up and down the street. It had oil leaking out of the passenger side head at the mating surface. Mar 27, 2023 · I have coolant getting into the 2 stroke oil reservoir on my 97 Skidoo Formula 500. Mar 15, 2013 · I have not heard of an oil cooler issue causing coolant in the oil in a 6. I've ordered 2 new waterpump seals/gaskets and top end gasket kit from Athena so I will start with the water pump seal replacement. Previous owner said he replaced the oil cooler. chrism15. bas0827 Discussion starter. Whether you’re riding a 4-stroke or a 2-stroke, it’s vital to keep the engine operating at an optimal temperature. Apr 9, 2009 · There is no way water from a failed head gasket could get into the transmission oil of a 2-stroke. but its in the bottom end where the coolant passages are. If you have oil in your coolant its o-ring or base gasket. 2-Stroke Oil (24) Golden Spectro and new air filters are the key to keeping your 2 Mar 28, 2012 · Just another newbie question 1995 Cr250 Just wondering what type of coolant to run? can you use a normal 50/50 mix automotive coolant or is there a certain kind? One more question: Clutch feels real grabby or bites real hard. I think the turbo is finally good again. It doesn't have a greenish color to it. View Profile View Forum Posts Feb 16, 2024 · I got a studded 2006 F250 6. I'm not sure if I didn't put it in correctly or if something else is going on. We pulled off the water pump cover and unscrewed the screw that holds the impeller Jan 24, 2009 · 2. Always refer to your engine’s manual for the exact ratio. Top off and check oil color and coolant level after each ride. Feb 20, 2012 · So I drained the oil and took off the oil filter before I did the injector cup install so the oil wouldn't get contaminated. 1, ! Nov 29, 2009 · I tried doing a search but didnt come up with anything, but i think i have a major problem, 2001 7. Aug 1, 2013 · Noticed oil in coolant. The oil was white/milky so I took off the clutch cover and the pump. Coolant system has no evidence of oil or fuel. I have seen the case of blown water pump seals causing the oil to come out milky in color/texture. I had it towed to the house to work on. Nov 13, 2007 · Yeah its a very easy fix, make sure to put fresh oil in and let it run for about an hour, then change the oil again. I'm sure the slow start was due to the massive weight of the oil after mixing with the coolant. The case oil was super dark. I bought the truck running, but not well. It's better to run an engine with coolant in your oil than with no oil, but not MUCH better. By MxWrench91, July 11, 2011 in Suzuki 2 Jan 11, 2016 · bad head gaskets put compression in water. Makes it like thick coffee. There is no possible path for coolant to get into the gear case oil through the head gasket, so this is not your problem. May 12, 2017 · In the transmission you don't have to be too fussy. When a Kawi fails, there is no weep hole and the coolant goes into oil. How i can tell if gasket is blown without any tools is too look at resivor tank and see if it has swollen and if it has it will be swollen at top i mean the whole top will swell soo bad it will be touching the metal of the truck on top even when cold. The truck is a 2006 with 276k on the clock, I just recently (within the last 5k) did head gaskets (2nd time) oil cooler, along with a restore and restore plus coolant flush and added a coolant filter after everything went back together. So question, the coolant level is a tad low in the tank, not dangerous just not perfect. Had a cracked cup and 2 bad orings. These useually go hand in hand. I run the red 80w bel ray and it was purple black looking. If it was the oil cooler it would usually end up being oil in the coolant system not coolant in the oil. i sprayed the heck out of it with starter fluid and it started so i took it to a shop. For a standard 50:1 ratio, mix 20 milliliters (ml) of 2-stroke oil with 1 liter of petrol. 3 Powerstroke Blue Smoke Start/Oil in Coolant - Recently purchased a cheap 1 ton with 230K on the odometer. Today it would not start, and the cylinder and oil are full of coolant. 6 2v out of my 2010 e250. 5 - 1997 7. Should i change to ATF would that Sep 21, 2007 · My son recently bought a 2001 KX100. good Luck! May 12, 2009 · Yesterday, we rode the exact same slow wash with Two 2 Cool RTL-2 two stroke trans oil and Two 2 Cool Pro-G Coolant (not on the website, you need to call to order) installed in the 300's. Apr 26, 2011 · Stealership wants to replace my oil cooler at a cost of $3,500. the other week it completely shut off on me goin down the road. Additionally it is bogging down and losing power. I replaced the head gaskets and put the engine back in the truck. dosent overheat but coolant is just black with oil. I've put over 30 litres in and attempted a pressure test. It may cost a few extra bucks but aits a good idea to flush it twice. The amount of 2-stroke oil you need per 1 liter of petrol depends on the mix ratio your engine requires. With the oil dipstick removed, I have coolant exiting the dipstick tube. Not that its the problemhere but I've seen water do some weird stuff to oil. from what my friends say that its probably a water pump seal or head gasket. 