Best kuva weapon 2020. I think magnetic is probably the best.
Best kuva weapon 2020 Tonkor, Chakkur, Hek and Nukor are top tier weapons. It's inconvenient to farm for parazon mods unless you're used to long kuva farming and that's why those good rolls will sell anyway. Apr 19, 2020 · if you go in ill-prepared ofc it will be tougher, unless you prefer to waste your time fighting bullet sponges when other weapon options exist. g. Apr 14, 2020 · There are 3 Must-Have Kuva Weapons, and a 3-way tie for the 4th. Oct 31, 2024 · After 3100 hours of experience testing weapons, this post will list the objective best progenitor options for every Kuva/Tenet weapon in WF 1999; 2025, while offering a brief explanation on why. Add in decent damage and its just a solid weapon. It just kicks ass. lich murmur grind is long enough Ill prepared means anything that isn't meta in this case. Here is a tier list of all Kuva weapons in Warframe. No riven mod used and no paused AI. Also, as already mentioned, Cold is good on primaries that you will only ever use with Hunter Munitions (a 60/60 mod is potentially better than Primed Cryo Rounds), and on the Shildeg since you want to use Primed Fever Strike anyway. I thought the Kuva Khom and Drakgoon were garbage. Most of the Kuva weapons are good at bare minimum and all are usable. Gas proc damage relies on the total amount of Toxin on the weapon, so that's a reason to be in favour of Toxin over Heat. May 5, 2020 · Kuva Bramma is the best weapon in the game right now, and by far. Toxin is the element you want almost every time. Kuva Bramma and Zarr are the best Kuva primaries. I have a Kuva Bramma, I love it. Feb 19, 2020 · Toxin is my safe bet, because of Corrosive and Viral damage. The Kuva bramma still is pretty good, but if you’re looking for other good weapons, the Kuva Nukor is amazing. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch. News; Creators; Store; Prime Access; Edited June 10, 2020 by (PS4)Hikuro-93. The only "hmmmm" are Kuva Seer and Kuva Drakgoon. Hek, Ogris, Bramma, Nukor, Zarr are good kuva weapons to go for. I think there are individual arguments to be made for each weapon, so I'd say just plan ahead now that you can deliberately choose to kill or ignore a Larvling. paired with multishot especially on weapons with 2 dmg instances like seer u will have all proccs from one shot, max 2 and by that moment the enemy is dead without any slash proccs. The two firing modes give fun options to play with. Kuva Ayanga can be a beast of an May 28, 2020 · Just that. Karak is your best primary machine gun. Jun 10, 2020 · What is the best element to get on each Kuva weapon? Jump to content. So no, it is not optimal for every scenario, long corpus disruption sucks without magnetic, any one shot weapon is vastly better with corrosive cause corrosive deals more Feb 8, 2020 · Whats the best element for this weapon ? I was trying to get the shock ephemera with my volt and the bramma popd on a larvling so now i have a 25% elec bramma . Kuva Chakkhurr for HVTs (especially the Demolysts) and the Tridolons (yes, seriously - you'll need a maxed out Radiation damage bonus though). So, I'm liking the Kuva Nukor for its high Status Chance and Chaining ability. Come find your new favorite Warframe Kuva weapon with our tier list! Stick around for some detailed breakdowns on the weapon rankings. com Jan 24, 2023 · You can get these weapons by defeating the Kuva Lich, who is very powerful and tough to beat, but the price is worth it as the Kuva weapons are the most powerful in the game. Go to the transfer screen for that weapon so you will be transferring the new weapon into the one you have already put work into. Oct 17, 2022 · The Zarr is definitely one of the best Kuva weapons to date because of Digital Extremes’ never-ending buffs to the weapon: insane base damage, respectable critical stats, very high-status chance, and an alt-fire that can one-shot any mob point-blank. Today I can solo a level 5 Lich (so can a lot of players). "Just complete the star chart" involves beating every single main quest, farming up a Necramech, and doing hours and hours of missions and then once you actually have the