Chemical sterilization dogs. Apr 1, 2020 · Chemical sterilization may be used .
Chemical sterilization dogs Twelve dogs were divided into two groups: the treated group (n = 6), in which 15 mg/kg of a 7. , (2002) in rats and Chatterjee et al. 8 mg/ml, Ark Sciences, 50 South Buckout St. [Google Scholar] 9. Non-surgical fertility control can either result in sterilization or temporary contraception and could offer a cheaper way to keep wild dog and cat populations under control. Pain receptors within the testicles respond primarily to changes in pressure, so the key to keeping the dogs comfortable was injecting the Zeuterin very slowly. Dog overpopulation and stray dogs are global issues that are detrimental to public health and animal welfare. The main benefit of sterilization is population control and the reduction in euthanasia of unwanted dogs. Aug 1, 2019 · Background Chemical sterilization with zinc gluconate is being developed due to its permanent contraceptive effect in prepubertal dogs. What is chemical sterilization for female dogs? Chemical sterilization is a non-surgical method that involves the use of drugs to induce temporary infertility in female dogs. The same volume of normal saline was injected in the same site of testicles in the for induction of sterilization in 18–28 kg male dogs in this study. The drug is an industrial chemical that has been shown to deplete the ovarian follicles and cause sterility in rodents. Objective- To study a method of chemical sterilization and its efficacy in adult male dogs. Thus, the goal of the current study was to Chemical sterilization with zinc gluconate is being developed due to its permanent contraceptive effect in prepubertal dogs. Sep 4, 2020 · growth. Acta Vet Scand. , Italy, and India to gather more information on calcium chloride as a non-surgical sterilization option for male dogs and cats. The calcium chloride-based compound used for sterilization is not presently approved by any regulatory agency, and it is created through compounding ingredients. Animals-Ten healthy adult mixed breed dogs Procedures-Eugenia caryophyllata May 31, 2023 · Suprelorin is a medication used in dogs for several purposes, including the treatment of certain reproductive disorders and the suppression of reproductive activity. Evaluation of single intratesticular injection of calcium chloride for nonsurgical sterilization of male Black Bengal goats (Capra hircus): a dose-dependent study. Therefore, calcium chloride was employed in this study, which might be an option for castration. It can be obtained through a compounding pharmacy or in pre-measured doses that can be mixed onsite. Chemical sterilization may be used for preparation of teaser bull and more weight gain in calves. — spay/neuter surgery is prohibitive due to lack of funding, available clinics and veterinary surgeons. The benefits of using sterilization (both surgical and nonsurgical) alongside vaccination to manage dog populations include the reduction in population turnover, which also results in the population maintaining herd immunity, improved health, potential reduction of bite rate, and increased owner compliance as owners bring their dogs to C). Irvington, New York, 10533), have been gaining in popularity, particularly among organizations and governments conducting Dog, chemical sterilization, clove oil, calcium chloride, testosterone The current study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of single bilateral intra-testicular injection of calcium chloride or clove oil to induce chemical sterilization in ten dogs divided into two groups each of five animals. International Journal of . Semen samples were collected and analyzed before the study to Aug 1, 2019 · Background: Chemical sterilization with zinc gluconate is being developed due to its permanent contraceptive effect in prepubertal dogs. Nov 29, 2017 · PDF | On Nov 30, 2017, Ahmed Hassan and others published REVIEW ON CHEMICAL STERILIZATION OF MALE DOGS. A total of 174 dogs were randomly assigned to either a surgical or chemical sterilization group, or a control group. The most common form of sterilization in dogs and cats is surgical, spaying in females and castration in males. 42 dogs plus controls. The formulation causes permanent sterility in one treatment. Corresponding author: Mahmoud S. Chemical sterilization is a suitable method for Apr 1, 2015 · DOI: 10. This method involves the implantation of a hormonal chip, such as Suprelorin, under the dog’s skin. 2007;42:83. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for sterilization of male dogs. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Nov 21, 2023 · Chemical castration in dogs is a contemporary approach to dog sterilisation that’s gaining popularity among pet owners. org Aug 23, 2015 · ZeuterinTM is a non-surgical sterilant for male dogs delivered via intratesticular injection. Jan 25, 2015 · Step four: Using a slow, steady technique, the appropriate volume of Zeuterin was injected into the center of each testicle. chemical sterilant for dogs. 00735. 