2001 F250 7. Today I noticed the coolant level had gone down. Should i change to ATF would that Jan 24, 2009 · 2. Im running a 10w 40 oil in there now. Drain the coolant and fill through the prestone fitting until you get clear water coming out of the degas bottle. The bike is a 2017 KTM 300 XC-W with close to 700 hours on it. When I replaced the seal it significantly reduced the amount of smoke but now I believe it's burning coolant. it was rainin and the ground was a Apr 6, 2010 · Did an oil change on my 7. I replaced the stator and it ran great for the last few days, no bogging, great power, starts easy. May 26, 2015 · As far as a solvent for the oil goes - you really can't beat Dawn. Likely from a deep stream crossing that stalled the bike quite badly. Was that the cause of my coolant leaking in my transmission oil or could it b Feb 15, 2025 · I have a 2007 f250 6. I say check coolant level. So I drained the oil and hell, it came out with coolant in it. i performed a leak dow Dec 31, 2007 · What's more, oil has very, VERY diminished oiling ability mixed with coolant. ok. Then I dissemble and removed the injector cup with a blind hole bearing puller and reinstalled the new cup with an old injector with 262 sealant from ford. 2001 F-350 7. Aug 31, 2023 · Dear engine gurus, I have a 1996 KTM 300 EXC that is burning coolant and transmission oil I recently replaced the clutch side crank seal because it was puking thick white smoke. It had a coolant leak at the egr cooler hose connector. 4. Since 2 strokes tend to get even hotter than 4 strokes, it may not be a bad idea to run Evans coolant in your dirt bike. 5. Sep 29, 2019 · I bought a used (40 hrs) 2016 Beta 250RR 2-stroke. 2. I have a small oil leak and went to add a quart today and noticed coolant inside the engine oil cap,not sure where to start, maybe a bad head gasket? any ideas? Dec 22, 2024 · 6. my bike would start smoking white on first start up. 06-25-2012, 05:11 AM #2. Leaky Gasket Head : The head cylinder gasket is a gasket that sits between the cylinder head and engine block to prevent water (antifreeze) from mixing with the motor oil. This happened about 2 months ago under exact same circumstances. Becasue the coolant can contaminate the fresh oil. I was towing my 5th wheel under a heavy load. Problem starts when I fill it with coolant. 0 exhaust manifolds, custom up pipes, ported intake manifold, Apex 71mm LP turbo, Rudy's cold side pipe, diesel site coolant and transmission filter, diesel site intercooler boots, ccv mod, bilstein shocks, gogo dd solenoid, HID lights, Airdog II 165, PMF traction Feb 23, 2014 · Hey guys, I have a 05 300 mxc. Joined May 18, 2011 Messages 9,385 Reaction score 30 Location Arlington Best Coolant for 2 Stroke. B. truck has 89k miles on it. Jul 14, 2017 · After all the coolant went into the oil it started great for 2-3 times and then it took a few revolutions to fire on the 4 start. I have a small oil leak and went to add a quart today and noticed coolant inside the engine oil cap,not sure where to start, maybe a bad head gasket? any ideas? Aug 21, 2023 · I have a 2005 F250 6. I pulled the intake off If your YZ85 is similar to my YZ450FX, which I think it is, there are 2 seals inside your water pump that go around the impeller. 03' CR125R, took head and cylinder off, left bike overnight came back to oil on ground noticed that oil was in the coolant. The oil pressure will push oil into the coolant when the engine is running, but you generally do not get a lot of coolant in the oil due to the small hole. Bought a cheap 2001 F350 with a 7. Pull your coolant drain bolt. or steam in exhaust and never seen it put oil in water unless exploded. You have some conflicting symptoms occureing. I changed the water pump impeller seal last year and it seems to be happening again. Rad level is good so I believe it didn"t come though the cooling system. And when I got the bike running I changed the fluids for the first time, there was some water in the gear oil so I flushed it and put new oil in and then did a short heat cycle checked the oil and it was good so I put th Jul 14, 2014 · Question: 09 KTM 200XCW with milky tranny oil. 3 160000mi. difference useually points to a oil cooler restriction. Truck lost power then slowly died. When an oil cooler ruptures, it's usually a small leak. Sep 2, 2020 · Look what I have the pleasure of dealing with. Aug 31, 2021 · Please