weapon you still need to complete the evolution challenges, which you've completely left out. Kuva Bramma and Kuva Kohm are consider the strongest weapons in the game. If you are knowledgeable in Kuva weapons and which elements truely make them shine, comment down below! Feb 24, 2020 · Kuva weapons aren't exactly weapons you get from the tutorial, they aren't the 1st weapons you're making. SuperbDave. Jul 3, 2024 · After 2500 hours of experience testing weapons, this post will list the objective best progenitor options for each Kuva/Tenet weapon in Q3 2024, while offering a brief explanation on why it’s so. It can also be used for forming gas using only toxin mods. I’ll give you a good general rule for the Kuva weapons and elements. If you currently own any other hammer, you could try all the stances out and see if you like them. Kuva Nukor - A nice (as in OMGWTFBBQ) high damage chaining weapon way better than my maxed+Riven Atomos, like a love-child of the Ignis Wraith and the Amprex on steroids. Both chain. With hunters' munitions, it's literally death from a thousand cuts. Toxin, Electric and Heat would be the best choices for the Hind. CommanderClitoris • --Ember-Prime-- {Lyon Arbiters} • Best Kuva Weapons . I just started getting into liches, I’m curious what I should look for for each gun Feb 1, 2020 · Soma prime eats ammo and poops critical crits at all ranges. It's now 6. reReddit: Top posts of April 2020. This is to show you guys the best efficiency it can ma I am putting this up to try and have a place where the internet can go and see what the concensus on the best element to Farm Each Weapon for, as for example I cannot find many sources suggesting elements for the Ayanga. Feb 12, 2020 · I plan on picking a kuva quartakk as my main, "do everything" weapon, but have a hard time picking which element to slap on it on creation. The game… From my expirience i can say that most mr5 are still learning how to mod frames and weapons so taking lvl100 mobs while fighting lich in the same time is not going to succed in most cases. I also really like the Kuva Quartakk. However the first weapon's bonus is higher so that's taken into account (50%), and then multiplied by 1. Real quake vibe right there:P Kuva nukor is still probably the single most broken secondary in the game right now (Complementing the Kuva Bramma as the most broken primary:P). I was wondering if there are Primary weapons with similar nature. - Tonkor: Hunmun/Viral build. I know about the Amprex and Basmu. id just lik Kuva Nukor, especially a magnetic one, is a Condition Overload melees best friend, best status applier in the game and can have 5 status procs, (as one of them, the one that makes enemies expand, counts as a secret status proc) take it from a Excal main Soma Prime: This is one of the best assualt rifles in the entire game. Good stuff. Nukor is an absolute must, by far the most powerful secondary and easily the best Kuva weapon. On a non-Kuva weapon building for Radiation is painful since it's hard to acquire in small amounts and multiple status procs from radiation are useless - so having large amounts Kuva Nukor is generally regarded as the best Kuva weapon and then the best secondary in the game. May 5, 2020 · Kuva Kohm is absolutely ridiculous simply because of the sheer volume of bullets it sends out. Always select the weapon you have put work into and transfer new weapons into it. Fully auto shotgun that increases fire rate and pellet count as you hold the trigger. As fo topic, kuartak is good ar, ogris is god at clearing trash, nukor is just op. While its Critical Chance is not as high as most weapons, it can fire rapidly and shred enemies in an instant, which makes giving it a better chance to score critical hits worth it. If a weapon lists multiple elements, it will be listed from left to right in order from best to increasingly situational. Oct 16, 2020 @ 8:09am depands on the weapon, if you building slash Kuva Nukor is the OG status primer weapon and is solid, honestly it plays almost the same as cycron but I have a good riven for cycron and I prefer infinite ammo, so between the two ymmv. And-It-Is-A-Secondary. I'd say it's overall the best pick. Since I do have a fully kitted out kuva nukor I thought I should make a . The heat weapon is being fused into the original, so heat will override cold damage. 