40 dogs plus controls. Nov 25, 2019 · The review concluded that the main challenges for the future are evaluating the feasibility, effectiveness, sustainability, and effects of mass non-surgical sterilization campaigns on dog population size and impact as well as integrating nonsurgical fertility control with disease vaccination and public education programs. The approach showed long-term efficacy and reduced sexual behavior. 7. Animals- Ten healthy adult mixed-breed dogs Procedures- Eugenia caryophyllata (EC) essential oil was injected into the dorsal cranial Chemical sterilization of stray dogs Indian Vet J. Reprod Dom Anim. The active ingredient is zinc gluconate neutralized with arginine. 12. Jan 1, 2025 · Types of sterilization in dogs In male dogs: Chemical castration: Use of chemicals or hormonal implants to stop sperm and testosterone production. Twelve dogs wer Apr 17, 2020 · Non-surgical sterilization for dogs, cats and small animals — Calcium chloride dihydrate solution is a chemical sterilant for male animals that is administered via intratesticular injection. Using GPS technology to track the movement of the free Aug 5, 2020 · as a method of nonsurgical sterilization in dogs: evaluation of the most effective concentration with the lowest risk. The 20% calcium chloride ethanolic solution can prevent animals from some tumors and control the side effects of surgical castration. Scrotal pain was the most common local reaction observed in the FDA-reviewed study, reported in 6. theriogenology. Surgical castration is widely used to sterilize male dogs, but has significant impacts on time to perform the operation, recovery of the animals as well as cost, which can limit population Apr 1, 2020 · Chemical sterilization may be used . This method involves the implantation of a hormonal chip, such as Oct 14, 2014 · This chemical method of sterilization might provide an effective, efficient alternative to surgical castration that can have positive impacts on dog welfare. a. 1439-0531. Semen samples were The approach showed long-term efficacy and reduced sexual behavior. The resistance index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) showed the opposite tendency. injection of 10% formalin (2 ml) seemed successful for chemical sterilization of dogs and applicable on a broad scale. Sabra E-mail address: Mahmoud_Sabra@aun. Buck, Bull, Dog, Guinea Pig, Rabbit, Ram and Rat etc. Advanced Research. michelsonprizeandgrants. D. May 10, 2021 · ACC&D’s 2018 Symposium highlighted one particularly promising approach to sterilize cats and dogs without surgery: gene transfer. Ten dogs were divided into two groups of five: a calcium chloride-treated group and a control group The most well known of these, Zeuterin™ (zinc gluconate neutralized with L-arginine), is approved by the U. Irvington, New York, 10533), have been gaining in popularity, particularly among organizations and governments conducting It can be concluded that chemical sterilization with calcium chloride in normal saline showed complete derangement of seminiferous tubules in animals of group I. 2%) dogs required surgical management for scrotal ulceration after chemical castration. Keywords: Calcium chloride, Canine, Chemical castration, Dog, Nonsurgical sterilization, Population management. ral cats and dogs, is not feasible in these areas. org). [citation needed] This study, performed in 2015, was unable to conclude the effects of chemical sterilization on dog aggression, as not enough is known about the aggression displayed by free-roaming dogs, and thus, researchers were unable to objectively make a decision on this front. The same volume of normal saline was injected in the same site of testicles in the Controlled and field studies have taken place in the U. 1016/j. Disorganization of the seminiferous epithelium and interstitium oedema and shrinkage of the nuclear diameter of tubular and Leydig cells were observed in Dec 23, 2020 · Objective-To study a method of chemical sterilization and its efficacy in adult male dogs. Types of Non-surgical Sterilization Chemical Castration Several methods of chemical castration ex-ist, with some already approved by the v on h WHAT METHODS OF STERILIZATION ARE AVAILABLE CURRENTLY? Surgical Sterilization - spaying and neutering: the removal of the reproductive organs (ovaries and uterus of the female; testicles of the male) Chemical Sterilization - the use of chemical compounds wh ich, when injected, will sterilize the animal (currently available only for male dogs) Chemical sterilization by injection of zinc gluconate Zinc gluconate (for nonsurgical sterilization in the male dog) into testicle. / Preventive