help me out if you can guys I just got a 2007CR 85 big wheel the thing is in amazing shape it runs mint it starts first kick but I am noticing that it keeps spitting out coolant from overflow , the first time I changed the oil wen I got the bike it was milky for sure I was uneducated n didn’t realize till I showed someone the video of what 2 stroke oil ,coolant and ,gear oil are best just want to know what people are using. Did some work on it, had a bad crank sensor, ipr was bad , uvch was toast , ipr pig tail crunchy , replaced the glow plugs n injector cups and injector o rings. May 1, 2016 · It is impossible for a head gasket to cause coolant in your oil on a 2 stroke. The EOT and ECT are normal no changes or overheating. but i was looking for more of a expert opinion thing any help will help. The ambient temperature was much hotter, about 90 - 95F. Had Honda 954 sportbike that water got into engine. thanks for your support, Dustin Nov 12, 2014 · Coolant in oil? Jump to Latest 886 views 2 replies 3 participants last post by fatbastardf350 Nov 16, 2014. Any 2 stroke gear oil is fine. In a massive failure under pressure oil will go to the coolant side. I have noticed around the base gasket on the cylinder leaking a little coolant. Tilt the bike to drain as much coolant as you can from the bike. Nov 29, 2021 · Hello everyone. Is this related or something different? How did coolant get into the Apr 13, 2009 · Honda 2 Stroke ; Coolant in my oil? Facebook; Twitter; Youtube; Instagram; Pinterest; Newsletter; Coolant in my oil? By Sniperslayer, April 9, 2009 in Honda 2 Stroke Jul 17, 2015 · Recently got my old 2001 KDX200 from brother. Before disassembling the oil cooler I drained the engine oil out of the oil pan. LOL But hey, I keep hearing how reliable and how they are "just an all around good bike". Drained oil and it looked nasty. Sep 8, 2012 · It would really help to know what the coolant temps and oil temps were at the time of the event. Using the right 2 cycle engine oil is crucial for optimal engine performance. Oct 21, 2010 · ok now were gettin somewhere haha. Was not running when I bought it. they told me its either the head gaskets or oil cooler. Another option is cheap auto transmission fluid (ATF) but it should be type F so your clutch won't slip too much. Nov 23, 2018 · I picked up a nice 92 cr125 with a freshly rebuilt top end and a new piston. This is basically the same as above. Reply. Nov 19, 2023 · So I have a rm 80 I believe it is and I noticed I kept losing coolant so I went ahead and replaced the head gasket was fine for a couple of rides then went bad again so I changed it again and started losing coolant again pulled the oil cap it was white drained the oil pulled the top, gasket looks fine! I set the head onto a mirror and flat May 27, 2020 · A four-stroke engine employs a reservoir of oil, a filter, pump, and oil galleries to move oil around and lube the inside of the engine. It was running really good at first then it started getting coolant in the oil. Feb 2, 2025 · A. Actually had it spilling out of the degas bottle, like the video posted in a prior thread just not that bad of a spillout. The truck fires right up but smokes blueish pretty heavy until the temp gauge moves and it mostly clears up. Jul 6, 2018 · Fuel/2 stroke oil mix debates Teansmission oil debates Coolant debates You all can run what you like, but I’ve seen the inside of many cooling systems and the green I can always tell because of rust on impeller shaft, calcium in radiators and engine passages. To 03yzrider: So, if your oil is getting grey and you are missing radiator fluid it's the right side gasket. I replaced both o-rings on the head and it's still doing the same thing. Replaced the oil filter and cap with correct motorcraft items and oil drain back valve. I recently changed the gearbox oil and when I checked it after a ride the oil level was low and had been contaminated with antifreeze. It leaks a little oil around the powervalve linkage side, but from what I read that it's normal. I'm not genius It doesn't have a greenish color to it. . I do not see any sign of coolant in the oil pan or on the tranny stick. There is no coolant in the oil. I had a crap-ton of oil in my cooling system last December - enough that it made a thick goop that wouldn't cool the engine. I’ll stick to moto specific on moto, and Toyota specific on my Toyota’s. We changed the oil and noticed that it was mixing with the radiator coolant fluid. 