3 0; rawr1254. Just made akarius, atomos, and got a kuva seer but wondering what are the best currently and how these weapons compare, made… AFAIK, the lower MR only locks you from buying the BP/parts from trade and crafting it, but you can always use a higher MR weapon or warframe if you get it in your inventory fully crafted (from prime access, market, events, rewards, liches, etc. For me the obvious best system its the rotation on top of larva and the weapon that its showing its the one that Jan 23, 2020 · Kuva Drakgoon, Kuva Chakkurr, Kuva Brakk, Kuva Shildeg are my recommendations. Kohm on the bottom Bramma and nukor at the top Edit: if you want a good list watch quite shallows kuva weapon vids, bramma has changed with the removal of self damage tho so bramma goes higher than it was back then Only got 3 kuva weapons by now, and heat really works well on them (Bramma, Ogris, Quartakk) since you can combine it with viral or corrosive. Also not a fan of it but it is one of the best weapons in the game Kuva karak is also good, I also fused it until I got it to 60%. After that it depends on the market and your need for plat. Giving you the ability to replace a Kuva weapon’s innate damage bonus (plus investments like Forma, Focus Lens etc) with one from another Kuva weapon was a good start, but we can push this even further! I would say that might be good on melee, since with Primed Fever strike you get a nice corrosive damage bonus. The famous Kuva bramma is very good for wiping rooms but needs ammo after it’s nerf. Then players beg in chat to help them becouse they cant get rid of said lich. I haven't farmed and tried all the kuva weapons yet, but the Bramma, Nukor, Shildeg, and Ayanga are quite good once you farm and fuse enough to get the max damage bonus. For the Corpus counterpart, see Sisters of Parvos. Kuva Kohm is the status champion if you're running a condition overload melee build. Viral +heat and corrosive + heat are two of the best elemental combos right now. OUTRIDERS: How To Farm Legendaries (Weapons & Armor) 20+ Best Free are limited, you can still craft Scrap Armor. That makes it the first real rocket launcher in the game and Im loving it so hard. Great damage and insane status proccer for condition overload Reply reply May 13, 2020 · The Kuva Bramma and Kuva Nukor are amazing crowd-clearing weapons and are totally worth investing in. The Kuva Kohm is in a better place than ever before. Bramma, Ogris and Zarr are really good but suffer from low ammo pool. I like using Vigilante Armaments + Vigilante Fervor + Vigilante Supplies. No rivens re Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture Nukor is just great fun. Abort the mission if it's not a weapon you want WITHOUT stabbing the Larvaling. That means grineer and infested are all dealt with. May 30, 2020 · Pretty much all of them. Valence Fusion now also boosts your Kuva weapons innate damage bonus. Chains like the Kuva Nukor, but is a battery weapon so no need to worry about ammo. And the Basmu doesn't deal much dmg either. Melee weapons kinda come down to personal preference, and Shildeg definitely can be great. ) 685K subscribers in the Warframe community. I know that you can play with any element and do funky builds. Warframe Primary Weapon Tier List. The Kuva Kohm would be god tier with a base higher fire rate. If that’s the case, and you can equip Shildeg-Liches with different melee weapons, especially if With Toxin Base damage you have to use 3 mods to get viral and heat and 3 elemental mods is often not the best mod config. Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. 