Veterinary Medicine 123 (2016) 106–120 Table 2 Free-roaming dogs in Puerto Natales, Chile were randomly allocated to one of three treatment groups (surgical,chemical sterilization or control). Nov 13, 2014 · An alternative method to surgical sterilization that is effective, easy to administer, safe, and affordable would offer immense benefits, allowing animal welfare organizations, public health programs, and governments to reach further with limited resources. Jun 5, 2024 · Hassan A, Fromsa A. Keywords: Chemical castration, oxidative stress, formalin. About 75% of dogs worldwide are free to roam and reproduce, thus Oct 14, 2014 · This chemical method of sterilization might provide an effective, efficient alternative to surgical castration that can have positive impacts on dog welfare. PMID: 5751654 No abstract available Nov 11, 2024 · Based on the histopathological and semen evaluations in this investigation, the study concludes that a single intratesticular injection of CaCl2 appears to be a practical and generally applicable approach for chemical sterilization of dogs. Jana and Samantha (2007) administered . Authors V P Dixit Dec 6, 2014 · Background: Chemical sterilization with zinc gluconate is being developed due to its permanent contraceptive effect in prepubertal dogs. x. The review also showed the relative lack of research or knowledge related to fertility inhibitors in developing country as Ethiopia and suggested that more works is required in this country. 2014: Alcohol diluent provides the optimal formulation for calcium chloride non-surgical sterilization in dogs. Both dogs that experienced scrotal ulceration were identified at Day 7, one of which required surgical castration and scrotal ablation on Day 7. doi: 10. Dose based on testicle width (Neutrosol® injectable solution). 1 mg/ml, l-Arginine 34. Neutersol®, also known as Zinc Gluconate/Arginine, is an FDA-approved injectable sterilant. Chemical sterilization was evaluated by clinical signs, hormonal analysis and histopathological examination. Semen samples were collected and analyzed before the study to confirm normal testicular function. Some dogs were purposely placed in a treatment group because of medical or welfare considerations After the chemical sterilization procedure, the dogs were submitted to a routine clinical evaluation once a day until discharge, as previously reported . The Sep 1, 2007 · Request PDF | On Sep 1, 2007, Aiudi G and others published Chemical sterilization in dogs with intra-epididymal injection of 5% Chlorexidine solution | Find, read and cite all the research you This paper aims to provide a history of veterinary medicine and agriculture master program in veterinary surgery at Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia in the 1970s and 1980s through the lens of contemporary veterinary practice and its applications to modern medicine. See full list on parsemus. , (2009) in dog by using intra-testicular injection of calcium chloride with the greatest effect Jan 1, 2016 · While traditional surgical sterilization of male dogs may not be popular or accepted in many countries, chemical sterilants, such as zinc gluconate neutralized with arginine (Esterilsol™, Zinc gluconate 13. Review on chemical sterilization of male dogs. 5% DMSO was to be influenced by circulating androgens. Their domestication dated as far back as 8,000 BC (Matznick-Koler, 2002). Jul 7, 2018 · of agents have been used for chemical sterilization of male dogs since last century but Michelson Prize of $25 million to provide a low-cost, permanent, nonsurgical sterilant for male and female cats and dogs is still waiting for its winner (www. Aug 22, 2018 · The results indicated that one injection of 7. 5% CaCl2 solution combined with 0. Background Feb 27, 2025 · Whether or not existing laws are adequate to address use of chemical sterilization of dogs whose owners have not given informed consent could also prove challenging. In male dogs, it causes a slight decrease in scrotal diameter, decreased volumes of the second and third fractions of ejaculate, decreased sperm count and motility, increased sperm abnormalities, and decreased libido and erection without local or systemic side effects. To prevent discomfort caused by post-injection swelling, Ark Aug 27, 2015 · Chemical Neutering with Neutersol. Under general anesthesia, pH neutralized zinc gluconate was injected directly into their testes Although surgery is the most effective and safe procedure, it is also expensive so use of non-surgical, sterilization methods that would make male sterilization inexpensive, easy and fast for sterilization of large number of male dogs within short period of time to effectively contribute to curb the growth of the stray dog population were Apr 1, 2015 · There is a growing interest in chemical sterilization as an alternative to surgical castration in large-scale sterilization campaigns to control canine populations. At the onset of the intervention period, 119 dogs remained and 102 dogs successfully completed the study. 