1997 F350 CCLB 7. With 2 strokes, it's not a big deal (the crank, rods, etc is lubed by oil in the fuel, only the tranny has oil in it), but on a 4 stroke, it can be a VERY big deal. Best guess at this point based on prior threads, it is most likely a blown oil cooler. Lots of oil in the coolant reservoir and I know the obvious would be the head gasket but is there anything else I should check out? Any info is appreciated. I know a bad water/oil seal would let the coolant into the crankcase, but how is it getting into the cylinder? Oct 21, 2010 · ok now were gettin somewhere haha. I s Aug 17, 2008 · Kawasaki 2 Stroke ; 84 KX250 coolant in top of piston then pour some 2 stroke oil down the sides of the bore and turn the motor over for a few mins by hand to get Mar 27, 2014 · Now, the funny part is that I dont seem to have coolant in my oil but I will recheck tomorow morning with new tranny oil as my other oil has an original greenish color similar to the coolant. The only place the coolant and gear case can exchange fluids is at the seal on the water pump shaft. May be some bad injector cups or even a hole in the front cover. I went through a couple heat cycles then shut it down. All two strokes need oil mixed with the gas, and the mix is mission-critical. In the Jun 22, 2008 · It started right up and ran great. I know that it has to be the he Feb 28, 2025 · I bought a beta rr 250 racing 2017 last month and it started leaking oil on clutch cover gasket. The coolant i Jul 8, 2013 · Scruffy is a bit off with the analysis. Feb 3, 2014 · There's 2 orings on each side of the cooler (1 for oil, 1 for coolant), plus the 2 gaskets . New gaskets, new bolts ($80 just for them, ouch), cleaned out the bolt holes, new turbo, blue locktite on bolts, changed the oil at least 4 more times. Conclusion. Did the cups without removing the engine . Or you can use diesel truck motor oil such as shell Rotella or Castrol Delo 400. It should be a 10mm bolt on the water pump cover. I have pulled injectors and filled with water, rolled engine over with bar and can't get water to come out injector hole or from injector sleeve, but it runs out drain plug without pressure tester pumped up. 3 todayas soon as I cracked the old filter, I saw some green stuff dripping down. 3 , if it was a injector cupped cracked it would be getting fuel in the coolant , if it was an oil cooler it would be getting oil in the coolant, so what im trying to say is that coolant in the oil is as unusual as a head gasket so it is possible to have a engine block Nov 18, 2014 · I would run 50/50 if you aren't a racer and aren't changing your coolant every couple times riding. You could go ahead while its drained and pull the water pump and inspect the front cover. Apr 16, 2012 · I need some help with diagnosing a problem with my bike. A lot has been done to it including High-pressure oil pump, Bigger injectors, a bigger turbo, and some new pipes with the turbo. I was able to change both of the water pump seals with the engine in place. Dirt Bike Coolant Shop for Oil and Chemicals at Rocky Mountain ATV/MC. long story short. 5M posts Sep 27, 2009 · Timing cover corroded and leached coolant into the oil, the dealer refused to acknowlege the oil analysis we had taken, told us the oil was not changed enough due to the jelly like sludge in the engine, yet the oil analysis report said the oil met OEM requierment even with 424PPM of sodium in the oil, Flagged for excessive coolant and we had to Jul 27, 2014 · I have a 05 honda crf 250. Nov 20, 2024 · 1994. 3 4x4 reg cab, single shots, BTS trans, Jul 6, 2018 · Fuel/2 stroke oil mix debates Teansmission oil debates Coolant debates You all can run what you like, but I’ve seen the inside of many cooling systems and the green I can always tell because of rust on impeller shaft, calcium in radiators and engine passages. A few flushings like that did the trick. Radiator is 8 months old. It had a LOT of oil in the coolant previous owner didn't know much about cars, trucks, engines in general I guess. Dec 23, 2016 · 1997 7. Picked up a 99 yz250. Compression is 130psi. Long shot Jul 11, 2011 · Suzuki 2 Stroke ; RM125 oil in coolant Facebook; Twitter; Youtube; Instagram; Pinterest; Newsletter; RM125 oil in coolant. im not sure how it got in there. 3, Eaton Fuller RTO-6610, 4x4, 3. Jun 10, 2024 · Checking back in a month later. However, in a small leak, the oil may not go through the crack or failed seal, but thinner water will, after the engine is shut off! The pressure in the coolant system will remain for hours and slowly push coolant into the oil side. The first half gallon or so was coolant. No real upgrades to speak of. Feb 17, 2015 · So I just traded for this 2004 KDX 200, not sure why cause I need another bike like a hole in the head. except in gas motors. At one point it stopped running completely. Split the case, replaced all seals and bearing, new crank, and installed a new Eddie Sanders 325 kit. I did all the right things. Apr 24, 2022 · Kawasaki 2 Stroke ; OIL IN COOLANT ! Facebook; Twitter; Youtube; Instagram; Pinterest; Newsletter; OIL IN COOLANT ! By Mlynch128, April 24, 2022 in Kawasaki 2 Stroke Jun 21, 2020 · Gents, I need some serious help. i seen coolant in my exhaust. 