12 hours ago — Kuva Nukor The Best Secondary Weapon | Status Spreading Machine. We pride ourselves in knowing the weapons of Destiny and Destiny 2 and helping others find proper weapons for their play style and endgame activities. Is toxin best element for all kuva weapons or should some weapons have other element? I just got kuva zarr with impact and this question just popped in my mind. Toxin builds into gas and corrosive which are the 2 best elements imo. Best Kuva Farm Method in 2020? This is a place to discuss in-depth strategy for the Monster Hunter franchise, including but not limited to weapon strategy, gear Aug 9, 2020 · While your advice is solid, Cold is the best element if you plan to build a weapon specifically for Saryn. Lets say I have a kuva ogris with 5 forma and +30% toxin damage, and i obtain a fresh kuva ogris with 0 forma and +30% electric damage. Though shotguns just recently received a stat chance nerf, I was told that doesn't affect Kohm much. Generally speaking, for elements, the all-around best option would be Toxin, allowing you to build for either of the two meta elements, Corrosive or Viral. Tox for weapons that can't reach the cap: Bramma, Tonkor, Ogris, Chakkur, Shildeg. Mar 31, 2020 · Kuva Bramma is in a tier all to itself, but other solid Kuva weapons include Chakkhurr, Kohm, Quartakk, Brakk, Nukor, and even Shildeg. From what I've used, Bramma is the standout meta-defining weapon, and arguably the Nukor (but that one has to compete with kitguns). - Ogris: Gas build with Bane mod. Reply reply Two very underrated weapons are the Kuva Brakk and Karak. Only thing left is shields, which you’ll be at a disadvantage with the elements above. If you stab the Larvaling you're locked in. It's still good and useful into Sortie 3/Kuva Lich 5 type levels against Infested and Corpus, it's just not a "murders everything, period, as long as it's on the right weapon" any more. Infinate status chance makes it so easy to get viral/slash/heat status effect. All 5 of those forma were worth using, and I still use the Bramma and Kuva Nukor on the regular. Also since 10 viral procs is for most weapons easy to achieve (and each stack offers less of a damage increase than the previous), it's more beneficial to shift your damage towards heat than viral. For general usage you might want to consider the new Internal Bleeding mod (70% chance for Slash Procs due to its low fire rate). For the weapon variant, see Kuva (Variant). 0. Generally speaking heat & toxin are the best options but it really depends on the specific weapon and what you want to do with it. Tenet detron can wreck sentients with its innate radiation damage, but I think the beams are better. Reply reply TheOneWithSkillz Feb 6, 2020 · Most Kuva weapons do well with Corro/Heat combo so I'm just gonna list weapons outside of that category. https://www. But other Kuva weapons are good. Seer's ammo economy of having only 3 spare mags keeps you on edge, but that thing does deliver some powerful heat procs. More Heat weight helps you optimize dps. Drakgoon, while capable of some major DPS is annoyingly inconsistant. The rest are largely at or near the top of their respective weapon classes, but aren't exceptionally huge upgrades. Even moreso if we can equip them with modded weapons. Kuva weapons are the first school of See full list on thegamer. I love the Kuva Kohm. warframe platinum gratuit 2020. Arca Plasmor, Cycron, Plinx, and the Envoy are also pretty good. Since modding is a basic mechanic meant to be learned by the player himself, my sugestion is to forget kuva weapons, avoid liches and all content beyong lvl +10 and go way back the the starting areas of the game (mercury, earth) and try to learn moding by actually going into the modding Aug 22, 2020 · 2) heat with viral is basically a meta when it comes to elementals, making heat as better choice for kuva bonus for sake of managing mod slots and making a better build. com. Didnt get all that bramma hype, damage is good, but it is too slow for my taste. Apr 7, 2020 · the kuva weapons arent really ones where its difficult to get procc consistency since all except for kuva tonkor have high enough status chance. get a kuva lich slave follower. Oct 16, 2020 · Best kuva weapon bonus damage in 2020? Still toxin? < > Showing 1-6 of 6 comments . with the next railjack update including the command intrinsic, i think you know what its time to do. Warframe's first community-powered tier list, just click to cast your vote! every kuva weapon is basically the upgraded version of the normal one so if you liked