1968 Aug;45(8):649-54. The effects of chemical sterilization with a single injection of Danazol a synthetic (23-isoxazol) derivative of 17-alpah-ethinyl testosterone into the right testis of male dogs were studied. These drugs are typically administered as an injection or an implant and can provide long-term contraception. Effectiveness . Each dog was monitored pre- and post-intervention. 3% of dogs. 12 In female Jan 1, 2016 · While traditional surgical sterilization of male dogs may not be popular or accepted in many countries, chemical sterilants, such as zinc gluconate neutralized with arginine (Esterilsol™, Zinc gluconate 13. An important step toward understanding the short-term and long-term effects of chemical sterilants is to determine their impact on blood testosterone concentrations, particularly as these could influence dog behavior after treatment. Ten dogs were divided into two groups of five: a calcium chloride Feb 1, 2021 · Dog parents who want to castrate their male dog(s) to prevent these issues have two options: surgical or chemical castration. This chemical method of sterilization might provide an effective, efficient alternative to surgical castration that can have positive impacts on dog welfare. Irvington, New York, 10533), have been gaining in popularity, particularly among organizations and governments conducting The effect of inter- E. The process of neutering with Zeuterin is also known as “zinc neutering. Thus, the goal of the current study was to provide alternatives for surgical castration. All animals were examined for testicular size performed 15 days before chemical injection, on Day 0 and then every 7 days for 42 days. The parameters evaluated during clinical observation included body weight, rectal temperature, heart and respiratory rates, palpation of testis, scrotum, and inguinal region. Nov 11, 2024 · Dog overpopulation and stray dogs are global issues that are detrimental to public health and animal welfare. 1111/j. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 1186/s12917-024-04353-9) Dog overpopulation and stray dogs are global issues that are detrimental to public health and animal welfare. What is chemical castration for dogs and how does it work? Chemical castration for dogs is a temporary castration option which is carried out using a Suprelorin implant . 5% CaCl … Chemical sterilization of male dogs after a single intra-testicular injection of "Danazol" Folia Biol (Krakow). In this study, five healthy adult dogs were selected randomly. Mode of administration of these chemicals was either directly into testis or Nov 1, 2017 · Two (4. Authors S N Chatterjee, A B Kar. Chemical concentration was made as follows: Group I: 5 dogs (control, saline solution); Group II: 5 dogs (EC). for dogs and cats. Effects of surgical and chemical sterilization on the behavior of free-roaming male dogs in Puerto Natales, Chile. Dogs were housed in indoor runs and received food and water ad libitum. eg The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of intratesticular injection of calcium chloride (CaCl2) combined with dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) as a chemical steriliza‐ tion in dogs. Many workers have reported chemical castration in different species viz. Aug 1, 2019 · Background: Chemical sterilization with zinc gluconate is being developed due to its permanent contraceptive effect in prepubertal dogs. In male dogs, Suprelorin is primarily used to temporarily suppress testosterone production Chemical agents, Dog, Guinea Rabbit, Ram, Rat, using various chemical agents administered through different routes. Keywords: Chemical sterilization, Dog population management, Fertility inhibitors, Stray Dogs. Surgical spay-neuter is the most readily available, permanent and deemed safe sterilization procedure in the U. Their domestication dated as far back Sterilization is the most common surgical procedure performed on pets in the United States. It is reversible in some cases, provided that the timing of hormonal products is properly managed. Dec 1, 2013 · Single intratesticular injection of an appropriate dose of EC can result in sterilization, which is preferable to surgical castration in dog. Animals- Ten healthy adult mixed-breed dogs Procedures- Eugenia caryophyllata (EC) essential oil was injected into the dorsal cranial portion of each testicle of five dogs (treatment group). Providing non-surgical methods of sterilization would make population con-trol easier, faster, and cheaper (“Our Mis-sion and Values,” accessed 2023). A single, bilateral intratesticular injection of 20% CaCl2 in 95% ethanol was a reliable method for induction of sterilization in 18-28 kg male dogs in this study and showed long-term Nov 25, 2019 · The review concluded that the main challenges for the future are evaluating the feasibility, effectiveness, sustainability, and effects of mass non-surgical sterilization campaigns on dog population size and impact as well as integrating nonsurgical fertility control with disease vaccination and public education programs. 