3 4x4 - Reg Cab, Long Bed Ford Power Stroke Nation. Yamaha is different from Kawi's and some others. Sep 17, 2019 · Large amounts of coolant in the oil is often due to a front cover leak. Jun 22, 2008 · It started right up and ran great. Sep 8, 2009 · 04 powerstroke 6. Apr 25, 2019 · Got a chance to look at the bike again. Dec 1, 2013 · If there's no oil in the degas bottle, it could just be a silly mistake such as leaking coolant into the front cover from the hose when pulling the HPOP I certainly don't know anyone who would've done that:doh: Not saying that it's a major possibility, but a possibility, nevertheless. 9 12v and Arbortech chip body 1999 International 4900 DT466E w/Allison auto, flatbed 60' rear mount altec am855 boom. Apr 14, 2013 · 1994 F-700 Cummins 5. My first thought is to try a comprehensive flush of the coolant part of the oil cooler, then flushing the remainder of the cooling system (bypassing the Oil cooler) in an attempt to get as much as I possibly can out of the oil cooler and cooling system. Put the Prestone T-fitting in the heater hose. But how does water from the intake on a 2 stroke get into the tranny. Oct 13, 2014 #9 Arisley Moderator. Didn't start, and oil in coolant. 54, Ford Power Stroke Nation. 1/2 quart of Dawn made it run like normal again. Not a whole lot, but enough to tell it was coolant:doh: I had noticed the coolant level was lower than usual, but here is the situation as most of you knowtruck was rolled in January has seen maybe 200 miles in the span of 2 months. The clutch wouldn't disengage at first, but popped loose after a bump start and has been functioning well since. 3, I noticed fuel in my coolant so I changed injector cups and everything seemed to go smooth, when I finished I turned the engine over 3 rotations by hand to remove oil, fuel etc from cylinders, it started in about five minutes and ran great but I noticed coolant rising and falling in the de Gas bottle, it got late so I let it sit till Nov 19, 2024 · 1968-Present E-Series Van/Cutaway/Chassis - Coolant mixing in my oil - Okay, long story short I rebuilt my 4. Rode a tank of gas through it and the results aren't looking good. Oil cooler is a $300 part. Right after that, I changed the oil with Mobile 1 10w40. 0 F350. a 2020 in on the hook. I just bought a 2003 kx250 and it started blowing white smoke like crazy. Jun 11, 2020 · Ive had this issue, Ive got an entire thread on it with pictures. Should I try another seal? Is the Oct 6, 2010 · In a 2 stroke, the cylinder/crankcase is completely separate from the gear case (where the oil goes). Ford Power Stroke Nation. My 2002 put its coolant in oil pan. I fixed it by changing fuel filters, oil, and oil change with Rev X and it fired Mar 28, 2012 · Just another newbie question 1995 Cr250 Just wondering what type of coolant to run? can you use a normal 50/50 mix automotive coolant or is there a certain kind? One more question: Clutch feels real grabby or bites real hard. now when it shut off on me i noticed what looked to be oil leaking all over the ground. The oil change had about 50 miles on it. and it was a lot of it. Unless, of course, the problem occurs after an oil change. 0 I noticed my coolant going down but couldn’t see any leaks pulled the dipstick and sure enough milky oil I changed the oil cooler and front covered gasket put distilled water in to flush the system and noticed it would leak into oil right away I pulled the oil pan to try and see where it was coming from and it seems to Jun 18, 2016 · The two on the water pump for the 2 strokes will not allow co-mingleing unless the vent between the two is plugged. Run the engine for about 20 minutes after it warms up. Mar 19, 2013 · Smelled like coolant and EGR valve gummed up and intake wet. Rebuilt everything. Drain the coolant into the bucket. I fixed it by changing fuel filters, oil, and oil change with Rev X and it fired Oct 7, 2024 · Pressure tested cooling system - 2-3 psi drop in pressure overnight (probably temperature change) Pressure tested cooling system with oil drained and no visible coolant leaking out the oil pan. 3psd. 3. Once pressurized, it streams out of the exhaust port. Jun 10, 2024 · I've been getting coolant in my oil. It's been a long while since I've been on here but unfortunately I am in need of some expertise again. Started it up and oil was mixing in the If your oil cooler fails, you will get oil in the Coolant but no coolant in the Oil. I'm not sure where the coolant might be getting into the oil, but am thinking it has to be on the low pressure side or there would be oil in the coolant. Aug 21, 2023 · I have a 2005 F250 6. awug hrfym bkib ymzou vucywn zcp hcvgadx vnpsue mut sgihgr opcn yalkpc vzwxxtr fnxbq vmow