the original, you should try the kuva variant but you should look out for kuva bramma and kuva nukor which are really popular rn and if you like the tiberon prime, the kuva hind is as powerful or even more than tiberon prime. note that this is several different Loadouts, but there are numerous types of Enemies and so preferring raw Damage vs Status or Et Cetera will vary. Then it has a fast enough fire rate to make its rather low crit worth it for HuMu. A bunch of small things implemented together allowed for an easier time to farm Kuva weapons and also "Valance" them together to efficiently raise damage percentage on an AoE weapon with no self-damage and easily overcome downside of So personally, I go Heat in general, Radiation for weapons that focus on extreme burst damage (like the Tenet Arca Plasmor or Kuva Bramma), and Magnetic for extreme status weapons that I will be using for Hounds/Sisters or for good-great status weapons that already have Radiation (Kuva Nukor, Tenet Detron). Something like magnetic on a kuva nukor could be very useful for Condition Overload melee builds for example. When I’m not leveling up weapons I use it over any other primary weapon. warframe-kuva-weapons-tier-list articles SpongeBob SquarePants memes are coming to Magic: The Gathering Magic: The Gathering is slated to drop Secret Lair x SpongeBob SquarePants cards on 25 March. Kuva weapons are still very much the best weapons in the game. It's so broken that you don't even need to slot any primaries. My personal fav assault rifle is supra vandal because of the huge magazine size and decent all round stats. Feb 24, 2020 · Kuva weapons aren't exactly weapons you get from the tutorial, they aren't the 1st weapons you're making. 1, giving you a weapon with 55% Heat and no catalyst. It is a short range weapon though so keep that in mind. a Corrosive/Heat build then you will not lose very many corrosive procs or very much DPS and you will gain a passable CC on your weapon. My most used are the nukor and the karak. Kuva Kohm: there is a reason this is called the king of shotguns, I put 2 fire rate mods on, and most of the 60/60 status mods. Maybe even an Ignis but I doubt it will ever get a Kuva variant. 'Hitting multiple targets at the same time will only allow up to one proc for only one of the affected targets per instant. If you go for Radiation on e. . You need 2 60/60 mods to reach 100%sc, so Tox or Heat doesn't matter (Innate Tox bonus does not add to Gas proc damage). I mean, you have full list of weapons there. Add to the kuva lich system either a rotation on the downed larva or a rotation on a per mission basis so you are guaranteed to get said weapon after said number of larvas. If it’s a status heavy weapon or a weapon that lacks burst but does consistent damage over time (kuva karak and kuva khom for example) its best to just get heat for those weapons. On the other hand, the Kuva Kraken isn’t much to talk about, and the Kuva Ayanga is alright, but other Archwing guns outclass it. An easy 2 Forma build. That's my load out when I'm not leveling other weapons. Kuva Shildeg is one of the best melee weapons out there. Apr 14, 2020 · No, this seems your attention seem alright but it doesn't mean it is reason to do so because elemental is pretty powerful enough to me because "Status chance is insane" like Kuva Kohm someone had long time ago a 170% chance status which this person was doing all the rainbow color doing this all over the area which by all means it doesn't give us reason to boost it even way too greatly to be. Considering how status is functioning right now, best way of afflicting an enemy with status procs is with kuva nukor or similar weapon, and not the melee itself. I use it with CO melee weapons, or even on its own. Best kuva weapons for wukong’s clone What’s the best weapon for the clone? I’ve got the kuva Bramma but he misses a lot of the shots and find my secondary, the akmagnus to be more effective at killing than the bramma As mentioned though with the Command intrinsic we’ll be getting crewmates that we can kit with our own weapons. Since modding is a basic mechanic meant to be learned by the player himself, my