Best unraid docker apps Tracked it down to the "Tips and Tweaks" Plugin, I had "CPU Scaling Governor:" set to "Power Save". What is the best docker for this? May 31, 2021 · Weird part (they are docker containers) was that after I copied and started up docker. img back in their original locations. The docker containers for sonarr, radarr, nebget, plex and qbittorrent run with fewer resources and less complication than having to manage several VMs. While Immich is amazing for phone backups, Piwigo is the only thing I will use for my Photography hobby. To actually share this data with various flight-sharing sites, such as flightradar24, FlightAware, adsbexchange, planefinder, etc, you will need to set up the accompanying docker containers for sharing the data. No big deal, no data lost, bu Feb 25, 2022 · on Sycotix' Repository there is another pterodactyl docker for unraid - see community apps, they use a customized version - if u set mail on the panel there, they dont work 100% bcs sign up mails or password reset emails wont be sent. I had been using the Nordvpn container but that has stopped working and I can’t figure out how to get the Nordlynx container to work. I don't know of any cohesive guides for multiple apps, as the docker arena is very new to unraid, and things are still changing and getting worked out to make them easier. There isn’t really a generator attached to Fox, just a UPS battery backup. obviously i can't build a normal dockerhub based docker on that basis as your order number would be out there for the world to pirate etc. net Core 1. You can check for each one that the settings are still correct for the new server. 0" the new version of ASP. Then Calibre Web as the user facing front end with every user having their Send to Kindle emails added. But the build in FTP server is not very configurable. Oct 9, 2021 · Hello all, I'm currently using Joplin for my notes, but I'm not really happy with it, as I find it very impractical to write in Markdown on my smartphone. So if you have existing asp. net (aka asp. I am wondering what is the best practice for installing DVR dockers (ie recording to a disk/share in the array or out?) I really appreciate in advance any help provided. Please note, this is the dump1090 docker container. sh code to show what each section of it does), so in realty the docker image just has all the basic prerequisites to get the main install done with the Jan 21, 2025 · Hey All! I've been happily using Tailscale plug-in with Mullvad add-on to send dockers' traffic through Mullvad exit node for some time now. I’ve read through the forum thread for the Nordvpn container but m Feb 1, 2018 · I'm brainstorming of a way to make my Plex server highly available running as a docker on UnRAID. as the actual cache for shares. net 5, aka asp. I’m look at true backup solutions that I can do point in time recovery on. They b I have a simple unraid setup where I use Samba on lan and Nextcloud for anything remote. And i think the best solution is to use FTP. Jan 9, 2015 · i sent that docker as a raw dockerfile because specifically this app has a paid version that requires your order number in the wget pull. I see no reason in a user that can install a plugin not be able to deploy a docker app. Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app. 12. Browse our large and growing catalog of applications to run in your Unraid server. Avidemux is a free video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks. I'm wondering about how hard can be to adapt it as an Unraid app and I'm looking for an existing example to check. Jan 4, 2021 · Assuming you already have an unRaid server running you have a few options from docker: Nextcloud: i use it only because the android app has a build-in photo backup feature that works very well. Lost yesterday like 2hrs to try to reinstall different versions with docker - all now Dec 28, 2024 · Hi there, I hope that someone can help a newbie like me troubleshooting different issues I have with my server. Jan 12, 2023 · Just getting a test rig up and running. Then I was able to restore the /system directory to its default location on /mnt/cache. Starting an Windows VM on the Unraid machine, shows uncapped speeds of around 800Mbit download and upload. 4 cameras with object detection, 24/7 recording and clip recording on detection with notifications through Home Assistant with about 2 % tax on the (old) i7 cpu. Occasionally most/all programs go from one stable version to another, and until the docker creator updates their docker to the new, stable version, the program will continue to run the older version. But the move to 'Nextcloud Hub' is not my thing. It is killer. Clicked 'remove orphans', thinking I may have a bunch in my docker 'left over' from trying stuff. 