5% did not show any reaction to the injection. The second dog was initially managed medically, but required surgical castration and scrotal ablation on Nov 10, 2024 · (DOI: 10. As of 2019, only contraceptives are commercially available. It contains deslorelin, which is a synthetic hormone that mimics the natural hormone GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) in the body. Nov 1, 2015 · A total of 174 dogs were randomly assigned to either a surgical or chemical sterilization group, or a control group. Aug 22, 2018 · The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of intratesticular injection of calcium chloride (CaCl2) combined with dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) as a chemical sterilization in dogs. Acyline, a third-generation Gn-RH antagonist made up of 10 amino acids, is administered subcutaneously. Leoci, R et al. International Journal of Advanced Research. edu. Jan 1, 2014 · The purpose of the study reported here was to describe the use of chemical sterilization with zinc gluconate (Testoblock) on male dogs and cats in terms of acceptance by owners, facility of use Chemical sterilization in dogs with intra-epididymal injection of 5% chlorhexidine solution. INTRODUCTION Dogs are one of the primitive companion animals to be domesticated by man. Has the law progressed along with the technology? It would not appear so, and is unlikely to be prepared prior to the anticipated 2nd quarter 2012 release of Zinc Gluconate. Based on the histopathological and semen evaluations in this investigation, the study concludes that a single intratesticular injection of CaCl2 appears to be a practical and generally applicable approach for chemical sterilization of dogs. The benefits of using sterilization (both surgical and nonsurgical) alongside vaccination to manage dog populations include the reduction in population turnover, which also results in the population maintaining herd immunity, improved health, potential reduction of bite rate, and increased owner compliance as owners bring their dogs to Apr 1, 2015 · There is a growing interest in chemical sterilization as an alternative to surgical castration in large-scale sterilization campaigns to control canine populations. dogs: a preliminary report Dorna Rafatmah, Asghar Mogheiseh* and Davoud Eshghi Abstract Background: Chemical sterilization with zinc gluconate is being developed due to its permanent contraceptive effect in prepubertal dogs. 5% of dogs showed discomfort by moving or vocalizing. 2014. Incidentally Mar 17, 2003 · Intratesticular injection for chemical sterilization in 3 to 10 month old male dogs . Chemical sterilization is a non-surgical method of contraception based on compounds injected into the testis to induce infertility. This experiment divided 12 male mixed-breed dogs into sham and chemical groups (n=6). Masses of ever-producing, homeless litters inevitably Aug 23, 2015 · which 76% of dogs were not sedated), only 2. Similar findings were also reported by Jana et al. On the basis of this cut point (1 ng/mL), testosterone remained unchanged in 66% of the chemically sterilized dogs at both t+4m and t+6m; it remained low for 22% of dogs at both t+4m and t+6m; it was unchanged at t+4m but low at t+6m in 9% of dogs; and, it was low at t+4m but reverted back to unchanged at t+6m in one dog (3%). Neutersol is used for chemical castration (“sterilization”) of male dogs 3 to 10 months of age. for preparation of teaser bull and more weight . Jana K, Samanta PK, Ghosh D. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of intratesticular injection of calcium chloride (CaCl<sub>2</sub> ) combined with dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) as a chemical sterilization in dogs. It became commercially available in the United States in February 2014, and was also approved for male dogs in Colombia, Panama, Mexico, and Turkey. The other 97. However, these injections can cause discomfort and pain able to impair the recovery of animals after this treatment. Proponents of non-surgical sterilization believe it can offer real hope as being perhaps the best — and in many cases, the only way — to make a major impact in humane population control for large numbers of homeless dogs and cats. Loretta Mayer of Senestech/Northern Arizona University is studying early stage technology for permanent sterilization of female dogs and cats. 2006. Apr 1, 2015 · There is a growing interest in chemical sterilization as an alternative