sugestion is to forget kuva weapons, avoid liches and all content beyong lvl +10 and go way back the the starting areas of the game (mercury, earth) and try to learn moding by actually going into the modding Oct 14, 2020 · How it exactly works with kuva weapons when i upgrade them with another one. Needless to say, these Kuva weapons outclass their normal variants by a good margin — some more so than others. It'll get to 300%+, so it quickly stacks status procs on enemies to then boost your melee damage. I felt strong. Rad allows for an otherwise impossible element combo, and is bonus damage against bombards, but the proc itself isnt that useful on quartakk Toxin or electric both allow to max out on corrosive damage, making procs more reliable and more damage against the Feb 25, 2020 · First introduced in 26. Apr 3, 2020 · the same Mods that you would put on a Sniper Rifle, except you might use Fast Hands if you don't have Synth Set. My opinion, farm every missing kuva/tenet weapon so you have them in the foundry while you are trying to get ephemeras from the liches. I just got a riven for it and replaced the Trumna. Then I levelled up my MR and along the way farmed few more Kuva Weapons. reReddit: Top posts of 2020 Feb 19, 2020 · Heat works well together with corrosive, viral, and hunter munitions. Nukor has innate radiation, and you’ll probably want viral and heat with corrosive on your main weapons. Kuva Shildeg is the best hammer melee weapon in the game. The flux rifle has quickly became my favourite rifle. I think magnetic is probably the best. Best kuva weapon is probably the bramma or nukor. That being said, Kuva Bramma is more valuable on the market because It is in higher demand. They fit my play style the best. Jan 16, 2025 · The Kuva Kohm is indeed a shotgun but acts similar to an automatic weapon, which makes it quite deadly thanks to its ability to score a decent amount of critical hits. Dec 19, 2020 · Hey there yall. 4% idk if all the kuva weapons got nerfed, but most of them feel very underwhelming compared to a lot of the standing ovations ive heard while doing research what ive used: kuva bramma is fun and good, but its ammo completley ruins it imo chakkhurr is the best by far ive used. But I don't have a Riven for the Amprex so it fails on higher levels. Almost all of the kuva weapons are good, but most of them are just side grades of weapons that already exist. With mods I used to carry 36 arrows. The Tenet Cyron is also cool. May 18, 2024 · Warframe's Kuva weapons are a worthy addition to any enterprising Tenno's arsenal - and this comprehensive tier list will attempt to rank them all. Kuva Liches are the heavily modified super soldiers of the Grineer, granted supernatural abilities through their infusions with Kuva. Examples: Your Kuva Kohm with 25% damage can be fed into your 40% weapon, to make it 44% Your Kuva Kohm with 40% damage can be fed into your 25% weapon, to make it 44% Your Kuva Kohm with 25% damage can be fed into your 44% weapon, to make it 48. A review of the Kuva Bramma as well as an easy build for the Kuva Bramma, useful for most players and in most situations. Accuracy isn't the best with it past 20m. Explosions, Hitscan Punch Through (TwinKohmak Twin Kohmak), Beam Chains (KuvaNukor Kuva Nukor), Multibeams (Ocucor Ocucor, Vermisplicer Vermisplicer (Secondary Jan 3, 2025 · Q: Can I change my Kuva Weapon's elemental damage? A: No, the elemental damage of a Kuva Weapon is fixed. I knew 40%+25% give me 44%, but how it works with 46%+49% i'll get like 60? Can i check it somehow? I got my first Kuva Weapon, Kuva Ogris. I found out it can be levelled to lvl 40. +fire rate & hunters munitions shreds. I use black color for energy on it so it does not blinds anyone. I loved it. As for fun weapons, Kuva Kohm, Quartakk, Kraken, Nukor, Chakurr, Ayanga. Depends on what elements you want to be able to use on it. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size It works best when theres only one target, if there are multiple the procs get divided, but still really fast. theres absolutely Kuva Ogris doesnt have the "hold to charge" mecanic and shoot missile instantly on click. A heavy attack spamming melee weapons can do plenty of damage to liches, though at level 5 it might still be a slog to whittle them down. I was disappointed by the Kohm and Chakkurr. Be glad you didn't mention any semi auto weapons. 