5GB network card into my server but later I found out later that 6. Acestream docker (so kodi can connect to it) Headphones - this connects to my musicbrainz docker. cedbox-diagnostics-20230604-1529. However Nextcloud shits the bed more often than not and… Apr 27, 2024 · I’ve got a (now four-year-old) Unraid NAS called Fox and I’m a huge fan. For the docker containers it really depends on you. Apr 26, 2022 · Finally tracked it down to network. I'm mostly using Linuxserver, since i know them from before my unRAID time, never really had issues. Surprisingly I bought an Amcrest PTZ model on Amazon, hooked it into Blue Iris ( which is a paid camera managment software that I may buy for camera management ) and the setup worked pretty good. Best course would be Docker - Stop The Service - Advanced View - Delete the image - Start the Service, then install Community Applications - Then Apps - Previous Apps section, check off all your apps and reinstall. . Apr 12, 2023 · I only have a very basic Unraid setup that I use as a Plex server and to run sonarr, radarr etc. bin ich über Appdata Backup/Restore gestolpert und wollte meine appdata über remote-SM Jan 2, 2019 · I switched over from Windows server and hyper-v a few months ago to unraid 6. I'm looking forward for your setups. (If you want to de-google your searches) Jun 27, 2014 · An alternative; if people don't know how to use docker or don't take the time to learn, go install the unraid 6 plugins that are readily available in the forums. calibre-web even has a skin that looks like plex. When I start them, they start and stop. Dec 10, 2015 · Which di you consider appdata? I assume select the my-dockerapp and click on the red X on the right? That deletes the old docker app right? I noticed a setting on my cp that says search completed movies from /data/complete/movies. During Jun 14, 2023 · This means you can now restore these containers via Apps->Previous Apps with previous settings copy across the appdata container folders for the containers to be moved to the appdata share on the new server. Aug 23, 2023 · Just curios on the best way to update? I currently have Nextcloud, MariaDB, Swag, Uptime Kuba, Dashy and a few other little things running. 2 of 3 containers were running. I'm currently going through some cameras to see which manufacture I like the best. UrBackup may be the solution but I cant see how to specify that I want data from the unraid machine back Books are my least user friendly aspect and it feels like a hack. Dynamix File Manager - This plugin adds a simple file management functionality to the existing file browser function of the Unraid GUI Apr 6, 2023 · Best Docker Containers for Home Server. img and system\ibvirt\libvirt. , nobody:users by default in Unraid), ensure that files are written with the same user and group. I want to back up Docker app data and VMs, along with selective files running the on Main server to the Backup server. Choices are: Dynamix WireGuard - says it contains GUI support, but unclear if it's the whole thing? wiregard - deprecated WireGuard-Easy - sounds good but has a worrying warning about Mar 4, 2020 · I don’t think so, would this be a proxy / vpn etc? I have running Ombi (Plex requests) Bazarr (subtitle fetch) Qbittorrent Cups (share a legacy printer via AirPrint) Feb 21, 2024 · I stopped the docker and vm services. Cardigann - A server for adding extra indexers to Sonarr, SickRa Sep 6, 2022 · Here's a limited list of the commonly recommended ones, that I find to be the most useful in my setup: Community Applications (CA): the plugin you will need because it allows you to search for and install other plugins, docker templates (might already be included in newer versions). Headphones is basically unusable for me without the local MB docker nzbhydra, sonarr, headphones and CP all connect to hydra muximux - I run this so 1 tab can hold all of my server pages Been using unraid and dockers for 5+ years and haven't had problems with apps besides unraid drive partition being not the best for reliability Reply reply ithakaa Combining 2 questions into one here. By Sycotix October 17, Jan 27, 2016 · Docker Apps. I do have a VPN which does allow the Port-Forwarded VPN Access though. I just started using it a week or so ago and half the time when I look for information, I end up in a thread where all the advice the OP gets is “watch SpaceInvader One’s video”. This is known as the "BEASTHOST", point all helper containers to this application. Nov 13, 2022 · I ended up having to have anything that I wanted in to the folders in appdata to be installed or ran in the start. First of all, I went away for a weekend and now that I'm back home, many of my apps are not working as well as some web UIs. use apple photos app, then install icloudpd from docker in Unraid. Jun 26, 2023 · Unraid Version: 6. Unraid: Stores the music Used Micro Desktop: i3-6100t running Ubuntu and plex in docker and everything on an ssd You could technically run it all on unraid but I have a large movie and tv collection so I like running plex on systems by themselves. com) Jellyfin is a Free Software Media System that puts you in control of managing and streaming your media. 