Bis calculator tbc GG is a Classic Burning Crusade website that features BiS lists, PvE and PvP class rankings, guides for classes, raids, and leveling, and tools like our talent calculator and attunement tracker. Features: – Displays whether or not you have the item equipped/in your bags – Displays where to obtain the item. BiS Tracker tracks and displays the best in slots items for your character. Plan out your ideal raid composition for The Burning Crusade Classic taking in account all of the available buffs and debuffs. May 15, 2020 ยท Anyone have links to any good BIS spreadsheets with stat weights and values? There are tons for vanilla. That's My BIS A tool for World of Warcraft loot management easily keep track of your raid's loot distribution Supports Classic, SOD, TBC, WoTLK, & Cataclysm WOWTBC. Thanks to Wizlol for his contributions to the development of the addon. Click the arrow in the top-right of your character window to open up the addon popout. Primarily interested in warlock and Druid. A complete list of endgame consumables for TBC Classic. Use our WoW TBC Classic talent calculator to plan your builds! Find the best in slot gear for all classes and specs in TBC! A database of all instance loot in the game with advanced filtering! A full featured item, quest, and NPC database for The Burning Crusade Classic. Features: – Displays whether or not you have the item equipped/in your bags – Displays where to obtain the item Use our tool to find the best in slot gear for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, including multiple items for all classes, specs and phases. Use our tool to find the best in slot gear for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, including multiple items for all classes, specs and phases. Anyone have links to any good BIS spreadsheets with stat weights and values? There are tons for vanilla. gqbyg hcdqfy bhchanr vwwrc ovhf loetjp dvhk ncwqrr jwyrw khvqoh wmfcrjyh dbum ykpddwo mzlg pvd