6, Valence Transfer was designed to address owning duplicate Kuva weapons with different unique innate damage bonuses. If that extends to Kuva Liches, then that changes the ballgame substantially. Jan 6, 2023 · You may have seen Kuva weapons being linked somewhere in your chat, or maybe people asking for help with eliminating their Kuva Liches. i havent converted any liches ive got since i like the weapons so much, (and i havent been emphera hunting yet) so, i have no followers. For the Infested counterpart, see Technocyte Coda. 15 votes, 37 comments. May 15, 2020 · Also during that time it was much harder to get the Kuva weapon you wanted because there was no weapon preview. I wonder if it will be an entirely new weapon. Feb 29, 2024 · After 2500 hours of experience testing weapons, this post will list the objective best progenitor options for each Kuva/Tenet weapon in Q2 2024, while offering a brief explanation on why it’s so. Like the Kuva/Tenet Spirex, Envoy, Ayanga and Shildeg for example! But I would love a Kuva/Tenet Buzlok, Sobek, Opticor and a Quanta. Jan 2, 2020 · This is my latest Best Primary Weapon: Kuva Ogris Build ever made. my reasoning is that we can reliably get whatever weapon + element/damage boost with valance fusion. You Might Also Like: Best Mods for Kuva Weapons in Warframe; Top Strategies for Lich Hunting in Warframe; The Ultimate Build Guide for Kuva Weapons in Warframe Walk up to it and wait for it to show you the weapon name. Just a really fun weapon. cephalonwannab. When I select fusion from my 5 forma toxin ogris it gives me an option to overwrite the toxin damage into electric, is there a way for me to keep all the forma and keep toxin damage all while increasing my damage with valence fusion? May 21, 2020 at 5:25 pm. I'm biased towards lighter, more versatile weapons. With the right builds, they just weren't killing fast enough for me. Y'all are sleeping on the Kuva Tonkor. Brakk with Radiation, Corrosive and Heat is probably the single best thing in the game to strip armour with, couple that with high fire rate and good damage and you've got a very powerful secondary Kuva bramma is very good but it has a very small ammo pool. Whatever the case may be, Kuva weapons are often an important part of any Tenno’s progression. Feb 4, 2020 · For the resource, see Kuva (Resource). If you want a general idea of how strong a weapon is, go here. Heat for weapons that can reach 10 Viral cap quickly: Kohm, Nukor, Stubba, Brakk. r/ShardItKeepIt was founded on the principle of whether a weapon should be kept or sharded. I know that you can affect which element you get with warframe you used to create Kuva Lich. Jul 26, 2020 · If taking accurate shots with a rather slow weapon isn't your thing, the weapon isn't for you. However, you can mod it to add additional elemental damage. Kuva Nukkor obviously and the Kuva Kohm because machine gun shotgun. As a veteran player, it's really easy to underestimate how much work unlocking the Steel Path is. 5 fire rate, and a 300% status chance. Just build it for raw damage with crits and shreds through enemies. Is this good enough ? should i keep it and do the thing when u invest/disolve/whatever you do with other weapons to increse anothers element % ? Jul 1, 2020 · 1) go with heat and build weapon for viral with cold+primed toxin 2) go with cold and use primed toxin to make viral and use that extra slot for something else you like Both are extremely good as Kuva Shildeg is one of the best melee weapons in the game. Need to be Tox. Question/Request Top posts of April 5, 2020. This makes a shotgun with a 10. All of them are pretty good and it’s hard to say ones better than the other. Formerly adept Grineer troops, careful selection by the Kuva Guardians leaves Eh, that's really over stated. Sometimes you oneshot high level enemies, sometimes you tickle them. Reddit . qvtnf lmmkfxu gxp xjzwl modu uktxh tiljjxb jiugo puekht qiigle akdbzr heztd ebbio qjfx pedskxo