1GB+ downloads for a 20MB app, full blown Arch download every time, installs most apps from AUR. Feb 17, 2023 · Hallo zusammen, bin echt begeistert, von den unraid Funktionen und baue nach und nach immer mehr Funktionen auf. Once I started the docker and vm services back up, everything was back to normal. I've heard of others using Gitlab/Github as a blog but was wondering if there's something better out there. This is my first time ever firing up Unrai Mar 23, 2020 · A day ago I suddenly noticed that every app in my Docker (Deluge, Plex, etc) uses max 10Mbit internet speed and it doesnt matter if the app is running in Bridge or Host mode. 3 does not support my card yet. You can post now and register later. Best backup strategy for Docker and VMs Hi all, I am currently using "appdata backup" plugin to make a weekly backup of my Docker appdata to a share (/user/Backup/AppData), and I use the "VM Backup" plugin to make a weekly backup of my Virtual Machines to another share (/user/Backup/VM). So after I removed the card, I noticed problems with my nextcloud setup and etc. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. I have already resta Oct 22, 2024 · Hi: We have interest in a complex application being productized upstream with docker compose. Ensure Docker Container User and Group Match If the Tdarr Docker container uses a specific user (e. It will sync your icloud photos to a folder on your Unraid server, downloading the raw images, jpg, Heic, and movies. works great and is the best. has anyone any ideas to share? Thanks Jun 22, 2015 · The one on the left is the dockers internal path. But, on any given search / category you can also sort the results by "Downloads". g. But, you have to also take that with a grain of salt, since docker Hub counts every pull of a container as a download, whether it is a new install, or an upgrade of the container. So. I normally update when I get a notification that an update is available. I've already got UrBackup to backup my app settings. 11. net app then you would have to refactor to asp. Trying to install Home Assistant, Frigate, DoubleTake, and CompreFace to do some facial detection scenarios. If you look at my sig, you'll see what hardware I run. Been through Blue Iris, Shinobi and Zoneminder but landed on Frigate. I particularly love the fact that Unraid can work not only as a NAS, but also as a fully-fledged Docker appliance, enabling me to easily install and maintain all manner of applications. I re copied over my backup of the docker. It works great. Jackett: Allows me to use thepiratebay as a indexer in Sonarr and Radarr. Nov 13, 2022 · Someone has added a Invoke AI docker in the community app plugin, it might be best to use that, but this one will still be here if anyone wants it to keep up with main. sh script, if you want more info on that you can see all that in the main post under full manual install (I left comments in start. Is this best practice? I’m guessing the docker container gets updated and pulls down the latest update for the required app? Nov 20, 2024 · 2. Home assistant, docker or VM? : r/unRAID (reddit. First question: I'm looking for the best Unraid Backup software, ideally that runs in a docker container, that will allow me to backup one of my Unraid Servers to the other that also has a GUI. However, there seems to be some strange bottleneck that happens when using docker containers Apr 10, 2016 · Hello All, I recently upgraded to V6 and figured I would try some of the new features like Docker and specifically, installing Plex on it. So rTorrent is running in its own dedicated container, oblivious to unRAID. - no search feature yet, which is the main function i want management for - so many docker containers, these need to be consolidated into 1 to 3 got the github link in my favorites though to keep an eye on it. vom array (ca 3 TB) Für 1. I followed a video that suggested to download ProFTPd and create a user with "ftpuser /mnt/user/"share name"" in the user description. With a TPU it’s amazing. All the applications you love—built and maintained by a community member who understands what you need on Unraid. might aswell just install Arch on bare metal and skip the whole Docker thing. Finally, I use the Lets Encrypt and DuckDNS dockers to put a https reverse proxy in front of Ubooquity so that I can get at books and comics even when traveling. Since its always doing something, it usually idles pretty high - around 175 watts. Photoprism doesn't have a mobile app and requires that you use their photo structure. i use calibre for metadata management and calibre-web to serve the content, both via docker containers. I uninstalled most of the plugins I had installed and shut down docker, restarted and now network is fine. That put the previous versions of system\docker\docker. Turning Docker back on and now I can install Docker apps just fine. I use Readarr to download and Calibre to manage/convert. Set Permissions on the Share: Aug 4, 2020 · I would think that Unraid --> Docker, Docker --> App Containers, App Container/Portainer --> Containers managed thru Portainer. I can still ping unraid, but the Webui times out. Instead of using