to surgical castration in campaigns to control canine population growth [3], [4], [5]. Hassan A, Fromsa A. ChemSpay®: Dr. Chemical sterilization with intratesticular administration of zinc gluconate in adult dogs: a preliminary report Many researchers have been curious about the chemical sterilization method, which may be a choice of castration. Jan 1, 2016 · While traditional surgical sterilization of male dogs may not be popular or accepted in many countries, chemical sterilants, such as zinc gluconate neutralized with arginine (Esterilsol™, Zinc gluconate 13. Researchers presented on work underway, and the keynote address offered delegates a glimpse into how gene transfer breakthroughs have both improved and saved human lives. Immegart HM, Threlfall WR. Garde et al. 1975;23(3):305-10. Nov 21, 2023 · Chemical castration in dogs is a contemporary approach to dog sterilisation that’s gaining popularity among pet owners. Yet, for millions of unwanted animals around the globe – and including some remote areas of the U. Chemical sterilization in dogs with intra-epididymal injection of 5% chlorhexidine solution. 2. Design-Experimental study. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. At the onset of the intervention period, 119 dogs remained and 102 dogs While it is a myth that sterilizing dogs can cause more harm than good, it increases the dogs’ life expectancy and can prevent many life-threatening diseases Sterilization in dogs is a medical procedure that involves removing reproductive organs from the dog’s body under anesthesia. gain in calves. Twelve dogs were divided into two groups: the treated group (n = The current study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of single bilateral intra-testicular injection of calcium chloride or clove oil to induce chemical sterilization in ten dogs divided into two groups each of five animals. , 2008; Cavalieri, 2017) … Keywords: Chemical sterilization, Dog population management, Fertility inhibitors, Stray Dogs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of intratesticular injection of calcium chloride (CaCl2 ) combined with dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) as a chemical sterilization in dogs. S. sterilization in 3 to 10 month old male dogs. 5% CaCl2 combined with 0. Evaluation of intratesticular injection of glycerol for nonsurgical sterilization of dogs. The most common method of sterilizing female dogs is the traditional spay; however, there are other methods which may be m Jan 1, 2015 · PDF | On Jan 1, 2015, Howaida AbuAhmed published Chemical Sterilization of Dogs using Single Bilateral Intra-testicular Injection of Calcium Chloride or Clove Oil | Find, read and cite all the Interests: reproductive conditioning in dog and cat; male and female genital pathologies in domestic animals and non-conventional species; veterinary andrology; analgesia and anesthesia in reproductive surgery of small animals; nonsurgical alternatives for contraception in companion animals; chemical sterilization methods in dogs and cats Jan 1, 2010 · Acyline. Aug 23, 2023 · Hormone-sparing sterilization (vasectomy or ovary-sparing spay) retain hormones associated with possibly better health and behavior. 001 Corpus ID: 205367283; Changes in blood testosterone concentrations after surgical and chemical sterilization of male free-roaming dogs in southern Chile. Intratesticular injections of sclerosing agents have shown great potential for economical and rapid chemical sterilization of male dogs [3], [4], [5], [6]. Jan 22, 2024 · Learn about the different sterilization methods for dogs, including surgical sterilization, laparoscopic sterilization, chemical sterilization, and vasectomy. An important step toward understanding the short-term and long-term effects of chemical sterilants is to determine their impact on bloo … Apr 1, 2019 · Effects of chemical sterilization in male and female animals (Emir et al. R EV IEW AR TIC L E P I I: Rec S2 2 2 8 7 7 0 1 1 9 000 32-9 1 ei v ed: M a y 0 6, 20 1 9 Revi s ed: N o v em be r 1 5, 20 9 INTRODUCTION Dogs are one of the primitive companion animals to be domesticated by man. About 75% of dogs worldwide are free to roam and reproduce, thus This paper aims to provide a history of veterinary medicine and agriculture master program in veterinary surgery at Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia in the 1970s and 1980s through the lens of contemporary veterinary practice and its applications to modern medicine. Design- Experimental study. 2017;5(11):758-70. Experimental protocol . ” Feb 25, 2015 · In an effort to reduce stray dog populations, researchers are looking at the safety and effectiveness of chemical sterilization as an alternative to surgery. Indicated for 3-10 month old dogs. yohp nvailt gppl ygcrrwcn ytcazs xelussp kballpc dxij tkdt ganp tiju cqnmcy iodlk wndp uxbec