techniques like virtual DOM diffing, Svelte writes code that surgically updates the DOM when the state of your app changes. Though the app works, I was looking on a method to get rid of the error Oct 13, 2022 · I want to install Wireguard VPN (server), so have looked at the apps section of unraid to pick a docker install. Reply reply Dec 10, 2015 · These are the templates created when you add a docker, and if you ever need to you can start from scratch by selecting from the my-* templates and it will have all of the docker settings you used when you added that docker and the actual container code will be redownload. That’s one thing that’s bothered me about the unRAID community so far. With the proper share in place of "share name", logging into that account using something like filezilla gives access to all root folders for the server Nah google unlimited storage goes for like 5 users * 30 $ per user and in that u get 25tbto get more storage you need to submit application to google as in why u need the storage and not clear till date do they reject it or accept it on telegram and other groups many people have reported that they keep you hanging and not increase space and motivate you to buy more users this is for new Feb 20, 2016 · But if you want the best way, then I suggest you read up on "Asp. plex, the server starts to freeze. It supports many file types, including AVI, DVD compatible MPEG files, MP4 and ASF, using a variety of codecs. Best this is using a event that signals that the sync between your host and seedbox is done. The default way to use the themes have up until now been using my github pages domain https://theme-park. Apart from the usual media related apps that everyone seems to be running on their unraid server - the following are the ones I consider hidden gems or apps not often mentioned. It is an alternative to the proprietary Emby and Plex, to provide media from a dedicated server to end-user devices via multiple apps. In the past we have summarized a list of best apps to automate media management. Appdata Backup - Can set schedule to backup appdata from your docker containers. If not, I will geek out on creating some docker apps. Free Trial; Buy Now; Top 10 Tools on Unraid Using Docker Top 10 Tools on Unraid Using Docker. This docker allows you to VPN into your server & home network, so you can have access to your files while on the go. 5 losses DNS after a few minutes. But that wasn't the best either, because I was always logged out on the PC. Ive honestly thought about downscaling the CPU a bit, since it often hovers around 25% use, but its nice to have overhead when it ramps up in use. Look at my screencap. So slow to update as a result Aug 5, 2019 · This is probably a basic problem or issue I am having with one of my docker apps, and I am looking on the best way to clean it up. In this article, we will expand on it but stick to only apps that are available as docker contains. Though my /data is referenced to /mnt/cache/. Whether you use Unraid or not, these apps are available via Docker, so everyone is wel We've covered many great open-source apps, and the list keeps growing. Ubooquity also allows me to stream comics downloaded with the Mylar docker directly to an iPad using the Crunchy app. Right now I run Plex in a Linux VM as I can easily bring that VM up on another host. 0. Installing the docker seemed like it took forever but I pushed on. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Transfers from Unraid to my PC were fine but transfers from my PC to Unraid or Unraid curling a file were abysmal. Aug 12, 2016 · Thank you. HOWEVER, I installed everything on the cache drive (which was my oldest smallest drive) and it failed. This has been reported from the 'Fix Common Problems' app. SearX - Self-hosted web search engine. I'm referring to offering the current, stable version. Jun 27, 2014 · To be clear, I'm not suggesting we should have/offer dockers that run the 'bleeding edge'. img file. I found the wireguard docker easier to set up than the built in one that comes with unraid. But after a few minutes DNS getting lost again. Check Container User/Group: Open the container settings in Unraid and look for "User ID (UID)" and "Group ID (GID)". The current concept is to use Docker containers for JIRA / Confluence / Bitbucket Server / PostgreSQL as that should be more light weight then spinning up a full instance of Centos 7. Some prefer to run their own docker stack, others runs vms and then others are happy with the Community Apps. It may be related to my cache ssds, but I cannot pinpoint the exact problem Whenever I use docker apps heavily, e. < 1 MB a second. io docker images. Another extra, PlexAmp is only for plex pass users which is $5 a month or $125 lifetime. I'm looking for a backup solution to run on my Unraid server. I ran the updater to pull the new content and then after all my containers were removed again! I'm not understanding what happened here. Aside from the arr’s and other obvious ones, my favorite most recent app is Ersatz. net core 1. Sep 29, 2020 · I currently have channels DVR docker installed. Apr 29, 2021 · So I recently managed to get SABnzbdvpn up and running but I'm lacking a clear overview of how I should best integrate my VPN service (Surfshark in my case) into unRAID going forward. Second is a mobile app. Jun 11, 2024 · Yep, but best to put Home Assistant in a VM vs a docker container. This disk is not an SSD so I have decided it is not worth making as a cache (happy to be corrected) so I have set it as standard storage area for the arra Mar 23, 2016 · I am not sure what the Crashplan docker is really for. I’m currently running my UnRAID server using a 2x4TB SSD’s cache pool (no array or parity disks). Specifically the option to run something like passthroughvpn or the OpenVPN docker and use non vpn variants of do Aug 18, 2023 · Just putting this into the general support section, Has anyone any ideas what the best way to install Wazuh is? I know it can be put on a VM or a docker container but I ain’t too sure how to do a docker container that isn’t an app. But I would think after that, it's a matter of pointing to the storage drive/share/whatever and you're done. Jul 26, 2023 · I have a problem that seems to reoccur every time I try to heavily use a docker app. With docker, i try to stick with 1 type, cause they use the same mappings (more a thing when getting into other tools) and base images (docker uses layers, the more common layers a container has, the less space you need and download for updates). So if I could some Sep 23, 2015 · Best thing to do would be to look at the support threads for the apps you are interested in and get a feel for how they are supported and updated. downloads, my movies, when seeding, is shown saved at /data/complete/movies in I just need to point it to a dockerized website running on my UNRAID server. If i stop docker and vm Manager, then change dns IP in Network settings, DNS works again,. The one on the right yu are mapping that location to a path outside of the Docker (in the unRAID array). I get that you have to install the Crashplan app on machines to backup. It's not underpowered compared to something like a typical mid-range Synology box, but it's also not an 8-core beast. They do perform nicely whenever I throw any file at them e. While they are working on the app and it does make progress, I still have lots of problems with it for example the app not uploading files until I reset it entirely. A: Docker in unRAID is easier to deploy than the plugin counterpart. What I'm looking to do is have one of my shares backed up at a remote location (which is a separate NAS in a remote location which I have mounted as a remote drive). If I set up networks inside of portainer, can they reference back outside the the app container and do routing, or is everything just one giant flat network diagram. Many use as a media server so Plex or Jellyfin will be a must. The HP Microserver is a pretty popular for NAS usage. For docker Apps, they will populate in the Trending / Top New Installs section. I was wondering if there was an easy-to-use platform that people use. Tatulli: A monitoring software for plex. Then you can add on the arr suites and SAB for automation. Jetzt kommt das Thema Backup 1. When this event happened, it appears the docker apps became 'orphaned'. Mar 18, 2021 · Hi - I have added another disk to my server so I can dedicate it to my appsdata and docker image as it currently resides where media files do. I just build my first UnRAID server (backup server), and will build a second, main server, in the next couple days after my drives arrive. I mostly went with that cpu because of the passmark score for single thread performan It really depends on what you are using it for. However when I finally got the server back running Docker was not running (I could see my containers on Dashboard) I set Docker to enabled in th Feb 16, 2023 · Hello people I dont know what has happend, but i am not able to install or update any of my docker containers?? I dont get an error, but it keeps counting down from 10? some of the time it says that it has updated but when i go back to the app, it asks again?? I really hope you can help me:) if y Oct 17, 2021 · Apps; Use-Cases; Docs; Support; Pricing . Docker is trickier as I'd have to replicate all the Plex appdata to a second host and that takes FOREVER with all the nested directories Plex creates. My container data was still on drive. Now nothing is even starting to import - no progress bar, no photos being copied. Piwigo has a Mobile App, a 'calendar view', uses EXIF data and Lightroom Tags for easy sorting/searching of images, and uses your existing folder structure. I managed to get Home-Assistant going. use Apps->Previous Apps to re-install the containers. Before that, I used Note Station on a Synolgoy DiskStation. Dec 23, 2016 · I had 4 total docker apps installed, only plex running. js cli to bulk upload and then currently its only via app/web ui. Love a particular app or plugin? Donate directly to the developer to support their work. First version docker stable was importing photos but I read somewhere that this does not support deletion of files so deleted docker, Photos folder and started with beta channel. Unless the reason for the Crashplan DOCKER is to backup your Unraid server or potions of it on another device? Media? -Arrs and Plex/Jellyfin Documents? Some sort of cloud (Filerun, NextCloud, SeaFile), Paperless Games? AMP is a great multi-game media panel, Pterodactyl is an open source version of it Dec 2, 2018 · The docker image is completely full. Nov 22, 2023 · The way to look at it is that a docker has two parts - the application program and the docker "wrapper" around the application which translates/maps things between the application and the Docker engine running in Unraid. Thanks, ~Dan Jan 24, 2021 · A few months ago, I installed a 2. Yay I finally maxed out my Unraid mobo today: max ram capacity, best CPU it can handle, every SATA port used, every PCIe lane in use upvotes · comments r/Proxmox Dec 17, 2023 · HI all I want to use photosync to upload my pictures. This is a simple unofficial Docker for Unraid (with most data stored in appdata and uses git pull, this helps base image to not Mar 1, 2021 · so I restored that. net vNext) that also runs on Docker. zip Jun 27, 2014 · GF is out shopping and doing girls night out so I am free the rest of the day / night. 8. dev to access all the css files, but I've just released a docker image where you can selfhost all the files, so I thought I'd share that here. 4 and it has been pretty smooth. Jan 22, 2019 · Hi everyone, I've been using Unraid for some time now and have a nice cache pool of 3 500GB 850 Samsung Evos. While it can run mostly fine in a container, the setup and maintenance can quickly spiral out of control. 3) and Docker Apps such as Plex, Sonarr, Radarr etc. I have the Docker Buttons app installed. so you need to point the download folder to its internal path you have mapped. What are your must-have apps for unRAID? Plex Media Server: For distribution of media throughout the house. This can be on a cronjob in unraid or any other thing that triggers the command. However, with Unraid 7 update's new docker Tailscale integration, things got complicated. I would also like it to be able to backup to I need 2 key-features: One is multi-user-support with fast and easy sharing between the accounts. Mar 5, 2025 · Hello, I recently upgraded hardware on my UNRAID machine, all was working fine but had a couple of crashes that turned out to be RAM which is now fixed. outside my Local Network (LAN)? Given that, My ISP doesn't support Port-Forwarding because of the CG-NAT. Reply reply Dec 28, 2020 · Hello, How can I access the Unraid (Version: 6. Typically most all inside these docker containers is the same application. The best part is being able to add hard drives into pools with redundancy. - no watch folder so you need to use some node. Feb 8, 2019 · Basically u have to execute a command on the host "docker exec -t unrarall --clean=all" (Clean all removes the rar files and leaves the clean extract). FTP seems like the best option with either a VPN or proxy. Jun 4, 2023 · Hi my unraid server 6. 0-rc2 So this is my first forum post and will try my best to provide what is needed! So i recently had a disk failure, everything after that went as expected, replaced the disk, rebuilt the array, and everything seemed to be okay until I realized none of my docker apps starte Feb 4, 2021 · Join the conversation. It’s software that allows you to create custom iptv channels based off your local collection of movies, shows, pron, etc. My personal favorite is using DOCKER_MODS with https://linuxserver. Mind blown. Feb 27, 2015 · With Docker and VMs we can install any app from any OS, control its access to system resources like memory and CPU (far easier and better than native apps), we can keep applications running in isolated operating environments preventing software conflicts due to things like dependencies, we can increase the ease of installing a wider array of Jun 18, 2014 · I'm not asking about how a docker app writes to the OS, I'm asking how a docker app writes its own data to unRAID drives. x, as long as I can route the communication appropriately between my Docker containers, I should be fine. Sep 26, 2022 · After an issue with my unRAID NextCloudPi (NCP) docker app which caused an unfortunate loss of data, I would like to start “fresh” and setup NCP to backup my data using an automated schedule. But booting it up, it was super slow, and even unRAID was running sluggish overall. vom Cache mit Containern (ca 100GB) 2. I have some other Dork / Nerd stuff to work on if you are in the process of creating some Tiny Core Linux Docker Apps for us to see / test. Just create the channel and add the m3u and EPG into Tivimate, Kodi, Emby or whatever you use to play “live” tv. Once again, this is not meant to be an exhaustive list of all possible/awesome homelab apps. ganh wtultb peayd vzkvpo nqfwa rilwdsk irw jhyyza gia uwfum mayeth luazbyo dbr blucb hhio